Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Rourkes Have Marathan Run at Grand Island; Giants are Shut Out
Omtht Lei-ram Takt Gme from
;! ; .Them, 13 to 4.
i - . ... hi i
Hall , Ts' Allow Raark
IhlrtVea "It far TwlfTwi
'), aatt WI14
1 ," Pttrt Id.
GRAND UI.A.VD. Neb.. April 27.-tir-tiAl
Tek:m.KOfi'. Uland't pitch rt
not only tUawed Pa Rourk men thirteen
Mt for t my-tab ba. but gtvt four
f fie traneportitlon and sent flv
ctuert trf tfrt 6 tht hlt-ln-th-lata'
ioji. Of Graod Island ' hit, flv a-r
made off Lower lt Ui flit, three Inning,
and l off Hollenbeck. In th lut. .'Hi
rit hefaa cold, but deptt this
fairly good crowd ih attendance.
B. R
Standing of the Teams
W l.Prl ' TV I. r,.i
Pr.ton 1 .7,Roton fi't'.hri .! Boston t i
JJ Nfw York ..7
Philadelphia t 4 .? Philadelphia i 4
Won. I t. Pot.
MilSaukt 2 .TtW
Loulet Mir JO 2 .7
Indianapoll n I )S
Mjfineapollt a .MA
Toledo , t ' .4j
81. Paul 4 : ..!
Ktnsa City .273
Coliimaut t l'j .if,
F,nr. If. m ...
WtltiV rt ...
Ir. 16
Grt'iam. i.
Peiidry, 3h. ...
Reldtn. if
Gondlr.g. c. ..
UBrand. e.
1irii'. p.
Johns, p
I inl'cn ie.k. p.
- 1
ia it 27 h
Kttii.fc. si
i. ;iid.
Gurmat. lb
A. Gladt. cf.-p.
Si-huff, ai
Ford, rt
Maddo. Sb. . .,.
F.abei n;.. If. '
Jonrt. p."tf. ...
H. ti.
To taU . . . . .
Omaha . '.
Oiand Island
ttarncd runt
N .- 1 3 "
r . .i i 4 i i -
..t ' U A 0 A A 1--4
Omaha. I; Orand laland.
Two-base l-.ita: King. Kan. Onuiaro
il'i. Pndrv. Gondlng (2). Jone.e. P. Glad hit: Planer." First baa on
halla: Off Jonea. 3; off Gla1a. 1. fttruck
on. Rv Jnnn 4: hv Olada. 2: bv lxiwar
4. bv Johna S. Lrt on baaaa: Omaha. ;
flrnd Uland. J. Hit by pltohad ball: By
Junra. "i. by Olad. 3.
Gianti Fail to Find Fergnion Except
for Two Short Hits.
Plttab ir & ,8 Clikago .MA
N fork . 2 I .376 3f. Imuia ...4 T .MA
RroAKlrn ....1 I .KtsK'i-vHand ...4 7
Wt. ioula ...4 .M WaaHlnalon t 7
National Lama Roaton ar Nam- Tnrlc:
Brooklyn at Philadelphia Pilitiburg at St.
Loula; ChlcAgo at Clnnlnnatl.
Amrk-an Laru Rt. Louis at Ch!ca;
Detroit at Clavaiand. Philadelphia at
Waahlrvrton; New York at Boaion.
Amarluan Anaoolatlon Indianapolis at
Columbua; Loulsvtlla at Toledo: Milwaukee
at Mlnneapoiil; Kanaaa City at St. Paul.
Mllwaak Him fraaa Mlaarapslla
im tk TWtlftk laatac
MINNKAPOL1B. April !7.-Curtla wjn hla
Own (Im In the twelfth Inning today wHIi
a anort hit. fol'cwin ciarka a at !. 1 h
Mmi -aa a pltohara' ba.ltl throuchaut.
fatltrron vtuenmi In (he later inntnsa.
wnlle Curtl crew atroncer. Both tranta
played r.xcailantly. Scot:
H O. A I. B.H.O.A.B
AaamxMi. ! 1 Orter. m lit
K. ColUM. It. 4 1 Plrkarina cf. I
ir' r i I t tDmt. !....
MHMnn. !..t en J. Cclltna. Ik 4
P.tnltli. er..,( t 2 1 40'Keitl. If .
A. Darham and Wall All Lack
4Kb la Tkm arla f Other
iama In tkr National
NEW YORK. April r.-Th New York
National wet defeaid today by Boaion,
10 to A. in a ame played in Arctic w.aihr.
New York a unable to find Frrugn.
ho one pitcher her, except for two ahort
hlta In the alxth. Th Botiona hit Ames,
Durham and Wilier at will. Outfielder
Devore of th Nw York club waajoday
operated on for appendloitla. Th acora:
th OHddnlta will leave Omaha In the
morr.lng. after pMir th nlarht In that
cltv. and arrlv her late In the a.f:rnorn
Thla will permit top In Llnrrln ani v-
iyir, out tha rout will be rtumei to i Sullivan'. Single Scorei Crartth After
!. lf .... ' l' I ' Hri, If..
.kr. rf....4 4 Dirl, b ..
Houmsnt, of. 4 14 Mcrraj, rf..
. 1 t 1 Tnnef. lb.
'T. ( 4 114 Id'Hin. rt .
