THE REE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. APRIL 23. 190. .'11 POULTRY AND EGGS (Continued.) R C. R. 1. RED KOO for sale. Pen eggs, 31 5 per 18 Jr 100 : rrom Pna scoring M te M ran 11 pr IS. f per ino. J. W. Abraham. Valley. Neb. (U)-MM r. KICK MINORCA ecss for setting. II for 11 Tel. Harney aa. ll)-M2 M2x PRINTING IARVE PTO. CO., Job printing and calen dar. 1Mb Cap. Am. Phono lad. a i REAL ESTATE KKAL ESTATU DEALERS. rtEKD ABSTRACT CO.. Eat. 1866; prompt service; gl our prices. 1714 Farnam SU (18;-31 . - . i REAL. E8TATB TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. aV WILLIAMSON. President. PATNE INV.. CO.. first floor N. T. U 09)-13 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg. DARLING Rrandela Bldg. A- DARLI NO, Tela. D. 3034 or A-1IS22. 9)-a05 (41 WALKl'P REAli ESTATE CO.. o Pexten block. ' ' (1)-MW7 Mayll 'TV PROPERTY POR ALB IMPROVED ACRE TRACTS AT REDUCED PRICES 31. so for 3 ecrea. all under motivation, 7 blocks from end of car line in Florence, baa b roQiri house, large barn, new ,-blfken iconp, cave,-good well, oung fruit of all klnda. elec trlo light In street. Immediate Fneaeeslon.. Price good for a ew days only. Investigate. GKORUFj at CO.. Fsrnsm Bt. Thone Doug. 7M. . " . . . 191-707 23 BRAND NEW. One mile northwest poatofflca, S-room modern house, now ready for occupancy; lot 0x1Z7 ft.; paved street; t'W cash, bal ance very eaaiy. Price only 3S.7SO. F. P. WEAD, 1801 FARNAM ST. - i)-tt a . ... .: . . i HOWE AND INVESTMENT. Rerrptjnn hall, parlor, dining room and kitcheik three' bedrooms and bath; strictly modern, full .basement, large lot, room to build another house; easy walking distance. GALLAGHER & NELSON, ' 49(1 . Rr&ndeis Bldg.; Omaha, Neb. ... (l)-M743 23 AT -LAST! AT LAST! Ti.ey see fmltmed, those four new. modern houses at SRth and Marcy Sts. Now Is your cltmcei to birr the awcllest home In Omaha. Ixu.k these over and' make offer. Iet ua show you t-lwv ewellest little S-room cnttsge In BemlS". Park.. Price Just right. Terms. " .. . We have vacant lots In all parts of th city. Csll for our list before buying. HARWOOPA HARWOOD, Both 'Phons. . :. . 41 Bee Bldg. (19) M736 23 WL Selby, !th and Farnam. - 4M Board of Trad Bldg. FIELD CLUB On asth Ave.' between Poppleton Ave and Woolworth Ave. we. have a new s-room thoroughly modern home, finished In oak throughout on first floor, large living room with brlok ftre(lace. seats, etc.; 4 good bed rooms and Tear sleeping porch, large, attic, cistern In kitchen and laundry. Everything of beat construction 47,750. On Dwwey Ave., nesr S4th we have a new 7-room. ell modern ybouse. finished In quarter-sawed oak on first floor; 4 rooms and hsll downstairs and 3 good bedrooms and bath on second; combtnstlon gas and elec tric fixtures. ' A thoroughly well built home. About 11,600 cash, balance monthly. Near the above we have, another 7-room house, same arrangement of rooms, thor oughly modern, for It."). Do you know that good desirable lots In the Wee Farnam district are almost as scarce at hens' teetht The trftaxlK ft. lot faring east on 32d fit. between Mrs. Hor- barh's anil Judge Kennedy's homes Is one of the few good ones left. This Is the cream of the Farnam district. Think we ran make a price of 14,750 if sold this week. INVESTMENTS The northwest- corner, of 19h and Web ster St., one. ".room modern house, two - rooni houses-and one 8-room house; lot ieixlM ft., right in town;' rent for about 11.800 per year.. Price, $14.6flO. Hix modern .brli k houses close In. rented for more than $3.w0 per year. 131,000. Three modern brfc'k houses on close in corner, rented for fl,7H0. A big buy at 11&.000. Two new v modern flats and three new modern frame houses on good corner, rent for It.KO. Price. t,J0.- See ua for houses and lots In all parts of ths city; . SELBY Phone Dctig. 1610. 4M Board ofTrade Rldg. (1 713 23 FREE . If you Intend buying from two te ten teres of land for a pleasant and profitable euntry home near Omaha,-ask us about he sis little farms ws are offering. Lew prices, easy terms If you want, also will set out and cultivate an orchard 'ree of charge en any tract you select. Three Monks, from pared road and close o rar line and town. We will be pleased o show tbem te you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Fioer N. T. L. Rldg Tel. Doug. 1781, . .-: '-In. A-11M. (l)-708 23 Ft LORENCE PRO PERTY . 18 VERY CHEAP 7 indis bound to Increase In value very vVe have seme geod bargains to offer In I .scant aad Improved property. Have aarerat Jarge jots lea we t-sn sell or 1176 each On terms of I r ts CASH,. 16 A MONTH J None ever three' blocks from car line. ' See us at ones about them. A good way 'o get started to save tour money, at the arne time get the advance in price. 'iATIK(li a HETUEN, 114 Harney St. " ,'"' tl-l 13 :.v. WE 1LAVE A NEW PRINTED LIST OF . b0 HOMES RANGING IN PRICE FROM . :$i,ioa TO $7,500 that w. -wwnt everyone who la interested m buy lag a heme te get and look over, kvery house on the list Is good value. CU at eur eftioe or telephone and ws will ff.STf4 to you have one. UATlNO MKYDEN. 