Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha. Daily Bee
For Nebraska Fair and warmer.
For rea-Fai.
For WMtlwr rep-irt eea page &.
rAGLS 1 TO 10.
Every Paragraph of the Measure
Will Come Up for Amendment
in Senate.
Consideration by Paragraphs Will
Begin Next Monday.
Mr. Aldrich Postpones Answering
Many Questions Asked Him.
rasters Bar aad Clay Say It Will
Have Effect of Redarlna; Rev
eaaes Wllkni Lowering
the Price.
WASHINGTON. April !.-The first read
Ing of the tariff bill for consideration of
committee amendments wu concluded when
the senate adjourned today. According to
announcement made when the reading was
begun that every paragraph of the entire
bill win be subject to amendment when
it Is taken up for final consideration on
each paragraph next" oMnday. While the
whole measure In thus subject to further
revision, all concede that substantial prog
ross has been made. There will be no re-
tturn to many of the schedules.
There was comparatively little debate
on the measure today, as Senator Aldrich
postponed replying to many questions asked
of him In order to hasten the conclusion
of the reading of the measure, saying he
would make full explanations when the
various amendments received final con
(derations. Many provisions. Including the
wood pulp and wool schedules, were today
passed over oh specific objection.
The reading of the tariff bill being re
sumed In the sejiate today, numerous re
quests were made by both republicans and
democrats for the passing over of various
schedules, although an agreement had pre
viously been made that such action waa
not necessary In order to permit a senator
to enter and obtain a vote on any amendment.-
Nearly every senator was In his
place and followed the reading of the bill
wth merest. '
The suggestions of various senators In
dicated that more than half of the rate
under the wood. sugsr and molasses, to-,
bauco and agricultural and other schedules
would come In for criticism at a later date.
Senator McLaurin of Mississippi, request
ing that various schedules under the head
of agriculture be passed over. Senator Aid
rich asked whether he did not wish to
make a similar request la respect to rice,
the duty on which the finance committee
' had allowed to stand at 3 cents per pound
as passed by the house.
Mr. McLaurin said he had not referred
to that paragraph because ne change had
been made In It, "so." he added, "there Is
nothing at which the gentlemen can allow'
his rlslbles to rise."
"There Is nothing under the agricultural
schedules that la ao high as the duty on
rice," suggested Mr. Aldrich.
"Still, we might . amend the schedule."
said Mr. McCumber, smiling.
"Let It be passed," Interposed Senator
Gallinger, with a significant glance toward
the democratic side.
specific Daty on rcarla.
Notice that the committee would bring
Into the senate an amendment making
duties on pearls, diamonds and other prec
ious stones specific Instead of ad valorem
was given by Mr.' Aldrich today. Replying
to Mr. Bacon, Mr. Aldrich said the rales of
fluty on these articles were as high as had
been found practicable for the collection of
any revenue. Mr. Bacon suggested that a
. very high duty would probably encourage
sum smuggling, to which Mr. Aldrich
nodded assent.
When the schedule relating to wood pulp,
print paper and books was reached, Mr.
Aldrich aald the committee hoped In a
very few days to report an amendment for
the wood pulp provision of the bill.
Messrs. Clapp, Brlstow, Nelson and Piles
called attention to the possible effect of
the house paragraph In preventing any free
Importation of wood pulp from the Domin
ion of Canada, because an export duty
might be imposed by a single province of
the Dominion.
Mr. Aldrich explained that this was one
of the matters under consideration by the
committee on finance.
"I am sure," said Mr. AMrlch, "that we
ought not to deal In the main with Canada
and hold the Dominion government respon
sible slwaya for .what Is done in any part
of the Dominion."
He added that he power of the provinces
of the Dominion to legislate Independently
made the work of the committee more dif
ficult. On motion of Mr. Main the sched
ule was passed over.
Palllanlne Segar ftcaedele.