Dihiea. m ... 4 I rvii,. lb..
wenj, it.. 4 It ap-ieicliw. n
emitn. e .. .. i t e e&-h'i. .
rruton. I 4 i 4 Aipm. p....
41 II V 111 Dirhra. w
, Vrrt
wniw. a...
Total n 2 27 If t
Batted for Attiti In tha alxth.
Batted for Durham In eighth.
Hoeton o 0 X A 1 2 1 in
New York 0 o o 0 0-
0 2 1
I 2
t 4
Hark 'amlly Aalla for 0vr ta
Wtart tka 4aua.
Tl playera wbtt nt t Tueaday and
nlvi wJI conalituta )h playing team for
thtiaha t h la aeaaon ar ,Lh ane aa gln
out by Rr. Rourk laat week. In th band
er Unndlng, LeBrand. catchara: Ir
Re. Johna. Bandar and Hollanback,
pltchan: Kane, fit at hate; Qraham. acond
ba: Pendry. third baa; Fraack, abort
atop: hither, left field: King, center field
Wiih.- right field; Batdea. utility. Cad
man will b added to the aquad aa aooo
na hla Injured foot reoor. but h will
no( b ab) ta play ball till after tha team
returna. home. Omaha open tha aeaaen on
Thuraday with Divr for three game
then goes , to Pueblo. Tepaka and Wichita
before getting back to the home ground.
Captain Franck on leaving aald hla men
wer in aplend'.d condition for th opn
Ing. Fiaher. who waa rather fat, haa
worked off Ma weight, and la now down
to within two pound of what ha ought
to b. Harry Walah la alao dowa vary
nearly to eummer form, and th others
ar In the' rintat fettl. Oraham a bad
knee, that kept mm nut of th gam all
laat aon, 'look fin and la apparently
aa good aa nw. Kant.' who earn from
Pittsburg yatrda.v. .la tn prfct condl
(ton. and it ur to b a favorlt. Pranck
ay he haa a wonderful throwing arm
He I a lfl-handr and nda th ball
acreaa the diamond Ilka a rlfl ahot. Pan
drv I making good at third, and with
Oraham In form tt aeond. th Inflald will
h aa atrong or atrongor than It waa lait
enn. The Outfield look mighty good,
and It I all up tn th pitcher now. Of
'h. Ier and Jehns ar th bt look
in; of th yetingittra. Rlc promnea wall,
and Rntirk ha hlgfi hop of hla develop
ing, gaunder It In' gnnd thapa, and Hoi
lenheok I doing hatter than he did laat
sun. ao th prnapaAt I rnjly good along
th! line. Whin Cadmtn gat back Into
playing form Omaha vm have a catching
taff that cant h batn In th Wtrn.
Rnth Pa Rourk and Captain Pranck
were In good aplrlta laat nlrht when laying
. goodbv at th "moke hou" before going
to bed. Thy expect to mak a howlng
for Omaha on th tHp. Rourk ay the
word from the other towns In th Icagu It
nil rnr-otiraglrig. Th nw town hav llnd
p ttrnng team and th lntrt I high
In both Topka and Wichita. Stout City
' atrong. and Dt liolnaa has bn rraatly
trngthnd. Dnvar hat a rood team,
and under Charley Jon' leadership the
Orlztlie sr expected to be contender
all tha way. Pueblo It ttrongtr than lttt
year and la well supported financially,
and Lincoln la allowing up wall, o th
pennant race will likely be a beauty frm
th trt ;
Mlrl -Palis t Itevaver aad !
tulur Gam.
LINCOLN'.' April IT.--Jtpclal llrsiu )
Noi'ka wad It thr out of fojr from
Mlisourt, winning g tt, J, n 0oly vnn
lstd ttm at Antalop park Ihl Jtr
noon. The tlm Dbujiki a piayd tn lm
pjoved form, but the visitors flaldtd poorly
icain und totaled (on error, five of tha
boing regiiiicd iig:iiat Hie ahort tp and
lli'ru buneniJiii Th lot. I went ihrougn
w itn only one bobb!.
Ilavd-n sayd lu do Hi pitching for
tn Miasouriaii. a aevond lint within two
a yii and h.ld th Onrnhtiakera tn thr
nife hl(. ' He aaa In b((r form tnan on
ti. pr'eua day. Par Nabraska, Maihrt
waa allowed I occupy th alab. H was
ttiuchad lor imly riv sufa tngl. I'll
m.iOr had no difficulty In solving; Math-
is curvaa ana puna ui pan out reg.i
larly. but th Cnrnhuskrt backed up tli'r
twlriar with brilliant aupport and kept th
Jab from counting.
f'ook. In rsntti. and Captain Baltaar at
(bird, ahona out n aprtaoular wark. Th
mil midtwt In th flld avccptd thre
difficult chancaa atthout a inlaa. Th N
braika laadr nabbed two tint nea nar
th tnlrd baa Una and whipped them to
flrat w.tli pd and accural rr 1 1 .
ratuh, arid Metealf. ahort. tiowd up in
sum ulesey play, too.
