1-fIE -REEt OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 1. 1900. I-uj111 - lITi! w Si" ' H.illi H.j ppny. ih-iqt woiii iici a 1. 1. Dim-t. A-n4i"P saOss"saS-r-B'3iB Many Special Offerings for Saturday J I You Only See the Outside of the Wearing Apparal You Purchase But when we select Women's 8uitf, Skirts, Coats and Waists we pee both the inside and outside. "We see to it that the right stitches are put in the right plare and that the lining and every hidden part that goes to make up a well made gar ment is correct. Therefore you are safe when buying here. For Saturday We Announce New Pongee Silk Suits and the New Linen Suits. The famous Bonwit Styles at moderate prices. Also hundreds of New Tailored Linen Waists. The Herald Square make, the Best in the World, at $2.50, $3.75 up to $5.00. r Saturday Candy Special. Balduff's delicious Strawberry and Pineapple Cocoanut Praline, regular price 40c a pound; Saturday at, a pound, only s&UC i v J Special Sale of Long Silk Gloves Anticipate your future wants and buy long silk gloves Saturday. You are sure to need these styles later, per haps you are already having, gowns made with three-quarter sleeves for midsummer. It-button length Silk Gloves -Kayser's or Kownea' make In black, white, tan, brown, pongee, navy and light blue and pink, worth up to $1.75, Saturday's special price $1.29. 16-button Mllanea lisle Kayser or Fownes' make in black, white, tan, grays and brown worth $1.60, Saturday's special price 98c. j8l SATURDAY all Linen Initial Kr Handkerchiefs, regular XOc value, each ... New Bargain Square in Basement. Sale Commences at 9 a. m. Judging from the many in quiries we have had from these handkerchiefs being displayed in our windows, there will be a lively flutter at the Bargain Square Sat- nrrlsiv mnminc. 1.000 doien all pure linen initial handkerchiefs, tine ralue at 10c. In Saturday's great sale at each, only 6c. hn. t Uv their A fine opportunity for women and school children to lay in tneir summer's supply of handkerchiefs at a great saving. , New Jewelry . We announce for Saturday new styles in Hat Pins, Belt Buckles. Dutch Collar Tins, Cuff Links and Belt Pins. Pop ular prices prevail. Scissors We show the most complete line of scissor, in the city including Manicure Button Hole and Embroidery Scissors. Art gum for dry cleaning of gloves, linen, canvass shoes, etc.. 10c PTC.kifr'BaM made of fine chamois t 2 Be and 60c each Svillngcae. made of dainty figVred cmonne with rubber lining at 76c and $1.00 each. New Beauty and Style in Parasols Parasols so beautiful that you cannot keep from buying one. -Are here in grand arrav, all the newest shades that are approved by fashion are Included. Plain taupe, lavender. Ashes of old Rose, Hunters creen Wisteria, Smoke, new browns and tana all mounted on, the "Toklo Jr" frames and finished off with "Dlrectoire" handles. ... , Many pretty novelties in plain colors with fancy borders with the "Tokio Jr.," frame and "Dlrectoire" handles. - . Handsome -Pongee parasols, some perfectly plain others have borders of red, green, brown, blue and Persian effects. $1.75 to $5.00 CSee our complete line of children's beautiful parasols, all colors, sKe to 12.50 each. Near 16th Street entrance. Silk Hosiery Our Silk Hose represents beauty, utility and merit in the highest de gree They are made by the largest ; and best silk hosiery manufacturer in this country. Plain black, plain colors, embroidered colors and em broidered black. Also a complete line of French silk hose. Afek to see them. Saturday at the Infants' and Children's Wear Department. One lot of children's soiled wash bonnets, sold regular at BOc, 76c and $1.00. Saturday each 49c. Children's pique hats in blue or white at, each BOc. Our spring line of children's Straw Bonnets 's now complete. All styles and prices, sixes 1 to 5 years. Fine showing of children's wash coats in pique or pongee, $4.25 to $8.00 each. Children's sweaters, 1 to 8 years; $1.50 to $2.00 each. Main Floor. V J V OUR NEW HAIR C7 SsJ ? SIS LOCATED ON tntLCU Qlccsr(3J THE THIRD FLOOR. S I ' "TisssTsBsBss a"llfc aTsTfc sssssT"sssss. "Tss. isMTTtTss. i nn ''"' " Toilet Goods Specially Priced for l Saturday. Kirk's Shandon Bells Soaps, Sat urday, a box, 19c. Wanou's Shampoo Bags, Satur day, three for 25c. Palm Olive Soap; Saturday, three cakes for 25c. ; Camel 's hair Wee B r ush es ; Sa tu ry , day, 25c Egg Shampoo; Saturday, 25c. Rogers and Gallet Powder de Riz .; Anthea ; Saturday, 59c. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THE HAIR GOODS DEPARTMENT SATURDAY. trl tht panhandle- of Texan. In this por tion f the southwest the damage by wind appears to have been confined to numer ous telegraph and telephone poles blown down, Many Killed at Fraakln. I.OUTBVHXE; Ky.. April M. -Several per son are reported killed in last night's tor r.ado near Franklin, Tenn., and the town oC. HllUboro. a few mllea from there la said to hsve been blown away. Much dam- ace is reported at Centsrrills, Tenn., and other nearby towna. I.Ike Winter at Alliance. ALLIANCE. Neb., April S0.-(8peclal Tel egramsThe thermometer registered U degrees above sero thta morning, marking the lowest record for April weather In years. Four Above la Yellowstone. CHEYENNE, Wyo., April SO.-A cold wave, accompanied In many parts of the state by heavy anow, prevails all over Wyoming, the temperaturea In the Yellow stone park region being reported as low at 4 above aero. Much loss to' live stock probably will result. Snowstorm Covers Iowa, DBS MOINES, April SO.-Northern Iowa is experiencing today a severe snowstorm. During the night three Inches of snow fell at Fort Dodge. The ground la completely covered and snow Is still falling. Webster City has an Inch, while Mason City and Algona report considerable wind accom- 6' I I I I I B 8 our "niftiest S20 and $22.50 Suits for the J 18.00- TOMORROW It's Qt'lTK reduction for a REAL reduction. i i a B B B i i B B ii lii m ii'a - panylng tha fall. Telegraph and telephon. wires are working badly and the buda on the fruit trees are In danger on account of the frees iiig weather. LOQAN, la... April 30 (Special Telegram ) -vThe windstorm of early Thursday morn ing put the telephone system between Logati and Magnolia, out of commlaaion at one point and at the same place blew the W-ood school house orr the foundation. Small damages are reported in Magnolia also along the path of the storm, to a point southeast of Dunlap. FIFTY' DEAD IJY TUB SOUTH isn't tt? SUCH reduction means MICH on bam. peck cloth. ad that's what THKSE are! They're the snappiest, Uvlieat, smartest togs KVKK turned out by the 8AMPKCK people, for "Vounyphellowa" who WANT fancy cuffs, pocket flap, turn-up bot tomed trousers and extreme trims. J2ta$en r Tkti Salt Weatktr Too C0ol Wive Too Many Suit$ contrast THK.SK S or S-button models, with the TAW DIl Y garments offered in MANV a so-railed sperial sate by others. COM PAKE value HbFOK E the rexiuctions are made. Frankly, candidly, you'll travel far and stay away long, before striking a BETTER 'prina tog chance.' I think of It! ALL of these Hamieck worsteds, lassiiurres, cheviots, etc., are Included-all of thoae dashing greens, "smokes", bronzes, olives, stripes and fancies, too. It's time for double shuffle ac. tion quirk buying If you wear clothes "8J to &H chest." Send for Spring Catalog m YOU HO PE0P1C9 own aTowc VVWT, I 111 "WV I II I II a 1 Amp" mill ii-im7 ooudlaa Street Omdha Nt. Tkh Sm'e TaUi Place Tomorrow B B B B B B 1 grestent dsmsge. In northern Mississippi the vicinity nt Horn lk suffered prob ably the mnst. The storm passed within two miles of Horn lke through a thickly populated section. The small farm build ings were blown from their foundations aa If they were cards. The number of dead Is p'ared at twelve. Here