Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
You are Judged by the paper
you r4. Be reader. ha no
cauan to apologize for a lack of
aelfTenpact or Intelligence.
For NfbmiVi- rsrtlr cloudy.
For lnwa-'arilv cloudy .
For wMlaer report rio t.
VOL. XXXVIIl-r-XO. 267.
What Are You Going to Do About It?
til Inhabitants of Several Armenian
Villages and Towns Have Been
Relief Promised
from Floods on
Niagara River
Underflow is Releasing Water Grad
ually, but Danger Lies in
Ice Gorge.
Senators from Iowa and Minnesota
Criticise Certain Schedules in
May and July Each Drop Over Foiu
Cents, Making Total of Nine
Cents for Week.
Aldrich Tariff Bill.
MM-- (
Neither Women Kot.s
Spared by the
n Are
Armenians Are Looking to tht
Turks for Aid.
nir Missionaries at Haojla Alone
and Helpless Wnlle lsrrea
Insr Towns Are Cilvea to
ALEPPO. Asiatic Turkey, Tuesday,
April SO. -The entire population of Klrklan,
located between here and Alexandretta,
even unto tha last babe, has bee", masea
cred. The French mission at Ekba Is be
sieged by fanatical Moslems. The Armen
ian village of . Deurtyul Is surrounded,
and. according to a messenger who crawled
through the Arab lines last night and made
Ms wt.y here for help, the situation there
Is hopeless. The buildings on the edge of
town were already In flames when he
The massacres are being carried out with
the greatest violence. Neither women nor
children are spared. The motto of tlio
Moslem Is, "No twig of the accursed race
shall be suffered to live."
The Armenians, eccognlaing that the
massacres have been organised and rsrrlod
n by adherent of the old Turkish regime,
are looking to the Young Turks for future
Ten Thoasand Massacred.
CONSTANTINOPLE. April 32. -According
to advices received here today from Asiatic
Turkey, 10.000 Armenian have been
massacred at Adana and in the vicinity of
that city.
Tha situation In Asiatic Turkey, accord
ing to the latest Intelligence, Is distinctly
threatening. The wave of fanaticism which
originated at Adana some ten days ago and
found Its expression In the killing of Chris
tians, apparently is spreading generally
through tha eastern provinces. More than
10.(mm Armenians were massacred In Syrian
towns and villages, principally In the
vilayet of Adana. One embassy places the
estimates of killed as high as 16.000.
The government has sent urgent com
mnnds to tha vail of Adana that the mobs
be put down and the leaders harshly dealt
with. The attacks on the Armenians ap
pear to have been Instigated solely by the
A dispatch received from Meralna dated
yesterday says the Armenian town of
HadJIn, In the northern part of the Adana
vilayet. Is boselged by Moslem tribesmen,
abo are only awaiting sufficient numerical
strength to rush the Improvised defenses
reeted by the Armenians. The Armenian,
however, are well armed and will rut up a
vigorous defense. T'p to the present time
two persons have been killed at HadJIn.
British, French and German vessels of
aar have arrived at Merslna.
(till Plundering Antloch.
A dispatch from Antloch dated April 19
says when the mesesge wss filed murder
nd plundering In the city were still go
'.hg on.
Another message from Tarsus dated
April 10 said the missionaries at Tarsus,
which were giving shelter to 3,000 refugees,
ware well protected. Martial law haa been
declared and the situation was ahowlng
improvement. Five nundred houses had
been burned in the Armenian quarter where
fifty persona had been killed. Others had
been killed In the surrounding villages.
Aleppo, under today's date, reports tha
situation of all Americans there to be
dangerous. No mention la made of any
casualties. There is great Insecurity even
In Aleppo, owing to the arrival In the city
of bands of ferooloua tribesmen. Collective
consular reprea rotations have been made
to the governor general of the district
urging him to relieve the situation In the
terrorized territory. The governor general
(tromised to do all In his power, but he
admitted ha was unable to accomplish much
aa ihere were only 400 soldiers In the city.
Tha situation In the country north, eaat
and west of Alexandretta arises from the
antl-Chrtattan outbreaks and is most seri
ous. There have been massacres and pil
lage at Antloch and rioting at Blerjek.
