THE BEE:. OMAHA". TUESDAY, 'APRIL! 27. 1000. 10 r .8 WednesdAy, More Special Bargains from the Big Drapery Stock Purchase. We are Sole Agent3 for the Tashionseal" Suits for Wo men, at $25. Tuesday is the Great NET SAL iOEi xmssssus 2$,000 YARDS FR.OM OUR. GREAT PURCHASE of N. Y. MFGIt., BOBBINET WORTH UP TO $1 YD., at 15c YARD "Tliis bobWet is in fine and coarse mesh white, Arab and ivory colors it is up to twb yards : wide-"-lt is "worth as high as $1.00 a yard. Every woman who has seen it displayed in the of doing big things in a big way, we will aellyou as many yards . RjS you wish at (this price, but none sold to dealers on sale at, - jter yard AH the Novelty and Filet Net, Worth Up to $1 a yd., at 25c Tiis net comes in white and Arab colors not a piece in the lot is worth less than 50c OCp ...... . v and much is worth up to $1.00 a yard so long as it lasts. All the Hih-Class Madras, Worth Up to 50c yd., at 15c In white, cream and in colors. The first time we have ever been able to offer a bargain in fhi line. Not a piece worth less than ..0c some worth aOc they all go at, . j oru w . . ... . . Fine Figured and j Plain Scrim Tjiia is actually worth up to 35c . yard ioma of the plain ,crim ..has . slight mill Imper fections -not remnanta but 4ull bolta i mgx v. . ... r . . . i All the Cretonne, all the Denim, all the Art Ticking, all the Drap ery rail eta, an tne jstamint worth up to 50c yd. . . 3V2C-5c-10c All the Vry Fin Imported LOOP NETS Looped ready for the rod, made to sell at 50c f P. , a yard, at, yard . . J Sale Lt.t. .St. l ' '(EFeatest lace Cirfati j r - , Ever Held by Any Sttre W the Werld j The entire stock on hand of a great eastern mill's which we bought at just a fraction of lit. value." These curtains are alt in pairs but will be sold in pairs or singly, as you wish. Thousands of pairs brought forward f6r the first time Tuesday. ;Cf 1 Ilacc, Curtains in Four Big Bargain Lots Hundreds of pairs of exquisite imported Marie Antoinette, Brussels Net, Arabian Scrim, Irish Point and imported Nottingham Curtains.. Six or more pairs of a kind. Worth From $5 to $10 M9&Jl?9&$W&M9& LACE CURTAINS Q. mLQCf , Worth tip to $150 Pr. tJC'OJCl. 'Bve'ry Curtain in this great group is m big bargain. Curtains of every make, ' in white, Arab and ecru. Many are actu ally worth as high as $4.50 a pair. 59c LACE CURTAINS- Worth up to $2 Pair, at, Each Full size, extra heavy curtains In hundreds of patterns, as many as six pair of a kind. ' . DRUMMER'S SAMPLE CURTAINS These are traveling rnen'a half curtains, all ' Ttf Imported goods that would aell up "'jTf to $10 pair, at, each J 6 LACE CURTAINS at 98c All the fine imported 'Nottingham, Cable Net' fcnd Filet Net Curtains, In 3 and 4 pair lots, many worth S6 - a pair, and not a pair lPMfcQ than 13.00, In pairs or ?fjC . singly, at, each All the Tull Sized Lace Curtains ''worth up to $1.00 a pair, at, each $15-$18 Laco Ctirt&irta, $7.50 pr All the most elegant Duchess, Brus sels, Cluny, Point Venice, etc. Many of these would aell for $18.00 a pair In our stock,' at, pair , $75? ; 15c Quality v Cluny Curtain Laces at 5c yd. 5c Thousands of yards of cluny curtain laces and insertions pretty new designs white and ecru poaitlveiy worth up to 16c a yara big bargain square, at, iper ard ...... Flna Frwnch and 6rmn VAL. LACES Fine" French and German , Val.', laces and insertions a new shipment of prettv new designs worth up to 12 He a yard, at, C per yard STUNNING BATS for $5 Fashionable leather or burnt shades of straw, faced with satin and trimmed with wide ribbons all vnew shades, some 90 Ptoa ! Imported English Wlk rinlshed " Mohalra In checks, stripes and barred patterns, alao a fine lot of tancy aumnga wunu v yard your choice C per yard '. . ' . a-ara . . Cill r 1 I 1 m 20 piece. 