Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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How Can I
Get Fat?
. XL Stewart Nurusd for Saptrin
tendent of Di School.
Colon! from tho ' Tint HknMkt U
' hr Good Majerttr
!fw Haa hi . Bsaaslaere
Aro AoeoL. ,
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. AprU . (Rpeclal Telegram.)
Governor Shallenberger hu announced
ths following appointments: L M. HHii
of Eagle, chief clerk of the banking board;
Oeorga Faber of Blair, assistant clerk.
Bnk examiners.' Perry Dowllng of Grand
Inland. Charles B. CMalley of Omaha. L.
H. Tata of Omaha, Floyd Seboldt of Lin
coln. E. H. Lulkart of Tlldeo; C. H- Beau
mont of Madrid. C. W. Irwin of Omaha.
Beaumont and Irwin are reappointments.
Superintendent of tha Institute for tha
Deaf at Omaha. R. B. Btowart.
Committee to consult regarding tha plana
for making the Irrigation ongreaa work
of benefit to Nebraska: K. C. Simmons of
Lincoln, W. 8. Morland of MoOook, Grant
Shumway of Scotta Bluff, A. M. Mor
rlssey of Valentine, . Charles Coftey of
rharlrnn. Tha governor hai not yet ap
pointed a secretary to tha State Banking
board. .
The salaries of the bank examiners were
fixed at 11,800 a year, that of tha chief
clerk to the Banking board 1$1.500 and that
of the assistant to tha chief clerk was not
determined. "
tor eh Brlawdlor Oeaeral.
Adjutant Oenera! Harflran has announced
the election, f Colon' Btorch of the First
Nebraska 'o the poaltlon of brigadier gen
eral. Ii. the election contest 62 votes were
cast for, htm ouj, of .
Stewart, Former Soperla teadeat.
Mr. Stewart was superintendent of tha
Institute for the', Defcf and Dumb for a
period of six years,'-his term of office
ending when his successor, Mr. White,
was appointed In September, 1907. Mr.
White fame here -from Minnesota. Mr.
Stewart wag appointed by Governor Fyn
ter, fuslonlst.
Until Tha Bea called up by telephone
and advised the authorities at tha institute
of the reappointment of Stewart It was
not known there.- . .
Joseph A. Starch, the new brigadier gen
era:, first entered the services as a mem
ber of the Fullerton company of that regi
ment and -went with his regiment to the
Philippines in 1898. He was one. of three
brothers of tha same regiment, one of whon)
was killed in battle. In tha Philippines,
and both,, of tha other brothers severely
wounded. Btorch was rapidly promoted
through all tha aon-corfimlssioned grades
and reached a seoond lieutenancy, and upon
his appointment -as first lieutenant he was
placed in command of Company C of his
regiment during tba temporary disability
of Captain A1. H. Kolllngworth, who was
severely wounded thai night of February
4, 1899, at tha first outbreak of the Filipino
Insurrection, . . .
t'pon the return tit -theFtnit Nebraska
to the United States Btorch, who had In
the meanwhile- reached a captaincy, took
an active part in tha reorganisation of tha
First Nebraska' Ha became colonel of the
regiment twoiaars:ag-;ftn Ja one of the
moat ..popular oomntajxters the regiment
has yet had. In the meanwhile Colonel
Btorch has been a student of the military
school at Fort Crook. which Is conducted
under the supervision of the War ' de
partment. ' -A.
flrakemaa Killed Like Brother.
ALLIANCE. Neb.i April 2$. (Special Tele
gram.) While switching at Ellsworth this
afternoon, Brukeiaan F. K. WAtson was
thrown bem'aih the'.' Car and Instantly
killed, the body being badly disfigured, sev
eral cars . passing over It. The 1 remains
wre brought to Alliance for burial. Wat
son was ihtmarried. , .His brother, who was
also a railroad man. was killed In a similar
manner about a year ago. and a short time
prior to this his mother was so badly
burned by a gasoline explosion at her home
in this - city that shef died after several
hours of excruohitlng.r.aln.
This is th all Important question
with many women. Thajr hare
tried a myriad of thinga recom
mended lor thia purpose, all with
out succeaa, and then they worry
and grow thinner.
will put an end to such worrlea.
