Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Council Bluffs
i .
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Th. OoancU BLff Offlc of th.
Omih at la at It Bern Street,
otn 'imoBM 43.
j Attorney Tinley Aiki it Go Over Until j
j August Term. I
I'iMi, druii.
CORKIOAN". Indertskeri 'Phone l w.
lwl Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone JT.
Woodring I'ntlertaklng company. Tel. K.
Majratlc range, P. C. DeVol Hrwre. Co.
When you want reliable want ad adver
tising, u The Bee.
Th bft wall psper cleaner, lie per can,
W. Nlcholslsnn, 14 S. Main.
Our big- w II pspor sale I a money
saver, liy II. J. D. Crockwell.
Vndertakers. Plume IJJ, 14 N. Main Bt.
Dr. W. W. Magsrrll. optometrist, moved
to 'M-JM City National hank building.
Bee .he genuine hand-carved photo
ftamea .it Alexander Art Store, ?M Broad
f The personal Injury damage auk of F. K.
Kngllsir1 against the Chicago Northwest
ern railroad wan dismissed In tlie district
court yesterday, a settlement having e-n
ti'ch'(l. . .. .
ComplHnt w.t made to the police yester--day
morning that a. freight cr In tlie Hnr
llngton yarda had lieen broken Into and a
Hi' of eliora and a carton of wom'n'a
skirt stolen.
Rev. A. Overton will art . treasurer for
tie I'nlon City mission "tag day" fund
I'dhy. Charles Orflcer will be chairman of
tlie finance committee. All who will act
k "taggers'" are requested to meet at the
First Raplt church, at S.lo a. m.
Wlltlnm Muaaman. Jr., eon' of William
Mussman of DelmSr. la., died at Vrder
wood yraterday ntorning from erysipelas.
Sir. Mussman was 35 yeara olcT Rtid was
foreman of a. construction gang on the
Milwaukee railroad at. Underwood.
The funeral, df the Inte Mrs. Caroline
I'alcn, wlffl of Wdnev Palen, l Avuiue
D. will be- held till morning at 10 o'clock
from the Memorial Baptist church, comer
pf Twanty-acooml street and Avenue 1).
Wnrlal will bef In W'gintit Hill cemetery.
F. A. lnman, father of tha I-year-old boy
who died on a Northwestern passengoi
train here last Tuesday afternoon from
riiDhtherla. arrived from Sutnpter, Ore., late
Thursday night. Mr. lnman, with hla wile
Hnd it her aon, who were enroute home
Irom Chicago with the child that died, left
laat evenlnir for Columbiana. O.. the former
horn of the family, with tha body of the
little on.
In the district court thia morning Judge
Wheeler will hear the petition of the C. B.
Nash company of Omaha for a mandamu
requiring the city council to correct the
vocorda of Ita proceeding relating to the
tailing of the ipeclal election at wntcn tnf
proposition to laaua Iflno.OOO water worke
bcrda waa voted, upon. Yesterday City
rVllcttor Kimball, on. behalf of the city
filed a demurrer to the petition.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. JW. Night, F-170&
Saturday and Tueaday ar our great
aheet mualo day at 100 a copy. .Bourlclua
Piano Haua. 3.16 Broadway.
Tou want your, money' worth ihen you
buy a piano. You are not 'lure of thin
unless you buy It of A, Hoepa Co.. 38 Pearl
treat; 28 South Main, Council Bluff, la
Alan Plead m Klement Intro
dared lata Caae at nereat Date
by the Attorneys far the
It in doubtful If the trial of John R. Dob
hins. (lis alleged member of the J. C. May
biav "swindling syndicate" charged with
the theft of the lin.OOO which T. W. Bal
lew, the banker of rTlnceton, Mo, wa
buncoed out of by tha gang of Council
Bluffs, will he held at this term of dl-
trlct court. Mtybray' trial waa f t for
May 10 and County Attorney Hens anya he
la ready lo go to trial, hut the derenne is
not. Veaterday counsel for Oobbina filed
motion for continuance until the next
term of court, which will open Tuesday,
August 3l
The motion for a continuance la aupported
by an affidavit from Emmet Tinley, mem
ber of the legal firm of Harl & Tinley.
counsel for Dobbin, who haa sole chaige
of the defense. In view of the widespread
notoriety which the operations of the May
bray gang has received Attorney Tinley'
affidavit makia Interesting reading.
