Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1909, HOUSEHOLD, Page 2, Image 25

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SOME very pretty stories appropriate for the beautiful springtime have
been aent In by the Busy Bees. Storiea supposed to hare been told by
aome of the birds, animals, and same by the flowers. These stories
how that the Busy Bnea have good Imaginations and that they take an
Interest In the beautiful things about them. '
The story' which was given honorable mention this week points a good
moral for the little writers of the Busy Bees' Own Fsb. .' Although most of
the Busy Bees understand the meaning of the word "original,"' there have been
two or three who did not know that they had to write the stories themselves
and that copied stories are not to be used.
PrUeg were awarded this week to Rena N. Mead, queen bee of the Blue
side, and to Helen Verrlll, also on the Blue side. Honorable mention was
given to Ruth Ashby, ex-queen, on the Red side.
Any of the Busy Bees may send cards to anyone whose name Is on the
Postcard Exchange, wblcb now Includes:
Jean Ds Long-, Alnsworth, Neb.
Irene McCoy, Barnston, Neb'.
Lillian Merwln. Beaver City, Neb.
Mabel Wilt, Bennington. Neb.
Anna Oottscft, Bennington. Neb.
Minnie Gottsch, Bennington, Neb.
Agnes Dahmke. Benson. Neb.
Marie Oallagher, Benkelman, Neb. (box 12).
Ida May. Central City, Neb.
Vera Cheney, Crelghtoo, Neb.
Louie Hahn, David City, Neb.
Khea Freldell, Dorchester, Neb.
Eunice Bode, Falls City, Neb.
Ethel Reed, Fremont, Neb.
Hulria Lundburg, Fremont, Neb.
Marlon Carps, Ulbson, Neb.
Marguerite Bartholomew, Gothenburg, Neb.
Lydla Roth, (06 West Koenlg street, Uratid
Island, Neb.
Ella Voss, 407 West Charles street, Grand
Island. Neb.
Irene Coetello, 115 Weet Eighth street.
Orand Island. Neb.
Jessie Crawford, 4u6 West Charles street.
Grand Island. Neb.
Pauline Schulte. 412 West Fourth street.
Grand Island, Neb.
Martha Murphy, KS
East Ninth street.
Grand Island, Neb.
Hugh Rutt, Leshara, Neb.
Hester E. Rutt, Leshara, Neb.
Alice Temple, Lexington. Neb.
Ruth Temple, Lexington, Neb.
Anna Nellsnn, Lexington, Neb.
Edythe Kreltz, Lexington, Neb.
Marjorle Temple, Lexington, Neb.
Alice Grassmeyer, 1M6 V St., Lincoln, Neb.
Msrtan Hamilton, 2020 L St., Lincoln, Neb.
Elsie Hamilton, 2029 L St., Lincoln, Neb.
Irene Dlsher, 2030 L street, Lincoln, Neb.
Hughle Dlsher. 2030 L street, Lincoln, Neb.
Louise Stiles, Lyons, Neb.
Estelle McDonald, Lyons. Neb.
MUtnn Belser, Nebrsska City, Neb.
Hsrry Crawford, Nebraska City, Neb.
Harvey Crawford, Nebraska City, Neb.
Lurlle Hssen, Norfolk, Neb.
Letha Larkln. So. Sixth St., Norfolk, Neb.
Emma Marquardt, Fifth street and Madi
son avenue, Norfolk, Neb.
Mildred F. Jones, North Loup. Neb.
nerf,vleve M. Jones. North Loup, Neb.
Helen Goodrich. 4(10 Nicholas street. Omaha
Orrln Fisher, 1210 South Eleventh street,
Otyih h it-
Mildred Erlckson, 2709 Howard street,
Oscar Erlckson, 2709 Howard street,
Louis Raabe, 2009 North Nineteenth ave
Frances Johnson, 933 North Twenty-fifth
avenue. Omaha.
nue, Oman
Squinkie, the African Monkey
By Maud
GREAT many, many years ago for the creature did. not speak our lan
thsre lived In one of the rlvor guage. But in his own tongue a very
r.ntral Africa a peculiar one it wee I he told the tall white
monkey by the name of
Wi$ I r?" w u
Soulnkle. He was the eldest
on of old Mrs. Monk, and
he.ped her to find the finest cocoanuts, the
r mt m son pi oiu uib.
freshest berries, and the youngest of car-
rots for the family larder. In fact,
Squinkie was the mainstay of the family
after his father's death, which oocurred
In a roost tralc manner.
