The Omaha Sunday Bee PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAoeS l TO TOR ALL THE NEWS THE OMAHA DEE BUT IN THE WEST VOI,. XXXVIII NO. 46. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY -J. 1900 SEVEN SECTIONS FOUTY-KIOHT PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. TROLLEY LINES AND TELEPHONES First Report of State Railway Com mission Goes Into Details of Their Business. SIX ELECTRIC LUTES OPERATING Two Hundred and Eight Telephone Companies in Nebraska Tear Ago. OVER 125,000 INSTRUMENTS USED At Date of Report, June 30, 1908, 54,333 Farms Had 'Phones. CITY SUBSCRIBERS OVER 38.000 Financial skewing of Street Railway and Telephone Companies Indi cates Prosperity with Mark New Construction Don. Xtunbsr eleerrto street railways. . i raaaong-era carried year sadlna; fane 30, i08, ei.ita.S4a. Capital (took, tia,944,4. Btookaoldera, 493. Assets, aa,tB7,17S.M ) liabilities, SSv j 977,090.89. Kllai of track operate. 1. Oroaa earnings six eompaaiaa, S3,- Wat Income all ecmpanies, 119753.94. STanbar telephone companies, 909. Btookboldara, 13.953. ,- Book coat oeaatroettoa. of Uass, plant, . buildings,' cash assets, 931,994,909. XUti of wire, 91.549. , nnbsorlbers served, SUMS, bj 195,909 . Instruments. owaMsnsnsson The forthcoming report of tha Nebraska etate Railway commiaalon. the first since the organisation of tha body, will prove Xj decided Inter eat becauoe of tha detailed Information It will put before the public touching the various corporatlona now un der the control of the commission. The year covered by the fit urea ended June 30, J9t. This report, now in press, will enow that there ate alx electric i all ways dolus; busi ness In the slate: two Iwing credited to Omaha nnd four to Lincoln. These half dozen comtarlrf jiu.L ar. tin- dsto named, (sh. i:x.-r cars and A motors and operaied y, m(l" of iriu-k. They carried during tim year revenue paying paasvn Bets to the number of 30.o)0.M, and non p.ivii.g paitcngtrs tu the number of 601.-Tu- six companies had a revenue from pustfengcts amounting to t:.t30,ill.ul: from oilier source. SM).7t'7.2t ; total gross earn ings. SJ.711.vt39 US. The total operating ex pense amounted to Sl,3tS.SfT.TJ. Net Income from operation, $1,387,85, 94. After paying Interest to the amount of St.l..70. taxes to the amount of Slw. 4TG.81, dividends to tha amount of S4el,2S and reserving for depreciation KSS,3b.'M, there was a surplus of S42.70S.31 for the alx companies. One company, the Omaha, Lincoln A- Beatrice, showed a.detlclt of Additions and betterment' mir ing the year ended June 90, 10. out 64, m.a. , ntaeat anal Indebtedness.' .Capital stock of the companies, issuer and outstaudlng, was Sl6.t44.etf, of which $11,244,7411 was common and IMfft.SCO pre ferred; authorised capital stock, IM.4i5.rtA Bonds outstanding, 99.2St.000, of which amount 1,(3.0J0 1s charged to the Omaha & Council Bluffs company and J 19.000 to the Lincoln Traction company. Tha stock holders In the six companies numbered 603. of whom l held stock In the Omaha company, 29s In Lincoln companies and one in the Omaha, & Southern Interurb&n, which was operating eleven miles of track. Book ion of structures, tosdway and equipment totaled Sl.iaVAt.61: lands, build ings and fixtures, J223.110.81. and the total resets of every kind were set down at US, S&T.175.S0. Total liabilities were set down at S3J.977, divided among tie companies as follows: Omsha A Council Fluffs. ?. 02S.8I5.07: Lincoln Traction company. I1.9M -9tV; Citizen' Railway company, S3S5.727.lii: Omaha & Southern Interarban. :i?7,TlS.; Omaha. IJncoln A Beatrice, Kl.ora.?l; Lin coln. Capital Bench Milford. S37.W0. Tarried Many Million. Passengers carried l.y the various com panies luring I ho year ended June ;. 19U): Chnalm. C Hlulfa, ll.MI.SM; IJncoln Traction company, .!Vk.97 : Citizens' RrII Wd.v rornHiiy, Lincoln. '.T'li.S'T: Omaha & Soitlicin lute m t,r. 4i"..";f; Cmuhs. Lin coln ll strl. e iimipeny. S:T'7?. Average rever-ie t runeng.r: Omaha aV Council Bluffs. IJi n-nt: Lincoln Traction com pany. !.: CI turns' Railway conrtpany. t.M; Oivmhi & Saiithcin I ntcturban. 8.T3; Omaha, Lincoln H. a I rice, S.08. The Omaha Council Bluffs company operated liVs.J miles of track St s total ex pense of SW.tim, divided inlo the Items: Maintenance of way and atructures. HI. 920.1; maintenance of equipment. S91.624.1S; power, si.T.fl.M; tranaportation, S50t.177.96; general. lM,fc-J.V3. It had a revenue of KM?:.KC from pawscnger traffic and other it-venue an-ioimtlng to S7fi.04S.fB; totsj gross earnings. :.:iS.43i.4. Net Income from opeiHlion, SI.:'rl.