Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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909 APR L 909
uk man tuc WIO
4 5 6 7
tmu mi sr
I 2 3
8 9 10
15 (6 17
22 23 24
Identity of New Light Company
Owvrs How Announced.
25 26 2728 2930
et Frtat It.
U-r lirrlN rtetee iwhoim. jeweler.
nflola a. Imtdt, Public Accountant
MasKart, photographer, l$th at Farnam.
r, photo, removed te 1$ and Howard.
SWmrral Dr.Hahn now at 212$ Douglas.
afeal Batata Co., 101 PextoA Blk.
Orlok, candidate for city en
gineer. Preaent aaalalant engineer.
fcqaltable Ufa Policies, sight draft at
maturity. H. D. Neetr, manager, Omaha.
Tata for Oaodley P. Bracket for council
mtfii of the Fifth ward on the democratlo
V. . Thorn, i$ Ft ret National Bank ," lead money on Omaha real aetata
... . -ind k,, llf t.iH.voo. Prompt service.
Sesiagi Aoeeaats in the Nebraska Se
D.4 and uoan Astociatlon ear aU per
lit. credited aeml-aanuaily. One dollar
atari an account. HO J Firm ft.
a at field Oircle Talk Careatiea A
it.l.n mtctlng of Garfield Circle, Ladlea
.t t U.-amJ Army of tha Republic, will
c o held Friday evening In Barlght hall.
Thr'PUrutae? of Ifl meeting la to talk over
(he department convention of thla order at
Tor'. The next regular meeting of the
order will hot he held until May 14.
John Qoroaa at a The funeral of
John Gorman, who died Tueedey at the
age of SO year, waa held Thuraday morn
ing. At I;) o'clock aervlcea were held at
ih! hoaie of hla aon-ln-law, Oeorge J.
Klf-ffner, iaas Martha, etreet, and the reg
ular church service mil held at I o'clock
at Mi. Peter' church. Interment was In St.
Mary' cemetery, 8outh Omaha.
Chief does to Frlaoa Ooagr-Chlef or
Police Donahue haa received notification of
hie aipolmment by Governor Bhsllenbergsr
Ha a delraate to the meeting of the Na
tional Prison . association to be held In
dentlle from August 14 to U. The certifi
cate oC appointment ia a large ctjrdmo af
fair and the chief said that when ha first
It he thought he had been appointed
a colonel on the governor a ataff.
Fagaaclona Bog O atelier Tinea Charlea
ii.lnioll, a negro dug catcher. Who, the
police ssy, makes seml-oucaslonal attempts
to extort money from women by threaten
ing to "bem, litem up," was fined K& and
costs In police court Thursday morning,
after being convicted of assaulting Lucy
liieen, an aged negress, who works as a
ursr woman. The ' mart waa arrested
Wednesday by rietectives Mitchell and Sul
livan. He liia had dealings with the police
"Benee of a Storm lowers Oaa Th.
I romeier In in: office uf V, 4 gs commis-
t,.cnci' fen to ,..2 Thurtdsy. the lowest re-i-oided
cluting the year. The chart Assist
ant (is Coinmisdoner Butter uses to fig
ui his record of Inspections from does not
contain figures as low as the barometer
recorded ' and that official was 'forced to
Uuve politic alone for the morning and
uiHke hla own figures. The low barometer
is n elfcn of a "deuce of a storm," said Mr.
Hutler. , ( ;
Act or Maker Bajra a Tin. Harold Kay-
nor recently Imtlcied by tiie federal grand
Jury for ulng the I'nlted Slates malls for
purposea to defraud In trying to Induce
ambitious voting srtors to Join his carnival
lmw entered a plea of guilty before Judge
WVM.. f M,nng-r -Thursday morning and was
fined I1i. Kaynor has been In Jail sev
rl -ks and hie health was such that
further confinement In jail . would prove
serious He given his liberty upon
payment of the fine.
