Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 4, Image 12

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Tim Omaiia Sunday Des
Enterrd at Omaha pjtoffflce si"ond
class matter.
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lHtly Bop and Hunday one year 6ut
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Kv-nlns; Fl.e (without Sunday I. per wwk
Kvenlnn Bee (with flundsy), per week 1V
hunday Bf-e, one year t--W
Baturday Ftoe, one year 16"
Address all complaints of Irr-atilsrttlp a In
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Omaha-The Bee B'llldin.
Poiith Omaha Twenty-fourth and N.
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New York-Rooms 1101-1101 No. 34 'West
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Comniunlcatlona relating to news and edi
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Only l-cent atainps received In payment of
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Stato of Nebraska. Douglas County, sn:
Oeorfre B. Tsschuck, treasurer of The
Bee publishing company, being; duly
a worn, aaya that the actual number of
full and complete copies of The. Dally,
Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed
during the month of April, 190, was as
1 3S.I0O . 17..... 41,030
2 39,060 18 37,130
S 39.490 19 40,350
4 37,600 20... 40,890
6 41,300 21 40,410
6 40,640 21 40,440
7 41,600 23 40,380
S 41,480 24 40,640
41,680 ' 2&. . 43,450
10 41,400' 2... 45380
11 37,300 27.....;.... 45,690
13 41,300 2S 45,850
13 41,440 29 46,350
14 40,590 30... 45,360
15 40,600 .
16 40,650 Total.. 1,838,410
Returned copies 11,903
Net total 1,336,307
Dally average 40,840
Treaau sr.
Subscribed In my presence apd sworn to
before me this 1st day of May, 1909.
Notary Public
, Aabsrrlbera leaving; the city tem
porarily should have The I Bee
mailed to them. Addreaa will be
rhansred as often aa requested.
Honestly, now, Mr. Weather Man,
this April fool joke has gone far
. It turns out Jhat the queen of May
needed an overcoat rather than a
While Roosevelt Is In Africa hunting
lions, the Detroit tigers are eating up
sverythlng In sight.
With all thin talk of crop shortage
the Chicago Board of Trade still bad
100.000 bushels of wheat to burn.
A won au lecturer says women dress
too much. No one would ever suspect
It from looking at some of her pic
tures. Democracy is giving another illus
tration of how it really loves the negro
by depriving him of the privilege of
voting in Florida.
A Boston man insists he saw a rain
bow upside down. It is time to look
Into the chemical character of the
drinks sold in Boston.
The democrats in congress have not
yet moved to put all trust-made arti
cles on the free list. What has be
come of the Denver platorm?
Oregon land fencers have at last
discovered that Uncle Sam has a fence
high enough and tight enough to hold
'.hem until the gate is opened.
Chicago papers are discussing "th9
kind of man for senator." The 1111
oolse legislature is evidently . of the
jplnion that he has not yet been found.
The democratic mayor and council
ire asking for three years more In
which to fulfill promises made three
years ago. What are they waiting
There may be method In the refusal
of the dominant party In Turkey to
execute the former sultan. Just
think of the pension bill for all those
Senator Daniel of Virginia says he
has seen the democratic party in a
worse condition than it is In at pres
ent. The senator is older than most
of us and consequently can remember
farther into the dead past.
A Chicago professor predicts that
Niagara river will run dry. The pres
ent generation need not worry or
hurry to the falls to get a last look at
the great wonder, however, as the date
is fixed for our convenience for 3,000
years In the future.
If the rows continue to develop
within the Nebraska democratic ranks
a professional referee can find a per
manent Job. But, really, is It not a
hams that the unfortunates In an in
sane asylum should suffer from the
quarrels of the ple-bitersT
The daughter of the American am
bassador to France has been twics
wedded, never widowed or divorced.
Now don't get shocked. It was sim
ply a civil and a religious ceremony
ind the same man figured in both.
New York Is to have the tallest hotel
In th world, thirty-one stories. If
New Yorkers will only patronize the
root garden they may see something
to their own and the country's advan
tage beyond th west bank of the
North river.
Breea for Mayor.
People who want to restore the
good name of Omaha by putting an
end to the fbwooy government which
has run rampant in the city hall for
the last three years will vote for the
republican candidate, John P. Breen,
for mayor.