Aleppo Is In a state of panic. There are
only 4O0 Turkish soldlets In tha city. Busi
ness Is at a standstill and there Is every
reason to fear a serious outbreak. The
city la full of Pedouln Arabs. Kurds and
Towns Sacked and named.
The town of Klrlkan, a short distance
cast of Rellan and aoutheast of Alexan
dtvtin. has been sacked and burned. At
A) a, on the west coast of the Gulf of
Alexandretta, 411 murderers have been re
leased from prlaon. They at once Joined
the mob and began committing depreda
tions. At Tarsus 100 persons have been killed,
houses have been burned and there are
today 6.OH0 persons without homes. Several
relive pastors from Aintsb were killed
while on tlielr wny to attend the district
' wisstonary meeting at Adana.
Aaaerleaa Women la Danger.
' peiRCT. April SA-Flve American
wenyen missionaries ate In danger at Had
Jn.ln the vilayet of Adana, Asiatic Tur
k; i. One of them, Mma Iamibert haa aent
a.'- nWseage down to the coast asking for
Im.ufdlate help. The women are entirely
, aloii and defenseless. The villages sur
rounding HadJIn are In flames, and Had
JIn Itself Is Invested by nomad tribea.
Mestagca from the Interior are being sup
prised by the authorities.
Th records of the American board of
commissioners for foreign missions show
that Mi Virginia A. Billings, Miss Olive
M. Vaughan.. Mlse Emily F. Bichter snd
Mre. Vary P. Rogers, wife of Rev. D. M.
Iloiera, who lost his Ufa at Adana, ars sta
tioned at Hadjlm.
former Ire- President Will "tadr
(.erantratal Conditions
la Orient.
l"NiI.ri.l April 22. Former Vice
F'iiidiit Fairbanks arrived here todar
fruni Bon Fianeisca on board the Japanese
liner, ChJye Marti. Ha waa warmly welcomed.
FORT NIAGARA. N. T., April 22.-An
attempt at dynamiting the ke jam here at
1S:4S p. in. today was an apparent failure.
Two charge of fifty pounds each wens
floated under an Ice bridge lying between
shore and the head of the Jam, but failed
to open a channel.
V. I'EVdSTON, N. T., April 22 -There la
v spect of relief from the critical condl
V which for several days has threatened
t owns along the Niagara river. The
,,rce of the current, crowded with looee
! lumps of Ice, evidently haa ground out a
smooth si'hway for Itself bones th the main
msss cf tha floe, for the wster In the cel
lars rose only five Inches during the night
I and receded an equal distance In the early
dawn. The Ire plowing the upper banks,
uprooting huge trees and pulverising docks
and boat houses, Is still poised on its lofty
level, but the middle line of the surface of
tha floe apparently has dropped a few feet.
The Jam Is of appalling proportion 'It Is
twelve miles in length, and In many places
sixty feet In depth, and repreacnte millions
of tons and a strength powerful enough to
annihilate the four villages along Its bor
der If It should start to go out all at once.
Another element of horror Is Its pestilential
nature. Mingled with the slushy Ice, cast
high on tha banks, Is a week's sewage from
all the cities along the Niagara frontier.
The plan of Henry A. Kunzle. aslstant
superintendent of public works. snd
Charles A. Tuttle, an expert on high ex
plosives, who yesterday afternoon decided
on a method of procedure, and In the even
ing obtained permission of the state to
carry It out. Is first to blow eff the head
of the Ice pack now projecting Into Lake
Ontario by an enormous charge of dyna
mite. Other sections will then be succes
sively separated from the whole and al
lowed to drift out Into the lake. Three
wagon loads of dynamite were sent from
Buffslo Inst night for this purpose and
are now safe in Toungstown at the mouth
of the river.
Captain Mitchell, officer in command at
Fort Niagara, lias offered the assistance
of his 120 men. Captain Nelson. In charge
of the llfesavlng station at Younastf wn.
and his crew of seven men, will also help
In the breaking of the Jam.
End of Coal Fight
Expected Soon
Conference Between Lewis and
Operators Closes with Better
Feeling on Both Sides.
