TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 1900. Chat About Music, Musicians and Musical Events kTU'L.T thfjr la nothtn new un- TT 1 drr the un. The other nlht I book cam Into the writer s tlf. a noon written nearly 2no year ago. Now when a good book cornea Into one's life it It null an event: It ought to be celebrated ev-ry year thereafter: it ought to have a birth day In our year. Well when a good book, and an old book at the aame time, enter at on Instant Into your life. It should be recorded. It does not follow that all old things, Just because they are old, are good. No. not that. (Bin la aa old as the hills.) But when you get an old song that's a good song, or a good book thal'a an old book, you feel like calling In the neigh bour to rejoice with you, became you have found a sheep that was lout. And so, the other night, when you were sleeping the sleep of the Just and the tired and the conscience-free, the one who writes these lines was sitting up into tha early morning because he could not part company with a noble and Irresistible old singer and singing-teacher who came down through the loag distance of one hundred and eighty six years to tell us some things about the sentiments on the ancient and modern sing ers, and obesrvatlona on the florid song. The old master Is Tier. Francesco Tosl, and the book he wrote was published first In 1721 It was later done Into English under the title of "Observations on the Florid Song" the translator being Mr. Oalllard and the publisher J. Wilcox at Virgil' Head. In the Strand. London 1743! "Pier. Francesco Tosl was an Italian and a singer of great esteem and reputation. Ho spent the most part of his life in travelling, and by that means heard the most eminent singers In Europe, from whence, by the 'help of his nice taste, he made the observations." Bo salth the preface. Blgnor Manuoatto writing In Sir George Grove s famous Dictionary of Music and Musicians, says: This book Is "a prac tical treatise on singing, in which the aged teacher embodies hi own experience and that of his contemporaries, at a time when the art was probably more thoroughly taught than It has ever been since." "Arid It was this old book, this good book, which held the musical editor of The Bee leeplcts and spell-bound the other tilght, while the dear old master talked. Little did the splendid old artist and master-singer dream that In less than two hundred years, his principles would be preached to thou sands of readers, through the mighty press, and that there would be found those to honour, respect and obey him. In a far-off onrt of a very far-off country, where at :hat tlma buffalo herds were the only musi cian, and wild Indians the only artists. While this book Is specially for singers, t Is so Interesting that it seems selfish Jot to reprint some of the sentences which ne hns greatly enjoyed, for they will un doubtedly appeal to any lovor of music, whether singer pr not. The book la mel low with the richness of the evening of life, brilliant with the gleaming of refined wit. and fresh with the pure radiance of Truth In Art. Here he begins with a "Dedication" to "His Excellency, the Earl of Peterbor ugh. General of the Marines of Great Britain." He Reminds His Excellency of delightful dtfys spent, at his Lordships country seat, "where, Tour Lordship hav ing been pleased to do me the Honour of Imparting to me your Thoughts with Free 8om. I have often had the Opportunity of admiring your extensive Knowledge, which almost made me overlook the Beauty and Elegance of the Place. The famous Tulip Tree In your Garden there Is not so surprising- 'a Rarity aa the uncommon Pene tration? , yous. Judgment." (Methinks he must have rneVthe Blarney Stone.) Here are some of the observations: , VHe that; studies Singing must consider that Praise or Disgrace depends very much -on h!sVoloe, which; if he has a Mind to preserve., ho .must abstain from all Man ner of Disorders, and all violent Diver sions." . "Let him be able to read perfectly, that he may not be put to Shame for so scan dal us an Ignorance. Oh. how many are there who had need to learn the Alpha bet! (It would soem from the pronun elation one hears nowadays that the ad vice still holds good. Mus. Ed.) .; "Singing requires so s rlct an Applica tion that one must study with the Mind when one cannot with the Voice." "The unwearied Study of Ynuili n sure to overcome all Obstacles that oppose, though Defeats were surk'd In with our Mothrr's Milk. This Opinion of mine is subject to strong Objections; however, Ex perience will defend It, provided he cor rects himself in time. But If he delays It, the older ho grows the more his faults will Increase." "A Student must not hope tor Applause, If he has not an utter Abhorrence of Ignor