Child Bitten by s Bog On the alleaa-gl'-n
that Alois Kenchrl a - er-ol1 boy
living at ITU Duress street was bitten by
Jonn Strouba'ir dog While. In the yard of
the latter at Seventeenth and Hickory
street City Prosecutor Daniel has Issued
a wariant for the a r rent of the owner of
the animal. The charge against him I
keeping a ilclous dog. It Is said that the
Kenchel child wai attended by a physi
cian at the result of the alleged dog bite.
The case will be heard by Judge Crawford
In police court.
Mora. Work for tk Ir-airal Wagoas
With the removal of tha county prlaoner
m the new Jail at Eleventh and Dodge
streets more work develops upon the men
and homos of the city patrol wagon. In
stead of hauling prisoners from the city
t.i tha former county. Jail at Eighteenth
and (larney streets unce a day after the
session of police court, the patrol now
makes several trips a day for the purpose
of hauling county prtonners from the jail
1.1 tha sessions of the dlstr el court and
hack again. With the regular police wagon
cal a thee added trips are keeping Con- j After a abort business session the program
ductor Dillon and Driver Vanderford busy was opened by a violin solo by Rahn.
E. T. Farnsworth read a paper on the
J early history jf the city, telling many
I anecdotea and of many events familiar to
j the ploneera. A junior quartet consisting
1 of Berry, Smith, I-ongand Green gava a
selection. The Pioneer quintet, consisting of
j Carley. Smith, Broadhursi, Southcrland and
' rtosxellf . enlivened the meeting by several
Gladys Van Sant gave a reading. J. H.
Van Dusen delivered the principal address.
I Ruth Berlin gave the recitation, "Grand
I ma." Father Moriarty of Benson spoke
I briefly, after which J. C. Carley rendered
j a cornet solo. E. P. Baker rendered a
1 baritone solo. The program waa concluded
I by a musical number by Oeorglna Davla.
Arrangements have been mad to give a
midsummer picnic, and tha following com
mittee on arrangementa has been an
nounced: K. T. Farnsworth, N. D. Mann.
W. Scott King, Josephine Carroll, Mrs. C.
U Talbot and Mrs. Mary Rafferty.
Male Ctir Uoaalt).
Jetler s Oold Top Beer delivered to any
part uf tha city, lelepuona No. k.
The Shamrock cluo will give an athletic
tahlbltton thla evening at tae club rooms.
The lop price for hogs again reached
I7;3u at in South Omaha market Wednes
day. William Wyrlck has returned from Gree
ley, Colo., where he haa been for some
South Omsha Labor union No. 71 1J will
meet tonight at Twenty-fourth and N
The New Century club wtll give a card
party at the horn of Mrs. Dan Hannon
this evening.
Mrs 8. M. Maxwell. Twenty-second and K
streets, entertained the English club Tues
day evening.
The South Omsha Eagles will siv a,
smoker and athletic exhibition Tueaday
evening. May 4, at Eafle nail.
Mrs. Frank Helner waa hurt Tuesdsy
evening at Twenty-fourth and O streets
upon alighting front a street ear. In some
manner aha fell to the pavement and badly
bruised her face.
The death of Frank Novak orcured Tues
dsy night at hi. hit borne Forty-fifth and
H streets. Tha funeral will ba- held Friday
at I p. m . from the residence to the Bo
hemian National ' cemetery.
Tha Tuesday Night elub had its f!n
party for the season at the home of Mr.
and Ms. W, Miller, this wk. The
prises for the evening were won hv James
Chlsdek and Mrs. F. O. Etter. The ae
ann'a prise wss nn by Mr. and Mrs K jr.
Etter. The ronsolat'nns for the vear were
op by H. L McCoy and Mre. George
Bead!. . . ". .
