Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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    THK HKE: OMAHA. TODAY. APRIL 23. 1000.
$25.00. $29.50 $35.00 On
1 $15.00
Saturday we will hold the greatest value giving
Ladies Suit Sale ever held in Omaha. Nearly
400 Fine Tailored Ladies Suits, all easily
worth $25.00. $29.50 and $35.00. Your choice
Saturday at $15.00.
Fight on Designation as Reicrre
City Surprises Bankers.
Maaie Illy IMea Will Make Trip
Washington la Their Own
Behalf -City Light
4 5
909 APRIL 1909
12 3
6 7 8 9 10
II Z 13 14 15 16 17
IS 19 20 21 22 23 24
25262728 2930
Kit Boot Print It.
Kaalcnr Sota Edholm. Jeweler,
ftaaolpa I. Bwoteda. Publlo
auaehart, photographer, ltlh at Kar.iam.
Walkop Baal Satata Co, Mt Vaxtoa
photo, removed to IS and Howard.
Sa."taala Ufa Polkles, sight drafu at
maturity. H. D. Neely, mtupr, Oman.
ota far greedier a. Brnokar for couujli
man of the 1) If Hi ward on tne dtunovraitc
W, at. Taosaaa. SOS First National Ban
Bldg., lend money on Omaha raal eatat
n iudii of SMO to 10.000. Prompt rvlc
SUx Par Oamt Ti. aa Barings Aeooaate
11.00 to ,000 by Nebraska Savings and
Lo in Aiaoclation. Board of Trade buiid
Inf.. Organised lSs5.
Bnrglar Balsaa h Wiaaow A burglar
mined a window at C. E. Lathrop's drug
store, 13L't North Twenty-fourth street,
Wednesday night, and stole It In nlckelt
and pcnnlca and a 32-caliber revolver.
atoyal Highlanders firlye a Ball The
Riiyal Highlanders give a ball at Fraternity
hall Friday evening, which la planned to
' be one of the largest toclal affaire known
for sumo .line tn fraternal aoclety circle
ninety Days for Two Pairs of Plata
Ninety days In Jail for stealing two pairs
of trousers waa the sentence given
Charles Gray In police court . Tftursday.
He was arrested by OflceVobprJJ, Tuqs
" 'dy: r ' ' , .''' ;
Have you got a aneaoe on the Fidelity
nml Casualty company'e accident policy
btlrg raffled at the Elk's falrT The one
that pays J100 a week the rest of your life
for disability donated by II. IS. Palmer,
Son-4 Co?
Dogs Getting Clear of tbe Wire Nearly
660 Ung tags were sold the first three
dayo and the city treasury hss been en
rlrlied by $600. The clerk's office was
closed . Thursday, Arbor day, but many
battered at the door during the day seek
ing ' admission with their untagged ca
nines. Over 7.000 tags have been pro
vided fur the dog population of Omaha.
Pnneral of Miss Trances J. Baker The
funeral of Mis? Krsnces J. Baker, the
Methodist foreign missionary worker,
writer and editor who died Sunday of
pneumonia, was held Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. The service took place at
the residence of her brother, George II.
Baker, 1021 North Thirty-fourth atreet.
The body w ill ie taken to Hudson, Mich.,
the old home of the family, for burls I.
Maay visitors on their way to the Elk'
fair have paused to wsu.ii, with smiles, the
efforts of an automaton, who apparently
la bound for the same destination as they,
el n-ver gets outside his circle In the
Walk-Over 8hoe store window. This won
derful miniature man walking over ahoes
has attracted crowds of sightseers, who
marveled at the almost humanlike move
ments of a pedestrian. He will cesse his
travels when the fair closes, and every
inJiu, woman and child In the city should
take advantage of the few remaining days
in viewing Omaha's exceptional novelty.
funeral of Mrs. Aaa Welhura The fu
neral of Mrs. Ann Welburn, who died
Wednesday night, is to be held Friday
afternoon at the home of her daughter,
Mra. William Taylor, 1S07 North iell
tioth atreet. The service will begin at
S o'clock and will be In charge of Dean
ti. A. Beccher and Washington lodge,
dogree of honor. Burial will be in Mount
Hope cemetery.