After reciting that he had been tetalned
as counsel for Dobbins anoriiy aner tne
latter's arrest Attorney Tinley atates the
delay in the return of Mayhray to Council
Bluffs and Inability to secure document
In his possession material to th defense
are tlie grounds set up for asking delay.
Regarding the notice served on the de
fendant by the county attorney that he in
tended introducing n witnes on behalf of
the tate E. R. Castella and F. V. Mlnter
Ottumwa, la., Mr. Tinley say In hi affidavit:
"My preparation for the trial of aald
case were confined to the theorie pre-
ented by tha Indictment, as supported by
the milmte of the testimony attached
thereto, and that I had no knowledge of
any claim on the part of the state that
any such testimony would be offered; that
I at one time had a conversation with F.
V. Mlnter and understood from his state
ments that the testimony which he would
give would be such facts a In my opin
ion were of benefit to the defendant; that
tlie matter et forth In the notice greatly
aurprlaed me. It will be Impossible for me
to go to the city of Ottumwa and the city
of Princeton, Mo., for the purpose of ex
amining the facts concerning which it is
alleged these witnesses will tetrfy for the
next few weeks, and that I cannot obtain
the service of a satisfactory pereon to
make ueh Investigation for about ten
days; that the defendant has been In cus
tody and la unable to do this work for
The motion for a continuance wa served
late yesterday afternoon. County Attor
ney Hess, when Informed of it, said: "Of
course I cannot aay what the court will
do.' The state is ready to go to trial and
I ahall certainly oppose any continuance."
?-? wv-
i i It.
l Jjff Steam rml
Oak Buffet
fnnstrueted of solid
r drawera
lined for silver ware; on
large lined drawer, two
nicely panneled door and
large French plate mir
ror. Pale Price
Everything We Sell We Guarantee
No Matter How Low the Price
Conic to the
This Week and Get One ol These Handsome
An Offer That His Created a Sensation. Second Shipment
Just Received.
Plan of Major lUvkmoaa Meeting;
nltk t.eaeral Approval.
An Ol ; tlm in. iil ivLvivid ty Majjr 3. H
rtlchincnd, chief of police, yesterday morn
ing was a tetter f:in- a hading merchant
r,f ti l iiiy encVj.i'n his . k- for II? i
hi contribution toward tha proposed fund
fcr the 'establlshnifcnt of boys' club. Th
sender of the deck stated that he waa
only too t'lud tj be one of the aubsenber
towaitj the fund and expressed th opin
ion that the chief plan to provide a rUace
of entertainment for the boya of the city
and thua keep them off the etraeta was
a move in the right .direction.
Thia check was but the forerunner of sev
eral other subscriptions during the day and
Ms.ior Itiihmoi d HLated last ev;iltig that
the cordial support that his proposition
wa receiving waa moat gratifying. "I feel
certain that there will be no trouble In
raising the naney needed to establish these
cluhs, as thus 1 no doubt but that It meet
with the approval' of thia city. Thia 1
. not an -experiment but a tangible plan
which has been aucceasfully carried out In
other citle. "I have evry reason to believe
that if aue-eessfully carried out here In
Council Bluffs. It will In a short time revo-
lutlnnlce conditions among; the boy of the
city," said Chief Richmond.
According to Ms aa Major Rich
mond haa thu far made them, one of the
rluca will be located Just west or Fifteenth
treet on Broadway and tha other on East
Broadway between Flrat and Frank streets
An effort will b made later to establish
a third club In the eouth part. of the'cltv.
If th two on Broadway meet with the sup
port expected.
A committee composed of men In aym--fisthy
with the movement will have charge
of the clubs anil all mutters nertiUnlng to
their management will be referred tu and
decided by this committee.
