THE nKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY, APRIL 2- 1900. iTCOtHmtWHIHMC E6INNING THURSDAY APRIL 22d. F-ACTU SAL BEGINNING THURSDAY u u C. APRIL 22d, iWOBTs Oiir well known facilities for handling merchandise in Omaha in large quantities and ability to pay cash (or them, invariably procures for Ilayden Bros, the first offering of manufacturers' surplus stock in all parts of the country. Our corps of buyers have been busy investigating the scores of offerings during the last few weeks, selecting the best, re jetting the undesirable, and the result is a stock of special bargains in New Dependable Spring Merchandise Unpre cedented in Assortments, High Quality or Low Prices in Omaha. Every day new lots will be brought forward. New bargain surprises to tempt you. Come THE RELIABLE STORE Thursday. THE RELIABLE STORE The First Carload of Our Great Mill Purchase of IVasli Fabrics, Wool Fabrics and Silks on Sale Thursday MS' IK STOCK HAYDEK Wool Dress Goods FROM THK GREAT FACTORY BALE. 4S-ln. Blatk Drss goods, Sold at $1.00 per yard, -23 86-ln. Fancy All Wool Suiting, res;., price 69c' yard 15c 2.50 Heavy Cloaking, 64-in. wide, at . 49 Several Other Specials In Wool Ires Goods. High Grade Wash Goods Arnold', 8itifd Silk. ' fine shade worth 5c -36s Arnold's Tissue Boode, worth 5c, yard .. . . . . ... ' . . ... . v. .36 Arnold's Cochin Silk ...36 Arnold's 59 ha Bell Sola 36 Extra Specials in Table Linens. Extra Specials for Thursday III OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOMS FROM 8:00 TO 8:30 A. M. 1 case of Fruit of the Loom, genuine article, 10 yards .limit, at yard, , 4 FROM 8:45 TO 9:00 A. M. 1 case of 6c Wash rags, 5 to customer, at each 1 FROM 9:15 TO 9:40 A M. 1 case of 10c India Linon, 10 yards limit, at, yard.. 5c FROM 10:00 TO 10:30 A. M. 1 case of Table Oil Cloth, either white or colors, regular price is 18c and 20c yard, first class goods, made by the Standard OH Cloth Co., 6 yards limit, yard. . 13H FROM 10:45 TO 11:00 A. M. 2 Be Bath Towels, bleached, very large and Very heavy, only 2 pain to customer, at each 11 FROM 11:00 TO 11:30 A. M. 1 case of 36-ln. Silkollne, regular price 12c goods, 12 yards limit, at yard .-5 EVJafchlcGS Bargain Offerings in ! Men' and Boy's Clothing Two prominent manufacturers closed to us for cash their entire sample stocks, and we'll show the garments during this great sale at less than vthe regular wholesale prices of the goods Nearly 3000 Men's Suits 1 A 95 I $12.50 values.... J n 75 I 1-1 $13.50 values K - I I 1 ftfi VolllAO w $18.00 values $20.00 values $22.50 values (sale pnee The immense assortment' of regular stock on, hand i8 the only reason we would dispose of these suits at such prices. They're splendid bargains at much greater prices. All the best fabrics, latest colorings, patterns and styles included in the stock. Another Big Purchase of Boys' and Youths' Suits offer Splendid Savings. Youths' Long Pant Suits, at . : . . . . .$7.50 $10.00 and $12.50 A showing of qualities and nobby new styles we are positive will equal any shown elsewhere at $2.50 to $6.00 more price. Just see;them. KNICKERBOCKER SUITS (BOYS' KNICKERBOCKER SUITS that would sell regularly! at $fi.00, in this sale,t ' $Q5D at. ,. . . . ... i . '. Big CwHill Purchase HIGH CLASS SPRING SILKS Absolutely the choicest assortments and and values it has ever been our fortune to offer at anything approaching these bar gain prices. $1.00 Quality Satin Foulards 100 pieces in .this lot, all the choicest new colors, large and small designs, polkadots and stripes, magnificent ' rr bargains, at, yard. ..... .UuC Plain and Fancy Silks, regular 75c and $1.00 values, Messa lines, Taffetas, Pongees, Chif fon Pop in si, etc., in every con ceivable shade, yours Q Kn Thursday, at, yard 03C NEW SPECIALS EVERY DAY WATCH OUR ADS. $35.00 Bigelow's Electro Rugs slightly mismatched, other wise perfect, fine new pat terns, just 50 in the lot, choice Thursday, $ Q Q r while theylast,"at. . lO.CU 50c Ingrain Carpets, half wool, fine assortments of new pat terns and colorings for se lection, extra heavy quality, in Thursday's big qt sale, choice, yard Owl BOYS' with extra pair of pants, "worth regu 'lariv $4.50..O.ur $085 1 U ' Don't judge them bv the prices, we want you to examine the quality, see . tic style of these garments. You'll