But as this atory Is to be told about
Squinkie, and not about hla parents, wo
Shall not go Into details about the sad end
ing of Squlnkle's papa. Suffice It to say
that Squinkie had been obliged to take
his father's nlace as chief fighter and pro
vlder for the family, which consisted of
the mother. Squinkie, a sister and a
rn. rt'.tr .hii. in th. riontha of the for-
est-a plaoe so dense with Interwoven vines
.... ..K..h ... --a.a k. ,at
trees, whose branches Intermingled so
thickly that the light of the sun could
scarcely penetrate-Squlnkle pricked up his
ears at a most unusual sound. Now there
was not a beast, nor a reptile, nor a bird
In all that part of Africa with whom
rqulnkla was not acquainted. 1 don't mean
that he was on speaking, terms with his
fellow creatures that belonged to a specloa
different from his own; but he knew them
by sound. He could tell the Instant a
rhinoceros stepped Into the Jungle. He
knew the soft glide of the snake. He un-
derstood the approach of the lion, or the
leopard, though he did not see the form
ef the creature who made the noire ofap-
,n,nh Rut nn ttila Amv SnttlnklA far
a new sound a strange, rattling of leaves
and underbrush, a noise never made by
any. of the creatures he was accustomed
to hearing. Se he pricked up his ears and
listened intently, a feeing of mingled fear
and curiosity taking possession of him.
Then, peering through the Jungle,
Squinkie saw a sight that made his deep
set eye open very, very wide. A black
creature, walking on two very long, straight
legs. And betide him another creature a
white one walking on two very long,
straight legs. . And the limbs that grew out
from their ahoulders were used for carry
ing things, the same as he, Squinkie, often
used his front legs to carry things. But
never had Squinkie stood so upright Just
like a tree, with his front legs folded up
and carrying strange weapons. Often
Squinkie had carried a great atlck picked
UP. from the ground with which to beat
another monkey who might Interfere with
his affair In the . way of getting what
food he desired. But these creaturea were
the strangest he had ever teen, and did
not belong to Squlnkle's forest.
Squinkie, knowing that sulf-preservatlon
meant hiding in .the tree branches, hur
riedly swung himself far above the place
where he knew these strange creatures
would soon pass, for they were tearing
vines and branches away so that they
might ps through. Just beyond this
dense spot was a more open spare, where
one could get about without so much
trouble. And It seemed that these creatures
were making for that spot. But to
Squlnkle's surprise there popped Into sight
another black being, and all were walklnj
upright on long, straight legs, and all
wsrf carrying In their short front legs
ty had arms, but Squinkie thought of
them aa legs) weapons. And still more
and more of the bUck creatures thrust
themselves through the underbrush, fol
lowing the first black one and the tail
white one.
"Here's the place we'll flod the tonkeys,"
aald the leader of the band of tall belngm.
But, of coAirse. Squinkie did not under
stand a single word of what wae said.
And neither would you have understood.
Lena Petersen,' 2211 "Locust street. East
Ina Carney, Sutton, Clay county, Nob.
Clara Miller, I'tica.'Neb.
Alta Wilkn, Waco. N"b.
Mee Crunk. Wet Point. Neb.
Kiel Stastny, Wili er, Neb.
Frederick Ware, Wlnslde. Neb.
Pauline Parks, Yelk, Nco.
Edna Bchllng, York, Neb.
Marv Frederick. York. Neb.
Carrie B. Bartlett, Fontanelle, la.
Irene Reyntlds, Lltrte Bloux, la.
Fthel Mulholland, Box Tl, Malvern. Ia.
Eleanor Mellor. Malvern, Ia.
Ksthryne Metkor, Malvern. Ia.
Ruth Robertson, Manilla, Ia.
Mildred Robertern, Manilla, Ia.
Margaret B. Wltherow, Thurman, Ia.
Fred Sorry, Monarch, Wyo.
John Barron, Monarch, Wyo.
KAUh Amend": Sheridan. Wyo.
Pauline Wqulre, Grand, Okl.
prwl phelley, 230 Troup street, Kansas
c,tr Kt
Henry' u Worklnger, care Sterling Remedy
company. Attira, ina.
Mary Brown, lift Boulevard, Omaha,
Eva Hendee, 4W2 Dodge street, Omaha.
Junnlta Innes, 2769 Fort street, Omaha.
Lillian Wirt. .4168 Cass stieet, Omaha,
rmile Brown, 1322 HoUlevord. Omaha.
Meyer Conn, S4 Oecrgla avenue. Omaha.
Ada Morris, 3424 Franklin street, Omaha
Myrtle Jensen, 2909 Isard street, Qmaha.
Gall Howard. 4722 Capitol avtnue, Omaha.
Helen Houck, 1625 Lothrop Btrcet, Omaha.
