THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDXESDAY. APRIL 28. 1?. Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Iowa Minor Mention Ta OmmU Blnffa OTflee ef tit Omtbk Bee ie at 1 Seett Street. Both Taonte 43. Divli. erugs. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. t. FATJST BE Kit AT ROGERS' BUFFET. Majestic ranges, H. C. DeVol Hdwri. Co. CORRIQAN8. Undertakers. 'Phones . Stock pastured. 'Phone rtnney, Bell 21433. 'Whan you want reliable want ad adver tising, ua The Bee. Picture framing a specialty at Alexander's Art Store, 233 Broadway. The beat wall paper cleaner, lio par can. W. Nleholaieon, 14 8. Main. Wall paper reat bargain sale this week at J. U. Crockwell's. BAIRP. I.ONOKNKCKER BOTiAND. undertakers. 'Phone 122, 14 N. Main St. Dr. W. V. Magkrell, optometrlat. moved to .4-2i City .National bank building. lvanlio commsndcry, Knights Templar, will moet U regular conclave this eventng. Mrs. Otto I'f elf fer. oft Glen avenue. Is suffering from a frarturo of the arm. the reatilt of lulling off a porch at her home Sunday. Judge Wheeler of the district court yes terday Issued an order postponing the convening of the grand Jury from May 10 to May 17, . . . Mrs. y. H. Fvans, who was railed hera by the death of her mother, Mra. I Mer ko. returned yesterday to her home In Garden lily, Kan. The Ladles' Aid soi tety " of the First f'riiletlan church will meet Thuraday aft ernoon, at the home of Mrs. Corllsa on -EQUtli Kighth street. The monthly meeting of Queen Bather au'lil of the Kirst Prraby trrian church will he held Thnrad.iv afternoon at the home of Miss Let Into Westcott. 19 Fifth avenue. Penjamln F. Keener of Qulncy, 111., and t.'lsra C. Howell of South Omaha were married In this city yesterday, the cere mony being performed by Rev. Henry De Long, The Council Bluffs and Omaha Transfer company reported to the police yesterday the thtft of one of Its lajge wagon tar paulin from Its barn. The cover la talucd at Ouk camp. Royal Neighbors of America will meet In regular session this cnitiR. A full attendance Is desired as there Is business of Importance to come before the meeting. Felix GUmore. a farmer of Rockford township, charged by his brother, also of Rockford township with being mentally deranged was before the commissioners for the Insane yesterday and was sent to HI. Bernard's hospital for ten day of observa tion. , . - H. P. Nelson. 722 Fourth street, reported to the police yesterday that during the ab sence of the family Sunday a burglar had entered his home by forcing a rear window and had ttolen a silver watch and chain, a revolver, meerschaum cigar holder and a pnekctbook containing II. Announcement was made yesterday of the mnsummutlon of a real estate deal whereby 10. A. Wlckliam- becomes the owner of the property at the northeast corner of Broadway and Scott street known as the tiapp block. The considera tion Is said to have been 10.000. Mr. Wick ham stated that he . had bought the pro perty merely is an Investment. In oider to he eligible to compete for the six 110 cash prizes offered by Major G. H. Richmond, chief of police, one each for the cleanest and best kept yard In of the six wards of the city, house holders must qualify by filing their names with the chief before Saturday, May 1. The Judges will bo. Dr. R. B. Tubbs. city physlcla i; Councilman Bellinger and Peter Smith, health officer. The- following officers were elected at the annual meeting Yesterday of the wom an's guild of Ht. Paul's Episcopal church: President, Mra. G. II. Jackson; first vice president. Mrs. Hvtidshaw; second vice rresldent. Mis. Canning; secretary, Mra. Alltnirham; treaaurer. Mra E. Tlnley. Tha averal chapters of the guild raised I'll. 16 during the year towards meeting the vari ous expenses of the church. Rev. Marcus P." McClure, psstor of the First Presbyterian church hss submitted the following annual report of the church for the year ending April t to the pres bytery: Members received upon confession of faith, 7S; by certificate. 24; total number received. I7. Members dismissed to other churches, 31; placed on absent roll. 10; deceased, 4; total loss, 66. Total church membership. 613. Baptisms, to (11 of these infants). Bible school membership. o-S I including cradle roll). Benevolences: Homo missions. 