Colored Kaa Bound Over For breaking
and entering a In Ion Pacific box car and
stealing $8 woith of lead. George William,
colored, waa bound over to the district
cuurl by Police Judge Crawford Thurs
day . lie waived examination. On the
complaint with lt name . waa that of
Bennie . Thomas, who Is jointly charged
with the burglary. Willie Jackson, the
a Union Pacific train between Green River
and Bryan, Wyo. The possibility of any
valuable mall from Omaha having gone
astray through the loss of the mall pouch
will not be known for two or three days
yet, through complaint coming from
parties who may have had mall on that
Fifty-Two Men
File Petitions
for Four Places
List of Candidates for Fire and
Police Board Reaches This Total,
Time Having Expired.
President and Vice of National Body
Come on Convention Errand.
President and Other Officers of e
braska t alon Will Meet the
tloaat Leaders Here to
Dlarasa Plans.
Fifty-two candidates for the Board of
Fire and Police Commissioners and six can
didates for city engineer have filed with
the city clerk petitions asking that their
names be placed upon the ballot at the
forthcoming city election. The time limit
for filing was 6 o'clock Wedneaday after
noon, v. F. Kuncl, for the excise board,
being the last to file.
The following are the candidates for the
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners:
Lysle I. Abbott. . Anton Indn.
,,iie Aitnaus. jotin r jepsen.
Robert J. Aitchlson. Charlea J. Karbach.
Norman Atcheson. Willlnm I. Kierstead.
A. I. Anderaon. B. J. Korean.
Charlea J. Anderson. V. F. Kuncl.
John U. Brandt.
C. W. Brltt.
Bdward Brooks.
W. B. Christie.
Michael U Clarke.
Oeorge Cott
John Q. Coffey.
Dan J. Connell.
J. P. Connolly.
Thorn 8. Crocker.
Thomas II. bailey.
J. II. Davis.
Nick Dargacsewskl.
A. J. Donahoe.
John J. Donovan.
Fred 11. Hoye.
Thomas W. Ha sen. '
B. It. I .arson.
John ID. Kesgan.
Flank Rogers.
Charles A. Schramm.
Bam W. Scott.
Otto Slemesen.
Theodore. A. Spratlen
Monroe .". Steele.
Joseph Stein.
Henry E. Maxwell.
August Myer.
Thomas It. Norrls.
Fred K. Parker.
John Powe.
William F. -Wapptch.
r. J. Westerdahl.
William White.
John J. Wetmore.
William M. Oilier.
Warren !. Hamilton. Elmer E.
William J. Hunter.
The six who filed for city engineer are:
William Anderson. Arnold Koen'.g.
Oeorge W. Craig. M. J. Lacr.
John P. Crick. Thomas Shaw.
Boys Engage in
Balloon Contest
Elks Release Number of Them and
Reward Finders Liberally
One Not Heard From.
There was a lively contest yesterday
smong four boys as to who ahould get th
prlss for finding a balloon sent up from
the Auditorium by the management pf the
Elks' fair and which alighted near For
tieth and Hamilton streets.
Clarence Swan was on the spot and se
cured the certificate attached to the air
voyiger, but three other boy a pounced on
It about the same time and the quartet
appeared en maese at the Auditorium to
claim the prise, which was a valuable
pockelbpok. Swan carried the credentials,
however, and carried off the trophy. Soma
of the balloon have not been heard from.
One which carried the moat valuable prize
la thought to have dropped in the river
and ha not been een. '
Testerday was bargain day at the fair
and many of the patrons secured valuable
articles for little money. It cost Q. H.
Bchoedsack Just ten cent ti annex a fine
cut glats dish, while Herman Mets secured
an olectrlc chafing dish and C. F. l.etson
became the owner of a stein for the same
money. There was a number of other
bargains equally as good.
The only five and ten cent bank In
Omaha Is located at the fair, and F. J.
McShane, Jr., la cashier. The purpoe of
the bank I to furnish patron of the fair
with small change, and the idea that those
who are conducting the finance of the
fair belong to the Order of Buffaloea and
raver give back any change la proven ab
solutely wltlmit foundation.
The crowd last night was much larger
than that of the night before and every
body wore a amile that pimply wouldn't
almost every day and tliere Is no let-up
In the Interest which the event is.cajs'.ng.