PHILADELPHIA-. April 32.-The confer
ence between National President T.ewls
and the three anthracite district prealdents
of the Miners' union and the coal operatora,
begun yeaterday, ended today with a better
feeling all around. It Is expected that next
week will see the end of the controversy.
At the conclusion of the conference Mr.
Lewis said the miners had received a prop
osition which would be laid before the ex
ecutive boards of three anthracite districts
at a meeting to be held in Scranton next
Monday, Mr. Lewis said the proposition the
operatois hud made would not affect the
price of coal.
Loss of Money
Causes Charge
David Myers, Whose Fortune Disap
peared, Indicted for Not Pay
ing Taxes on It.
MOV NT VBRNON. III., April H.-Davld
Myers, K years old. who fortune of
f&3,000 became known when It disappeared
from a strong box during a family re
union was fined $260 yesterday for making
falite returns of his personal property In
falling to report this money for taxation.
Myers waa indicted by tha grand Jury
after the money had been recovered.
Sultan's Photographer in
Omaha Predicts His Downfall
Two men, at least. In Omaha think they I
are able to venture Intelligent views on
the situation In Turkey and Persia. They
are K. K. Krlkkorlal tOrcgory) and Rev.
John Baptist, natives of tha orient. The
latter, a former attache of the sultan's
office force, believes Abdul Hamid will be
killed or Imprisoned and the young Turks
will supersede him In power.
"1 have a father, a brother and many
close friends in the country rwar Adana.
and I nm naturally somewhat worried,"
declared K. K. Krlkkorlan (Gregory!, an
Armenian resident of Omaha. "Ho far aa
I am able to learn, almost anything may
ba expected to happen in Turkey in Ala,
liecause conditions arc utterly anarchic
"It is noi like the Armenian massacres
of the past, when thousanda of our people!
were slain because of religious prejudice.
The situation Is more ccnipllcatod now.
Religious fanaticism u t III exists, of course,
but. besides this, there Is the restleesness
which comes of the political uncertainty in
Constantinople and the lark of govern
mental authority.
"Every tribal chieftain in the country
districts who has a few followers feels!
that there is an opportunity for pillage
snd rapine and all ars striving to make
use of these opportunities.
"The outlook for the Immediate future
at leaat is not bright for Turkey In Asia
Tna Turks there are far leas civilised than
their compatriots in Europe- The army In
Europe ia. of course, controlled by tha
young Turks, who are liberals, while the
Asiatic army Is as bigoted as ran be and
completely under the control of the ulemahs,
ss fanatical a lot of Mohammedan priests
as the world knows.
"I'ltimately, with a strong liberal gov
ernment in the capital, ronditiona lll Im
prove through the whole Turkish dominion.
Senator Nelson Insists that These
Will Stand Material Reduction.
This Statement Provokes Retort from
Mr. Gallinger.
to an Charges that Schedules Ara
Worded that I.nrg-e Increases
tan Re Made In Appllra
tlon of Rates.
WASHINGTON. April 23.-Republlcan
criticism of the pending tariff bill on tha
ground that the rates were too high waa
prominent In the senate today, when Sena
tor Nelson of Minnesota and Senator Dollt
ver of Iowa attacked various schedules.
Vnder the grilse of discussing the duty on
gas retorts, general debate on the tariff
was Indulged In by democratic senators,
Senator aBllcy of Texaa taking occasion
to say that the bill was discriminatory
against the south. Fifty pages of the bill
were read today,
It wis agreed today that at any time
while the measure waa being considered
far amendment any parsgraph In the bill
might be reverted and be subject to amend
ment without the necessity of resorting to
any formal parliamentary procedure.
Inty on Umm Retorts.
The consideration of the duty 011 gas
retorts caused an oratorical explosion.' The
Committee on finance had Increased the
rates on these article .from S3, as provided
in the house bill, to 30 per cent ad valorem
the new duty being three times the imouti
levied by the house bill and tha present
This course was denounced by Mr.. Bailey
aa evidence of failure of the republican
par,y to k"rP fallh w,th the people In their
aemHna revision of the tariff down
Mr. Aldrich challenged the senator from
Texas to show that the republican party1
had been pledged to a revision of tha tariff
Mr. Bailey read from President Taft'a In
augural address to show that he had fa
vored lower duties and Mr. Aldrich re
sponded that the ptndlng bill proposed to I
fulfill that pledge absolutely. j
Mr. Root spoke at length ta show that
the Increased rate on gas retorta waa Jus- I
tlfied by changed conditions, concluding by
saying that If no senator had Information
on the subject tha paragraph ahould be
pasted over. 1
Nelson oa Woolen Schdales, !