11,019.72. Foreign missions, lu0. Education, $J8. Sunday school work. Church erection, $to. Ministerial re lief. Freedmen, lit. Colleges, fc. Temperance. 313. General assembly, $1.23. ConaTogattimal expenaes, $8,071.08. Total benevolences. $2,1SS. Total moneys ex pended, 33,2s6.. Bandar la "Mercy Day." Sunday. May . 9, will be observed as "Mercy Sunday" In tha churches of Council Bluffs. "On that day the pastors of the several churches will presch on the work carried tn by the National Humane society. The designation of Sunday, May . as "Mercy Sunday" Is the result of the efforts of W. Y. Sapp, president of the Council Eluffs Humane aoclety, to arouse puhlla Interest in the work and objects of this aoclety. Yesterdsy Mr. Sapp appeared be fore the meeting of the Ministerial associa tion and nddressed the members In the Interest of tha Kcal society. In accordance with the request of Mr. Sapp. that the minUtrra take the subject up with their reapectlvM congregations, the association voted to designate Sunday, May 9, as "Mercy Sunday." Itev. J. W. Pierce, national lecture," for the Woman's Christian Temperance union, who la dullverlng a sea lea of lectures in Uila city on temperance, addressed the gain I stern on the subject of "Miracles," and general dlsrusahn of Ihe subject fol lowed the address. FIX HOURS FOR POOL HALLS Limit ii 10:30 O'clock Week Dajs Except on Saturdays. I ONLY AFTERNOONS ON SUNDAY Odd Fellows at Niar.rk. About seventy-five members of the local Odd Fellows and Jtcbckali lodges went to Hameck yesterday to participate In the ninetieth anniversary celebration. The delegation met at the Odd Fellows temple and headed by the Hancock band marched lii the Rock Island depot. Congr.Haman Walter I. Smith, who was one of the prin cipal speakers of the day, went with the delegation. Feat a re that Loser May nt Pay for the Whole tiam Fulminated Morgan Votes Against Ordinance. Pool halls of Council Bluffs must now close every week day night except Saturday at 10:30 o'clock. On Saturdays the doors may be kept open until midnight. On Sun days between tha hours of 1 and 6 p. m., the tables are open to patrons but not later. This is the extent of the regulation of the halls Included In the ordinance passed Monday after long discussion and a con sideration of the regulation problem In de tail. A feature of the ordinance when first Introduced that the loser In a game should not be made to psy for the game thus eliminating every gambling feature, was stricken out. As originally Introduced, the ordinance provided for closing every night at 10 o'clock and all day Sunday. i long A ra omenta Made. For three hours the councilman listened patiently to tha arguments on behalf and against the ordinance. Those speaking for the ordinance or some measure pro viding stricter regulation of the pool halls were Harry Curtis, general aecrs tary of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation who led the cohorts opposed to the pool halls; Dr. O. O. Smith, gaator of the Flrat Congregational church; Rev. Marcus P. McClure. pastor of the First Presbyterian church; Rev. F. A. Caae, pastor of the First (Baptist church.; O. J. McManus, former county superin tendent of schools; Dr. JL.. L. Poston, Rev. J. M. Williams, pastor of Broad way Methodist church; W. H. Kill pack, member of the Board of Education. Appearing on behalf of proprletora of the pool halls were Attorneys Emmet Tlnley, S. B. Wadsworth, and Thomas (J. Harriaon. On behalf of the pool hall owners It was contended the closing of their places at 10 o'clock on week nights and all day on Sunday meant bankruptcy for them and practically confiscation of their equipment valued at between t-'O.OOO and $25,000. The arguments advanced in behalf of the passage of the ordinance were sub stantially the same as those presented at the time the ordinance was introduced. Mayor Maloney did not take part in the discussion beyond advancing the opinion that as the pool hall ownerp paid license to the city they were entitled to fair treatment at leaat. A peltlon from residents of the west ern part of the city for the assignment of a policeman for that district from 6 p. m. to t. a. m. was referred to the committee of the whole. A complaint from residents on Avenue A in the western part of the city relative to the lack of lights was after consid erable discussing; referred to the com mittee on fire and 'light. New saloon permits were granted Hans Clausen, 100 West Broadway; E. A. Mk hell. 1013 South Main street; and S. E. MvCluggage. 