Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Hailwij Commission Looks for Way
to Spend Forty Thousand.
jt Btl-ftalMM !. Hu Plans o
F.afr-s Da,rtlSt Mar Law
t.4r Addresses t
(from Buff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April S2.-ftpclal.) The rall
tsy commission will aoon rrcelve vUHs
from en tinners -who are wilting to manage
tha work of valuing the physical property
of tha railroad of Nebraska
One applicant nan expressed a. wIlllnirneM
to accept $60 day, but he dslres to
limit hla aervlcea to a short period and
to rive half of hla time to the work
after h gttt hla force crrsnifed. Next
Monday, M. B. Cooler, dean of the engi
neering department ' of the t'nlverslty of
Michigan will call to confer with the rail
way commlaalon. He will he accompanied
by T. H. Hlnchman and Harry B. Itlgga,
tha latter at Toledo. O. Henry Rohrer of
8t. lunula will arrive Wednesday. J. W.
Rlnehardt of New York: will come Tuesday,
and Dwlght C. Morgan, who' la atilt at
work on the sme kind of work In Minne
sota, will visit the commission Friday.
Mr. Rlnehardt was formerly president of
the Santa Pe road.
Prahable Coat Per Mile.
Some engineers believe the work can he
done In Nebraaka for 19 or 110 a mile. The
cost in other states has be.n aa high as
i3 a mile. The commission liaa 40.i) to
expend for this purpose. Chairman Clarke
said today that the commission has
seen a dispatch In the newgpapcis
aylng the ' Interstate Commtirce com
miaaion Intended to value railroad prop
erty in the Spokane rate caae. Aa this
case Involves the Vi.lon Pacific. Grat
Northern, Northern t'aclflc and the Bur
lington, the Nebraska, commission has
written the Interstate commission that it
desires to co-operato with that body. If
this can be done the state commission may
nave some of the appropriation made by
the last legislature.
Ts Enferce Daylight Law.
"Enforcement of the daylight saloon law,
when It becomes effective in. July, is
one of the chief things the Nebraska. Anti
Saloon league haa in view .at the present
time," said 8. K. Warrick of Alliance, state,
president, this, afternoon. Mr. Warrick
came to Lincoln to attend an advisory
meeting of the trustees Who constitute the
executive board , of the tongue. V. 8.
.Rohrer of Haatings and Prof. A..B. Fair
child of Crete, two of tha- other trustees,
fiie ajao here. The meeting was held at
the office of J. M. Guile, who Is a member
of the board.
"In common with other organizations
that are working to restrict the liquor
traffic," continued Mr. Warrick, "the Antl
Baloon league will focus interest and force
the Issues along certain lines. We expect
to see that the daylight saloon act Is en
forced to the letter In every part of the
state. Omaha and South .Omaha will be
looked after by the workers there, who
will have the assistance of the state or
ganisation. County attorneys will be asked
to perform their duty in prosecuting of
fenders against the 8. o'clock closing law,
and if they refuse the league will employ
Its twn attorneys;; . '.
Whenever saloon men have not' lived up
to the new law during the last year, the
league will encourag4 the filing of re
monstrances to prevent the renewal of their
licenses. This, it Is claimed, will put a
large majority of the llquorNdealera In the
state uson the defensive.
Next fall, the league will probably take
a hand In the prlmariea and the general
flection with particular reference to
sheriffs and county judges. With officials
In thoee positions who are friendly to their
I'auso. the antl-salnonlsts believe they will
be able to make good progress in compell
ing liquor dealers to obey the laws and
In narrowing the sphere of the traffic. In
terest will also be shown In the selection
f svpreme court .rudges.
' WalterI.eeae to Retire.
Walter A. tese will retire as clerk of
the county court on May 1. Rumors to
this effect have been in circulation for
several days and were this morning ton
firmed by County Judge Cosgrave. The
latter stated that he had received a large
number of applications for the place and,
though- ha -had practically decided who
to give It to. he would not be readv to
make an announcement for several days.
A report filed by the county Judge with
the county commissioners shows that the
Judge has discovered that he has been
paying Cltrk I.ese more than the
statutory salary.
Mf. Loeso was appointed to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of Judge
Waters, which came very unexpectedly.