ance." "Whoever doe not aspire to the first Rank, begins already to give up the second, and by little and little will rest contented with the lowest." "When he studies his Umon at Home, let him sometimes sing before a Looking glass, not to bji enamoured with his own Person, but to avoid those convulsive Mo tions of the Body or of the Face (for so I call the Grimaces of in affected Singer), which, when once they have took Footing, never leave him." "If too many did not persuade trcirnolvcs that they had studied sufficiently, there would not be such a Scarcity of the Best, nor such a Swam, of the Worst." "There nre an Infinite Number of other, who wish and sigh for the Moment that eases them from the painful Fatigue of their first Studies, hr.plng to have a C'hano to mnl; one in the Crowd of . the second Rrtf. Thre dT not conlrW flat MKI TOCKITY in a Singer mean IGNOR ANCE." "That Professor ought not to be fre quented, though excellent In this Art, whose Behaviour is vulgar and discredit able, and who cares not, provided he mnk.a hla Fortune, whether It be at the Expence of his Reputation." "A discreet Person will never use such affected Expressions aa "I cannot sing Tj dny I've got a deadly Cold,' and, In mak ing his Excuite, falls a-Coughlng. I can truly say, that I have never In my Ufa heard a 8lnger own the Truth, and say, 'I'm very well to-day.' They reserve the unseasonable Confession to the next Day, when they make no Difficulty to say, 'In all my Days my Voice waa never in better Order than It was Yesterday.' " "At first Sight, Arrogance has the Ap pearance of Ability; but, upon a nearer View, I can discover Ignorance In Masque rade. "This Arrogance serves them sometimes as a politick Artifice to hide their own Fallings: For Example, certain Singers would not be uncern'd, under the Shame of not being able to sing a few Barrs at Sight, if with Shrugs, scornful Glances and ma licious shaking of their Heads they did not f ) CHRISTINE BROOKS. Christine Brooks, who Is to be presented in recital at the First Baptist church on Tuesday evening, will sing to a host ot friends who have eagerly followed the praise of the press and public during the last two years which she has spent in Bensjn studying under Mary Forest Gum and the great Ralmund von lur Muehiln. A Berlin critic recently commended her as a beautiful young American who la destined to do something worth while In opera and adds: "Christine Brooks sings with a great deal of musical and artistic intelligence and with a pleasing warmth of expression. Her Interpretations of selections by Handel, Schumann, Fran and Gani were admirable. Miss Brooks sails for America soon, but will return to Germany and sing in opera next season." I When Christine Brooks sang at Templln with full orchestra, under Herr Walter Schurwenka, she received many curtain calls from an audience which filled the opera house. A London paper (Pall Mall Gasette) says: "We have (seldom heard an artist whose voice is more tonally perfect or whosce Interpretation is more artistic. Miss Brooks' singing of the German makes It hard to believe she Is not a German." On all occasions this artiste's programs have been of a high and exacting character. give the Auditors to understand that those g.os Errors are owing to him that ac companies, or to the Orchestra." (Rare old Observer.) It Is a Folly in a linger to grow vain at the first Applause, without reflecting whether Ihry ste given by C'hnnce. or out ol Flattery: and If he thinks he deserves them, there Is an End of him." 'He that sings with Applnuse In one Place only, let him not have too good an Opinion of himself: let him often change Climates, and then he will Judge better tf his Talent." The best Singer in the World continues to study, and persists In It as much to maintain his Reputation, as he did to ac quire It." 'A Singer Is laiv. who on the Stage from Night to Night, teaches the Audience all his Songs: who, by hearing them always without the least Variation, have no Diffi culty to learn them by Heart." It Is very gratifying to find the renowned Master, Tosl, at the close of his career re ferring students to The Bee. The Be ap preciates the compliment most deeply, and Is grateful. He says: "Finally, O ye young Singers, hearken to me for your Profit and Advantage. The Abuses, the Defecta and the Error dl- vulg'd by me In these Observations were once almost all Faults I myself was guilty of, and In the Flower of my Touth, when I thought myself a great Man, It was not easy for me to discover them But since I have suffered by my Ignorance, let It at least serve for a Warning to amend those who wish to sing well. He that studies, let him Imitate the Ingenious Bee, that sucks Its Honey from the most grateful Flowers." "Remember what