1512 South Sixth street. Hayor Mends In Veto. ' The council pasaed the ordinance In troduced a week ago practically taking from the hands of Mayor Malony all control of the street department which is now under his appointment The mayor at once read a veto of the ordinance and the council reconsidered Tis vote, whereby it was passed and the subject will come up later for further discussion. The sum of $100 was appropriated for the relief of Mrs. George Wilson, widow of an officer of the Council Bluffj Jo lice force who waa shot while on duly two years ago. PRINCIPAL THOMAS TO LEAVE Head of Connrtl Hloffs Hlab School Will -Not Be Candidate. Prof. S. 1 Thomas, principal of the high school, sprang a surprise upon the Board of Education by notifying it at the special meeting laat evening that ha would not be a candidate for the position for another year. The communication was brief and merely stated that the writer declined to be a candidate for the position of principal for another year and thanked the board for paat favors and courtesies. No action was taken on the communica tion beyond to order it received and placed on file, accompanied by a vote of the board's appreciation of Prof. Thomas' work during the time he has been con nected with the schools of the city. Prof. Thomas succeeded Prof. F. C. Ensign as principal of the high achool about four years ago. Prior to that time he was teacher of science in the high school for several years. He has not made public his plans for the future. Owing to the abaence of Prealdent Tln ley, the matter of appealing from the find ing of the district court Jury In the Oak street and Broadway site caae was not taken up. although the meeting had beep especially called to consider this. The matter was deferred until the regular meet ing in May. In executive session the directors looked over plans for the new school at Broadway and Oak atreet with the two architects. The selection of plans. It was said, will be made at the regular meeting In May. a respectable Income trapping and killing gophers In this country. Men Fall to Appear. Four men arrested about 1:30 o'clock Sunday morning In a raid by the police on tha pool room conducted by Edward N. Hanntim at 321 South Main street failed to appear when their rases were called In police court yesterday morning. Their cash bondu of 313 each were declared for feited and the city treasury Is consequently enriched 39 as the result of tha activity of the police. The four men. It was charged by the officers making the arrests, were playing cards. They gave the names of H. H. Harris, John Moore, James Townsend and John Clodflller. all of which are said to be fictitious. Friends of the owner of the pool hall Interceded with the authorities in an effort to have tha case dropped but failed. Marrlare Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Benjamin F. Keener. Qulncv. Ill Clara C. Howell, South Omaha... Fred L. Martin. Council Bluffs... Hilda M. New, Carroll, la R. M. Mathews. Omaha Age. ... 22 Agnes P. Beacom, Omaha 34 Woman in Brown is Exonerated Death of M. M. Flam of Oskaloosa Declared by Jury to Have Been Suicide. DES MOINES, April 87. Death by ulclde was the verdict of the coroner's jury today and the mystery surrounding the death of M. M. Flam, an Oskaloosa traveling man who was found dead In a hotel here, was exploded. It waa definitely established that Flam Just before his death was with the "Woman In Brown" who, evidence showed la Marie Adams of Oskaloosa, but the woman waa exonerated. DOW CITV DAMAGED BY FIRE Half of Town Threatened, bat Loos la Kept Down to lO.OOO. DOW CITY. la., April 27.