Rich In the nourishing properties of
select barley malt, lta consistent
use is aure to produce flesh and
round out tha curves of beauty.
. - .wpy.'j
Order a
Dos frees Yow f - J
Local Dreffffct WM
Convicts Will N
Not Get Work
in Tailor Shop
Governor ShaUenberje Decline! to
Sign Contract Permitting' Them
to B Thai Employed.
Bail way Commission Finds Where
Honey Can Be Spent.
Corporation Tax Law Soarra of
Iaaalry by Omaha Firm Watch
Is Braaek of Larger
rtagan City Attorney.
HASTINGS.. NebvAPrtl a. (Specials
Mayor Miles has appointed John M. Ragan,
former commissioner of the supreme court,
to succeed W, F, Button as city attorney.
The appointment will take effect Saturday.
Mr. Button Is now judge of the county
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
h&m'sVegetable Compound
Milwaukee, Wis. " Lydia E. Pint
ham's Vegretable Compound has made
me a well woman,
and I would like to
tell thewbole world
of it. I suffered
from female trouble
and fearful pains In
my back. I had the
best doctors and
they all decided
that I had a tumor
la addition to mr
female trouble, and
sdrised an opera-
'lukhani s Veffti table Compound made
me a well woman ana i nare no more
backache. I hope I can help others by
telling them what Lydia E. Finkham's
Vegetable Compound has done for
me." MKa.EuMAlMiE.e33 First St.
Milwaukee, Wis.
The above Is only one of the thou,
sands of grateful letters which are
constantly being received by the
ttukham Medicine Company of Lynn,
Mass.,wbich prove beyond a doubt that
Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from roots and herbs,
actually does cure these obstinate dis
eases of women after all other means
bave failed, and that every such suf
ering woman owes it to herself to at
leaafrive Lydia E- Pinkham's Vffreta
bl Compound a trial before submit
ting to an operation, or giving up
bone of recovery. '
Mrs, Ptnkhain, of Lynn, Mas
Invites all sick women to write
Iter for advice. She bas jruirfed
thousands to health and her
sxlvice is free.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., April 28. (Special. V-
The state will not contract with the St.
Louis garment making firm which made
a bid for the use of the convicts. The
firm desired to Install a tailor shop In the
state penitentiary and use the convicts
for the manufacture of clothing; for la
borers. The Board of Public Lands and
Buildings thought favorably of the tailor
shop idea, believing the state could get
much more -money for the use of tha con
victs than It could by letting them out to
the broom factory. The clothing firm had
already signed the contract agreeing to
pay from 60 to 86 cents a day for the
prisoners and the matter was put up to
Governor Shallenberger, who under the
law has the final say In tha matter.
When tha news of the proposed contract
was published the various labor unions
of the state, together with the manufac
turers of laborers' clothing, got busy on
the governor to get bins' to refuse to per
mit the manufacture of such articles In
the penitentiary. The governor Investi
gated and then refused to sign the con
tract. From his office the following state
ment was given out this afternoon:
Governor Shallenberger states that he
doe not favor tho contract upon Investiga
tion for the reason he fenls In tha first
place it la unfair to free labor to be put in
competition with prison labor, and tha fact
that the parties who desire the contract In
question make a proviso that if the gar
ments made st the penitentiary are to be
stamped "prison made" the contract Is to
be ended Is evidence of the fact they realise
the intense prejudice among people gener
ally against prison made goods.
The governor believes that the present
makers of brooms at tha penitentiary will
take all of the Idle labor at as good a wage
aa tho garmentmakers will offer, and that
since the contract with the broom makers
has-been already renewed for several years
no oblectlon can be made- to this Increased
employment. The . governor has been
strongly In favor of employing a portion of
the labor in tho fields raising sugar beets,
as a healthy and remunerative employment
and something that will not in any way
affect honest labor. A further objection la
that garmentmaklng is a line of work that
In all free factories is generally performed
by women, and mule convtcta. If taught to
ixirfarm this labor In the prison, on dis
charge would not have any trade whfch
would be of value to them In the future.