Two republican senatora Nelson ef Min
nesota and Dolllver of Iowa sharply an
tagonised the senate committee on finance
during the consideration of the tariff bill.
The first, Mr. Nelson, denounced the meas
ure, declaring that the cotton, glaas and
woolen schedules were too high. He said
that placing duties on woolen manufactured
goods 59 per cent higher than the duty on
raw wool was unjust. He believed the
schedule would stand material reduction.
Mr, Gallinger, interrupting, referred to the
closing of the woolen mills of New Hamp
shire by the low rales of tha Wilson tariff
bill. Mr. Nelson energetically declared that
that was the same spirit that had actuated
New England In Its crlticlam of any effort
to reduce tha high rates that had prevailed
upon Its products. He declared that the
hard times of the '90s had come largely
from the panic of 1S3 and he added:
"All the stagnation from 1894 to 1897 was
not owing to the Wilson tariff law. I
would no more think of charging tha Ding
ley tariff with the panic of 1907 than I
would charge the panic of 1835 to tha Wil
son bill."
mi. .-rntin sam me silver agnation was
largely responsible for the panic of 1893.
Sharp Criticism by- Dolllver.
Mr. Dolllver's severe criticism precipitated
a lively debat. He declared that not only
were the dutiees Imposd by the Payne
Aldrtch bill too high, but that they were
so worded as to result In large Increases
(Continued on Second Page.)
but It will take time at the best.
' Adana, where the big massacre Is re
ported, Is the cspltal of the province of
Adana. both having tha aame name. There
were 4,0u0 Chrlstiiin families there and It Is
the seat of a Christian college for girla
Tarsus, where I graduated from the 8t.
Paul s Institute college, Is thirty-five miles
away In one direction, and 81s, our family
home. Is thirty-five miles in another. My
father is mayor of the latter town."
Krlkkorlan, who is known In Omaha and
Lincoln by the translated form of the
name, Gregory, ia an Importer of ruga and
Jewelry. He waa a atudent at the Lnlver
ait y of Nebraska for three yeara.
ine end must coma soon," said Rev.
John Baptlat, a noted Armenian lecturer,
who was in Omaha Thuraday visiting
Religious Director Crossman of the Young
Men's Christian association. "In two weeks
the sultan will be either killed or Imprls
oncd. with the young Turk In complete
sway, or else European powers will have
stepped In and taken charge of affaire
Thla latter would be by far tha moat de
slrable cons animation."
Mr. Baptist speaks with authority, for
he wss formerly court photographer for
Abdul Hamid and la acquainted with the
principal actors In the drama now going
on by the uosphorus. "There Is a chance
that there will be much bloodshed before
tha crisis Is over," he asserted. "If the
young Turks have united wtlh the fanatics.
aa asserted by tha latest dispatches, there
Is the gvaveat danger for all Christiana.
While a clergyman, Mr. Baptist Is going
home to practice as a physlolan, believing
that hla people need his services aa a dootor
In greater degree than as a minister. Mr.
Baptist Is a graduate of three American
colleges. His father and mother, whom ha
has not seen for eighteen yeara, live at
Ponlua. In Asia Minor.
From the New Tork American.
Rooierelt Party Leates Xombasa for
, .Pease, Ra-. . ,
Americans Are Given Dinner by Act-
la g Governor and Recelre Mes
sage of Welcome from
King; Ed nrd.
MOMBASA, April 22. Theodore 'Roosevelt
and the mombera of his party left here on
a special train at 2:30 o'clock thla after
noon for Kaplti Plains station, whence
they will be conveyed to the ranch of Sir
Alfred Pease for their first shooting trip.
The psrty Is accompanied by F. J. Jack
son, acting governor of tha protectorate.