Statewide prohibition In Kentucky msy
be to most people a bright dream the ful
fillment of which is remote, but Mrs. Lll
llan It. N. Stevens, president of the Na
tional Women's Christian Temperance
union, says she counts Kentucky most
likely to be the next stste to adopt pro
hibition. Nebraska, Ohio. Indiana and Mis
souri she list with the hopeful also.
Mrs. Stevens and Miss Anna Gordon, vice
president of the National Women's Chris
tian Temperance union, arrived In Omaha
Thursday morning from Evanston, 111., for
a fortnight's conference with local temper
ance workers in preparation for the enter
tainment of the annual convention of the
National Women's Christian Temperance
union, to b held here October 22-2? this
Mrs. Stevens Is frank to confess there
was method in the selection of Omaha as
the meeting place of the convention this
Milwaukee and Baltimore both worked
hard for It, but prospects for results were
brightest in Nebraska, ao it invitation was
. Mrs. Stevens counts prohibition In Ten
nessee the signal victory for the cause the
last year and claims for the Women's
Christian Temperance union a share In
bringing it about.
"The national convention was held at
Nashville two years ago and -its educative
force waa felt throughout the state." ah
Mrs. Stevens laughed at the cry againtt
the . o'clock closing law.
"It is a step In advance," she said, "and
we believe that where there Is the senti
tnent to enact such laws there will be
Bentiinent enough to enforce them. Such
regulation Is right, and if it does not work
out well make a change in your officials
Instead of the law and see what that will
do for you.
I.Ike the Kaox BUI.
Mrs. Stevens and Miss Gordon count the
Knox bill the most effective national
legislation that has been projected in .the
interest of temperance and while it is
still far from what they hope ultimately
It Is a vast Improvement and will materially
strengthen the work In prohibition states
"We expect the Omaha convention will
be the largest ever held," Mis. Stevens
said. "The Women's Christian TemDeranc
union is the largest woman's organisation
in the world and every delegate at Its con
ventlons represents a constituency of 600.
There will be at least 600 delegates at the
Omaha meeting and at least 1.000 visitors
are being planned for besides. Ex-Oovcrnor
Glenn of North Carolina will be
one of the speakers. The meeting of
the executive board of the union will Im
mediately precede the convention. This
body has. 130 membera and carries an Im
portant Tart of the work."
Mrs. franco B. Heald. president and
several other offlcera of the Nebraska
Women's Christian Temperance union, will
come tn Omaha Friday morning and spend
the rest of the week here in conference
with Mrs. Steven and Miss Gordon. Sun
day they will go to Lincoln for a day or
two. but will return. They have apart
ments at the Paxton hotel, where the con
Terence will be held.
li-year-old colored boy who was connected j come off. New feature are being a
with th case, ha been turned over to
Probation Officer Bernstein. . j
. Potato lot Case Settled A fine of i
and costs- for trespassing on three lots
vn which Henry Ruisell had planted po
tatoes was imposed on David B. Dawson
'ny police court Thursday morning, both
men claimed a lease on the ground, but
Rujsell convinced the Judge that he had
a prior claim to tbe lots and that Daw tun
had no right to place a "Keep Off" algn
an them. The ground in question i lo
cated near Thirty-ninth atieet and Cam
den avenue,' near which both men live.
Teay Bess Pleas Wot Owilty On the
charge of 'cutting Bert Bird on the night
of April 1C with intent to do great bodily
-Injury. Tony Rosso, an Italian, wus i
' I signed in police court Thursday. He
. plead not guilty and the caaa was aet fur
.hearing May 1.. in order to give the police
. chance 40 collect evidence and wait tor
Bird's recovery. Rosso's bond waa ftxtd
at f l,oi0. Bird and Harry Johnaon, the
other man who waa seriously cut, are
still at the Wis hospital, but are re
ported aa recovering.
Doat Iww boat Oataaa Mall The
Omaha posioffice authorities have not been
. able to learn whether there waa any valus-
uia mail I rum uniana in in rrgii.erea i
pouch stolen or Just Sunday plghl from J
Washington Hall
Meeting Big One
Republican Rally There Friday Night
Will Be Biggest Thus Far
This Campaign.
neoaellraa Meetlags.
