THE REE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28. IPOS. GRAIN AND PRODUCE 1UUET Wheat Adrtneed After a Steady Opening on Local Market. STJTPORT FllOM BirmQ CONSTANT fern Oeenetl trasar and Alcr4 tewaltr tiln Malllsh Weather- , renditions a4 iit rh TJeaaaai. ' 1 1 OMAHA. April 27. .1"9. Support frem 1 a buying side constant during the. entire . sewaiotn, ther being no (-backs throughrrat th day. Ch wheat ws up with the demand moderate end oN l-ring rr tintlreeblv light. Sentiment l :rong for an nlv-aac alter the lata liquidation. , - Corn lock trngtri with wht and orhed higher, howlne; mnr activity In in May option. Casti rotn M In gTn4 iemand and brought price for all offer Ira. - ' Wheat started steady, but e1vnrl uiilcklv on fftwl bitvlng nd ha weather veporte ever the .wheat belt IJverpnol lned with good tronirth. htflng the do mestic market at the close. May opened t 11 It and closed t 1.17. ' Corn opened tmng with wheat and art' vanred strsdlly under bullish weather con ditions and rood cah demand. Support a food throughout tha session, and the cliee was strong. May opened at.Wv0 irrt closed t fjM'.c. . T'rlr.isry Wheat reee'Pt w l'"" " .nd ahlpments wer VSXfih bu., agslnst re- last year of 308.000 bu. and shipments of lol.OOO bu. ' . . , ... Co-ri rta'pta Vrrr. jTS.Bno hu. and ship ment Were 4a,Wi(t bn.. against receipt 1 at vf-ar of I42.00fr bu. and ahlrment f 477.0UO I'll. t . art nc were 184 AW bu. of com. 414) bn. of oata and what and flour equal to M.OOO bu. , Liverpool cloeed 'm'! lower on wheat Jir.d Hd lower on corn. Local ring of opt 'on: Article.! Open. Hlgll ' i,or. ; Close. Yes y. No. I, rjetd. 16.16; no established grade. M V I rim tlrnnthy, HI. Prima lik-. $m. WRiTHr.R 1 THR GRAI BfCLT rrritfre an tha Rise. OMAHA. Neb., April X. IW. Hlah temperaturea travalled throualiout ha Mlanlanlnpl and Mlaaourl valieya Mon day, hut a very marked and dcldd fall occurred duiina; the nlfht. and freealna; weather prevail hl mornlna; over tha alley a far aouth aa Nebraska and laaa. Tha weather la very eid for tha aeaaon. In tlie upper valley and northwest. A tem- erature of H below ero waa recorded laet nlfht In Hatkatehewan. western anada. Tha weather la fair In tha central slier: rain are general In tha lak re- arlon and Ohio valley, and are scattered hrouajhout tha aoutharn tate. It 1 snow- In; In Yellnwstona park, and ralnlnf la western Montana and weat to tha coaat. lewhere thrrurhotit the west the weather la fair. The. temperstura will rise slowly In this vicinity tonight and vednedy. Ith fair tonight and probably Wednesday. Record of temperature, and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of last three year: . ln. 17. VA. Minimum temperature 1 jn .M m) Precipitation . T T .0T S9 Normal temperature for today, to degree, I'eflrlency lii precipitation alnce March 1, 23 Inches. OefU-ienrv rnrrMnAArflnff rfiA In isra ) Inrhe. " Heflclency rorreaunndlnc period In 1MT. M Inches. I. A. WKISH. LiocaJ rorecaater. Corn and -whar rerlorr bulletin for Omaha. 'Neb., for the twenty-four hour nrtlna at a. m . 7Kth meridian time. Tuesday, April ft. 10: . OMAHA DISTRICT. ' Temp. Raln- eal ! May.. July... (.OH- May... .'ulv...-Hept... i Me - May.. Sept.. i 1 H I IK)'' (., 03 !. 117 ! I (r.'S i n 1 .: 3V -I IU ,i; ! i o:, ;' . - HlJ 1 15 1 tiV, . 3 Cask Prlrea. hard. ll.o: No. t hard, hard, tl.10ai.15; Nn. 3 Oaiska WHEAT No X ll.)t1.19. No. 4 ni lna-. ll.liitil.18. COHX-No. :', HSc; No. S, 7'S6ie; kTUMlHc; -No. 2 yelloW. Mfl'mc: yellow, c; No. ! White. 6Rtc; No. t l,ll,1tilC. OATH No. J mixed. WMlUc: No. low. ;3'i,r; No t a hlte. o3c; No. 4 .V.'irtSo.V-. ltVKNo. 3. 7-'x7c: No. S. 7874e Car l.ot Hekrlats. U Wheat No. No. white. whlte . ii ago ....(waiUli .i.a., xllJlli la HI I.' Corn. 1IM U-ats 1 20 e bnrt rt:rh at l.o&. v )i in rtilM country were I . ralile to) the growth of th Mlt'AOU ,(.Ril AND PROISIOS tea tares of the trading and t losing. Prices un Board of .Trade. i illl.ACO. April the wn'st market .o.ii.d unaiply today from yesterday se vere slump, the July delivery advancing bo trom the low point fit ine previous aes ion. I fie ,Mo V.-H nhMnt t almost the iop and i jiv'HajlJflt;i" IJ f FiWk 10 i.-,'.j;c. t'nih. oats and provlalons iao tioae . ai.unK. i in v i. .ii Viieat I. rii ee tuday was due ,i .... , ,,.!. oaaed on liie general .(.jilju was due from th '" 1 ''..:, of tr.e lust lew days, dur ...i.i the. July delivery haU de- t,em Hie high point of the . of I he landing bulls was cred ..i liberal purchase extending .......IH in entlra sesalon. while shorts .i!o ci veiy active bidders. Prices i.iadlly si! day nd at tha close tlie .... .rt-l.'vtry sold at' the top notch at ..j liil .lulv wfcs only 'mWc below bnrt rt:rh at tl.06. Weather condl- generaily ra he fall aown ion. s.iLhrjurh, inorta nam eperis now mi lour of Investigation throughout Ohio t! Indiana iilalm tlial the cron In Ihoee tao ta'ea ts not responding as It should to tho Warmer weather and that the har vit promls" la extremely tuor In the nios Important counties In that aectlon. Cold 'rnlrr In llie northwest was said to be Se.:vlng eedlng operation In Minnesota r-d thi. nskotsr. A fslllng off In primary receloli also tended to encourage some h.ivlna OocMnrs st all tha leading K'ro rcsn aialn centers seemed to have little efei-t on the trade here. Corn traders here oald no attention to s decline of id In th price of that iev at Liverpool bui bought tha grain freely all dav. rs'isinr sharp aflvancea in an oc llvarls. Th Mav option was eapeclslU ttng and closed at a net vain of Vt ii ILr rnmnared with the previous rlosi O.irln the dav May sold between 6'-c and -li-c srd closed st THfc71c. Julv ranaed hetween 7io and at o and cloaed at th ton. Oats exhlhlted conaiderable firmness and closed at net gain of e to c over yes- rdsv's final miotatlnn". The rsnae o Mav for tha da we oSHc to la and th cloes waa at MUiCMo. An advance of 6c In the price of Uv snd the bulge In corn ad a hullls affect on th provision market. At th close prlf-e "-re inc. to VH4c hlher com tared with final quotations of tha pre. Vlrni session. The leading ftiturea ranged a followi Artlolai.i Opap.J High. ) Low. Cloaw.l Ta y What Mav July . (. Tsse. Torn May .Tilly ept. Tec. Oaia Mar July Kept. Pec. T'ork Mav .lulv Hart. Ijiid Mav July pi. Itih Mav July apu l V ' ! I l im, i a. f I I WW,! 1 1 0Sl i ' m l m ! I ! iajHW 1 itv, 1 ns',1 I i a i ow 101HI 1 01 I I 4S', '. 