THE BEE: .OMAHA. .SATURDAY. ..rRIL 24. lf00. 11 Dour. Si OTH yQm 1Q1 A 1. 1. PKFTS. !. A-1S41 f SILK DRESSES, TAILOR MADE SUITS AND WHITE SERGE SUITS New Arrivals for Saturday Our silk dresses are beautifully made. They have that correct air so essential to a etyl ish dressed woman. Prices $25.00, $35.00 and $40.00. . . . Our cloth tailor made suits are models of fine tailoring. Many new models now being shown at very moderate prices. We make a specialty of women's fine white serge suits. They are all clean, crisp and new and are fitted by eiperts. Prices $25.00, $32.50, $35.00 and $37.50. All alterations made free of charge. ' . Dainty Waists. Linen Suits. Rep Suits Dutch necks are very stylish. We re the We ar, now beginning, to show the new style for first to show them. I summer wear. Come in Saturday and see the latest. Children's Wash Dresses. Sizes 6 Months to 4 Years. Mothers will not want to bother with making thelr children's dresses when they can be bought for such lit tle money. We tnvKe your inspection of our new spring line. Children's colored wash dresses In percale, ginghams and madras, $1.00 to 91.60. bpsoxaxb One lot of soiled white dreses, Slses 1 to 4 years at greatly reduced prices. On lot of soiled wash bonnets that sold regulsrly at 76c, $1.00 and $2.00, Saturday,. at each $9c Vlalt oar beautiful new hair de partment on the Third floor. Many spedUU price Inducements for Bat rday. & our lth Htreet Window of White Madras Waistlngn, regular 35c and SOc values at 2Ac yard. fk) not fail to visit our Millinery Department On the Second floor. All the newest creations are al ways shown first at our store. Saturday Will Be an Important Day at the New Bargain Square. Commencing at A. M. we will sell: Oriental spool silk Saturday at a spool, enly 2 He. Or 21c a dosen spools. John J. Clark's spool cotton in black and whits. Saturday at a spool, only tVic. Or 2So a dosen spools. Pearl buttons, 1 dosen on card, 6c values, Saturday a card, only to. Hooka and Byes, 2 dozen on card, regular 5c values, Saturday at a card only te. Safety pins. 1 dosen on card. Be values, Saturday at a card, only 8c. Beautiful embrotdeiiea, values up to SOc a yard, Saturday at a yard, only 10c. Linen and ootton torchon laces, also Vsl. lacaa, values up to 12 4c, Saturday, at a yard, only sc. Basement. at ' Women's Hose. Black or tan Hals hose that will wear, cava double soles, heels and toes, 50c per pair. . , s , Black allk lisle hose, double soles, garter top, loo per pair. S p r tor $1 Children's silk Hals hose, colois tan, black, sky, pink and white, 25c, 5c and 60c per pair. s . Saturday Candy Special ' Ralduffs delicious maple gems, regular, price 40c a pound, all day Saturday and evening, at, a pound only 20c Men's Neckwear Special Saturday. Men's neckwear, beautiful new patterns In four-in-hands and string styles, cut from regular 60o silks. In Saturday's sale, at, each I6C f PROMPT AND t?'rL6-j&t0X ($&&$3J ft CAREFUL ATTENTION. P If B-4-JJ-. Needed Toilet Articles Saving Prices. Aluminum Soap Boxes, regular price 1 6c, Saturday at, each 12 He Nail and Flesh Brushes, regular 36c and 60c values, Saturday at, each 19c. ' Ideal Hair Brushes, regular ll.Ou value, Saturday at, each 78c. Eyebrow pencils, regular price 10c, Saturday, each 7 He. Nail enamel In cake form Satur day, each 16c. Sanltol tooth powder, Saturday 16c. Sanltol Soap Saturday ISc. The New Shirts. Are prettier than ever. The cut of the collar bands, the shape of the sleeves and the size of the body are auch that it gives the entire shirt the air of custom made garment. We can give you the beet shirt In the city for ONE DOLLAR. Ask to see the new shirt. It has two large box plaits in front, very nifty. .. Plain blue chambray shirtg with pleated front, coat style, with cuffs' attached, price $1.60 each. Men's Department, convenient from either entrance. WE GIVE MAIL ORDERS PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. NATIONAL AID FOR RIVERS V Senator Nelson' Advocate! Large , Appropriation by Congress. RAILROADS " ABE '' NOT HOSTILE Mlaaeaota Btateamaa ,8ays Improve ment of Waterways Will Be Wei. routed by . Present Transport tatlea Maes. WASHINGTON, April 2S. (Special.) The