Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    'tv ..v:j:
The Omaha
unday Bee.
PAGES i TO 10.
goes to the home "it read bt tiv
women sells goods for advertisers.
Monday's Fine Offers Table Glassware
Monday for Bedding Note the Savings
Salt and Peppers, cut
and etched designs,
heavy metal tops, regu
lar 75c j pair. 50t
Syrup Pitchers Good size,
self opening metal top,
enay to clean, special. 49
Optic Table Tumblers
fancy grape vine de
sign, handsomely etch
ed, $2.50 values, at, per
dozen $1.50
Glass Iiemon Juice Ex
tractors, atent top, at,
each 10e
Blown footed Sherbets,
usual 15c kind 10
Footed Individual Salt fell
ers, each ,3
Heavy Glass Sugar Shakers,
special for Monday,. 102
Cotton Blankets
11-4, or J "A -yard site, gray or tan,
fancy borders, soft fleoejr nap
IMS lines Ma
IliS lines bm
Single Bad Blankets, gray only,
regular lengths, for aummer
homes and camping, tOc usually,
for .... .....Me
Large assortment, made up In
many styles of sllkollne cover
ings, filled with purest white
snow flake cotton, as light and
fluffy as down some hive
sateen and Jap silk borders
at, 93.76, 99.80, 19.00, $130, 1.00
Sheets and Cases
Special prices Monday on stand
ard grades.
Bleached Sleets.
11.10 Sheets. 81x90. for T9o
8c Sheets, 8190, for S5o
69c Sheets. 72x90, for. . . . j. . . .39
Fillow Oases.
20c Cases, 48x38. for 13a
16c Cases, 46x36, for Bo
SUMMER 8TYLK HOOK and any ISc Ladles'
Home Journal Pattern, for 20
Banded blown
biers, each .
table tumb-
M1M li
Our Annual May Sale Opens Tomorrow
El B I III i T" 2 w 731 .ullim
r -w tm i m m ji . s r - t . . a.rif. x
1 I I A sea of Inlj
' B I Whit Wear WWW
I fl TTvo.v n.c I' TOY
.HI .. - . Ml f
I new and fresh I I
I 1 cut liberally jIL r
f " 1 full, no ajNKSf-"
wi B ' , skimping. , -gyy '
The big yearly May sale at Bennett's will make history in Omaha's mercantile life. The unsettled state of the wholesale trade of America has created conditions that
compel jobbers and manufacturers to force sales at any cost. We bought heavily of Suits, Muslin Underwear, Silks, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Embroideries, White Goods, etc.
We can say that the bargains we are now offering have not been equaled in years. Thrifty, wideawake people must realize that this is truly an important sale. Our ad
vertisement today tells but sparingly of the hundreds of money-saving opportunities with which each floor abounds. Everywhere price placards proclaim alluring under
price offerings. Crowds will come. They always do. All Omaha and people for many miles around will find this the one big event of the year 1909. '
May Sale of the Daintiest Muslin Garments at Lowest Prices Ever in Omaha
Here's the culmination of months of painstaking preparation to make this May sale of Muslin Under
garments an epoch making event. The corners of America have been rummaged with the determination
to bring to Omaha women bargains in Muslin Undergarments the like of which they have never seen.
Now then, 50,000 new, fresh, crisp garments greet you. Every style and kind worth having. Handsome
garments of good honest materials, beautifully made and finished, and with daintier trimmings than
equal prices ever bought before. All will be in readiness tomorrow morning. Buy a whole year's sup
ply. Not likely you'll have picking like this again.
"Corset Covers
Every garment perfect; there's a
wealth of detail In their making. Ex
quisite designs. Rarely are such
beautiful garments shown at these
SO Styles Corset Covers Lace Inser
tion trimming, some with narrow
down front. All have one 9"
piece French backs fiU
10 Styles Corset Covers Trimmed
with dainty deep lace yokes, others
are bedecked with embroidery rib
bons: value clearly 60c, Qr
or wvw
60 Styles Corset Covers Of fine
cnmbrlcC and nainsook, elaborate
cambric and nainsook, elaborate
' les. including ..tight-fitting. lare
size garments, all greatly under
value. SOo, Bo, Too, 98c, 91.95 aA
91.50 up.