When those who are advocating a
continuance of our broncho-busting
administration point to the continued
progress Omaha has made In material
prosperity, we answer that Omaha has
gone ahead not because of Its cowboy
mayor, but In spite of him. The for
ward march which Omaha has made
under this blighting incubus should
set us to thinking how much greater
strides It would have taken and how
much higher its prestige abroad would
now be If we had had at the head of
our city government all the time an
executive of ability and respectability,
commanding popular confidence for
both himself and the community.
If the people of Omaha will send
the cowboy into the retirement of pri
vate life and vote Mr. Breen Into the
mayor's chair, the contrast will be
striking and salutary. In the fierce
fire of four weeks' campaign the oppo
sition has made no appreciable head
way In its attacks upon Mr. Breen's
personality nor have his qualifications
for filling the office satisfactorily been
seriously Impugned. That as mayor
he would be a tremendous Improve
ment over the present Incumbent Is
conceded by friend and foe alike.
There certainly ought to be enough
people who have been disgusted with
the performances of Mayor "Jim" at
various times during the last three
years to elect Mr. Breen mayor and
restore Omaha's good name.
Mr. Bryan's Figures.
Mr. Bryan is again trying to console
himself with the thought that perhaps
his third defeat was not quite so bad as
it might have been, because the
change of a comparatively tew votes
out of a large total would have con
verted last year's defeat to victory.
In his article on "The Future of the
Democratic Party," reprinted In the
last number of bis Commoner from
Munsey's Magazine, he says:
The republican majority In the electoral
college was 1K. To change a republican
victory Into a democratic victory would
have required a change of 80 electoral votes
from the republican column to the demo
cratic column, and the states, of Ohio, Indi
ana, MIsHourl, Kansas, West Virginia,
Montana and Delaware would have fur
nished the electoral votes necessary. The
combined republican majorities In these
states were less than 150,000; a change of
713,000 votes, therefore, properly distributed,
would have changed the result of the elec
tion. A change of only 9,000 votes In
Missouri, Indiana, Montana and Delaware
would have transferred 39 electoral votes
to the democratic column.
In the electoral college Mr. Bryan
received 162 electoral votes, many of
them from states carried for the dem
ocratic ticket by small majorities. The
combined democratic pluralities In the
states of Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky,
Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, North
Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee and
Virginia were, according to best avail
able figures, 151,016. These states
gave Mr. Bryan 92 electoral votes, so
that a change of 7-6,508 votes from the
democratic side to the republican side,
"properly distributed," would have
cut down his total from 163 to 70 and
would have Increased Mr. Taft's total
from 321 to 413. A little change,
therefore, of 76,500 votes, "properly
distributed," which he figures would
have given him the election had the
change been from the republican side
to the democratic side, would have left
him burled under a republican major
ity in the electoral college of 343, had
the change been In the opposite direc
tion. To take away 61 of Mr. Bryan's
electoral votes, namely, those from
Kentucky, Maryland, Nebraska, Ne
vada, North Carolina, Oklahoma and
Tennessee, would have required a
change, "properly distributed," of only
33,600 votes.
When it conies to speculating on
what would have happened if 75,000
votes, "properly distributed," could
have been transferred from one side
to the other, for the purpose of getting
an Idea of what might happen if Mr.
Bryan should engage in a fourth bat
tle, be should figure the changes both
Administration and Trusts.
There Is nothing obscure or uncer
tain in Attorney General Wicker
sham's public address since assuming
office. It is clean-cut and Incisive and
leaves no doubt in the minds of those
who want to understand what is the
position of the administration, of
which he is a part, on the anti-trust
and similar laws. To the man who is
simply an agitator seeking for no
toriety he makes it plain that there
will be no attempt to play to the gal
leries and bring spectacular prosecu
tions which promise nothing of benefit
to the public. On the other hand,
those who may have It in mind to en
gage in illegal practices to swell pri
vate gain at expense of the public
are told In an unmistakable manner
that the administration will use every
power which the law givea to prevent
or stop such lawless practices and pun
ish the perpetrators. The laws, he
tells them have been so prominently
called to their attention a'nd so
elucidated by the courts that there is
no reason for falling Into serious
errors as to what are the rights of cor
porations and Individuals. With the
laws and the policy of enforcement so
clearly set out, th business world has
guiding stars which leave no excuse
for those who wilfully go wrong.