Nebraska etarled th acrng V the -ond
half of the opening round. Cook flaw
out on a fly lo Qiave B4tr and Car
roll Wer pad t flrat Havdn fi:mb'.4
a hot grounder H'tedy Chaleupka and
tr basea war fill ?'.tar acored tn a
' Hvli, 3b 4 2 2 7 Wheeler, lb . 4 2 17
McCarai'k. 2 I t I tMeneas, rt .. 8 I 2 1
Hoji tr, o. . t I ick. i I 1
Ount. I 1 t I Ifitwceon. .. 4 1
Te'alt m St H i TMai St I II 21 I
Minneapolis AOOtlOtAO (-- 1
Milwaukee.. 1t0y000ei-t
Stalan base: K. Collins, Randall. Sacri
fice hit: Pickering. Mat-tans, Block. Mc
pormick Lft fm hasaa: . Mlnnespolls, S:
Milwaukee, 7. Double plsyt: - Oyler to
Downt to WbMln (2). Collin (o Downe to
W healer, Rn.ndaJI t MeCormlck. MoCor-
mtck to Mr.Uann. Struck out: By Curtis,
I. Plrtt base on balls: Off Patterson, S:
Off Curtis, . Tlma: 1:M. Umpires: Con-
han and Hayes.
Kaaaaa City Ranches Bit.
HT. PAUL. A Drll Kansas City
bunched bits off Oahrlng, with error by
Basil and Fleod. winning today's gam.
(a 2. Ijeroy, who relieved Qehrlng in the
fourth Inning, did not allow a hit for five
tunings. 8oor:
B H O A t B.H.O.A.E
Shsjinm, f . 4 1 " bl. c( 4 111
Hkllmen. rt . I I Armk'tier. rf 4 I 0 1
Naiehber. If. I 1 41 Hll. it 4 1
BrtXiMr. Ik., t 114 triras. Ik ... 4 17 1
Sockl.y, Ik.. 4 til 0 trieo. tb 4
Helllnt. Ik . 4 112 ATesser,
Crae. e 4 1 I 1 Cartecti
svas, ...
TeUl II I 27 II lLerey. ...
I 2 1
2 1 2 CotkiMn. Ik.. 120
414 Bmb, M. ...... 4241
. 1 1 I
TetaK tt I tn 21 4
Ratted for Leroy In ninth
St. Paul Alia P dot 02
Wan City... OBOfl-
Two-base hltt: firathtar, Hetllag. Arm
bruttar t'Jl, Davis, lioey. tilt: Off Gehr
Inf. 7 In three Innings: off Leroy, 2 in six
Innings. Sacrifice hlta: Neighbors (2), Arm
bruatar. Double olav: GenrirT. Bean and
Flynn. Left on baaaa: 1st. Paul, 9; Kansas
City. I. Basea an btua: orr swan, z otc
Gehring. ; off Ltroy, 1. Struck out: By
Bwan, i; by Oahrlng. 1. Tim. 2:00. Cm
plre: Sullivan.
Calaasaaie Easy la tadlaaapells.
COLUMBtJg. O. April S7.-Cheney aaa
ffacUve lit all but th ftrt inning and
Indianapoll aally defeated Columbua. 9 to
t Two young pltahera wer tried by the
horn team. A Slaved hand catch by Hay
dan off Clarke ended th gam with ' a
doubl play. Scar:
rNDiA.vs.rou cH.rmBrj.
t U.O A K. S H O A t
Obklk'me. Ill 1 1 erierkf. It ... 4 t A
1 t 04tl. lb.... 4 1
111 Censalten. rf 4
111 1 tbreck. I 1 A I
I 1 1 tKruger. f... 4 2 2
12 2 1 Larue. 4 1 I 1 1
I rrlel. Ik t 2 4
I 1 10'Beurk. Ik. 2 B 2
It tokseise. ... 2 I
Brn. s 1 1
14 I 27 21 I 'Jiau 1
Detroit to lead the tour. It will b cloeely
followed hy the confetti car and tnr
two win be followed about two hour lafr
by the Qlldden tourtste.
albaa Wlaa Pratarc P.vcnt at
l.etlnajlaa la Fuy Stsle.
LB3XlN(TON. Ky.. April 27-Geortrt K.
Iii( Maibu anil the feature oveut, a
f..irl.m AmmH I nei v nillrtUKtnt hie
field er.rt pulled up in 1:UV Th track 1
a as fast and tha attendance large. Met- i
Una wa heavy A meeting ot all thor
oughbred breeders and owner of Ken
tuctty he been railed by President J. N.
Camden of th Kentucky association for
Friday morning, lo b.ind together and put
up th money for attractive stakes to he
contested nent fail and aiiring at Lexing
ton. Summaries.
First race, purse, alx furlongs: Ada
Meade (W. Preston, $J 45. no place or showi
won, Ludllana (107, Rie, 214.JO place) aec
ond, Conaoie (10, Warden, 11.7 tliow)
third. Time: 1:16. ldy Orimara, M4
Inw Mint, Snap, Raseaway, Nettie Travora,
Pltterday. San Joephlne and Doyle alsu
Heoond rnoj, five and a half furlong,
telling: Jolly (104. Loval, straight U.v)
won. Earlsrourt (107. Heldel, pla- $li
ecsnd, Heine (107. Walsh, show fj.80) third.
Time: 1:07. Arionett. Fxlwln L, Harold
Hall. Belaima. Camel. Youthful, Snake
Mary and Bosserlan also ran.
Third race, handicap, one mite: Zipatidgo
(lot, Martin, atralght 26.20) won, Tom Dolnn
(100,. LovU, place 1.1. 70 1 second. Roeeburg
(SB, Htnnan. how 14 06) third. Time:
1:40H. Toah. Seraph and Alice alo ran.