(S!.33. The company 4ild taxes In the sum of lIS.Kr.m; iltvldenUa. .)n,f)0; Interest. S3& tti.S: reirvcj Tor depreciation. I'jOr.flOO; credited t.i auridiis. Sll.iiS.70, and spent for betterments ihirtng the year, ;. 1S.J. The company at that time owned VM passenger ears and tV inofr!. and operate) t!.I4 inlh-s of leaned track. Klcven miles of track were operated by (he hnwlui A Southern Inierurban. at a tolul expense of tvnjn Itema: Main tenance of v and structures, I176J.17; poer. 4.V.i;.; Ii ansportatlon. S.'SITT; teneral. S11.3li.45. It had a revenue from pahsenger traffic of t"4.)e.07. from other tourevs. JICo; total gros earnings. S.M.1IS07. Net Income from c pern: Ion. lio.OiJ 4S. This company paid in tuxes. S1.40!.$0: rred ttd S1.HV..'.X to surplus, reserved i;.i00 for Icpicclatlon. Vo interest was psld. and no livltlends. During the year SS.IK1 to was ipeiu fur betterments. sitftal ml Onsaba lsM. Authorued capltsl stock of tha Omaha ft Sountil Bluff company, S1&.0UO.000, two Ihirds common end one-third preferred. The stockholders number 394. Book cost of tructures. roadway and equipment, 1.4.3.. 4946; laivda, buildings, fixtures, etc., S-'IS.-M.74: material and supplies on baud, St6. Ol to; cash and current asseta t-.'.4U So; ill other assets. SS.77i.r4 ; total assets St UJS.tl5.OT. The eonipany'a liaUllliee June JO. 1SX. aide from capital stock, weie: Bonds out landing, St.'Ja.U0O; loans and notes payable. jkCuutlnusd on Fouita Page.) Two Million of Wheat Delivered to Patten Saturday Bull Operator in Position to Resell it Immediately at Large Profit. CHICAGO, May 1. This was delivers- dsy on the Board of Trade snd the May option, which ? as the medium of the recent bull campaign led by James A. Patten, became caah wheat. On May contracts today Z.Ont.OHO bushels of wheat were delivered, practically all of it to Bart left. Patten aV Co. Broker have hssarded a guess that Mr. fatten paid an average of tl.OS for hi May wheat Assuming this figure to be approximately correct, Mr. Patten might have aold the wheat delivered him this morning at S1.1J for delivery in July, which would show a profit of 4 cents a bushel. May wheat, however, opened today at $1.3414 to 1 24V and a good demand for actual wheat would enable the bull leader to sell at a much greater profit. Whilo May 1 is commonly known as de livery day, sellers have until the end of the month to turn ow the wheat which they have sold, formerly only No. 2 red winter wheat could be delivered on future contracts, but under a new rule of the board made two years ago No. 2 aprlng wheat was made standard. A large quan tity of thla latter, it Is expected, will find Its way down from the heads of the lakes when navigation opens, thus swelling the amount In the Patten elevators. No. J red wheat is selling at $1. S1.444 and No. 2 spring St St. 3. to Miss Davidson is Acquitted Young Woman Who Shot Man for Calling Her Vile Name Held Not Ouilty. NBOflHO, Mo., May l.-Misa "Johnny" Davidson, the young heiress, on trial here charged with the murder of Roy Ramsour, her sister's suitor, was acquitted here this morning. The Jury wes out seventeen hours, having been given the case at 4 o'clock Friday aft ernoon, after a sensational trial. Mlas Davidson Is wealthy In her own right and her family Is prominent Tha Ramsqur family also Is wwll-to-do, and be? cause of the prominence of the principals the case has csuaed Intense feeling. Testerday Miss Dadldeon showed the strain of the trlsl for the first time. She broke down and cried, ss msny other women In the court room did, when her attorney concluded his plea for her life. She also gave way to her feeling when the prosecutor condemned her as a "cold blooded murderess." A dramatic scene msrked the closing ar guments when Mm. Samuel Reynolds, aunt of the slain man. became wildly during the arguments of the prosecutor. She screamed sloud a demand that the de fendant bo convicUd and then colls pee completely. LIQUOR DEBATE NEXT TUESDAY Revlaloa ( Prohibition Amrndaieat to Come I s la fteaate at that Time. JEFFERSON CITY, May l.