The Omaha Sunday Bee. FOR ALL THE NEWS OMAHA DEE YOUR MONEY'S WORTH FART TAO EDITORIAL . PAGES 1 TO 12. VOL. XXXVI II NO. 45. OMAHA, "SUNDAY MOKNINCf, APIUL 23, 1903. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Publisher's Stock Sheet Music at 10 cents From IIALLWORTH & BENNINGTON, 28th St, New York 25,000 copies of new standard bits that have swept the country as the most successful songs erer written. New York theaters have been ringing with these melodies all season. Many now Introduced In Omaha for first time. Our entire counter space 1b given over to this sale. Such favorites as "Wish 1 Had a Girl," "Shine On Harvest Moon," "Mandy Lane." Songs you know and a thousand more equally as good and refreshingly new and different in greatest sale Bennett's Music Section ever offered. Every number Is regular 23c music; sale price TTVxT sens m. Many now 10c HT1I7T17 nixmrn11 mm SUMMER STYLB' BOOK and any 15c Ladles' Home Journal Pattern, for 20 Wonderful Dinnerwear Clean Up We intend to make complete clean-np of fine di..nerware pattern- t4.rm.rrow. Have m-do .ah m.' knnw or t r rawer ybaucb. v nrlrest with this object In view. English and American semi-porceiam umuci ware In five different patterns. Llne consists of Bakers. Covered Butters, Cake Plates, Caa serrole's. Covered Dishes, Platters, lugs, Sauce Boats, Sugar Bowls, worth to $1.75, at 25c Bowls, values 15c . Cups and Saucers, Pickles, etc, actually up to 60c, choice Lot 3 Get your choice of Bone Dishes, Cream-, era. Fruit Dishes. Oatmeals, Plates of all ktnds, values to 25c, IOC U1 ITU Ik M M rvn If L i l n f MM. I era 7 0) J Initial Paper Embossed In gold, for polite correspondence. Bought from Berlin and Jones way under priec, worth 4 Q 60c box, at J.SC $100,000 worth of new spring merchandise, the over- stocks and surplus lots from overbought jobbers and manufacturers sold to Bennett's at about . . . . . . . .... Cents on the Jobber's Stock Tablets High grade papers selling up to 35c. Omaha Jobbers discontinu ing this lino, choice 10c This Entire Purchase Aggregating $60,000 to be Sold in One Week Commencing Tomorrow A gigantic merchandizing achievement that brings to Omaha the most impress Old and favorably known wholesale and manufacturing institutions on account of tne prolonged business depression are forced to unload millions of dollars in merchandise. It was no longer a question of profit. It was a matter of realizing cash even at the cost of tremendous losses. ( . ..i ii i ! .1 . X 1 1 - 1 : -1 0- 1 nrv rnn . 1 r i . i The Bennett (Jompany with its wen known aggressiveness realizing tne great possiuumes iur wonucuui iiut:; ai iuw pm-ci. ucau up iuu,uuu worm oi me season s most ae- s'rible goods. i i i Nothing this, store has ever done equals this great transaction. It's a mercantile triumph that must awaken in the breast of every true economist the earnest desires to share in these astounding sales. . . ' Omaha will turn out en masse tomorrow. Merchandise, such. as is now in greatest vogue for personal adornment or for use in the home was never known to be so amazingly under-priced. Bennett's will be the bargain centre of America this week. Extra salespeople in all departments. t N.Y. Silk House Makes Unheard of Sacrifice of Silks to Bennett's $15,000 Purchase New SUITS 7S X V' i 9, W I, New York manufacturers clamor ing for cash forced to take terrific losses to dispose of jpig surplus stocks. Bennett's Buy at 60c on Dollir. 