Binerson Goodrich, 4010 Nicholas, Omaha.
Maurice Johnson. 1087 Locust St., Omaha.
Leon Carson. 1124 Nortri Fortieth, Omaha.
WUma Howard. 4723 Capitol Ave., Omsha.
Hllah Fisher, 1210 South Eleventh, Omaha.
Mildred Jensen, f707 Leavenworth, Omaha.
Edna Heden, 2789 Chicago street, Omaha.
Mabel Shelfelt, 4914 North Twenty-fifth
rtreftt. Omnhft.
Walter Johnson, S4c6 North
alreet, Omaha.
Emma Carruthers, 8211 North Twenty-flfO
street. Omaba. .
Leonora DenlSon, The Albion, Tenth and
Pacific streets, Omaha.
Mae Hammond, O Nelll, Neb.
Mefge L. Daniels, Ord. Neb.
Zola Beddeo, Orleans,. Neb.
Agnes Richmond. Orleans, Neb.
Marie Fleming, Osceola, Neb.
Lotta Woods, Pawnee City, Neb.
Fnrl Perkins. Reddlnxton. Neb.
Emma Kratal, 1616 O etreet, South Omaha
Edra Enis. Stanton, Nrb,
Ethel Enis. Stanton, Net
creature that they were now In the place
to rind tne moniteys.
"T rtnn-t wm nv of thim .hot." aooke
- -
the white creature, In the same peculiar
tongue employed by the black leader or
guide. "I want them taken without a
wound, for as I hve told you, they are
to be used for show purposes. They will
b Pu " CH n1 carried all over the
Although the black guide did not seem
to quite understand what a show or a
cage or "all bvV-r thS World" meant, he
did understand that monkeys were the
object of the hunt through the forest, and
that they-the monkeys-must not be
Jurea in any way.
"We'll get 'em wltft our traps," explained
the guide. So the white man (for of course
yu "av unaersiooo. mat tne tan creatures
walking on long, straight legs were men)
ald Lhat was Just what he wanted.
Then the group of black men-with one
white man In their mldst-stood directly
underneath tho tree. In whose branches
Squinkie was hiding. And Squinkie, being
a wa"tor bold, looked about for some
de,l blu of bfanchta that he might break
off ea""y t0 be thrown on the heads of his
nen'' ehouid they look up and behold
h,m there-
A h wa securing a stlck-for one was
clos at hand-he saw one of the blacR men
toolt un lnto the branches where he
"" '"-" w anuui weni up
v" un" " creatures,
and ,bean 10 climb the trees surround-
' K Da.unK,e going up tnem wttn tne agility
n f mltDv. (h.m..lika a 1. 1 ......
' v'" "H"'"""3 uuci-
",ood hu anr- bu nev" his head,
He s0 the loose,, dead limb, and tear-
K n 1 m " P'c, hurled It Into the
very cn,er ' the group of long-legged
oeings oeiow. a nowi or rage and pain
went up from the man who waa hit. It
was the whit one, and the stick thrown
with such vehemence had struck him
across the eyes and' tied broken th bridge
of his nose.
Of course, the blatks had to minister to
their injured leader, the mighty White
Hunter who had learned their tongue In
order to enslave theiri and to mak them
work for him. Th guide bound up the
Athite Hunters injured face and they
turned about to retrfct their steps to the
Black Men's village.. Where the white man
it a rfx&afvX
1. Write plainly on one side of the
paper only and number the paces.
0. Use pea and Ink, not pencil
3. Short and pointed articles will
be given preference. So not nse ever
8SO words.
4, Original stosles or letters only .
will be used.
6. Write yonr name, are and ad
dress at tae top of the first page.
First and second prises of books
will be given for the best two ooc
trlbntlons to this page each week.
Address nil communications to
Omaha, Bee.
(First Prlie.)
The May Pole Party
By Rena N. Meftd. Queen Bee, Aged 13
Years, Blair, Neb. Blue Hide.
It was May day and the children in Glen
dale were having a fine time in Emma
Jane's large front lawn. A big tall polo
with green and white strings stood In the
center. The little bovs and srirls filed In
one by one, expecting to have a nice time. I
There were Just twenty-four, for that
was all 'that could play at the May pole.
Twelve were girls and twelve were boys.
All were small, for Emma Jane was only
6 years old.
After lunch the climax came. Thoy were
dancing 'round the May pole when Emma
Jane stepped on Helen's string. It was
carelessly done, but It was not to be helped
now. Helet. was angry because Emma
Jane would not give up her string. She
knew she could not play any longer at
that, so the began to throw angry taunts
at Emma Jane. "You horrid, horrid girl,"
she said. "I shall never, never come to
your party again." She emphasized this
with a stamp of her small foot.