He stated todajr that when he went Into
the office he waa advised by Mr. I,eese
what the salaries had been In the past
and lie recommended to the county board
that theae be continued. According to the
statement made to him at the time, the
clerk had been receiving $123 per month.
Mr. 1eese was continued st this figure
during the remaining three months of
107. all of 1S0S and for the first two
months of this year. In Msrch a hill
was pending before the legislature to
change the salary of the clerk and Judge
Cosgrave took occasion to lonk tip the
existing statute. He was surprised to
find that the last previous legislature
had changed the law, taking from the
county board the power to fix the salary
and putting the place on a flat salary
bawls of ll.JOO pef year. It was then
that he made the supplemental report
above referred to.
Judge Cosgrave was asked If he pro
posed to repay to the county the il-'o
which had bren overpaid out of his own
pocket, and he replied that he did "in
the first Instance." He stated in .eply
to a further Inquiry, however, that Mr.
I..?eee was bonded to him in the sum of
Checking I'p the Books,
The county commissioner this morning
agreed to Jet to H. 8. Wiggins of Lincoln
and the Audit and Bond Company of
America of St.. Louis the contract for
auditing and checking up the books of
the county clerk, clerk of the district
court, sheriff and the Justices of the
peace at Lincoln. The auditing will be
gin at a period eight years back and be
brought up to date.
Arnrit of Elevators.
Secretary Chris Schavland of the State
Board of Assessment has issued the follow
ing circular -to county assessors in regard
to the assessment of grain brokers or grain
From numerous letters recently received
at this office it is evident thai there is still
illfforence of opinion among some grain
brokers and assessors a to the correct
manner of asnesRing the property of grain
nroKers and grain companies, and 1 there
fore again beg leave to call your attention
1o the supreme court's definition of th
words "average capital." or "average
amount of capital, as used In my circular
letter of the t'd instant.
Average capital of a grain broki-r. ac
cording to such definition, is not only the
average amount of money used In buying
grain, but It is "the average of the amount
of cash and all other property or every
kind used In currying on the business.
Average capital must therefore necessarily
Include the real estate, if any, and all
buildings and equipments owned and used
In carrying on the business, also-the av
erage amount of money used in buying
grain, such sverage to be determined from
the last year's business, but in determining
which no fixed or hard and fast rule can
be applied. But grain on hand on the 1st
day of April should not be considered In
determining the average amount of capital.
To Illustrate the manner In which I would
proceed to assess the property of a grain
broker, consisting of elevator with equip
inent. office building with furniture, scales,
cribs Rnd sheds, all of which I will pre
sume In this case to be on leased ground
and arraln on hand amounting to I4H. cash
on hand or In bank amounting to $.100. and
a piece of real estate. I will give the fol
lowing as a brief exampk-:
If I should find that the elevator with
Its equipment la worth U.WI; that the office
build nit with Its furniture is worm sti.o
that the acales are worth I"; that the
cribs and sheds are worth HOft; that the
real estate Is worth $400. and that the
average amount of money used In buying
grain Is $1,000. the "average capital" used
in carrying on the business would then be
I would then list for assessment the build
Ings. equipments, furniture, scales and real
estate at their appraleed value. Which In
this case would be $8,450. I would also Hot
for assessment the grain on hand, valued at
$400, and the cash on hand or in bank,
amounting to tW. and In addition I would
list the excess of the "average capital"
over the amount of real estate and other
tangible property, which would be $sn.
This would make a total valuation of $M50.
Bv deducting the value of the real estate,
$400. which Is separately assessed, I would
have a personal property assessment of
the actual value of $6,060. .
Jf I had found grain on hand amounting
to $SO0 Instead -of t4fO but all other prop
erty, including eastu to be the sa.nie as
shown above) then the amount of tangible
propertv wo ild have exceeded the "average
capital." and In that case I would not have
added anything to the value of the tangible
ftnpaorts fr. Simmons.
At a special meeting of the lncaster
County Medical society held this after
noon, the following resolution was ad
opted: Whereas, It has rome to the knowledge
of the Isuicaster County Medical society,
formerly the Unroln Medical society, that
Dr. George H. Simmons cf Chicago, for
many vears a member In good stan-ilng of
this society, is being made the cbject -of
an attack affecting his reputation and
professional standing, while a resident of
ltncoln, therefore be It.