1 Five Cases Fine Suitings and have them made up into Superb Suits. ! t m A gigantic deal, but tlie low price jus tified it. We can now sell finest $40.00 and $45.00 tailored suits in America fifteen dol lars under price and give you 1) A Handsome S3 Silk Petti coat With Your Pur chase - - - Fre e it t m Here is undeniably the greatest bar gain Bennett's ever made. The suits in this sale were made for the most exacting people to our own special order. They are dis tinctly high class in style, material and tail oringsuits that bring $40.00 and $45.00 in America's best stores. Every size, every color for everybody. ' To influence you to come Monday we will make you a present of the finest $5.00 silk petticoat made with any suit at our sale prices $19.50 and $25 Lefi & Elsmere $1 Silk Gloves 59c Never before have these old standbys of the glove trade sold at such a price. Genuine pure silk, two-clasp, double tipped gloves; all dollar quality, Qr In black, white, brown, tan, gray and navy, pair " ; . Fine Lisle Gloves, two-clasp, best 35c qualltiese, mode, black, white, brown, navy, gray, at pair 23 PHENOMENAL SALES KNIT UNDERWEAR. thousand dozen to us at very low figures. 100 dozen women's spring and summer union suits, wide knee and lace trimmed, actual 35c garments, now.., 23 Handkerchiefs atV Half. Big Import stocks sold at less than cost to land. 25c pure linen embroidered corner, cord . edge, each 1 12 Appenzele embroidered, pure linen, 50c handkerchiefs ' 23 Wholesaler needed money and unloaded Women's 12V4c vests, sleeveless, taped arm and neck, each . . . , 7d Women's 26c long j sleeve vests, light weight, sale price 15? Monday's Great Hosiery Bargains. Women's Imported Lisle Hose, Copenhagen sky,- champagne, tan, green,' etc., 35c goods 21 Geneva Silk Hose, special purchase. Never before at such a price. Best 50c Hosiery we have, at ..........' .'. -27V 10,000 Yards Wash Goods Bought way below ruling prices phenomenal savings on every line. Genuine Toile du Nord and A. F. C. dress ginghams, 12Vic" and 15c everywhere; Bennett's price, 7 Anderson Scotch Ginghams, very choicest . styles and regular 25c goods; special, yard .10c $1.00 Persian Mulls, most exquisite wash fabrics .ever shown and Arnold's spangle silk, that every other store sells at 50c, bere for ...25 Linen Suitings Plain colors in every new shade, alBo fancy effects, 3 6-inch goods, regular 60c lines, at. yard. ...... -25 Domestics, etc. Case. 36-inch Beached Muslin, .soft finish, also case cambric; both lines are 10c goods, at .... ..VaC Bleached Sheets 8ix90-i'nch," N. V. . Mills Muslin, regular $1.10'standard brand, our price 79, Pillow Codes 4 5x3 6-inch, heavy durable .goodu, .worth 12 Vic and 16c, special. .) White Goods Iawns, Dimities, Madras, for watBtg, children's wear and curtains, 12 Vic and 15c yard ) Huck Towels 60 dozen on sale, scalloped ends, regular 2.9c towels, on sale at..9 Table Daniasks Bleached mercerized, 64 inch splendid quality, fine patterns, etfual , to our best 60c line, sale price yard 39 Makers' Overstocks Girls Dresses. Muslin Under- wear, Etc. Wonderful Bargains Girls' Dresses of Manchester Oaletea and best percales from Gus Lurie & Co., ot N. Y., world's greatest m'fgrs. children's dresses, very beautiful styles, all worth $3.60, $3.00 and $2.50, at 81.25 Infant's long and short white dresses and short skirts with waist, lace and emb trimmed, $2.50 and $2 values, at. 98 Infant's Lawn Caps, emb. and hemstitched, 35c values, at 15 76c values, at 25 Women's Wash Petticoats, seersucker tripes Drawers and Corset Covers, big - lot 5oc garments for 25 Line Net and Mescaline Silk Waists, values lections, each 100 dozen Corset Covers, lace and em broidery trimmed with ribbon, also laco trimmed and hemstitched, tucked draw ers, values to 40c, for 15 Corset Covers .and Drawers, special pur chase, $1 lines1 for 59c Muslin Skirts and Gowns,, very handaome showy new styles, greatest values ever in Omaha, worth to $1.75, at... ...