1414 Harnev Bt. . ' v- i ) a lFW, T newts, very choice. Bern Is Pvk a) sua, A 2U -Uj.Uict REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKHTT MR SALB. (Continued J W Wnnt Money, That's the Reason We will sell you 2fi02 S home of momi- 31.400 Ave a good , ttm N. JSIh-7 room, hern and crty wster, COST HOMFMI.. Foiir-rtom house, loin T!xlJh. chicken house, coal house. etr.-31.. And tlien we have the cutest, most ger 5-room bungalow you ever m at li.fcO M0 rash, balance $3 per month NOWATA LAN II AND UVT CO.. Suite. K N. Y. Life HJdg. Phone Red 1W. Omaha. .Neb. Open evenings. (Wl-Mii K6. R-ROOM Bt NOAI.OW. Modern ex. heat, brand new. l.erac lot; paved street. NEAR REM IS PARK. Price $2.&on. KaKv terras. P. O. NIE1JEN. 703 N. T. I Bldg. Both phones. (19)-M71 25 WORTH LOOKING AT $875 2v) cash, tnkes a S-room. nearly ne house, not far from good car line. $1,500 t-room house at 30th buys and Franklin. $2,600 buy a -room modern house with hot water beat, near Corby and Sherman Ave. $2800 $n rash takes this modern 6-room houaa, near Burt and Boulevard. $4250 for a BRANT NEW S-room house In Bemia Park district, modern, oak finish, excep tionally well built. Owner will occupy suon If not sold. $12,500 Finest home In Hanscom Park neighbor hood, 10 rooms and modern. Make appointments to look at thesa. DARLING & DARLING Brandela Bid,. ON BEAUTIFUL 80TH AVE. Houea and full lot fronting east on tOth St.. and west on 80th Ave. One of the best nelahborhoods in the city. Room for flats. Now offered by heirs and F. U. Wead, 1801 Farnam Bt. . (l)-64 U ACRE TRACTS IN FLORENCE. $2,600 for new 6-room house and about bh acres, on paved road. Easy terms. 14,500 for new -story, t-room houee and 6.7 acres near paved road. Fine view. 11. W0 (or nearly ( acres unim proved, lying high and sightly, affording a beautiful view. Several other choice tracts, suitable for country homes, sll on easy terms, at from 1250 per acre up. GEORGE A CO, AGENTS. 1801 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 7Bt. 19-70 t A OOZY HOME. Eight-room house, strictly modern, 232S Locust St; Ipt 40xl4N ; fine lawn, shrubbery, fruit trees, bam, coal shed; block from 24th St. car. If you're looking for a good home you can't beat It. Price, W.OOO. Graham-Peters Realty Co., M2 New York LKe Bldg., Omaha, Both Phones. UO M6M 23 II. 900. Out of three only one left of modern, new cottages, 18th near Vinton, $300 cash, bal ance easy. F, D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St (l)-47 23 $700 South front, 60x125, at 61st and Underwood Ave., Dundee; on grade, walks, water and gaa and shade trees in; worth $000; Ownsr win take casn. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. TeL Doug. 17(0, A-118S. 19--704 a 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, k . near 26th and Davenport Bt. Easy terms. P. O. NIEL8EN, 70g N. T. Ufa Bldg. Both 'Phones. (19 611 23 80 A, $200 an Acre IVs miles from court house (Improved.) Harrison & Morton, 1 Tl 23 John Morrison House Large t-room house, diagonally across from Rome Miller's J25.000 country home. Grand Ave. and Florence boulevard. House fronts south and east. In a setting of fine old forest trees; beautiful outlook to the east over Mrs. Levi Carter park, the Mis souri liver valley and the Iowa hills. Mr, Morrison has removed from the city, but Is here temporarily and while here wishes this property sold. Former price, 17,000 present price, 35.S0O. Act quickly. - Harrison & Morton, (1)-T1S 23 CHEAP LOT. On Madison Ave., Just north of the Slier man apartments; 46x127, 3900. Won't last long. Uet busy. THE BYRON REED CO.. 'Phone Doug 27. 312 So. 14th St. UO-MOT 23 IF TOU HAVB City property, rarms. ranon lands or mer chandise, to sell or trade, list them with me. It costs you nothing unless I effect a sale. W. W. Mltcheu, 433 BO. Td. bldi St (1 LARGE new mod. fc-r. cottage, eer. lot 100x181. two blocks from car line; Imme diate possession; get a bums on easy pay. ments from the owner. Doug. 16S3 or even. Ings Web. 461. 1 Mi BOULEVARD HOUFB. 2243 North HHh It rooms, modern, only 31600. Thomas Brennan. room l New York Ufa Bldg. (Ir5i4 Hanscom Park, new, modern dwellings. I am building 1 block south of H'anacom Park, facing east on 21st St. Will mske low figure and easy payments. Call ms up tomorrow. CHARLE8 W. 1NDKRHILL. 331 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug 2210. (1-701 2 A Bl'SI NKtiS LOT on Cuming St., only TOO. P. O. NIELSEN. N. Y. Life Bldg. Both 'Phones. (19) 610 22 703 DON'T BE FOOLED. These people wjio advertise as owners and tell you that you caji save commission by buying of the owner are trying to fool you. WHO Bl'ILT OMAHA? Look at our list; then compare ."owner a prices. NOWATA lJt.ND A LOT CO.. Suite b4 N. V. Life Bldg . 