"I don't care If you don't, we shan't
miss you much. I only wish you would 'go
home right now."
Helen could not stand this any longer,
so she began to cry and started for the
Just at this time Emma Jane's mother
came out to see what the trouble was.
She waa ashamed of Emma Jane. Helen
was called ' back and Emma Jane waa
i Mrs. Grey, for that was Emma Jane's
mother, sewed the string together and the
fun went on as before.
When they started home Emma Jane
kissed Helen and told her that It was all
l A fault at rl 4 aViat attmitr. Vi rv vlttnn n
" v
her string, but Helen thought different.
. .... ......
Because ana nao Deen so naaty with ner
(Second Prize.)
The Story of the Pine Tree
By Helen Verrlll, Aged 12 Years, The Streh
low, No. 19, Omaha. Blue Side.
Now, this Is the story Daisy told as I
was resting Inside the carnation. It told
me why the pine tree holds Its branches
Many hundreds years ago, when pine tree
branches grew like any other trees there
was a king who reigned over the rainbow.
He had a most beautiful sister called
Nature, and at each end of the rainbow
was a pot of gold. The king had an enemy
whose name Old An.
Well, it wae a bright moonlight night
and there came an old man walking
through the woods. He had something
under his coat, and at nearly every step
he looked around. So, you may be sure, lie
wasn't doing right, and this was the king s
The old man stepped on a twig and It
cracked so loud that he got frightened
and took a big pot of gold from under his
coat and threw it up in a tree, and then
hurried away as fast as he could. Early
next morning the king went to his sister
ana asnea ner :t sne nad seen one of the
pots or goia; mat it was gone. She said,
....a . . . . . , . . .
uuiu (iruture uerus una aressing ror nis
wound. (
"We ll come here in a few days and get
that very fellow that hurled the 'stick at
me," declared the White Hunter, his anger
at boiling heat. "And when we get him
we'll kill him; that's the way well put a
stop to Ms fighting with Jugged sticks
which break fnen'a noses and almost put
out their eyes."
But Squinkie did not hear the White
Hunter's threat agalmit him, for he was
making all possible speed through the
forest, lesi Ing from branch to branch, from
tree to tree, with the rapidity of a bird on
the wlnts, and before tho White Hunter's
face had been wrapped In a bandage torn
from his own garments, Squinkie was far.
far out of sight of the place where the
"No." Then the king went to all the trees
and naked them all If they had seen it,
but none of them had.
When the king came to the forest where
the old man had been the night before, ha
asked all the trene In the forest, but they
had not seen it. The king then said, "Hold
up your arms, that I may see you ore
telling the truth." All the trees held up
their arms, but out of one tree fell tho
pot of gold. The king was very angry, and
said, "So you are the thief, are you?'"
The tree said, "No I had seen nothing of
the pot of gold until now. And to prove
my honesty, I am going to hold my arms
forever toward heaven."
And as Daisy endod the queen turned
to another little fairy whom she called
Violet and said, "You may tell your story
next, Violet." Next week I will tell you
the story Violet told.
(Honorable Mention.)
The Drone
By Ruth Ashby, Ex-Queen, Fairmont, Neb.
Red Side.
Once upon a time, In our hive of Busy
Bees, there was a drone.
Instead of working hard and writing
original stories, as the other Bees did, she
concluded to copy one out of an old reader
that she owned.
"No one will be likely to own auch a
book," she reasoned, "and it's a much
easier and quicker way than writing an
original one."
So she copied the story, word for word,
nearly, and uited even the same names.
Now, one of the Busy Boes saw this and
recognized the piece, got out an old book
In her possession and compared them.
Sure enough, they were exactly alike. '
Now, the drone felt sorry for what she
had done when she saw her dishonest story
In print.
So she decided to write an original story
just as nice as possible. This she did and
was rewarded by seeing her own story In
print. i
The Spelling Match
By Varna Klrschbaun, Aged 12 Tears, 611
South Twenty-fourth Street, Omaha,
Nob. Blue Side.
There was to be a .'spelling match at'
school. In which all. the children were to
take part. The prize was (10, which waa
offered by Mr. Grey, who waa on the
school board. , ')
Of the children who were to take part,
Mary Brown waa the most anxious to win,
because she knew that the $10 would buy
many things that would be useful to her
Th" rMMron nft.n mm t her n invite
her to rV WHh them., but she always re-
fused, saying that she had to study.