has been wisely ob served, that Mediocrity of Merit can but for a short time eclipse the true Sublime, which, how old soever It grows, can never die." "Abhor the Example of those who hate Correction: for like Lightning to those who walk In tho Dark, tho' It frightens them, it gives them Light." $ Surh are some of the observations of one of the most renowned of the great masters of singing of all time. They are as perti nent today as when they were uttered al most two centuries ago. He that hath an ear let him hear the words of one who, being dead, yet spenketh. THOMAS J. KELLY. Musical Notes. Mr. Joseph Gahm, the ever-popular pi anist, will give his recital on Thursday evening at First Congregational church under the auspices of the (School) "Teach ers' Annuity association." That Mr. Gahm has firepared a program which, from its very dituinct novelty, will be of much In terest, Is proven by the following numbers which he has carefully chosen for his re apiwaranee In Omaha In concert. The first group consists of Haydn's F-mlnor Variations: Menuetto, from a Sonata, Mo xart: The A major nocturne of John Field, and Polonaise, Op. 9 of Paderewskl. The second group will consist of a Gluck Brahms Gavotte, a Paganinl-Schitmann Caprice, a Richard Strauss Revery (Traue merel), two compositions by Joseph Gahm, and "Naiads at the Spring," by Paul Juon. The third group will be the Masurka B minor, Op. 33: the Etude C-sharp minor, and the Valse. G-flat. all by Chopin, and the Cantlque d'Amour by Liszt. The clos ing group will be "Carneval Scenes." Op. 18, .by the modern, Constantln Corpus. These are. Entrance, Charmeur. Melpo mene and Thalia Fortunn. Procession of young artists. Harlequin and ColomWne. Butterfly. Danse Macabre. Roller skat ers. Moorish Dance. Comedians. Finale (March). Mr. Gahm will play only two of his own compositions on this program, as he purposes presenting a program later which will be devoted entirely to his own work along this line. Miss Bella Robinson gave a pupils' re cital at her studio last Monday evening. Those taking part were Gladys Drelbus, Martha, Murphy, Kathcrlne Beeson. Dor othy Black. Marie Bush, Margarlte Hypes, Fay Herwig and Gretchen McConnell. On Tuesday evening, May 4, Miss Chris tine Bro ks will give a recital at the First Bartlst church. In the first group she wiU sing "fngedult" and "Per Llndonbaum'' bv Schubert, "Auf dem Meer" and "Lleher Schats" by Fran and "Wldmung" by Schuman. In the second group, two old Rr-gllsh songs. "Mary of Allendale" and "Cherry Ripe." also two songs by Mc Dowell and three bv Rudolph Oans. In the third group. "Psyche" by Paladilke, "Lied Maritime" by D'Indy and "Mon coeur souvre a la volx" by Saint Seans. In the last group. "Der Behmled" and "Botschoft" bv Brahms. "Verborgenhelt" and "Ceber Nncht" by Wolf, and "Zuelg nung" by Straus. CATHEDRAL WITH A HISTORY Famous Church of New Orleans, Its Associations and Sur roundings. A dispatch from New Ci leans say them waa a mysterious explosion in the south tower of tho old St. Lout cathedral last Sunday afternron. It is suspected that fl came from u bomb which had been placed In the south tower by some enemy or tncmlc of the Italian wcrkmen engaged during the week In making repairs In that part of the building. The damn will probably not exoc-d t2,0u0. It would be a great pity of tho St. Louti Cathedral wero to meet with a real disas ter. It U one of the oldest rlvrchos In New Orleans and one cf the most famous In the country. During the days of the foreign rpRlmc In Louisiana It was built fropvthe plou. urreilngs of one f :!ic great Ppriiilsii m:p.iates of th" Crswent city, I n Andrrns d? Almonastlr. The generous uld Kionlard who raised the structure to 3od-nnd nerhnpa himself lies buried be neath the f i' or, while til blood lives in the Pontaiba family of France, which boosts a title and draws goodly revenues . from his ancient holdings In New Orleans. The cathedral ni'lgbors on the old Ca uildo, one of the m.wt historic structures In tl e fulled States. On a llitru portico in fiout of the second story of the heavy looking, arcaded, an'l. If we forget the queen French mansard roof, ' typically Spanis'i looking structure, while the ap plauding crowd from the plaza, looked on. took p!ac the formal act which completed the . Utnsfer of I'uisiona from France to the ('tilted State. To all Americans, but especially to those who live In some part of th great territory once called Louis iana, the rid Csblldo should appeal aa an Important national monument. There Is only one thing wliW'h can be said against the Cablldo; It is so like the building on the other side of the cathedral that it la hard to tell them apart. Tourists top In Chart res street in front of the St. Loul cathedral- and' angrily dispute