'Phone Red Omaha. Neb. Open Evenings. U Matt U PETERS TRl'ST CO.. NEW YORK LIKE BLIM1 Ws want large luana on well located, first class city property. We can place large amounts at low rales. Peters Trust Company. New York Life Building 7j6 MayO OWNER SAYS SELL Fins six-room residence on Burt St. facing the Boulevard, modern In every way, good basement and walks The owner Is ohliged to go on his homestead this week. Price, S-.fku. Mm tash. lalsnre same as rent. NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, Uranueis Bldg , Omaha, Neb , 119 $3,(100115 N. L'Sth Ave. Just finished; 7 rooms, built In first class manner; maple doors and blrrti fin ish, cemented cellar with floor drain and fine furnace: large floored attic; combina tion light fllturei; cement walks sill nr laid this rrk. This is a khowy house and should be seen to be a pirerialed. In quire V. !I7 Cap lul Ave or Trl. D. Vii No commission added to price. (1 Miji At REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALB (Continued. BOITH FIDE HOME at W Pine street. Vestibule, reception ball, parlor, sitting room, dining room and kitchen, lavatory on first floor; 4 bed rooms and bath upetaira; stairway in lioorea sine; not wiirr nmi. bonae 'I year old; large baaement with sep arate laundry room lathed and plastered, outalde cellarwav; hmirn- la back plasteied. oak flnieh and oak floora: lot soxlSO; paving all paid for. An kleal home at less than coat-46m. W. H. GATES. Role Agent. 117 N. T. Life. Phone D. 14. 1 19) ni 23 100. Acre lot Dundee and tvuntry club, on Sightly ridge. F. D. Wead. lsVi Farnam St. (l) 1S M SPLENDID MODERN HOME At low price, on La Fayette Ave., near 41st HI., pnved and paid for. Houtn rrnni. nne terri"e, Iswn. trees, cement walks. 7 rooms, laundry In basement, cistern, beautiful locution, near car. Will pay you to Investigate If you want a GOOD home In deolrahle locMtlon. Tel. Herney KleX OW Ml 23 REAL ESTATE, IjGaNS and Insurance List your property with us for sale or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills Reslty Co.. 4010 Hamilton St 'Phones Harney S7S; Ind.. B-U41 tit 1M LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 22 aad Cuming Sts 19) 623 HO-ACRE homeetesds: cheap relinquish ments. J. Berlins, Whitman, Neb. (20)-M401 MajrMx HOMES IN BENSON Part cash; balance same as rent. W. E. Tsrton. 228 S. Or phanage Ave.. Bcnwn, Tel. Renoon Ml. (19) m;w A30 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LASU FOR SALB Ce)era4e. COLORADO IRRIGATED SNAP. 40 acres Joining townslte. twelve miles from Denver; fruit and vegetable land; lies beautifully; fine view of the moun tains; Ideal for home or Investment This will be sold at one-half Its present value if at once. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., 182 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Nab. ('JO j 269 Mexico. DEAR MRFARMER Can von raise EIGHT CROPS OF AI- FALFA yearly and sell It for $1150 a ton? Also TWO CROI"S OF CORN 7 Can you raise orangfr, lemons and other eemltrop' leal fruits? NOl But you can In the YAQUl VALLEY Bonora. Mexico, on main line of 8. P. Ry., fronting west on Gulf of California. Flue climate, good markets at hand, paying big prices. 4UXOU0 acres under Irrigation. If you want to buy this land at $25 per acre In five yearlv payments Including per petual water right, ACT NOW, and Join NEBRASKA- AND IOWA COLONY. Excursion Mav 4. Write for particulars. Hackett-Stillman Land Co., Agts. 121-22 N. T. Life, Omaha, Neb. Doug. S972. () Mi4Z 1 Nebraaksu America's Valley Of the Nile Best Irrigated Lands In ths West .... ars in the SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRT, 'up the Famous North Platte Valley of Nebraska. . - '4 First Excursion Tuesday, April 27, 1909 Thirty thousand acres of fertile land In a splendid climate, watered by one of the biggest irrigation sys tems in the country. No Nebraska land of equal area will support mors families. Men from the South Platte country and Greeley, Colo., eay the advan tages of the North Platte are super ior and the prices are one-fourth to one-third. Read again; think. Irrigated lands advance steadily to 3.100 and $600 per acre; they never go back. Think once more; act TVESDAT. APRIL 27. we begin the sale of the Famous Trl-Btate land at Soott's Bluff, Neb. This land, which Is owned by the Tr1-8tate I-and company, of which Mr. U. A. Cud ah y la president, is under the $2,000,000 Tri-State Canal one of the largest irrigation systems In the west. It Is half again as large as the Im mense government Pathfinder canal. The Tri-State Land company has practi cally first water right out of the North Platte river, and for an immense amount of water. This magnificent body of land at Scott's Bluff represents ths Best There is in Irri gated Land The two big canals, the Government and the Tri-State. represent a combined cost of nearly 34,000,000. This is evidence of the value of the lands. The prices at present re low. Prices and Terms These Tri-State lands lie so perfectly that a flat price has been made on the en tire tract.. We will sell uncultivated land at 370 per acre; cultivated land at w per acre. No more than IdO acres will be sold to any one purchaser. Speculators not wanted; this Isnd is for homeseekers, who will move onto the land and improve It, or Im prove and rent It. ONLY ONE-FIFTH CASH, balance in Bine annual payments; first payment due two years after date of purchase. These are the famous I'nlon Psciflc terms, which have been so popular with homesetkeis. To the first twenty buyers, or until J.ono acres is sold a discount of 35 iter acre will be made on the