the course of the storm wns west to east and about a quarter of a mile wMe. Reports of ths tornsdo in this vicinity were brought to Memphla by members of a train crew and paesengera late last night, fto far as could be sen farm houses and cotton gina were masses of wreckage, several of the build ings having taken fire. All along the line of the railroad bits of wreckage wrre strewn. At Flum Point, four miles east of Horn lnke, a doien holmes were wrecked and one person Is known to have been killed. In Memphis and vicinity only rlMnor dam age was done. Near Jackson, Tenn., seven persons were killed, others Injured and a large properly loss reunited. At Medina two lives wre lost, severs! persons were Injured and three houses were wrecked1. At Toung's Crossing five were killed and a number of houses blown awsy. At Henderson two were injured. Damage to crops will run into the thou sands of dollars, the growing vegetation being levelled wherever the storm struck. Railroad traffic was seriously Impeded. The town of Hlllsboro, nine miles west of Franklin, was practically wiped out and three persons, namea unknown, were killed In a house demolished by the wind. Many bams and houses between Franklin and Hlllsboro were unroofed. Hundreds of shade trees on the old John McOavock farm, historic as being In the battlefield at Franklin, were blown down and all of ths barns on the place destroyed. MISSOURI TOWN 19 WIPED Ol'T Five Are Dead at Gulden aad Two Near Snmaaeravllle. SPRINGFIELD, Mo.. April 30.-A special from Bummerevllle, Mo., says a tornado paseod ten miles north of that place last night, killing two persons and injuring many. The dead: MIF8 BKLI-F, DF.U'R Y. MRS. GEORGE SMITH. Borne of the Injured probably will die. Scores of houses were demolished. Tele graph and telephone wires are down. Another special nays that ths tornado that struck Golden last night wiped that town off the map with the exception of one brick store building; killing five persons and Injuring a doxen or more others. The dead at Golden are: MRS. W. II. HEN SON. MRS. CORA PRENTICE. BTJD HOPKINS. BBS8IH CAMPBELL. MRS. JARV1S1. A special from Mammoth Springs, Ark., says: A tornado passed eighteen miles east of there last night, killing eight persons and Injured many others. The. known dead : B. F. BANDERS'. WIFE AND DAt"Q TI TER. GEOROE WH ITWORTH AND WIFE. ROBERT FROST AND WLFB. TklISS HOLLAND. Many houses were demolished near Mam moth Springs and much live stock was killed. STORM RACES OVKr7THB LAKKS Boat Goes Down, bnt Identity Cannot Bo Learned. i SAL'LT STE. MARIE. Mich., April 30 Wbile It is the general opinion In marine circles today .that It was the Corrigan line steamer Auranta which Captain Boyce of the Peavey saw sink yesterday In Whlts flslt bay, nothing definite has yet been learned. A furious storm Is raging today over the upper lake region and It may prevent any boats getting down from whlteflsh bay to day. If so there, may be no confirmation of the boat's Identity nor details of the accident for twenty-four hours. Blinding now accompanies the gale which is blow ing. Damacs Win Ran Into Million, of Dollars. NASHVILLE, Tenn.. April 30,-Advice being received by the Banner ahow that the aiorm of last night waa the worst ever known In this state. The Indications are the death list will foot and the damage will run Into the millions or aouars. Late advices from Centervlll show th a acore or more of lives were lost in last night s slorm and that the property damage la $100,000. At Fayetcevllle, Lincoln county, the storm rased many residences, blew off one end of the Elk Cotton mills and killed three per sons. Four persons were killed and several hurt at Medina, Tenn. A acore were Injured in Madison county, near Jackson, and deaths are reported from Montgomery and Wil liamson counties. A man and a child are reported killed near Decherd. Tenn.. and twelve persons are reported killed In Giles county, near Pulaski. HLNTBVILLE. Ala.. April 30.