He feels tlutt whatever trade la taught a
mule convict It should no suon worK as
would find him employment after serving
his term. '
The matter of finding employment for the
convicts that will keep them healthy and
rive them the necessary work that dis
cipline demands and at the same time make
the prleon as self-sustaining aa possible Is
a difficult problem, but Governor Shallen
berger aya that he believe it can be solved
without reducing the earning capacity of
the honest and industrious people of the
state who are dependent upon their dally
wages for their support.
Council Wilt neeeivc Application
for Salooai Licenses.
WYMORB. Neb., April 38. ( Special. V-
At a meeting or the Wymore city council
last evening, which was called for tjie pur
pose of recounting the votes of the recent
city election. City Cleric Hanson, acting
upon the advice of the city attorney, re
fused to turn over the ballots. - Mayor
Rawllngs stated that he had mad an ef
fort to setile the matter, fairly and Im
partially toward alt, but that the mem
bers of the city oouncil were now at lib
erty to vote upon applications for saloon
licenses as they saw fit. The council will
meet again May S, when it la thought sev
eral applications will be presented. The
temperance people are preparing to block
any move made to establish saloons here.
Kmltk to Make Address.
HASTINGS, Neb.. April 28Bpeelal.)
Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner of the
bureau of corporations and son-in-law of
former Senator Dietrich, has been engaged
to deliver the commencement address be
fore the-'greduatlng class of Hastings High
school June t Those elected for gradua
tion are:
Mlnaes Mary Pillow, I-orene Bsrlass. Jen
nie iRozell, Ruth Kimball, Marlon Slater,
Mabel Klfe. Mae Edwards. Lillla Tennant,
Kffle Rapp. Marguerite Levy, Orpha Kink,
Mahel Alexander. Kleanora Fouler. Luella
lianlfans. Kthel Decker. Ida Panser, Ktliel
tireenfleld. t.race Hoppe. Klla Batty. Pearl
I'amron, Kffle Hocking. Clara oVhaff, LIU
Fleming. Hazel Calteraon, Elsie Behrens.
I'na Reed; Messrs. Aug-jst Rloomenkamp,
K.lgar Dykemsn, Psui Bamford. Lincoln
Haugh. Raymond Roelsc, Oliver Forrester,
Jay role. Peril Hansen. Prank Mead, Guy
tloasard. Charles Benedict. Louis Stein.
Clyde Klnsey, Reuben Dunlap, Raymond
News 'front Pera Normal.
PERU. Neb.. April 28. Special. -E. J.
Blmonds. student secretary of the Young
Men's Christian association, has been in
Peru the last few days. He Is helping
organise the work for next year, and Is
also working out plans for the Peru dele
gation to the Cascade, (Colo.) conference
this summer. A large delegstion is plan
ning to attend the conference.
The normal quartet, consisting of Messrs
C. R. Moore, Carl Schntt, G. H. Lamphere
and Renjamln Rowan wera at Nemaha last
evening In response to a call to furnish
music for the annual celebration of the
Odd Fellows of that place.
The first announcement of tha summer
school of music is Just out. Exceptional
opportunities are being offered along this
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 38. (Special.) Henry
Rohwer of St. Ixuls and Francis W. Col
lins of New Tork, engineers, spent the day
with tha railway mmmbulnn and Governor
Shallenberger discussing the physical valua
tion of railroads in Nebraska under the
law enacted bv the recent democratic! lesria-
lature. Mr. Rohwer is the engineer who
built tha Missouri Pacific railroad In Ne
braska and he also valued the Union Pa
cific from Omaha to Lincoln. He waa a
resident of Omaha from 1869 to 1887.
Mr. Collins came to Lincoln recommended
by Bnrlneer Gillette, who valued the rail.
roads of Washington and who offered to do
the Nebraska work for $1,000 a month and
expenses, providing he had to alve onlv
about half his time to the work. He later
withdrew his proposition, as he did not
have time to attend to the work.
Prof. Cooley. who did the work In Mloht
gan. made a definite proposition to the
commission after he had artven that bodv
some ideas of how he thought the work
should be done. The Michigan work was
done In four months and at one time Prof
Cooley had 136 men employed, which shows
the possibilities the governor ef Nebraska
nas on Duuamg up his political machine.
Moaer Will Not Oo Par.