Extraordinary Savings in the
May Sale White Goods
Buy your summer white (roods tomorrow. Surely you can't expect
better opportunities to save?The Tery goodBou need for children's
and women's dresses for undergarments, etc. See the windows. ,
35c. White- Goods, lo One. big .lot fine white dress materials In fig
ures, blocks 'and-checks, regular 35c goods.. ;..'. ..10
Persian and French Lawns Plain white,' 40 and 48 Inch fabrics, very
flne Quality real 36c kinds.. 25
Sea Island Nainsook A dainty soft fabrlcdeslgned for underwear pur
poses; 4 2 Inch. Never retails for less than 3 Be. May sale price. 25
India Llnon SOlnch, a strong, sturdy cloth, especially good for lin
ing purposes. You'll see no better at 10c. May sale price. . . -4t
,VMte Pique for skirts and suits, 85c grade 15
White Crepes, 36c quality, In great demand -now, yard 25tf
A well known standard brand un-
bleached sheeting, two yards wide,
the regular price Is 23c; our May
sale price 1SH
Pillow Cases Bleachod 4SxS-lnch.
high standard material, quality al
ways sells at 17c; May sale price,
each 18Ho
loo BLiiCKiD anrsxxar 7o
Very nice quality with a aof t cam
bric finish, suitable for undergar
ments, 38-Inch, equal to any 10c
line on the market 7e
Pillow Casing- Two widths, 42 and
48-Inch, bleached casing, special
prfces'"for our May sale. .10o and 9o
id -j . ' The nug, comfortable fit of M
U h$?Ms0 a -DoShy Dodd" Ankle M
el. '''v V " StrapPump is a delight. Not
W :Vv ' ten Ut 00 1
M vUV-CV th time. Wearers of pumps M
I iS j will appreciate this feature. R
Cj 3v lcr Summer styles at N
I . ' $3, $4, $5
(ff Also a line of Cravenette and Ooze Calf Low ' v
$L Shoes in colors. . '
Buy Lawn Mowers Tomorrow
Our Atlantic ball-bearing Mower is on sale
at less than usual prices; fitted with high
wheels, four knives, highest qual- fl r
ity, 14-inch cutter bar. P)
Flue Stops, special 10
And 10 Stamps.
Grass Shears, per pair 10
85c Flour Cans, special .... 5)
On Sale
t-tiallemm Lawn Slower Here's a
very satisfactory machine that
Just fits In nicely for small grass
plots, iz-lnch cutter bar, Vs in.
wheels $2.85
Wheelbarrows Railroad style,
bandy for lawn and garden, spe
cial S1.75
7(o Shovels and Spades, Monday,
for 50?
Long Handle Shovels and Spades,
for 4fk
Steel Lawn Rakes, !4-tloe..OC
Floor Brushes, f 1.68 regularly
or gl.29
GSsoline Stoves. 2 hole Junior,
special 82.45
Paint Department
Bee-ua -for high grade varnish.
Varnish atalns. ready mixed paints
and white lead. We name loweat
tl-H gallon cana tl 86o
TOc Vi gallon cans for 60o
40o gallon cans for UOo
Double Stamps on Paints
Xygenle XalsooOaa, finest wall fin
ish nuilt. Big line colors.
Scrub Brushes, large variety.
And 10 Stamps
. .10
10 Styles Gowns In muslin cambric
and nainsook, with round, square
and V neck; lace insertion and rib
bon trimmed; others of embroidery
and handkerchiefs panels $1
forming yoke; values to 11.75.
Eight styles cambric and nalsook
downs, high V neck, also slip over
styles trimmed with dainty English
embroidery and fine lace; extra Blxe
gowns included, CI fl
values to $160 .l.UU
Five styles Downs of muslin, also
chemise slip-overs, lace Insertion
and rlbbeon trimmed,
valuea 76c and 86c, for '
Fifty dozen muslin Gowns, yokes of
cluster tucks and two rows lace
insertion, cambric ruffle at neck
and cuffs; best 60c ie
values "'c
Fifty styles cambric and nainsook
Oowns; very elaborate effects
91.60, 99.90, 99.75, 83.78 and 94-60
Princess Slips Long one-piece gar
ments to wear with lingerie
dresses; white, pink, blue., lavander
91.76, 99-60, 93.75 tO fS.M.