The reading of the Philippine sugar
sctieauie was the signal for a vigorous
Criticism on the part of Senators Clay and
Bacon of the policy of admitting augar
from the Philippine Islands to the United
States free of duty. They declared that
the free admission of 3.000 tons or sugar
from 1-orto Rico and KO.OOO tona from the
Hawaiian Islands has not affected the
price of refilled sugar and added that
while granulated sugar In the United
Statea aella tor 4 i cents per pound. It Is
sold fol- J. 10 cents a pound In Loudon. Mr.
Bacon Insisted that the - Introduction or
free Philippine sugar would, by replacing
an equal amount of dutiable augur, re
duce the revenues without any benefit to
the people of this country.
Mr. Lodge said the free sugar produc
tUm of the Philippines Is but KO.OOO tona
annually, which he declared now goes to
China. The paragraph waa passed over
under objection by Senators Foster and
New land.
UoIllTer aa Aalaaal Sraedale.
Mr. rtolllver called atteotlon to a pro-
vision In the tariff bill permitting cattle,
horses, sheep and other domestic animals
to be brought bark to tha United States
free of duty within alx months after being
driven across tha boundary lines for tem
porary pasturage. He declared that under
that law as now enforced, treasury of
ficials permit unidentified animals born
In Mexico and those ILat hav been kept
there for more than a year to be brought
Into this country without tha payment of
out. Ha insisted that soma official should
railed to account for such conduct, and
upon his motion tha entire paragraph was
passed over
Mrs. Scott Wins
After Hot Fight in,
D. A. R. Meeting
Administration Candidate Elected
President by Narrow Margin
of Eight Votes.
WASHINGTON. April 23.-By a vote of
43s to 428. Mrs. Matthew T. Scott of Illinois
was today declared elected president gen
eral of the Daughter! of tha American
Revolution over Mrs. William Cummlng
Story of New Tork. Mrs. Scott'a elecUon
waa a victory for the administration fac
tion. A number of delegates refused to
make the election unanimous on Mrs.
Story'a motion.
Rounds of applause greeted the an
nouncement of the vote. Mrs, Story moved
to make the election unanimous, but a
chorus of delegstea refused to Join her.
Mra Story bespoke for Mrs. Scott the sup
port of all members. The total vote cast at
the election waa 873, but the total legal
vote for president general was 864.
The tellers were unable to report further
on tha election. Mrs. Donald McLean, the
retiring president general, was elected an
honorary president general.
Hera Mra Scot, the president general
elect was escorted to the platform by a
corps of pages. The delegates applauded
The congress approved the election of
tha various state regents. They Include
the following:
Iowa Miss Harriet Lake.
Kansas Mrs. George T. Guernsey.
Missouri Mrs. Samuel O. Green.
Nebraska Mrs. O. S. Ward.'
Bill to Limit
Size of Hats
Baaaaasaaaaae v
Illinois Legislator Would Also Pro
hibit Wearing of Birds, Snakes
and Lizards on Headgear.
SPRINGFIKLD. 111., April 23.-Bfg hats
and those ornamented with the skins or
bodies of "birds, reptiles or Insects" are
prohibited under heavy penalties in a bill
introduced in the house today by Repre
sentative Hilton.
The bill provldea that It shall be unlaw
ful to sell or to expose for sale any hat
more than eighteen Inches In diameter or
with plume, aigrette, pin or other orna
ment projecting more than sis Inches be
yond tha -rim. or, bearing the dead body or
stuffed skin of a bird, snake, llxard or
other animal, reptile or Insect subject to
decay and likely to become a breeding place
ior germs.
The bill provldea that nothing shaJI pre
vent the display of freakish types and mod
els for the purpose of education or amuse
ment. Wearing hata contrary to the stat
ute la prohibitive In public places or thor
oughfares. The penalties are from 1100 to
1200. The bill waa referred to the com
mittee on miscellaneous subjects.
Pabst Auto Car
Kills a Child
Accident Happens While Colonel
Pabst Waa Starting on a Trip
to Chicago-
MILWAUKEE. Wis.. April 28,-Colonel
Gustav Pabst. while driving In an automo
bile today accidentally ran down and killed
LIUIe Winkler, a 14-year-old girl. The ac
cident occurred Just as the girl alighted
from a street car and walked In front of
the rapidly moving automobile.