42 ' 71 S FriV 4SS .", 41 VT' 4J4 4! Rim,71VfNI Wt'v,i 48",: 49H 41''; 42l 17- H7V 17 BESS 17 sn I 17 3S 17 WSI 1 W 1 17 tTVi'i i 7W 17 0 1 07H 17 17HI It 10 If 1(1 JFi I t rw I ITH! 10 10 10 6TV a 24 a st-,1 f 7H! 1ft 2Z! 1ft 35 10 ft I 10 8ft 10 47S; 10 W4l TVVfl i ir fisvH 7H 6M 4t 42 17 K7M 17 7H 17 t ?i hi B 1ft S7H 10 o-'Vi 0 HZ Kiatlons. Mai. Mln. fall. "kv. Ashland, Keh M XI m Clear Auburn. Neb k l .oft Clear Broken Bow, Neb. 7 2 .nil CIr Columbus, Neb... 4 77 .oft Clear Culbertson, Neb.. 7 S .00 Clear Falrbury, Neb.... 117 U .oft Clear Fairmont, Neb... M .o Clear Or. Ialand. Neb.. is .no Clear Hartlnglon. Neb. 7 74 T Clear Hastings, Neb.... NO 3 .on Cler Holdrege, Neb... I SI w Clear Oakdsle, Neb so V, M Clear Omaha. Neb MM T Clear Tekamsh. Ne-b... 1 .oft Clear Alt, la 75 21 .ft Hear Carroll. Ia i4 '.in Pt. ci Clarlnds. Ia M 2 . Clear Slblcv. la M n M Clear Sioux CITy, la... 7 ' M Clear Minimum . lemperatura for twelve period ending at ft a. m. NEW TORK STOCKS AND BONDS Price Morement it Halting". Irrerular and Uncertain. TONE OF MAEKET IS HLAVI market contrast DISTRICT AVF7RAOB9. No. of Btatlons. .... M 1 14 12 12 1 Central. hlrajro. Ill Columbus, O es Moines. Ia.;. ndlanapolls. Ind. Kansas City. Mo. Irfiulsvllle. Kv.... Minneapolis. Minn. V Omaha. Neb 19 St. Iiouls. Mo 13 High temperature prevailed throughout tha corn and wheat region during Monday, but a cool wave spread over the upper Mis sissippi and Missouri valleys during the night and freeilng weather I reportad gen ernl In Nebraska, the Dakotas, Iowa and Minnesota this morning. I A. WEIJ1H. Txx-al Forecaater. Weather Bureau. Tcaip Rain. Mx. Mln. Inches. S 40 . aa w t 7? . .It f 44 .11 Z 42 .14 71 Rl T M l .At an .02 7t 4 .14 ilKW YORK GEERAI MARKET tnotntlons- Yrlom t 1. f., of - th ' Day an . Cotumodltles. . t NEW YORK. April 27. FlXl'R Re ceipts, S4.700 bblB. ; ' export, e uo ooia. Market firm, with better Inquiry; Minne sota patents, 13 90 t. 20; winter straights. Ju.&Oip U.10; Minnesota nRrs, likuv h 10; winter extras, t2l4 0; Kansas straights. 5.lB tp B.KO. Rye flour, firm; fair to good. I4.tiw.o; cnoice m inus, t4.70?4 .S. . L1, ...,,, ll0il.a: coarse. tl. 6001.66; kiln lried. t3.50. , RYB Dull; No. i western, c, i.. b.. New York. RAKLEY Ifull: malting, ubik, c f., New York; feeding, 4mc, c. Vw V ork W H HAT- Receipt, 20,40 bu. tipot market firm; No. 2 red. 11.40 askea, eve vator: No. 2 red. tl-40, nominal, f. o. b. v I northern Ihi uth. II !, T ' . . . ... . at nc r k mrinaf lNn z nnra winuu. l. n h sflnnl tJDtlons ODSnrn -J jwwer Hi.annnlntlni' cables, rallied on COV erlng and cold weatner, aavnncno 7sj rAm in. mw noinc riio i-uiwvi .un a net rise of Hie2'ic. May closed at l.IVi; July closed at 11Sn; Peptam ber closed at tl.08. uniiv u.foinis IS 000 bu.: exports 2.30(1 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2, iOViC. snrf TiUc. f o. b. afloat: NO white, 7SHc nominal, and No. 2 yellow. 7H'c. f. o. b. afloat. Option market inn 11 v unchanged, rallied with uuiiai.1 snrt advanced lHrlHn on small .in.k. nnnr woatlier for farm work; closod strong at a net rise of IVkOlS0: Mav oeil at iSStc: juiy ciosea ni nt. Mpnininhrr closed at ISHt. t5ATi Receipt. 4 00 bu. Spot mar ket firm: mixed oat. 2t to t2 pound. enessc; natural white, V to us pound 6Vlf6lc: clipped whit, 14 to 42 pound jvliiiitv : aood to choice. 1 5(610 HIDtjM-FIrm; Bogota. HeYirac ; Central America. Sc. HROV lSlONS Beaf, ataady; family 114 00&l4.fft; mees, 10 60W 11.00- beel v..r,,. ii nan if, 0: cackat. Ill tnOlt.00; oliv extra India mess. III.B08ia 00 Cut meat, firm; pickled bllloa, tlO.tOOU.90 pickled ham. 111.0 Lard, firm: west Im tin ni 10 70-. refined firm: oontlnant 111 06; South America, 111 10; compound, niDinii. Pork. ateadv : family, H.O0t22.00; ahort clear, 111 SOCIO 50; mas. 18 bOtgilt.OO. . m'TTER Hteady and nnrhanard creamery specials, 27((Kr7Hc"r official prlca, 7c; extras. 26fi'J8c.; third to flrsta, t$ 2.c; hekl. creamery, tniros m es-irsn. wig 26c; process. common to teciais., I7nc western factory, flrat. lttlHc. ( HfTA-Finn aund unchanged; atie, old full cream pclals, tlva7c; state, full cream, new, colored, beat. 144i31tc; stata, e..u r..s.iri white, best. IMlWf: state. common to fair. lt3lJc. klm, full to ra cial iWSal-u. ":0a Barely steady, unchanged: state. Pe-insyivania and nearby fancy scksctad wh . natv. Pennsylvania and nearby, fair to choice. '&'a'&-; brown and mixed fancy. i-W: brown and mixed, fair to chohe. 2H4jCV; western , storage ,.u.h -i-w.-iiW: weaiern.- flrata. 21SkI.2c: seconds,-i0rU2lc; aoutharn llrsta, lloi e- onds, 20Hc . ' , PcM'LTRY Alive, steady; wtera rhlck- n. broiler. SfWBc; fowls. 16iruiH5 nivswMl. firm; western chlckena, is"nc fowla, 15&lc. t ailed Mates Point af rngtk, bt Weakness la Otber Metal ln daatrlala Offset Tkla Inflneaen Bond Are Heavy. NBW YORK. Apill 27-The halting and Irregular price movement - In the tork market today argued speculative uncer tainty. Not only waa the price movement wavering and doubtful, but the dealing underwent a conaiderable shrinkage. 1 ne subsidence In activity extended to toe bond market, and the lone ther waa rather heavy a well, with none of the rpld an orptlon going on that was In evldenc last week. The conviction still held that the prospect of some curtailment of the redundant money supplle wss at the root of tha sentiment for slowing up the pac or tha speculation. Closer cnitlny of col lateral la on method of Indirect admoni tion adopted by the banker. This makes Its Influence especially felt in' the class of 2? i' . n"1 r"1 usually obscure stocks, which have been so prominent of late In the band of the market pool. In con tract to. the usual rigid holdlnga of prices . 'j' ,tor. aoma of them are now round without adequate support and vleld abruptly on scarcely more than, nominal offerings for aale. The heav undertone of the market had no new to explain It and thera were stocks which made sustaining points In response to favorable advices. United States Steel waa firm on account of the general con jecture that tha quarterly report of the earnings for the first three months of the j pupiisned after the v....",,, wouia make a favorable witii ine preceding quarter and especially men suppositions current om time since. The estimates current during the dsy of the earnings to be re ported ranged from ia.000.no0 to over 122 -OOO.roo. and as the actual report gives the amount ss I2I.K1.2W. the accuracy of the Information on which operations were based may be Judged. The Iron and steel Industrlsl were helped also hv report of locomotive order from several of the laTge rllrosd systems, on which wa baaed n assumption that demand for railroad equipment was reviving. The report was !o circulated that tha Carnegie company had advanced the price