Maalrlpat Ownership Os mt PsmI
kllltle Mare Glfta Ar Made
the Cblld arlaat
Tb question of abeoroing public interest
In South Omaha la tha proposition for pub
lic light Tha city advertised bids for light
and In response two companies entered the
field In competition, tha Omaba Electric
Light and Power company and tha South
Omaha Electric Ught and Power company,
a new company Incorporated but a short
Urn and the personnel of which was r.ot
revealed until yesterday. Th members of
th company to tha preaent tlm are:
O. F. Beavera, Jama J. Fitsgerald. A. L.
Bergqulst, F. A. Broadwell, J. C. Michael
sen, F. A. Creaaey, C. M. Rich. C. M.
Bchlndel, William G. Bromme:, f. J. Mori
arty, L. M. Lord. O. B. Gafford. W. S.
Sharer, E. L. Howa, R. K. Schlndel, John
W. Kouteky, N. D. Mann A Son. O H.
Brewer, Kd Murtshsw A Co., H. G. Pike,
M. Culkln. P. J. Martin. X. R. Carter,
Theodore Vols. W. '. Lambert, J. H. Ko
plrts. Harry Guthrie, P. C. Caldwell, W. J.
Mcf'renn, Dana Morrill, Sol 8. Goldstrom,
J. Klein, T. J. O Nell, Dan Hannon. A. H.
Murdock, E. B. Brown, A. C. Pancoaat.
Each of tha above named parties are resi
dent of South Omaha and known to every
One In the city.
The hid of the two companle are vari
ously construed by th members of th
city council. Th face of tha bid show th
South Omaha company to batter advantage.
Tha council ha shown a disposition to
Hmlt th contract to five year, though th
contract advertised for' tncluded either a
fiv or ten-year proposition. The new com
pany doea not desire a five-year contract.
Tha new company has agreed to furnish
a guarantee that the minimum royalty
from commercial lighting will be tnOO an
nually. The income to the city from th
present royalties amount to fl.fri. It Is
this question of the amount of royalty
which seems moat to puxxle th city council.
Last night tha new company hung on
of the new Weatlnghouw tampa In tha
atreet at Twenty-fourth and N street to
demonetrate It efflcency.
Look I a T City Ownership.
Speaking of the company which he rep
resents, A. H. Murdock said last night:
"Wa believe we will furnish a light which
la 40 per cent better than the one now In
ae at a charge of 170 a compared to the
t7i bid of the Omaha Klectrio Light and
Power company. Our company has ful
filled all the legal requirements necessary
to an award of the contract. Our bid Is
In accord with the advertisement In every
way. The fact that w cut the commercial
price to 12 cent per kilowatt hour where
It has stood at 14. ahould be appreciated
by the people of South Omaha who con
sume such quantities of current, for the In
candescent light of their homes. In addi
tion we make the assurance that the mod
ern equipment wfll furnish rar better re
sults In the quality of the light.
"Our company has arranged the sale of
sufficient hpnds to build a modern plant
with plenty of capacity for the city. If
the city wishes to buy a municipal plant
we will give an immediate option by a
clause in the contract to sell tbe same at
Its appraised value to tha city at the end
of tha ten years term. We have made a
guarantee of a minimum royalty of 1500."
On the other hand the Omaha Electric
Light and Power company with It busi
ness established, and with an annual roy
alty being turned In to the city treasury,
Is a 'powerful rival of the new company.
The difference In the bids of the two com
panies is ao small aa to maae a choice of
the two fall clearly wltfiln the discretion
ary powers of the council. For thla reason
the rivalry ia very keen and representatives
of tile two companies ar very active to se
cure the advantage.
More Glfta for InstHaf.
A lft Af XA In ciLah miiAA In th Bum
Praised by the benefit for the Child Saving
Institute which wa given at tha home of
Jay Laverty Tuesday - afternoon. Some
smaller contributions were also received.
Another South Omaha function will be held
tonight at the residence of Dr. T. H. Ensor.
This will be a card party, to which many
invitations have been extended by the seal
ous women In charge of the money-getting
campaign. The final effort will ba ex
pended In thia party aa tha time for getting
contributions closes May I. Considering
tha magnificent assistance which came
from the South Omaha 'Live Stock ex
change, tha people uf the city ar Inclined
to think the city ha a record to be
proud of.