Fourth race, lx furlongs: Balbua (106,
A. Wslsh. straight 13.40) won, Ovelandu
(108, M Preston, place 12 . second, Palu-
ant (It. Francis, show 2.130) third. Time:
Two Men Are Out, t
Whit 4IItt bat Three Hits and
Waddrll bat Foap Other Score
In tha Amerli't.
Two-bs hilt: Dalilen 2). Beaumont. I Ml Select, Zlephen and Lady Alera
Clarke. If ... I I
Wagner, .. 4 8
Abnteln. lb .. 4 2
J. Miller, lib. I 1
WIImo. rf.. . I
Oibton, n 4 I
witiii, e
1 0
2 t
n io r it i
ll'Cbeiner. f
Htrtea. rf. .. I
f;rr. Ik . ..
Rarke. Ik ...
Wlllltin. 7k
Healer. .
Heeke. .
0 4
II 4 27 U I
Batted for Btawn ih ninth.
Columbus t 0-4
Indianapolis I 0 1 v o 4 V 21
rltolcn bss: Kriiger. Burk. Saorlfic
hit: Htyden (2). M,cCnny. Bases on
bails: Off Bchaatsa. 4; off Brown. 1: off
Cheney, S. Twe-bss hlU: Krugr. Chad
bourn. Double play: Sbreck to Filel;
Hayden to William to Carr. Rtruak out:
By Bchanttt. 4; by Chny. L Hit: Off
Schantx. In avn Inning; off Brown,
1 In two inning. Time, 1:61. Umpire:
Distiller Wis tn Pwhrth.
TOIUCDO. )., April 37. By bundling hit
In th rourtli lnnlag LOulsvlll today Won
tht ttcend gam at th rte with Toledo
by a ci of to 4. It lookad favorable
fr th hm team In th vnth. but the
lead f Lh vltltart aeuld ant b overcome.
Loritvtlxt TOLBOO.
B R. O A B B.N O.S k
nnnlMTr. of. I 2 2 Mill. 4 tilt
WeeJnirr, lb. 4 I 2 t Htnekaisa. Ik I 1 1 I 1
D.:.htir. if. t 2 I Himm. of 4 t 2 t
Iii4ita, rt.l I Hiokm4B. If.. 4 2 I
lull!. Ik -4 1 14 2 tserbolt. rt... 4 1 1 t t
oieun. lb I I 4 4 4rt, Ik ... 4 1 I I t
Qulelm. ... 4 1 2 I Diubert, Ik.. 4 111
Hughe. S....2 t t tkkbMt. 4 14 4 1
tulle. 4 I ' 4 I Wekk. 1 I I
Helmaalet. I 1 1 I
Tettl t 14 21 II 1
TeUlt It teal II I
Dl)itnty out. hit by batted ball.
i Toledo 0 t 1 1 2 A 4
I l-rmlivlll 1 4 t-
Twa-bt hit: 01n. Hom run: Wood
ruff. Abbott. Double play: Daubert (un
asslaied); Abbott to Daubert. Baae en
balls: Off Holmqitlat. 1: eft Halla. I. Sac
rifice hits: Woodruff. OIn. Struck nt:
B Webb. I. by Helmtiulit. L lfl n
baa: ToJAdo. 4: luivllle 6 Time: 1:40.
Dmplrca: Kr.kman and King.
KESAHAW"oirr or" thtd oamr
Maaaarar aad Cat-hr at St. tmmt
Taaas Hart la Calltslaa.
ST. LOCI 8, Me.. April T. Roger Braa
nsJian. nanasr and catcher f th 8u
lrful National latgua taam, will ba unabl
to play baa bail for awrara) Say baoau
f an Injury suffered In th anth Inning- it
y eel ar day's gam with Pituburg. Brea
nahaa waa hurt internally wha he tlld to
th plaa. oollttlng with Oibaon oa Pitts
burg BlaujnC, aw .Baltlmar.
T. LOUTS. April ST. Prd C1rk. tnan
ager y th Pittsburg teajn, today waived
claim to Jam Blag-i. former center
risv4r J th champion Chicago National
league team Blgl now go ta th Baltl
mnr team af the Eeaiaru laagM-
sscririce lilts: Fereuon. Becker. Stolen
bse: Dahlen. Left on bases: Boston. 10;
New Tork, 2. First bsse on errors: Boston,
4 Double plays: Btarr. Dahlen and Beck;
Back (unasslslted). Waller, Schlel and Ten
ney. Blrurk out: By Ames. 2; by Fer
guson. I: bv Durham. 1. Rasea on halla.
Off Ames. 2; off FVrgugon. 8; off Durham!
orr waller, l. wild . nitoii- rmiM i
Hlta: Off Ames 2 in alx Innlnea- off n,.r ' I
ham. & In two Innings: Off Waller 2 In one
Inning. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Rigler and
Pirates Wla la Rlhth.
ST. 1.0U18. April 27 Bv uslna two nltnh.
r Pittsburg wun from Lhe St. Louis team
easy ny a core of 7 to 6. Willis was
knocked out of th box In the fourth. The
ftm was won In the eighth Inning, when
Phelp muffed Byrne's loes to the plate.
Clarke and Wagner then ecored. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A K.