Heat ' Katate Transfer.,
These transfers were reported to "Die Bee
April ag bythe Pottawattamie County Ab-
strut company of Council Bluffs:
Mary K. McClure and Imshand to A 3a.
1- Brivkle, lot , block 11, Stuis-
nian a 2d add , w. d looo
ona ai. nicivun ri ai lo i narles M.
Harl. lots A. 7, a, it and 10, block 6,
Highland Place, w. d
aiicnaei i.yucn ami wire to Patrick
J. Hurttley, s4 seV and aet il
1--42. and iw't sw'i 6-76-41. w. d..
u. o. nonon a on wire to c. B. judd,
lot t in aubdic. of block 4, Avoca,
w. d ,
'Nxtlllam Amd cl il to D. I".. Kail, lot
2T. blink SS, Central subdiw. w. d..
tint to John Martin, lot , block IS,
Cent Ml subdiv., w. d .-
Llrtdic Cady a ad husband to Amy C.
Heed, lot 3, block 1, Street udd ,
w d
AVllliam Williams .Hid wire to Mir tha
Hayes, lot i and ;I0, bllxk 14.
Highland Plucc, w. d
rorlamooth Haviiiga hsnk to W C.
Urot. lot 17, block t, Harrison street
add., w. d
Ilcnjiimtn Fehr Real Kstate companv
to O. H. Corey, lota II and 10. block
4. nnd lot 5, block S, Webster' 1st
add., w. d.
Albert W. Knapp and wife to Charles
8. Nixon, lot J, block i, Alliron's
add., w. d
3. o
Thl I an Ideal
Cabinet for the house
keeper. It ha com
partment for flour,
apices, etc., as well as
placea for dishes; It
has 1 bread boards, In
fact It may be termed
the "Housekeeper's"
Delight. It Is aa com
plete a any one could
wlh. Sale Price
FREE fsmi)
Solid Oak
Made of solid Oak,
ninety pnllshed. ha five
Ira war and la wwtl con
tmeted. W plana them
on Mia for tnl week
only at the remarkabi
w price ft
We Are Agents lor the
Rhlnelander Relrigernlors.
Prices From $6.75 lo $70.00.
With all purchase ef
90.00 or av.r, n mil
tar If you buy for cash
or credit.
Thl Mission Plate
Rail Clock la in early
English finish and
combines a reliable
clock with a broad
grooved plat rail
making It a decided
ornament to any din
In groom.
With all purchases
ef IB0.00 or ever, ne
matter If you buy fr
eash or crtdlt.
The clock Is guar
anteed to be an ac
curate Hun m per,
cannot get out of
order. haa raised
bras hands and braes
weight. Require no
wtndtnr. Just raise
the weight and the
dock i wound.
"TariiNgirrmwMg .
Detroit Ideal
Gas Range
W are e
cluslv agents
for the Detroit
Ideal Gas
Range. Made or
ateel through
out. Ret up In
your house
3 Rooms 4 Rooms 5 Rooms
Furnished Furnished Furnished
Complete Complete Complete
For $52.00 For 69.00 For 8114.00
. rr
1 considered
best Folding Go
Carl on th mar
ket. We have them
In several different
colors. The handi
est and most dur
able Cart made.
l,lke cut, for
1NG GO'cf
n.rTV'tt w .-.wsK
new high
M a c h Ine
with all the
latest I m -
matic B o b b in
Special Terms
and Aitenfioa
Given Young
People Goiig
lo Eonsekeep
log. See Is
Before You
la Our Rug
Tou will find an
elegant display , new
of the latest '
and up-to-date fold
Ruga. It will !
pay you to see ! t e a
winder, self
setting needle,
and many other
new featurea.
under a
H4-tO Irueway, C uofl Mssfra.
u flrat
you buy.
year guarantee.
New Royal Sewing
Machine, Sale Price,
Girl. W t Three Oat of th. loir
. : PrLee.