of bars and plates. ne importance or such mm-mn. i he steel trade WOlllA h 1,.1'nnl Janlsl but today' report lacked niih.nii ' flrmatlon and wss in k j-i-.. from some Quarters. Mlthort. rrni. business which has hn ...... v price concessions has bn the limit of the Improvement shown In conditions. The Period when the demand this Incited will have become sufficient to meet the offered production and start prices upward will be a new and very definite (tags In th pragre of th recovery. Another point selected for measures to support values wss In the local transsntlon arronn ami his proved unfortunate, slnp ih nwa of th reconsideration and passage bv the senate at Albany of the 6-cent Cnnov inland fare measure, came In the midst of ne advance in tnoae stocks Tha vM.nt reaction which followed In Brooklyn Rapid iransu nao a disturbing and unsettling effect on the whole list of securities. The metal storks, other than araal an ih. smelting stocks, were weak point and off set the Influence of the firm tone of United oisir Bieei iteir. The decline In Redltig usual strung sympatneilc ef reel on tne whole market. The belief that settlement of a was-e ifrnmrm wiih the anthracite miners was Imminent failed ; we siock. i ne cnange in the Turk- isn sovereignty was accepted with the same equanimity that other recent events at Constantinople hnve been. Interest rates for time loans continued to advance, over win year mammies command In i to su compared with a recent rate of !l per cent .oi inn p-niMi. jn upturn in wheat was nor or a ravoranie effect on stocks. Ronds were. havv. Total sales value, tn.0ie.000. United States bonds unchanged on call. 'Ml r rssh nuntatlens wer a follow FUOrR Weak; winter patents. 16 to Lbv arlntar strsiaht. I5 lh5 M: spring pat nis. tt6l. spring straights. 14 xg6.70 bakers. t4.40V.7. T No. i IMMCr. SARLKT Feed or mixing. 5mjo; fal lo nolce mal'ln. lVa)a7r) RBW Flsx. No. 1 southwtern, II .V4 No. 1 northwaotern, H4U- Timothy, 11.80. Clover. . PtOVI810N8Mesa pork, per hbl., I1T Uard. per W0 lb . tl.37H. Short i-lba stds 4looei. t?Va tt. febort clear aldea (hoiedl. t.7Mri.2R. RITTTKR Steady; creameries. 33 49 2 dairle IISOItHc. VXidS Eaay: at mark, case Included, first 10c; prime firsts Mr. "HEESn-Steady; daisl. 1S1Sc; win lmOl" vounx America, 14V1I: long hornn. liWc. . POTATOES Steady, .choice lo fancy. II 1 at: fair to goon, i."wwiej POCLTRT -r- Bteada: chicken ItVir: pring, VXk. Steady:- to o " It lb. a47: it -. ' Total clesrsaces of wlteat and flotir wer usl to 54.0U ku. -Primary r.3lpa wire ITl.Ot bu.. compared with 0.0i th corr. aoondlng day a i yarv f. . Th world a visible supplv. a lowr by Bradstreet's. decreased ! 0.00 bu . v Estlmatad recast for tomorrow: VThest. cars; com, 1 car; oata. ers: hogs. .00 htad llTtrtMl CMls Mneket. m: uvempooi. Apn; rJ.-wHKAT-spot. steady; No, I red western winter. no storks; futures, steady; May, I fsd; July, la Td: Senterribar. Is T,d COPX Spot, strong: Americas, mixed. 4 new vl (lalvesmn m 4Wd; futures, steady; Wiv, noeilna'; Jilv. Sa STd , Tnlede Hee'd Market. TOtrlMl . i ..e.. ; .. a.Kpa .-lr.e. eh . sl in. rw eSe,-. Bnr. HVU Marih. lS, No !. fSf. turkeys. 17c: He. ft lbs . to -110 lbs.. St. Lenls General Market. t ST. 1A)C1S. April 27. WHEAT Higher track. No. 2 red. cash, ll.4Siyi.441: No. bard. ll."4l.a&: May. tl.2JVk; July, tl 06 I'OUN-Higner; track; No. a, cash, 7T 7?V, No. .2. white, 73c.;. May, T0o; -July 4.c. , OATS Higher; track. No. 2. cash, MW 65c; No. 1 white. 66c; .May. bso; July, 4sc. RYK Nomina : Jc. . . FIjOI'R Liowar; red winter patent. U00 C6o; extra fanc and airatght. tbaSOtfO hsrd winter clears. t4.0u4J4.60. SKKD Tlmothv. 12.2. " I'ORNM EALr-tU.W. BHAN Ijower; sacked, eaat track. tl.K 1 . HAY Weak; timothy, IJtOOinyi?.); prairie tn.onitfirjo. IRON COTTON TIE) RAOOINO-7 1-1c llt-MP TWINB 17 60. . . PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobbing 117 :& Lard, higher: prim stam. HO I trio 21' H Ory salt meats, hlglier:' boxed extra aborts,' 111 IS; clesr ribs, 1.11 ; short rlesra. HI NO. Rscon. higher: . boxed extra ahort. 112.26: clesr ribs, IlISO; hort clears lit M POI'LTRY Steadv; chickens. 12c soring. 3VVrjs44 per dnten; turkeys. iti-: ducks lie; geere. Sc. PUTTER Steadv: creamery, fUTWc i.-jnnie1v . 1c. rase count. Receipts. SMpmena T-ln,,r hhl ft Wheat, hll 10 I" . Corn, bu - Oal. bu aa.Aftftj par were Number of sale on stock were: and leading quotations Amalgamated Oopper American C. r Am. C. A r. pit! Am. rmn Oil , Am. H. L. pra Am. ! sxurltle AmvrlcsD T.intevd :i.i..t. Amarlran Lnrikmotlva .... Am. IjAcomotlve orit Am. . a It , Am. s. R. pfd..' Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobarro pM American Woolan Anaoanda Mlnlnx Ce Atchison Aichlaon prd Atianlle Oout L.IM naliimors A Ohie Bl. 4t Ohio pM Brook I yn Rapid Tr Canttlaa Paclhe (antra I Laminar , Oenlral Leather pfd Central H New ,ter .... I'haupaaas a Ohio Ohlaai Ol W t'hlcaso A N. W C, M. t. T C. C. a A el. L Colorado r. A I Cslorade A Cols. A so. 1st pfd Cel.. A So. M p(d Oonaolldalad Oaa . . .'. Oor Praduota IMIawara d Hadaoa Danisr dr Rio Oraad D. A K. O. pfd Distillers' gasurUlas ...... Brie 4 Erls tai pfd Kris td ptd General Riaotrle Oraat Won horn pfd Oreat Kortbera Or atts... lllinaia Caniral Inlamatlooal Paper Int. Paper ptd Jmaraatlonsj Pump low CantrsI .., Kansas City to K. O. la. prd Loulavlll N Ulna. m. Ullll M . t. P. (. (. si Mlasmui Paolfle Id., k. T M . K. T. prd National Load New York central N. Y.. o. A W , Norfolk W North American Northern Paalfla Paclflo Mail Pattnaylvanla People Gas p.. r-.. c. at. l Praeaad fltael car Pnllmas Palace Car. Railway rHeai Sprite .... Kaadlax Itepublla glesi kepuhile (teal pld Rack Ialand (w Bark Ialand CV. p'd at. l. a p id prd.... It. Laula aw at. l, a. w. prd Bloaa-Shettleld 8. A 1 ... Southera Paclfta he. Paalftr prd Bnotkern Railway Be Railway prd Tasnaaaea Copper Teaoe A Pacific T . tl. L. W T . K. L. A W pfd Tnton Paotna talon Paoiria pfd. ........ P. S. Rubber t'. Rubner 1st pfd..... r. tteel P. t. ateal pfd Vlah Coppar a. -Carolina Ckemlral .. Vi -Care. ca. pfd Wabaeh ... Waeesh pfd Waailakua glaetrtc ... W'aetara t'nlra Wheel I na A L. B. Wlaoenals CeBtral Am. T. A T. Ce Tsui saiaa far th da. alra. Hih n.imi 7i, 1.40 tni jo , i.iim ' iM ttoo ssisoo S'lft 2cm ton l.mio 1.400 it. son :ii ') 7. K 4S.100 30(1 UK) 11 tot r(K inu l.4(K tvx lt im loo tMK l rn r t'torj too Mt 4. TOO M0 10 lot ). tou l.OOt 40 n w ai 4.1', 10M, ' 104 1U 11.1k, '"4h nti ia ioi ' U Slit 44 li U4H 2J "tis v nn IWi 1414, 4P 1441. Low. Cloae 751, 7iU, 40 112 nil a. a tf. v , 4H US', 74. HS lie 'a 1124a it M4 14 a U io: 10J' 1M' lit H 714h lVfj'a ! 