Resolved. That the members of this so
ctetv. many of whom were medical prac
titioners in Lincoln during the time, of
Dr. Bimmons1 residence, hereby give ox
prosston to the esteem In which Dr. Sim
mons was held, while in Lincoln, and
hereby acknowledge the valuable service
h rendered to the profession here In Lin
coln and In Nebraska, and.
Further. The society Is pleased to place
ittelf on record as appreciating the bon.w
conferred on it bv Dr. Simmons' dis
tinguished services since his election in
secretary and editor or ine American itit-m-cal
Association; and,
Further. We trust that no action wll.
be taken which will discourage the efforts
of a man who haa labored so long and so
consistently In behalf of medical progress
and the development In this countrv. of
medical affairs. w NfsoN Praldent.
J. 8. WELCH, Secretary.
Bloom Pleads
Guilty to Burglary
Stat Convention Bcgini Friday at
Earls- Session to Re Devoted to Se
rial Krrili, Principal nsalnrsa
to t ome I p for Conldera
tlon Saturday.
BKATRICF.. Neb., April (Special.)
The fifteenth annual stute convention of
the Travelers' Protective Association of
America, Nebraska division, will be held
In Beatrice Friday and Saturday
The program Is as follows:
Friday Session.
4 p. m Meet at Burlington depot to re
ceive Travelers' Protective association
special from Omaha and Intermediate
6:10 to i.vt p. m supper.
Preliminary business session.
Appointment of committees.
p. m. Dancing and refreshments In
Nichol s hall.
Cards, billiards, etc., Elks cluub and
Beatrice club rooms.
Morning Meeting called to order In new
Paddock theater at 9 o'clock by State
President E. M. Collins.
Invocation State Chaplain El V. Whit
Address or Welcome Mayor J. 8. Ruther
Response A. C. Chase of Omaha.
Reading and approval of minutes of last
annual meeting.
Report of president.
Report of board of director.
Reportl of secretary-treasurer.
Report of chairman railroad committee
Report of legislative committee.
Report of pres committee.
Report of hotel committee.
Report of employment committee.
Report of good roads and public utilities
Reports of post secretaries. A, B, C, D,
E, F. Q and II.
Report of constitution and by-laws com
Klection of officers.
Election of delegates and alternate to
national convention.
General business.
Selection of next city for state conven
Renort of committee on resolutions.
10 a. m. Reception by ladles of Post H
to visltlna: ladies and automobile tour view
Ing Beatrice and vicinity to start from
Beatrice club.
. Following are the state officers:
President B. M. Collins, Fremont.
First Vice President C. A. Wlrrlck, Lin
Socond Vice President A. F. Steam
Norfolk. r'"r",n,r4
Third Vice President John A. Kees,
Res trice.
Fourth Vl-e President O. W. Schrlmpf,
Nehraaka City.
Fifth Vice tTesident A. D. Spear, Hast
Secretary -Treasurer C. L. Hopper,
Police Involved
in Rogers Case
Woman Kidnaper Charged with Con
spiracy and Two of Grand Island
Force Dismissed. .
It Affords. Every Form of Entertain,
nest. Amnsemeil r Recreation
aid the st. Tens Hotel fib rest
trangers come to New Tork aa they do
to Paris, "To see and be seen." When
they return home the question la not "What
did you see?" but "Where did you atay?"
Will you not have a feeling of eatisfaction
when, upon your return home, you are able
to. reply "I stopped at the St. Regis?"
There la no reason why you should not
top at the St. Regis, and many why vou
thouM.. Nes Tork cannot be seen in a day
or a week, even a month is too short a
time, though tha sightseer keep on the
novs from dawn to midnight, day In and
aay out. la tha midst of such strenuous
taurine there must be periods of rest, and
this rest must be as refreshing as that of
one's, own home, or there is a breakdown.
Hers comes la tha delightful service ren
dered by the St. Regis Hotel, at Fifth
Arsnus and Fifty-fifth Street, a hotel of
a auiet refinement peculiar to Itself alone,
and of a restful "homellkeneaa" found in
no other public house. To thae is added a
cats and ssrvios perfect, thoughtful, even
anticipatory, but never obsequious or per
functory;' a eulstns of the highest excel
lence that Is not surpased anywhere In the
world, coupled with charges that are no
' higher than those of other first class hoiels.