The railway commission has 140 nnn tn
spend in finding the valuation of railroad
property in Nebraska as well aa the valua
tion or ether corporations named in the law
It Is the Intention, however, of the com
mission to work first on the steam rail
roads and it Is figured the (40.000 will be
exhausted even before the commission
reaches the railread of the stock vaeda
over which there waa such a row between
Mr. Ransom and the members of the legislature.
Other engineers will be here durlna- th
week and as soon as possible the commis
sion will double what It wanU to da and
then It will march across the hall to the
governor and ask his consent to do It, for
the law leaves the appointment of engl- j
neers and he helpers to his Mmli.nro
though he has nothing to with the work of
me railway commission.
Railway Commission the Blsr Mtlb.
The town of Oresham has a ixi.nhnn.
In lta depot and Its complaint never came
up for final hearing before the railway
commission. The oltlsens of that town who
filed the complaint against the Northwest
ern to compel it to Install the telephone,
notified the commission todav h h
telephone had been Installed, was In good
iiaiaang condition yand ask)ed that the
complaint be dismissed. This was done,
Sweetwater Gets Depot.
Sweetwater has a ri.nnl unA . V. - r . .
lington railroad put In there.
filing of a complaint with the railway
wuuwn.eBiun. in citlaene of the town no
tified the commission this morning to dis
miss tho case aa the Burlington had come
across without a formal hearing hearing
and the people wera satisfied and happy.
Italians Ask Prolertlon.
News of the murder of a h. i -nr.,
by an Italian laborer and tho chiming of
the Italians from the town hv th.,-..,.
haa reached the Italian consul at Denver,
wuu loiegrapnea Governor Shallenberger
as follows: ,
r crnrVl ; . 40, "ernor ma.
C. bhallenberger. Llnco n: I appeal to voti
Wrymor.r10n "f
Royal Italian Consul.
The governor wired back that .v.rvti,in.
was quiet at Wymore.
Wants Interpretation of Law,
Browning, King & Co. of Dnmi,. ,..
written to Secretary of State Junkln for
an opinion on the law enacted by the lata
legislature regarding the flat tax on the
capital stock of corporations. The firm In
formed the secretary of state that tt ma
buslneas in many states and had an im
mense capital atock if tt were 11 totaled,
but by no means la all of Its capital stock
Invested In Nebraska or used In Nebraska.
aesveo to know whether It would have
to pay the tag on tba caplUl stock used In
Nebraska or on Its entire capitalisation.
Tha question was referred to the attorney
general. ,
Mothers' Day May 0.
Nebraskans will again be called upon to
observe "Mother's Dsy." Secretsry Mayns
Dt the Young Men's Christian association
called on the governor today and asked
that he Issue a proclamation calling upon
the people to observe the day. , It Is prob
able the governor will set aside May In
a proclamation to bp lbsued later.
No Money to Teachers,
Stats Auditor Bartln haa issued no war
rants for the April salary of the teachers
of the ePru Normal school. Until the au
thority of the new board Is tested In the
supreme court, the auditor will not lsjua
any warrants on the board's vouchers tt
is supposed here that .Principal Crabtree
paia tne i-eru Normal teachers either out
of ths cssli fund or advanced the money
State Officers Are Away.
Stste Treasurer Brian Is In Idaho, where
he went to bid on Idaho state bonds. Sec
retary of State Junkln is out In Gosper
county looking after his farm. Auditor
Barton went to Omaha tills morning and
the remainder of the state officers, except
Land Commtvslortor Cowies, who Is out
linking at school lands, are holding the
Complaints from LitehSeld.
H J. Wlnnett of the Bute Railway
commission today filed a report of hii
findings at Litchfield. here he went last
week :o Investigate a i-umber of com
plaints. He made the following recom
mendations to the ccmmikslon:
Flr-?s cauaed by engines I f jund to be a
general complaint, whlck all agreed could
b largely eliminated by properly burnej
fire Kuards. A suggestion to the farmers
that tr.ey permit such portion of their land
In h. l.iirnMH 1 1 u tr- u tv 1 1 .1 nrnl.r.1 .l.m
brought out the statement that they were
wllllna- tn co-onerate In that way. but that
section men were never furr In had sufficient
force to properly do the work.