-A revised version of the constitutional amendment providing for state-wide, prohibition, which the house proposed to submit to the voters of the state next November, wss reported to the senate today. The measure will go on the calendar for passage Monday and debate on it will probably begin Tuesdsy. The senate measure strikes out the provi sion adopted by the house which would make prohibition, If carried, effective In 1913. Another change Is the addition of a tux rider, allowing trw state, counties snd municipalities to double their present .con stitutional rate of taxation- to make up deficits caused by the loss of liquor, rev enues. It Is predicted that this portion of the senate report will meet strenuous oppo sition In the house. SILK MERCHANT A SUICIDE Aagast Mom of Chicago Kills Him self la I'bieaae) Hera use of Ill-Health. CHICAGO. May I. August Moos, a weul'liy retired silk merchant aged SJ years and father of Joseph and Julius Moos, com prising the firm of Moos Brothers, com mitted suicide early today. Ill health is given as the cause. Pref. Fussier to Madison. MADISON, Wis., May 1. -(Special.) Prof. Laurence Foasler of the University of Ne braska hss been appointed a member of the faculty of the Gorman department for the next summer session of the University of Wisconsin by the executive committee of the regents. Queen of the May, Like A. Hamid, is a Dead One Doan wilh the Queen of the May'. Lour live the king' Who In king of ihe Mav? Jack Frost 1 The queen of the May ar.d the sultan of Turkey are desd ones "May day broke bright and clesr. The sky was azure blue snd the sun shore brightly. The beautiful gren sward snd the dense foliage of the trees snd the hnlmy bteese and the aneet frrgranrc of Ihe alr- a!l these elements of nature were Irre?lslab!e In their power of fascination. "Such a day it waa fur the annual picnic and our people showed their appreciation of Nature's benediction by turning out In large numbers down on the creek, two miles west of John Hmith's old place, a here picnics have been held lo these many years. The day was most enjoyably spent and was so warm and nice that m of t'.ie young folks strolled off down Lover's Lane snd did not get back until way In the night. "Miss Bu 1 lie Brown, the charming daugh ter of Mr. snd Mrs. Lemual Brown, (Damn Rumor says shs Is- affianced .o Dudley ainipson'', was qucn of the May, snd a handsome queen she ms-ic. She became her throne with regal dignity and swayed her cepter with majestic grace. Her thtnns was a bower vf red and whin rose. Htr MASSACRE IS - j LAID TO SULTAN1 Attacks on Americans Ordered Abdul Hamid as Part of the Reactionary Plot. SECOND SLAUGHTER PLANNED Intention Was to Murder All For eigners in Constantinople. ARMY TAKES PROMPT ACTION It Oocupies City Before Diabolical Scheme Could Be Carried Out. TURKS KILL MANY MISSIONARIES Rev. Stephen R. Trowbridge lie. scribes Shooting of D. M, Itegers and Henry; Mnarer While Fighting Fire. CONSTANTINOPLE, May l.-The mlnls istry of the interior Is convinced that the attacks on Armenians In the Clllcta dis trict were arranged from Constantinople, synchronising as they did with the mutiny of the troops here for the restoration of absolutism. Field Marshal Ohas Moukar today con firmed the truth of the rumors that the massacre of all foreigners, Including the ambassadors at Constantinople, was planned for Saturday, April 24, possibly with the object of causing the Interven tion of the powers. It wss the original plan of Schefket Pasha, commanding the constitutional army, to enter Constanti nople Sunday, the 2Jth, but when he learned of the plana to massacre h ordered his army to enter the city Saturday morning. Moslems Kill Missionaries. Stephen R. Trowbridge,' a missionary who witnessed the killing in Adana of D. M. Rogers and Henry Maurer, fellow mis sionaries at Adsns. has supplied an ac count of the occurrence, dated Adana, April 24. to representatives of the grand vizier and has written It out also for the mission board at homo. Mr. Trowbridge says; "Firing and fighting began April 14 be tween Moselms and Armenians, which re sulted In a number of casualties on both Ides. "The next morning conflagrations result ing from Incendiary flree had spread to such an extent that we wvrs obliged to watch closely the environs of the building pf the girls' school and the residence of William N. Chambers. Mr. Rogers was guarding the home of Miss Wallace and tha dispensary across the street. It was clesr that the lsrge school was In danger. Up to that time no one had dared to go on the streets because of the shooting from one end by Moslems and