M. Krgis room rates ars likewise low: from
to 4 a day for a comfortable and splen
didly furnished large single room: a a day
for the same with private bath, tor IS for
to people.) or. SIS a day and up for an
exquisite Sulla of parlor, bedroom and prl
vale ssia.
Wka sa, cold Medal Flssr
so aars It Is Waakksra-Crosby's Cold
". Tkls is lasnortaait.
Man Who Stole Trunk Full of Linen
at Greenwood Will Go to
PhAT TSMOT'TlI, Neb., Arll 2. (Spe
cial.) Andrew Bloom was arraigned before
Justice M. Archer In this city charged with
grand larceny in stealing a trunk full of
Irish linen In Greenwood, the property of
Mia. John Fitsarld of Lincoln and valued
at SC.OO. The complaint also charges him
with rohbing ths store of Mr. Stone In
Greenwood. He pleaded guilty to the
charges. When asked hy County Attorney
RaniM-v If he desired a preliminary ex
amination, he replied, "No. I took the things
and I want it over as swu as possible."
As soon as Judge Travis returns home
Bloom will be taken Into district court and
sentenced to serve a term In the state peni
tentiary. Bloom la a Swede and does not
a ii ie ir to be very bright. Hla father
reslwes near Memphis, in Saunders county
It Is currently reported that his wlfi has
fully decided to not live with him nr.
account of his thieving ropensities ard
desires to leluin to Sweden. Th ounty
commissioners will furnish her tiansiwrta
tion. Is 's said.
Blind K.nglneer I earns Trade.
NEBRA8KA CITY. Neb.. April 21 (Spe
rial. 1 William Tappe. a marine engineer,
who lout hla eyeaight by reason of an
explosion, lias been brought to the Institute
for the blind to enable him to lern a
trade ro he will he self-supporting. H li
about 30 years of age.
We often wond-.r how ei;y person can r
nersi aded Into taking anything but Feley'a
Hotiry and Tar for coughs, colds and lung
trouble. Do not be fooied Into accept. ng
"own roakr or olhtt, substitutes. T.
genuine contsins no harmful drugs and I
'n yellow package. So!d by all druggists
ORAND ISLAND, Neb., April 22 (Spc
rial.) Mrs. Searl. alias Nellie Rogers, th
woman who was recently involved m in
charge of kidnaping her 8-year-old boy
from the guardian Into whose custody
court decision had placed the lad, is in
volved In further -sensational -escapades
hero escapades which have lost their Jobs
to two police officials. It Is alleged that
tho woman waa In a conspiracy with Of
fleer Dawson to put Officer Mehlert In
compromising position and when the tw
were on the delivery platform of the Val
Blats Brewing compony'a storehouse here,
Monday night. Officer Dawson stepped In
and arrested Mehlert. or notified him
his arrest upon the order of Chief Hong
Officer Mehlert charges Officer Dawson
with conspiracy and Officer Dawson
charges Chief Hnagland with conspiracy
and the woman alleges that both were In
the plqt. Mehlert Is said to be the officer
who discovered the presence of the boy
here and apparently has the ill will of the
Searl woman. Tho mayor and the com
inlttee on police and Board of Health has
had a hearing In executive session, the
result of which has been the dlsmlsa
from the force of both Mehlert and Daw
son. Membera of the committee allege that
Dawson's record has not been satisfactory
on other counts.- It la not the first instance
cf turmoil and slleged Intrigue in the de
partment. Chris Michel and Charles Stage
have been appointed on the force to fi
the vacancies. So far as known there
no creditable evidence of any actual crlm
lnality on the part of either otricer.
Peri 'ormal vs.
PERU, Neb., April 22l8poclal.) Chan
cellorDavldson of Nebraska Wcsleyan unl
versity was In Peru over Sunday. H
preached at the Methodist church both
morning and evening. The church was not
large enough to hold the crowds. He gav
an addresa at convocation Monday morning
The concert given by tho Normal music
department at Nebraska City last evenin
waa a success. The special train from
Peru and return carried over 100 Teru stu
dents to hear the concert. The Nebrask
City Commercial club has aaked that tho
concert be given annually.