Personal-Persons afflicted with blood
poison In any stage, or rheumatism In any
form, csn learn of a permanent cure by
asJresalng tho Balvar Company. St. Louis
I Health
Is better than a bank account,
and easier to get-
Quitting coffee snd using
is a long step in the right
"There's Reason"
Start the Day Right
and you will be right
Start it by eating
Shredded Wheat
with hot milk or cream and
little fruit . If you eat more
than the stomach needs you
are wasting both money and
strength. Overtaxing the
stomach impairs digestion, weakens
brain power and lays the foundation
for disease. Cut out heavy meats and soggy white flour
pastries for ten days, eat Shredded Wheat and see how
much better you will feel then tell your friends about
it Your grocer sells it
Shredded Wheat is m&de of the choicest selected , white
wheat, cleaned, steam-cooked and baked. Try it for breakfast
to-morrow with milk or cream. The Biscuit is also delicious
for any meal in combination with fresh or preserved fruits.
tit m -
My suggestions are that proper drainage
' surface wster, where obstructed by rail
road grade, and repairs to culvert In Lltch-
tlist signs De piacea ai
r lust east of Litchfield:
that trnlnmen be Instructed to give proper
signals when aporoachinic It, and that
ciL-feslrigs and gales referred to as being
tn need of bcttermenta be repaired.
Commissioner Wlnne-lt also Investlgatsd
a number of complaints about stock wan
dering on the right-ot-way and being run
down by trains. Ho found It very hard to
fix responsibility In these cases and In
one case found a gate from a cattle pas
ture which could be kept closed only, by
Distress Warrant os R. K. Moore.
Two distress warrants were Issued yes
terday evening against R. E. Moore, mil
lionaire and ex-IJncolnlte. "
County Treasurer Berry wants I5.0Z1.I2.
while City Treasurer Dayton desires $11,-'
027.91. In W7 It was discovered that more
than a half million dollars wortn or per
sonal property belonging to Moore had not
been listed. Suit was started and the Issu
ance of the distress warrants resulted.
No personal property was found. The
back taxes may be transferred to the form
of a judgment and then real estate may
tie levied upon.
Moore left Lincoln more than a yea
ago. He still maintains an oiiice at nur
teenth and N streets. He Is now a resident
of Cincinnati,
Judge Strode Gets Place.
Judge J. B. Strode, one of the best
known members of the Lancaster county
bar, haa been appointed by County Attor
ney Tyrrell to fill the vacancy made by
the resignation pf the deputy county at
torney, Charles K. Matson. The place was
offered to Judge Strode aa soon as Mr.
Matson tendered his resignation, but he
did not accept It until Tuesday afternoon.
Judge Strode la a former congressman and
ona of the pldest practitioners In the city.
Hosts from For Farm.
Superintendent aKufman of the county
farm haa paid into the county treasury the
sum of about $1,300, the proceeds from the
sale of a car load of hogs that he raised
at the poor form aud marketed recently.
This Is the latgeBt single amount that lias
been realised from the products of the
farm and goes a good way toward meeting
the expenses to which the county haa been
put In maintaining the farm.
lington company has a number of secret
service men working at Wymore with a
view of learning whether or not any of
the employes of the road participated In
the riot at that place Sunday night which
resulted In the destruction of several cars.
TEKAMAH At a meeting of the Kastern
Star held laat night the following officers
were elected: Mts. M. R. Hopewell. W. M.:
C. V. Haywood. W. P.; Mrs. E. E. Btapie-
ton, Aw M ; Mrs. Bd Latta, conductress;
Mrs. C. V. Haywood, associate conduct
ress; Mrs. J. P. Latta, treasurer; Mrs.
Cora B. Wood, secretary.
FREMONT The Northwestern has a
force of men ballasting- the Lincoln line
between the Platte river and Swede
burgh. . Gravel Is being hauled from Long
Pine. A gang of alxty men are employed
and the Job will be finished In about
ninety days. The roadbed on this 11;ie
has not been In very good shape for some
BEATRICE Because Howard Green, a
nonunion painter in the employ of Randall
& Co., refusd to Join the local Painters'
union a number of the union men li the
employ of this firm quit work yesterday.