At last the day for the spelling match
arrived and the children were very much
excited. '
The first words that the teacher gave
out were spelled correctly. At last came
th word "unrrifire." and one hv one the
children missed. Marv realized that her len. In some pf the cups there Is a kind mas tree and some toys. He Invited Rich
turn would come soon, and as everyone of stem which divides Into two parts at ard to come over. They had a Christmas
else waa missing the word she knew that
the time had come for her to fall or to
win. She knew what the word meant, for
had not her mother sacrificed all she had
to give Mary an education? '
At last came the word, "next," and Mary
Bho closed her eyes, and
the letters
seemed to come to her mind. She spelled
the word and as she Stopped and heard
the peoitle clapping, she knew that she
had won the prize.
But after school, as she was walking
home she said to herself, "I don't believe
I will ever miss the word 'sacrifice' again."
Ned's Mistake
By Mary Brown, Ag-ed IS Tears, 2322 Boule
vard Street, Omaha, Neb. Red Side.
Ned, the big Newfoundland dog, was lay-
Ing by the stove, when In walked a big
white Aflgora cat. The cat did not notice
the dog until she came quite near to him.
.. .
evu enemies naa seen mm.
And when, half an hour later. Squinkie
entered the confines of his own particular
wood where a great many monkeys dwelt
he went with all possible speed to his
mother and told her the story of his ex
perience. Of course, his language waa not
a very extensive one and he had much
difficulty in describing the tall creatures
who had walked on the ground, their bodies
so straight just like certain trees, and
who had displayed a notion to entrap him.
But he made her understand that there
was great dancer threatening Monkey-
town, and she was not long In arousing all
the monkeys, telling them that they must
flee, snd flee at once, to soma more
secluded place.
And that night, while the White Hunter
rolled and tossed on his rallet of pain In
the Black Men's village, Squinkie and all
his family and friends and neighbors and
acquaintances were moving to the south
ward with all speed, and when the morning
dawned they had come into a beautiful
place Burrotinded by a rwsmp where it
would be almost impossible for the foot of
man to tread, for the Jungle that lay
between the swamp and outer world was
so dense that even a snake had difficulty
In creeping through.
And to this day the natives of the Black
Men's village tell of the time, long, long
ago whn a great White Hunter came
among them, and learned their tongue in so
rhrrt a time, and gave them many trinkets
of shining thlnvs to adorn themselves; and
that all he wanted was their assistance In
catching the monl:eys that lived in the
f irst nr to the village. But they shake
thrlr heads when they come to that part of
th ftorv where cne monkey hit the great
Whl'e Huiiter a-mi the nose and broke
it xnil h (nlu- rrn died of hl
v.curt's ".vni-in a :-v d.ys and was burled
there at the outskirts of the village, and
how no native of that village can ever be
tempted to try to take Into captivity the
monkeys. And that la why In one part of
Africa Squinkie and those of his own band,
were safe during their llvts. and even
their dcacendants safe from intrusion to
this day.
She then gave a leap and lit upon the
chair, but as she leaped her foot Slipped
and scratched Ned in the head. "Bow,
wow, wow," barked Ned. a If to say, "Ml
fix you." But Puss (for that was the cat's
name) did not even stir, how she was
scared. But In the meanwhile Nellie (for
that was the cat's mistress) was calling
Fuse to oome and get a piece of meat, but
as Puss wan having a fusa with Ned she
did not hear Nellie call and so Nellie gave
the meat to Ned. But as Ned was looking
arcuhd to see if anybody was around, Puss
slipped under him and took the meat and
Jumped upon the chair, so that he could
not take It away from her.
Ned was so mad that he did not know
what to do, but he said again. "I'll fix
you for this."
Now, Ned's little mistress, a little girl
rf 4, had a white cat similar to this cat,
but It was made of rags. Mildred (for
that was the little girl's name) had forgot-
ten about her cat and let It lay on tho
floor. "Ill fix you now," said Ned. He
took the cat, bit her and chewed her up
to pieces. He then said, "That cat will
never bother me again." Just as he said
this, in walked Puss, as proud aa If to
say, "Aha! you were mistaken." Poor
Ned, how ashamed he felt. He then real
ized what he had done, and he barked at
Puss as if to say, "I am sorry for what
i have done, and I will never torture you,
Puss, again."
Willie's Lesson
By Emlle Brown, Aged 10 Years 2322
Boulevard, omana, jseo. ttea bine.
Willie Jones, a boy of 8 years, would top of the stairs saying to herself, "Did
never mind his mother. Whenever she anyone ever see such a charming miss of
told him to do anything he would oay, 5 as our own Miss Evelyn."