purchase price, on condi tion that the purchaser improves it this year by building a house and barn cost ing not less than tl.iMI. Paid-up water rigni rrom the best canal ever consirucled goes with each acre. For further particulars, sea or writs Payne Investment Co. General Colonisation Agents, New York Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. (Or any of its associate agents, i (20)-tfc3 23 FARM FOR SALE luO acres Improved farm. 16 miles out, one mile to ststlon; good orchard; lots of fruit; wo'th W.tiiiu. Will take 3t,Sou, If ran sell at once; 32,5oO rash, balance long lime; possession at once. J. H. SHERWOOD, 613 Brandela Bldg. Omaha, Neh. (toj-Miss 23 REAL ESTATE FARM AXn HACH LAU FOR SAI.B Rtbrssks- ills 1,720 Acres North Platto Country Fsrmlng. erasing and hav hind; one mile wster (runt; f.6u an acre. A baraain. (40 Acres Republican Valley Country All fenced; 500 acres good farm land; 1S0 acres in crop; fis an acre. 1G0 Aerea Deuel County Unimproved, as fine as anything In ths ite, IIS an acre.' 160 Acres Unimproved Land Joining tho town of Otis. Crlo.. could be sold out In small sctesge, tl OHO. Fine Improved Farm Nesr Newport. Rock cout.ty, nil fine land, worth $4. Goes for . an acre. If aold soon. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg. Omaha, Nb. IJ0D-M73S a EVERYDAY IS BARGAIN DAY We have a farm of about 160 acres within 4 miles of two large towns. In the southeast part of Washington county. The farm Is fenced and has a good deal of fruit planted on it, but the buildings, although comfortable, are not new. Almost all the soil Is black loam and raises large crops. The price Is low snd It would be a grand investment for any man. J. A. Langan & Son. 'Phone Doug. 1569. im N T. Life Bldg. 120) M 883 IS WE BELIEVE WE HAVE THE BEST. KANCH IH N rj 15 rLA BKA. l.tMlO acres, two big lakes, running and everything that YOU want ranch; price, J18 per acre. water for a Open evenings. , NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bid. Phone Red W. (201-MS91 27 Texas. Texas State Land $1.00 to $400 an Acre School Lands In Different Counties. More Than l.OnO.oOO Acres to Be Sold Before June 30. One-fortieth cash and balance In 40 years. You can buy SM acres of the beat, pay 332 cash and no more for 40 years, but 3 per cent tntereet on the balance. As good land aa Kansas, Missouri or Illinois at I If) per acre, end better climate. Write us for further Information. Inclose c for reply. INVESTOR PUBLISHING CO., Amarillo, Texas. C)-M7.3 26x Wyesalagf. MUcellaneoos. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. ' Prince Rupert Terminus of Grand Trunk Pacific. First official auction sale of lots eammences May 26 at Vancouver, B. C. jrerms, quarter cash. For maps, -etc., write C. D. Rand, Agent for Government and Railway, Vancouver. B. C. (40) M27 26x REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans., Peters Trust Co. '.' ,(22)-2e SECOND MORTGAGE loans' "negotiated. Apply Room 417-13 First Narrijank Bldg. Bell -phone Douglas 2318. !) J3 WANTED City ytrntra Smith loans and warrants. W. A Co.. l?J0 Farnam St, !2)-2 PRIVATE money to loan. (13 Brandela Bldg. J. H". Sherwood. (22)-4m PATNE. BOSTWICK CO., N. Y. Life. Private money; 36U to 35,000; ow rate. OBJ &U MONEY TO BUILD. 3500 to 3700,000 at current rates, H. THOMAS, fc First Nat l Bank Bids. (22J 33 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bldg. (22)-27 1100 TO 3W.0C0 made promptly. F. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. D. Wead. '22) 623 FIVE PER CENT MONEY te loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Raom L New York Life Bldg. (22) -CM 300 to 1300,000, lowest rates. Gvrvln Bros.. 1604 Farnam. no delay. (22) 634 ffrOO TO 18.000 on bomee In Omaha. O' Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2153. (23) 07 MONEY TO LOAN- Payne Investment Co. (22 634 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS for a 6-room house, a t-room house snd s couple of vacant lota NOWATA LAND AND IX3T COMPANY. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. 'Phone Red Vm. Open Evenings. (23) M7H5 STOVE REPAIRS NEW furnaces, hot water and hot air com bination heating, 2 and 4-hole laundry hot water heaters, mantle grates, gaa stoves repaired, water fronts and flowet vases. Omaha Stove Repair works. 1208 1208 Douglas St. 'Pkiones' Ind. A-3&J1; Ben. uousias woo. WANTED TO 6UY HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3V71. (26 WO BEST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Doug. 6401. (26) 641 The Practical Auctioneer. 343 N. T. Life )- STANDARD upright piano, ster 3726. Phone Web-(SJ-MS36 WANTED To buy laying hens. Inquire W. 11. Thomas, Brandeia Stores. - (Jo) 702 24 WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent May 1. 6 or -rbom mod ern house. Must be In good neighbor hood. Will lHFe for year. References. No children. Slate terms. Y 162. Bee. t2)r-M237 23x WANTED 3 furnished rooms. May 1. Ixth rop school district. L. H. Vorce. 1824 Bln ney 81. 2B 3u2 23 WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tion The Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By a Filipino boy a place to work for board while attending Hoyles' Business college Beat of recommenda tions. Address Fermm Gamo, Crawford, Neb. (27)-M3kl6 2&X BUNDLE washing to take home. 