the other by Armenians, Attempt to Dteai Riot. "All this time there had bc?n nu slj,n of any effort on the part tf tlie government authorities to stop the rioting, pillaging and burning." Mr. .Trowbridge '.hen tells of the efforts of himself, Mr. Rogers end Mr. Maurer, working with crowbars, axes and carrying water, to sava the school building. He con tinued: "Mr. Maurer was using the crowbar against a wall, and I. higher up, was pour ing water on places just catching fire. We had thus worked a considerable time with out being harmed by the Moslems, wien the Armenians at the other end of the street commenced firing on the hoises where the looters were at work. Suddenly two shots rang out not more than eight yards front where we were working. Mr. Rogers, who was in the street bringing wator, was mortally wounded. Ife called to me by name and then fell In the middle of the street. The other bullet hit Mr. Maurer In the left lung near the heart and the crowbar fell from his hands. He then climbed down the ladder snd collapsed at the side of Mr. Rogers. "Immediately alter these two shots sev eral other burets from the Moslems whlxxed past me.) I dropped almost flat on the roof and inside my way to Uie edge. Subsequently I climbed down." A little later when British Vice Consul Daughty-Wylie, with twenty Turkish sol diers, arrived on the spot, the neighborhood was deserted and the murderers had fled.- "Mr. Maurer," concludes Mr. Trowbridge. dled a few minutes later In the school j building and Mr. Rogera lived only a few i.imuie. lunger man wr. Maurer. lit did not regain consciousness "Both men died ss good Christian sol diers of Jesus Christ." ew Saltan Thanks Toft. WASHINGTON. Msy l.-Sultan Mehmed V., of Turkey, has cabled a message in acknowledgement of the greetings sent lo him by President Taft on his ascension to the throne. The cablegram, daled at Para, yester- (Continued on Second Page.) chariot wheels were entwined with them and all about her were flagrant flowers." This is a tale of the long, sweet long ago, wl:tn springs came in their regular turn and winter was content with at least six months duration; when the good, old fashioned fo'lt turned out on May day to fiijt.y their annual picric, and the young ones, like the birds, cooed and msted, and the children scampered over the grass and threw roses at the queen of the May. But it's all over now. May day la a fic tion, or at leaat a memory of a fantastic ase. M.ty day, lwe, came upon Omaha with a temperature of 25 degreea above sero at 7 a. m., and upon many portiona of Ne braska with It to 30 degrees, and as far south as Texas this frigid cllmsts spread. It is the coldest May day on record In the Nebraska weather bureau district. The lowest temperature recorded for the day was 16. or one degree lower than the cold eat reported for thirty-nine year a. May S. 19ui, when It was 2 above sero, or since the cstablishmsnt of the Omaha weather bureau. After all Omaha has been fortunate. While Its weather has been raw and dls agreeahle, it hss been spared the tornsdoes that have struck other aortlons of the country. From the Washington Sunday Star. WELCOME FOR JAP SQUADRON San Francisco Gives Demonstration for Admiral Ijichi. NAVY IN RECEPTION LINE Oflcora Make Coming on Admiral the nay Notable One, the Anniversary of Hewer's victory t Manila. SAN FRANCISCO. May l.-For the first time In msny years San Francisco Is ex-' tending the hospitality of her hsrbor to a visiting squadron of Japanese wsrhtps. RepresentAtlverViStrtat sts'c una fmtion'T united today In it rfylty'vab'e greeting for Aamirai ijicni tun twe omcers ana men f the cruisers ind Soya, which ar rived this morn 1 1, g f 1 rn San Pedro. Exactly at the hour set for their arrival the two vessels steamed through the golden gate, proceeded down the bey to Man-o'-War row, where the four gray cruisers of Admiral Swinburne's fleet thundered a salute of welcome. Several miles beyond the harbor entrance the Japanese training squadron ws met ty the revenue cutter McCulloch. The cutter Oolden Oate, with the official re ception committees ss pssaengers, met the Japanese warships In the strait, while a fleet of excursion bests, many of them gaily decorated with Japanese and Amer ican flags, followed the larger vessels to anchorage. Coming on a day when American na-al officore are accustomed to observe the anniversary of Admiral Dewey's victory In Manila bsy. the officers