Friday Washington hall, Eighteenth be
tween Harney and Howard streets, mass
meeting. Speakers: John P. Breen. Harry
Lastly It msy be mentioned that there B. Kimman and Oeorge D. Meiklejohn. Mo
ire Mill a few opportunities left to secure Kenna's hall, Sherman avenue and Locust
one of the million-dollar Boston bull pup j streel, Fifth Ward Republican club,
which Captain Motyn and Detective Andy Speakers: Harry B. Zlmman and candl
Patullo are personally loohlng after. Notti- I dates. Fontanelle club rooms. 1610 Howard
Ir.g ui the building attract more atten- treet. Breen Boosters Club for Young
ttnn than these two little bullet-headed Mn. Speaker: George D. Melkeljohn
thoroughbreds, and th lucky man who ae
cirres on of them will have (ootethlng
to be proud of.
snd H. B. Zlmman.
j Saturday Magnolia hall, Twenty-fourth
' sireet and A me avenue. Twelfth Ward
I Republican club. Speaker: Harry B. Zim
1 man and D. A. K. Chas.
Disease Germs
Cannot harm healthy human
bodiea. Wi cannot havo healthy
bodies unleaa wo have pure blood,
-the kind of blood that Hood'a
taraaparllla make.
This (rreat medicine has an nn
r quailed, ungpproached record for pari
( mg and enriching the blood.
It carta scrofula, eccema, eruptions,
catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous
ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, long
of appetite, general debility, and builds
up the whole system.
Oct it today la' lh eu! liquid form or la
ekmlels4 UUUt Krm eaW Barwiabe,
The mass meeting called for Weaning.
: ton hall for Friday night will be the
i !hrs.t nisetina held ao far turln tl,
clly campaign. While two oilier meeting
will be held the ame night, one at Mu
Kenna' hall or, Sherman avenue and the
other In the Fontanelle club room, under
the ajspirea of the Breen Booster, plans
are being made to make the Washington
hall meeting one of greater Importance.
John I- Kennedy will preside at thla
meeting, and addresses will be msde by
George V. Melkeljohn, formerly assistant
secretary of war; Councilman Harry R.
, Zlmman. 8. A. Searles, manager of Cap
j tain Palmer's pie-nrlmary campaign, and
J John P. Breen, nominee for mayor.
E. F. Felda and J. C. French, repre
senting the Interests of the South Omaha
rational banks, expect to go to Washing
ton to wait on the comptroller of the cur
rency on the matter of the application of
the South Omaha banks to make South
Omaha a reserve city. It Is understood
that some of the Omaha banks protest
against this action and urge the comp
troller to withhold approval of the peti
tion of South Omaha pn the ground that
the two cities are practically one and make
use of the same clearing house.
The comptroller, according to dispatches.
has decided to give a hearing aa soon as
the South Omaha representatives cm ar
range the date pf the same. Vntll that
time no action on the application will be
J. C. French of the South Omaha Na
tional bank said. In explanation yesterday
afternoon: "The advantage of making
South Omaha a reserve city Is this: Na
tional banks In cities of less than 26,000
population are required to keep a IS per
cent reserve of their deposits. Of this sum
three-fifths Is kept in the vault of the
bank and two-fifths, at the option of th
bank, may be deposited In a reserve city.
Any city which has the consent of three
fourths of the national banks may apply
for the privilege pf becoming a reserve
city, provided the population la over 26,000.
It msy be resdlly seen from the large busi
ness done In the state, from South Omaha
aa a center. It would be to the advantage
of country banks to deposit their reserve
In South Omaha to meet conditions of the
live stock market.
Protest Come aa Barprlse.
"We applied for the privilege some time
ago and had no Idea that any of the
Omaha banks would enter an objection.
Most of the South Omaha banks are affili
ated with national banks In Omaha. Th
point to the. objection seems to be thai
South Omaha and Omaha are under the
same clearing house association. Undoubt
edly, If South Omaha becomes a reserve
city, It will draw off some of the reserve
now enjoyed exclusively by the Omaha
Mr. Folds and myself expect to start
for Washington as soon as we hear defi
nitely of the date set for the hearing. I
presume this dste will be about Saturday."
F. W. Clark, cashier of the Union Stock
Tards National bank, spent part of the
dsy Wednesday in the office pf the city
clerk preparing data for use before the'
comptroller to show the volume of busi
ness done In South Omaha, as revealed
by the clerk's record, and the claim which
the banks of the city advance for recognition.