The pronouncement xof Mr. Wicker
sham, coming from one who speaks
wkh authority, la particularly timely
in assuring the public at the outset of
the adoiiulstratlon that the ground
gained under Roosevelt Is not to be
surrendered, but, on the contrary,
made more certain and the reforms
carried further forward. In a business
way It Is also opportune, as It assures
a firm basis for honest investment and
enterprise. It Is In line with the en
tire policy of the president and his ad
visers, who have demonstrated a fac
ulty for avoiding precipitancy without
going to the other extreme of being
dilatory. These declarations also
demonstrate the administration's view
that law enforcement is not a matter
of partisanship or to be used as a
means of party advantage, but rather
for the furtherance of the common
A Significant Labor Movement.
The incorporation of the National
Employment bureau in New York, to
commence operations about May 1,
bids fair to have a widespread Influ
ence In Jabor matters In this country.
The announced purpose at the outset
Is to extend its Influence at first only
to unskilled or common labor, but it is
expected to Increase the scope of the
enterprise ultimately to all the fields
of labor. The bureau has a subscribed
capital stock of $100,000 and Is to be
In no sense a charitable institution, a
small fee being charged In order to
make the bureau self sustaining. By
making the Institution national In
its scope the originators, who are all
high In the financial and business
world, hope to effect a better distribu
tion of the labor supply of the country
when there Is an excessive demand and
also to find work for as many as pos
sible In times of stress.
The workings of the bureau will be
watched with a great deal of interest
from numerous sources. If It follows
close to Its announced plan, It will
help prevent a congestion of Idle labor
at one point while there is a demand
for It elsewhere, Its universality en
abling the association to keep In
touch with the conditions In all sec
tions. From the standpoint of la'oor
there Is likely to be a suspension of
Judgment and an Inclination to sus
picion as to the real motive back of
the move. If the promoters were so
Incliiif d, it could be used as a clearing
house to send laborers to points where
other laborers do not want them.
Until Its motives develop the bureau is
not likely to have extended support
from the leaders of labor, while on the
other hand, if Its avowed mission
should prove Its real one, Its strongest
advocates and also its most effective
shpport must necessarily come from
this class.
Graft Not All American.
It is, of course, no excuse for graft
and public abuses to cite the fact
that other countries are afflicted with
the same ills, but that it is true fur
nishes ground for hope that out of the
universal disease a remedy will event
ually be found. Those who take a
lugubriouB view are prone to think
that no others are similarly cursed and
that the evils -of our own place and
time are the sum of it all. Germany
in particular has been pointed out by
the critics of American cities as af
fording an example of good govern
ment. The arrest, on board an incom
ing steamer at New York, of the mu
nicipal officials of a German city
brings some obscured facts to the sur
face. They are charged with padding
the municipal payroll, and the Ameri
can public hears of It simply because
they escaped arrest when discovered
and fled to this country.
That municipal affairs abroad are
better managed In many respects than
here no one who either reads or
travels would pretend to deny, but hu
man nature Is everywhere much the
same. European cities are older and
their expansion and Improvement are
of more gradual growth. Methods
such as render graft and waste more
difficult and unnecessary there would
be Intolerable here under existing con
ditions of our rapid expansion. On
the other hand, European cities are
burdened with a mass of officials
foisted upon the public service by so
cial connections which no American
city would tolerate.
That American cities can learn
much abroad in the way of thorough
ness and permanency of public im
provements Is patent, but while we are
struggling to evolve model city gov
ernments, we will have to evolve our
own system to meet our own special
problems rather than copy old world
models, for they are as faulty as our
Increasing" Cost of Government.
Practically every nation in the
world is confronted with serious prob
lems in meeting the expense of gov
ernment. The statement of the Brit
ish chancellor at the opening of Par
liament indicated a deficit of 178,000,
000 tor the coming year on the basis
of the existing revenue. The United
States treasury statement for the year
will also show a deficit as compared
with the year's revenue. Germany,
France, Russia and the other nations
of continental Europe are facing the
same situation, while Japan has been
carrying such a load as the result of
Its late war that It is forced to forego
many of its plans for military and
commercial development for the sim
ple reason Its people could not bear
the tax burden.
With the possible exception of the
United States the expense of govern
ment is everywhere increasing in a
greater ratio than the Increase of ma
terial wealth. Even here the name
condition is threatened unless compar
ative expenditures are reduced. Just
at present the tendency is nowhere to
reduce the scale of expenditure, but
rather to Increase It and search out
new sources of revenue. Public im-
pryveuieoU cannot stop, rather is the
necessity for them Increasing. The
great burdens of national debts are
almost mlthotit exception the legacy of
wars and the largest items of current
expenditure Is the preparation for and
Insurance against disastrous results in
those which the future may have In
store. It would not seem unlikely,
then, that through financial necessity,
rather than sentiment, the peace prop
aganda might reach fruition.