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Ten thousand dollars damage waa done here by a fire at 1 o'clock this morn ing which originated In Rudd's restaurant. The restaurant, together with the post office, Rolls' restaurant and the Odd Fel lows' hall were totally destroyed. The In surance will amount to about 38,400. Stamps to the amount of 3500 were burned. Postmaster Wiggins Tigged up a tem porary postofflce in the meat market and was ready for the morning mall. For a time half the town was thieatened, but the water works proved efficient In the emergency. Aid waa secured from Arlon and Denlson. The origin of the fire is unknown. Boy Killed by Ugktsls. MARSH AL.LTOWN, la., April 37.- 1 Special Telegram.) Leo Rlcherson, aged 14. son of George Rlcherson living near State Center, was struck by lightning and Instantly killed while driving a disc har row this afternoon. Real Kstatr Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee April by the Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Hluffs: Mary I Kveu-tt to Jennie C. Laracn. lot 2. block 2, Oak Grove add., a. w. d t a0 Fl'td Hobue, executor, t Herman and William J. Damllx, nV, n sv.' kiw nwi 12-74-4U. e. d .3e Total, two transfers. , IS. 550 Leliert's Lenses Grsawsl Cisilirt Kaawais Wsarsrt at Owl ? flfCN M M"a an m ml kf V" nm on KdbM. at M Sort Lisa zJj an lane) Oaaana , LEFTERTS ss mar. ma amu Farmers Heap Boanty. The farmers of Pottawattamie county are working havoc among the wolves which Infest the timber and In return are reap ing their reward In the shape of the bounty paid for the destruction of these peats. Yesterday the scalpa of seventeen cub wolves were marketed with County Audi tor Innes. W. E. Duncan of Garner township drew IS for four cub scalpa; J. 11. Bates of Rulknap or Oakland township received a warrant for nine scalps, while O. E. Joixs of Neola, cashed In a warrant for S for four cubs. Luut Saturday the county auditor issued warrants amounting to 340 for cub scalps. Geurgo H. Darrlngton of Boomer town ship marketed nine cubs; W. H. Marsh hanks of Crescent township, brought three cubs, while A. Hetrlck of llaicl Dell turned in the scalps of eight cubs. The gopher season has also opened and up to datu this year, warrants aggregating nearly 3400 have bvien issued for the de struction of these small peata. In ! the county paid out 3T.oa In bounty for goph ers and about the same sura waa paid out in 1307. A number of boys make quite Iowa News Notes. GUIS WOLD The funeral of the late C. C. Whltcom waa held from the Methodist Kplscopsl church at this place yesterday. lr. Whitcom was one of the old-time set tlers at this plsce. and though his death had been expected for some time his friends hoped until the last that he would take a change for the better. He was afflicted with paralysis. GRISWOLD Father James P. MeGillan. who has been pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church at thia place and alao at Red Oak. preached his farewell sermon in Urlswoid today. He has been sent to take charge of the Catholic church at Charlton. The feople at this place are much attached to 'ather MeGillan and had hoped that he would remain here. WEBSTER CITY Simultaneous! v with the announcement of the sale of the State b;ink at Stratford comes the news that a savings hank has been organized there. The population of the town ia 600. The State bank was formerly owned by Fort Dodge capitalists. A syndicate headed by tvuwara reierson. rormer raanier of the bank, has purchased It. The newa now cornea ,that another company headed by J. T. Drug and K. A. Waller will establish a new savings hank. Mr. Waller probably will he cashier of the new institution anil Mr. Drug president. The latter la a well Known politician, having formerly been Tenth district republican committeeman in this state. IOWA BEIM, "CLEANED" Li ; Radical Legislation Keeps Officers Busy All Over State. i C0SS0N THINKS LAWS ARE GOOD Missing Girl Returns Home A. A. CLARK & CO. i nun Mnncv tin horses, cattle and HOUSEHOLD TURN ITU HE AX9 AST CHATTEL BBCntITT AT OKK-HAL THE TJSCAX KATES. Twenty inari of geaooooafaj Bauanwaa. ITER MAIN AYD BRUaUTtVAY, OTOB AMERICA KXPsUSSS. Nr. connection with the Ursa aaOkusg tn BOTH 1-aONES XI 7. COR5 TV.a Clark Mortnrt C J HO. P. TlKLii. Mar. Adele Boas of New York, Thought to ' Be Kidnaped, Went to Boston to Earn Her Living. NEW YORK. April . Adela Boas, the 13-year-old daughter of Arthur K. Boas, a wealthy thread manufacturer, la at home tonight with her parenta. The