vote them the best ever offered here or o) nowhere. BIG MANUFACTURER'S OUTLET SHOE SALE The late spring has left lots of cancelled orders on the floor, our buyer secured these goods at a fraction of their cost. On sale Thursday at about one-half regular prices: Women's Shoes and Oxfords in Patent Colt. Vlcl Kid, nun Metal and l;hoc Vlcl Kid. in Goodyear welt and turn soles, worth $3.00 and $3.50, !in this sale, at, pair 91.08 Women's $1.50 and $1.75 Vlcl Kid Bluchers, all sizes; also Misses' and 'JCbild's Kid and Patent Colt Lace and Button, at. pair 81.00 .VtBses' Kid and Patent Colt, $2.00 and $2.25 Shoes, standard makes, at, pair 91.50 Utile Cents' Satin Calf $1.00 Shoes, sizes to 13, in this sale ..75 Infants' 50c cent Sort Soles, all colors, at. pair 25 Children's $1.00 and $1.25 Shoes in red, tan brown and patent button Mith kid tips, at, pair 75f Men's Patent Colt, Vki Kid, and Gun Metal Welts.worth up to $.1.j0, at $1.98 $1G and $25 Silk Dresses Thursday $8.95 We securad the entire surplus stock of silk and wool dresses of Nat 'Goldston, 28-28 .V 17th.SO"."V., at less than 50c on the dollar. Fine foulards, messalinea, taffetas and splendid wool fabrics in the very best designs and colorings for spring, manufactured to sell at $25.00 greatest bargain ever offered $8.95 $25.00 White Serge Suits trim med with black buttons, the classiest of the new ideas, the most popular of the season, on sale $19.90 Women's $7.50 Spring Jackets, black and coverts, manufac turer's surplus, all newest spring stvles, great bargains Thursday " $4.95 Special bargains in white serge and pongee coats, in Thursday's sale, $5.00 up to $25.00 Manufacturer's stock of Misses' Spring Suits, regular $12.50 AFTERNOON ONLY IN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM FROM 2:00 TO 2:30 P. M. 1 case of German Lonsdale, regular prlco It He 10 yard limit, at yard .5 FROM 2:45 TO 3:00 P. M. 1 case of English Long Cloth, regular price 12 He value, 13 yards to piece, each piece. 59 FROM 3:15 TO 3:30 P M. 1 case of $1x90, good sheets, regular price Is 68c acb, 3 pairs to customer, at each. 23 FROM 3:30 TO 3:45 P.M. 1 case of llc Pillow Slips, only 4 to customer, at "ch 74 FROM 4:00 TO 4:30 P. M. 1 case of 13 Whit Goods, neat checks and stripes, 10 yards limit, at yard 3H FROM 4:45 TO 5:00 P M. 1 rase of 65c Large Cotton Blankets, grey or tan, 2 pairs limit, each IKe 25 Pair FROM THE GREAT FACTORY PURCHASE Goods Priced at Half and Some liens Thaa Half of Cost to Mn. facture few Items m aa Index to what we will do. India Pongee, sold at 25 Alberta Sattn, sold at.... . .250 Polntella Pllsse, told at 19 lilnene Bordtne, sold at 10 Imported Madras, sold at...25 ALL WILL GO AT VARI 8H. 10 d 12U Batistes, Organdies, White Goods, Lawns, etc., worth up to 19c yd., 'I t JHt White Goods, India Llnons, Pers ian Lawns, Long Cloth, etc., worth up to 26c yard all at OH Ginghams, Fine Dress, worth up to 13 Vie yard in all fine stylos, will go at. .5. 74 and 8 Apron Check worth up to 7c. at. yard au, aits, 4140 sna as Towels worth 8c each will go at. each m our Famous Tim Its. (VI EN'S WOT EN'S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND FURNISHINGS Surplus stocks and sample lines from some of the best known manufacturers in the country, offered in this sale at less than- you ver bought like quality before. Three Big Under wlin- Specials Ladies' Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers and Combination Suits, regular selling prices up to $1.50, AfA choice Thursday, at. Muslin Underskirts, worth to $3.00, cut full, very hand somely trimmed, many of them well worth $2, QO, Thursday $1.50 andwUG Ladies' Gowns, in latest em pire or low neck designs, short sleeves, manv of them worth $2.50, big assortment, each 98c Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, regular 15c values, pair 5c Ladies' and Childern's Hose, imported Lisles in light or medium weight, lOpl regular 19c value . U 2 Ladies' and Children's Hose, 25c and 35c quality, Lisle, blacks and tans, IQn Thursday, pair IOU Ladies' Hose, entire sample line of a big importer, all colors, all styles, to $1 values, choicest bargains ever at pair 49c Smril Marqificiil lirfiia DffirlnfS ii Usi'i Firfilshlef! Men's Summer Underwear Values to $1.00 garment, at . 