work of tho pioneer In the develop ment of the country Is no novelty to the railway, but it Is a decided novelty in tho development of the waterway. The ques tion of T aterway Improvement has grown with the growth of the nation until It has bcome a subject for serious consideration, not only on the part of the general govern ment, but by the Individual statea as well, for It Is only through the hearty co-operation of the federal power, and the state authorities that anything- Ilka a compre hensive policy n looking to the Improvement of -our rivers snd harbors' ean be accom plished," . sld Senator Knule Nelson of Minnesota, a member of the commerce com mittee of that body. "The railroad haa had no more reason to fear or to oppose the aleamboat than tha trolley car. Both have their unee of co-operation and competition. Both are necesssry to aerve the Increasing need of our domestic and foreign commerce. There will be businesa enough for the railroads nt raving rates no matter how much the rWers sre improved or how cheaply they can carry freight." Among the men of the senate, who have made waterway Improvements a aystematlo study. Knute Nelson easily takes first rank. A pioneer himself, having gone Into Minnesota In 1871. he early became inter fated In the development of the Mississippi and all Ita tributaries. And he haa con tributed much to the literature of water ways,' bringing to the aubjeot hard-headed huslnrss sense, s tribute to his Norwegian ancestors. Bysteia la Itaareveasea ts. "I am firmly convinced that our water way improvements ought to be carried on In a systematic manner and only such Im provements should be made as wtll prove of substantial ad to navigation. . I feel that ho matter how many railroads we get, waterways will In no wise interfere, with the Railroads In the movement of heavy and slow freight which the rail roads do not 'hanker' for. I recall very distinctly when we had up in congress the bill providing for the building of the Lake Erie and Ohio canal and I wondered at that time, having been Informed that the railroad . were antagonistic to the . Im provement of ouf waterways, why the Pennsylvania railroad company would not oppose tho bill and I was informed that the freight on the railroads was congested and that the rail carriers welcomed any movement that looked to the lifting of auch congestion because the railroads realised that only the heavier - and the bulkier freight could be moved to advan tage by water. "I have . watched with Interest ths growth of the movement for a compre hensive plan of waterway development in the United States-and a very great deal of the praise for the Crystallisation of this sentiment Is. due to the .National Rivers and Harbora cpngiees and I feel sure that the agitation begun by this great body of business men was largely Instrumental In the appointment of the waterways com mission provided for in tho last river and harbor bill. Woald Spend Large Sam. "I believe we could spend from thirty to forty millions a year on waterway better menta and I feel that ths sum could b taken out pf current revenues without cramping the treasury to any appreciable extent. Tho passage of the last river and harbor bill, which was essentially an emergency bill, providing for new surveys and the completion of surveys already be gun, will give the two houses of congress an opportunity next winter to enact a river and harbor bill which will connect up various projects, now under wsy, for the development of ths rivers, harbors and canals of ths country. When we consider what Germany, Prance and even England are dotng for their waterways It behooves us to stir ourselves or else we" will be found wholly unprepared to meet these nations In the great war of commerce now going on." Send for new spring catalog sir yes much style -great vim for $18.00 Law of Nations Topic at Meeting in Washington American Society . of International Law Begins Third Session, with Elihu Boot Presiding. WASHINGTON, April 23. Important phases of internal! rial law will dis cussed at the trlrd atnuai meeting of the American Society of International Law, which began Its third annual meeting her tcday. The session will continue