mystery of her disappearance last Friday has been dispelled and the caae resolves Itself Into nothing more than the escapade of a child with a sudden desire to see the world. Aside from the natural reaction that has set in, the girl is little the worse for her wandering- The Boas family phy sician spent half an hour, w ith her this evening and announced afterwards that she was In perfect health. She said her trip was merely the result of a chlldlah whim. With the first shock of the meeting with her parenta over, the child told inota of( her movements in Boston. The posi tion she had In a restaurant there waa to have brought her 31.50 a week with board and lodging. Saturday night and Sunday she spent in the room she had rented. Her money by tills time was exhausted, all but enough to get back to New Tork, and this morning she decided to return. She went to the South station and waa ap proached by an elderly man. "The police are looking all over for you, Adela Boas," ha ssid. "My nsme is not Boas," she replied defiantly and boarded the train for New Tork, only to be identified at Stamford. Conn., after she had tried in vain to dodge the persistent questioners, even resorting to tha ruse of speaking brokmi English. Fifty people gathered about tha Boas residence when tha carriage drove up with Adele Boaa and two detectives, mho had found her on board a train at Stamford, Conn. The girl rushed out of the carriage Into her uncle'a arms. She appeared in good health. The girl went away volun tarily, she says, under the impression that he would Ilka to earn her own living, but seeing tha newspapers and learning that the police were looking for her, decided to coma from Boston, without notifying tha police. Comments 1 pen Work Brlns; Done j In Daressort, Rarllnaton and j Other tlllre ew Baild. Inaja at asiei, tFrom a S.aff Correspondent.) DF.S MOINES. April r.-t3peeial.) Tho der the stimulus of new legislation enacted by the last geeeral assembly In the vari ous cities of Iowa the most thorough cleaning up ever known is going on. and this Includes not only the ssloons that have been run without much regard for the law, but also the resorts which are known to have nourished everywhere. It Is confidently predicted that the process of weeding out the bsd places in Iowa cit ies will go much furtheT now than ever before. "I have heard no criticism of the various bills which 1 Introduced in the legislature and which passed," said Senator George Cosson of Audubon while In ihe city. "They meet the approval of all who con sider them fairly, t note that In certain cities of tha state radical changes of policy ss to certain patent evils has taken place. One mayor is quoted that the new laws ara bad. but he doesn't care to take the chance on going to JalL therefore he has ordered that the state laws be obeyed. "Evidently the law officers of the state do not take much stock In the idea the new laws will not be effective. I see thst Davenport, Burlington and other cities are being cleaned up rapidly. There has been something said about the bills having been emasculated after they were Introduced, but the fact is not one of the bills waa passed In any weaker form then It waa when In troduced, and not a single word was added to the bills thst will loosen their force, with one exception. The word 'wilfully' got Into the bill relating to removal of officials who fail to do their duty. Now the courts have construed that to mean about tho same as 'knowingly,' and In the courts the word will cause no trouble. "Now, for the first time In the history of the, state wo will have some specific duties for the officers. In looking through the laws of sll the states I found nowhere have the laws been made as specific and definite as we have them now. In all the statutes there Is a certain vagueness about tho matter." Iowa's Sew Weed Law. "The new weed law will, I believe, prove very valuable," said Ex-Governor Pack ard yesterday. "It Is not a drastic law, as some have felt it to be. but Is quite mild, and yet we believe it will do good. Tha principle Is to have the road work and tho weed killing done together. Instead of levying a tax for road work the tax ia levied for road work and weed extermina tion, and is used for