'Phone Webster 131 (J) M530 23 WANTED A position in a furniture store; had 8 years experience and can give good references. Address H 314, care Bee. (27J-M579 2bx JAPANESE wsnts situation as rook, waiter, porter and bouse cleaning. Write please, H. N. 411 N. 26th Si.. South Omaha, ' (21 11677 23x WHEN you write to advertlaeia, remem ber that it takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention (he fact that )ou saw the ad In The Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OK CONSTRUCTING gL ARTER- master. Cheyenne, Wyo., Marcn 24. us.. Scaled proposals In trlplicste will be re ceived at this office until I to a. in., moun tain time. Ssturday. April M, lwe. at which time they will be opened In public, for fur nishing all labor and material required In the construction and remodeling of an slec trlo lighting system at Fort l A. Russell, wyo.. Including the loitowing uems: i. Constructing primary, sectinoary, service. transmission and alreet ngm lines, rumisii ing and Installing cut-outa and street lamp brackets and Installing transformers, re moving part and remodeling part of the old line. 2. Furnishing all Tungston lamps. switchboards and all apparatus for sub station. 3. Furnlshlitg all Watt meters and transformers. 4. Installing Interior conduit wiring and arc lamps for electric lighting cavalry drill hall. 6. Construction of a building for transformer sub-station, all In accordance with plsns and specifications prepared In the office of the quartermaster general, I'nlted States army. Plans and specifications are on file In this office and In the office of chief quartermaster, De partment of the Missouri. Omaha, Neb.; chief quartermaster, Department of Colo rado, Denver, Colo.; chief quartermaster. Iepartment of the Iaikes, Chicago, 111.; depot quartermaster, St. Louis, Me., and quartermaster. Fort Leavenworth, Kan. The government reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Re modeling Electric Light System at Fort D. A Russell. Wyo," snd addressed to Cap tain V. K. Hart. Fifteenth Infantry, act ing quartermaster, I'nlted States army, In charge of construction, room 3, Keefe hall, Cheyenne. Wyo. M26-i7-2-80A23-t3 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QVARTF.R master. Fort Iavenworth, Kansas, April a. lis. Pealed propoeels. In triplicate, sub ject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 11 m rontral time. May 20, 190". end then opened In the presence of sttendina bidders for the construction of a two-comDanv barracka. Includlne- plumbing steam lientlnr .lrlnir and tnstallina elec tric lighting fixtures; one stable, including plumbing. Installing- Interior conduit, wiring snd fixtures for electric lighting: one gun sned. one wireless telearaoh station, tnciuu Ing plumbing snd electric wiring, and one stable guard and shop. Including electric wiring. Full Information and blank forms of proposals furnished upon sppllcatlon to mis omce. i'lnne snn speemcaiions my be seen here, alsi In offices of Chief Qusr termsatere at fhinavn nmuhs end Denver Depot Quartermasters at Philadelphia and St. Irfiule. Quartermaster at Columbus Bar racks and Master Builders' Exchange at Kansss City, Mo. Cnlted States reserves the rla-ht to reject snv or all proposals or any parts thereof. Envelopes to he in dorsed 'Proposals for Public Buildings and addressed to Captain Wm. D. lavts. yusr ermsster. A22-23-:4-3rMlS-19 CHIEF QCARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha.' Nebraska. April 21. 1903. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here and by Quartermasters at posts named herein until 10 a. m.. central stand ard time. Mav a. 1900. for furnishing l.OUD.ouO pounds bituminous coal during the remainder of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S"9, at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Proposals for -delivery at other planes will not be enter tained. United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on ap plication here or to Quartermasters at the stations fiamed. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for Fuel." and addressed to Major D. K. Mc Carthy, C. Q. M. A23-M1 OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Fort uotigias. t'tan. March 24. 1909. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m. April 23. 1B09, and then opened in the presence of at tending bidders, for constructing, plumb ing, heating., electric wiring, etc., for two double barracks, one band barracks and one ordnance storenouse at Fort Douglas, (Ttan. inrormanon rurmsnea on applica tion. Envelopes containing bids to be marked froposaie ror I'uono Buildings' snd addressed to "Captain T. R. Harker Quartermaster. 1Mb Infantry. Constructing Uuariermasier, ron uousrtas, uran. M34-25-23-27-A22-J3 PROPOSALS FOR 8HOETNO ANIMAIaV- ornee Depot Q. M., Omaha Neb.. April 20. 