Before leaving Mr. Roosevelt telegraphed
to King Edward, thanking him for the
message of greeting read by Mr. Jackson
at the dinner given In Mr. Roosevelt's
honor at the Mombasa club last night.
The party probably will remain at the
ranch for one week, making It tha baae
for shooting expeditions and then move
on to Nalronel.
Mr. Roosevelt, his son Kerinlt, Edmund
Heller. F. C. Belous and R. F. Cunlnghame,
tha general manager of the expedition,
were entertained at dinner last night by
th members of the Mombasa club. The
acting governor of the protectorate, F. J.
Jackson. In proposing the health of Mr.
Roosevelt read the following telegram
from King Edward:
"I bid you a hearty welcome to British
East Africa, and I trust that you will
have a pleasant time and meet with every
Leaves Big illck at Home.
Continuing, Mr. Jackson said Mr. Rooee-
velt had left "the big stick" at home and
after seven strenuous years aa president
of the United Htates. had come to Africa
to make use of the rlfie, in conclusion
he promised tha distinguished visitor an
Immense variety of game and good sport.
When Mr. Roosevelt rose to reply he was
(Continued on Second Page.)
You will remem
ber that Sherlock
Holmes, in the Co
nan Doyle stories,
was constantly find
i n g out things
through newspaper
advertise ments.
The want ads tell
many things.
Many people claim that this
page is of more interest to
them than any other in the
paper. The fact that the
advertisements are classified
alphabetically make them a
greater convenience as a
source of information.
Have you ra4 tao wut afe 7 at
Suit Over Losses
of Miss Nielsen
California Turfman Sues Manager for
Half of Expense of Star
ing the Singer.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 22-Allce Neil
sen, the singer; Thomas H. Williams, pres
ident of the New California Jockey club,
and Frank I Perley, well known theat
rical manager, figure In a case In the
United States circuit court here.
The latest development is Perley's answer
to the suit filed by Williams to recover
SL'O.UOO, half the expense Incurred In starring
the prima donna In 18!9. In the "Singing
Perley declared that he was not a partner
in the venture, but was employed at a
salary of $100 a week to manage Miss
Nielsen's tours, and exhibits his rontract
with Williams to prove the assertion.
The manager also relates the circum
stances attending the withdrawal of Wil
liams from Miss Nielsen's financial sup
port. This event topk place ot the close
of the first season. According to Perley,
the turfman told him that, he was will
ing to back other theatrical ventures, but
would require him to sever his connection
with Miss Nielsen, in consideration for
which Perley was to receive 100 shares in
the New Carifornia Jockey club and -about
SIS, worth of stock In Mexican enter
prises In which Williams was interested.
The agreement waa that the stock was
to be given to Perley when It should have
drawn dividends equal to par value of
the stock.
The theatrical man. In his answer to
Williams' suit, asks that the stocks be
delivered to him together witn the dividends.
Daughters Put Restraint
Aside in Battle of Ballots
WASHINGTON, April 22.-A11 wss sus
pense tonight among the Daughters of the
American Revolution over the result ot
the election of a president general and
other officers today. The balloting began
late In the afternoon and tonight the tel
lers were engaged in the prodigious tahk
of counting voles. This may take many
hours and the possibilities are they will not
he able to submit their report until morn
ing. The day was one of Intense excitement.
The bare mention of the names of Mrs.
Story and Mrse. Scott, the antl-udminia-tratlon
and administration candidates, re
spectively, for president general, waa
enough to set the great gathering into a
state of pandemonium. The delegates and
visitors threw aside all semblance of re
straint and in many ways displayed parti
sanship. Tha nominating speeches were re
plete with oratory and fiery spirit and
gave every evidence that tl.e conteat was
a battle royal. There was no suggestion of
bitterness of feeling, however.
There were but t-o candidates put for
ward for vice president general In charge
of chapters, Mia Amos J. Draper, the ad
ministration candidate, and Mrs. Miranda
B. Fulloch. the "Insurgent" or Story can
There are tea retiring vice presidents
general and the following were put In nom
ination: Mrs. Alexander R. Pat ton, Penn
sylvania; Mrs. Edward Orton, Jr., Ohio;
Mrs. Charlea B. Bryan, Tenneaaee; Mrs. A.