Is There a Hidden Reason?
Why have the members of the
Water bpard selected this particular
time to submit the proposition to issue
$6,500,000 in water bonds
The award of the appraisers was
made in July three years ago and the
.Water board promptly rejected It. The
water company brought suit for
specific performance of the contract,
which, when carried up to the United
States circuit court of appeals, re
sulted In a judgment against the city.
This decision of the United States cir
cuit court of appeals was handed down
In Aprl, 1908, and within sixty days
thereafter the Water board had pre
vailed on the supreme court of tho
United States to take jurisdiction on
a writ of certiorari.
If the Water board wanted bonds
voted in the sum of $6,500,000 to com
plete the purchase, why did it not asW
for them at the time the judgment
was rendered a year ago?
Why did it not submit its bond
proposition at the election last fall,
when bonds could readily have been
voted without the expense of a special
Why, if there Is no possibility of
bringing the case to a hearing In the
supreme court for eight or ten months
at the earliest, should not the bonds
have waited until next fall?
The Water board's official statement
Is careful not to give any reason for
Injecting the water bond issue Into the
present city election. Some members
of the board have been brash enough
to explain that the bonds can be car
ried now by a majority vote, whereas,
if not voted at this election, they
would have to wait three years for an
other city election to permit of carry
ing by majority. Anyone who will
read the law governing the Water
board can see that this explanation Is
pure fiction. The section under which
these bonds are being submitted
reads: ,
Provided. That no acceptance of any such
appraisement shall be binding upon such
city unless bonds are voted for the acquisi
tion of such water plant under such ap
praisement. Said bonds are not to be sold
for less than par and Issued only In case
the proposition Is ratified by a majority
of the votes cast upon the proposition at a
general election, or two-thirds of the votes
cast In case the proposition shall be sub
mitted at a special eloctlon.
The fact is that there is grave ques
tion whether a two-thirds vote Is not
needed to carry the proposition at the
forthcoming city election because the
words "general election" do not spe
cifically Include a city election, and
our courts have held that a city elec
tion Is not a "general election." What
is meant by the words "general elec
tion" would usually be ascertained by
the more definite use of the same
words Ik tho same law. A previout
section of the same law provides for
the election of members of the Water
board and fixes their terms so that
those first appointed hold until th
first Monday in January, following tho
"general election," and all members
of the board who by law are required
to be chosen at a "general election"
have been chosen at November elec
tions. Be this as it may, there is absolutely
no question whatever but that a ma
jority vote would have carried the
bonds at last fall's election, and would
carry them again at next fall's election.
The Water board, therefore, must be
withholding the real reason for asking
for $6,500,000 of water bonds at this
time a year after the judgment In
the court of appeals and nearly a yeat
before it can possibly be affirmed by
the supreme court.
Why Worry About Mars?
What is the use sitting up all night
looking at Mars through a high power
telescope to find out whether or not it
is inhabited. Why worry about the
canals and waterways of the distant
planet when the Missouri river is still
uuimproved and there is plenty of ir
rigation work to do in the great west.
If there are people in Mars we do
not want any of them Just yet. This
country has ail it can do at present
regulating the normal flow of immi
gration and trying to keep out an in
vasion from Mars wou,ld only add to
the burdens caused by the Chinese
and Japanese question. Neither do we
need the land, for there are still sev
eral .reservations we have not taken
away from the Indians.
When it is all said and done, it we
should succeed in getting into com
munication with Mars and open up
trade relations, the chances are that
Mr. Harriman would soon gobble the
whole thing and divert the profits of
the Union Pacific to its development.
Kindly pass up Mars, Mr. Professor,
until we have solved some of our own
problems and ascertain what the man
in the moon thinks about the 8 o'clock
closing law.
The decision of our courts uphold
ing the right of the different political
parties to present complete tickets to
the voters at the impending city elec
tion and the right of each nomiuee to
have the same benefit of straight party
votes meaus that our government le
still a party government and that po
litical parties are still to be counted
among our established free institu
tions. Any who do not like the exist
ing political parties are at perfect lib
erty to flock together and form them
selves Into one or more new political
parties, but because they choose to &o
It alone gives them no right to shut
out party representation altogether.