1909. Sealed proposals for shoeing animals at Q. M. Depot, Omaha, Nebraska, during iiscai year oegmning juty l. lsnjt. will be re celved here until 10 a.m.. May 20, 1909. and men opened. - Information furnished on ap plication. Rnvelnpexi containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Shoeing Minimis. inn anaressea in enptatn J. L. ri i r ts, Quartermaster U. R. Armv.. : f. - X2S-24-2-M17-l-l LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 8 EA LED proposals will be received by the Ne braska State Board of Publio 1,ands and Buildings at the office of George C. Jun kln, secretary of state, stats house, Lin coln, Nebraska, on Tuesday, May 11. 1909, until 11 o'clock a. m., for the construction of a live stock Judging coliseum (pavilion) 176 feet long by 200 feet wide, on the Ne braska State Fair grounds, near Lincoln. Plans, specifications and details can be seen at the offices of the secretary of state and the State Board of Agriculture in the state house, Lincoln; and also at the office of The Twentieth Century Farmer. Room flOl, Bee Building, Omaha. Each bid must be made to the Board of Public Lands and Buildings and be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the order of said board, for two (2) per cent of the bid. as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into. In case of the acceptance of the bid. The board reserves the. right to reject any and all bids. All proposals must be made fully in accordance with the blank form hereto attached to the specifi cations. GEORGE C. JUNKIN. Secretary Board of Publio Lands and Buildings. A21dl0t RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION TATIOli lOTH AND MASON fJale-w Pacific Leave, .a 8.66 am .a S0 pm Arrive, a 9 40 pm a 6:00 pm a 9:20 am a 6:00 pro a 8:60 pm a 6:46 pm a 6 .46 pm a 4'46 pro a 7:06 ass b 1:49 pm a 3:46 pm a 9:00 am on trains Overland Limited Colorado Express Atlantic Express . Oregon Express a 4:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...aJ2:&6 pm Fast Mail a 9:30 am China and Japan Mall.. a 4:00 pm North Platte Local a 8:16 ant Colo. Chicago Special... al3:10 am Beatrice & Stromsburg Local ....bl2:40 pm Valley Local (motor, via Lane Cut-Off) ...alO OO am Valley Local (motor)... a 6:30 pm Local passengers not carried Nos. 1 and I Chicago, Reck Islasid at Paclfl EAST. Chicago Limlte-1 a 8:00 am all 06 pra Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4 30 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 3:00 am all:U6 pm Des Molne & Eastern.. a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Lea Moines Passenger. .a 4:00 pm a 13 30 pru Iowa lxH-al bll:0u am b 9:66 pro Chicago l Eastern Ex.). .a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pin Chicago Flyer a 6 0S pm a 8:36 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:12 pm Colo. 4k Cal. Kxpres....a l.m -nn a 1.60 pm a 4:30 pin t 1:111 Dm Okl. & Texas Express. .a 4.40 pm tkiri, at St. Pstk. Chicago & Colo. Special. a 7:26 am all CO pm Cal. & Oregon h-xpreb.a s:U0 pm a 3:2 pm Overland Limited a 9 64 pm Perry Local b 6:16 pm Chicago Great 'Westers. St. Pa'Jl-Mtnneapolia.... 8:30 pm bt. Paul-MlnurapoliS.... 1.30 am L'iiicaau Limited :U pin a :) am bll: am T.30 am 11 :36 pia 8 .27 am 11:36 pm 8.30 pm I Chicago Express 1:30 am Clik ago fcjxpreas u pm Lklcaav at XsrtLwmtrs Chicago Daylignt a 7:26 am Twin City fcxpreas a 7:46 am Chicago Local am Blcux City Local a 3:46 pm Chicago Ixical a 4:s pm Chicago Special a pm Minnesota-Dakota Ex.. a (:46 pm Kaal Mall Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm Los Angeles Umlud. .. .a 9:10 pm all 48 pm alO.JO pa a 3:a8 pm all .30 am a 9:10 am a 8:23 am a 9:39 am a 3.3s pm a s:u0 am al3: pm Overland Limited aJ0:SO prr. a s.x am Nebraska and Wyoming Division Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am sS Spm I.lnroln-Long Pins a ?:4u am al0:3t am Dead wood-Lincoln a 3:00 pm a 8:J0 pm Casper-Lander a 3.0s pm a 8:10 pm Fremont-Albion b 3:30 pm b 1 :t i,m Hastings-Superior b 8:00 put b 1:30 pm aflssoerl Pari fie K. C. A Bt L Ex press., a 9 00 sm a T 03 am K. C 4k Si. L. b.xpr-as..ail:U pm a SAO pm Wabash St. Louis Express a 8:39 pm a 9:9 am bt. Louis Local (from Council Biuffs) a 3:01 am ellutpoa Stanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) ...,i...b 8:00 Dm bl9 U am Illlaola ee tral Chicago Express a t l am a 8:48 pm Chit-ago Limited m. s ou pm a 8:80 am Minn. -St. Paul Express b 7:14 am Minn -St Paul Limited a 8:00 pm a 8 30 am Omaha-FL iedge L'leJ.a 4 1 pm all .30 am RAILWAY TIME CARD-""1"4, BL'Rl.inaTO gTA lOTH BtStOlt Berllesrtew Denver California. Northwest Special ... Plark Hills Northwest Express . Nebraska prints Lincoln Fast Mail... Nebraska Express ... Lincoln Local Lincoln txx-al Leave. ..a 4:10 pm ..a 4:10 pm . .a 4:10 pm ..alMfi am ..a 3:4 am ..b pm ..a 9:16 am Ar Ivs a 3:46 pm a 3 45 pm a 3:10 pm a 9:03 am s 3:10 pm al2:ll pm s 3 .10 pm b 9:03 sm a 7:50 pm blO:20 am b 1:06 pm C 1:40 pm a 7:05 am all :1S pm a 3:S6 pm a 3 30 sm 11:30 am all: sm a 3 30 am a 4.10 pm Schuyler- Pis ttsmouth .b 3 OS pm "b 9:V am .cl2:sS pm Bellevue-Flattsmouta t'lattamouth-Iuwa Bellevue-Plattsmouth Denver Limited Chlcsgo Special ... a 4:10 pin ....a 7:26 am ....a 4:a pm ....a (.30 pm ... a 9:16 am Chicago Express Chicago Flyer . Iowa Loral St. I -outs Express a 4:40 pm Kansas City aV St. Jne..ehV45 pm Kenans City aV St. Joe. a t:lS am Kansas City A St Joe.. a 4:40 pm WEBSTER TA. I3TH m WEBSTER Chtcaaro, Bt. Pawl, Mlaaeawolla Oosaka Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... b 3:30 am b :30 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..b 2.00 pm bll:66am Skux City Ixx-al c 3:46 am c 3 pm Fniaraon ocal O s:oo pm o iv am Mlsewwrl Peel fie Auburn Local k 1:60 pm b 11:30 am a Dally, b Dally except ttunday. S bun day only, d Daily except Saturday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Now York to Pari In 6 Days FRENCH LINE Safety, Speed, Comfort via Navrw te Paris, the tjlty BesutifuL Fast Trains to All Continental Points. Compagnie Generate Transatlantique Gtgaarlc twin screw express steamers sail every Thursday. 