aa to which Is the Cablldo and which the Imita tion. It cannot be denied that many people have returned to their homes In distant cities with the mistaken Impression that the Supreme Court building Is the Cablldo. It must be admitted that It takes some thing of the grandeur from the real his toric building to have a double In the same street, only separated from it by a church. But we must take these things as we find them. 1 In front of the cathedral Is the "Plaeo d'Armes" of the French regime ond tho "Plaia de Armas" of the days of 6panlsh domination. Today It is known aa Jack son square. It was to this spot that the Lafltte pirates, who had been stationed at Spanish Fort to help ward off a British attack by way of the lakes, made their memorable run one morning on summons from Andrew Jackson that they were needed an event the memory of which Is still preserved in the annual "Run from Spanish Fort" by athletic members of the Young Men's Christian association. It was also In this little plaza that General Jack son reviewed the troops assembled for de fense of the city against the British and breathed Into the disordered local militia his own indomitable spirit. The St. Louis cathedral and Its neigh bors, the Cablldo and the Iron fenced flowery little plot of land known as Jack aen qua re, are three of the sights of New Orleans full of quaint charm and real his torical Interest. When these go or lose their present air through the agency of modern Improvements, the moat fascinating spot In the old French quarter will have vanished. Chicago Inter Ocean. Bee want ads are business boosters. Your complexion ai well at your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets you can improve both. They cleanse and in vigorate the stomach and improve the digestion. . t ii i Yi a O H O C If 1 t?r PLAN OF STREET ILLUMINATION For the purpose of giving the citizens of Omaha an object lesson In what may be accomplished by concerted action among business men, and to prove that better methods of lighting streets and caring for them than ara now In vogue In Omaha exist, tha firms doing business in one block on South Sixteenth street have combined under the name, of "The Ginger club" and are actively preparing tu put their ideas Into force. On of the first big moves will be to provide belter lights oo the street SUGGESTED FOR OMAHA'S DOWN TOWN DISTRICT. In front of tbelr places of business. It Is planned to have Installed ornamental Iron posts, supporting globes which will be Illu minated by the tungsten lamps. These posts) will be in place In about thirty days and then Omaha citizens will get a chance to view what Is being dun In other ritlea generally. The photogrtph from which tha accompanying rut waa made waa taken on River slret-t. Aurora, 111., and la a good example of the proposed method of street lighting. It Is In use In Denver on several of tha downtown street and on the boule vards, and in Minneapolis and several other important cities. Its Introduction Into Omaha, even In an experimental form, will be if great practical value, and mill prob ably result In a more general adoption of th plan for the downtown streets. City Electrician Mk-haelsen has expressed him self as being In ftvor of a modification of th present plan of street I'ghtlng. At any rate, the enterprise of the Ginger club will be rewarded by the attention that will come to the "500" block through tha ef forts they are making The &nabe Piano Mill Be Used at the PIANO RECITAL Given by JOSEPH GAHM, Under the Auspices of the TEACHKIVS ANNV1TV and AID ASSOCIATION of Omaha. Thursday Evening, May 6th THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. PA- r v ? JOSEPH GAHM DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS Who Have Used and Endarsed The Knabe Piano SAINT 8 A ENS. MARK HAMIIOURG. KUGKN d' ALItERT. THRESA CAHRENO. KM1L SAl'ER. HANS VON IIIILOW. ALKREI) (JRUNKIELH. XAER SCHARWEMKA. P. TSCHA1KOVSKY. JOSEPH GAHM. hayd: EM'S SOLE AGENTS FOR THE KNABE r A Special Announcement IBraodeis Stores i To the Boys and Girls of Omaha j i i 1477 Prizes, Worth $2,500 i Brandeis Stores have always been foremost in introducing new methods and improve ments. It is our wish to co-operate with manufacturers to spread a better knowledge of mod ern means to make homes more comfortable, more hygienic and more economical. We are starting a campaign of education on gas, and its practical value in the home. To the School Children of Omalui, Who Will Write the Best and Most Practical Composi tion on GAS, Brandeis Stores Will Give How to Turn Night Into Real Day Every boy and girl knows something about gas. You ought to know more of its prac tical uses and you will find it to your advantage to inform yourselves more fully and enter this contest. I It Costs Nothing to Enter This School Competition Contest J You Are Not Required or Asked to Buy Anything. THIS IS A FREE CONTEST AND EVERY SCHOOL BOY AND ! GIRL IN OMAHA HAS AN EQUAL CHANCE I SI Prizes, Valued at $10.00 Total $310.00. 