Ughtlng Bids Passler.
The city council Is to have a special
meeting as a committee of the whole
ome time before the close of the week
to Investigate the lighting proposition.
The new company has apparently the ad
vantage of the bid for the city lighting
by 15, having placed a bid for tho public
light at $70 per arc. ' It I unknown,
however, whether the ew company In
tends to enter the field of commerciil
lighting. If not, the Omaha Electric
Light and Power1' cotrlpkny come for
ward with the argument fhat the royally
now paid on private ' lighting would
amount to 17 per lamp for each public
light. This would make the bid 2
cheaper than the bid of the new company,
to say nothing of the taxes to be pal.l
by the company which has so large a
system of private distributing lines.
The new company offer to produce
commercial current for 12 cents per
kilowatt hour and 6 cents excess, while
the Omaha Electric Light and Power
company offers the current at 14 cent3
and 6 cents.
If It Is the Intent of the new company
to produce commercial current In com
petition with the old company it will be
obliged to pay a royalty of S per cent
of its gross earntnga. It is likely that
the new company will make It clear to
the council before the matter Is tsken
up in the committee of the whole Just
how far it will aeek to supply commercial
If the new company gets the contract
the old company will be relieved from
paying the royalty and will be able with
out loss to reduce about i of a cent
the price to the consumer. But with the
advantage of an established system the
Omaha company would doubtless meet
any price proposed.
Adair In (loath Omaha,
Lou Adair wa lodged in the South Omaha
Jail yesterday. lie i said to be chief of
a gang of daring men who have broken
into and robbed many freight car in
Omaha, South Omaha and suburban points.
He wss captured with a number of hi
associates a few nights ago while making
away with a wagon load of meat, which
was secured In South Omaha. Thla capture
was made near Papllllon on the Papio. The
Sarpy county authorities and the railroad
secret ervlce as well as three or four
Omaha detectives figured in the capture,
which was an exciting chapter. A revolver
battle occurred, In which twenty-five shots
were fired; In spite of whlhh no one was
hit. and one of the suspected men escaped.
Since the car of meat was broken Into
in South Omaha, Adair waa placed In the
South Omaha Jail and will be arraigned In
police court as soon as the county attorney
fixea a time. Adair said yetterday that
he would waive his preliminary hearing,
but wanted an attorney, so that the bond
might be made as low aa possible. He sal. I
he could furnish a reasonable bond and
did not propose to lie in Jail.
As the Isiter days of the fourth month
of 1909 approach. It appears that the South
Omaha market Is to show gsins in receipt
for the year, if the splendid gait of the
last two months Is kept up. Already the
receipts In sheep show an Increase of over
80,000 head. This gain has been Heady
from the first of the year. January and
February showed a big decrease In hog
and a moderate decrease In cattle over
19US. For the first time yesterday the de
crease in cattle was wiped out and the
comparative statement shows a gain of 60i.
Iso the derrestie. which wss at
nearly 200,000, has been cut down
lo ffi.OOH. This msy all disappear In a
week. Th cold and backward spring will
have the effect of sending a lot of rattle
to market which ordmarily would have
gone to the pasture.
Magle City Uoaaln.
Th Christian church ha engaged the
South Omaha High school auditorium for
an entertainment entitled the "rodunk
Umtted." The object I to boost the build
ing fund.
B. Lynch. n North Twenty-fifth street
report the birth of a son.
Jetter'a Gold Top Boer delivered to any
pact of the city. Telepnon No. S
The Smith Omaha Owls had a fin cele
bration and fesat last night at Eagle hall.
Charle Brlsco wss fined M and costs In
police court yesttrday on a vagrancy
Th South Omaha High school Alumni
association met last evening at tha high
school building.
Th Eaaie will go to Benson Sundsy.
leaving South Omaha at 1:30 to Join with
Benson and Florence In memorial servicea
Charles Dunham, assistant cashier of th
on a business trip to th northern part
th state.
Furnished Horn for Rent-Modern In
every particular. Inquire Arthur M. Howe,
6m North 24th St.. South Omaha. Tel,
Bouth M.
Th address by John Itsptlat last night
at the Baptist church wss largely attended
and his comments on the Turkish crisis
were apt and Interesting.