The pratorical contest between the mem-
hers of the Delta Tau and Phllomathian
Uterary societies of th high school was
held In tha auditorium, of th Institution
last night. The declamatory conteat was
woo by Karl Carse, gold medal, and I -aura
Robinson, silver medal; oratorical contest.
Jennie Cook,- gold, medal, and Winnlfred
Stelnbaugh, the silver medal.
The Delta Tau aoclety, which Is com
posed of young women, waa represented by
leali Jarvls, Winnlfred Stelnbaugh, Jennie
Cook and I -aura Robinson, while the young
men who appeared for the Phllomathian
aoclety were Earl Carse, Cheater Dudley,
George Mayne and Ray Compton.
The subject of the participant In the
oratorical conteat were a follows: Hiss
Winnlfred Stelnbaugh, ''Allison;" Miss Jen
nie Cook. "Julia Ward Howe;" Chester
Dudley, "Gladstone;" Ray Compton, "Theo
dora Roosevelt."
Bubjecla assigned for the declamatory
contest ere as follows: Miss Iaura Rob
inson. "The Swan Song;" Mlsa I-eah Jar-
vlg, "If I Were King;" Earl Carse, "Affairs
In Cuba;" George Alayne, "The Cartbagen-
The Judge were Trof. N. Bernstein and
Prof. George F. Woolery of the Omaha
High school and 'Rev. George Ray of this
city. Several musical selections were Inter
spersed through the program.
Starts Fire la Car, la Locked la aad
A Into. t Dead Whea Heaeaed.
Recpuxe he t from Alabama and a as
not accuvtoiued to the frigid atmosphere
Suit to Compel Abolition of Twenty-
Five Cent Arbitrary at Dubuque.
Old One- Winding; I p lta Affairs and
ew One Preparing; to Take Hold
Charges of Bribery la
City Matters.
r i
I Iowa
i i i
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
DE3 MOHSES, May 1. (Special.) A
saving of $40,000 a year to the traveling pub
lic Is contemplated In a suit before the
Interstate Commerce commission, the argu
ment in which ha Just been filed by At
torney General Byere. It Is the finish of
th rase brought against the owners of
th. railroad bridge at Dubuque to compel
abandonment of the long-time bridge
arbitrary of 2S cents for every passenger
carried across the bridge.
"The Illinois Central Railway company,"
aay the attorney general, "haa Invested in
thl bridge J-'.T71,;i44.H and haa exacted from
th shipping and traveling public In return
18,000.000. It would seem upon such a show
ing a thia that even a railroad company
would be willing from now to make this
what haa been termed In the record a 'free
Lrtdge.' Without extending the argument
further, we repeat that under the clrcuin
tancea disclosed In this case neither of the
three defendant companies ought to be per
mitted to charge a cent for biidgo toll over
the bridge In question."
The two other companies referred to are
the Great Wester, and the nurlington. The
evidence submitted to the Interstate Com
merce commission shows that the Illinois
Central receives sbout tl9u,Q0O a year now
for the privilege of freight and passenger
aervtce over the bridge. About IIO.OoO of
this Is supposed to be for passengers at 2j
cent a trip.
Attorney General Byers made some to
markable disclosures in the hearing on the
case bef tie Commissioner Clark. He found
that the Illinois Central In fact ownsMhe
bridge through ownership of a company
which owns the stock of the bridge com
pany, and that Captain Merry, the agent
company had filed an Information aasinst "' cemrai. i w-crrn.) oi uic
which prevailed in tins section of the coun
try, Charles Adams, a negro, built a fir
in an empty freight car In the Burlington
yards earl yeaterday, then curled himself
up alongside of It and calmly went to aleep.
While Adams was slumbering the fire
burned a hole through the bottom of the
car. One of the yardmen noticed the smoke
Issuing from beneath the car and, suppos
ing that there were several tramps inside,
put the bolt on the door and then tele
phoned for th police.