W kllller. f. 4 ft I 0 IRrrne. b X 1 1 4 A
lack. lb ....I I 1 (isntw. rf. 114
0 0 Phlpi. c I 1 I 1 1
4 I OKonetchr. lb. I 1 11 1 A
4 10 tuni, rf I I 0
I I OJCIIIa, If 4 t 2 0 0
10 1 (Miarlea, lb
i 2 ft Oil ran, .
0 lLuab. a ...
I 0
Teula 34 t 57 t 2
PltlKhurr 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 2 0-
St. Louis 310. 1 0000 0-4
Two-bse hlti: Byrne. Konetchv. Three
base hlte: Wagner, Shaw. Sacrifice hits:
Konetchy. Alisteln. Wi:son. Double play:
Wagner to Absteln. Stolen bases: Bvrne.
J. Miller. First bat on balls: Off Lush.
: off Willis. 2; off Adams. 2. Struck out:
By Lush. 1; bv Willis. 1; by Adams. 4.
Hits: Off Wlill. In three and cne-thlrd
innings; off Adams, 4 In five sr.d two-thirds
Innings. IWr on bases: St. Louis. 7:
Pittsburg. 7. Time: 2:0b. Umpires: O'Day
tnd Einalle.
Philadelphia Baarhea Hlta.
PHILADELPHIA. April .-Philadelphia
again defeated Brooklyn today by bunching
hlta cn Bell, S to Brooklyn landed on
Covaleskle tor three lilts In the ninth, hut
ooiiM not score. Dcoiu nnd Hummel were
ordered out of the game for kicking. Snore:
B.H.O.A R. . B.H.O.A.B.
Oram, tb 4 I 1 2 Burrh. If 4 2 1
Knake, tk....l 2 2 1 MrMillan, 2b. 4 8 4 2 1
Titaa. rf t 1 4 0 0 Hummel, aa . I 1 0 0
Maf. 'If I 1 1 tMcKlvarn, aa. t I 4
Brafle!4. Ik I Oil t Sabring, rf...4 1 1 0 0
Otbarue, C....I 2 1 1 Kuatu, rt ... 1 il 1 0
lloollo, aa.... I 1 2 4 I Jordan, lb ...4 4 "
Oanln. r I t I 1 H-rnnm. lb... I till
Jacklltaek. t.. 0 I 1 OFerften. c t t I 1
Cvaleakla. p. I 1 Hail, p I A I 1
Mtrthall 1 e n
Toials. K I 77 lft !thian l l
Teialt IC I 24 1 I
Patted for Bell In the ninth.
Batted for Biirch In the ninth.
Philadelphia 0 0 1 2 o o
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 1 0 t - i
Three-base hit: Rergen. Sacrifice hitai
Tltu. Bransflehl. McMillan. Siolrn bases:
Grant, Burch. Double play: eborne to
Coveleakle. Dooln to Grant. I. ft on besci:
Philadelphia. 2: Prooklyn, . Flrat base
on balls: Off Covalenkie. n: off Bell. 2.
Hit with pitched ball: By Bell, 1. St-uck
out: Bv Covaieskio, 4; by' Bell. . Time:
1.41 Umpire: Johnstone and Cusack.
Gaal Poataaaed.
At Crnotiinatl Chicago-Cincinnati game
postponed an account ot rain.
Markerr Already Beta; Pat ta Ptavoe
. ta Owl da Taarlata.
BZASTTNOS, Neb, April 27. (Speolal.)
In tha belief that the Glldden tour will he
reutd Ihl way. from Omaha to Unooln
and thence to Denvar. Stephen Schulta,
dealer In automobile, will in a few day
begin placing mark are along tba Hastings
rosd from Fairmont to a point near llold
rege. Marker have already been placed
along th mot desirable route from Denver
ast to a point a short distance this aid of
Holdrege and Lincoln automobile man will
Plata marker from Fairmont to a point
between Lincoln and Omaha.
Thta preparation ta tn anticipation of the
early arrival of the pathfinder car for tha
Glldden, tour, whloh ia expected in Omaha
within the next few daya. Charles W.
ttpanglar, managar of tha Denvar automo
bile vlub, passed through here Saturday
enrout to Omaha to meet the Pathfinder
cat. He stopped at all of the larger cities
between Denver and Omaha. Including
Hastings and Uncoln, and was able to
a reus great Interest in the forthcoming
tear. Mr. Spangler reported that about
104 car a will b entered In th tour and
that each rtr will contain an average of
four vereona. According to a provisional
arrangement, auggeated by the Denver cluu.
also ran
Fifth raoe. four furlongs: Bva Tanquay
(104, ii. Warrn, straight 11 won, Uvenn
(KM, W. Brannsn. place 214.10) second. Joe
Morris (106. S. Held, show S8.7a) third.
Time: (MH. Eithelburg. Lsdy Melton,
Henry Hutchison, Rok Boy, G. O. Miller
and Jack Straw also ran.
Sixth race, mile and twenty yards, sell
ing: Creel (It. A. Walsh, straight sB.8o
won. Plume if. W. Branvon. place l.a)
aecond. Blue (M. W. Paul, ahow $6.J0) third.
Time: 1:41 . Galllieo. Convllle, A. Tribe a.
lmboden. Beau Brumniel. Prytania. Queen
Message and Orlando also ran.
PIML1CO, April 27. Summaxlea:
First rsce, four furlongs, selling: Au
tumn Girl (1U3. Milntyre, 15 to 1i won.