that purpose, one as much as the other. Then there is provis ion for notice to a property owner If his land Is covered with weeds to the injury of other farms and he must kill the nox ious weeds from his land. The particular weeds are named in the law which are thus to be destroyed so there can be no doubt about it. Failure to kill the weeds is a mlsdeameanor. ,',Wf believe the exist ence of the law will ba beneficial and there will be little need fot enforcing its pro visions by prosecutions" . Work on State Balldlngs. The work on the three buildings at the State college authorized by the legislature will be ruahed as rapidly as possible the fore part of the summer so that when the new board takes hold in July there will be aa little left of these buildings as possible. At a meeting of the building committee held a few days ago at Ames It waa de cided that while the legislature appropri ated SnO.OOO for continuing work on the heat ing plant, no contracts will be let against this by the present board, as obviously tha legislature intended confining the activi ties of the present board to the three big buildings now under way. Maybrny Is Jost May bray. Practically' all parties Interested In tha case of J. C. Maybray now unite In scout ing the strange story of the mysterious woman who has tried to make It appear that Maybray Is none other than the Mc Cann who was murdered In St. Louis. News from St. Louis is tha story carries no weight there and that it has not even aroused a suspicion as to the justice of the conviction of "Lord" Banington. The woman, who has posed here as a detec tive, hss fascinated those who have come under her Influence, and she at first con vinced everyone that her remarkable story was correct, but as the evidence accumu lates it Is believed that she Is simply play ing a desperate game to free the Impris oned Englishmen and that there is nothing in the story that will affect the pardon ing power in Missouri. Neither Is the May bray theory' that the woman is acting for government detectives believed by the of ficials here. They see no reason for the government to take a hand in the case In this strange way. J. C. Maybray maintains absolute fa ience as to any matters sffecting the case which stands against him In connection with the gang of fake racers. He has In structions from his attorneys not to talk at all on this question, hence refuses to sprsk of any of the stories connecting him with others alleged to he Interested In the swindling operations. But he has talked freely of his life and in denial of the story about him being McCnnn. Dairymen to Meet. Members of the State Dairy commission will meet In thla city Tuesday to con sider the waya and means of spending the 310,000 recently appropriated by the state. Drain of Well Known Miller. J. Q. Sharp, secretary of the Mill Own ers' Mutual Fire 'Insurance company, died at hia home, SJ6 Sixth avenue, today of neuralgia of the heart. Mr. Sharp had been a resident of Dcs Moines for twenty one years. He Is survived by a widow, four daughters and three sons. Mr. Sharp was a member of the Masonic lodge. THE MIGHTY WORKERS OF AMERICA The true builders of our civilization and of our national industrial supremacy. No other country in the world can boast of such a masterful army of patriotic, intelligent, stronp bodied and well paid artisans and craftsmen, No wonder they proudly toast one another in foaming glasses of health giving Cpscx 0 The King of All Bottled Beers Every drop of which is alive with the strength of. the finest northern barley and the tonic powers of the costliest Saazer hops. We employ 6,000 highly trained men at our model . brewery to keep pace with the ever increasing demand for Budwciser, the natural drink of America. , The Most Popular Beer in the World Bottled Only at tha Anheuser-Busch Brewery St Louis, U. S. A. CORKED OR WITH CROWN CAPS. r m m av m j3 - "sst Anheuser-Busch Co. of Nebraska Distributors Bell 'Phone Douala, 389 Automatic Taone A-136B OMAHA, NEBR. 1 Sixteen Hurt by Tornado in Oklahoma Twelve Buildinfs, Including Three Churches, in Town of Centrahoma Are Totally Wrecked. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., April 27.