The last public program of th year by
th Pioneer Histories! society of South
Omaha waa given Tuesday evening at
Library hall. The attendance waa tha larg
est of any witii tha exception of the Lin
coln--and Washington program In February
A. D. Lane Draws
the Jersey Cow
Telephone Man Gets Useful tnd
Timely Prise Oat of the
Elk.' Show.
Some of the more valuable prtaea given
at th Elk' fair were awarded Thursday
afternoon at the club room, th women be
ing invited to be present. Master Jack
Dewar. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Dewar.
drew the numbers. These awards wer
Pony and cart. P. Anderson, registry
division postoffk-e; Jersey cow, A. D.
Lane. Nebraska Telephone company; Ben
nett hat. F. W. Heron, ant Bee building;
buggy. F. J. McShane. Jr., Thirty-third and
Leavenworth streets; $11 In gold. F. W.
Rapp, McVltlee' cigar store; brewer's
punch bowl. F. S. DeVoee, Merchant
hotel; oriental rug. George P. Cronk,
Havens' Coat company.
Mr. Lane fortune la timely. HI family
has returned to the city and they have
taken a residence on Wet Farnam atreet.
The cow will come In fine play now. Mr.
Lane ha done som milking In hi time
anil says he ran look out for Bossy all
this month.
Pot and Pan
mm mmm-mr
Oaly- One oar More t Complete 0T5,
OOO ar Calleet Over 915,00
far Mew Balldlaa;.
One day more remain in which the
Child Saving institute 1 to complete the
fund of $76,000 for It new building, and
over $1(000 I yet to b collected. Here I
the fund a It stands:
Previously acknowledged. Including
the tifc.OOO conditional on securing '
the whole amount by May I $S".7. 4
Sarah H. Joslyn l.OfO.OO
M. E. Smith A Co Wl.tO
Drexel Shoe company M0. 00
E. Shears 100.00
M. Spiesherger A Son Co 60.00
The Voegele A Dinning company.. 60.00
Eric Nelson 25.00
Robertson Bro r. 26.00
Ieroy Corlls 26.00
National Roofing company 26.00
Dr. A. S. Pint J6.00
Louis O. Drake 25.00
Charlea Leslie TO.OO
George G Wallace 20.00
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian Sunday
School ... 20.00
Charles S. Kelley 16.00
Mrs. Leo Grotte 16. CO
E. B. Brain , H1.11O
S. St I. Plumb 10.00
Grace Chapel Sunday school., 10.00
C. O. Glover 10.00
A friend 10.00
Alonxo Merrick 10.00
May Martin 6 00
Elian Camm 6. 00
J. W. Reynolda, C. 8. 5 00
J. A. Dalsell 5.0
Elisabeth Van Sant 100
A friend 6.00
Mr. Marks 6.00
A friend 6.00
A friend R.A0
Rlllev Bros 6.00
Martha Brown 00
Caah 600
H. M. Mowlnkel, Gretna, Neb 6.00
C. I. Abbott $00
F. A. Broadwell. South Omaha.... 600
A friend
Dexter L. Thomas o-OJ
I'nlty Snunday school $ 00
D. E. Gelsaman 00
Mrs. Ella Patterson 2 00
Charles A. Lewis 1 00
r. L. Proctor 1-00
Sixty-four give 4$. 00
. Total
Nearly Million and Quarter Required,
at Comptroller Shows.
TOTAL BECEIFTS ARE $1,361,008 59
Moat All f Halaaee Cornea from the
F.aeeaa of ninety per Oat of
A vallahJe.
Taxpayers of Omaha paid $1.2W.M4.80 to
run tha city during the year of 1008, ac
cording to the of flolnl repnrt of the city
comptroller for the last year. The report
haa Just been compiled. Of this expenditure
of practically $1,150.00". y,;,i7.a went to
taking up bonds, coupons and warrants.
