Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE REE: OMAHA. FTtlDAY. APRIL 2.1, 1000
Unique Ceremonies Held by Relief
Corps Women.
nonrii AQ
Advance Notice I
Over 1,000 $25,00, $27,50, $30.00, $32.50
and $35.00 High Grade Stylish New
Tailor Made Suits
On Sale
Saturday at . .
Hatch Friday Night's Papers Ur the Greatest Sale of Stylish New Spring Soils Ever Held la Omaha.
HI an School Seniors ftiananrale
Practice of Planting On Tree
Rack Year on Tkla
f.reat Par.
Thousands and Thousands of Pictures
Will Be On Sale
IVHomdlaiy, A.pnIl !2S, 1909
A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas St.
Our Third Floor has been re-arranged as a bargain square, containing several thousand
talesman's sample pictures that will be sold at one-tenth to one-twentieth actual value.
ALSO Our entire well-known stock of framed and unframed pictures, comprising orig
inal water colors, French and German carbons, original oil paintings, and the choicest of var
ious kinds of prints will be on sale at from one-half to one-tenth of regular prices.
Your one great opportunity to beautify home, school or club, at a price that it would
ordinarily cost you to purchase one single picture,
muff-"- L-uiu ja..-'fMnifJT,niM.'.iM
Hearing on Switching Charges De
ferred at Request of Railroads.
Baskerville Was
Bellevue Student
If Ikr Itallroad Wins It Case ulp
prn Will rr Three to Foir
Times a a Mack for Mov
- In Car.
Railroads concerned .n the Belt line
witching case before the Nehraska rail
road commlvsion have asked for more time
In nrenare for tin; hearing. The ease wan
scl for the present week, but will not now
ciinif up this month, unless the comtnls
xion Sets In a hurry. The railroad hav
been promised one week's time.
After deciding, Just a year ago, that
the Missouri Pacific could not clip off sev
eral milra from the Omaha switching dls
tilct and put In the regular tariff rates,
t ho eonimlsaion has decided to hear the
K.ime company make another plea for the
tight to chop off five or six miles of
trackage, which Is now In the switching
district and ptit the tariff rates Into ef
fect. It means shipper's will pay three to
four limes as much for moving can aa at
Mince the stock feeders have taken an
lulorest the railroads are a little doubtful
as to whether they better Insist on elim
inating the switching schedules, or not
Four stock feeders who ship a large num
ber of cattle and sheep have given notice
they will route their stock over any other
roads hut the Burlington or Missouri Pa
cific If the two companies discontinue
twitching charges.
Factories In Ralaton, which ship large
amounts of pig Iron and other materials
from the east, aa well as shipping their
finished products west, will Join the ship
pers and will route no more freight over
the mads which would make Omaha's
shipping district smaller.
Korty-two carloads of building material
as recently diverted from the road which
it would naturally move over because of
the effort of the Missouri Tselfic, backed
by the Burlington, to ahrink the switching
liMrlct. ,
Young Missionary Killed at Tabriz
Attended School There
One Year.
Hoard C. Baskerville, the young Amer
ican missionary slain a few days ago In a
battle at Tabriz, Persia, between the na
tionalists and the army besieging the city In
tho uprising against the Christians, was
formerly a student at Bellevuo college and
his untimely death Is mourned by his
friends In the college town.
Young Baskerville was a student at the
college but one year, 1002-3, but In that
short time made many friends and a
record as a ktudent and stood especially
high in his Bible studies. The records in
the secretary's office show that he never
"flunked" and his rating on all studies
was good.
Three brothers of the missionary at
tended Bellevue college after Hoard left to
go to Princeton for additional training be
fore leaving for Persia.
Cne brother is Charles K. Baskerville,
until recently pastor of the Presbyterian
church at lnman. Neb. Before taking this
pastorate the young man took a short
course In the McCormlek Theological semi
nary In Chicago. He Is now at Princeton,
but will be graduated this year. Two other
brothers. Ernest and Robert, are attending
McAllister college In St. Paul. Their ad
dress Is 1712 Lincoln avenue. St. Paul.