25c 39c and 49c Sample Neckties, clubs, tecks, fou r -in - hands, bows, etc., fine silk ties, worth to 50c, at 10c Men's Combination Suits, summer weight, .values to. $2J50,' at, each 59c 98c $1.50 Men's Dress and Negli- gee Shirts, actual val ue to $2.60, samples, Men's and Boys' Under, shirts, regular. 39c val ues, on sale.'at ,r.15c Work Shirts, all sizes, good quality, on 6ale,. at, choice ...... .25c' t KOa nd OSe Percale and Madras Shirts, worth regularly 50c, Thursday, at .19c Many other Specials Thursday too numerous to mention. and $15 values $9.90 $3.00 Lawn and Lingerie Waists manufactures' surplus at, choice $1.49 See Grocery, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Special Prices on last page. 'Phone your orders. Our new delivery system insures prompt and satisfactory delivery. DON'T FORGET TRY HAYOEH'S FIRST IT PAYS Silk Underskirts, values up to $7.50, on sale .$3.95 A magnificent new line of the popular Crown Jewel Suits, $25.00 Don't fail to see them. Many other special bargains Thursday New lots on sale every day. Watch papers and windows Tremendous Purchase of Embroideries Entire Surplus of one of the largest mills. Never before in the history of Embroidery Sales in Omaha have such values been of fered. In these lots will be. extra wide, medium and narrow edges and insertings. See them. FOIKTH LOT PKR YARD 0 This lot includes many 25c and 35c yard edges and bands, great snaps. MAMFACTIRKRS' SAMPLES STOCK VAL LACES The opening Val Lace Sale of the season Thursday: All regular 5c Vals, yard 2 AN IMMENSE PURCHASE OF MILLINERY cs Show Room a Sam ples and Patterns from some of the most prominent makers in America shown Thursday at FULLY Vt LESS THAN VALUES: Black hand made Hats, some trimmed, Trimmed Hats, worth to $6.50, Picture $3.00 values, sale price $1.50 Hats and show room samples, $3.95 Trimmed Hate made of good braids, very latest style ideas in trimming, actual value to $5.00, Thursday $2.50 Latest styles in Straw Frames, all the good colors and shapes, actually worth $2.00, your choice . . 98c ootm of nWmdia ternUi 1b hljrh as gods, all bats aaarktt la plala tint. tATM TT oxsrr to so rin ommr oar ton irm kat Thursday. FIRST IXT PER YARI S,c Includes nainsook 'and cambric edges and Insertings, worth reg ularly to 10 cents a yard. SECOXP IX)T PKR YARD Be A full ' usKirl Vnmt of filpem and In- Berttn. rrsular value l&r. THIRD IA)T PER. YA B l j7 H e A beautiful line of very fine goodi that are worth regularly to 20 cents All regular 10c Vals, yard .-5 All regular 15c Vals, yard 7H PI RE LINEN LACES A big line of linen Torchons, tha greatest values ever shown, at yard -2H and 5 Fancy Bilk Veilings regular 25c and 35c quality Thursday at yard 10 13.50 SEAMLESS ART SQUARES Extra heavy 9x12 size, $r? on sale at $1.50 Smyrna Rugs Fine Oriental patterns, 30x63 . size, on sale, 7C DOfTT FORGET TRY MYDEN'S FIRST WHEAT FALLS TWO CENTS It it Expected to Descend Further Because of Bain. NO DEALEE ADMITS BEING STUNG Harllnstoa Imp ltriorta how that hrat lla, Interna Well Woiue prlas Mred a Be. las Sanau WUeat, real wlieat wiiii whk-h 10 make It. ad mi about 2 wnta clteaK-r on the On'alia market Wednvstlay and tlie hkii Is R-ent-ral, Is good for tha Slowing crop th prevalltns Influence on w.Mem market, at leaat. No local (rain Oealt-r will admit being Almost even "n buying on the In. or of the Omaha exchange ta bulllah In i; hli teiuleni-iea. lower wheat cannot be talked Micceaafully on the Omaha market. YVt.tat had been aold within th laal few tVya to millers out in the state of Ne for above gl.25 and the millers had to pay the loci) freight rate to get it to their mills. Several miller were on the riaiket Tueariay. Omaha grain dealers as rule do not brltet wheat will go to a uiy low level nor tbat Patten will be taught by any urifureteen condition. Wheat haa wintered In better condition lhn wa at first auired; very little spring wheat is being snwn; oata ( in (air cou.liik'n. but backuid: ploing for corn is ejl under way and other; crops are generally backward because of the cold weather of March and April, according to the Burlington crop reirt issued Wednes day for the week ending April 17. CoH la Blaaae. In a summary of temperatures taken at stations from Omaha to Denver and from Sioux City to Atchison, the Burlington finds an average for the week of 89 de grees, while