"I don't want to." And he would not Leaving Evelyn on a sofa to sit stiff
do It and prim till the guest came, Mrs. Brad
One day aa he was playing marbles his f0rd went upstairs. Soon the doorbell
mother called him to go to the store and rang and Mrg. Bradford, as graciously as
get a dozen eggs. But Willie said, "I po,8lDB ,hered her guest Into the library.
im so tired I do not want to go to the
store." But his mother said, "If you
are too tired to go to the store you are
too tired to play marbles and It would
be best if you would go to bed." But
Willie did not want to go to bed, so be
said, "I will go to the store."
He started to go to the store at 4
o'clock and did not get back till 5:30.
When he cams back hla mother told him
he would get paid back some day for tak-
Ing so long In going to the store. In a
little while Willie's father came home
and told Willie that he could go to the
show that night. Willie was getting
ready to go to the show, when his mother
asked him If he would please run to the
store before he went to the show. Willie
said, "I don't want to." But his mother
said, "If you don't want to go to tne
store you don't want to go to the show
dui you may go w iub nj
Willis waa sent to bed, but he never for
got his lesson.
Something About Plants
By Ethel Reed. Aged 14 Tears, Fremont,
Neb. Red Side.
, I think the study of planU is very In
teresting. ..The leaves of trees are folded
differently in the buds.r Some are curled
up. Others' are folded along the mld-velns,
with the under side of the loaf outside
and some with the upper part outside.
The scales on the buds, too, are placed
around them differently. Some are oppo-
site and some are alternate. All buds
. , .w . i
nBV0 mor OT WM . ' ' V,.
the leaves and flowers warm In the win.
in the maple buds there are three or four
little green cups, which are the flowers,
In the cups there are from five to twelve
llttle brown and red heads on stems,
These are called stamens and contain pol-
the end. This Is called a pistil, ir tne
pollen from the stamens fall on the pistil
It will make a seed. The seed of the maple
Is called a winged key.
Slow and Sure
By William Davis. Aged 9 Tears, 221
West Third Street, North Platte lUue
It was a raw day In December when
Paul was going up and down the streets
trying to sell prize boxes. He had soul
about twenty, when he went home. "Well,
Paul," said his mother, 'how much money
have you?" "Two dollars and forty-flvo
cents," he said. "That is fine," aald his
mother. "How many did you nave?"
'Twenty-flve," said Paul. But the next
day It was worse; he had $1. Paul didn't
think It good, but his mother said It was
fine. The next day was still worse; he
had only 60 cents. The next day was
much better; he had 12.50. One day
ho waa selling them a boy took his bas
ket and ran away. Paul started after
him, but as the streets were crowded he
lost track of him. He went home very
sad. He told his mother all about it; ho
had only 76 cents. The next day he
looked for work. As he did he saw a
necktie stand. It was for sale. The
owner said he had to go away for bis
health. He aald he would .sell it for
920. So Paul bought the stand. He Is
now earning over 996 a month. Wo are
now going to skip over two yeara. At
that time he had $2,000 a year and has a
store of his own and the necktie stand,
too. It la as I have said slow and sura
The Reward
By Helen Heuck, Aged 12 Tears. 16M Loth
rop Street. Red Bide.
One time a mother offered her two daugh
ters, Ethel and Mildred, a reward at th
end of two weeks to the one who had been
the most obedient, kind and thoughtful of '
others. Mildred was sure she would get
the prise, as she had always been petted
more than Ethel. For about two days she
was all that could be expected, but In
about a week her mother said: "Mildred,
I want you to go to the store for me right
away." Mildred said: "Oh, mother, I
don't want to go. I want to read. Let
Ethel go." Ethel got up and went without
another word, while Mildred went up to
her room. When she got there her small
baby brother was playing there. 8!ie
scolded him and aent him out of the room,
and he went to Ethel to be comforted. At
the end of two weeks Mrs. Smith called
them to the library to award the prize.
It fell to Ethel and she was to go ti her
grandmother's for two weeks. Mildred
begged to go, too, but her mother said
"no." After this Mildred wa always
kind, obedient and thoughtful for othera.
The Poor Little Girl
Ey Helen Lewis, Aged V Years, Monarch,
Wyo. Red Side.
Mrs. Magoon was surprised to see her
little girl oome running In from school In
such a queer way. "Oh, mamma," she
cried, "you know on New Year's morning
I said that I would make a good ww, and
that would be to help the first poor per
son I could, and, oh, mamma, when I was
coming home from school tonight I met a
poor little girl and she was erylnng so very
hard, and when I asked her what was the
matter, she said. "Oh. I am so very cold,
and hungry, too." so I gave her my coat
and bond and what was left In my dinner
basket, and, mamma, can't she come and
live with us and go to York convent next
year with me?"