The Baskerville family lived In Spear
fish, 6. I)., before moving to Minnesota.
Keifer Says Law
for Nonpartisan
Judiciary is Bad
Chairman of Republican State Com
mittee Says Some Action Will
Be Taken Tuesday.
An Impressive ceremony Incident to Arbor
day and prsctlced for the first time
In this part of the country wss observed
Thursday afternoon at Fontanelle park In
the planting rf three memorial trees In
honor of women distinguished for their
patriotism and loyalty to the great work
of the Woman's Relief corps.
The three women thus honored were
Anna Wittenmeyer, an army nurse during
the civil war; Mother Blckendyk, the noted
army nurse of the western armies during
I the civil war. and Fast National President
Llsabeth A. Turner of the Woman's Relief
The proceedings were legun with a for
mal ceremony Bt Magnolia hall. Twenty
fourth street and Ames avenue, held under
the auspices of Crook corps, with Grant
and Custer corps participating, at 2:3'.
This included sddresses appropriate to the
occasion by Mrs. J. C. Miller. Mrs. T. I
Hull, Mrs. F. B. Baker, Mrs. G. H. Schleh.
Mrs. Mary Glrard Andrews and others,
with a suitable musical program.
After the exercises at the hall the mem
bers of the different corps, with a number
of Grand Army men, took the Ames avenue
cars for Fontanelle park, where the cere
mony of planting the trees were carried
out. Bach tree was labeled with an alumi
num tag Indicating In whose honor it was
planted, and as each tree was placed In the
ground a short sketch of the person in
whose honor it was planted was given by
those delegated to plant the separate trees.
Observance by Schools.
Last year the only trees planted In
Omaha on public ground were by ths
school children of the Train and Beals
schools In the suburbs. One tree each was
planted by the schools. This year that
number whs cut In two and but one tree
was planted by a school. This was by
the senior class of the high school, with
appropriate exercises. The graduating
classes have never before planted a tree,
but the class of 1909 secured permission to
Inaugurate the Idea and In the future It
Is probable that every graduating class
from the Omaha High school will on Arbor
day plant one tree as a monument to the
body of young men and women who went
through the school.
Copies of a small volume on Arbor day,
compiled by former Governor Robert W.
Furnas, the first governor of Nebraska to
Issue an Arbor day proclamation, and con
taining many complimentary words from
men of national reputation on the great
work started by Mr. Morton, were sent to
the principals of each school In Omaha
Thursday by Dr. Davidson and portions of
the matter contained In the book were used
in short exercises given In the schools.
In the volume Is this stanza from the
pen of Kdmund Clarence Stedman and ded
icated to J. Sterling Morton:
Tribute of fruits be hie, and glossy wreaths
From roadside trees, and his the people's
When east and west the wind of summer
Through orchard, shaded path and sigh
ing grove. '
If you have backache and urinary troub
les you should take Foley's Kidney Rem
edy to strengthen and build up the kid
neys so they will act properly, as a serious
kidney trouble may develop. Bold by all
Births and Deaths.
Births Robert Davis. 51(0 North Thirtieth
street, boy; Matthew Kingston, 20 Miami
street, boy; Frank Trueedule. 114 North
Twenty-seventh avenue, boy; Karl J.
Hoenshal, 3621 Hamilton street, girl.
Deaths Francis Peter Curry, Tenth and
Castellar streets, IS years; John Morin,
3fil4 Grand avenue, T years.