' If you had a lawsuit, which your
lawyers kept insisting you were sure
to (win, would you mortgage your
home to borrow money to pay the
Judgment before the case was even set
for trial? If this lawsuit were pend
ing In the United States supreme court
and turned on an appraisement of
$6,263,295.49 for some property
which you expected to get for $3,000,
000 and the case could not possibly
be heard before next November, would
you borrow $6,500,000 this May In an
ticipation of losing the suit?
A Secret (Jete Oat.
Now York Post.
Now we know why Mr. Harriman Is going
abroad. The emperor of Russia has given
the emperor of China a toy railroad.
"This la So Sudden!"
Minneapolis Journnl,
President Dial burst Into tears when he
was asked to accept an eighth term; but, aa
he wept, he pulled the acceptance from his
pocket and Mexico Immediately went on a
good, solid business basis for another four
A Cautionary Sign,
Indianapolis News.
Prof. Pickering's suggestion that It might
bo a good scheme to find out whether there
is anybody aboard Mars to communicate
with before we begin making $10,000,000 sig
nals sounds almost reasonable enough to
prevent the fund from being oversubscribed.
Wishing; Itlm "Fisherman's l.urk."
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The 80,000,000 people In the United Stales
are of one mind In hoping that Plunger
Patten will not get a single bite on his
fishing trip In Colorado. Furthermore, that
his pole will break and his lines tangle.
The rewards of fishing are for philosophers,
not speculators.
Awfully Kind of Them.
Baltimore American.
The Christian powers. It Is said, think
the United States would be the best na
tion to take the Initiative In forcing the
restoration of order In Turkey and the
cessation of pillage and massacre. While
the European nations rather deprecate our
land-grabbing as a departure from high
American ideals, they are always ready to
set up the cry of "Police!" with th ex
pectation that the big international po
liceman will promptly appear.
Coddling; I nele Samuel.
Philadelphia Press. '
Russia wants closer political relations
with the United Etates, not as a menace
to Japan, oh, no; but only to guarantee
that the mikado's government will keep
Its promises. This Is where the Hon.
Sam ire 1 Starzenstrlpes begins to ruminate
on the topic of "entangling alliances," The
nation that Imagines the old gentleman
Is capable of being made a catspaw needs
to wake up and read, the diplomatic his
tory of the nineteenth century.
General Daniel H. Backer, the Nestor
of American Soldiers.
Boston Transcript.
General Daniel If. Rucker, who was 97
Wednesday (April 28), must be among the
Neators of the profession of arms the
world over if he is not Nestor himself. He
was born before Napoleon set out on his
inarch to Moscow, and his original com
mission, dated more than three-quarters of
a century ago, bears the signature of An
drew Jackson. Mors fortunate than most
military patriarchs. General Rucker has
preserved his mental powers, and while
his memory permits him to talk of the
brevet he received at Buena Vista sixty-two
years ago last February his modesty will
not. General Rucker's modesty stands In
the way of some very piquant recollections,
for his first detail for duty wss at Fort
Leavenworth, which he was compelled to
reach by a ride of 200 miles through a
wilderness, dodging Indians most of the
way. General Rucker was GO years old
before his famous son-in-law, Sheridan,
was heard of outside the army. The long
evity of soldiers, barring those that got
killed, as the Irishman said, Is remarkable.
General Rucker may be the dean of the
profession, but here and there are still
found hale old men, who did their full share
of fightng seventy years ago. Alphonao
Steele of Mexica, Tex., who was at the
battle of San Jacinto, survives, In his
ninety-fifth year, and was able last winter
to reciprocate the courtesies of a pubilo
reception by the legislature of that state.
He is not the only survivor of the Texas
army that fought Mexico, for Captain
Huber of Auatln, who was an aide-de-camp
of Sain Houston, but not personally present
at San Jacinto, Is able to tell of the moving
incidents of the war for Independence he
Kxc-rptluna to the Standpat I'tter
ancrs of Plaa X.
Kansas City Journal.