$1.00 White Duck and P. K. Dress Skirts, tail ored and emb. trimmed styles, valurs to for si.oo Waists 100 dozen white lawn waists, lace and emb. yokes, all 75c garments tor 2oC actually up to $5, good styles, choice se- 81.93 Sample Parlor Suites ' We bought 200 handsome suites, everyone a full fourth' under actual value. $15.00 Suites, 811.25 I $30.00 Suites, $21.00 $26.00 Suites. 819.50 $40.00 Suites. 830.00 $32.00 Suites, $24.00 I $50.00 Suites, $37.50 lli tuui l)ed. One-fourth savings $12.BO to $32.00 Porch Furniture 25 per cent saving. KVCS Made rug' Cx9 feet up to 11x15 feet, at 7.0O to $19.00 All full 30 per cent savings. $30.00 Axmluster Room size Rugs $23.75 bllATKKlKM Scrims, tttamlnes, Madras, Nets, etc. specially priced Monday. Rmnants table oil cloth, yard 10c Odd window hac1'. cloning, at 16o Brass curtain roilH, eauh 3 "iiunnett'a fpeciul" Sewing Machine, regular $20 valu 111-year guarantee $13.6 Murhlne needle, all kind, each 10 lilrt waist boxes, matting covered ii V Men's and Boys' Wear Black Sateen 8hlrt. 76c quality, alsea 12 to 19, Mon day, choice Men's 10c Rockford Socks, 6 pairs for 2 Bo, or pair.. to Men's fancy soft shirts and white, stiff bosoms, values to S1.00. for o .Men's Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, io value.. lo 60c silk four-ln-hand ties, newest styles Bio Men's worsted and casslmere pants, durable material, regular 11.00 and 11. &0 line, pair 88o Men's worsted and all woo) Casslmere Suits, seanon's newest styles and shades, $1 and $12.60 suits.. 97.60 Men's soft hats, spring colors and shapes trom best knuwn maker In country, $1.60 hats S1.M Boy's Wear Second Floor Boys' 7So and 60o Caps and Tarns, special.. Mo and 85o Knickerbocker ants. 4 to 16 years, bent 11.60 and 11 line, at . 69o Blouse Suits )5.00 values, sises 1 and 9 years.. tl.SS .Hoys' Blue Bib Overalls, I to i years, each lOo Boys' Keefers. tan, gray, red, green and fancy cloths, $5 00 and $4.00 values 9i.bO Knickerbocker Suits, new shades and patterns, $4 00 values, special W-TS Lawn Mower, Special 14-lnch extra high grade ball-bearing mower, has 9m. wheels, best crucible steel knives $4.00 GASOLINE 8TOVKS Two-hole Junior, very best, at $2.49 One-hole Junior, very best $1.65 Gasoline Ovens, 1 and 2-hole tUl, 91.75 and 93 00 And 40 Stamps. v Wash Boilers, prices up from 96o And 40 Stamps. Self-Wringing Mops, 40c regular price, for '. .U9o foultry Wlr. best grade, In full rolls, sq. foot ViO 78c Bread Boxes, large slso. special 49o 8oc Flour Cans, 60-lb. size, special 69o Garden Rakes, steel 30o, 35o, and 400 And 20 Stamps. 76c Shovels, long handles, usual 75o kind 49c 40c Steel Lawn Rake 24-tlne, for 89o $2.25 Garbage Cans, 25 gallons, special 91. CO $1.76 Garbage Cans, 18 gallons, special 61.35 LIBERTY HOUBK PAINTS $1.25 Gallon cans for 85 70c -gallon cans for 50 40c -gallon cans for 303 Values that stagger the imagi nation choice new silks worth $1.00 and $1.25 for 39c. Just think of it! Where was there ever an other such bargain? A Bennett scoop that outshines them all. Here's the assortment; finest styles for 1909: 91.00 Colored Pongees.... .vo f-ouiam m . . ? . 91.00 Fancy Bilks, aU late titd. 1.00 Wash Bilks. t 91.00 novelty Cheek Bilks 91-89 Bilks In 31,4 to 10 yard pieces 91.60 Black Silk Voiles... Two Cases Spring Suitings at, 1 49c Real Values $1.00 ; TlVirt nrnn n i , , r, A . , J 1. ! J 1 .1 1 uuuuci noo auAiuus ID ICUUUB 1110 SIOCK. t Uf. DUJ er . cleaned up the lot at half. Very . choicest 'new . grey suitings, m various shades, beautiful strired ' effects; 44-inch widths; all liglk weight fabrics and every piece right in style; absolutely nothing choicer in the stores. In this week's sale these $1.00 materials for ." 