10 yarua miuii w on customer, per IC ' yard '' 75o Printed Crap v aUChin m-A .(ik Mauaaellne la Per , lUn pomoadour and floral ' -ffrt for hat drape. carts -and fancy waiata . all 4T Twday. at, perymrd "wmmmm A. . trimmed with six plumes; Charlotte Corday styles neat tailored hats, etc. stores would ask $10 to $15. Special at. JJ5 Dainty New Waists for 1909 No store in Omaha baa a show, ing of waiata like Brandets. .We ahow more styles, better values and newer features than any othar store. Dainty summery etfects In three groups, at $1.50, 1.98':2.50 Smart Linen Waists These waists are beautifully tailored. They are made with pleated or plain front neat aa they can be and launder perfectly specials, at At. -. V ' 3t kZ Drandcis Sells the Best Women's Shoes in Omaha. Iliflh Qass Olords Pomps Our Great Special Nw Una of all new atylaa -every up-to-date nov elty lwlndad nothing Uae it In Omaha. You woaid pay 3.6 anywhere alsa special for 52.50 BraoAeta store avail the Fauoua Red Cross 8hoee for women. We are - , 0 r A p A a exclualTe ageats In Omaha . . . v.3v GC 9 " Goino to Sdl $60,009.09 Worth of Spring Merchandise This Week OUR IMMENSE PURCHASE FROM OVERSTOCKED JOBBERS AND MANUFACTURERS. Makes moat successful sale the West has Vnown. The great Ben net store is the mecca for shrewd, careful buyers. Join the dally . crowds: reap the beneflta of our wonderful underprtce purchases. The whole store responds to the sale spirit. The savings on the very goods you need now were never so pronounced. nw3l !ulM it a. a mi 3 a! u ( rKtMlKR STVLE nKK, and any 15c Idle' j , Home Journal Pattern, for. SOa j Tuesday's Groat Offerings Muslins, Waistinfls, Damasks Read each it-m, then ask yourself, "Can I afford" to overlook these bargains," and ihey are real ones, depend upon that. There haa been no Inflation rf value, or make believe reductions. Heaaonable, desir able goods showing unrivalled savings. 70-Inch bleached Table Damask our 60c quality, heavy and serviceable, at, yard 1 -lnch White Waisting Linen, fine for tall- - ored waists, our 30c quality, yard ,Whlte Madras, white stripe and checked Lawns, soiled lots of, 12 c and. 15c goods.,. . -India Linons Best 10c quality, 30-inch, cut from the bolt, 10-yard limit, yard......... Bleached Sheeting Sterling brand, 2 M yards - wide, our regular price 30c, Tuesday Bleached Muslin, good heavy strong fabric, nothing better at 10c anywhere, at. ....... . V 39 c 18c 74c'. 3ic 20c 6c Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Challenge Coffee, pound 18o -t M (Twen Stamp. tiennelt'n Ideal Coffee, pound Bo And SO Oreen Stamps. Bennett's Teas, assorted, pound 88o Anu ii L.iven .