The total receipts for the year were
$l,JV,0n. 68. and the balance In all funds
and departments ut the beginning of the
yar waa S134.17LM. Nearly all of thla bal
ance comes frcm the excess of the to per
cent ef the levy scheduled a available, the
republican city treasurer being responsible
for collecting an excess of $11,75.15. Had
It not been for this excess there would
have tvn a difference" of but $18,194 be
tween tha receipta and expenditures for
tho year. Were th expense for gas treet
lighting and water furnished from atreet
hydrants Included In the expenses, the
city a account for the year would be "In
th red." These two Items, and they are
large Itema, are not Included In the comp
troller' statement on account of litigation.
Soarea of Asaet.
Excee of
' 0 A Int. Total
Fund. Collected. nrlna
General $ 12.37.3 $ 261.4.M.OT
Fire 10.MB.08 , 1KS.n9.sJ
Police 8.M M 1t.3.74
Lighting 4.017. 7 107.914. HI
St. clean' aweep'g 2 8.1 47,7h7.0
Public Worka Dept.... d. Inl.lSi.0t
Park 2.6:i.m 49.64ii.68
Ubrary 1.431 .M 26,375.111
Sinking t4.34J.0 391,33.4
Receives a Pereealagte of tha Caaa
Roeelata of tho Pahlle Market
ftatardar. May 1st.
The Public Market, at 11 Harney atreet.
will evidently be one of th bualtst place
In Omaha next Saturday. Tha management
haa agreed to donate to th Child Saving
Institute fund a percentage of the cash r
celpte for that day.
Saturday is always a very busy time at
the market and th additional business
which will be sttracted to the place Sat
urday, by reason of the liberality shown
towsrd such a deserving public enterprise,
ahould be the means of making the day a
veritable record breaker.
Mr. Harrison, the manager, say that the
Indications point to a very large business
and that they are making special prepara
tion In all the departments to accommo
date a big trade. Arrangements have been
mad wlin tie packing houses, wholesale
grocers, fruit dealera and seed houses, to
supply th best of everything tn their re
spective lines, at price which will no doubt
be conducive to a large volume of business.
W. L. Maaterman Co.. tha coffee men,
who control tha tea and coffee department,
have entered Into the spirit of th occasion
with the enthusiasm which pervadea the
rest of ths store, and they, too, are antici
pating that th high water mark of the
season will be easily overreached by Satur
day' record.
Tha Child Saving institute la on of our
moat deserving charitable institutions, and
those who patronise th Public Market on
Saturday next, will be contributing to A
splendid cause.
at a a .
All trie soap ana muscle
; in the world won't clean your
pots and pans as they should
be cleaned.
Ordinary washing of cook
ing utensils pusses over whole
hidden nests of little wigglers
common lv called trerms.
Gold Dust is an antiseptic
washing powder that not only
removes the visible dirt and
grease, but goes deep after
every trace of germ life ster
ilizes : pots, pans,, pails and
kettles leaving them clean,
wholesome and safe.
just shakealittle Gold Dust
-in your dish-water and it will
make your
pots spick
1 and span as
when new
a n d ,yo u r
;tin s shine
like silver.
w haa' Vaa , mmw fcala Medal riaae
' aaro It la Waaahara-Oroahy'a Oold
' Ueoal ruar. Thla la lataortaat.
M later Cress Aloof th Borltaatoa
A re Reported to Bo la Good!
Winter wheat and oata are In good condi
tion and tha ground haa been favorable
for plowing for corn In Nebraaka, accord
ing to tha crop and aotl report of the Bur
lington railroad. Conditions ware favorable
for winter wheat during tha autumn and
the acreage haa Increaaed. Little planting
of corn haa been done a yet. More than
an average crop of potatoes I expected be
cause tha weather haa been favorable for
preparing th ground. About 60 per cent
of the crop haa been planted. Th pasture
are generally backward. Tha plum trees
are beginning to Mooaom and tha peach
treea are budded. A th budding and
blooming ia two weeka later than laat year
there la much better prospecta for fruit.