snd men of the training sqjsdron were given a particular welcome by the steamers of the Pacific fleet. Admiral Swinburne snd General Wes ton, accompanied by their staff, headed, a committee of prominent men which made the first official csll upon Admiral IJichl. the party being conveyed to the Japsnese admiral's ship on the West Virginia. After warm words of greeting had been ex changed, the party returned to the flag ship West Virginia, where Admiral Swin bnrne. half nn hour later, had the nlraeiue of receiving the Jspanese admiral. me most enthusiastic greeting to the squadron was that accorded their country men by thoussnds of Jspanese. In ths Japsnese quarter the flsg of the Rising Bun is everywhere In evidence. FLOOD DANGER IS PASSED Rivers lllafc, Merlons bnt o I. Ortrlsw Prrsent. bllity at of PITTSBURG, May l.-Whlle the rivers today are half a foot above the danger line and some of the low lying districts In the suburbs are submerged, there is no danger Of a serious flood. Watch the pen nies and the dollars wtH take care of themselves. The thrifty watch the want ads. Watch tha want gds, they max tha ponnlea that (row to dollar. WUi you koop things ?e don't mood thay ar worth lea ovary yg. There are a lot of people who know this wbo want to toll all sorts of thinga ehaap. They sell them through Bee want ftda. AH yen have to do la to keep reading the waat ada, Ton win find jom earn attar,, lot eiiaocKB fttajkr; wiuvtia AdrwtimldS&xMg ; THE WELL EARNED VACATION Sugar Trust to Be Forced Into Criminal Court Special Attorney Stimson Will Prose cute Company for Gross Customs Frauds. NF.W YORK. May 1. Criminal prosecu tions by the federal government will be begun as a result of the disclosures In the recent suit of the government against the American Sugar Refining company. This announcement was made today- by Henry tisnoon, who is acting am special attorney for the government. Mr. Stlmson's ststsment followed a con ference with United States District Attor ney Wise In the latter's office. "Of course there will be a criminal prose cution of the guilty persons." Mr. Stimson declared. "There will be no let up. but on the other hand the case will be prosecuted to a finish. "The corporation alresdy hss been pun ched criminally by the S134.O0O penalties Imposed." he sdded. "That wee a punish ment for criminal acts. The other S2.O00.OO0 was restitution of back duties accruing f om fslse weighing. The thing for us to do now is to get st the. human beings be hind the eorporstion. whether officer or employe, who heve been guilty of criminal acts and punish them. We cannot tell when the prosecution will begin, but it will be as soon as e get our evidence ready to pre sent.' Dominguez is in Mexico City Mexican Representative at Corn Show is at Hottl Sanz in tha Capital. EL PASO. Tex., May 1. Kel'erino minguci, representee of Mexico at Do the National Corn exhibition st Omaha, and a leader In the acientlflc farming movement in Mexico, who was reported In dispatches from Omaha last Tuesday as missing. Is In Mexico City at the Hotel Sons. Ac cording to s telegram from Senor Do mingues he haa been receiving all mail directed to him either at Mexico City or Puebla, and that at no time haa he been where his msil could not reach him. CENSUS TILT OLD HISTORY Incident, Now Declared to Be Closed, Was Never Taken Seri onsly. WASHINGTON, May l.-Senators and, representatives who have talked with Pres ident Taft during the last few days regard ing the census bureau affairs are con vinced that the incident is closed. The controversy did not attain to the serious nefcs of formal charges, however, and con sequently there will be no official an nouncement as to the adjustment of the matter. Big Concrete-Steel Bridge at Peoria Crashes Into River PF.ORIA. rtl., Msy l.-At t Sf this morn ing three arches of the concrete-steel new wsgon bridge, which was recently opened for traffic, fell into the river and Ilea at the bottom a total mass of ruins. At ths time of the disaster no one was on the bridge and consequently there was no loss of life. Bridge Superintendent Fin ley was at the bridge tender's office when the disaster occurred. He said: "Costello and myself were In the bridge Uuuci'a l,ouje thl; morring at S ) o'clock when a farmer crossed the bridge, driving toward the city. About twenty minutes later we heard a nolae like a team driving up on tha approach of the bridge. At the same time there waa a rumbling noise as If aomethlng had struck the big channel pltr where the house, Is located. NEW PHASE OF RATE F1CHT Interstate Commerce Commission May Take Hand in Missouri Case. WARNER MAKES CHARGES Resolution Introdaeed In Kenata Stay Tariffs on Interstate Traffic Are Too High and Asks Invest laatton. WASHINGTON, May l.