62 Prizes, Valued at $5.00 Total $310.00 I 124 Prizes, Valued at $2.50 Total $310.00. j 310 Prizes, Valued at $2.00 Total $620. 950 Prizes, Valued at $1.00 Total $950.00. I All you have to do is to write a good, clear, common sense composition about gas and I its uses for domestic purposes. Ask your mother or sister or anyone who has real exper- I ience with gas lighting, heating and cooking. You can get booklet of valuable information at Brandeis' stores. j How to Enter the School Composition Contest This contest is open to all pupils in the Grammar grades of Omaha schools. Come to Brandeis stores west end, main floor and ask for registration blank and the booklet containing thj rules of the contest. When your resistration blank has been filled out with your own and parents' or teacher's signature, bring it to the store, then study your subject and write your composition. We are ready for you tomorrow or whatever day in the week is moat convenient. A demonstration of various gas appliances will be going on and you can learn many things that you should know. We will give you booklets of ustful Information. Prizes now on display In our windows many thlnga every boy and girl wants. Carefully selected Judges will decide upon the mer. its of the compositions. Now let every boy and girl In Omaha's grammar grades enter the contest and write a compouition on gas. i m w I 16th Douglas f r""! n T ' Vl'r'ra'w" 16th Douglas '-lUjlfW-d,A.Tjyfi3MS I BACK TO EVE'S COSTUME The !nde In Me lred aa a Camp tare for All tls Com- Ills. All of the woniun school teachers of Brooklyn have received a circular announc ing that the summer nature camp for women and girls at Sunrise ' park, near Ktdgefleld, Conn., will open June 1. Dr. A. Sidney Higtsins of U Kingston avenue. Brooklyn, who manages it, aims to cure nerve and stomach disorders. The rule of the camp Is that the campers shall wear no clothing, except In bid or cool weather, and shall live upon fresh milk and cereals Dr. Hlggins said recently that there are no maladies of the kind referred to tnat cannot be cured by exposing the naked body to sunshine and air. dieting a he prescribes, and taking required rest. , Sunshine pfk consists of 1,500 acres in an Isolated section of Connecticut, four miles from a railroad, in a heavily wooded region. The doctor occupies a house and the campers live tn tenta at some distance from it- They are required to go to bxd at dusk. The tents are furnished with beds and cots, but some of the campers prefer to sleep In hammock suspended from trees. Others sleep on the ground. Their recrea tiona are archery, tenuis, quolta and slm- Why Our Prescription Business is Largo and Constantly Crowing 1. Our I'rescriptlon Depurtiiieirt Is in HHi-uiein a ay li mn ni.mie ol ihji .S'i i-nr' m i 2. Only Graduate and KeKlstered I'liariiiaclntH ilo tliU work and their whole time, ia lven lo Com pounding. Kvery prescription n-i-hcekeil before Hemllng out. - 9. Substitution 1 not --never lias bi'Cii nor ever will lie permitted In our l'rexcrlptlon I -rartiiiPnt or any oilier department. 4. It is eawy for um to compound pre aeriptiona for New Chemical or ' Sherman & McCcnnell Drug Co. Corner 16th and Dodge Streets PlinriiiH'-omlcal for we RATB THE OOODS gorirrHlly a little in Hilvunee of m demand. 5. our service i aluays us prompt 9 the cliMructer of nervlre render ed Hill penult. Our clerical force being fur the UrxeMl In uny retail I'liarmacy in the Went. 6. Our PIleeH nr hIwhnh moderate, considering the cot of lllKreillentS and time ppent In eompouii'lInK while we lender a Fkllled and teeh nleHl servlo wa exact no profes sional fas for this. OWL DRUG CO. Corner 18th ana Harney Strata. mlng. For those inclined to strenuous ex ercise a wood pile and a buck and saw are provided. I.ong walks are taken. On thexr occasions the campers wear bathing suits or a short fclngle garment. They wear clothing also when they vlxit the doctor. The camp haa a matron, but no cook. The nature camp was established three years ago. It opens every year on June 1. and ends on September 3. Dr. lllgglns U a son rf A. 8. tflgglns, sr., who was con nected wltit the Brooklyn public schools all the active years of his llf. The doctor abandoned the Uku of drugs five years ago. "The medleal profusion Is topheavy with theories." he said. "Hack tj nature and first principles, is niy motto." New York Woild. DusfroM Surgery In the abdoinl-iul region is prevented by th te of Dr. King's New Life pi'U. tha pain lesa purifiers. c. for tale by Eeatuu M ! j t 1