25c Embroideries at 1-2 25c Embroideries at Half Wide embroideries, up to 24-inch, edge, insertions, bands, on Swiss and Nainsook cloth, suitable for dress es, for skirts, for the new combina tion undergarments, all 4 Ql 25c quality 1 2C $5.00 Oxfords for $1.98 Men's and Women's, Styles Two important purchases low shoes in season's best styles; high grade linen., including: Men's Patent Colt, hand sewed and gun metal low cut $4.00 shoes. Women's Oxford Ties, soft hand turned extension soles, in patent colt, patent kid, vicl and velvet Kid, up-to-date $5.00 Bhoes. All from well known makers. In greatest sale of year at - B i g Grocery Specials Bennett's Golden Coffee .....96o and 40 Teau, large assortment 40c 'and 60 Royal Tomatoes, 12 He cans So Helme's Melon Magoes, six for. .. .860 and 10 Ktib-No-More Soap, 8 bars for BOO Poppy Evap. Milk, 6 cans BSo and 10 Capitol Baking Powder, lb 4o and 10 Sterling Gloss Btarph, C-lb. box. . . .60o and 80 Pure Honey, Mason pint jar a So and 20 Mignonette Peas, three cans Sfto Sweet PU'kled Peaclies, quart Jar..S5o . g. M. Pumpkin, can lOo and 10 Kadlum Move Polish IB "0 and 10 6nlder's Ualad Dressing 86o and 20 Macaroni, three packages 8So and 10 Lawn Urass Fertiliser, 2 6-lb sack.81.0O Bonn Meal, lb., 8Ho Chicken Feed 3o Mixed Candy, pound lOo Muple Cream Candy 6o KAXBIsTB April 80th Is Raisin Day throughout America. ? rices Monday, allfornla Muscatels, lb Be Seedless Raisins, lb So Seeded Raisins, lb J 49 c Surpassing Embroidery Bargains Omaha retailing can point to no better embroider)' bargains than those. Half a dozen cases exquisite 24 to 25-inch Skirtings and Flouneings and some allover embroideries. There are 2(5 different patterns, every piece below cost to import. A chance to buy 75c embroideries 07 at ; 2C 29c For Wide Waist Nets esSSSSBSSSBSSSSSSJSBSBSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSBBSBSBBBSSSSSSSSBBSS 29c for Wide Waist Nets 42-inch nets, very popular for . waists, yokes, sleeves or dresses; choice of cream, ecru or white; variety of neat dainty dot and small figured designs. Nets made to sell qq at 75c; in this sale at C stamps stamps stamps stamjs stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps stamps Special PENSION PLANJFOR RAILROADS Hassarbasett Legislative Comnltte Drafts Scheme vtttU Ion New atrs. The committee on railroads of the Massa chusetts assembly has agreed to report a bill for the establishment of the Boston & Maine co-operative pension system, claimed by students of Industrial Insurance to be one of the most comprehensive plans of the kind ever devised. The system is the result of the re searches of Messrs. Hale and Rich of the Boston A Maine legal stsff. assisted by Louis D. Brandels and. oilier students of the subject It has beeq amended con siderably In Um commit lee. mainly In the direction of making It conform to Its ter auliiuluxy la Um rMiuirniei.u of statute. The train feature of the insurance I plan, however, are left Intact. The matter of acceptance la left to the employes of the road, who are to vote upon the plan as a body. Thereafter every per son In the employ of the company Is to be a member, except such as vote against acceptance and who afterward file with the president of the road a statement that they do not wish or refuse to become mem bers. All who enter the employ of the company after the acceptance of the plan will become 'members. . The funds for the pension system are to be provided by the men and the company Jointly. Each member miat pay an Initia tion fee of 81. and. after the first year, an annual membership fee of s0 cents, whtli the company must pay each month aa amount equal to that contributed by each employe during tLe preceding mouth. The fund so raised Is to-be known as the expense and contingent fund, while an annuity and pension fund is to-be created