Colonel Pabst was starting on a trip to
Chics go.
Order Anal nat Mlsaoarl Roads Will
A paly Oaly to Dlacrlsalaa
tory Rates.
ST. LOUIS. April 23. By a proposition
offered by Circuit Attorney 8. G. Jones
the temporary Injunction against the eigh
teen Missouri railroads will be modified to
apply only to discrlmatory rates. The
change wu announced today following a
postponement of the hearing of the case
to April 24. because, of Governor Hadley'a
"My proposition to modify tha decree was
marie because I believe that there Is merit
In the roads' contention that tha 2-cent rate
la confiscatory." aald tha circuit attorney.
"Furthermore, I believe that they are
willing to adopt a non-discriminatory rate
of 24 cents a mile."
Colonel Fanning Hoists
the Big White Flag
Cclonel Fanning lias surrendered.
After all his talk of the things he In
tended to do to Gove rr or Shailenberger
for signing tha 8 o'clock cloalng bill, the
colonel, fearing a court-martial, haa taken
his pen quietly in hand end written to the
governor a complete drawback of it all
and a pledge that he is a loyal supporter
of his excellency.
The colonel was so put out when he heard
of the action of the governor on the meas
ure that he not only talked, but he fired
Ms reslgnstlnn to his excellency, to take
effect .instanter.
But the commander-in-chief of the army
ana navy or r-eorasKS Knew hla man, ao
Inatead of accepting tha resignation ha
filed It away and at the same time ap
pointed Colonel Spens, freight agent of
the Burlington, a member of his staff.
Then he made arrangementa to take his
ataft to the Seattle reposition; later to
Crawford for a Fourth of July celebration,
and then to Valentine for a week'a fishing,
with other festivities In prospect.
Thla waa too much for Colonel Fanning,
who had gone to Hot Spring to rest up
for the war which he waa to lead agalnat
the governor. So tha Insurrection falls,
with the receipt of the following letter by
Governor Shallentterger from Colonel Fan
ning: "I a-ant to assure you that I waa not
Influenced In any way by your signing the
so-called daylight closing bill In tendering
you my resignation. I have nothing In
common with tha brewers, ao had no
Iowa's Senior Senator Another.
mond in Field for Tarii
Revision Downward.
Cummins Shies Castor on Income
Tax, Colleague Follows.
Believes He Can Show Payne-Aldrich
Bill Increases Duties.
i .
Browa af Nebraska Takes Poettloa
S'w Meaaara Will KveataaUy
Prove Satisfactory deeded
Protection Given.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. April 2J.-(Speclai Tele
gramsAnother Richmond has appeared
upon the tariff field In tha person Of Sen
ator Jonathan P. Dolllver. and thle Rich
mond promisee to give Mr. Aldrich and
those associated with him a fight tha senior
senator from Rhode Island will remember
for years. There are a dozen Richmonda
In the field, but DoUtver la tha last to
take up the cudgel for revision downward
of the tariff.
Yesterday It was wooren and cotton
schedules, which ha attacked and which
lie asked to have passed over. Today the
senior senator from Iowa protested against
cattle aud sheep, which had been sent Into
Mexico as calves and Iambs and after
year's feeding had them brought in free
of duty. He said the cattle people of the
western country were beset with dlsad
vantages and the decision of tha Treasury
department that young animals may be
taken into a foreign country and brought
back into the states without paying duty.
worked a hardship upon native producers
and he proposed to have this paragraph
under the free list corrected If possible.
Getting: Into Llae.
Senator Dolllver may not be actuated by
the broadest statesmanship in his attacks
upon very material paragraphs In the tar
iff bill, but the fact remains that Iowa is
a revision downward state, and Mr. Dol
llver will be a candidate for re-election.