Muslin Petticoats, showy styles with
several rows lace insertion, others
have "18-inch embroidery flounce
underlay and dust ruffle. Ci iil
full width, values to $1.75. vv
Muslin Petticoats, four styles, either '
lace or embroidery trimmed, inser
tions and edge, others have lawn
flounce with cluster tucks anil
hemstitching, values CI 'JC
to $2.00
Muslin Petticoats 40 styles, cambric
and lawn, elaborately lace and rib
bon trimming. Makers' surplus
stocks; all fresh and new; under
regular value, 91.60, 2.0O, 93.60,
' 93-60 to 9&-00.
Children's Garments
100 dozen Drawers, 1 to 12 yarsj
greatest values ever 16o, 900, SSo,
30c, and 40o.
Misses' Drawers, sizes 13 to 18 years,
embroidery and hemstitching trim
ming, special 30o and 60o
Whit Dresses 26 styles, all long
French walat effects, beautiful de
signs, 2 to 6 years, 91-00, $1.33,
91.50, 93.96, to 96.00.
3lx styles combination cover and
drawers, and cover and skirt
lace edge and insertion, or em
broidery and medallion trim
ming, values to $1.75,
20 new styles combinations niiiiio of
naliiHook, trimmed at neck and but
ton! with either fine lace uv em
broidery, cover and drawers, alao
cover and skirt, A ...i
91.75, 99-35, 3.60 to iJVSWW
12 styles cnmbrlc and nalnsool; draw
ers, lace ami hemstitched trimmed,
69c garments, 35c
10 styles Drawers Muslin, trimmed
with lace insertions, others havo
hemstitched cambric ruffle, "J
89c values "c
100 dozen Muslin Drawers, one style
has ruffle and pin tucks, another
is trimmed with lace insertion and
edge; a bargain extraordinary;
values 35c, I Ok
sale price 1W4'
Matchless May Sale
The low prices on this lot of fine embroideries is a power
ful incentive to induce you to shop here tomorrow. Our weekly
embroidery sales are famous. Our big purchase for the May
sale affords bargains no store has ever equaled hereabouts.
. FRONTING EMBROIDERIES For shirt waists, in elaborate
open and blind effects, on fine Swiss and Nain
sook cloth; the designs are simply exquisite
and best $1.50 quality; our May sale price
ALL0VER EMBROIDERIES These are beautiful new goods
that women are buying in quantities for waists jax
and summer lingerie dresses; handsome eyelet vlj
effects and other open designs values up to Jj ClI
$1.00; May sale price
EMBROIDER EDGES Wide Nainsook with heavy edge,
also Swiss edges, insertions, galloons, bands, etc. values no
where equalled under 15c and 19c; Mav sale price, '"71.
only .' I 2C
with any Suit in
this Sale MONDAY
Once more the flood tide of good fortune ftows
Bennettward, bringing this vast gathering of superb
suits, each refreshingly new and beautiful at prices
that prove this the crowning event in Bennett's gar
ment retailing career. :
A New York manufacturer, hard pressed for busi
ness sells to Bennett's his entire surplus stock at' insig
nificant prices. Finest suits in' the world selling at
$40.00 and $45.00, for
It's not so much the littleness of the prices as the
bigness of the values that makes this the most import
ant sale of the year. The suits are the kind that will
make you proud of their possession. They are
distinctly high class. Individuality and charactei
is expressive in every one.
$45.00 hard finished worsted suits.
$40.00 suits of imported serge.
$40.00 Wooltex models.
High class one-piece serge suits.
Magnificent white serge suits.
Every shade in green, mode, taupe, reseda,
olive, blues, gray, rose including blacks; mostly
solid colors the fashionably correct ideas.
Be 6ure and see the petticoats, they match
the suits. Positively best $5.00 all silk taf
feta petticoats in America.