Total $116.075. 15 $1.B1,00S.59
Ks peas a of City.
Total F.xp'se.
$ 23n.(W!.w
179,302. 12
General ,
Police ,
Lighting (gas street lighting not
Street clesnlng and sweeping
Public Works department
Park .
173,833. it
A a Haa eat Doctor
remarked to hla patient who had been
cured by Lydia E. Plr.kham's Vegetable
Compound after his efforts had failed.
'Mrs. Weber. I do not believe in patent
medicines, but I will say that Lydla E.
Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound la the best
medicine ever discovered for women. Con
tinue, to use It." Thla I another link In
th long chain of evidence to prove the re
liability of this standard medicine . for
Orchard at Wllbeim Carpet rompaar
ar now displaying tn their wlndowa and
Drapery department tha portiere, yard
goods, and couch covers that wer bought
at auction In New Tork, April 13th and 14th,
at from ona-thlrd to one-half thatr regular
price. They ar -all thl seaaon's make,
being from tha surplus stock of th United
Manufacturer of I'pholstertng Ooods ef
America. Thl la an unuaual opportunity
to buy portiere and couch covers at bar
gain price unusual when you consider
that they bought from th boat manufae
turara with whoa good they ar familiar.
Tha good will ba on sal Monday morning
at $ o'clock, first favor.
Total $1.22.KJ4.
Rrrapltalatloa of Expenditare by
Departmeota of Aaaaat
Lots- Faada.
Department. Total.
Mayor $ 6.132.36
City council . ls.ono 00
Comptroller 12.235.71
City clerk ,t..y 9.874.24
City treasurer 1.11b. 04
Douglas county, 1 for collection.. IS. 930 ttl
Legal 12.7X1.03
Electrical 6.336. H
Building Inspector 6.580.73
Plumbing Inspector 1.7ti3.lM
Boiler Inspector 2.336.64
License inspector $.433.32
Gsa Commissioner 2.79H.76
Weights and measure Inspector... 1.8tV76
Market master , l.'.iiO.on
Maintaining city dump.. 1.200.00
Police court . 3.479.14
Maintainor city hall..... 15,340.59
Election expenses 7.813.73
Health department , 17,(191.74
Emergency hospital 8.073. L1
Judgment W.59H.33
Miscellaneous item 60.8Wi.37
Brecn and Entire
Ticket Will Win
William F. Wappieh Tells Sixth
Warders of His Belief ia Out
- come of Election.
' No logical reaaon can be given why
Breen and th entire republican ticket
should not be elected next Tuesday," said
William F. Wappieh, candidate for the
Fira and Police board ot. the republican
ticket at a meeting of tha taxpayer of
th Sixth ward, held Wednesday night at
Twenty-feurtii and Burdette streets. "We
want som representative who will b a
credit to our city. Presldent'Taft will vilt
Omaha and w want a republican adminis
tration to greet him when he arrives.
"No good haa resulted to th city or
Omaha from beating the tom-tom the way
Mayor Jim haa done and It I time to run
our affair on buslnea principle.
"Omaha haa taken Its place among th
metropolitan cities of the country and It
tan no longer be governed aa a village
would be handled. The city I mada up ot
people of all nation and they have differ
ent view of how they would put In their
leisure moments, and their views should
b respected.
"Everything I run on different line In
a large metropolitan city than It I in a
mall village. Crime I larger and chari
ties are larger. The Inhabitant look at
affaira In k different light. Do you up
pose Judge RedlcV would have built an
eight-story hotel If he had thought It would
have to b run a an lea cream parlor?"
"Th democratic counctltnanlc candidate
aurely show a lot uf nerva In coming be
fore the people of Omaha and asking for
votes, with their record staring them In
the face," said Dave Christie, councllmanlc
candidate from the Fifth ward on the re
publican ticket. "In spite of th occupation
plank of their platform they ahowed the
white feather Tuesday night when Coun
cilman Zlmman forced them to a vote on
the occupation tax. By a vote of 10 to $.
they voted not to consider the occupation
tax In the city council."