101 'l4S t 17 4 tlV n lit 'ioti t7l " ft 44 M its IW a 1444, Irs and after a slight reaction the market finished uncertain BHRIJN. April ST. Trading on the bourse today was quiet and price were rather week. American aecurttls were lower. PARW. April r.-Prrces,en th bourse today were steady. New Terk Money Market. NtW TORK. April r.-MONEY-On nail. teady a.t per i-ent; ruling rats, I pec cant ; closing nin. J per rem; onereo ni per renL Time loans, dull nut strong; aivty day. 14 per cent: ninety days, 24 per cent; ix monrns. out, per rwii. fKiaiBj AianLA. rre.i-ii per cent. BXe;Kl.irM I1 naiMiri-naaa, riieini strong, with sctual buslnes in bankar' bills at H.94.i1o for aixty-dsy nlll and at 14 73t for demand; commercial bill. 14 aS'-r T I PI l.v FR-nsr. ni"!-: Mexican nouars, c. PONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. Cleslng Quotation on bond were a rat- lows: .....11 Japaa 4 ... 11 V da 4Sa :elA da M sertee K. C. o. 1st .... Int. lit U P. dak. as ltil... IH4 1. A N. unl. 4 W "M . K. A T. lal 4a .iixit d lat A rat. 4a V. . ra is ra. dn coupon V. t. . ref do coupon V. I. 4a. re , as. da coupon AMIa-Chal. 1st Sa. Am. Af la Am. T. A T. M Am. Tobacco 4a. do aa Af-hlenn sen. 4e do S. U let 4a.... do ct. 4a do rv. aa At. C. U. lat 4a Baltimore A Ohio 4a do H.l d S. W. IHa Brh. Rid T. ct. 4.. Canada Bo. let la... Central of Oa. ra... Central Leather oa... c. of N. J. t oa... Chea A Ohio 4ia .. Clilraso A A. ma... C . B. A Q. I 4a... C. M. ( P f tVaa C. R. I. P. c. 4a. do col. I do rfds aa . ccc. A tn. U f. 41 Cole. Ind. tr. Colo. Mid. 4a C. A r. A e. 4Si Ti A H. ct. 4a do lat ref. 4a D A R. O. 4a niatlllers 5a Krte p. I. 4a do sen. aa An cv. 4a aeries A. do aerlea B Oan. Klec. c. 6a.. 111. Cen. tat ref. 4a. Int. Met. 4a Int. M. M 4e Bid. Oftarad Mt 4 KM H HV, It XSV, 1I2H 4 .I"4't da pen. 4V4a .... 7 Me. Pacific 4a .... V. T. CI. t I'aS'- dn dak 4e .... W4 N. T. City 4"4i sew. ....iniw N. T.. H. H. A H ....10l"t . 4a IMvt .... IT. N. A W. 1st con. aa.. Mva .l"l da ra. 4a. MS , Mi No. Paclflo 4a lo-'a . tl do H , WV0. . U tfd. 4 .... "vt IMIt pann. ea. t,s ltli... 9 .int4, do con. 4a 1M . H. Readlni (en. 4a !Tt ,i;S Bt. I.. A B. P. fx. 4a. , ltiU'a i. L B. W. a. 41... 18i . 7. do lat pold 4a r . tt4 Seaboard A. L. 4a ... 71 H , t.S'Se Pacific cel. 4a... ' . lot, do lat ref. 4a M4 , H Bo. Rallwar la 111 . -' do fen. 4e 04 , TVnlon Paclflo 4a l(t . tlv, do ct. 4a inH . M do let A ref. ee ... . tti, 1'. f. Rubber aa..,., 1044 .lt!SkU. 8. Bteel d ta. ..14 102V4 Va.-Caro. Cham. la... MV , MHWabaeh la 4a..... lit , 74 do lat A as. 4a 74 H . 7 We.' am ltd. 4a M i . 74 Weat. Blac. ct. la ... ., . 74 Wla. Central 4a....... M , U4 n, A R. O. ref. Sa... s .140 C. A O. r. clfe oa . . 1014, 1(V4, N, B. R. ef It. 4e . i 71", Bo. Pacific cr. i 4 ctfa OMAfll LIVE ST0C1 M1RKET EeoeipU of Cattle tt Thii Point Very Liberal. HOGS STRONG TO FIYE HIGELX Reeelwta ef abeee anal l.nask Liberal, bat "Price Soar Vpwaral to tk Rilral ef Tea te Plf- teata. teen SOUTH OMAHA. Receipt were: Official Monday Estimate Tuesday... Neb. April 37. 1M. Cam flog. Shetp. . I.K3 . 4.704) . 4 . 7.7M t.rxt 14 6.0 4.000 tl .14 W.7K1 14.117 lO.rtfj S3.471 16.W7 7.Z 614 II etl 1S.01 17.713 IS. .16 Two day this week.. Same day last week. Same daya I week ago. 10.775 Sam daya 1 week ago. 7.211 Bams day 4 week" Same daya laat year.... 7.972 Th following table how th reeelpU of cattle, hoga and heep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last lt m. inc. . 39H.I1S 2B4 S I'M . KH.RWI Ml tn! tn.Ul . 641.146 47ti.Hl I6 7S4 i.Kie aK,.ws tha average South Omaha for th last year: Cattle Hog Sheep Th following price of hog at several day, with comparisons: Date. 10. lJv..ltr;.llv4.1t.ll.ll90. April It.. April !., prll 17 April April April ApTll April April April April April April It . II.. at.. 21.. a.. 21.. 24.. 24.. at.. 2.. April 27. Mi: t 411 f 17t, t 17 W'V t 41 I M 3 t o 7 01 7 06V 7 05W 11 !H 1 1 ft 42 4M f bll S TO I t 01 10) ! t 42 I :i ttl t i M 41 41 4 t 64 I 421 t Ml 16 6 111 8s! 14 t 40 It Ml 6 4D I 84 t 18 111 6 14i t 28 t M 4 4 7 1 t m i t w I z t l I Ml 4 W 4 so! 4 81 I 4 U I K 1 I 36: 761 t IB) 4 1i I 1! 4 761 I (M 7 4 Wl 1 II 7 I 7 n 7 01 7 01 7 "I 7 06 7 Ot a tit Beaton Stocks mn4 Bonds. ROSTON. April 27. Money, call loans, per eSVi per cent Official closing Atrhlaon adj. 4. . do 4a Atehlaon R. R .. do pfd Boston A Albany. Beaton A Maine.. Fltchbbrf p'd N. T.. N. M. A Union Pacific Am. Arfo. Chem. do pfd Am. Pneu. Tuba. . Amar. Biitar .... do pfd . Am. T. A T Amer. Woolen ... do pfd Dominion I. A B. Rdlaon Blec. lllu sua. Electric ... do pfd t oned Prult I n Had 8 M do pfd I . B. Steel.. do pfd ... Adventure .. Amaifa mated time loan. SQo per . M4 Arltona Com. ... .100, Atlantic .If Butt Coalition . .IH4 Cat. A Arlaona.. .!M centennial -HtlaCopper Raafe ... Ill Paly Weat H...1T0 Franklin HSVaOranbr . . ITVaOreena Cananaa . ..'tfiVt Mtaa. Mlslng . .. 7 Mohawk ..lUtt Mom. C. A C..., . .12 NaTda . .1404Old Pomlnlon ... .. 4 Parrot . ,l'"4Qulncr . . tilt Shannon ..lot TrlnliT .. UStlniied Cooper .. ...... 114tt. 8. Mlnlnf 114 I'. R. Oil 4tj,ltah am Victoria ' ."44 Wtnosa 11414 WolTorina 7v North Biula .... 76 cent. .. 4I)T .. 101, .. US .. n .. .. 74H .. Vh .. 14 .. e .. 1 .. 'k .. St .. M . . K'-i .. M'-, .. Vk . .' t: .. ll, .. 1.H, .. 11V .. 44 .. fi4 .. a .. 4V, .. 441 ..141 .. MU London Stock Market. IX3NDON. Atirtl 17 AmeCcsn aeourltle opened (edy today.' During tl.n 'Hit hour trailing wni quiet and prices were from H to H above yeaterday'a New Tork closing. Uondon closing stocks Conaola. money..:.. do account Anaconda Anhlaoii do ifd ,. Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific... Cneeaeeake A O Chlcafo O Chi., Mil. t. P.. De Bee -a Denrer A Rio O... do pfd Krle do IK ptd , Id pfd ttrand Trunk Illinois Central. ... Loulaville A N ... SILVER Bar, MONEY '?! .. 11 '4 M.,' K. A ' T . . . . . . . 4't N. T. Central..,. .. H Norfolk A W. .. ..tllSk do pfd ..1041 Ontario A W... . ..114Vt Prnnaylranla ... ..IMHiFUnd Mlnea . W Readlnc .. ilipomcern Rr...,. . .lMi do pfd . . la southern Pacific . . 42V, I nlor, Pacific,.. d pfd ..11 U.'aV fteel..... . .. 45 V; da,. pfd . M Wabaah . . i . avafd.:.-. , 141 apagak 4a ..KlVAsuI. Cop steady st'Xc per ceqVi r ... M4 M 4K inH 1114, lit lUe, tt 4H l.o", M4k 101 2.0 lit 71 sr, 4 III tn l.Kll, 11 lVk 17 "Vt toss 4,1-ia ion in TOO 4ll 1H I, are ! 4. PK0 1. 