-There will he sn opportunity next Monday for the senate to order an investigation by the Interstate Commerce commission into charge that the, railroads of Missouri doing' an Inter state business are charging unreasonable rates. When this resolution was Intro duced In the senate by Senator Warner yesterday he aBked for immediate consid eration, but Senator Culberson objected, as he had not had time to examine the docu ment The eighteen railroads of Missouri re ferred to were recently engaged In litiga tion with that state on the ground that tha state laws are In violation of the four teenth amendment to the constitution in thai the ratea fixed by them did not per mit a reasonable return upon the vslue of their property. The preamble recites that the figures submitted by these roads show that they have in fact been charging un reasonable rates. It is now proposed to instruct tha Interstste Commerce commis sion to Investigate all of these charges In order that the cummiwiion may. If neces sary, issue orders to correct the abuses. There will be an effort to take up the reso lution for consideration Monday shortly after the senate assembles. Smith and Williams Give Their Bonds Indianapolis Newspaper Men Ar rested and Arraigned on Panama Libel Charge. INDIANAPOLIS. InH Mav tn.i-,,.. ! Smith and Charles iL Williams, oroorlelors of tho Indianapolis News, were formally arraigned late this afternoon and released on S6.000 surety each. Smith and Williama were Indicted by the grand Jury of the District of Columbia, together with the proprietors of the New Tork World, on the charge of having com mitted criminal libel In publishing certain statements bearing on the purchase of the Panama canal by the United States gov ernment. LARGEST STEAMER ON LAKES Sbeaango. largest Freighter Goes Into Service at Detroit Cost About Half Million. DKTTtOIT, Mich., May l.-The largest steamer on the Great Lukes, the freighter Shenanro. waa successfully launched today. The Shcnango is tW7 feet long and tuat S75,0(A "Both of us rushed to h door of the houfce, and when w.j stepped out we were Juat In time tu see the first arch from the draw on the cnt aide of the big channel pier rise Into the air and crash Into the river. There was a creaking and splinter Ing sound of steel, as the ribs of the arch snapped off like matchwood. The arch raised a fearful height Into the air and then top pled over. One after another of the arches took the same course, Just like cards standing on end and pushed over. We could hardly realise what had happened and Im mediately gave the alarm." The Marsh Bridge company of Ies Moines. Is.,' waa awarded the contract for construction, and the price fur Ihe bridge proper was flJ(M, f ii,h about fciJiiO Is unpaid. TWO HUNDRED KILLEDDY STORM Awful Loss of Life Caused by Series of Hurricanes and Tornadoes in Eight States. HUNDRED DEAD IN THE SOUTH Loss Appears to Be the Heaviest in Tennessee and Alabama. BLIZZARD IN LAKE REGION Snow is Reported in Parts of Wisconsin and Michigan. COLD WAVE IS MOVING EAST Region West of the Mississippi Rlter is Comparatively Clear Frees Ing- Tentperataro as Far Soath as Mlssonrl. CHICAGO, May 1. The storm which be gan Thursday and the death list of which approximates 2U) persons In the states of Illinois. Tennessee. Arkansas, Mississippi, Georgia, Alnbama. Missouri and Penn sylvania took the form of a mild bllssard In the upper lake region today. Including Chii ago. where a moderate wind was ac companied by snow. At Supe-rlor, Wis., there was snow enough for sleighing. Winnipeg reported msny cattle killed, and from the southwest came stories of blasted orchards. Wire conditions, according to the tele graph and telephone companies, were much Improved The weather bureau's summary of condi tions today, said: "The storm this morning is centered over the Lake Superior region, while a Secondary disturbance covered the AUantla coast states. The weather In the rear of the storm Is slowly clearing, snow still falling in the western lake region and the upper Mississippi vslley. The weather, however, beyond the Mississippi valley Is