Ry the time Offh crs O Neil and larry
reached the yarda Adams was nearly suf
focated by the smoke from the fire he had
started. When- the door wa opened the
negro wa found with hi coat wrapped
around lit head In an effort to keep tlie
smoke out of his, mouth and eyes. Ho wss
taken direct before Judge Snder In police
court and. after officials of the railroad
diately upon convening and accepting the
resignation fit C. W. Phillip a secretary,
passed a resolution highly eulogistic of
the retiring secretary and complimenting
him on the manner In which the affairs
of the board had been conducted fur the
thirteen years he had beeii in charge. The
new board found tiiat the old board had
kept the accounts In perfect condition, had
adopted the best system, and there had
never been a leak in th board. C. W.
sen of Red Oak today took charge of the
office a secretary.
Texas Jodie an Una Maa.
A great deal of Interest la taken here In
the new from Texa regarding a deter
mined effort there to hve removed from
office Judge E. R. Meek of the federal
district bench from the fact that Meek
was, shortly before he wa appointed, a
resident of this city. He was a brother
of the C. F. Meek, who was at the head
of aeveral small railroads in Iowa, and
later was general manager of th Denver
& Fort Worth railroad. Judge Meek' wife
la the daughter of the late R. P. Clark-
son, long a newspaper publisher here, and
lie visits Des frequently.
Bribery ia City Affairs.
An accusation of bribery In connection
with the preliminaries for th. building of
a new city hall was made In the city
commission' today. The commission has
been in a quarrel as to who should select
the architect and aa tu which architect to
name for the building and aa superintend
ent of const lucll'jr.. It la now asserted
that Alderman Ha mere called one archi
tect in hia office and had a conversation
with him about an alleged deal whereby
the architect had placed S2,5iO in the hxndn
of a third party to be used in case the
architect should g-el the appointment.
Ilamery had a shorthand man concealed in
the room, who took down the conversation.
4 oavicted Maa Mast Servr.
Th. L'nltid Ststei circuit court of appeals
today handed down a decision affirming
the sentence of Carl M. Spi-ncer of Dee
Moines to fUe yeais' imprisonment t
Fort Ieavenworth. Spencer was convicted
In November, 1907, cpon two indictment
and fifteen couius, charging him with
falsifying hank book and rmbcxxling about
flo.Ouu from tlie Dea Moines National bank,
tween t'M and J80 In money, but
$209 which was in the safe. They secured
the money which had been taken from the
cash register, but did not find a sum In
another drawer which had been laid aside
to be deposited.
They secured entrance through a rear
window and managed to open the combina
tion lock on the safe. Besides; tlie money
they got $18 In checks. Rloodhounds will
be brought here from Reatrice.
Former Coonell Blaffs School Man
Elected President at Baena
STORM I.AKK, la.. May 1-rSpectal.)-i'.
C. Ensign, profegsor of education at
the State university, has been elected to
the presidency of Buena Vista college at
Storm Lake at a meeting of the trustee
held yesterday. Prof. Ensign was formerly
superintendent of the city schools at Coun
cil Bluffs and Iowa City and for th last
five years has had the inspection and ac
crediting of the high schools in tlie elate In
his charge. He la a graduate of both the
Suite Normal and the State university.
Buena Vista college has had no president
sine the retirement of Dr. H. IV Campbell
last fall.
I.. A -.. . n .. ....... 1 .. U ...... 1 1. A" (..,l
i pneumonia, resulting In pain, anguish and
I heavy expense for nurse hire and medical
! attendance.
IOWA FALLS The Des Moines Short
Line la making a hit with some of the
overlooked towns along Its lines between Mason City
and Dea Moines by offering to furnish
gravel at the depot for grading the main
traveled street from the town to the com
pany's depot. Thia is done in the interest
of good roads and to facilitate the truii
portatlon of heavy freight, express, mall
and pasaenger from the company's depot
up town.
CEDAR PAI.I-The board of trustees
of the Iowa State Teachers' college Is hav
ing a two days' session and a the new
board will take charge July 1 some im
portant measures are under consideration.
The board consists of Superintendent J. K.