A delegation of twelve men from the
American Federation of Labor brought tn
Information to The Be office last evening
that a local union of the retail clerka had
been organised In South Omaha with a
memberhlp of forty-eight. Th greatest
cau of rejoicing to the delegation wa th
favorable attitude taken by the employer
of this class of labor.
The Indian Medicine Ma.
can croduce root ana nems ior
ailment, and cure dlsessee that baffle our
most skilled physlclana. who have spent
vears In the study of drugs.
From th roots and herb of th field
originated Lydla E. Plnkhsms Vegetsble
rnmnnnnd. which for thirty years has
proved more potent and efficacious In
curing female Ills than any combination
of drug known.
Young Man
Commits Suicide
to End Troubles
Unemployed and in Financial Diffi
culty He Inhales Gas,
and Dies.
Worry over lack of employment and
mistake In money matters, the ubequent
breaking off of his engagement with Miss
Mary Soukup by her and his being dis
owned by hi parents for hia mistake,
caused Joseph Merts, 22 yeara of age, who
lived with his parents at 1613 South Fourth
atreet. to commit suicide by taking an
ounce of laudanum and Inhaling gaa at the
Lyons hotel, 109 South Thirteenth street,
Wednesdsy night. He waa found in a crlt
leal condition and unconscious at 7 o'clock
Thursday morning by Night Clerk W. H.
Jester. The man was removed In the po
lice patrol to St. Joseph's hospital, where
he died.
Miss Mary Soukup. who lives at 1310
Bouth Twelfth street and works at the
Voerele & Dinning candy factory, 131S
Jones street, was the fiancee of the young
man. He left a sealed ajid stamped letter
Washable Suits
IFof Boys
Why not dress that froltcaome boy
In one of these very eervlceable and
Inexpensive "Plaj in-the-DIrt" Suits?
They're made ot excellent wgghable
materials Including plain and fancy
linen in a variety of beautiful color
ings. These suits are unusually welt
made, will fit perfectly and yet allow
great freedom of movement.
We show them In Russian and
Bailor blouse styles for boys from 8
to 10 years old.
The qualities we offer are really
exceptional values for the money.
Prices range from
Sl.OO to 4r.OO
Rapid Development of Texas Boy Due Tm New
Cooper Treatment.
Parents who have weak, puny, delicate , elded to try Coper's .New Discovery, which
children will be interested In the story of j had been highly recommended by respon-
e Arthur H.rtm.nn, Jr.. of Houston, '"' P'rons. I make no exaggeration when
I say his condition chanaed for the better
Texas, which was recently brought to ... v,rv flr.t dllv Mv. ., th. aatm,r
publlo notice. He is the son of A. R. j medicine, and his rapid Improvement was
Hartmann, a steam engineer, who for- 1 a delight to see.
merly lived at 201 Hutchlna street, IIous-1 "His bowels were thoroughly cleansed,
ton, Texaa. but has since removed outside his appetite increased, he gained strength,
th city limits and lives on one of the rural I and soon began to play and show signs of
routes. , life and health. We gave hlra the New Dls-
Regardlng his little boy's illness and sub- covery about ten weeks, by which time he
sequent recovery, Mr. Hartmann Bays: "My waa entirely recovered. He la now three
to be mailed to her. When Informed of his baby boy was sick for two yesrs. He had years old and weighs forty pounds, or. In
attempt to kill himself Miss Soukup said: an attack of inflammation of the stomach j other worda he gained nineteen pounds
Well, I guess he knew what he was do- 1 an(j intestines, and later suffered from In-' while taking the Cooper medicine.
Ing. I broke off our engagement with him I digestion. I consulted several doctors, but "We feel deeply-jrratefut for what Coop
and didn't want anything more to do with j tney COuld prescribe nothing In the wsyjer's New Discovery has done for our little
him. Four weeka ago he received by mis- ftf tooA that wouia ..res with him. and boy-ln fact. I do not believe he would
although I spent hundreds of dollars for : have been with us now were it not for
drugs, tonics, patent foods, etc., ' there! thla splendid medicine,"
seemed to be no hope of pulling him! Cooper's New Discovery is now on salo
through. by ail druggists everywhere. It Is a boon
"I was not a believer in advertised rem- to stomach sufferers. A sample bottle sent
edles, especially for children, but when so free upon request by addressing The Coop
many doctors had failed to help him, I de- j er Medlolne Company, Dayton, Ohio.
take about 17 more pay than he Is sup
posed to get. He left town for three weeks
snd when he came back hla folks wouldn't
tske him back and I broke the engage
ment. We met for the last time last night.