Senator Cummins has shot his arrow for
the income tax, and In order that the senior
senator may hold some one of the boards,
Dolllver haa taken It upon himself to crit
icise many of the schedules under the Ald-rlch-Payne
bill, and in this particular he
will probably be In the publlo eye until
the senate bill passes that body and goes
to conference. "
It Is rumored that Mr. Dolllver haa re
tained. a former, expert on customs duties
Bnd called at the appraiser's office of New
York for the purpose of furnishing him
first-hand comparlaons between the Ding
ley, Payne and Aldrich bills, with a view
of showing that Instead of being a reduc
tion downward the Aldrich bill marks an
Increase of duties In the sggregate Instead
of a decrease, as desired by President Taft
and his party.
8enalor Dolllver ha generally been regu
lar. It la not often he hss been found In
revolt from the leaders of tthe annate or
ganization, but In the game of politics
Senator Dolllver Is not a "spring chicken"
snd he probably realizes that he must hold
his own with Iowa's former governor. Al
bert B. Cummins, and he la therefore out
In the tariff field to meet the doughty
warriors who still believe that protection
for every commodity Is a blessing.
Browa I.Ikes tbe Bill.
Senator Brown, who has followed tariff
debates assiduously since the report of the
senate bill, said today he th.
Aldrich bill would pasa the senata by the
16th or 20th of May and that differences
between interests were being gradually
harmonised. Senator Brown aald h would
not make a speech on pumice stone If con
cessions of three-eighths of a cent a pound
on npmiqe and lta products would be
granted by the finance committee and
which he had every reaaon to believe
would be done. lie said so-called Insur
gents In the senate were winning sub
stantial victories ant he believed that the
Aldrich-Payne bill as finally adopted would
prove to be the best tarlfr bill that has
been passed In a third of a century and
that It would meet with the wishes r .
larger number of people than any similar
measure paased for the primary purpose
of raising revenues and at the same time
giving protection to American Industries
where needed. .
Interest In to king up their fight, the re
ports of The Omaha Bee to the contrary
notwithstanding. My business Interests are
such that I thought I could net give the
attention to the duties of the office that
It required. I only accepted the commission
on the advice of my friends, who explained
to me that I could not afford to refuse It.
coming aa It did. But I want to assure
you that unless my reputation for lovalty
ahculd take a decided change, that you
will find me mora loyal at tha finish than
some of your friends that are making the
louaest protestations of faith.
"Hoping that this will find everything
going wen with you. I remain, youra sin
Governor tihallei.berger haa accepted the
letter from Colonel Fanning In the aame
aplrlt In which the colonel expected him
to receive It, and to an Inquisitive visitor
the governor announoed that ha considered
Colonel Fsnnlng one of hla best friends
and most loyal supporters.
Now It only remains for Colonel KuncI
to give up the namer of tha democrats
who tried to Induce him to resign, and
for them to be triad for iniltlng Insub
ordination in the aimy, to wipe the state
According to the governor. Colonel Fan
ning waa tha only member of tha staff
to resign, and ha te.uiered his resignation
because he did not have tlma to attend to
the duties of tlia office It requiring at
least two hours to put on all tha gold Uct
and trimmlrga
- .
The Man Who Raised It "Queer that hoss never showed any signs of being such a high stepper while I
owned him." . "
From the Des Moines Register and Leader.
Thousands of Refugees in Danger of
Thousands of Widows Left by Massa
cre Wlthoat Saaport Sarvlvora
Are Flocking; to Alex
aadretta. I
BEIRUT, April 23. The Armenlsn popu
lation of Antloch and vicinity has been
practically wiped out in the massacrea of
tha last few days by fanatical Moslems.
There are thousands of destitute Armenian
widows and orphans still In the district,
unable to get away. There is no security
anywhere In the vicinity of Antloch.
TARSUS. Asiatic Turkey. April 23.-Tha
rioting which originated at Adana broke
out here April 18. A few Armenians were
killed, the -whole Armenian quarter was
burned and the churchea were sacked.
More than 4,000 refugees are still gathered
In the yard of the American college. Their
condition la pitiable. The missionaries at
Tarsus are safe, but they are still ap
prehensive for the refugees.
Massacres are raging today In the neigh
boring Armenian vintages and Instant relief
Is needed.
ALBXANDRRTTA, April 23.-Fug1tlvs
who arrived yesterday relate that all the
Armenian villagea and settlements In tbe
Alexandretta district are being destroyed.