Any utterance by the head of the Catho
lic church receive, In the nature of things,
a maximum of publicity, and the adiierents
of the church of Home, as a general thing,
attach a maximum of importance to thos
utterances. His holiness has recently con
tributed to the literature of the eqjul suf
frage, movement several declarations which
are notable In muny respects. The first
draft of these statements placed the pope
In a rather unfavorable light on the ques
tion of the relative superiority of men and
women. He was made to say that woman
wua obviously foreordained and predestined
mail's Inferior; but the later and fuller ro
ports considerably modified these manlf ;atly
j unjust strictures. The self-evident meaning
of the views expressed is that woman goes
outside her sphere when she Indulges la
the struggle for political powers.
There Is nothing specially new In this
view, but Pope Pius adds some curiously
anachronistic ijuotationa from the Bible to
govern the status of modern women. I'ltra
conservative views are to be expected from
the head of the Catholic church, and yet
there will be few, even among the English
speuking members of the church, who will
ii crept St. Paul as the arbiter of the posi
tion to be occupied by the women of a time
l.bflo years later than St. Paul and In coun
tries whese viewpoint is so far from being
that of oriental landa even of today. The
up-to-date thought of tha twentieth cen
tury Insists thai the statute of limitations
has run against St. Paul In the matter of
the subjection of women.
KnliKhtein-d critics do not charge It to
the Hlble as a fault that Its attitude to
ward woman Is not consonant with that
of the present day snd in occidental coun
tries. That would be unfair and Illogical,
but for all that the modern western woman
will nut accept even St. i'aul as aa Infal
lible guide in tlie designation of women's
status. The argument la Incompetent,
Irrelevant and Immaterial, aa the lawyer
says, based on hearsay, calling for a con
clusion, tho opinion of an Individual who
has not even qualified as an expert and
subject to other exceptions hereby saved
but not spevUlcally enumerated.
is in force here now
Rin' -m
S1.50 a week
This Rmtf
$1.50 a week
This Ring
$2.50 a week "ir
This Ring
$2.50 &. week
All our aspiration has to be measured
by our perspiration.
Some are so anxious to be good that they
are good for nothing.
Measure the appreciation you bestow by
that which you desire.
The religion that cannot live m business
has no business to live.
He form Is a matter of relnvlgoratlon
rather than of uprooting.
Lives are to be measured by their out
goings, not by their Income.
The finest private goodness grows out
of devotion to publio welfare.
One of the most popular ways of dodging
a duty Is to write a book describing It.
They who have done least to prevent sin
always want to do moBt in punishing It.
Some men are sure they are humble be
cause they can think only in diminutives.
Many a church that rails at bibulous in
dulgences is eager for mental anesthesia.
When the church acts as an umpire It
usually waits until the cup has been stolen.
You may know how heaven regards
money when you see the people who
have it.
The only hope some have of staying In
their heaven is that no wind will arise
sufflotent to blow any chaff over the wall
Chicago Tribune.
C. Castro and A. Ilamld are so situated
that an exchange of condolences would
help some.
Mehmed signifies "glcrlous." As the new
sultan Is red-headed, the significance of
the title Is obvious.
Several sections of the country would
readily subscribe to a consolation purse If
Medicine Hat will quit working overtime
For a man who did not have a chance
to do his stunt for thirty-three years, the
Shelkh-ui-lslarn did a pretty smooth and
effective piece of work.
If Mehmed V woulJ doff his fes long
enough for a snapshot, the world might
see enough improvement to reconcile it to
the change of sultans.
A test vote of 126 spinsters in Chicago
shows that they are unanimously In favor
of husbands in the possessive case. Lack
of experience serves to fortify the wisdom
of their willingness.
In one of the counties of Missouri, which
went dry by a large majority, a farmer,
In digging a well, tapped a spring of pure
apple brandy. Nature In Its kindliest
moods could not have sprung a more wel
come leak.
Patrick Egan, formerly of Lincoln, Is
down In Washington, exercising his voice
on the war key. In an Interview In a
Washington paper, he expresses the opin
ion that war between the I'nlted States
and Japan "Is Inevitable," and outhobsons
Hobson in boosting for "a strong navy,"
supplemented with "a good merchant ma
rine." Put the emphaals on the last four
quoted words and you press the button of
Patrick's Inspiration.
The lutnh waa uklmJiiflr and lLiklnif
gayly around the meadow.
.",.. ML...l a..t ftu .in .1 ,,11 ...x,, !'
Just as well for you not to know that some
day tiiat thoe lega of yours will be aerved
with caper sauce." Chicago Tribune.
You don't give Harold credit for the
courage and business sense he possesses."
said Miss ( umrox.
Yes I do," answered her father. "He
has proved both by asking my tiermUsion
to marry you." W aahington Star.