Mrs. Magoon said. "If papa Is willing, I
think I can take care of one more little
girl." So when Mr. Magoon came homo
that evening he told Mary (for that was
the little girl's name) that she could have
the little girl for an adopted sister. So
Mary ran and got the little girl and she
waa never cold nor hungry any more,
Mischievous Evelyn
y Myrtle Jensen. Ex-Queen, Aged 12
Years, 2909 Ixnrd 8treet, Omaha. Blue
Evelyn's long grolaen curls and perfect
features had always been a source of pride
to her admiring, Indulgent mother, and
today, when Mrs. Van Rennselaer tle
phoned up that she would call to see the
pretty child. Mrs. Bradford had arranged
her hair prettier thnn ever and dressed
her In her blue dress and sash.
Mrs. Van Rennselaer had been touring
Europe for the past two years and the
year before the Bradfords had been trav
eling out west. Bo Mrs. Van Ronnselaer
had really not aeen Evelyn since she was
2 years old.
When Evelyn was ready her mother
took her down In the library, Henrlette,
Mrs. Bradford's own maid, stood at the
Where was Evelyn? She was nowhere
in sight. Running out of the room with
Mrs. Van Rennselaer at her heels, Mrs.
Bradford searched all pf the rooms on the
first floor. Not a trace of the missing
child! After exploring the second floor,
they were about to go out doors, when
Mrs. Van Rennselaer, with her hand on
the doorknob of Mrs. Bradford's boudoir,
said. We haven t looked In here."
On opening the door Mrs. Bradford threw
up her hands with mortification. "I'm
having a fine time, mumaey," said Evelyn,
holding up a hair puff and a couple of
on the floor lay countless boxes and
bottles of complexion cream and powder,
Mrs. Bradford had always bragged of her
own thlck black har and now Mrfc Vaj
R6nn,eUer could tell the worl(J Ujat R
-wan falae
Seeliuj that trouble was breeding, Mrs.
Van Rennselaer took her departure and
well, probably you can guess what hap
pened to Evelyn.
Two Good Friends
By William Hamilton, Aged 7 Years,
Omaha, Neb. Blue Side.
Once there were two boya whose names
were Richard and James. Dames waa
poor and Richard was rich. On Christ
mas Richard asked James If he could
come over.
James asked his mother If he could
go and his mother said yes, so he started
and they went up In the attic and titers
waa a Christmas tree. :
Richard gave some of the toys to
James. That evening when James went
home he told his mother about It.
James thought he would be a news-
paper boy. At the end of the year he
quit the Job. Then he bought a Christ-
James gave some of the toys to Rich
ard. After that they were good friends.
Nellie's Education
By Vesta Eschrlch, Aged 8 Tears, Buf
falo, Wyo. Blue Side.
Nellie Harris was a little girl who
lived with her mother In a tenement
They were very poor and Nellie's father
waa dead. Mrs. Harris sewed for a liv
ing and was saving money to educate
One evening Mrs. Harris went dow.i
town for something and when crossing
the railroad track was run over and
killed by a passing train.
Nellie waited for her mother for a long
time and then, thinking something might
have happened to her, she started out to
find her mother. She hadn't gone far
before ahe saw a crowd of people with
her mother.
A friend of Mrs. Harris' took Nellie to
Hvs with her and aent her to
One day as Nellie was going horns
from school she saw two men talking
Illustrated Rebus
'"and" f
"o v'7'-u "i
and one man said: "1 knew her when h
was a little girl; why that child looks
exactly like her."
The man walked toward Nellie and
asked her what her name was and sh
told him Nellie Harris. It happened that
the man was an uncle of Mrs. Harris.
Nellie left the woman she was living
with and went to live with her uncle,
who was very rich. She had everything
she wanted and waa sent to college After
finishing the high school. Her mother'!
wish was carried out and she had a good
education and grew up to be a fin
The Naughty Squirrel
By Helen Reynolda, Aged T Tears, Gretna,,
Neb. Red Side.
Once there were six squirrels. The
mother and father squirrel and the four
baby squirrels. They lived Irt a hollow
tree. The tree was In the woods and was
a nut tree. One dey one of the squirrels
ran up to a basket of nuts. He Saw a
dog running after him and ran as fast as
his little legs could carry him. The dig's
name was Rover, and It was Mary's dog
Mallet was her cat. Mary called out.
"Rover, lesve that squirrel alone." and
Rover went back to her. Mother and
father squirrel were very much frightened
when they found that the baby was gone.
When they saw h'.m coming down th
road, they were so glad. That night they
had company. It was a rabbit, and they
told him how their little one got lost. He
went home and told his wife about It.
The next day they had a party. They In
vited Mr. and Mrs. Robin, Mr. and Mrs.