"In my opinion, the nonpartisan Judiciary
law Is bad," said J. Warren Keifer, Jr.,
chairman of the republican state com
mittee, while in Omaha Thursday after
noun. "At the republican state committee meet-
Ing to be held next Tuesday the question
or attacking the law will be discussed and
no doubt some move will be taken. As
chairman of the committee I would be will
ing to call a convention for the nomination
of supreme Judges and regents of the Uni
versity of Nebraska. Then some member
of the committee or someone else could
file an injunction suit. Frobably It would
be the duty of the attorney general to file
the suit. In this way the case could be
brought to the atttentlon of the court.
"I believe no law Is constitutional which
provides that a political party cannot en
dorse candidates for office or nominate
them. Besides several sections of the law
amended sections of the old law which
has already been repealed.
"At the committee meeting we will also
discuss the matter of finance and take
steps to keep the organization Intact and
supply it with necessary funds."
- o
1000 Wommu
on sug- SATuTDrY
$ I Q -ten.'tk. SuxU VcrOtl ZS
4 Q
the SuxUVorVlS
association, accepted the tree and Rev.
Mary G. Andrews gave a prayer.
' The women then went to the triangle
west of the building at the extreme west
corner, on which a white birch was planted
by the Women's Christian Temperance
union. Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens of
Portland. Me president of the National
Women's Christian Temperance union,
who, with Miss Anna Gordon, vice presi
dent of the organization. Is In the city,
presented the tree. 8he said that her last
letter before leaving her office to come
to Omaha was to decline an Invitation to
participate In a tree-planting on Boston
Commons, but that she was proud to have
part In such a ceremony here In the
state -where Arbor day had Its orlgls. Mrs.
Louis Borshelm of the Omaha union also
spoke briefly. Miss Gordon concluded the
ceremony with a prayer.
A luncheon for the club women followed
In the audience room of the association
building, about sixty women being pres.
Week of Fasting
for the Boosters
Several Organisations Participate In
Ceremony at V. W. V.' A. Corner.
Two more boauty spots were planted at
the still unlovely corner of Seventeenth
street and St. Mary's avenue when two
shapely young trees were set out on the
grounds of the Young Women's Christian
association, gifts to the association from
the Omaha Woman's club and the Women's
Christian Temperance union of this city.
The ceremony was attended by a gener
ous representation from tho three organ
izations and took place at high noon In
celebration of Arbor day. The Woman's
club tree was planted first. It is a white
elm and stands In the small triangular
grass plot at the northwest corner of the
Mrs. V. J. Burnett of the club's forestry
committee spoke briefly of the origin and
observation of Arbor day, concluding with
the wish that this first tree to be planted
by the club might live as long aa tha
famous elm under which William Penn
signed the treaty with the Indians.
Mrs. Kdward Johnson, president of the
club, made the presentation briefly.
Mrs. W. P. Harford, president of the
This Is What Tom Allen, the State
Chairman, Says Ahont the
Matter. .
T. tl. Allen, chairman of the democratic
state committee, believes the democratic
party will not hold any meeting following
Its state convention, for the purpose of
selecting candidates for supreme Judge. It
Is his opinion such a meeting Is not neces
sary. "It la very probable." says Mr. Allen,
"that only three democrats will file for
supreme Judge and in that case it will not
be necessary for any kind of a convention
or meeting to eliminate or endorse candi
dates. At our state convention we will
simply name a state committee."
Business Men Forget to Allow for
Meals on Trade Excursion Sched
ule and Must Go Hungry.
Wholesalers, grain dealers and members
of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange
who are golrg on a trade excursion through
western Iowa May 17 to 22, have decided
to fast during the trip.
The official schedule was published on
Thursday and It was found that no time
had been allowed for eating, though two
dining cars had been ordered. J. M. Guild,
commissioner of the club, was dispatched
to Chicago to see how the Northwestern
commissary department could arrange to
carry a party which did not have time to
eat and what kind of dining car service
could be arranged on the "I'needa Quick
Lunch" plan.
With only five to seven miles between
stations In Iowa the excursionists would
not have time to eat as they did In Wyo
ming last year, where they traveled from
fifteen to thirty-five miles without a stop.