He had been sick and had other trouble
over which he had been worrying, but no
one supposed he might attempt to kill
Following are extracts from the letter,
which waa dated April 21 and written on
the reverae side of a letter sent by Miss
Soukup to htm on Her Grsnd stationery
and under date of February 19:
My Dear IJttle Loving O'rl: T esn't
stand for this talk any longer. I told you
the truth about that money, but people
talk so. It was not my mistake I had no
Intention of getting more. I alwaya loved
you. Forgive nie and th act I am doing
now. Hop you will forget everything.
Don't forget your muffler and handker
chief. My ht tears and kiss. Tour lost,
broken-hesrted sweetheart, JOE.
Young Merts had worked as a press
feeder for th Waters Printing company,
but a receipt found In his clothes showed
that he had been recently paying them
money. One or two addresses and th
card of a salary loan firm were also In a
People psst middle life ususTly have soma
kidney or bladder disorder that saps the
vitality, which Is naturally lower In old
age. Foley' Kidney Remedy corrects
urinary troubles, stimulate th kidneys,
and restore strength and vigor. It cures
uric acid trouble by strengthening the kid
neys so they will strain out the urlo acU
that settles In the muscles and Jrints, caus
ing rheumatism. Sold by al) druggists
Man Arrnaed of stealing Alma Jark
son's Horse and Bnajgy Is
One of Them.
Joseph Cully, under charge of horse steal
ing, and Iou Adair, under charge of break
ing Into and robbing box cars, were ar
raigned In police court at South Omaha
Thursday morning. Both men wsived pre
llmmsry examination snd the former was
bound over under 2.000 ball and the latter
under $1,000. Neither of the men waa able
to furnish bonds snd both were committed
to the county Jail.
Cully Is the man who is charged with
stealing Alma Jackson's horse st Twenty
sixth and Q streets Monday afternoon. He
was arrested in Bellevue after having
been suspected by Fred Iske.
Most Food la Polaoa
t Hie dyspeptic. Eh-rtrlc Bitters cure dy
spepsia, liver and kidney complaints and
debility. Price Me. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
In hogs all
ne time n
Th People Store Boy the Knllre
Line of ladles' Sample Salt
from Reran a 4t Tarkel, 19
to 84 W. ITtfa Street,
w York City.
Saturday we will place on sale sam
ple suits bought from the above concern.
They sre msde right and made of the new
est mateilala in the best and latest stylet.
They sre one snd two of a kind. Ladles'
and misses' suits that are positively worth
$25 we will place on sale Saturday for
cash or easy payments at the one price of
Young Men
Note These Clothes
We've a wealth of styles like these.
They, are made by Ederheimer-Stein, the
famous makers of Young Men's clothes.
They make no clothes for the older men.
They cater to young men alone.
You may as well have your clothes
made by specialists. They
cost, no more than the
And they
are distinctive
in pattern, sty ie
and drape made to
please the critical young
The best-dressed
Young Men in town this
spring will wear these
superior clothes.
J. L. Brandeis & Sons
l:&'JzHPt Ik-1
't If! ' a
Pennsylvania line Stopovers.
On flrit-clas ticket reading over I'enn
ylvania Line ten-day dopover will b al
lowed upon request at either Pittsburg.
Wssliinglon, Baltimore or Philadelphia.
When yon hay Oold Medal riaar
h anro It la Wa.bbora-Crosbr s Geld
Medal Floor. This la Important.
Hanson's Cafe
offers a menu that i positively unsurpaaaed In the weat.
Moderate Price.. Quick Service.
Try It Today
Extravagance is not necessary to good
printing. The best work depends upon the
good taste and capability of your printer
A. L Root. Incssporatoa, I210-1ZIS Mowara Straot
You Will Be
invited to one or more May wedding which will
mean a gift of some kind. We hae a nice (tuck of
silver, rut glass, clocks, etc.
Spend a few minutes in our store. X.ook for th asm.
S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler
me evxAji treura