40O 100 two I. a. 0 'a! 400 1.4O0 tvO M '"TO tt, UM tu 10 at w ' i.tno M 4AV, 724,' llh M4 llo'k 7w 4't 7JH Mk, ltVs at 14 u, 1414k UtVi n 144 . r, a 41 s 4 41 'a .:t. 40 a 400 . tt'a- 54 ltS0A.'l iii i tou 1,100 400 JA "e tl fe too 100 M.40 I e i 1 eu 'toe I one JOJ1 to i to it 4-e IMS tt tt 104i lU'a 47 1 4ti "ii 44 . t 141Vi t;tt 117 HIV, W14 14444 It I.S 4f. lilt let U II 4114 71 t74e itts 44 tl 11 141 1 ltoS nS til, 17 U4 It luv ' T 4241 1 tna v lit4 IM14 !4 tilt 4S HI 14 l4 4 tV II44- 4V, "S . A'4 It f' . "V 71ft, lM-k 17 114 It 4214 S 174 12 us tl s 1411 iii" ins US r 114 142 MS us . tS US ... 44'4 ...111 ... It ... 10 ... 4 . . . tl 4 ... ... 71 ... H ... :os ...lli'a ...ttlsj ... M ... 64 i ...1.7 ... i4 ... 4t 17 T .7A per ounce. Tne rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is r-l S-l per cent; for three months' bills. !'tH6-l per cent. ' Local "remittee. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr.. 614 N York Uf Building; . . bio evasea. Columbun L. H P U 1114 CIIt of Umaha Bond.. 4',a Hit Douflaa CountT 4o IMS Gate city Malt Company t German fire Int. Co Ind. Tel. ta tell Wi pfd kouus) Kanaaa City K A L aa ltli K C. R. A L. pfd 1 Nebraska Tel. Stork t Omaha Oaa ta ltll..,, , Omaha g L. A P. la llkl Omana A C. B. Si. Rr. ta 114 Omaha A C. B. It. Ry. ta It Omana A C. B. Bt. Ry. pfd. t Omaha A C. B. Bt. Ry. Co. 4V - - Omaha A C. B. Ry. A Bridf pit 4.. Omaha Water Ca. is ltll Omaha Water Ce. la 1141 Omaha Water ce. lat pfd Omaha B. otT. Bit Ce. ptd t Paalfla T. A'T. Co. ia 1117 Sheridan Coal ta ltll South Omaha Bawer 4S UN Binui Block Tarda pfd V Swift A Compear instate Land Co. pfd. 1 (com bonsai. Tepaks St. Ry. ta Vslon liock Tarda Co.. Omaha. t... 4 as 101s 4 mi '4 101 inn 1M . a tl H tl US Ml .... 7 M M let MS 11 MS I0 UVt 4 V ns Hit tt M 11 M tl It i It lti fit t tl lot KXHe 11 N 10S 104 It M tt 10 MS '414 Sundy. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs, onecp.n r s. C. M. A 8t. P t 7 Wabash t Missouri Pacific ...... 2 .. 1 Union Pacific H Union Pacific 72 43 7 4 C. A N. W.. east.... 14 I C. A N. W., west.... 67 1 . .. C. St. P. M. A O.... 2 11 C, P. A Q . east 2 2 2 C, B. A Q . west.... M X 11 C, R. 1. P., east.. I 4 C, R. I. P.. west..... 2 Illinois Central 2 6 C. O. W 1 2 Tarda mid la gwed esca tn Uva mirmlng nd a ne-nTt.liaI atesarano was efered be fore 11 o'olock. A good share of the hogs brought N aVH7 1 and on up a high 17. fee the beet hea-ry As a mstter of rouree the lighter and iteotrshl hog old in many cases at is an ano unarr. , 1 Tie run toaay wss Terr iirem-au. masiDg the total for th two day 11. '4 head, which I tk beawleat for any a'mllar period alp re four week ago And larger than for th same day last year be t.MKt hea.1. Tt would he well for htrper to thraro.ighly under stand that while choice light or light butcher weights are selling lo rerr good advantage, buyers all discriminate very sharply agnlnai common light and under weight leads. Ioads of thla character have to sell at the bottotn of the market. Total receipt The disposition of No. A Ik. it t ... 14 14J . . n im 4 It 171 at... ... it ttt 11 nt ... tt 111 . It 21 tA 14 Ill ... tt 1 . at 14 It t IW . . 5t It 7 tn mi to avr 4 C Ill ... M tl ... sl lat so tt 114 4 44 .... If ... tl w , . 17 II 1 44 tit . 0 fOT 14 1 ti an 14 171 . . 14 tM JO II t ... 41 lit 4 11 tm ... 71 1 M M jot to 14. .117 110 II IM to It ill 41 St in 40 14 ... 47... MS to le PH tA To m a 10 40 a tot ... t; tit 40 7 20 ... 4 'MI ... 10 141 . . T4 107 110 t.1 Ml 4i Tt tt7 44 41 4l lt SHEtP Vsl Pr tt t Jt t IIS t Te 1 TO t ts t en t IS I to I so NO. Tt... Tt.. U At. ..lit . Ml ..ttt ..HI ..M . IT7 . tM . IT1 . ;t . t' ..lit . tn . tat . .141 . IM .XI . IM . 147 ..iw . Ml ..tf7 . . t4 th Pr It t 4 1st t at IK 130 1 4 1 on T On ta T o :i 7 m 140 1 on ... 1 te 7 Of) tt 1 e to t on V ia f te to 7 to ... 7 o 10 T on 40 7 on . . 1 e 10 1 en IM 1 m 101s 110 1 At 1 0 TO t M N It 40 1 0 St T Ot tan 7 im to 7 "I ... 7 Of. SO 7 071, ... 114 ... 7 10 ... 7 US . . Ill 10 1 It to 1 tl tt : 11 7 it im 1 It ... in ... 7 it .. T ITU ... 1 17S 7 ITS 7 17S ... 1 30 to 7 ;s ... J tt big jump at price " Trrasary statement. WASHINGTON. April 2?.-Today s state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 150.000.0ii0 gold reserve, shows: Available rash balance, 1124.911,421.: gold coin and bullion, I42.67H.348; gold certificates. 140.645.0S0. Bank Cleartnars. OMAHA. April 27-Ranrt clearing for today were 12.044. 169.16 and f(r th corre pondlng date last year tl.US.nll.S6. .217 197 11 7 the day s recelpif waa fellow, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated; Cattle: Hog. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1 2.-21 l.vl Swift and company 1,141 2.612 24 Cudahv Packing Co 1,046 S.264 l.40 Vansant A Co 73 l.obman & Rothchlld .... 113 ' W. S. Stephen if Hill A Son '. 91 F. P. Lewis 161 Huston A Co 2 J. B. Root A Co 60 .1. If. Bulla Sam Werthlmer 24 H. K. Hamilton 2 M. Hagerty & Co 11 Sullivan Bros 11 Union 72 Hoffman Sl Boa gar 234 ..... Hamond H2 Ronton 1 Rothschild 8.1 Other Buyers 72 Totals 6,109 13.668 4,968 CATTI-E Receipts or cattle wer very liberal at thla point this morning, and mot other market wr fainy wen up plied, tnough Chluatfo, aa a matter of course on a Tuesday, had a light run. The supply as thla point contained a large pro portion of beef steers, some of them very good killer. General conditlona governing the market were not materially changed from what they were yesterday. In spite of tli unfavorable condition of the market on beef steer for the last week or two. the demand for a few good feeding tattle tlll continues. While, aa a matter of fact, thl demand I rather limited, nevertheless It Is fully squal to pr 1n x ce of th aupply. o that the offering everv day meet with very ready ale. Thl keep th market In a good, atrong con dition. This morning with receipts still light speculators were out In the yard even In advance of salesmen and It did not take them very many roinute to snsp up everything oon aa It wa offrd. at good, strong prices. No on wa looking for a vry good mar ket on beef teers, and a good many sell era wired the country early, giving the pros pects for the day trade aa If, lower. When th trade was one under way In stead of being lower, tt was generally steady with yesterday and the movement on the handy, light cattle wa reasonably active. Heavy cattle ana enyming on coarse order were slow aeller. but still teady. Good cows and heifera were also steady, and even strong In some spots. Inferior cows were. In some Instances, possibly a little lower. , Quotations on cattle: Good to choice oorn fed ateers. $6.6ti.40: fair to good cornfail steer. 15. &&&. 86. common to fair cornfed steer 4.60fi5.6O; good to choice cow and heifer. t4.7t'9.t0; fair to good cow and heifer. 