for-two days. Among the speakers wtll be men of International reputation In such questions as to the growth of the American system of international law, ' as compared with urlveraal international law; the powers which International courts of arbitration should possess, political offenses In Inter national extradition, and ths codification of maritime International law. . ... Senator Root, president of the society, opened the meeting today, taking for the subject of his annual address, "The Rela tion Between the Jurisdiction of National Courts and International Arbitration." This waa followed by a discussion of the topic, "Aribtratlon as a Judicial Remedy." Among those taking part In the discussion bring former Secretary of 8tate John W. Foster, who delat with English and American cases of arbitration, as did also Prof. E. W. Aymar of the New York University Uw School. Wayne MacVeagh spoke on the work at The Hague In matters of ar bitration, while Senor Luis Anderson, late special envoy from Costa Rica ' to the United Statea, covered Latin-American cases. President Tart, who. Is ons of the vie presidents of ths socletty, will receive the members at the White House tomorrow afternoon, and ths conference wtll close with a banquet tomorrow night at which Secretary of Stats Knox, Attorney Oeneral Wickersham, Dr. Lyman Abbott and Dr. R. S. Woodward, president of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, will speak. ranch of Charles 8. Brackett, situated in the western part of Lyman county. The gathering will be in tho nature of a fare Well, to J.he cowboys and ranchmen, whose former . ranges in that part of the state bave been' , occupied by homesteaders. Every cowboy m a wide scope of country will' be prevent to participate in. the affair an talk over the old days when the cow ma's and hta herds were the only occu pants ot that vast region. ' An elaborate program has been prepared for the occasion. Among the features will be tle .branding of horses, cattle and mules; Wild , broncho, riding, roping con tests between some ot tha ' most expert ropers In the northwest and a representa tion of an immigrant train being attacked by. Indians., Real Indians Sioux warriors front the adjacent Lower Brule reserva tion will participate In this feature. Numerous--cowboys ..will relate, tot the as semblage experiences of life i on Inb" for me great range! Dr. '. Oi H. ' Murrair, widely, . knotit ihroughoiit that region as the "wboyvjracher," wlh be among the speaker i ;. r .; -. ; .-( . kra Ittaet at Huron. HURONj JS. . D.; .'April 23,-8peciJ,)-The urai annual convention or uroup 5 OT tne South Dakota Bunkers' association ' closed here Thursday night,' . The counties com prising the'' group art Spink, Beadle, Kings bury and .Miner, In which are located slxty- tliree banks? fifty-two being members of the association. ' At the different sessions s number of 'ad dresses were delivered and matters per taining to banking Interests were discussed, the proceedings being Interspersed with numbers by the msle quartet composed of Messrs. I. A. Churchill. M. E. Wslter. W. F. Long and J. C. Dexter. The following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: J. W. Campbell of Huron, prealdent; H. I. Ilston of Lake Preston, vice president; George C. Pulllnweider of Huron, secre tary, and R. F. Chenoweth of Wolsey, J. A. Crane of Redfield, E. O. Bratrud of Roswell and U. W. Ells of Iroquois, as the executive committee, in the evening a spe cial supper wss served at the Hotel Royal, followed with an Informal social and smoker. About forty bsnkers were present from out of the city. Huron wss named as the place for holding the next convention. Hi Farewell Fest by Cowboys Wild West Performance Will Mark Passing of Range Conditions from Lyman County. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., April 23. -(Special.) One of. the most unique affairs In the history of western South Dakota will take place Saturday of this week on the lajarea Editor Near Death. HURON, 8. D.. April XS. (Speolal Tele gram.) A. M. Skinner, . editor of the Hitchcock News, who fell beneath a mov ing train on . the Northwestern line at Hitchcock yesterday, resulting In the loss of a leg, is reported In a critical condition. National Bank for Yankton. WASHINGTON, April 2S.