"The women at our church all wear the
very biggest huts."
"Two weeks ago the pastor said they
must remove them."
Remove the hats. Did ths women
obey T"
"No, They found H much easier to re
move the pastor." Clevelund Plain Dealer.
Beautiful Maiden Mr. Scrapple, I can't
have you coming to see me any more under
a misapprehension. Pupa isn't wealthy
now. Hu lost all his money last week on
the board of trade.
persistent Caller That desn't make
'Will aTafli. a.H
also the "Crystal Lithium" water from
Excelsior Springs, Mo., in 6-gallon
scaled Jugs.
K-gallon Jug Crystal Llthla Water. .9a
6-gallon jug Salt-Sulphur water $2.23
Uuy at either store. We sell Ovor 100
kinds mineral water.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
. Sixteenth and Dodge St.
Owl Drug Co.
Sixteenth (vd Harney St.
Off Sale
The "H Orr snlnd yout area la
the face of onr already acknowl
edged low prloes on high class
Add to this the saaUy mat with
syatam of credit payments mads
famous by thlr eonoern, and yon
have bsfare you the most Bote
worthy price oonoesslon offsred
In ysars with diamonds still go
tag np np up.
Merely a HW specimens ar
Slotured hers bnt the oomprs
nsivs array of diamond mounted
towels shown by e has always
been a subject of comment ut
Xaqnlslt lockets; stick and cra
vat pins brooches sunbursts
bt-aceutts; sar drops) pendants)
watch casss, and oven pocket ar
ticles set with diamonds are feat
ured hare all to be disposed of
at orr."
Bought b e f ore
the last price
livery diamond offsred waa lm-
Jortsd by ns BE FOBS the last
an nary price raise the rrads,
whiteness, and general perfsotlou
of the stones Is something re
markable, too. Barely, it's buying-
time VOW, If ever.
any difference, Miss Flossie. I knew It
already. I'm one of the fellows that got
his money. Chicago Tribune.
She Belle says she can road her hus
band like . book.
He Ah. voi ita t twiui
Isn't he? Boston Transcript.
Stoute It s very depressing to have a
wife who is an Invalid.
Pettymnn Imagine what It Is. then, to
have one that Is .icrfectly healthy I Boston
Llpplncott'a Magaslne.
"Let's build us a beautiful home," said
she, ,
"With pillared porches galore;
With great bay windows and white-tiled
And curled birch finish on all the walls,
And with polished oaken floor,"
"And how shall the kitchen be?" said he. 1
"Pray, how shall the kitchen beT" (
"We'll plan a dainty boudoir," said she,
"For me, and a den for you;
Of course, an art and a music room,
A handsome greenhouse with plants
A pretty pergola, too."
"But how shall the kitchen be?" said be. '
"Oh, how shall the kitchen be?"
"And an observation dome; I
A bath with the newest kinks and quirks,
A library with the finest works,
For our lovely modern home."
"But how shall the kitchen be," said he,
"Say, how shall the kitchen be?"
"You make of my llfe a care," said she,
"With wall of your woeful fret;
We'll do quite well with a chaflng-dlSh,
But If more bountiful meals you wish.
We'll plan for a kitchenette
"A plain little kitchenette," said she;
"A cheap little kitchenette."
Why Don't You
Make Haste
and secure the finest Piano
at the Lowest Possible
Piano Bargains Tbat Hive
No Equal
If nali a 'Uno, Boss wood, Upright
nildUG case, overhauls! In onr
factory, on $8 monthly pay- JlSrt
meats Mu
Pram st l-. Upright Oak
big III CI case, nssd but tlOC
Uttls, on fa psymsnts ....... 1 3
Kimball Un. fprfrat walnut
rumuaii p, ln ,Boeiisnt $175
repair, on 97 payments
P.M. M.lenn F 1 a n o, BaautUol
Oak Case, asarly
nsw, on fa pay
Hallct-Dawis Zt'ol
Upright, refinlahsd, on very JO 7 5
saay terms waft)
Kranich-Bach 0utJ
food for many yeara, oa fOSfl
your own terms. 3w
Ellinntnn no, Bsanti-
right, on S10 payments.... 9U
New Pianos, Up-To-Date,
$10 Takes One Home
$5 per month pays for II
A. Hospe Co.
1513 Douglas Street
Pianos Tuned, Repaired, Re
finished, Moved