T3 i. ' 1 i THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 2, 1909. The interesting application of Electric Power, which is rapidly supplanting all other kinds of power for Omaha manufacturer, should be seen by any one identified with any enterprise using power during the electrical show that will be Held at the Auditorium, May 6th to 1 5th Ml E3 1 LIST OF era 0) J o) users who made this exhibit possible: Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Co,, Great Western Type Foundry Co., Melchior, Peter, Machinist, New England Bakery, Omaha Electrical Works, Omaha Plating Co., Rapid Shoe Repair Co., Waterloo Creamery Co. If NO-WASTE Power will interest you consult our contract department. OMAHA ANDP ELEOT1C LIOHT IMi COMY 7 i