by a deposit from each member of not more than 8 per cent of his wages, and the company Is to contribute such amount as may be necessary each month to main tain the reserve at the figure where it stood on the last day of the preceding month. In addition the company Is to con tribute In July of "each year aa amount equal to the excess of the surplus arising from the annuity deposits over tha sur plus arising from pousion deposits. In addition to the sums already stipu lated as the railroad's portion of the gen eral burden. It is called upon to contribute each month aa amount such as the trus tees determine Is necessary to pay current pensions. The fund is to be administered by a board of trustees, threa of whom shall be employes, three directors of the road and the seventh a person chosen by these six. The trustees are to serve for a terra of three years, except the odd man, who is limited to a single year, unless re elected. The mortuaV tables and the rates of Interest to be charged are to be worked out by the Insurance commissioner, the state actuary and the trustees, and the sums to which each class of Insured per sons Is to be entitled are to be decided upon by the trustees and the insurance de partment. Ob the Wmi( Side. Johnnie (to new visitor) So you are my grandma, are you? Or idmother Yes, Johnnie! I'm your grandma on your father's side. Johnnie Well, you're on Uut wrong side. you'U find that out. ONE MAN BUILDS A RAILROAD Virginia, Mae Financed and Com pleted by Stsndard Oil Itogrrs. One of the most remarkable transporta tion enterprises of the time whs inaugu rated recently with the opening to traffic oi the new Virginian railway, of which Mr. Henry H. Rogers, the well known capi talist of New York, is the owner and presi dent. The road is 442 miles long and ex tends from Sewall's Point, at tidewater, near Norfolk, Va., to. the town of Deep water, on the Kanawha rlwr, in West Vir ginia. The construction cost alone was more than 4O,0uO,0uu, over half of which was personally met by, Mr. Rogers. The only securities Issued to the public were di.OuQ.OuO of per cent notes of the Tidc- I water Construction company, due In 1M3. and $3,760,000 Efulpment Trust 8' per cent serial notes. The fact that a single capi talist put up so large a share of the money expended In creating so long and costly an iron 'highway is a unlijue event In railroad history, the usual plan being to rals nil the funds fur such purposes by the sale of stocks and bonds to the public. The construction of the new road In volved some of the finest examples of en gineering In this country, and every im provement known to road build ing has been Installed upon It. Although the section wHlch It opens tip Is far from being developed, the road la already assured from Its own property of an annual haul of l.ltiO.OuO tons of coal, which will bt fore long be Increased to I.bOO.Ofif tons, and the msnagers figure on earning more than fixed charges during the next three years. The railway Is virtually an east and west line through southern Virginia from moun tain to ocean. Its -completion makes ac cessible 1,000,000 acres of the beat coal lands In West Virginia, as well as great beds of Iron ore. Vast virgin forests also are lo cated along the line of the road, there be ing In one county alone over SlO.OOO.OuO feet of standing timber. Moreover, the load passes through fine grazing lands, choice wheat, corn and tobacco lands, and through one of the richest trucking sections of the state. It Is expected to be one of the m-st important factors in the development of tha resources of Virginia. Leslie's Weekly. Its Varied fees. V Teacher What does the wor4 "meter" tnean, Harold T Harold A measure. Teacher What do they measure with It?