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The application of R. O. Hanger, F. C. Danforth. Otto Pemldler. C. H. Dil lon and Thomas Thorson to organize the Dakota National bank of ankton, South Dakota, with 50.000 capital, has been ap proved by the comptroller of the currency. our size range in.elothes means from 32 to 38 only " Yungphellow V sizes but believe us, reader, it's a warm, fairly radiant line as far as it goes quite IN IMITABLE. tbi spring we are ihowing PLENTY of fabrics the other fellows HAVEN'T got cannot get styles that really ripple with fashion. for instance, velours in vapor shades; green striped cheviots; cheviots in grey with inch apart stripes; velour tweeds; plain blue or self striped serges? diag onal herringbones with fancy stripes, and others as projwr. we'll taboo any make that looks common coats must hang different but proper; trousers must get away from the "mere bag" idea. if you admire "tone in clothes", and what young . fellow doesn't then here's a stock that will FASTEN , itself to you with a grip. Tit WJM MOWS OWMBTOMC - ' i 1 1 -M I I ' H a vm strr-j mil itoiiik II a l Mil US&tZJ awas-w- 'a1 Sal ui-t3i7 Douflas Street Omah- Nu. rf-srwTM in i II n rI'llel I 1 1 I f ' what shoe? we'll answer this annual -query in regard to proper shoes for Miss or Child. trust us for proper capers in shoe styles for misses' and children's wear this spring. one CANNOT go wrong on ANY shoe chosen even at random, from this admirably selected stock. we've something new in ANY sort of shoe you may have been wearing; be it oxfords, pumps, ankle straps, colonial styles with gilt buckles or ankle strap pumps. "Look well, wear long" kinds. of coarse we've all the leathers tan calfs, patent calf s, red calfs, dull leathers and white canvas varieties. Very unique new sprighty. x in misses' sixes $2.00, $2 50 and $3.00 in children's sizes at $1.50, $2.00 and on up to $2.50 (Send for New Spring Catalog) Til PEOPLE'S OWN CTORC fi arw--i llDpliM 1813-tsir Doutflas Street Oman- it. GRAND JURY NAMES SCORE Federal Body Indict Nineteen Hen and On Woman. C AERIE M. KEXZIE IS HELD Letter to Colored rrlead Tea 1.1 rely far Malls Taralral Promoter's feavssy weer Oat aa Hell. Twenty Indictments were found by th frdoral Itrend Jury, which completed tls work Friday afternoon, ha vine; been In session since Tuesday. The most ImpOrtsnt Indltctments returned sre sgalnst tho fol lowing: Carrie McKensle of Omaha, for mallins; Improper matter In the form of a rather vIvM letter, addressed ' to ..a : masculine colored friend. Bhe Is out on ball. H. Raynor. alias H. B-4intt, alias W. Bennett, accused of using tho mails for fraudulent purposes. It la charred that Raynor advertised that he was about to start a carnival company and wanted to hire special talent. Then, the accusation was, he secured a couple ot actors ambi tious to Join his "Karnlval ' krewe" and muloted them of several dollars each as an advance, and absorbed the proceeds, without starting; the company. But ha did succeed In starting 1 rouble with the United Ststes Postofflce depsrtment. Theresa Krloboom of Crawford was In dicted on a charge of violating section I of ths act ot congress of February 20, 1907. which prohibits the importation of women loto the United Slates ofr Immoral pur poses. She Is charged wtih Importing a girl named Louise Floree fir such purpose from Belgium. Therese Kricboom is now out on fl.500 bond. John P. Kelley of North . Platte la in dlotcd on the charge of perjury In a bank- suptcy esse. It la alleged that ne sougnt to secrete a cash register belonging to the bankrupt estate of Cloe, Luellla Ihdon, doing business aa the United States Grocery company.. Kslley was a witness before the referee In bankruptcy, tV. V. Hoagland, snd the alleged perjury was committed dur ing his testimony before the referee. He Is out on bond. Peter T. Unruh, alias F. R. Thomas, alias C. O. Senneke.. alias B. B. Thomas, alias T. P. Unruh. Is Indloted for alleged use of the malls for fraudulent purposes. He is now in the Douglas county Jail. The particular offense with which