-iaiu,.B. Bennett's Tea Sittings, pound 15c And 10 Oreen Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Pepper, 4 -lb. can lOo And b Ureen iiani,,B. Kvaporated Peaches, pound 8o Hest We Have Pork and Beans, large can 18o And 20 Green 8tamps. IN BASEMENT Here are genuine $3 hats for $2.50, mostly in mush room shapes variety of colors and black, $50 smartly trimmed. . : 10 20 per pound 3M "Dorothy DcxWlow ehoes of Tan Russia Calf skin have much to commend them. They're soft, pliable and cool, and easily kept clean. Tan Kid skin is another general favorite for Summer wear. We carry "Dorothy Dodd low shoes in both leathers and invite your inspection. The Bennett Company Maid Fapeir Having BOUGHT FROM RECEIVER of the Firm of RUTHERFORD & JEN SEN ' their Magnificent Stock of WALL, PAPER of English. French and Ger man Stock-STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE which wo OFFER AT ONE-TENTH their ORIGINAL VALUE. Come and LOOK THEM OVER at 2008 Fatrnam S Manufacturers9 Surplus Stock Sale Continues to Increase in Popular Interest New stocks brought forward add greatly to the delightful assortment of bargain offerings. . Best bargains in Boys' Suits ever shown in Omaha 111 I f3 u 10 Ladies' and Chil -alluiJ dren's Shoes THE RELIABLE STORE . Continues RpnnAtt'. funftnt Cnnntt'V. Oentleman Corn..- lOo Bohart'n Pmtry Flour, package 860 And KRg-0-8ee. threa packages. 880 And Walker'a Chill Con.Carne. can XOo And Bat. via Salmon, tll can v 88o And Honey, pur Maaon pint Jar 8S0 And Manxanllla Ollvea. quart Jar , 30 o Armour'a Veal, Ham, Beef Lioaf, enn lOfl And Galllard Olive Oil. large bottle 70o And Hartley'! Pure Fruit Jams, Jar 86 Horseradish, per bottle 80 V" UnnlAti'i fnflAJL Mil ................1 SO Blue Borax 8tarch. package 10a And Hweet Pickled Peaches, quart 1st 860 ' H. J. Heinz Small Hweet Pickles, quart 88o And BTBKTBODT SATS BAISUTS ATMTL 30TK It's special R.lsln Day throughout America. It's healthful fruit Buy California ralnlns for raisin bread, raisin cake, raisin pie, raisin cookies: MUSCATEL . K( MBBMBs fJC ) UKr mruiiu II . ' " r 1 Oreen Stampa. Green Htamps. Green Htamps. Oreen Htamps. Oreen Stamps. Oreen Stamps. Oreen Stamps. Oreen Stamps. Oreen Stamps. Matchless Bargain Offerings for Tuesday From our Manufacturers' Stock Purchase VVomen's1 OiitergarnYnts $20.00 Tailor Suits and Dresses-U)ver 200 U new ones just received; choice new spring styles and colorings, any of them well j worth $JO,00; choice Tuesday, ' CO QR" at ..apuhiu to 9 A. M. Women's black sateen Under skirts; regular $1.00 values, 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Infants ' Sacques ami Dresses, regular 50c values; choice A PA for J I3C 9 to 10 A. M. Women 's Voile Dress Skirts; regular $7.50 values; choice, $3 50 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. Misses' and Ladies' Jumper Dresses; $3.00 values choice ..... v. ... t Many Other Big Bargains. From Our Big Mill Purchase of Drops Fabrics and Domestics ; Be sure and attend our Farnous Time Sales - ' in Our Domestic Room. f ; ' 95c 1 L 1 6w " irs From 8 to 8:0 A. M. One caae of genuine Fruit ot the Loom regu lar price 12 He 10 yards limit, att per yard . . . ; QH From 8:45 to 0 A. M. 12 He India Linons 12 yarda limit, beat goods 'nad ..49a From 0 to 9:0 A. M. One caae of the celebrated No. 101 yard wide bleached Muslin, made by the Lons dale Mills 10 yards limit, at, yard 4 From 8:43 to 1 A. M. One fase ot 10c -bleached Bath Towels, extra large and extra heavy, two pairs limit, at, each ...... 5f From 10 to 10:30 A. M. One Case, or extra heavy unbleached Muslin, 8V4c quality 10 yards limit, at. pet yard 4H From 10:45 to 11 A. M. -One cawfl o 12 He fine Percales, 36 inches wide, fine fast colors 10 yards limit, at. per yard .5 From 2 to 2.80 P. M. One case of genuine Lonsdale Muslin. 