This the schedule committee forgot and
made out the trip without a single oppor
tunity to eat. It Is now up to the North
western company to fix up liquid foods or
something which can be taken while the
excursionists are on the march.
Saengerfest Brands
Story as Slander;
Will Come Here
"Not Coming to Drink Beer," and
Don't Care for Eight-Hour
Food .
Insist on It
You have a right to the best coffee In
Omaha. You have a right to refuse inferior
Insist on Courtney's Ankola Coffee I Lotus
V-" brand), 3 lbs. for 11.00.
If you don't ret It, you get something; that
isn't so good. You have a riKht to the best.
Insist on tt.
Friday's Specials at Courtney's
&00 lbs. Fresh Caught Sunft8h.;j
per pound 6H
4 00 Iba. Fresh Pickerel, per j
pound 124lj
Filet De Sole, per lb 20cjj
SOO-lbs. Fresh Wall
Eyed Pike, per lb . .
3.500 Baby Halt
but, per lb , .
A fail Una of strictly fresh eacufht
Croppies. Winnipeg White Fish, lake Trout. Black Haas. Tat fish. Soimon,
Roe Shad. Hard Shell Crabs, Live Lotoiers. Ked Snapper, Etc
moked aTtarcs oa.
moksa Halibut.
moa4 Balmoa.
Smoked Walt risk,
aseksa Boneless rrtaf.
alts Whits rtsa.
sited KMkersl.
Baitsd arrlBf.
ollaaa Ksrrtag.
sited Sal. ,
What Constantino J. Smyth, Former Attorney General and
Close Friend of Bryan, Says of the Cowboy Mayor.
"I have no pergonal quarrel with Mayor Dahlman, but when he as
sumes to represent the democratic party I, in common with other dem
ocrats, have a right to examine his official conduct and his political
principles for the purpose of determining whether or not he li entitled
to be classed as a representative of my party.
"Mr. Dahlman was originally selected as candidate for mayor by a
coterie of gentlemen representing the franchised and other corporations
of this city. This Is susceptible of easy proof. He has been loyal to
the Interests of bis creators ever since, yet he pretends to be a friend of
the people.
"Instead of seeking to build up the democratic party he has built
up a personal machine advocating a hrand of democracy heretofore
unknown to the people of this state, showing clearly that his purpose
has been to benefit himself and not the party.
"He took a solemn oath to obey the laws, and then issued a com
mand to the chief of police to disobey the laws and to Ignore the ac
tions of those who violated the laws. This led to the passage of the
Sackett law, which enables any citizen to force the closing not only of
the saloons on Sunday, but to endanger every innocent out-of-door sport
that the common people delight in. He claims to be the friend of the
common people, and yet he Is unable to point to a single act in his en
tire administration in support of this claim.
"He claims to be the friend of Mr. Bryan, and yet hla conduct has
done Mr. Bryan more hirn In the eyes of the clean. Independent voter
than that of any othc; orrat In the state.
"When the univei. transfer ordinance came before him for his
approval he turned it down, showing that he was still loyal to bis
projectors, the corporations.
"He pretends to be the friend of the laboring man, yet filled nearly
every position open to skilled labor with nonunion men. When the
Central Iibor union protested against this be Ignored the protest.
- "He has shown no interest whatever In the great commercial
hodifs of the city, and seems to be utterly out of sympathy with them.
This is not the way to build up a city.
"He claims to love the dear people, and yet he has done everything
in his power to take away from them the right to select their own fire
and police board. Why? Simply that he might build up bis personal
"Finally, I challenge you to name a single act in the entire admin
istration of Mr. Dahlman which entitles him to a single democratic vote."
Fpeeeh of C J. Bmyth. delivered March Zl. It0, it reported In the World-tletaid
Assumes Position of Traffic Director
for the Commercial dab
Directors rf the Omaha Grain exchange
held a meeting; Wednesday evening:, trans
acting routine business and referring- the
matter of employing- a secretary to a
special committee with power to act.