Nearly every Armenian dwelling has been
burned and the Armenians surviving are
lying in the open, half starved and In great
fear, especially on Friday and Sunday.
The village of Rellan, a short distance
south of Alexandretta, la holding out with
difficulty against the nomad tribesmen.
The British warship which sailed to re
lieve Deurtyul, an Armenian village on
the coast, returned to Alexandretta today
without having accomplished anything.
Tha commander of the vessel applied to
tha governor of the district for permission
to land a relief party, but lie waa refused.
Two mora British war vessels are ex
pected here shortly. One of the other for
eign warships In port left today for Beirut
ALEPPO. Asiatic Turkey. April 21-Many
refugeea have arrived here from the Alex
andretta district. Their condition la mis
erable. Intense alarm exists amonr the
Armenians still alive of a recurrence of the
attacka upon them.
Raffocated I
a Hotel.
April 23. In a fire
early today which only nightly damaged
the Little xortc notei Hyron Allen, an em
ploye, waa aunocatea 10 aeath.
It might be call
ed "The Shopper's
Guide", but the
heading used is
" Everything for
Advertisements are all of in
terest to our women readers
that run together under this
heading on the want-ad page.
You always know where to
find these, and they cover a
variety of things not adver
tised elsewhere.
Hava you read
tha want ads rat
Horse He Sold for a
Slump in Wheat
: is Still On at the
Chicago Market
Demoralization General in Grain Tits,
Corn Dropping More Than
Four Cents.
CHICAGO, April 2J. Demoralisation waa
general today in the gTaln pits on the
Board of Trade, heavy liquidation, which
caused the sensational slump in wheat
prices yesterday, having extended to coarse
grain. During the first few minutes of
trading July wheat aold ofr to $1.0!,, which
waa cents below the low point of the
preceding session. Corn for May delivery
broke more than i cents from the best
mark of the previous day, declining early in
the day to 87H centa per bushel.
At tha point there waa a moment's
hesitation and a fractional recovery. Then
July com broke further to 9i centa. May
corn, which at the best point yesterday
sold at 72 cents, declined today to 67H cents
on early trades.
May wheat tumbled to S1.20.
' The recent big slump In wheat prices waa
checked at leaat temporarily today by
profit-taking by shorts and in the absence
of particular pressure. Msy wheat closed
IHo and July iigc over yesterday. Corn
declined heavily early, but regained most
of the loss late In the session.
New Carriers and Postmasters.
WASHINGTON. D. C. April 23.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Rural carriers appointed: Ne
braska. Bayard, route 1, Barl C. Duncan,
carrier: no substitute. 8outh Dakota, Am
herst, route 1, John W. Sprousc, carrier;
Geneva M. Sprouse, substitute.
Iowa postmasters appointed: Barney,
Madison county, Milton Stephenson, vice
8. Beardley, resigned: Morrison, Grundy
county. Miss Marie Jensen, vice R. F. Jen
sen, resigned.
Castro Says He's Still Sick;
Captain Disagrees With Him
ST. NAZAIRE, April 23.-The ateamshtp
Versailles, with Ciprlano Caatro, the de
posed president of Venezuela, aboard, ar
rived here at daylight. An Intimate friend
of Castro and a number of Venesuelana
and Journalists boarded tha vessel as soon
aa possible. Castro had not emerged from
hla cabin and his friends were the first to
reach him. When the frlenda appeared
after fifteen minutes he announced that
Senor Castro still complained of being ill
and that he had suffered severely from the
rolling of the ship. The captain of the
Versalllea took a contrary view, however,
saying Castro appeared to be in fairly good
condition and during the voyage had ap
peared frequently on deck, talking with
compatriots and gesticulating with them.
Before Benor Caatro left his cabin hs
sent for a newspaper correspondent, and
sitting up In bed with a nightcap on, de
livered a long and rambling harangue.
His remarks were directed principally
against the United Statea for "playing into
the handa of hla enemies In Venezuela and
sending warships to follow his movements."