( aster t onntr Sunday Schools.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., April 22 (Special
The twenty-fifth annual Sunday school
convention of Custer county was held I
this city at the North 'Side Presbyteria
church. Delegates from all parts of tl
county were present and the attendant
waa unusually large, despite the cold an
disagreeable weather that has prevail
this week. The convention closed tontgl
with an election of officers for the ensuing
Mrs. Morton Given
Credit for Arbor
Day by Friends
Acquaintances at Nebraska City Say
She Observed Husband's Birthday
by Planting Trees.
NKBRA8KA CITY, ' NVb., April
(Special.) Arbor day was generally ob
served today In this city, the home of
the father of "Arbor day, the late J. Ster
ling Morton. The banks and all pjbile of
flees were closed and the places of busi
ness were closed after dinner. In the
schools, which had but a half day's ses
slon, special Arbor day programs were car
ried out, and all over the city trees galore
were planted.
It has always been generally believed
that J. Sterling Morton was the
author of Arbor day, but those
ho are conversant with the facts aay
that such l not the case, but that his
wife originated the idea and carried It
out while shs lived. It was his birth anni
versary, and hla wife always observed tha
day by having trees planted and advocated
the planting of trees. It waa she who fol
lowed up the Idea and called to her aid
many friends, who likewise advocated the
Idea. She was a highly educated woman.
and as such had many friends all over this
as well as other states, and Arbor day
was first conceived and celebrated by her.
Over her grave la a monument of atone to
represent a windstorm, broken tree, which
typifies many phases of her Interesting
life, It being erected by her sons, during
the life of their father. It Is one of the
handsomest pieces of art In atone to be
seen In any part of the country.
target and In some way the gun In the Both are well known Bw "
. I are receiving ennvrstnlatlona from a nosi
hands of Miss Burns wss discharged, theof rrirnj.
hot entering the rm of Mri Robb hist I ORD The funeral of Mr. S. U Jones
below the elbow, making amputation above I w ho died ferrntly at Spokane. Wash., was
i ne a in ine lira remeterv nrnii-wiBv m u-i
ne eioow necessary. I noon Mr ,. . former resident of
his place and verv well known. The fu
neral was conducted by the Masonic order
or ura.
BEATRICK-C. W. Flck, an old resident
of Liberty, this county, and for years
encaged In the hotel business at that
place, died Sunday evening, aged 83 yesre.
He leaves a widow, two sons and two
daughters. The funeral was held today at
Liberty. .
PAXTON Four parties from Red Oak
la., were here Tuesday and Wednesday
and bought six and one-half sections of
land of Welch Bros., nearly their entire
ranch, and will take noanesslnn March 1
1910. They were highly pleased with tho
MCOOK-McCook Is to have a militia
company. A list of enlistments numbering
over fifty have already been sent into Ad
jutant General Hartlgan. and more will
follow. The enlistments number many of
the best young men and form a nucleus for
a fine company
KEARNEY County Judge Hsllowell of
ficiated at tne mamsge or Mr. Merman r,
.lohes and Mis" Ottilia Jones, both of 8sr
torla. Wednesday afternoon. The groom
Is a nephew of John Swenson, and they
will take up their residence on a farm near
the above place.
BEATRICE Cornelius Stachs was ar
rested last evening by John Schmltt of
Lincoln, a aneciai orricer n tne employ
of the Burlington, on the charge of steal
ing gmln from a box car In the yards
here. He pleaded guilty and was fined
120 and costs by Judge Kills
BEATRTCE The American Home Ml
slcnary society of the Christian church
held a missionary rally here today. Nelson
A. Trimble of Baltimore' and H. A. Denton
cf Cincinnati, O.. had charge of the rally
and delivered addresses. A stereopticon lec
ture was given in the evening.
BEATRICE The city council of Wymore
rwt last night and adopted a resolution
fixing Aorll 27 as the date for recounting
the votei of the late ctv election. If tne
clerk falls to produce the ballots each
member of the council Is to consider his
judgment In tho matter of his vote rela
tive to the license question
P VXTON O. I.. Schrotberger of Lincoln
and Oscar and Elmer Welbel of De Witt,
Neb., arrived the first of the wek to im-
nrove their lands southeast of town. W. W.
Burr and Snyder of North Platte Expert
ment station are here with several tenms
breaking up their section of land they
bought last fall of lAiie Free rnnch.