B. J. McVann, who has been secretary
for several years, finally becomes the head
of the traffic bureau of the Omaha Com
mercial club and Omaha Grain exchange.
The new secretary of the exchange will
be relieved of handling traffic affairs,
which have been a large part of the work
of Mr. McVann. Hla term as secretary of
the exchange has now expired, but he will
act until a successor is named.
Without the traffic affairs the secrctary
ahlp becomes a much lower salaried posi
tion and the management the conducting
of a grain clearing house.
The committee appointed by the direc
tors has power to employ a secretary and
fix the salary. There are several applicants.
An Anto Collision
means many bad bruises, which Biirklen's
Arnica Balve heals quickly, as It does sores
and burns. 26c. For sale by Ueaton Drug
Bee want ads are business boosters.
Bids to Double
Track Overland
Proposals Taken by Union Pacific to
Lay Rails from Watson's
Ranch to Kearney.
Bids are being received by the t'nion
Pacific for grading for a second track
from Watson's Ranch to North Platte.
The double track Is now complete from
Council Bluffs to Watson's Ranch and
practically from Cheyenne to Opden. and
the new track will complete the double
track on the crowded section of the Ne
braska division. Watson's Ranch Is Just
west of Kearney. Iarge forces of men
are at work ballasting the double track
which was laid last fall, but which has not
been put to use because It was not bal
lasted. Steam shovels were put to work
Monday at Sherman, taking the famous
Sherman gravel from the pits for use in
the double track work.
"There is not a word of truth In this
or other reports that tho 8 o'cilock closing
law will have any effect on the Saengor
fest and the groat meeting pf the choral
societies of tho west will be held In
Omaha next year just the same. These,
singers are not coming .here to drink beer,
and It Is a slander on the organization to
publish stories to tho effect tnat the new
liquor law In Nebraska will In any way
deter the meeting of the Saengerfest In
Paul Gutzschmann. member of the local
committee In charge of the '.,191ft mectlna;
of the Saengerfest In tills city. In this way
answered this statement In the St. Louis
Times: . i
One of the fine first fruits of Intoler
ance In Nebraska Is the loss to the city
of Omaha of the great Haenarerfest of the
choral societies of the west and north
west which had been planned to be held
rt In 1!10.
The article In the St. I-oula paper was
also shown William F. Baxter, secretary
of Thomas Kllpatrlck & Co. and chair
man of the Commercial club committee ap
pointed to look after affairs pertaining to
the Saengerfest. lie also branded tha
article as falso and sitld that the com
mittees were going right ahead with ar
rangements for the big meeting. Ar
rangements have already progressed so far
that the program, which is now In tha
hands of tho printer, wilt b'a out In a short
time. ' '
Former Omalian. tVbo.Dlea in Den
ver is Hurled at Holy
The funeral of Thomas H. Cotter, form
erly of Omaha, whose death from pneu
monia occurred In Denver last Monday, was
held In Omaha Thursday afternoon. A
simple service was held at the lte&fey
chapel at 1 o'clock, after which the body
was taken to Holy Sepulchre cemetery and
Interred in the family tut. Mr. Cotter waa
In the publishing business In Omaha, prlop
to IsM. when he went to Butte, Mont.,
and engaged In mining. The surviving re
latives are the father, J. Lambert Cotter,
and a sister, Miss Elizabeth Cotter, both of
Denver; a sister, Mrs. Mabel Cotter Wil
liamson, of New York, and two brothers,
Harry C. and John A. Cotter of Butte.
Pallbearers for the Omaha funeral services
were O. C. Redirk. Harry V, Burkley,
Otto P.auman, C. J. Smyth, John a Tetarrl
and Con Kirk. Funeral services were also)
held in Denver.
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