Rlggs of Des Moines, E. H. Griffin of lies
Moines, H. P. Osborne of Rippey. I. Mr
Duffle of lemars and Hoger lenvitt uf
life out of George W. smith, who waa
directing tlie removal of the saf.
Ed Riley Buys
Farnam Lots
Pay Twenty Thousand for Corner at
Twenty-Sixth and Will Build
Ed Riley bought the southwest corner O.
Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets Saturday
for $.n.uoo cai'h.
This means nn Improvement nt the corner
Cedar falls. George r. Baker of Uaven- , W,le now tands several frame buildings,
wort and D. D. Murphy of Elkader, hIho i ,,, . . . ,... .
by Roger Leavltt of this city. Mr- Wlcy will erect perm.inent buildings
I costing $.iO.0iio after the lota are graded.
A Sbootlnar Scrape "j Tlie property was held by the First Na-
wlth both parties wounded, demands Ruck-Ulonal lunik nnd the deal was made tiy
C'oroarr'a Jury Brlng-a la Verdict of
Accidental Death Son of
FORT DuDOK, la, May I. (Special
Telegram.) H. M. Collins, 4J years old,
son pf Clare Collins, a pioneer, drank car
bolic geld at hla home laat night and died
soon afterward. A coroner Jury brought
in a verdict to the effect he died by acci
dental poisoning. He loaves a widow and
four children.
len s Arnica Salvo. Heals wounds, sores,
burns or Injuries. 35c. For sale by Benton
Drug Co.
Man Struck by Two-Ton Safe.
OSKAI.OOSA, la., April 30. A two-ion
safe slipped from a tackle rope today
down a flight of stairs and crushed the
lctham l'Uvis, who has made some of tha
largest dents In Omaha real estate ot the
Nobody Is Too Old
to learn that the sure way to cur1 cough
or cold 1m with Dr. King's Now Discovery.
50c and $1.00. For sale by Ronton Drug Co.
Calhoun Arranges for
Big Payments in Cash
SAN FRANCISCO. May 1. In the ef- I overhead trolley permit or any provision
fort to prove that Patrick Calhoun, presl-I for c1!hI,ui-hciih nl of the $J00,000 that Mr.'
dent of the I'nited Railroads, authorized Calhoun had ordered paid to Mr. Ford. Mr.
various payments, lo which members of
the Schmitz board of aupervlaora have tes
tified, two federal officials, formerly con
nected with the I'nited States mint in this
city, were summoned today aa witnesses
for the proaecutlou In the Calhoun trial.
Frank A. Leach, former superintendent
of the mint, and Thomas P. Burns, who
wa In chaige of the t inted Slate suh-
treasury at the time the Jatter Institution
Waterloo Postmaster ftrlcWea.
WATERUK), la.. May 1. (Special.)
W. M. Sindlinger, postmaster of this city, took u,e place of a clearing huuse for local
banks, practically agreed in their testi
mony that Patrick Calhoun, after author
ising payment of $J00,OUO to agents previ
ously designated, sent to the mint written,
and telegraph orders presented by Tlrey
Total, sleven transfers.
.. 1.")
Special Twenty-third yearry piano sal.
until May 1 to reduce the stork; $0 per
cent discount off regular price. Bourlclua
Piano House. 336 Broadway, Council Bluff.
Marriage Meases.
Lkansea t. wad w.r. Issued yesterday to
th folio wlnar:
Name .and Residence. Ag
John. B. Mais. Omaha ti
Ktfthertn. Moonay, Omaha i;
ante Meainncsa. Council Blufts N
Ye Ida Larsen. Columbus. Neb 1
him on tlie charge of malicious destruction j
of property, he wss held to the grand Jury,
his ball being fixed at
"Malicloua destruction of property. Maybe I
that's what they call It. but I wa just
trying lo Weep from freezing to death," ex
claimed Adams when the ruling of the
court ws rxplslned to him by Sergeant
Talking; t p Carnival.