I EATRTCB Westbound Rock Island pas
senger. No. 306 was fufe hours late last
evening on account of a wrecK near Qer
maniown,' ian. l lie uon ana ine
Mouse" company waa on the train and did
not reach Beatrice until 8:80 last evening.
The curtain rise was delayed about forty-
five minutes on account of the accident
KEARNET County Superintendent 8. A
Reasoner handed In his resignation to the
county hoard Tuesday afternoon and it
was accepted. At tne same meeting tne
board appointed E. K. Haves, now super
intendent of the Shelton schools, to fill the
vacancy made by Mr. Reasoner. Mr. Reas
oner will accept a position In the City bank
of Kim creek, or wrilcii lie is a stocKnoiaer.
BROKEN BOW Graders were put to
work yesterday In the Burlington yards to
FEMONT, Neb., April 22 (Special.) Tho prepare the way for the extension of tracks
bank guaranty law waa the chief topic of
discussion at the meeting of group two of
tho Nebraska Bankers' association here to
From talks with a number of the bankers
attending, it is evident there Is some dif
ference of opinion In regard ' to- the con
struction of tho new guaranty law as well
is doubts as to Its desirability.
The principal paper was by Ralph C.
Wilson of the Bankers' National of Chi
cago on the "problem of th eounty chock."
Governor ShaJlenberger spoke at the
bankers' banquet this evening. The meet
ing -was called to order by President P. M.
Weitsel of Albion. Dr. Thomas Blthel of
the Mothodlst Episcopal church offered a
brief Invocation and Mayor Burre.ll ' wel
comed tho bankers to the city.' Tho presi
dent responded In their behalf.' The only
paper of tha morning wasjly JF. B.Knapp
of Cednr Bluffs on "Prospects.
This Afternoon, first on the program was
the question box by E. F. Folds of the
Stock Tarda' National bank of Smith
Omaha. He covered nearly every phase
of the bar king business from clerical work
to the constitutionality of' the new guar
anty law.
Bankers Doubt
Desirability ot
the New Act
Group Two of State Association, in
Session at Fremont Takes Up
Act of Legislators.
Fall May Prdre Fatal.
SHELTON. Neb.. AprU 22( Special. )-
Lust night James Walsh fell from the sec
ond story window of Meisner's new brick
building on Front striet and struck hlF
head and shoulders on the pavement be
low, sustaining what are believed to be
fatal Injuries. Mr. Walsh Is a widower
and made his living at odd Jobs. A few-
years ago he lost one of his legs switching
In the yards at Cheyenne. He Is a son of
the late Patrick Walsh, a pioneer of Buf
falo county.
Girl to Omaha for Amnntatlon.
LEXINGTON, Neb., April 2t tSperl il
Telegram.) Miss Suxle Robb, daughter of
William Robb, a wealthy stock rairer. was
taken to Omaha today to undergo a criti
cal operation. Yest-rduy, Miss Rohb and
a friend, Miss Bums, were pract'elng at
Quick Action f I Your Money-Yon g t
that by using The Bee columns.
Always Ready
To Serve
"Crisp and Flavoury."
"Th.Ta.ts) Lln.srs"
PfsaUr asl. Itc: larft rsn Slst lie.
Made by
Postum Cereal Ounpanv. Ltd.,
Battle, Creek Mich.
Nebraska News Notes,
BEATRICE Honry Sohitltts of Palrhury
and Miss llala Rod's of Di'lrr were mar
ried here yesterday by County Judge Spaf-
BEATRICE Mrs. S. J. Inman. an eld
resident of Beatrice, wss aevcrelv injured
the other day by a fall she sustained at
her home.
PAXTON A heavv snow began falling
anout a. ni., and continued until 8 p. m.,
Tueaday mid the ground was covered with
tnree inches of snow.
BEATRICE The season at the Paddock
opera house closed last evening with
rendition of the piece, "The Don and the
Mouse. The house was packed.
M COOK Bewral Jewelry crooks opcr-
aicn in tins city tnis week. Tliey carry
quite a line of stuff, evidently stolen from
somewhere In tins section or countrv-.