-lx-tsen persons r Injured, one prrhHps fa tally, la a tornado which destroyed a large part of tha town of Centrahoma, near here, today. A child ot Rev. F. J. Matthews Is thought to be dying. Mrs. Matthews and her four other children alao were Injured. Ivee Qrlat was badly bruised and his col Jar bone was broken. The others were not seriously hurt. Not a building In the town remained wholly intact after the storm. Twelve buildings, Including the Methodist, -Baptist and Presbyterian churches, were totally wracked. The town contains about 800 In habitants. Many of these are homeless as a result of the storm. A terrific rain and hall storm followed the tornado, greatly adding to tha dam age. Poxeus of window panes were smashed In residence, and downtown business houses here last night In one of the most terrific hall and rain storms ever known here. The rain assumed the proportions ot a cloudburst. Transferor Sub-Treasury New Official at New York Gives Re ceipt for Over a Quarter of a Billion Dollars. NEW YOKK, April 27. Charles R. Treat, T'liited States treasurrr. who lias been In charge of the total Fub-treasury since the retirement of Assistant Treasurer Fish, to day turned, over thi Institution formally to Assistant Vnlted States Treasurer Terry. The turnover has Involved a count of the cash In the subtreasury vaults which began on March 22 and was com pleted April 24. Mr. Terry receipted for $:M,802,7ti9.7B. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 0. Night, IM701 Move to Close Big Smelter is Abandoned Famous Smoke Case at Butte is Dis missed, Each Side Paying Its Own Costs. Hl'TTE, Moat., April Judge William H. Hunt In the federal court today dis missed the bill In the action brought In the name of Fred J. Blixs against the Anconds and Washington companies r. dose, down the large smelting plant at Anaconda. Each side will pay Its own costs, which are said to aggregate about VV".'. This order disposes 0t Urn fatnnua 'smoke" case begun three years ago by the farmers of Deer 1-odne valley, who declared they were being damaged ly the fumes from the smelter and demanded that tho smelter be closed. Bradley Edge Prop Corn Planters and As penwall' Potato Planters. Sperling Trlp lett, 327 Broadway. Purlnf tha spring averj on would ba benefited by taking Foley's Kidney Rem edy. It furnuhes a needed tonlo to the kidneys after tha itrs strain of wlntoi. and it purifies the blood by stimulating ihe kidneys, and causing them eliminate tne Impurities from It- FA-lsy's Kidney Remedy imparts new life and vigor. Piece- nt to take. Bold by all aruarlaia. New Roads for Yankton. YANKTON', 8. D.. April r.-tSpecial.)-This city appears to have more railroad rumors than sry city of Its slse on the map. Tha Yankton & Norfolk project stock Is way up above par. for tha reason that almost every day a carload cf material arrive, from pile drlvera t forty-foot timbers. The promoters of the Yankton fc Southern assert their pat project la rtlll on the campus, although rather lulet, and lastly comes C. C. Trail, promoter of the Midland Continental railroad, who tella Yankton people that the road Is new under construction from Winnipeg to Elgerly, N I"., half of the line being In actual occupa tion, and thai English capital haa j-ut bean secured In a recent trip to start the work to the gulf of Mexico Immediately, Mr. Truax was here with his contractor, J. A. Adams, and stated that he expected to make arrangements to use tha h-tc'ge at this point, for wM-- ' n. Wvlx . . . . , , , - 4- - Ue'- I Tl., . W. . .V ' r 11 . ' "we." egarbms The True Inwarddess cf Clothing Value Ever hear of the vital of a suit? Buying clothing is like buying a melon. If the inside isn't good. you lose. Be sure. Quality is more than skin deep. Don't gamble on looks alone. Michaels-Stern Clothes will stand the probe. Cut 'em up, dissect 'em, analyze 'em and you'll find conscience and capacity and extreme care in every thread and seam. That's why well dressed men all over the country wear IfllChttte-fetf rrt Clothes : because they give a clean bill of health for their 'inwards' as well as their outwards. n roB I1LI IT ' The Bennett Co. The Mlchsels Slfrn Fsshlon Portfolio i f u thnrtfetlvo Kprl?ig Style will Interest every well '' .--.n it's rasa oa reqsest. -f-WinSvnig- r 1H I