Mexoana (104. Cree. S to 1) second. Ferando
(97, J. Keld. 2 to li third. Time, 0:49. Misa
Iorls, Tom Melton. Miss O'Toole, Misa
Knickerbocker. Jessica. Culpepper, Love
Watches, Rsce Brook and Compton also
Second race, six furlongs: Intervene (104,
Burns. to 6) won. Summer Night (96. F.
Haynes, ii to 1) scond. Xebec (106. Dugan,
t to h third. Time, lrlaH- Brown. Tonv,
Pocotallgo, Chepontuc. Lucille R. Panonln.
Maxim Gun, Black Mose. Nethermnska to
Go and Bethlehem alao ran.
Third race, hotel purse, mile: Juggler (1o9.
Dugan. 4 to 6 and out! won, Live Wire
(112. A. Lee. lo 1 even and out) second.
Martindoyle (112. Hard. 7 lo 5 and out)
third. Time. 1:41. Only three atarters.
Fourth race, steeple r". about two
mllea: Bencole (122. P. Williams, f to 2i
won. Black Bridre nc. Stone, f, tn 1i sec
ond. Sparker (132. McA'ce. to 1) third.
Time. 4'. rtarllls. Beagarman. S'ells
Ijnd and Willie Refrtlnedo alao ran. Ijist
two coupled aa Oarthentrv.
Athletes Get Down to Business for
the (amlna; Meets. '
The season for the Bellevue travk team
Is to begin at once in real earnest. For
some weeks many men have been doing
more or less Individual work and have
worked themaelvea into fair condition, but
there has been no Well directed training or
preparation for the coming meets. This
week will see the Uam working in unison
and the training organized.
Thus far conndeiahln difficulty has been
experienced In the matter Of securing com
petent coaching foi the athletes C. mil
James haa found It necessary tn coach both
the base ball tram and track men. and
that being nlmost impossible, the track
team haa suffered accordingly.
The track grounds and base ball dia
mond are widely separated, thus preclud'ng
all possibility of giving sttentlon to both
teams at the aame time, and since tt la
necessary for both team to secure their
practice aftar J:iS each afternoon, one hnd
to be left out, and the track men got the
From now on track men will have the
attention and advice of Tom Moore, old
time track and foot ball star in Kcllevue.
Moore ta eapeclally valuable here because
of the enthusiasm ho can arouse, also
Moore Is splendid in training for aood form,
In all the eventa. He will have the aquad
our each afternoon for a couple of hours.
Bellevue la building high hope upon tiio
track event for this spring, partly because
of the unusual amount of good material at
hand, and partly because that moat atu
denta believe the track team haa a better
show of pulling out a state champlonahlo
than th base ball men have. It I very
dedrabla to win cne or the other, and tu
denta feel that the track men should have
nil the chance possible to win out. The
team 1 eepeciallly atrong In the sprints.
Racly Is beyond question a splendid
aprinler, and tn the past lias been espe
cially strong In the 220 and 400-yard rat es
because of unuauat erdurance. and there
are three other men right In his class to
help out. In faor, in th late Interclaas
meet, Llnsel won from Racely In both the
hundred and two-twenty. There are good
chance for victory In everything but tli
high Jump and the hurdles.
On the coming Filuay the Omaha High
school team will be met on rhe Rellevti
field. They have many good men slid will
pile up some sur points. A week later
Doene will br met at Crete, and here will
be a most trying contest, for I Wane always
haa a crack track team, and I espm.-isiiy
strong at preaent. .It won the atate meet
laat spring at Wealyan. Th interstate
meet la to be held this yetr. May 2D, at
Fotoy Honey and lar la a safeguard
igainit eerioux reaulta from spring colds,
which lnflsme the lungs and develop Into
pneumonia. Avoid counterfeit by Insisting
upon havlr.g th genuine Foley' Honey
and Tar, which contain no harmful drug
Sold by all druggists.
CHICAGO. April !7. -Sullivan tingl in
th ninth Inning, after two men wr ou
scored Cravath with the only Van of the
day't game. Chicago defeating St. liOult.
1 to 0 Waddell and White wi in great
form, the former allowing only four hit
and the latter three. Score:
CHlcAnn ST. Lon
B.H.O.A K- B.H O A.R
Halm, rf 4 t I jAion. If 4 i 2 4 0
Pmmrierir. If 4 1 I lon. lb S i 11
label), lb I U Hirtll. rt... S A
t ravel h. cf... I I Perrla, Ik I t 1 0
Atu. b I 0 I 1 Igrhmeitfer. rl I A 4
Parent. .... 4 1 1 WMaca. a .. I A 1 I 1
Sullivan, o.... 4 111 Owilliami. 2b.. $ 1
Tunnehlll. 3b I 1 1 8 rrlr r. ... S 0 4 I 6
White, s I 44 Owaititall. ... . I I 1
Ttal : 4 27 17 0 Totalr .3 SM 1 2
Two out when winning run scored
Chicago 0 A A A A 0 11
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 00
Sacrifice hits: Isbell, White, Ats. Jones.
Jft on bases: St. luis. 2; Chicago, (.
Base on halls: Off Waddell. S. Base on
errors: ChlciiRO. 2. Struck out: Bv White.
1; by Waddell. 4. Time: 1:36. Umpires
Perrine and Sheridan.
ev York VVIiii from Bostea.