"I believe the republican ticket will be
elected from top to bottom," aald W. J.
Hunter, candidate for fire and nolle com
missioner on the republican ticket. "A
feeling ot harmony exist in republican
" """JO" Wf !BHP!9!
Total $241,252. IS
Fire department $179,202.12
Police department ..'...'i'.V..: $133,936 79
Street lighting (not 'Including gas '
llghte) w $ 7S.H7t.3
Cleaning and sweeping streets.-.. ..$ 47.700.33
Recaoltalatloa of Kxpeadltarea . by
Departments of Assist
' Levy Faads.
FMglneer $ 42.364.42
Public works inspectors 16.223.02
Street repair and material 28.134. 1
Cross walks 4,108.81
Bildges and culverts..... M3.02
Sewer maintaining '13.486.94
Asphalt plant and curb and gutter. 66.687.9$
Total $10. 463.2$
Malntalnirg parka and boulevards $ 49,64$. 58
Maintaining public library $ 25.37a.18
Bonds redeemed $
Coupons redeemed 249,797.60
Miscellaneous 1,339.78
Total $47.187.2
Water hoard. Including legal and
professional eervlces $ 2H.837.44
Settlem'ts of special warrants, etc..$ 41 327.77
Heeapltalatloa of Receipts and War
rant a Drawn on Varloa
Cash Faads,
Total Rsl
Fund. Receipts. ance
Spesial ainklng $ l.M $ 184
Road 26.189.63 22.
Market Place 1.030. 3 I'M. 28
Dog 4.240 66 4 95
Fira engine house bond.. 43.SS0.64 32.022. 04
Intersection bond L8.7ln.07 14.941.70
Omaha sewer 192.396.54 92.1.. 18
Park bond 61.634.50 29,913.79
Levy Carter park 42.727.0 441.79
Murohv aneclal library.. 986.46 9S6.4&
- t
Park rommlsalonera Refer Kim wood
Park Matter to Berrymoa aad
Plans for the new pavilion to be erected
in Elmwood park were not decided upon by
the Board of Park Commissioners In ane
clal meeting Wednesday afternoon, but the
matter waa referred to Commissioner
Berry men and Watson. These will go over
the proposition more thoroughly In the
hope that it can be found feasible to build
a pavilion of mission style. The pavilion
will be of concrete.
J. P. Connolly, concessionaire at River
view park, asked for an extension of his
contract for two years, from April 1. 1911,
but the request waa referred until tire law
Is looked up and tl ba found whether the
extension can be granted. Mr. Connolly
wa to put boata en tho lake In the nark,
but until thla year there - ha been no
lake. He believe hla Income will be con
siderably greater with boats and therefor
wants the extension of time to cover the
years he lost when there waa no lake. ,
Residents In the vicinity of Thlrty-aocond
and Hamilton streets petitioned the board
for thirty shade tree to take the place
of those th board gave them aoveral year
ago and which have died. Superintendent
Adams was Instructed to let them have
the required number at Fontanelle park,
where the tree are too thin.
A Pleuaat Sorprlse
follows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Ife Pills, the painless regulators that
strengthen you. Guaranteed. 26c. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co
Great fpeclal Sale at Brandels Store
Salarday, May let.
76c Roae Bushes at 10c.
Saturday we place on ale 10.000 American
Beauty Rose Bushes 3 year old plants,
all follaged out and full of buds. They
will positively blossom In next two weeks.
They ar fully acclimated to Nebraaka
weather. ,
These bushes are from the same nursery
where we secured the American Beauty
bushes that were ao successful last year
and blossomed four time during the sea
son. These are 76c bushes at 10c each
Totais 49.Mt7.71 $170,99.
Fund. Receipt.
Balance from 1907 S4N.Sll.tW
Excess of $0 and Interest collected l.or,4.02
Miscellaneous 813.18
Total receipts trA078.s
Balance In fund $23,441.44
Charae Is Aasaalt and Batter, bat
May Be Chanced to a More
SertoBs Oae.