He declared Venexuela waa loat If the
people submitted like slavea to foreign
In spite of hla assertion that he did not
know what he was going to do It later be
came clear that had planned to go to Paris.
His baggage was taken ashore and placed
on a Ualn and he left at once for tha
Aa tha train waa leaving for Paris. Caa
tro addressed tha assembled newspaper
men aa foilews:
"I waa expelled from Martinique under!
Former President Spends First Night
Under Canvas in Africa.
CaraTss Consists of SAO Persons,
with Seventy-Three Tents aad
Nine Horses Lions Prowl
A boat Camp.
KAPITT PLAINS. British East Africa,
April 23. Theodore Roosevelt has reached
the hunting grounds and tonight he will
spend his first night In Africa under can
vas. A big camp haa been established
near the railroad station here for the
Roosevelt expedition and last night lions
were prowling around in the vicinity of
the tents. The country is green owing to
the recent rains and there is every pros
pect of good sport. The commoner varie
ties of game are plentiful and the hunts
men will lost no time In getting started on
their shooting trips. The special train
bearing the Roosevelt party from Mom
basa arrived here at half past ona o'clock
this afternoon. Only one member tt the
party got off at Kaplti Plains, F. J. Jack
son, tha acting governor of the protec
torate, and the other ofriclals who came
up from Mambaaa continued on to Nolobl,
Tha camp established for Mr. Roosevelt
Is most elaborate. The caravan will have
a total of 200 followers. There are thir
teen tents for the Europeans and their
horses and sixty tents ror the porters. An
American flag Is flying over the tent to
c-e occupied by Mr. Roosevelt.
Porters Greet Roosevelt.
All the native porters of the expedition
were lined up on the platform when the
Roosevelt special pulled In and as Mr.
Roosevelt stepped down from tha train
they shoute.1 a salute in his honor. In
response Mr. Roosevelt raised his hat.
bit. itoosevelt was welcomed at the ata-
(Contlnued on Fifth Pane.)
pressure exerted by the United Statea
Europe soon will repent of the action
taken against me. The United Statea al-
""a laaen Cuba and Pans
ma, and
vno American government
n.ltted Its first act against the sovereignty
of Veneiuela."
Tweatr-Flva Members Inspect t'hl.
ceae Iralaae Canal la Aatom -bllra
and I.aenrhra.
now com-
JOL1ET, III.. April 23.-Twenty.flv. mem
bers of the various committees Interested
In the construction of a Lake-to-the-Gulf
deep waterway began the Inspection here
today of the Chicago drainage canal, which
Is Intended as the first link In the all-water
route to the gulf. The trip along the canal
will be made In automobllee and launches.
Secretary Cob am .,. K.iHn, OJr
Will Assonnt to 400,000 Arres
In Kansas.
'TOPEKA, Kin., April 2.-Secretary F
D. Coburn of the Rtste Board of Agricul
ture. In a statement Issued today, says
there has been a decrease of 400.000 acres in
wheat In Kanaas, compared with last year.
Ha placaa the acreage at ,Ou0,O0O and the
average condition at S per cent. There are
few Insect pasts and conditions are poorest
In tha eastern and southeastern section.
Hundred and Fifty Deputies Favor
Removal of Sultan from t&o
" Throne.
First Appearance in Public Since
Beginning of Revolution.
He it Given Ovation on Way to
Weekly Service.
Avenae Over Whirs "niton Walks la
Freshly Coaled with 'White Hand
and Lined nils Troops
Four Deep.
CONSTA NTINOrLB April 3.-It Is re
ported here today that at the secret aes
sion of national assembly held at San
Stefano yesterday 150 doputies voted In
favor of the deposition of the sultan.
The sultan appeared upon the streets of
Constantinople today and waa greeted by
the people with erica of adoration. With a
mask-like countenance and hla head sunk
between his stooped1 shoulders he acknowl
edged the salutations of the throng by
curt nods.
The occasion of his masjesty's appear
ance was his regular Friday visit to tha
White mosque outside the walla of Tlldla
Kiosk, a ceremony known aa the Selamllk.
It waa the first time the sultan had been
seen In public since the revolutionary out
break of April 13.