The queation of whether Council Bluffa
will hav a atreet fair and rarrlval thl
fall will probably be determined some time
next week. The matter, it I expected,
will come up for action at the meeting of
the executive committee? of the Commer
cial club next Tuesday.
"About $4,001) must be subscribed by the
business men of the city before the street
fair and carnival la assured for this year."
aald K II. Donllttle, chairman of the ex
ecutive committee of the Commercial club
yesterday. "W. have not aa yet made a
canvas of the business men, but those
w. have consulted seem to b. quite will
ing to subscribe their share of th. fund
needed. One thing ! certain and that la
if the business people want the carnival
a had a we ar. led to believ. they do,
the money will be subscribed In short
Bradley Plow, run alone. & Sperling tti broad
Rradluy Edge Drop Corn PWnlera and As
penwall Potato Planter. Sperling Trip
led, I'-'T Bioadaay
bridge company, and that in fact the whole I
scheme of making reports and carrying j
out contracts so aa to make It appear that
the companies are compelled to pay toll to
a bridge company Is a sham and a delusion.
The complaint was brought by John R.
Waller of IHibuque, and Is prosecuted be
fore the Interstate Commerce commission
by the attorney general through the Stato
Railroad commission. It waa also brought
out that over other longer bridges across
the Mississippi the most that ia charged Is
i centa a passenger. The case will aoon bo
taken up by the commission for a decision
and there la expectation that the commis
sion will at least cut the arbitrary to S
cents or abolish It entirely.
College Boards Meet.
A meeting of the board of trustees of
the Slate college will be held at Amea
May (, at which time the committee of
the new Hoard of Education, whlcli will
report on the State college work, will bn
present and familiarise Itself with the work
to be don. It I the Intention ot the old
board to close everything up before turn
ing over the business. At a meeting thl
week contract were let for $36 WO worth
of furniture for the new .Agricultural hall,
about half of which i siaxMal furniture
for laboratory use. Nearly all the con
tracts will b. let at once which can b
let under th law.
Praia, for Old Board.
The n?w state pharmacy board, Imme-
Big Motor Car fa Id to
Winning; Wife
Be Factor In
NEVADA, la.. May 1. (Special.)-AI-leging
that while touring about the neigh
borhood In his automobile, Charles Dawson
woed and won hi wife from him, Jamea
Thompson, a well known farmer near here,
today filed auit in the district court, ask
ing damagea of $30,000 for Dawson alien
ating his wife' affections.
In Ms petition Thompson aay be and hia
wife were married In Illinois. They con
tinued to live In peace and happiuesa until
Dawson and his automobile entered Into
the life and affections of his wife. In
March of last year. It 1 alleged, Dawaoa
began bestowing his affection and atten
tion upon Mr. Thompson. It wa not
long until she began to reciprocate and
later in the season th automobile waa
purchased and It proved such an effective
vehicle of courtship that when 'Dawson
left for Oklahoma a few mouths ago It was
not long until Mr. Thompson followed
him. Thompson followed and allege hi
wile 1 living with and being harbored
by Dawson.
was today found In front of the poalofuce
sitting in lils carriage, where he had been
stricken with apoplexy, lils faithful horse
was ciuietly watting orders. He wa re
moved to hi home on a stretcher and hla
nftur a trial which iiltracted widespread I condition is considered to be very grave,
attention. I . -" -
SAC CITY The Sac County Sunday
School sssociatlon closed Its eighteenth an
nual convention here last night. Auburn1
waa clioaen as t lie next meriing place and
the fo lowing officers were elected: Presi
dent. C. S. Needhain: vice president, L. K.
Fitch: secretary. Miss Lillian Wiseman;
trcaaurer, F. S. Needham.
IOWA FAL1J4 May 30 haa been selected
aa the date for the annual field meet of
the high schools of this county. This
event ia the leading one of tlie year in
amateur athletics in Hardin county and
always attract a big crowd of contestants
aa well aa spectator, for the high school
spirit runs high on this occasion.