BOSTON. April !7.-New Yoik won
hard fought game from Boston by a scor
or 4 to a today. Morgan was driven from
the box In the fourth Inning. Bostcn rallied
In the ninth, but a change of pitchers,
stopped the run getting. tVore:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.E.
t ree, rr .4 1 1 n 0 A. MrCon I, b 4 lint
n 0 1.nrrl. Sb I A t
0 0 Speaker, of
1 uueMier. rf...
n Pttahl, lb....
SNilea. If
3Waaner. at.,
S ItrarrlxtA. o.
Z OMnraan. p..,
I OOlcwtlt. b. ..
0 4 0 0 CDanilg
Arrelanea. p
tt) B 27 It !'wlter ...
Keeler. rf 3 1 0
Klherftld 3b. 1 0 .0
Auttln, lb. .. t 0 ft
rcni. it 4 i i
ti.Mrfkmi, lb 2 ft 10
Rail. 2b 4 0 1
Knlaiil, n. ... 3 I 4
Kielnow. i
Wuinn, e.
Qulnn. p..
4 11
4 17
I 1 I 0
4 111
.3 I 11 1
1 ft ft 4
.4 ft 4 I
.10 0 0
37 7 I
Total! U
Btted ,'or Cicotte In the seventh
Ratted for A rr el lanes In the ninth.
New York 0004000 0 (1 4
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 S
Two-buse hlta: Keler. Gcssler, Warner,
Carrlgan. Hits: orf Morgan. 2 In four
Innlnvs; ett Arrellanes. 2 in three Innings;
off Wilson, 7 !n eight and IWo-thlrda In
nings. BMcrlflo lilts: Q. McConnell. Austin.
Sacrifice flics: G. McConnell. Nile. Stolen
base: Knlgnt. Double plays: Carrlgan lo
Wagner, Austin to BsM to G. McConnell,
Klelnow to Knight. Iit cn bases! Boston.
: New York. 6. First bnae on balla: Off
Morgan. 4; off ricotte. 1; off Arrellanes. 1.
off Wilson, 1. First base on errors: Boston.
2: New York. I. Hit with pitched ball: Bv
Wilson, 1. Struck out: By Wilson, I; bv
Moigan. 4; by Cicotte, t: by Arrellanes, 1
Wild pitch: Cicotte (?), Wilson. Tinr?
2:10. 1'mplrce- F.gan end Connolly.
Game Postponed.
At Washington Washington-Philadelphia
game poelpi nod on account of rain.
At Cleveland Cleveland-Detroit game
postponed on account ol rain.
Gasoline Machine Makes Beat Time
at Contest la New York.
NEW YORK. April 27.-The hill climb
ing contest that opened the annual carn
ival week of the New York automobile
trade association was successfully run off
tnis afternoon ar ton ueorge. Manhattan.
before about ,000 apectators. There were
do accidents and the times made wer
creditable. The best mark made over the
1900 feet abrupt ascent waa In the free for
all, when . the Mens gasoline 120-horse
power recorded 28 seconds. Last year
the best time under similar favorable
conditions was 30H aeconda, made by the
White steamer.
Offer for Meeting; ts Made Champion
and He la t'onalderlnsr It.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April K.-Frtnk
Ootch. world's champion wrestler, haa re
ceived, and is considering an offer to meat
George Hackenaehniidt at the Seattle ex
position for the chsmpionshlp.
Got eh and Dr. Benjamin F. Roller of
Seattle wrestle here tonight in Convention
Boston Tennis Man Wins.
TX5NDON. April 27. The covered courts
tennis (iiamplonsfiln contests are now in
progress at Queens club. D. P. Rhodes of
Boston today beat 8. O. Watts In the sec
ond round of the gentlemen s single. )n
the mixed doubles. Mr. Rhodes and Misa
Tul'och beat A. D. Prebble and M'a Booth
by 2-1.
. Weston Near St. Loala.
PF.OR1A. Ill . April 27 -Kdward Payson
Weston, lert uirard. Mccoupln county
thirty miles south of Springfield, for St
lainls. He will reach the latter city aom
time tomorrow. He haa recovered entlre'y
from the exhauated condition experienced
at Lincoln.
Vogel and Johnson Matrhrd.
BOONK. Ia.. April 27. (Special Telegram )
A match has been arranged for the Arie
theater between Chris VnRel and Oscar
Join son. Iowa's heavyweight wrestler.
Both tipped the seal's at 2tO pound this
mnrniiiK. The nisltch Is for a tide bet of
II0O and the entire gate recelpia.
Deadly Frlaht
possesses sufferers from lung trouble till
thiy learn Dr. King's New Discovery will
help them. . 5oc and $1.00. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Sturdy oak from little acorn grow
advertising In The Bee will do wonders for
your business
Ftnaae STIghtar Caa't that aarr
na Aay Cmanr at All.
STEW TORK. April tr Win Crbtt
not sea hew Jak Johaaan haa aav chtnea
wild p'tth. f lark hit the hall to ahrt uid J t dafaat Jafrrlea.