The firm has refused to sign a union con
tract, claiming that there are not enough
union men in the city to take care of ths
work n-
HA8TINGS All of the four brick plants
In this city have resumed operations and
soon upwards of 160 men will be employed
therein. One plant has been forced to
shut down temporarily for repairs In Its
machinery- The brick industry In Hastlnas
has been growing rspldly In recent; years.
Last year 920 carloads of building mate
rial, mostly brick, were shipped out of
HASTINGS Probably no military organ
ization in the state will have more commo
dious quarters than the Hastings Rifles,
officially known as Company 1, when they
are established in the new Odd Fellows
building, the construction of which win
soon he started. The company will have
the entire upper floor and through arrange
ments with the lodge will use the ludga
assembly room for drill.
BEATRICE The Beatrice Automohlle
company was Incorporated here yesterday
for $10,000. The offloers elected sre: Carl
Sonderegger, president; J. E. -Lang, vice
president; W. A. Baylor, treasurer; B. F.
Wood, Jr., secreta1-y-manager. The direct
ors are Carl Sonderegger, H. Fishbach, J.
B. Lsng. W. A. Baylor and B. F. Wood,
jr. The company opened for business to
day. It will sell the Maxwell machines and
do a limited livery business.
CENTRAL CITY A broken leg was the
portion meted out the other day to one of
the Greek laborers who was working here
snd undertook to resist the oaggage master
who caught him taking eggs from a case
standing on the platform at the Union Pa
clflo depot. .Karl Larcom, the baggage
master, noticed the Greek picking eggs
from a case, and after warning him to de
sist, put a foot behind him quickly and
gave him a shove. The Greek was sent
sprawling on the ground, and found that
he could not get up again.
HASTINGS Dors of Hastings are threat
ened by a "black hand" system of execu
tion. Within the last four days nine dogs,
several being registered stock, have been
killed with strychnine. A warning that
the massacre is to continue has been given
in the following note to dog owners: "Take
notice that the mlllenlum for dogs in this
town has come. A bullet in the head will
prevent poisoning. Keep your dog In youi
house; in your parlor, if you wish to. but
if you let him out the strychnine will do
the rest. Signed, Death to Dogs."
FREMONT Fourteen saloon licenses,
one wholesale liquor dealer's license anu
four druggists' permits were granted by
the council last rrljht. When the &
O'clock closing law was passed it was
thought that there would be one or twu
less saloons In the city, but the appl.
cants concluded they would not with
draw their petitions and Fremont will
have the same number of saloons as 11
has had for several years. A number ui
the saloonmen are of the opinion that
the closing law is a good thing for them.
CENTRAL CITY Four more teachers
have been elected for next year's teaching
force in the Central City schools. Miss
Lillian Anderson, who for the last year
haa been principal, has been elected Latin
teacher; Miss Capltnla Campbell, a gradu
ate of the Peru normal haa been elected
tn Instruct in English and history; and
Miss Alma Anderson has been elected again
as primary instructor on tn north slile.
Mrs. A. W. Tooley. who was originally
elected seventh grade teacner. was given
her choice between that and the eighth
grade, and decided to crept the latter posi
tion. Accordingly Miss Jennie Farnham
has been elected seventh grsde teacher.
FREMONT The old scrap over closing
of Platte avenue between Ninth and
Tenth streets came up before the council
laat evening In the shape of a petition
signed by 14 property owners asking to
have the ordinance revoked and tha
street opened because a new building had
not been erected on tha ait within tha
two years. After an animated discus
lion the petition waa rejected and the
city attorney was instructed to prepare
an ordinance extending tha tint for the
construction of the butldlrwr by ths nor
mal school for two years and for' tha ex
ecution of a deed to the street to be de
livered when the building Is erected, pro
vided It la done within two years.
NORTH PLATTE Fire did about $1,000
damage In the Howe Maloney furniture
store at 6 o'clock last evening. Tha entire
contents of the store room In tho rear end
of the building were destroyed. A trash
burner Is responsible for the blase. The
high wind that arose just at that time
overturned It and spread the firs to tha
building and to a pile of lumber at tha
asms time. The lumber, also was burned.