3.SoA4.76: common to fair cows and heifers. t2.26 K; stock heifers, ll.Ofta 4.26; veil calves, n axon. in; owns, inii, etc.. el.OOdTt 0; good to cnoic siocsers ana feeder. I4.l0dj6.75: fair to good stocker snd feeders, !4.O0B-4.W: common to fair Blockers and feeder. .M S94.00. Br.KF BTtSKltB). t to 1 1 t tt 4 st M I t II. I It . It. t ti 44 a it t It an f M 14. IK ft , 4 at it I 4 to. t tii ti ro 1 17', t r I US 44 MT f to M IM I to ti ?4 t 0 74 rt t to Tt tM I so :l . t to f. IM t ao at :ti t 0 10 JSV t 0 at 17 to at IM 4 to 101 It r ?44 t l IM It tt M t tts ts is tits 74 140 t tt 04 . t Ml 4 ti .,... .'. .S t Ii rn lit t tt to tut ttt .1 ItT t tt tto lea took anotner thl morning. Ofterings moved that were luc and 16c nlgher thai ;-tier-dsy Receipts wer moderate and consist ?d mostly of lambs. Ther wer about twenty car In all. Quality. a rule, was pretiy good and nearly everything had change.! hand by 1:10 a. m. Clipped lamb Hint made 16. So yesterdsy sold for t7. A deck of fancy native clipped ewe sold for Id do. Heavy wooled yesrllnga brought 7- Two cars of choice Mexican lambs sold for till, a quarter above til highest price psld for top lambs yesterday. This Is the highest I price paid fur lambs during April since l(i7, when Mm wss pld. With this one exception it Is the highest price paid during April of any year in the history of the market. In June of 107 the top notch waa realised on a bunch of Mexicans that moved t 1 76. There was nothing of any conse quence in wooled ewe or wethers on sale today. Quotations on wooled shep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, t7.75fee.eO; fair lo good lambs, 17 2fti i.TS; good to choice light yearling. l?.OM)-;.6o, good to choice heavy yearlings. to.504f7.OO; good to choice wethers. e).10tt.i0; fair to goo! wether. tfi.itdC.lo; good 10 choice ewes. I6.1MQ .36: fair 10 good ewes. t6.2SJf5.76; culls and bucks, 12. 004. 00. Both shorn shep and lambs sie selling about II per hundred under the above quo tations .in wooled stuff. No. A v. Pr. 1. western eaes, shorn 190 160 6 spring lsmbs 40 10 00 4 western bucks, shorn 212 5 00 114 western ewes, thorn If 60 of western lambs, shorn 116 7 00 10 western bucks, shorn Ii 1 26 421 western yearlings A wethera 102 7 ' 212 westei-n lauiba. dinned M 7 00 6SS western lsmbs r.4 ' 16 western lambs, culls 1 7 26 5KS Mexiuun lambs 77 13" 10 Mexican lambs, broken fleece M 7 26 27 western ewes, culls 12 2 00 281 wealei n lambs, clipped 00 t 76 229 western lsmbs, clipped 79 90 iu western ewee, clipped w w 10 western lamb, culla 49 6 00 60 western ewes 91 I 00 W1 western lambs, clipped 14 7 00 287 western ewes - 7t I , 27 mixed ineep 101 t on IS western ewes, culls, clipped.. 11 II 00 101 weetern ewes, cl!pied 6 6 10 91 western awes, clipped 91 I 10 tt western lambs, thorn T 6 6 19 western lambs, culls, shorn.. 61 4 1ft 2 western ewe 1W 26 CHICAGO II VK STOCK MARKET mm ' m - mm Mt If 1 1 H m w 1 1 easl Ik P .aeal IiEiastic Bookcase U the original and only per fect sectional bookcase made. The doors are non binding, dust-proof, operate on roller bearings, and posi tively cannot get ut of order. Bases furnished with or without drawers. Call and see them, or send for catalog with interior views showing them artistically arranged in library, parlor, den, hall, etc. No. 103 is the catalogue to ask for. Orchard and Wilhelm 414-10-18 So. ISth 8U No 1 southern snd No. 1 southern soft at H6.7V9ilo.l4). BT. LaH'IS. April 27. MKTAIJS'-U'a, firm, 14.16. Spelter, lawer, 14.9". Kansas City KANSAS CITY May. fl.tWt; Grata and Prorlslens. April ?7-4'lo: WHBAI July, tl.Orf.c. September, July, Oftc; September, No. 2 whit, otViTW; 414. akaras. 1IM alS 114 47 4.S 'li'e 414. tm 41 'iii. iu, it 1IM all 1i4 4... 44S lli'- 1S 44, 4' . I I..SV, 141, rN-May. ic; 4'ic. OATS rnchanged; No. 2 mixed. 34, Mc. RYrMKUiic, HAY hirniLT; choice timothy, all 60.13.00; choice prairie, $11.0Otnll.-f; choice alfalfa, tlSiXo 17.(111. BI'TTER Creamery. 27c; fine, 26c; sec Tic: packing stock, 160. rKS Extra. 21c; current receipts, ltc; econda and dirtica, lie. ' Rcoipta. Shlpiiirnt. Wheat, bu S1.W0 65,0i Corn, bu 2?.' " ld.Oin OMi. bu 13,0i)0 Of-tlons at Karaaa City. Articles. I Open. High.' Lrfiw. Close I 1 20V I 0'7,' 9&V 1 21 f 1 ! ! v I 40,1 1 111 ' 4V 4 Aifai 1 ii 1 no', 96. S7,B 6-, A 44A No. II ... 14.... to..., 11..., I .... I. .. II. .. 14... II... 61 .. If... I... ... SI... r.... it .. r... Sl... I .. n ... t. .. 4-4 .. . :t. .. It . . . if... t... ... It... II ... '!... I .. t... 4... I .. I... I... - r York Mini NEW YORK. April S?.- en mining tor- Altce "V 1-e.tTllle Con Brvn.vlct Cen t -1.11110 nhlef Com. Tunnej stack... J 4etcan Stock. losing quotations eao eanta Can Cel. A tiers ailTSr Iran ftUTsr . Offered. va . Itltrtphir . at Oaiarle . tt liantarl .111 Yellow Je.aet 4ti . t It .lit IV) . u Mlnneanells Ornln Market. 1 . rorelarw Flnnnrtal. MINNE4POI IS April 17 WHKAT M y. ' 1.0NDON. April 27. -Money waa plentiful 11 1KV .inly I1.19K. Cash:. No I hrd. and easy oo th market today and dia 11 2m4': No' i nonhorn I!.t'if4."l.. Nn. . 2 1 counts wer ay In symnathy. On th northern, 1 rf1.3i; No. t northarn, tl 17 j atock exchange the dealer bought the tS' It. . ' 1 general carry over. In which the ratee were f1 A X nosfd 11 K.1 " . .- ! easy, those fo Americana being at l, per i tttttN In bulk. SAlse .cent. Rualneae for th new account wa of rl"l'R frer rsrrrs n 7'8 ' --'d ! fair dimension, being principally In Mexl- rslents tx (tytyf. irf cleart. 14 7r4K: csn rail. Argsntlne snd Orand Trunk at , second clears. 13 ?twfTS 4 I rising . price. Consul and gilt-edged e- I j ....... rurltlea wre dull pending the receipt of ; ' Grata Market. . . , Thuisday s budget.. American securities. , MILWAI'KKK Wa: A nn I TT - -WH K AT ' tr llnwing Van York opened lower In th Ne 1 northern tl MtJi.fH,: No S eonsern absence of a de.:lion In the coal roads 1 H : Jnlv., h'd ' ' cs-.. which Induced otferings. hut covenrg ' Ci IT4- . xrtaxt. VU. . . ' operation s'ai'eda rn-oer sl noon. Nee RtRl.KV S.wi... e 4.-H--- ilmk advltt in tn 1 rrco er nftc:'. i. ateie coin Wheat Mav July September lorn May ! 9 ' July J r j Septsmber n, 1 Jr. ember 6H .. A ssked. B bid. Visible Sneply of Oralis. NEW YORK. April 27. -Special cable and telegraphic communications received bv Rradstreet's shoe the following changes In . available supply as compared with prev- J lous account. i Wheat L'nlted Slates east of Rockies.' decreased 1.974.CftO bushels. Canada, In- I creased 4A1O0 bushel. TotHl l'nlted States and Canada decreased 1.493 000 bushels. Afloat for and In Europe decreased tOO.