he Is charged Is In fraudulently promoting the "Mennon tta Aid association, through the malls, claiming that he was the agent and sec retary of the company, which had Ita head quarters somewhere in Minnesota. He operated in the vicinity of Anoka and Em met. Holt county, and Induced a number of Mennonltes In thst vicinity to Invest m the enterprise. Unruh was formerly post master of tho town of Tyndall, 8. D., and was for one term treasurer, and for two terms recorder of deeds of Bonhomme county, South Dakota. At tho time of his arrest last winter he attributed his down fall to the excessive use of liquor. Two indictments were found against Unruh. John Sldel of Omaha Is charged with breaking a lock on a bonded warehouse, the warehouse of the Standard Distilling and Distributing company In Omaha. The offense wss committed last winter. He, too, la out on bond. Harvey Montgomery of Logan county Is accussed ot impersonating a government officer. He Is alleged to have represented himself as a special agent of the land de partment out on a tour looking up land frauds. He Is charged with having de frauded W. F. Gift of $2 and Frank SuK- raw of North Platte, a liveryman, of 35 worth of livery hire and M. K. Brimcomb of the same locality out ot a $10 overcoat, all through his pretensions of being a government officer. eH is in Jail at North Platte. Thomas Gallagher of South Omaha. Is charged with selling tobacco without first having the necesssry stamps requirea Dy the government affixed thereto. He is said to have dono a thriving trade in selling government tobacco obtained from soldiers at Fort Crook. He Is out on bond. . The other eleven indictments are for mis cellaneous minor offenses against the postal laws and for bootlegging. Nona of these eleven psrtlea is yet under arrest and Jhelr names will not be given out until they are placed under arrest or have given bond. MOTOR CAR SERVICE POPULAR Uatoa Paia laereaaea N amber af Cars on I.oap Cltr-"t. Paal Maa Because af Demaad. The Union Pacific will put additional motor car service on the Loup CUy-St. Psul Una Monday, tha present service prov ing so popular and traffic being so heavy that the new service is far from being an experiment. The new servicle will eable passengers and mail ot arrive at Loup City at 11:66 a. m.. Instead of 1 p. m. It will also enable passengers on the Pleasanton branch to make good connections for Loup City or St. Paul. The following la tha schedule which goes into effect Monday morning: Leave St. Paul Dsnnebrog Boelus Rock vllle ; Austin Arrive Loup City yp ::::::::::::::::::::::: iiE Austin i -i& m m Dsnnebrog ' BtAPaur.. P'"- MURDERER OF CLARA ROSEN GRANTED CHANGE OF VENUE rear af Vlaleaec Leads ta Transfer af Trtalfraaa Otisaws ta Oeatervllle. OTTtTMWA. Is., April It -Owing to fears of violence. Judge ; Vermillion in tha dis triet court here todsy decided to transfer the trial of John Junkln, the confessed murderer of Clsra Rosen, to Centervllla Is. Junkln Is now In Fort Madison penl tentisry for safe keeping. 4P , 10:00 a. m. , 10:9 m. , 10:67 a. m. , 11 M a. m. , 11:38 a. m. , ll':S6 a. m. Lake NstIisIUs Opens. ASHLAiND, Wis.. April 2J.-NaviatlOB on the south shore of Lake Superior was opned todsy by the errtval of the steamer Charles O. Jenkins at Ashland. The Jen kins Is the first vessel to cross Lake Su perior this spring. There Is still consid erable Ice. Personal Persons afflicted with blood pot son in any stage, or rheumatism in any form. ean. learn of a permanent cure by addressing ths Salvar Company. St. Louis, Mo. Announcement ! I beg to announce that the Chesapeake Cafe is now under my management. J. G. DENNIS Moot Attractive Sale of the Season AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES WE LEAD THE WHOLE OF OMAHA IN THE MATTER OF STYLE AND VALUE GIVING IN WOMEN'S AND MISSES' TAILORED SUITS AND DRESSES. S1Z.50 Juftt received by express ISO SA1VIFMLE SUITS in the latest creations, in all the gor geous colorings. They will be placed on sale Saturday; values up to $35.00; your choice Also received lOO DRESS in satins, Rajahs, silks, voiles and all the latest fabrics in Empire and Princess effects; values up to $35.00; your choice. . Open Till 9 P. M. Daily. . ES SI 2.50 ORDERS FILLED. MAIL It Will Pay You Big Com down town Saturday doLr Howells AH Kinds of Bargains in All Parts oi the Store A GREAT orPORTUNITY TO, BUY SOAPS At prices thst will suit you. anltol, fsrsey Oream, Xngllsh rroaess, Turkish Bath, to per sake Three big cakes maad aoap, lOo Right cakes Toilet Soap, Mo 60c bos a cakes, ne Bonn, BSo raokera Tar Moan, Iga 10c Ivory Soap, To. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR BIO DISPLAY of Taloam rowOara -IBo 6olgates', Williams', Mennea's, SaBttoL for lBo ISc kinds for 10 10c kinds for So. , YOU CAN'T AFFORD" TO MISS OUR SALE on Boa Paper, Tablets and Bmvelopea. Three packs extra hesvv Envelopes for loo Bo Tablets, 2 for So 10c Tablets, tor 16a -Jeo and ttc Box Paper, lie fa.00 Peas tala Peas, a.M. nnvT nvrniiinif ditto tii'rrkr. nnnns rii.r $2.00 Oomblaatloa rrlafsa snd Hot Water Bottles, $1.80 $1 75 Rapid Flow Poantaia Brrtnres, ai.BS i. o Bot Water Bottles, Mo j.o ftloba pray, 11.25. Porui tala Byilaa-s, Tto. ijc ct-th.' awn ccir. rtt'n ninniiv T nic nv tooth rihthhitA Half regular prices, toe Tooth Brushes, asa 40o Toots Brashes, le 25c Tooth Brusbss, lOo. BARGAIN'S IN OTHER PARTS OF THE ROOM 7 Bo hsrd rubber Combs, 4te 40c hsrd rubber Combs, e 7Kc Beth Brashes, e 40o Wall Baf (sre, ISO 25o Manleora Beta, lo 1 00 Bind Mirrors, 7Se Toilet Water, 4to 50c Perfumes, 20 odors. 8Bo an ounoe Williams' Boarta Stick, iOo Baaltol Ism Oream, lie $1.50 Oriental Craam, a Bo. CIGARS 6c Owls, I for 10 lo Pes Tarrlora, t for IOo IOo Howell's Saturday Bpsoial, Bo ' 10c X.a Plor Xe Orients, Bo. Store open from 7:00 A. M. to 11:19 P. M. HOWE DRUG CO., ZH' mm Specials for Saturday 100 Our prices tell the story. 5c Little Toms, Saturdsy, 3 for Boa of 6. $1.60. 10c Tom Moore, Boquet else. Saturday, limited 10 clrsrs to a customer, each So 10c Henry George, I for IOo 10c Preferencla, Conchas else, Saturdsy, each Bo Box of 60, $2.60. Limit one box to a customer. , IOo Palmer House, Invincible 5a Box of 26, $1.25. 10c Ml Elecclon, Conchas size Bo Box of 60, $2.60. ' Limit one box to a customsr. 15c Gato, Marconi alee, Rsturdsy ... IOo Box of 60. $4.70. 16o Princlpa De Gales, Pullman sle IOo Box of 26. $: $6. 15c La Mesa. Strictly leading clear Ha vana Clears, Saturday ,r... IOo Box of 60. $4.75. By mall, add 10c box or 25, and lie for box of 50. EATON Drug Co., 15th and Farnam Qts. AWCIBHKHTS. Came rap hone Jheater 1403 DOUGLAS OT. Presenting the marvel of the ay Actual Talking and BlnjIaB Picturss. Thoy talk, sing and act Program changes Sunday snd Wed nesdsy. Exclusively presenting tho biggest hits from New York in buUt -, " Illustrated Songs. - This theater Is under new manage ment and tha best pictures thst can be hsd will be shown In the future. Tour patronage solicited. Matinee beginning Monday, April SB, Bo to all Any seat in the house Nights, adults 10c; Children. 6e. Souvenirs will be given to all ladles attending Monday Matinees April M. BOYD'S For the Money The Best Meal Restaurant 1514 Farnam St. Tata Afternoon, Toalaht and Saturday Bally Matinee. . . , PhotogTaphle Beproauotioa of BURNS-JOHNSON Heavyweight Cnampleasalp Motloa Plot area. Popular Prloes. Banday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednsadsy WadncaAs SSatlnae lim MIZ.X.ZB PSBSBBTS Tho Familv A Play ta Penr Acts By Bobert Darts. 1 a Ph nes: Douc. 160t; Ind.. A-150S Matinees 1 wus., toots, aaa a at. The Play with Western Atmosphere, TntB COWBOT ABO TBB liBf" Clyde Pltoa. Bent, "OX.D KBlOBZx' tne acaasTieia Ttmosj. au-a. Ball br Civ May IT IB-IB, Mrs. Plska, "Batratia BaU OBBIOBTO ADTABOBB YAVDBTXXX.S NOTE: Curtain 8:15 Sharp Tonight The Paxton Cafe leta aaa Paraam Bta. RALPH KITl'HKN, PROP Tbs Papula Oafs af Omaha" Prompt service, reasonable prices, ana' perfect appointments are the reasons of Its popularity. perfect appointments are the reasons of By ordering half aortlona at tha "Faxton" you get mora variety without adding to tha cost. Meet Tour Prteaee at tha Paatsa" HOTEL KOrVIE TmbU d'Hot Dinner $4-09. vwry avtming b f 5 GOOD IViUfSIC a : r Hanson's Cafe offers mena that is paaltlrel nnsurpasaed la the west. Mode rata Price. Quirk Servtco. Try It Today I BxaBBsflaBasLKexKaBxl