That did not amount to mors than $$S or
l. A blase started at tha same Mm snd
In exactly the aame manner in tha alley
in the rear of the Tramp grocoryi Ir wss
extinguished by the clerking force of tha
store before It did any damage.
Caaght la tha Act
and arrested by Dr. King's New Ufa Pills,
bilious headache quits and lrver and bowels
act right. 2fic. For sal by Beaton Drag Co.
The Weather.
FOR NEBRASKA Rain and colder.
FOR IOWAi Showers snd colder.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
S a. m
a. m
T a. m
8 a. m
9 a. m
a, m
Ha, m......
13 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
3 p. m
4 p. m
t p. m
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Nebraska ews Notes.
BEATRICE The new city directory Just
issued gives Beatrice a population oi u.uus.
BEATRICE Edward L. Bedner and Miss
Wllhelmlna Harth, both of Wy more, were
married here yesterday by Judge Spafford.
HASTINGS O. C. Klnn has been eletced
president of the council and as such he
will be acting mayor of the city whenever
Mayor Miles is out of town.
BEATRICE Miss Grace Beckwith of
this city has been awarded first place In
an lnlersociety declamatory contest held at
the Nebraska Wesleyan university.
KEARNEY County Judge Hallowell Is
sued a llct-nse to and married Clarence K.
Blatter of North Platte and Miss Eva L.
Truste, of Onkosli. Monday afternoon.
KEARNEY The date of commencement
of the Kearney High school has been set
for June 4. Twenty-four graduates will
receive their sheepskins, of which only five
are boys.
HASTINGS Harriet Bateman Parvln
died this morning st the home nf her
daughter, Mrs. Aaron Hhannon. Funeral
services will. be held at the home at 1
o'clock Thursday.
HASTINGS A part of the promised new
equipment for the St. Joseph at Grand
Island railroad haa been ordered, collat
ing of ten engines of the most approved
type and all are expected to be in commis
sion soon.
BEATRICE Elisabeth Ensley died at the
home of her son In West Beatrice yester
day morning, aged 92 years. She leaves a
family of thirteen children, all living. The
body has been taken to Dakota City, la.,
for Interment.
TEKAMAH Sheriff Phlpps left this
morning for Walthlll, where he goes to
arrest Charlie Prairie, who is blng held
by the marshal at that place. Prairie Is
charged with stealing a horse belonging to
Bam Walker At Decatur last Saturday
KEARNEY Tne real eatate assessor of
thia city reports a big Increase in building
operatlona during the last year. Savenly
eight new residences snd store buildings at
a cost of perhaps $1,000,000 Indicate that
Kearney is again growing by leaps and
BEATRICE The coroner's "jury investi
gating the csuse of death or Ray Heart,
who ss electrocuted here Sunday. re
turned a verdict to the effect that de
ceased came to his death bv carelessly
playing with and coming In contact with
a liva electric wire.
BEATRICE P. I Sargent, who served
during the Philippine wsr in (Vmpany G
of Geneva. Fighting First Nebraska, Is
visiting in the city with friends. He is now
stationed at Fort Riley, Kan., with the
rrgular srmy and will soon have been
thirty years In the service.
BEATRICE It is reported that the Bur- I
ffifeg!Fn r--mr ii all' ii sis ijmjii'cZ: Jl
i What JoyThwBmnm
9 t
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when In health and
how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor life they
enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome
diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved,
not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an Injuri
ous or objectionable nature, and if at any time a remedial agent Is required, to assist .
, nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure
and wholesome and truly beneficial In effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, !;
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Oo.
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has come Into general favor in many millions of
well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence Is based upon
personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has also met with the approval of physicians gen
erally, because they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in Its action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna, obtained by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act
most beneficially, and presented in an agreeable syrup In which the wholesome Cal
ifornian biue figs are used to promote the pleasant, taste; therefore it is not a secret
remedy, and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do
not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna always has the full name of the Company California Fig
Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package and that It is for sale in
fij wi whit, ii i; uucnti uiisu uy vincr iniii inc regular riiiy cent
size, or having printed thereon the name of anv other comnanv. do nnt arrant it
II If you fall to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family
( Bnouia aiways nave a doiu. or. nana, as u is equally Deneiiciai lor the parents and
tne cnuaren, whenever a laxative remedy is required.