now fair. Abnormally . cold weather hss advanced from the Rocky mountain region eastward over the central valleys, freesing tempera tures being reported aa far south ss south ern Missouri and frosts as far south a Texan and Arksnsss." llnndreds Deed la oh. MEMPHIS. Tenn.. May 1. While soma sections in the pathway of tha storm are still to be heard from, Information so far received from Arkansss, western Tennessee and northern Mississippi bring tha total number of killed by tbe tornado of Thurs day night to 100, the Injured, some of whom are believed to be fatally hurt, to twice the number and while an accurate eatlmsts of ths monetary loss Is not yet possible each dispatch describes th storm ss t!it most destructive that has ever swept oei this portion of the country. H was almos the most remarkable as to the extent oi the territory 'fe-e1 . . The greatest number of dead snd Injured is reported from Horn Iike, Miss. Here eighteen bodies have already been discov ered among the ruins of the farm dwel lings. Of this numrmr seven are those of white people. The number of Injured it placed at fifty, many of whom are seriously hurt. The properly loes Is roughly esti mated at S100.000 In this vicinity. Caddo Gap, Ark., reports a similar number of dead and many wounded. At Fayettevllle, Tenn., the death list is placed at fifteen and the Injured at fifty. Other towns from which reports bave been received here are: In Arkansas Marisnna, four desd, twenty injured; near Hot Springs, four In jured; Palestine, fifteen injured; Bee Branch, two desd, three Injured; Heber. two desd, eleven Injured; Wllburn. one desd; Wheatlej, one dead, three injured; Crswfordsvxllle. one Injured; Marlon, five dead, eight Injured; Zebuon, one dead, one Injured. In Tennessee Somerville, five desd, four Injured; Bolivar, one dead, thtrtoen In; Jured; Dechard, four dead, twelve injured; Monexuma. twelve injured; Humboldt, four desd; Medina, three dead, eight Injured; Whltevllle, two Injured; Bella, six dead, twenty-tlu-ee Injured; Qulllo, three dead, twelve Injured; Lula, four dead; Dellach, two dead; Hanley, two dead, ten Injured; Clarksvllle, one dead, six injured. Forty Deaths In One Connty. NASHVILLK. Tenn., May l.-Eorly re ports thla morning of yesterday's atorm add to the gravity of the situation at Pu laxki. Giles county: Centerville. Hickman county; Fayettevllle. Lincoln connty; Franklin, Williamson county, and other sections of central Tennessee. Gllee county's death list. It Is said, in ay reach forty, while the property damage ap proximates SltO.OOO. Hickman eouunty re ports seven dead and 1100,100 damages; Lin coln county reports eight killed, a long list of Injured, and the hamlet of Harms al most completely destroyed. Half a dosen deaths are known of In Williamson rfjunty, where the property damage la vast, and from every point In the central section come stories of buildings and crops de stroyed, live stock killed, and In several Instances fires. At Bells, In Crockett county, six persons were killed and a hundred others rendered homeless. Tennessee Pivot of Wln4. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. May l.-May day, fol- lowing the windstorm, which caused per haps 100 deaths throughout the southern slates, mill be spent by the telegraph com panies In repairing their wires. With the overland line of communication from Louis ville to New Orleans once established au thentic lists of the victims of the atorm may be secured. It has been years since Uie winds hsvs gathered so many victims. Tennessee, sloping wentasrd from the Virginia moun tains to the dunes along the MlsslMSlppi, provided an angle for the wind to pivot upon, and the list of sixty dead In that sute seems to have been corroborated. Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi and Geor gia also suffered. Word from Guthrie, Ky., early todsy is that thrre persons were killed there today, the only fatalities In Ken tucky, so far as is now known. Louisiana and Texas seem to have been unscathed, but poor communication makes even this doubtful. As far east ss Mount Sterling, Ky., barns and bouses were unroofed, tobacco sheds washed away, turnpikes msd-i rivers of water and fires started In overturned dwellings. At Frankfort the same conditions pit- vailed, only les severely. Other counties from the Mississippi river lo the Big Sandy hare smilar reports. Twenty-One at Norfolk. NORFOLK. Ksh.. May. 1. Tha ' rmar