Joe Poma, a laborer employed in the
demolition of the old county Jail, was ar
rested Thursday on a warrant sworn to by
hi niece, Mr. Josephine tjispsta, 419
North Twelfth atreet. The complaint
charges assault and battery, but a more
aeriou charge may b brought forth, It I
said, when the case I called before Police
Judge Crawford. The man la about 46
years of age.
Quick Action for Tour Money Ten get
that by using Th Bs advertising columaa.
I 1 IB w-.fwm
When He Courted You
He didn't complain if you were a little despond
ent or irritable at time$. Now he does. He's
the same man. He didn't understand then.
He doesn't now. Then he thought it was ca
price and liked it. Now he thinks it is caprice
and doesn't like it. But now he's busy jetting
If he realized the full truth he would h mrr K,
V" anxious fa hive ik wif. k i l. .
- - ""v ivia uic mc rignt remeay
to restore her to true womanly health. Most men don't
'know that when a ivoman ; vv j
- "i ii'uj, uruauic ana
despondent, there is invariably something; radically wronsr
B . K O 1 am, Jj;.... at ' . a .... J
w.l. ic ucinaic feminine organs with which her entire
physique is in sensitive sympathy.
Thoro ia oae, aad just oaa remedy,, tried aad proved, that
wUl pat things right when tha feanlaine organises i weak or
diaoasad. It is
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Tbi meoMeiao restore perfect fceaJtfc to the weak, ar-
. aatel make thean etroaj. - 1
It makes wifehood happy, and motherhood easy,
child-birth short andalmost painless. It helps to make
real new women." An honest druggist won't urge
upon you a substitute.
This "Favorite Prescription" is a pure glyceric
i , . . nt,ve raenu roots and contains no al
, cohol, injurious or habit-forming drugs. A full list of
its ingredients printed on its outside wrapper and
attesteJ as full and correct under oath.
Dr. Piere.'. Pleasant Pellet regulate ami rtrengthea Stom
ch, Liver ana Bowels. Easy to tax a candy.
Boys All Wool Suits
QG Values ot G3.BC
A prominent manufacturer just closed
out to us a lot of 700 Hoys' Suits at a
ppecia) cash price. These suits are. made
in the very latest etylrs and colors from
nil wool cassimeres, worsted?, cheviots
and blue serges.
Coats have taped seams, padded shoul
ders and shape retaining fronts; knicker
bockers triplo-sewed and made with pat
ent waistbands. Linings and trimmings
are extra durabl?. 1
These suits could not be offered under
ordinary conditions for less than $5 to $6.
Special, at
SATURDAY, MAY 1st We will place on sale several
hundred Men's Spring Hats. This is a'. special purchase
from a maker who is well known for the good hats he dis
tributes. Your choice of
$3.0$, $2.50 and $2.0$ Hals lor SI. 45
Th Hons of
High Merit."
p5t' :'.gl
XTRAcoop Knee Pants
Lined All Through
Knee pant are lined on all XTRAGOOH
suits for boys, and that lining doubles the
life of them.
But that isn't all All XT5AGOOD trou
sers have patent waist bands. A clever
elastic device takes the strain from the
seams and the cloth. No boisterous boy
can harm trousers like these.
The pockets are "tacked" to stay. The.
seams are "overcast" to prevent raveling.
The seat seams are reinforced with
tape, and thrice sewed. The waist bands
are sewed double.''
The buckles are patent riveted. The
suspender and fly buttons are patented.
. All XTRAcoop trousers have belt loops
some have side buckles some watch
Yet, others ask for common clothes
clothes with one-third the wear as much
as we ask for yTRAGOon, maJe by Eder-heimer-Stein.
J. .L Brandeis & Sons
Extravagance is not necessary to good
printing. The best work depends upon the
good taste and capability of your printer
A. L SUot. lacrMate4, 1210-1211 Hewer
Republican Mass Meeting
Creighfton Hall
Friday Evening, April 30