' ..,-V-. 'nidi : t iiluvjrri
yl Mil !
f urchsse
100 Pieces
Natural Pongee Silks
Never since pongee silks became known have they attained the
popularity of this year. It's the logical silk for summer wear for
dresses, for street coats, auto coats, children's reefers, and they make
'the finest, coolest shirts for men a man could pnt on. Soft in texture
and launder lie linen, while no other silk made can equal them for
service. We have 100 pieces genuine Japanese Pongee in natural tan
shades. We bought them at almost half their value. Our May sale
price la
Regular $1.23 Pongees 26 in. Regular $1.50 Pongees 33 in.
wide, Monday, yard G9M wide, Monday, yard . , . -89
Red Coating
We shall offer Monday two dis
tinct qualities of bright golf red
coating for children's reefers,
plain kersey and twilled cheviot.
The materials are 66 inches wide,
and pure wool. The usual prices
for such materials is $1.25 and
$1.60. Our May sale QO.
price is OC
Wash Fabrics
Imported Scotch Madras, Ander
son's well known make, new
styles, costing regularly 27 c
wholesale. May sale price.J5
250 pieces silk mixed wash fab
rics, 40c and 59c values, and em
broidered mulls, worth 75c.
There are plain and fancy col
ors. A really great as- TQ
sortment, at, yard .' J
Sample Handkerchiefs
Two immense lots the entlra
Niunple lines of fifteen traveling
salesmen, including all the house
sample from Rice, Htlx St Co.,
St. Louis. v
Each handkerchief mounted, on a
card. Line consists of exquisite
imported Swiss embroidered ef
fects; thousands of different kinds.
On sale first time Monday; allnew,
fresh and clean. Handkerchiefs
worth up to 35c. Come with, the
crowd. May
sale prices
are. . . . .
Clean-up of the Hosiery Samples
Last week's hosiery Bale was an overwhelming success. There were
G,000 pairs," fine Imported samples worth to 75c, including allover
lace, lace boots, band embroidered and other fancy
styles. We rold them at 33c a pair. Now to close
out remaining lots quickly tomorrow, we give you
choice of any for
Also the remainder of men's fine 50c imjorted Half Hose;
choice of a world of new patterns; actual 50c goods; a few
were o5c at, pair 17c
Bennett's Uulden Cotte. lb
And 8V Slanipa.
Teas, assorted, pjunu
And 50 biampa.
Caplltol Pepper, pure, can
And a Stamps.
Boston Brown Bread Flour,
Macaroni, three pacaages
And 10 Stainpa.
Mignonette Peas, 1 cans
Henix's timall Sweet Pickles..
And 20 Stamps.
Grass Fertiliser, ii lb. sack..,
Boliart's Pastry Dour. pkg....
And 10 Utampa.
Capitol Extracts. boiUe.......
And 20 Stamps.
Diamond t TabU Salt, pkg....
And 10 Stamps.
Eddy's Frenrh Mustard
' And 10 Stamps.
Kflc California Rine Olives....
Hartley's Purs KVuit Jams. Jar.
t rench Cut lar sugar, pag
And 10 Stamps.
Minute Gelatine, 1 pkgs
And 2u stamps.
Bonheur Oil Sardines .
And 10 Stamps.
Purs Honey, Mason pint Jar....
And 20 Stamps.
Walker's Chili Con Cams
And 6 Stamps.
, 1.00
Solid T ili C4-4- J C.iw Four OCZ rf
Oak XlUtliCI , 110.11, OCLLCC ClJlU OWIlIg Pieces MDU.UU
A complete suite of Porch Furniture of solid, weathered oak,
Made exactly as cuts show them, rocker to match chair.
Special prices, too. If bought singly. Settee, $1.25;
chair, 70c; rocker, 76c; swing, $3.48. Col
lectively Its actual $10 value, we offer.
You'll need them soon, order them Monday.
Our price for all four pieces
, $1.25;
The cuts show the
construction and
style exactly. Swing
Is complete with
galvanized chains
and ceiling hooks.
Supports two per
sons comfortably.
4 Piece Suite
most remarkable offer ever made, swing alone is worth $5.00.
we anticipate a
tremendous runli for
this suite Monday.
As quantity will
more than likely be
sold out In a day. We
advise prompt ac
tion. There's a quan
tity also reserved
for mall orders
which ahould be sent
In Immediately. Kn
tlre four-piece suite
Shipped, knocked down 1
weight about 100 pounds. Pi