6parrow, Cousin Squirrel, Mr. and Mrs.
Rabbit, Miss Meadow Lark, Mf. Bluebird.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodpecker. It waa Mrs.
Squirrel's birthday. She was 20 years old.
They had cake. Ice cream, oooklea and
peaches. The party lasted from 2 o'clock
until ' 5 o'clock. They had a good time.
After supper they told stories. Mrs.
Squirrel told about her squirrel that ran
away. After that he stayed re1 li
Fairy Land
By Harold Robinson, Aged 12 Years, iSlt
Howard Street, Omaha. Red Side. .
Chu, chu, the train bell rang, as the con
ductor shouted "All aboard for Fairyland."
and the children mounted the train eigerly
to go to the land of sugar candy and t
se wonders they had never seen. They
rode for miles, full of hope and Joy, until
they reached Fairyland. At last the train
stopped and the children filed out one by
one. At first they were frightened to res
little black men, but their fright was
turned to Joy to find that they were bloolt
negro babies, and as they were Ilk
black men, they soon disappeared.
The next thing their eyes fell upon was
a beautiful candy house. Some peeped
Into the window and saw a beautiful fairy.
The children ran, but she called tfiem back
and took them Into her beautiful candy
home, and then they had the best time of
their lives, feasting on the best things that
Fairyland could afford, and she told them
that when they had finished eating she
would, take ' them out to see Fairyland.
Just then some one called, "Harold, don't
you know what time It Is. Tou'll never
get to school," and I only wished It was
Saturday, so I wouldn't have to go to
school, and could have finished seeing
The Watched Pot Never Boils
By Helen Heuck, Aged It Tears, IBS Loth
rop Street., Omaha. Red Sid.
All the girls were gathered in Sue's room
ready to taste some new candy. Of rburte,
Lou, as Sue's "Inseparable," was triers and
busily stirring the mixture, which Just
would not boll. No matter how much th
girls stirred and peeped into th pan. it
stayed Just a lukewarm mixture. After
the candy had been on the stove for a half
hour Sue gave up In despair and tat down
on the bed to fan her hot cheeks, It was
new S o'clock and they wer all to attend
a lecture at 8:46 At S:16 the candy was
still cool and the girls began to go to their
rooms to dress. AH at once Sue determined
to find out Just what waa the matter with
that candy. All at once the girls heard
peals of laughter from, Sue's room and
when they Investigated the matter ah
tried to explain, and finally the girls un
derstood that they had forgotten to light
the fir and it was too late to finish the
candy before th leoture. She aald they
should gather In her room at S. Moral:
"The Watched Pot Never Boils."
The Man' in the Moon
By Mary Estella Butler, Aged T Years.
Arapahoe, Neb. .Blue bids.
"Once upon a time," began Aunt Mary,
"a man needed some sticks. He put on
his hat and went out to get them. It was
Sunday, and everybody knows it Is wicked
to work on Sunday. On ths way back he
met a man who asked: 'Why are you pick
ing up sticks today?' The man said: 'I
have a right to pick up Sticks any time I
want to.' Th other man said: 'All right,
you may have an everlasting day.' And
th man felt himself hurled up In the sky
In the moon, and you can see him to th's
day with his pack of wood on his back,"
"Oh, tell us some more," cried the chil
dren. "No," said Mary, "not tonight. Go to
bed." ;
Dickey Bird's Letter
By Louise 'Love. Aged 12 Years. 10(4 J
Street, Lincoln, Neb. Red Bide.
Dear Esther: I wish you would tt rid ot
that horrid cat. She scares ma almost to
death. Yesterday when I went to take my
aun bath Miss Puss beat me to th tub.
Today for the first time Helen noticed rn
when the cat chased me. After Sh went
out puss tried to get Into my cage, but th '
door was too small.
I can never have any fun with the baby
because the cat Is always on the watch.
I think If you do not get rid of pus I shall
fly out of the window and never come book
again. If you like me and want me to
stay I think you will send her away. Your
affectionate bird. DICKIE.
Choosing a Flower Queen
By LiHI Rymnn. Aged 10 Yea.s. 513 North
Twenty-third Street, Omaha Red Bide.
The flowers were having a fine time dis
cussing the matter of who would b queen.
At last the rose said: "Let the Illy be
queen," but one of them did not want her.
It was the violet.
By the consent of th others she went to
' the fairy queen, whose name was Beautiful
Fern. She asked ber It the Illy would
make a good queen. Sh hesitated and thn
said, "Yes."
At last Violet said: "Tee, sh will make
a good queen." But Violet was arhamd
to think that ahe had aald she did net
want her to be queen. And Lily was mads
queen of flowers and made a bappy quta.