On the word that the Selamllk would
occur tod'ay the people In great numbers
made their way to greet tha atiltan. From
the gate ot the palace enclosure to the
mosque the broad driveway waa lined on
either side by the picked regiments of the
army. Every point of vantage waa occu
pied by the soldiery and the mosque was
completely surrounded by them. Regiments
of cavalry filled a nearby open field.
Walks Over White Band.
The avenue leading from the mosque to
the palace gate, freshly aprlnkled with
white sand, that the sultan might have an
undeflled path to hla place of worship, was
lined four and six feet deep by the troops
of tho empire. Back of the soldiers th
people gathered In a dense throng. At noon
the gates were thrown open and the sultan
appeared In hla customary victoria, H
drove the ehort distance to the mosqu
and at once entered to say hla prayers
After the completion of his devotions hi
returned by the same way ho came and
disappeared through the broad portal Into
the guarded precincts ot his palace.
Aa the sultan drove by the terrace ol
white stone used by distinguished visitors
to watch . hla passage to and from tha
mosque, he looked carefully to see if any
of the ambassadors were present. None
was there, however, aa they had, by com
mon consent, agreed to remain away. The
terrace was occupied by a large gathering
of foreign visitors and junior members of
the various diplomatic missions.
His majesty's customary uniform, that
of a field marshal, was covered today by
an old gray overcoat that he haa not
worn for years. This garment Is commonly
believed to have a lining cf fine ateet mail,
and hla majesty certainly looked thicker
through the body today than he does when
lie Is receiving In the palace.
Victory for Vaana; Tnrka.
Tho Toung Turks have won another vic
tory over Sultan Abdul Hamld. but whether
the sultan will remain aa sovereign of
the empire is yet to be decided, although
he has offered to place the affaire of gov
ernment entirely In the hands of the intn
lstera responsible to Parliament.
Tewflk Paaha, the grand vlxier, today
arranged a compromise with certain in
fluential constltutlonallsU, and tills was
approved by the aultan personally, but
double exist whether thla agreement will
be accepted by the majority of the com
mlttee of union and progress or by enough
of the military group to carry It into
In addition to promising to withdraw
himself from administrative actlvitlea tha
aultan agreea to a change In the per
aonnel of the troopa guarding the palace
and the replacing of the Constantinople
aarneon Dy iroopa rrom the corps which
has practically been investing tbe city
for four days.
Patten Fishes
as Wheat Drops
Chicago Operator Ami Himielf with
Trout Tackle and Lunch Basket
for Day'i Relaxation.
TRrNIDAD, Cola, April 23.-Clad In J
khaki auit and armed with a reel and trout
line, Jamea A. Patten, Chicago wheat king,
and for the present the sphinx of the
Rockies, set forth today to catch trout.
He seemed unconcerned about tha af
fali a of tho Chicago a heat pit aa the
Mexican herders on the ranch. The
neareat lie came to discussing the wheat
situation was when he directed that a lib
eral aupply be packod lu his lunch basket.
He waa accompanied on his fishing trip
by H. W. Adams and Clarence Colvln of
Denver, ttw latter a guest at tha Barllolt
ranch. Mr. Adams said that Mr. Patten
proposed to spend the next few days fish
ing. According to the men at the ranch the
broker haa not seen a newspaper or re
ceived a message from Chicago since Tues
day. Mr. Patten slept thirteen hours last
night and set about enacting the role of
hermit with apparently as great deter
mination as he would plan a coup In wheat.
Katarallsed C'ltlsen Charged with
Attempt to Incite Mnllny
la Army.
ST. PKTERSnURQ. April 23 -8tefan Du
broasky, a naturalised American tltixen,
aas ii r ten ted here to-lay for complicity In a
plot to Incite mutiny In a local garrison.
Incriminating literature waa found In his
lodging. The mm explained he was keep
ing this for a friend. Dubsowsky some
time ago, on a simliar chsrge, spent four
months In prison.
Dubrousky was. born in Warsaw. When
In America he lived at Newark. N. J., hut
he has been la Europe since 1W1