FALI-8 CITY-Reuben C. Turner of Csld
well. Kan., snd Miss Alice Turner of
Cherry Box. Mo., were married at the
court house Tuesday ry Judge Uagnon.
REATRJCE Elmer D. Morrison and Mij
Ianilra K. Nlrkerson were married list
evening ut the home of the bride's parents
In Ulcnover. Rev. I . U. Brown nfflclutlntf.
BEATRICE Word was received hc-c
ycHierdny announcing the death of A. G.
Spellman, a former Beatrice resident,
which occurred at his home at Princeton
KEARNEY-Biahop Anson 11. Graves has
returned from a trip to the western psrt
of Ihe state and Teports that he will build
two cement block churches, one at Ogal
alia and one at O Nelll.
SHELTON The Ullage board met last
night and decided to grant two saloon
licenses at a fee of Jl.'ioi) per annum, and
to see that they are run strictly according
to state ana vmuge laws and ordinances.
FALLS CITY John W. Powell and Peter
I rederick will start Monday to build
new garage on the site of the old cltv lull
building. Ttie cost will be about S4.000. TUt
building will be completed In about six
M'COOK The annllcsilon of G. W. God
frev for the relief. of bankruotcy has beer
heard this week bv Ous Norburg of Hold
rege. Godfrey finds h.frself over t." Ofto tc
ti e bd and aeeks to start over in bust
nets life.
REATRICK Hal Thomnson of Palrbur
haa arrived in the city arid assumed his du
ties ns commercial agent for the nrn-k
ltNnd at this iwlnt to succeed F. G. Hint.
" ho has been anoointed d'vision agent for
ihe Nebraska division.
f-i.Ai is.MOt in rtarry iioiareae. a son
f O. W. Holdrege of Omaha, delivered a
'eet'ire to the young man In this oky
w ednesdav evening on "Electrical Kn-
"ineerlng." which was highly appreciated
tiv the large number present.
HASTINGS With very few executions
I all classes in the cltv schools planted
trees today in ceieorstion or Arnor dav
i Although the holldav was observed by
I banks and public offices, other 1 illness
: iiouaes remained open all day.
' PI.ATT8MOUTH Clerk of the D'r'ct
I Court Roliertson has prepared the docket
I for Ihe May term of flimr.ct court, which
shows there are three criminal cases, alx-
I teen law cases and seventeen equity cases.
or wtiicn throe ars for divorce.
BROKEN HOW James Iee. county
supervisor from the Berwyn district wss
vesterday married to Miss Fannie Geese
man of Analey. The wedding took place
; at m rtoman ramouc enurcn. this cttv.
and was performed by Father Donnelly
that will have to be laid before building
commences on the big coal sheds. Several
wells will also be sunk, a new steel tank
nd water crane put In and an engine
house built. It is understood that the Im
provement work will now be pushed ss
rapidly as possible.
cott, aged 86. died here at the home of her
son, Dr. O. J. Valllcott. Tuesday morning,
after a short Illness. Mrs. Valllcott was
one of the early settlers of this city, com
ing here over thirty years ago from Mich
igan. She haa resided here continuously
since then. The fttneral was held Thursday
afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal
church. Interment was in Cedar Grove
BROKEN BOW Edward 8. Foley, son of
Daniel Foley and a nephew of County
Commissioner Edward Foley, was recently
married al Boston to Jennie, youngest
daughter of the late Tatrlck Byrne. Clon
more Lodge, County Carlow, Ireland. The
ceremony was performed bv Father John
son, pastor of the slate of Heaven Cath
olic church of South Boston. Mass. The
young couple will reside in Custer county,
near Merna.
WYMORE By a deal closed the first of
the week, the City National bank of this
city is now wholly a Wymore Institution,
C. G. Anderson and E. B. Smtt having
sold their interests in the bank to WVmore
citlzena. Mr. Anderson wss president of
the Institution and resides at University
Place. Mr. Smith has been assistant cash.
ier and has made his home here several
vears. Mr. Smith will go to University
Place to take the cashlership In a bank.
HASTINGS Officers of the Commer
cial club will soon he asked to call a
meeting of that organisation for the pur.
pose of considering plans for a Fourth
of July celebration. If It In decided to
have a celebration the thing will he con
ducted on an extensive scale, somewhat
after the stvlo of the one of two years
ago. when the program included a num
ber of frontier features. A mass meeting
will he held tomorrow night for the pur
pose of arranging for the race meeting
in the state circuit In August. Hastings
has been out of the circuit for two years,
hut It Is believed that this year's meet
ing will be s noteworthy success.