10 yards limit, at. yard . ... .54 From 2:45 to 8 p. M. One case of Merrlmao Shirting Prints, the best of all, regular price is 6 He 10 yarda limit, atyard 2H From 8:80 to 4:00 P. M. One case of 19c Double Warp Extra Heavy Bath Towels, bleached 4 pairs to customer, at. each ll Afternoon Only From 4:15 to 4:30 P. M. One case of full Standard Indlgn Blue Prints worth 7 He yard 10 yards limit, at, per yard 3 FOR ALL DAY. J 60,000 yards of all kinds of wash goods,, sheetings, muslins, linens,? sheets, pillow slips,, etc.,, not adver tised, but the very life, cut out, all'; from the manufacturer surplus stocks Classiest Spring Millinery Models At Saving of IS to 25 Per Cent Let us show yeu the new ' Distinguished Hat. 05 Th choicest val u ever . All hats marked in Plain Figures, v Pineapples! Pineapples! Pineapples Can Uiem now. They are cheaper than they will be any time thla aeason. There la a fight on with the pineapple trust, we took advantage of this and will give the people the benefit. :We bought one aolid car. They are extra fancy, and Juat right for canning. Tomorrow, Tuesday , we will aell them at the following prices: Medium sire, each 5, .Extra large slxe, each .. 10a Medium large size, each 7M rer aosen , Large slxe, each 8l? i Per doaen - . . . Per dozen irt Extra fancy large size. each..12Ha Per dozen ...Jtl 1i ' Per case, any size 83.00 Monday's prices on all Fresh Vegetables, Frwita, Groceries, Crackers Nuts and Cheese. . . forget TRY IIAYDEH'S FIRST DR. BRADBURY. DENTIST Crowns, up from., - farUal Platoa. Iron ' HM PaltiUM Extracting aoo rilUnca, up from ' aoe Horcalain Vllllnsa up from IMS VAJIMAM TJ3X. IT rai MM atliem. 'rttonai U, irac. toolta, up lnm 3. ap SttvM rawovod Wltb aul pain. uvaotxi woat A VBOIAZ.TT. Work suatuutad yaara. v , . . J in n win wni 1 1 an i i nmnnii i ' i n, 1 SPRAYERS ! Now is the time to spray your fruit! We have them, barrel and hand sprayer. Also French Bordeaux Mixture ready for immediate use and the Hammond Slug Shot for your rose and currant bushes. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. City Salesroom 1613 Howard St. Tel. Doug. 1261 n () SEVERAL WEDDINGS TIiIh W 'ek. If you im ll-l let u hi? urt tulk with vnu. X gift of silver or cut frlaaa mk th must tccepiabla gift for th brid. Look tor In name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler Critical Men Here's Style and Shoe Economy For those men who feel that they would limit their purse to $3.60 for a pair of shoes we have a apeclal invitation. Our line at thla price ia second to none In the entire went styles galore, all new and up-to-the-minute aa for the leathers we have them In patent colt, velour, vlct kid. gun metal, box and Russia calf, some button and. gome lace, and more than thla V'ataff ' of expert fittera alwaya at your aervice. All styles In oxfords, bluch ers, button and" lace, ; Write for new gprlng catalog. Drexel Shoe Co. lilt Farnam Mrett Call Uo - by 'Phone Whenever yon want . k j -omethln call T'feona Douglas 338 an! uak4 it knows throng Bee Want Ad- . 'i , SomctKinfi io Be Mryeci i ' Call for a Van from' us. When you need a wagon you want it fight awgy not "aomatim today. QuicH ac tion ia our rule. , Storage and moving. OMAIIA VKti & STORAGE CO. 1600 T'arnam St. Doug. 1559 Ind. A-1559, Rdllablo Dontiotry Tatt's Denial Rooms D. c. stun, u.v.s. y (Buoeoaaor to Dr. H. L. RaanaoeioUL) Office a4 SoaiiiU, sau IUmi traa. Call Promptly Anawwvd at Alt Bow, 'A V BEAMDESS STORES