10 A. M. Tbev are modern won ders, with all coavenlences asd luxuries of most palatial hotels, on even grander scale. Passen ger elevators, roof cafes, orchestras, famous cuisine, gymnasium, dally newspaper, elegant suites, provide greatest comfort. N aval officers, man-o'-war discipline, wireless telsgraphy, sub marine bell slraal system afford every provision lor absolute safety. I Tourtlne April JtlLe gsvols Msf Is La Lorraine Mar I U Touratne Mar a? I4i Provence Mar IS La Lorraine ........Juas I paelal Oee-etsss ervtae til chur) 4S to SSO., ilumit, Fuardsr am w large twta tcrvw aad cxprea itMmcrt. Slaw VOTa-Sereeaua asr.lss feat claw cable) saiy so sea aae. H. B. W. m. Mooraa . 1401 rsrnaai Street . 1st National Sank 1W4 Faroes I mat. CANADIAN PACIFIC LIU TJKAJT rOUB DATS AT MM A. Wsskiy Bailing Betweea Montreal, Qaebss aad xaverpool. Two days on ths beautiful St. Lawrence liver and the shortest ocesn routs to Eu rope. Nothing; setter on the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wireless on all steamers. First olaaa, 9M seeond, $50! one class cabin, 845. Ask your ticket sgent, or write for sail ings, rates and booklet. O. U. aSKJAJUaT, s. A, Fanning Sues for Peace Now Colonel Who Rebelled Against Gov ernor Fears He May Be Court-Martialed. Reliable reports from Arlington hotel in Hot Springs. Ark., where Colonel Charles a Fanning. Is quartered, are to the effect that Colonel Canning Is about ready to sue for peace with Governor Shallenberger. . The insurrection started by Colonel Fan ning, so the reports Indicate, has fallen flat and that the colonel, fearing the conse quences of his Insubordination, is snxious for a clean pardon from the commander-in-chief of the army. It is reported that he has or will shortly open negotiations with his excellency. CHILD SAVING FUND GROWS Over Twenty-Two Tboasand Dollars Still to Be Haloed Before First f May. Subscriptions to date, to the new home for the 'Child Saving Institute total 36-',-844.91, leaving a balance of 322,155.09 tu be raised by the first of May. vThe Urge sin gle subscriptions not yet announced is the result of the Harding Bridge Whist party, the sum being 3U5. The list of new gifts Is as follows: Previously acknowledged jji n.u iiaraing s onuge wiuai party Cliarlcs Harding ,. V. J. Kimball tk Co Horace (1. Burt and Anna B. Burt.. John W. Bobbins , Three friends Louis Charles Nash W. S. Btiggs , Mrs. Fred Judson (Wednesday Lit erary club) B. W. Jewett 8. H. Buffet A Son Friend ; Helen Shepard H. M. Hardin, Gretna, Neb Dave Goldman E. C. Bennett Jennie R. Orr J. H. Crowley R. J. Spoerln H. F. Brown Theodore Grlnss, Harvard, Nob.... W. K. Shelton Land Agency Charles Ederer F. B. Davison Charles Nlelds William H. Houser Mereme Burchmore 415.00 50.00 100. 00 26.00 25.00 Jb.OO Z.f 20.00 20.00 10. On 10.00 10.00 lo.oo 1000 woo 10.00 6.U0 8.00 6.00 too ' 6.00 8.00 son 2.00 2 00 ;.oo 2.00 200 2.00 2.00 200 200 Mr. snd Mts. R. Tdoley. Central City, Neh E. D. Hlgglns Mrs. Kstlierlne Cosgrove Otto Blemsson Chris V. Jensen, Blair. Neb Mrs. R. G. Thomas , Mrs. J. C. Bishop Cash Friend Orphan friend C. Shay. Seattle. Wash...- H. D. Dobbins. Spokane, Wash John V. Glllesole Press A Morrison A. r. Wilbur O. E. Hague 2 00 1.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.O0 1 00 1.00 1.00 100 1 00 1 1.00 1.00 1 On 1 Oft 1.00 1 m 1 no 1 on 1 oo 1.(4 100 1 Oft 1 00 1 00 1 00 1.00 1 on Carl R Iuterwssser W. A. Montgomery O. Harrv N. Fltchett A. O. Meyers A. A. Alnsworth Fred W. Clssna P. A. Bothwell F.thelda A. Van Noy Mars' 1-es May A. Bu'ltvan W. C. R. Thompson Mre K. Archer Gladvs Sargent Irms E. risvld Sevmnur H'sii TOUls H Base Blanrhe R. Parker A I. Ewlng Fd Maack Rav E. Smith Marguerite Rlggs Fdna Hale W. O. Johnson Mrs. W. B. Mason. Benson A friend . Lillian Robothsm A friend George W. Fltchett Msude Anderson 1.00 1.00 1.08 I no .90 ..v VI 2fi Total 3ii.84l.91 Balance to raise 822.156.09. Limit of time. May 1. During the spring every one would be benefited by taking Foley's Kidney Rem edy. It furnishes a needed tonic te ths kidneys sfter ths extra strain of wlntsi, and It purifies the blood by stltnulstlng ths kidneys, snd causing them eliminate ths Impurities from It FV ley's Kidney Remedy Impart a new life snd vigor. Pleas ant to take. Sold by all druggists. WAY CAR SEARCHES FRUItHL Detectives of Railroad Find Stolen Goods in Cabooses at Night. TRAINMEN