HASTINGS The condition of wheat
throughout this county is said by reliable
farmers to be slightly below the average
of thlK time a year ago. The deteriora
tion, small as It is. was caused mostly
by hard winds In the winter, which blew
the dirt away from the roots. Any dam
age that may have been caused In this
way. however, will not make much dif
ference In the total yield. Farmers re
entirely satisfied with all condition)! here;
in fact the general outlook is slightly
better than usual at this time of the
year. Continued cold weather has kept
fruit back and probably the trees will
not bloom until all danger of frost has
passed. In the last few years heavy dam
age has been caused to fruit by late
BEATRICE John H. Eames. a young
Chlcagoan. who drrlpped into town the
ether day to visit his old college chum.
Prof. Thomas Stubbs, it is alleged, tried
to set the professor to endorse a s'ght
draft for 3 on his father st Chicago.
Mr Stubbs learned that Karnes, who datum
to be a cousin of the famous Emma 4Cames
the soprano, was arrested at a theatrical
performance at Lincoln the other night
on the charge of a similar nature, among
fraternity men. He waa released, as no one
appeared against hire. Prof. Stubbs simply
donat'-d $10 to the young man for railroad
fare giving full and complete directions
aa to the time or the departure of Hie
next train. The, young man left town in
search of other "college chums."
The Weather
For Nebraska Partly cloudy and warmer.
For Iowa Generally fair.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Drg.
i a. m Zl
6 a. m 32
7 a. m 31
S a. m Us
a. m 41
10 a. m 43
11 a. m 46
12 m 48
1 p. m 47
i p. ni 49
S p. m 6)
4 p. m ho
6 p. m 51
p. m Ut
7 p. m 4S
8 p. m 6
P. m 44
" -"aw. 'S'-Sv w. JL-A. ja, Jl
Prnu M-rm jnwu.-svM fttr. s.ssssf
Sarins; money Is a Utidable ambition, but lots of pr-opl gr
dtrrrd from saving money because, they bellfvs they must deny
thetngelvsg of the food things In life. Not t all. The proper way
to sgre money Is to know bow to spend nionfy -wisely. You nave
money eTery time you spend money at this store.
The Window at Are Worth a Look
The Homo of Vitality Clothe
V wfl 'J
Our Spring
Clothes for
Littlo Fellows
Have proven unusually attractive to hundreds
of parents. The styles the prices th"vn-
rlety, and the beautiful department devoted
to the sale of children's wear. make, our,
store the objective point of many a 'careful
clothes buying expedition.
Not until you've shopped around a bit. cn"
you appreciate the completeness of our show
ing, or the seasonable prices In vogue. ,
S2.SO to $12.00
Suits With Two Pair Knickerbocker rnt.
A great variety of colors splendid fabrics
and tailoring all sizes a value
that Is utterably unmatchable
City Savings Bank
16th and Douglas Sts.
Is conveniently situated in the center of the retail district,
offers all the conveniences of a saving bank, has convenient
office hours: 9:00 A. M. to "):00 P. M. daily, and until 9:00
P. M.. on Saturdays.
Fully protects all deposits by farm mortgages ' and
city, county and school bonds, and the regulations required
by the state law. ' ,-.uuiLii, '.
Uespectfully solicits your business.
Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska.
Young men's clothes
are so fanciful this spring
that there's the danger of
over-stepping good taste. There's
a sure way of keeping on the safe
side find this label"
It warrants much more than good
making and good fabrics it's an
ear-mark of good judgment. Ask
at the best shop' in any town. A
book of young men's clothes (and
other men's) sent for an "ask."
KuhsUathaa 6 trtschtr to
lz Oregon
3) to Washington
' B i ni
ana iuano
Every Bty ts April 30. 1989
the Northwest. Train Service and Equipment tho
Beat that Money Can Buy, via
Union Pacific
Klfilric Block Klgnals Make It The Kaf Rond to Travel
Ask about the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc Exposition, Seattle, Wash..
Thonea Bell, Doug. 1828 and Ind. A 32:11. ' "