Carroll erosaed fh pan htra Gjn'ck i "I cant tay haw lang It will take for
jerrn te Knees jonmon aut. aaia cor-
ould return tA ball (rm first after
Dark had Thasrt thrown euf. Missouri acered
(cored In th third on tw hlta. Anthr
ally wu a reur.ted for tSa ,ahw-me" men
'n th fifth. Four errors In th last of the
thud alio ad th Oornhuski ta add four
runt, n each th firth a'rth aad evnth
they fearad en run poor:
B HJI A B H 0 A g
Qaaka a ... A 1 4 4 Biaaalv aa... 4 t t 4 I
s iar, IV.. I I 4 Ouaiack. 1k . 4 11 1
ramil. c I I 2 4 v.a. Ik 4 I t f
CkalaaaSa. If. S a 1 1 staev. It.... 4 t 1 t
Carta Ik... 4 l Oravaa at.... 4 t 2
aair. a . 4 1 I W. at 4 1
ktana'str. K. 4 - 1 Klein, t 4 t 4 2
u4aea. tb..4 1 I t lAlaa.. sk 4 111
kULkara. .. 4 i Haraaa. ....! 1111
Tata it 14 I rr 11 1 Tataia U I 4 I 14
eVruck out: By M:hr. 1; bv Haydan.
4 Rata an balla Off Vat era 2. ef Hav
dji I f o'.ati baae. 1 b't Dud
eo Wild plbch Hayden Passed baai:
U'ia.. Umptra: (Vean Tim: I 46.
batt. "tor that depend on hw long tt will
rak JfTria t catch Mm. Johnson may
land atUt with other tighten, but when
he iw-s the big hear tone'g fee him lie II
run faat h will burn This sties. Jeffrie
I J right."
Corbett said h thught Ktchl had a
good obane with Jbnon.
Waaal Rtrar Take Gaaa.
KEVaRNBY. Neb April 27.-(Spolal.)-Th
Karncv and Wocd Rlvr high acTioel
tatma rUyd a gam of la ball Patutday
at fVood tllir. Th gm wa a goed one
ir actrti being I to i in fa tor of A ood
t'rlfkt Ma BieBin Play.
The Omaha Crlckt club will held t meal
ing Wdndar night at ts Doug' Print
ing company a of fir on Nineteenth sireet.
near Hirntt nd hav ha first intteb ply
at Millar park May I.
,ysMiftm m iMmil$mB(M warn rfs
BLATZ COMPANY, Wholesale Dealers,
R03 Doaclat St., Cor. Kth. Phoue KhiKU 6fi.'.
)m3 g If n Imrmixlf
v vl!;-!
Manly Clothes
Q?o-4foJM Clothes arc built on manly, athletic lines,
-mammmamma-m. They are neither ridiculously extreme nor
sluggishly conservative, but possess a happy medium of
form. The intrinsic value also will please you.
$15.00 to $35.00
Sold by leading' dealer everywhere.
To Take Advantage of
and Idaho
APRIL 30. 1909
To Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and many other points in the
Northwest. Train Service and Equipment is the Best That
Money Can Buy, via
Ask About the Alaska-Yukon, Pacific Exposition,
Seattle, Wash.
'Phone JTSeU, Doug. 1828 and Ind. A3231.
: r,il.a.
It Is not no much of a misfortune that a msn contract dis
eases, but thst he neglects them or falls to secure proper1
treatment for their cure or experiment with Inferior, unre
liable or xperlmnntal treatment which simply aggravates
the trouble
fin aiineeinr Will mill avail you noth
ing unless you do aa thousand of otliar
men throughout toe West hav don
gite us the opportunity to demonstrate
our ability to successfully treat and tur
your troubles. ..,,..
'fh resounds of the State Medical In
stitute are within your reach, hence why
a content with unreliable, expeiimenUI
or ouick cure fallacies, which uggiatui
in trouble, allowing It 10 insidiously pro
tret and tenaciously faaten itself upon
tn syetrm. rendering It mm-rt more dif
ficult for even skilled pecillt uth a
we are to scientifically treat and cure.
We eollcit obstinate cases those wiifeh
bave baffled th skill of other. Our oli
vet I not ku iiiulIi to do the work that
other' doctors can do. but rather lo treat
chronic, oballnate casta men who lie
conaulted anil treated with other pl'i'i-i-uiana
and so-called specialist and Hum)
given up hep of a cur.
W hve perfected eytem of tiet
mnt that enables u lo cur prom.ulv.
tsfrlv and thoroughly many diaea-'ee anil
ailment ot men alter otner nat failed. Wa hv been the mns of
restoring hundreds and- hundreds if uaitnus. rumlowu. dlessd mn to
painin of physical perfection We sie specialists of rcogni.d ability and
xperlence with an established reputation and ar emlimntly qualified to
advla. direct and treat such taaes
W traat sues only, and eur promptly, afly td thoroag-hly hy th latrt
tad ht mthod. B.OWCBtlTtS, OATABU, tTCR.-t'OVI DUBILITT. ai.OOI
Special Si aad tbtr eompUcatloat, la tb htrtt tlat poaaibl. aad At
th lowest cost for skillful tsrrtct and tuoeaiiful traatmant.
sad txamlnallon
tiff lie llciuis: I m to I p. n.
SunJis, 10 j 1 only. If you 111
10I tail a tile.
1308 Farnam St., Eetween 13th and Hth Sts., Omaha, Neb.
I till ?a bag Weld Medal Plaa
j h ara It I Washbnra-Crahr' Gold
I Medal Pluar. Thl ts Imparl at.
The Beat Paras Paf)gM