A. Kendall, Maine; Mrs. James M. Fow
ler, Indiana; Mrs. Wallace Delafleld, Mis
souri: Mrs. John Campbell. Colorsdo; Mrs.
George M. Sternberg. District of Columbia;
Mre. Tod Helmuth. New Tork: Mrs. Ed
ward C. Gregory, North Carolina, and Mra.
Alienist for Defense Says Captain is
Not Now Insane.
Later He Partly Denied Making the
Statement Credited to II I in -Two
Mo re Jwors Are
FLUSHING. N. T.. April 22 A com
motion was caused In the camp of the
defense today at the trial of Captain
Peter C. Halns, Jr., for the murder of
William E. Ann Is by rrr. U S. Manson,
an alienist retained by the defense, who
declared that in his opinion Captain Halns
was not Insane at the present time and
that the defense did not Intend to ra1s
such an IsHiie, but would" rest with the
proof that the defendant was Insane at
the time of the shooting.
The physician waa severely censured hy
the Halns lawyers for expressing this
opinion and afterwards partly denied
having made the statement credited to
John F. Mclntyre. chief counsel for the
defense, admitted that two of their
alienists were of the opinion that the
prisoner was now sane, but he said hit
did not agree with them.
Two new Jurora were added today to
the five already In the box.
Phlladelphln-Gnlf Line.
NEW ORLEANS. La.. April 21-The
Philadelphia and Gulf Steamship company,
which Is to, operate a line of steamers
between New Orleans and Philadelphia will
begin wrvloe July 1. The line will give a
weekly service and 4.ono tons weekly.
John F. Swift, California.
No especial contest was made over the
nominations for the other offices.
Even before the nominations were made
today the rival candidates for president
general felt It was all over but the shout
ing. nen the congress was called to
order the great auditorium was packed to
its doors.
A minute or two before the congress waa
called to order Mre. Storey, the "insur
gent" candidate for president-general, ap
peared In the hall and was greeted with
loud applause. For the first time during
the congress women cheered. While thla
ovation was at Its height Mrs. Scott, the
"administration" candidate entered one of
the boxea. Immediately her adherents
cheered wildly. Mrs. Scott stood up and
waved her hand In acknowledgment.
Preliminary to announcement that nomi
nations were In order, Mrs. Mclean made
a brief speech, which set the Daughters In
good humor. She held ud a ravel, ore.
eented last year by a Minnesota chapter,
made from an Indian pipe of peace. "That
Is tha reason I use It today," she said,
amid laughter. She added that she wished
everyone to understand, "that this house
Is in entire harmony. There should be no
personal feeling anywhere. We are a body
of American gentlewomen and we are going
to behave like ladles do."
Mrs. John C Ames i,f Illinois placed Mrs.
Scott In nomination. Mrs. Charles H. Mas
ury of Massachusetts placed Mrs. Storey
In nomination. There were many seconding
speeches, all limited to two mlnutta each.
Nominating speeches for the other candi
dates for office then ware made and the
balloting tegaa.
Heavy Foreign Shipments and Good
Crop Prospects Cause Selling.
Followers of Big' Bull See Their
Fortunes Wiped Out.
Re mors that He Has Cnlondea
'(asset Be Verlfted Hie Pari
' aers ay Real "Itaatloa
is t nrhanBed.
CHICAGO. Aiprll 22. That James A
ratten, hailed throughout the country ai
the "wheat king," has withdrawn from tht
market after dlspoxlng of hla heavy hold
ings of May and July wheat, wag asserted
In many quartere here today. To this as
sertion was added the fact that prices have
tumbled over i cents during the last week,
and that Patten has sought rest in New
Whether ho lias eliminated himself from
the so-called "deal," and If so, whether he
csme out with profit or loss, ara Questions
which can be answered only by Mr. Pat
ten himself.
Those who read the dispatches from Col
orado anent the discouraging reception met
by a reporter who tried to Interview the
big speculator at Trinidad between trains,
expressed the opinion that thla answer
seemed unlikely to ba forthcoming.