- ft! kuahala I Total American and European supply de I cressed l.uU.OuO bushels. I Corn l'nlted titstes and Canada de creased 1.C4.IM.0 bushels. Oats United States and Canada decreased 1. 580.000 bushels. The leading decreases reported this week follow: Manitoba. 170.K4 bushels: Ooderlch. 147. tVt bushels: Clhlcago. prtvste elevator. 1.40.000 bushels: Louisville. It. 00 bushels; Bt. John, 77 00i) bushels; Milwaukee, prival elrvstiiiH. ni.OK) bushel-- Mlnneapolla. private elevators. 60.000 bushels. feorla Market. PEORIA. Aprli 27. I ORN-H'gher 2 vellow. 73Hc: No. t yellow. 7!v, 7J'..-: No 4. na- OATS - firm ; Nn J mh'ti. 5lv; No. eh'ie. M'eSHu-; No. 4 hlte, BV. At. ..lMt ..ltsl .. 1t .. 71t .. we .. tan .1041 .. lit .. lo. .. tm .. ! . . 1141 .. ttt .. 141 .. 714 . .1M1 . I0M . Htl ..1071 .. IT4 . . lire . ttt ..ISM ..144t ..llt .1001 .. ttl . 11M .. MS ..lit .107 . . IM ... til . Hoi . . tn .. 15t ...15S . . lltl ... I"! ...141 Hill Tr. 4 10 t K t tt 4 tt I no i it I It I IK I if. i a t to t tn t I I m I It t 4. t 41 t 4n I Mi I to I to I tt t ta t u t 10 t tn I I m l tn t Ii I to I It I Tl I IS I It 4 l'i 4 It 4 V 4 4 1 4 V No. I..., 1. ... I ... 14..., 42..., 21..., 24... ... 11... 41 . . . 12... I... 14... 21... 4 .. J4 . ;... it... 4k . .. 14... II .. MI., in... It... 4f .. t... V... I;. .. COWS. 11 .. 14... ,1... I . . 1... 11. .. I . .. I... II . . . I .. It... AT. ..mi .. Ml ..lltl . .1M ..1141 ..1117 . .1201 ..117T .111 ..IW . .18.1 ..1114 ..11'. ..1104 ..lilt ..1140 ..111 . Ill .1141 ..114t . UM ..1401 ..IStO ..IttT . .lltl ..lilt .till .All .1417 ..1444 . HrWI . . tot ..lwt .. 141 ..Hit ..list .lIo . .1011 . . 10.T .. Til . .Hint tr: I 4t I tt I tt t H 1 1 I 70 I II I 71 I Ii I tt I to I to I in t to I at, I IS t te I tn I in I to I It I tt t m I IW t n t mi t in t in t it t to 4 I 4 tA 4 Jt 4 r. I Aft I 04 I in t it t tn I t I M Cattle and tlcatr-lloK, e-berp l.amba Higher. CHICAGO. April 27-""ATTI.E Receipts, 1,600 bead; market steady; steers, tt.OOtf. 7.00; cows. 4.0Cf.76: heifer. $3.2Mf.00; hulls. . 7616. 2T.; calves, J.0if.; stocker and feeders, U.3n4V6..W HOGS Receipts. 9.000 head: fy&luc higher; choice heavy shipping. I7.4uti'7.46; butchers. 7.-r7.4: light mixed. l7.Vfl7.3f,; choice light. t7 3MY,7.; packing. 17?f7 3.'i; pigs. t6.264l.So; bulk of sales. t7.2C(t(t.6. SHETCP AND 1.AMB8 - Rerelpls. 12.HW head; Hrfjlfc higher: sheep, !3.7Mie.76; lamibs. 660fj.60; yearlings. K.261.!6. OMAHA ORNltRAL MARKBT. Staple aal Fssics- Frotlaee t-rlee rf nlsheg by Bayers nasi Wholesaler. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1, tiellveied ta th retail trad In 1-lb. carton, tie; No. t to M-lb. tubs, esc; No. 2. In 1-lb. carton, fee; In oO-lb. tubs. 27c. packing atock, ltc; fancy dairy, tub. K0'-lc; common roll, 1 1 sh mad. IS 19c. Market change evet Tuesdsy, tXiOa-rr'h aslllng stock, cardled. 10) Cc o storage slock In Omana market CHKESK-l-meat Wlaconaln full crra, (win, lie; young Amaiicas. 4 In hoop, loV.; favorite. in hoop. Mc; dalslss, IV in bovu. 16 Wo: ciam brick, tuil case. 16c; block SwieS, 16c; full cream llmburgar, lo. fOULl KX Alive, springs, uc; nana, lie; cock, la: ducks, lie; (, 1VC; tur keys, lie. )igi.ons, pr out., etc; guinea lowis. per dux., tl.edi squaiis. per dos.. 1 Lireaaed, btus. 11c; springs, 1-viVfcc; eocka, kc; ducks, lie; gs. 11;; turkey. 21c. . K16H Whlteflsn. fioten. Iik., toenlng, IVc; salmon, luc; plk. r; gmitmfl, IVsfo.i uuU lvc; catfish, 1 014 lie, nauout, ko, r.J snapper, 12c, oiacK bass, tac; crapple, if c, percn. at, codfish, lie; djc. no; ela, lac; lobders. gieaut, o; boned, aiXi. froga let, -sc. itlbs-.No. 1. 17c; Not 2, lie; No. t, Ifec Loins No. 1. ltc; No. 2, UVtc; No. I, 10tjC. . Chuck No. 1, 'sic; No, 2, blc; XMo. t, vc. Hound-No. 1, bye. No. 2. No. t, kc. i-laie-No. 1. 6ac; No. I, Kkc; No. t. to. FRESH KRL1X8 Apples, wester, box apples, t2.00a2.60. tiamtna. t-buncn lota. 11,0 per lb. Oranges. t2.soy3.16. leuion. I1.M tjl.OO; Giap fruit, I loo. til ape, Malagaa, I; per keg Floritla plnaapples, per crate, 1100 V EO ETA Bi.l8 Kansas tweet potatoes tl'.'it per bui. California celery, large, toe; smaller, toe. New York Holland seed cab bag. 4So per lb. Wlcoi m Red Uioue onion. 2o per lb. California oauliflowei, M'por cvate. 'J'oinktce, Holda, l-baskcf crate, K. Cuba, t-bssket cistf.'tS. Lettuv. ' per dos.. too.- Old vegetables paranlp. turnips, carrot 12.16 per bbt. Honda naar beets, carrot, lurulpt, jlc, pur dox., 75c. o f RAW8ERRIES tlOOtJI 21. HIDES No. gron. ! No. 1 cur (4. te, . Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 27,-tl iTTON'-The market niwiied rssy at decline of ffS points and sold- 11 to 14 point net lowei duilng the early s-stton urnler scattering liquidation and 1o.;al bt-ar pressure. Covr Ing chcked the ili-cUu during th middle of the morning and prices rallied a point or tun from the lowest, but there was no sggressive bull support and room sentiment seemed lo be bearish. Spot cotton iloeed quiet. 16 bolnl lower: middling uplanda, 10.76c. middling gulf, lie; no sales. Coitoti futures opened easy; May, 10.46c; July. 10.42c; August, 10.28c; September, of fered. 10.18c; October, 10.16c; December, 1fl.1V;; January, 10.09c; March, offered mono. Cotton future closed firm; April, 10. 4e; May. 10.49c; June, 10 890", July, lli.3c; Augut. 10.27c; September, 10.1Kc; October, lOlbc; November. 10.14c; December, 10.15c; Januaty, 10o9e; March, 10.08c. NEW. YORK. April si. in primary cot- Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., April 27. -CATTLE-Receipts. 9.000 head. Including 'J00 south erns; market steady to a ahade higher: top. M.ou; choice export and dressed beef steers, to I6(r.t)6; fair to good. 14 frx&ft.To: western steers. !6.00iQ41IO; storkers and feeders. 4 004j86; southern steer. t4.604f .2t; southern cows. H.CKXjt.JO; natlv cqws, I2.6or(o.40; natlv heifer. HOOfist; bull. ts.ait.uu: raive. loOi&.it. v IKKrtt Receipt. 18.000 head: market 5 i ton goods market hold firm and convert 10c. higher; top, 17. r: bulk of ssles. lb 7i4j I ers are buying contracts on some good for 7.90; heavv. t7.10tr7.26: packers and butch- j delivery In the late months of th year, ers. t6.9O07.3O; light. 98.6iva'i.(i6; pigs. I6.2EA. i The Inuulry for goods waa better during COW'S AND HK1FRRS ...lit in tl 144 4 ;t HEIFERS. .. tin .. m . .. I1 . . Me .. tan .. lit .. ttt . Hi ..! ..IV ..t'.n ..una ..1I40 .14: . 1MI .. ft . USA ..1110 I It 4 an 4 lie 4 it 4 15 4 4.1 4 4 4 U 4 I. It I II I in 1 IS I m 4 i 4 n 4 in 4 W 4 J 4 It 4 I BCLIA 1. 1 11... 1 .. I... 1... CALVES. .. tM . . In" . in-jn .. Its ..1471 ..11 .. :i . 