-A tornado struck Fayettevllle last night and killed several persons. Only four houses were left at Harms, five miles from Fayettevllle, and several persona are reported killed there. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.' April 30.-A tornado four miles west of Hsrteell killed fojr per sons and Injured many olhera. Danville, Ala., also was struck. MEMPHIS. Tenn., April 30.-Portions of three states within a radius of severs! hundred miles of Memphis were swept by storms of wind and rain, in some Instances amounting ta tornadoes, during last night, which claimed the Uvea of a score or more persons. Several days may elapse before the whole story of the alarm is lold. The atorm broke shortly after nightfall, after a sultry afternoon. From the tornado belt of Arkansas, In ths vicinity of tha re cent Brtnkley storm, came the first re ports of serious damage. The wind cut a pathway a half mile wide through the towns of West Msrlon snd Weakley and Vlncinage. Besides numerous smaller buildings twenty-four substsntial farm structures were rased. Two persons were killed snd six Injured. In northern Arkansas ninety persons are known to havs hn inlur-rt (- -,f... i nuiity Is reported to have suffered ths i DEATH RECORD. Christopher ahl. Christopher Sahl, S years old, died Wednesday night at a local hospital. He has no relatives In Omaha so far as Is known, but Is thought to have a son, Ar thur Sahl, at Denlson, la. All efforts to communicate with him, however, have so far been unsuccessful. Anyone having In formation as to his address will confer a favor by communicating with Cole & Mc- Ka. Funeral arrangements are being held In abeyance for the present. Mrs. Margaret Stepheas. Mrs. Margaret Stephens. 66 years of age. died at an early hour Thursday morning at the home of her aon, Marshall Steph en,' 4ZH Miami street. She leaves two sons, Marshall Stephens of Omaha and Steele Stephens of Chicago, and one daugh ter. Mra. J. Wilcox of Blair, Neb. The funeral Will be held at Z o'clock Saturday afternoon from Cole McKay's chapel ana burial will be at Foreat Lawn. Emma M. Nelson. Emma M. Nelson. S yesis of age, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Nelson of Stromsburg, Neb., tiled Wednesday nigh! at a local hospital. Funeral services were held at noon yesterday at Cole & McKay a chapel, and the body was taken to Stroms burg for burial. Mareas Uodfrey. Msrcus Godfrey, an unmarried man 61 years old. died at St. Joseph's hospital Thursday, after being thj-re five dsys. He was a farmer and lived ai Norfolk. Hela tives of his live In Chicago. Kemper, Hemphill & Buckingnam, All kinds of plating. The Weather. FOR OMAHA, COI XI'IL BLUFFS AND VICINITY Fair unil wanner Saturday I'OU NKHKA8KA Saturday, fair and wanner. FOR lOWA-Saturday. fair and warmer Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. reg. sH&y-U I j a' m S4 rrv J v m ' Y"" f a. m 36 JZrt fNy J 10 a. m S S f p. m. 87 p. m '.. 38 7 p. m V p. m 14 1 p. m SS a9CS3 If yesi have never before tried EilMEiyadla Dest Natural Laxative Water FOR CONSTIPATBON Try it flow Ask your physician Jlf Your Choice of 100 Suits 100 Dresses BesBgBpgJBs ressps t Values up to 530.00. On Sale Saturday Style With Economy at Your complexion at well as your temper U rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets you can improve both. They cleanse and in vigorate the stomach and improve the digestion. Trio is Hung by Texas Mob Three Negroes Who Shot Deputy Sheriff Are Lynched at - Marshall. FORT WORTH. Tes., April 30.-A mob lynched thres negroes early today at Marshall. Tex. The negroes had killed a deputy sheriff. Kemper, Hemphill Buckingham, All kinds of plating. NOMINATIONS BY PRESIDENT. Member of Roosevelt's Tennis Cab inet for Supreme Beach In New Mexico. WASHINGTON. April 30.