SPENCER The famous telephone caae,
which grew out of the fight for the control
of the Spencer Telephone company which
was waged by Dr. Oravea, the heavier
stockholder, and which haa been fought
In the district court for five years, until it
was recently decided In favor of the de
fendant, has Just been appealed to the su
preme court.
CEDAR KAU S The Cedar Falls Globe
has been ccinsillilated with the Cedar Falls
Record, the plant to he Known hereafter
as the licvoril Publishing company. The
editorial department will be In charge of
J. W. Jarnagin, who for the last eight
yeara has been the editor of th Cedar
Falls Daily Record, and on May 1 he will
assume his new dutiea as postmaster uf
Cedar Falls.
IOWA FALLS Is a railroad company re.
quired to maintain heat in a I'nited States
mall car at all times when it is in service?
i. a question that must be answered in a
$lii.u) suit filed by Mall Clerk
Karl. Chapman, who runa on the north
end of this division of the Rock Island.
That road is made th. defendant in lb.
action aud Chapman in hia petition claims
that the car In which he waa working
waa set out during a big bllszard at
Ocheydan and that being required to work
arglar. Overlook Big Roll.
TABOR, la. Hay '.-(Special Tlgram.)
Burglar who robbed th. afa of th
Fa'r store her. last night secured b-
L. Ford, general counsel for the street
railway company.
In- addition, the persecution summoned
Joseph S. Toblu. a fcriner director of the
United Railroads, who testified that during
a period of six months following tlie fire
of April, lf0S, he had attended two or more
meetings of the director and had never
heard mentioned any appropriation for the
Tobln cloned his testimony by saying' he
had never heard of the employment of Ruef
as an attorney represent tug the corporation
of whlcli he waa a director.
Mr. IjCucIi testified that a day or two
after the trolley ordinance waa finally
passed Mr. Calhoun visited hi office In
the mint and gave directions concerning
the transfer of tlie sum of $310,000, which
Mr. Calhoun desired to have paid to other
office rb of the corporation In hi absence.
A few days afterwards, according to tha
lecords, Tlrey I.. Ford, chief counsel for
the I'nited Railroads, called at the mint
and presented an order, aignod by Mr,
Calhoun, calling for $fti,0ii.
Mr. Leach stated that Mr. Ford called at
(he mint for the second time or. July SI
with a telegraphic order sent by Mr. Cal
houn from Cleveland. O., directing that a
second puyincnl of $T0,090 be made to him.
On August '.'J, according to the witness,
Mr. Ford prebenled a third order, also In
telegraphic form, cirecting Mr. Leach to
pay the balance of llOe.CO to Mr. Ford.
Sons of Revolution Would
Change Inauguration Date
BALTIMORE, May 1 The annual con
vention of the national society, Sons of the
American Revolution, met here today.
Cardinal Gibbons pronounced, the Ir. voca
tion. A resolution was passed at tlie buainess
efcsion requesting that tlie date of the
presidential inuuguiatlon be cl anged from
March 4 to April . It was decided lo
rrect or asalni In erecting Ir W.iislilngto.i
a statue to Thomas Jefferson.
A resolution requesting the ma) or of
Philadelphia to loan the liberty bell tu the
Yukon exposition for exhibition purpose 3
during the continuance ot the exposition
waa :eferred for action to th. trustees of
th. aoclety.
Th. report of the Secretary general (hows
that the Department of Commerce an,
Labor has discontinued the free distribution
of tlie aoclety' pamphlets to alien enter
ing thia country. It wn voted to continue
lha distribution at the expense of the
society. Tin- committee- having the matter
in ol.-irge rcluried that apur4nly th only
u 1 1 l.t.j aay In which to prevent the u
c.f tlie national flag lor advertising pu.
m set is to tecurd the enactment of pro.
Iilliitnry eiiiictnienia In the legislature of
euc ii l He
'1 he flag off red lr.rt ycrr by the stat
society n( Coloiddo for the largest en-ol'-inent
of new icenibers during th year wu
awarded to Maryland.
Tonight the del.gatea lo th convention
were the gin-its at a reception given by
the Daughters of th America RevolulUiu.