1011 ln .1140 . 1 .1IM Uin ltot f,k .'.tl .1110 .144 1U0 I I t 10 t It I t t 4 I M i tt I tt 4 tt 4 40 4 40 4 tn 4 ta 4 t t n 4 tl t TO 4 II , I 40 Nn. No. t. 1. 1.. 1 . I . t !.. 1 . I.. It . II no ton ton in . in its it t j. i tt t tn in t i I to FETDEF.B. ia t It Ill I it 1 I at 1... IH !l I .. ..... let 4 14 1 .. It 4 1. 1 . 11 I 'It I IM I t 1 IIO t 14 I .. 110 III STOCK ERS AND tt4 IN t ... 441 4 tt I... lot 4 1 WESTERNS MONTANA. 1 bull ltviO 4i 1 bull 1X60 4 36 M feeders. 1132 IKi I feeders. .1)12 too MS steers... .1271 I . 24 steer.... 127. t 10 HOGS Hog old strong to le higher in la snornlng and th market waa more at tlv than it ha been on a good many day of late. It nid vary much if buyers were really anxious tor tne hogs and tuey went after tnem with th evident deiermi ration of securing ss mtny as possible. As thl, i 8WE&P AND I.AMBB Receipt. 10.000 head: market for heep. steady: lambs. 10c, hlrher; Ismha. ttraYae.26; yearlings tf.75a 7.60: wethers. t.n4ui.60: ewe. t4.76ig6.o6; stockers and feeders. 13 0045 26; Texas mut tons, t4.li0ltf6.S6. St. I. Ire tteck Market. ST IOCI8. April 27. CAT"rL.K Receipts. 1.200 hesd. including 3rti Texsns; natives steadv. Tcxans strong: native shipping and export steers. l5.00njH.ini: dressed beef and butcher steers. tt.ttK&C.OO: steer under l.ono lbs., 13.500376; stockers snd tecdors, U.:)'tt B 'if: cows and heifers. 3.6oi1i.26; csi ners. t2.o01W; bulls. cslv.s. tlnOAtl.'-: Texas and Ind'an steer. M.ftKga.m; cow snd heifers. 12.764)16 26. IIOQS Recelpte. 121i00 head; steady: nig and lights. 14 600720: pacKers ;7.0f1.25; butchers and best heavv, t7.tutV7.40. SHEEP AND LA.MR8-Re.-eli:. l.ti hesd: market strong; nstive muttons. II jxcf t f'6; lambs. Iti.Oixh' 10: culls And bucks, 13.60 (U6.00; atocker, 3.noig4 .H. t. Jeeeph I. It- ttoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April 27.-CATTl.K Recelpts. 1.700 head; market steady: steers, 4.60ia4.26: cows and heifers. II Myjifj 26, cslves. $3 llftdj 00 HOOH Receipts. 4 000 head; market stesdv to to higher; lop. 17.26; bulk of sales, ti.Hb'a 7.16. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts, 2.000 hesd: market atrong to 10c higher; lambs, the day, but prices tendered were too low for sellers. Cotton yarns were Irregular. There was an export trade passing with miscellaneous ports. Men's wear I active for fall on duplicate huslnrn. ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 27-XTTON I'nchanged. Middling H' Sale none: re- shlpments rT naiea; mock ceipis 43. 862. 1.184; Stork Market. April 27 (Special . tlonx City live 8IOCX CITY'. Is.. "elegi am. 1 CATTLE Receipts. 1.400 hesd; nisi net tttsuy; oeeves. taotn&asu; fat i-owa heifers, U 506. 60; fetdeit, t4.0ua earlinn. I3.OO04 60. HOUM-Recelpts, 400 head: market steady; inge or price. II 6ta7.10; bulk of aales rS.ifj6. lock la Sight.' Receipts of live stok at the six principal astern market yecierday; South Omaha..., Sioux City 61. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis Chicago Total. Cattle . 4.7i . 1. 4O0 . 1.7"0 . 9.0O1 . 22.000 . 1.V . 40.300 Hogs. Sheep. 14 fxl 4 1"0 4 m mm 2 ftlo ISO.) I0i 12 900 j fty) I. ft oO.Tlti r.tfr) Waol Market. I ROSTON. April 27. WOOL The local wool situation is very strong. In domestic wools the representatives of wool houses are actively bidding fur the new dtp and prices have been forced to levels higher than have been recorded for four or five years. Montana wool has .told at 2.1 'y, a sgatnst about 17tflSc last year, and at about 18c for the same wools earlier In the present sesson. The Montana clip ts prac tically all cleaned up. Foreign wools are strung and sntlve. South American, cross breds and Australian merinos being In best demand. Th 'ending; domestic quotations range, as folldw. Kentucky. Indiana and Miasourl three-eighth blood, 'ffitfk-; quartnr Inood. Afr'ikc. Scoured values r Texas, fine. 12 months. 6vt4:'c: fine, 6 to I month. 62$ &4c; fine. fall. 45ifi47c. California northern. bh'ac; middle country.. irt'iOc: Oregon eastern. No. 1 staple. o2ii43': eastern cloth ing. &o67c; valley No. 1. 48imVc; territory, fine stap'e. tWfjtiSi-; fine medium staple. t04r2c: fine cllplng. 6M2c; fine medium clothing. &tVaftc: half blood. tnWOc; three eighth blond. b61j'ssc: yiiHrlcr blood. heiTXiac. Pullrd extra. 04'o-Wc; fine A. 68?!Br; A supers, tl'flfHic. ST. IXll lS, April 27.-WOOL Firm; ter ritory and western mediums, 20334c; (In mediums, lStjt ; fine, l.'fllec. Ulls anal Rosin. OI L CITY. Pa . April 27-OUO edit bel ni'i fi.; run. Utiaii bhls. ; average, 142.100 bbl.; shipments, 224.767 bbt.; aver age.' 19b. 1 bills. SAVANNAH O , April ?7. Tl'RPBN TINK Mrm, atVic ROSIN-ri"n; R. C.2-V4: D. 1145; E, t'M; T, 13724; (i. 13.7,: H. 13.00; I,; K.; M. 16 "Hi; N, IE SO; W. 'Q.. (a 30; W. W., t! V. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 77. -Ml.TA U! -The Ior.don tin market .mil quite a timrp hiivk today, spot iliaing at 112 Us U snd fu tures at 131 lie locally the tin mrket waa essv. with spot al Ii 204) .9.16. Joprer was lower st M 7s td for spoi and to Is td for futures lit ihe Ixmdon iiiavket.. The local market waa dull and unrhscigerl. with lake quoted at I2.87,3'!3'1. electm IMlc at r2 6oni;2ii and casting al 112 37V 412 50. Iad was unchsngerl at .1 ta Sd In l-ondon and at tA.'AA A In the loc.l market. Sfeltr was also ur.chsnged In both markets, being qur'ed at 21 t 4.1 In Ixmdon and at to (', "71 lx allv. Th English Iron market . lower, with Cleve land warrants aucted st lis td In Iondnn. locally there was no change. No 1 north ern foundry llng qurMed at 11 741-14 VI. Cotree Market. NEW YORK. April 27 COFr'KE fu tures timrket closed iulit, net unchanged to 6 points higher. The French market war net iinchsfmed In ' rxiints higher.' S.ilet locslly aere only 1.006 bagti Iholudrng May at tahc. and Julv at I.Vu.- Spei.ulet; No-. 7 Rio. liph'.c.' No. 4 Samoa. I7,j4c; mild, du.'l; Cordova. Sttlitf. . . '. . . ...... - - --.- - liar hboT "Malaaara. NEW ' YORK. April -.7. -bt O A R - Raw. eaay; fair refining. l4.4ji."'Sc. ct-nti'lfucal. 11 teal. S 92tf..PJ . Molus.rr Siiarir, 1 17 I.Jor. Rellned. t sdy:-x-ruBned.'t.iSc; pewd-. eicd. alic; granulated, u.itc I - C V Dnlnlh Ore In Market. m'l.n il. Ai ril 27. -,;; WHE.VT Msv. Il.1t:. July. 111.: Nu. 1 norlhtrn. $1.304.: Nn. 2 northern, f.,!W ' ' OATS 6341'. - - .- , rhllsdelekln I'letaat Market. rHILADEI.r illA. At'ril r.-BCTHtKe ' Dull, prints 1c lower; nt't wenifcrn, are-tan - a reult pretty much everything In thtjN'o. t noriliern foundry at $1 totjlt it and Jaiy. 2c, extra nearly BJ-lnla. -Hi. ' I