MUST BE HONEST System t seal ky I sins Pacllle Catches Robbers and orbvrstera Tries It, l.aadtnB Tralamea First Ttate. ' Searching cabooses at ' unexpected mo ments by railway detectives has largvtl? rliminated the looting of trains by con ductors and hrakemen and railroad secret service men are now Id turn their atten tion to landing several gangs of profes sional thieves who are at work on western lines. . ' ' When the L'nlon Taclflc agents searched a caboose near Grand Island last week they found the boxes under the scats flllott with bolts of silk. It was' the first estch In a long time and ths agents are not ready to make tn names In the affair known, . but are satisfied with the working of the. system which has eliminated " dishonest trsinmen who get on the pay rolls now snd then. ...... Not many train crews are now under sus picion and usually It Is not the crew, but one dishonest brakeman or 'conductor who. Is willing to take a chance. Hoard (a booses at "light. . During the year and a half ths detectives liave been boarding trains , at many sta tions, and at all hours of the day or night, they have foend some valuable goals ' in the freight train cabooses, including shoes, silks, sllverwsre, tobacco, cigars and every thing which could be taken from, merchan dise cars. The Northwestern followed the -system of the I'nlon Pacific and several trainmen have been caught with the goods In the cabooses. But the system has maije it, a difficult thing for trsinmen to loot cars..- As a result of the vigilance of the fnion Pacific the road has had fewer complaints of shortages In shipments than ever be fore. The requirement pnt In force by the western clssslflcstlon committee compelling shippers of shoes And other first class freight to use ceroent-coated nslls or wire staples with seals has also made it diffi cult to break open the boxes or for ship ping departments of wholesale houses o loot the esses before shipment snd thon. have merchants force the railroads to pay for shortages. ; POLICE WILLING TO WAIVE INCREASE FOR FULL WORK Snrh Is the Resalt of the Investiga tions Made by Chief Dea- Chief of Police Donahue says the replies he has received from the letters sent out to members of the force Indicate that most of the mm will sgree to waive the salary raise accorded them by the new charter. This they will probably do In preference to the forced necessity of giving all the men a forced vacation of sixty days or In lsy Ing off thirty or thirty-five men. If the tax collections sre good this fall and. more than 90 per cent of the police fund ' Is available It may then be possible to give the men an Increase in pay,, pro rata, the last montlr or two of the. year. Fire Chief Salter has not yet figured out matters In his department gnd does not know whether it will bo necessary , to cut down hla force on account if the Increase pay. However, the chief says he does not seo how It would be possible to get along. with a smaller force of fire J lghfers. WORK TWO HUNDRED YEARS Illlaola Central Paeener . Ageats Hove Long; Terms ! ' errlcio. These men have worked fer the Illinois Central Railway company 217 years: H. J. Phelps. Dubuque; Sam North, Omaha; B. E. Nichols. 8loux City; Homer Gray, Bt. Paul; Victor E. I .a bee, Omaha; D. L. Hyde. F. U Croxler. J. F. Jackson, Dubuque; J. F. Byers, Sioux City, and W. L. Buckley. Waterloo. Passenger agents of the road held a meet ing in Waterloo. Wednesday. The Omaha delegation returned Thursday and declared they were feeling young, but realised they were getting old fast. They figured up the length of time they had each worked for the company and It totaled 217 years, an averag-e of twenty-one years. "Victor Labee of Omaha has been in the'employ' of the mmpany twenty-nine years, and B. K. Nichols of Sioux City, thirty-seven years.' A trael Mistake is to neglect a cold or-cough. Dr. King's New Discovery cures them and prevents consumption. '50c And fl.OO. For sate by Beaton Drug Co. IS STOCK YARDSA RAILROAD? Jodge Kennedy Will Rale Friday Mornlnsr I'pon Point Developed . la Damage Salt. In the damage suit brought by Mrs. Oleha Swanaon against the Union Block Tarda company Judge Kennedy 'Will be called upon to rule Friday whether or not that company Is a railroad. The federal court says it la. ' The suit Is for 310.000 for the death c-f Mrs. Swanson's husband, Attorneys Murphy snd GiUer representing the ' jilalntirt, and R. W. Breckenrldge the defendant. The Stock Vards company, of courso, has trains being operated for II. but whether It ckn be held a railroad or not is up to the court to decide In his Instructions to the jury, and the whole case will turn on this point. , . Thia JtthUtle SUSPENDER Supports boys trousers and stockings without wrinkling. . Freedom of circulation and quick nets in dress ing assured. For boys in knee trrr g. era. Made for girls also. Only 50 r 75 cent Worth double it. Dealer replace all defec tivc pair. . Bold by Leading Clotking and Department House. II not, write Kazoo Suspender Co. Sets Maker Kalamazoo, Mich. When yoo toy Gel Medal floor be sore It Is Wasbborn-Croeby'e Oel4 Medal Floor. This is laaortaa4. aai A A