The session of the Board of Trade waa
sensational today. Bulls had expected that
after the 8 cent decline of. tha two pre
vious sessions a recovery would ensue.
Taking the Pntten view of a big crop
shortage as correct and wheat intrinsically
worth all that haa been paid for It, In a
purely speculative way the reaction was
Heavy Selling- Breaks Prices. '
But the first quotations were a start ling
disappointment to the bulla. From nearly
every point came reports of normal, or
evtn better, crop prospects. Liverpool prices
were down and the shlpmenta from Argen
tina, Australia and other foreign coun
tries were said to be greater than usual
at this tlfe of tha year.
Bears filled tha wheat pit In a dense
mass, and like an eruptive volcano, poured
forth a swollen stream of wheat. Longs
liquidated all along the line, and tha execu
tion ot stop losa orders added to tha con
fusion. Frequently It was Impossible to make a
sale within threa-quarters of a cent f the
price designated by the ,rtilomof to the
broker. . , ,.4
The Patten vortex of other and mora bull
ish days, into which the cereal might be
poured seemingly without affecting Its
appetite, wat not In evidence. It waa a
tremendous liquidating market, and Patten
might have been buying secretly through
others than hla own house. From him
there haa come no word that he haa
changed his views as to the value of wheat.
He called May wheat cheap at $1. JO. and
if he still thinks so, It la pointed out that
the same option at 11.21 today was an
excellent Investment. The same waesald
of July at I1.0M4. These prices wero
approximately 9 centa under the high price
of last Friday.
Small Speculators nankrnnted.
While Mr. Patten, quoted as saying ha
waa fleeing from reporters, waa making
for the ranch of his friend and partner,
W. H. Bartlett, Just over the Colorado line
In New Mexico, dejection waa pictured on
I the face of many a small speculator haunt
ing the ticker in various brokerage houses.
Many a fortune has Deen wiped out by
the decline this week, and many a man
who had a handsome profit on paper, but
still hung on for more, now confronts n
deficit. There are many such. Tha wide
publicity given the market brought into
It many a man who ordinarily walked In
quieter paths. Even the "regulars" for the
most part followed the bull leader with un
usual enthusiasm, and until today saw
nothing further In the declines than a
flurry. Mr. I'utten so characterised It, and
his word was accepted. They held to thu
limit of their resources, and today were
wiped off the speculative slate -when their
inargina became exhausted, and there waa
no longer a reserve to draw on.
Rnns Awir front Tftwisasees,
They would have liked very much to
know whether Mr. ratten had left orders
secretely to make further purchases at the
concession In prices. In tha aheenoe of such
information, however, Mr. Patten's absence
In a section of the country where he wttl
not be much troubled by either reporters
or questions, and the utter weakness Indi
cated by today's decline, gave rise to
gloomy hints that "Patten waa well out of
It." They went so far as lo declare that
the present slump In prices wss due to
the Patten liquidation of the Palten line of
wheat, rather than to Improved crop con
ditions. It Is admitted that this supposition may
be absolutely wrong. Mr. Pntten'a Ire
against reiortere was largely dua to pub
lished references to himself as a manipu
lator of the market, the engineer of a
great corner of the world's stupei food.
He smarted tinder such terms ta a degree
unusual to most men. He waa In his office
when the decline began to look serious.
but in his conversation he had much less
to say about the market than about tha
alleged erronrous statements made con
cerning himself In the newspapers.
"It's a fact that he ran away from tha
newspapers," said one of his friends to
day. "He wasn't ruuing a corner and
puhlwlshed statciiienta to tie contrary
wore him out. lie Is looking for rest
and he ought to find It. fcr Mr. Bart
leu's ranch comprises worn SOO.000
acres and no place on It la there a re
porter." .
"Has he sold his wheat?"
Patten F. specie A'ladleatloM.
"I don't know; I doubt it. Ha can well
afford to hold his Una. for the pinch
waa not expected until the shortage be
gan really to ba felt In June and July.
He expected a high price then and n
pected to market his wheat when Ms
portion on the crop had been vindicated"
At tills point In the conversation a
third party remarked that "t a man up
a tree" It began to look Haw) a vladlca-