-Presldcnt Taft today sent to the senate the following nom inations: To be associate Justice of the supienio court of Arizona, Ernest W. Lewis of Arizona. To be associate Justices of the supreme court of New Mexico, Alford W, Cooley and Merrltt C. Meetham, both of New Mexico. To be first assistant commissioner of pat ents, Cornelius C. Billings of Vermont. To be assistant commissioner of patents, Frederick A. Tennant of Ripley. N. Y. Mr. Cooley, who formerly was an assistant attorney general of the United States, was one of President Roosevelt's closest per sonal friends and a member of his famous "tennis cabinet." Mr. Cooley originally waa from New York. He gave up his of ficial duties In this city and removed to New Mexico because of Impaired health. Personal Persons afflicted with hlood poi son In any stage, or rheumatism In any form, can learn of a permanent cure by addressing ths Salvar Company, 8t. Louis, Mo. ItOTEMXsTT Or OCZAJT TSAMSXITS Port. Arrlvsd. Railed. LIVERPOOL Sionl LUiremUn. SOUTHAMPTON.. Tmtonlc NAPLES Ctrpltbla. NEW YORK Vurtnl NEW TORK Btrbarosia ART . PIANO IN THE manufacture Of Mehlin Art ( Pi anea are used the - finest materials that money can buy and a greaX deal that money can't buy. The pre-eminence of these Instru ments Is due princlpsl by to their exquisite tone It's peculiar to the Mehlin. Ths name Itself guarantees the highest quality of workman hip and finish. The 1e llglitful tone, responsive touch and magnificent wearlrs qualities make the Mehlin the ideal piano for ths home. On view at Sfliniollrr & Mueller l'lano Co. 1311-13 Farnaui Street Write for Catalogue. No Question as to the Superiority. of o3 0 CALUMET Baking Powder limni Hljtsst AwarJ WsrU's rare Fees' Exsstttis Ckkara. 1N7. Ttie French Way, Thi Chilly Weather Is a reminder that you will need your Jacket or overcoat tor awhile yet. Better have Jt cleaned and Dressed once mora and look right las well as feel right. 'Phone us and we will send for It and deliver It back again. FrcncK Dry Cleaning Work I PhtlHI SWf, 41 Til A-tlSS iie rAsmAMi 60c Genuine Allegretti Chocolates Saturday at Beaton's ; 39c a Pound BOc Beaton's Cold Cream -Saturday, t 25t 60c Hind's Honey Almond 'Cream Saturday .7 .". 28t 60c June Rose Extract Saturday, per ounce ' 24 11.00 Piver's La Trefele Extract, Sat day, per ounce. . . . ; 50 Beaton Drug Co. 15th and Karnam. "THE NATIONAL HEALTH RESORT" HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA Approved by Nation and State. Best Climate and Medicinal Springs in -America. Klrst Class Hotel. Hospi tals and Batli Houses. Write to eoxstary Commercial Club, Sot Sjprlngs, 8e. Dak. AMUSEMENT. BOYD'S Tonight and Saturday Saturday Matinee CHARLES B. HANFORD SATURDAY MATINEE "THE MERCHANT OF VENICE." SATt'RDA V KVENINO "THE TAMING OF THE 8HREW." BATS KOW BZ.X.nrtr. BUZTDAY AITD MOID1Y Charles Dillingham Vrsssnts "THE RED MILL" rum oast avo psoduotzost- ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE NOTE Curtain 8:15 Sharp Tesight Pricti 10c, 25c. 50c. 1 B f J Jf iltirjnLsj siS n nas. Oouc. 16US: Ind. A-itys juatlnseai Tuti., Thnra, and Bat. The Mansfield version of "Olal Heldsltterg." Extra Elks' Quartet; Bltner Trio. Net W'cok "Jllus Jeans." May 17, H, It, Mrs. risks in "Salvation sTsU." May it. 21. ii. Bbnbert's "Ths Bins Moose, . Hotel Rome Summer Garden connecting with Rome's Vineyard will open May 15 THE CHESAPEAKE C'AFK AND LUNCH ROOM The only popular priced cafe In ths city. Try us and be convinced. J. G. DENNIS, Mgr. 150810 Howard bt. The Paxton Cafe -14th and rarnaa Sts. KAl.i li KlT He.N. PROP Ths Fopular Cat of Omaha' Prompt service, reasonable prices, and ferfeit appointments are the reasons of ts popularity. By ordering halt portions at tha "Paxton" you get mors variety nlthoui adding to the coot. "Meet Tour mends at ths raxtoa" It will be a pleasant surprise and you will leave satisfied It you ordr a Plate Dinner CALUMET S IT 4