Uat year the average tem perature for the week at the same stations was 60 degrees. This low temperature la given as a reason for growing crops being backward Precipitation Is also below normal. Of the winter wheat crop the Burlington says: "The reports which we have from ata'.iona would indicate present conditions aa compared with an average crop aa fellows: Lincoln division 9 per cent, Omaha division 90 pvr cent. Wymore divi sion 9$ per cent. McCook division W rer cent. The figures may b considerably changed In the next report." Practically all the oats have been aown and In many districts truy are out of tha ground and growing according to this re port. Corn plowing la a ell under way. but none planted up to this time. It haa been too et for plomlng ao that the ground should be ready for seasonable plan'ing. Grand Jury Looks Into Homesteaders' Modus Operandi It Will Hare to Be Shown by Those Who Evade Any Fart o the Law. Tli (.lad Head . removes liver inactun and bowel stoppage with Dr. King's New t-lfe Pills, the pain less regulators, jbc. For rale by Beaton l)i ng Co. Bee want ads are business boosteis. Homesteaders and Klnkalders who expect to acquire title to land In western and northern Nebraska without complying with all the requirement of the homestead laws and recent rulings relating to homestcading on public lands hjva some trouble ahead. The federal grand jury now in session in Omaha Is looking Into a number of these cases .where parties have recently under taken 10 make final proof on their land with lesa than the minimum of cultivation, reaidence and Imprevments. The presence of w number of poatoffice Inspectors before the grand Jury Indicates that the po toff lie department is looking after a number of delinquents tor violat ing the postal laws. One of the most important cases now be ing investigated by the grand jury is a white slave case from the northern part of the state where a young woman la alleged to have been Imported the country for immoral purposes. Another rase that rua tome before the graud Jiry deals Willi the finding of a small quanity of counterfeit gold coins In Omaha several weeks ago. Several Indians are present from the Omaha and Winnebago reservations to tell what they know about the revival of the bootlegging industry on those reservations. The Jury will not make a report before the end of the week. COAL FREIGHTAGE WILL RISE Aycrigg is Now City Engineer Democrat Appointed by Mayor Sayi He Will Hake No Change, in Office. William Andetson Aycrifg is now the city engineer of Omaha. His bund wilb the American Surety company, in the sum of, was approved by the council In ad journed session Wednesday morning and the new ofricial entered upon his duties Immed ately. Mr. Aycrigg announced he would make no changes in the office, at least not for the pre.ent. John P. Crli k holds over as assistant city engineer. Aside from approving the bond of Mr. Aycilgg and rassing the ordinance In structing' the city clerk to place the names of all petition candidates before the elec tion on printed ballots Instead of tha voilna I machines, the cunacil did but Hula in the . adjuuined . !!. 'u Bates on Southern Illinois Product Are to Be Advanced. . "FOR CONSUMERS SENTIMENT" This Is What Rallroasl 0elal Sara la the Coarse ml His De fease of Ibe Protased larrease. If freight rates on coal from southern Illinois fields to Omaha advance I cents per ton how much advance in the price of coal will be made to consumers when they fill their coal bins during the summer? This la the difficult problem with which consumers must work, as the railroads have promised to advance the rates Just IH mills per hundred pounds, snd tha coal dealers are going ta put up a big fight to prevent the advance which may maka it necessary to tack 011 fe or six "bits" to the retail price per ton. At a meeting held Wednesday betwesn coal dealers and coal traffic managers of the railroads the dealers made It known that they would lake up the proposed ad vance at once and fight H to the laat ditch. They told the railroads that tha advance was really an advance of from II SO per ton to 12 per ton on southern Illinois coal to Omaha, while Kansas City would be al lowed to-xetain the l M rate. Kailroada len this 3-cent advance and say the rates will actually be moved up Just ( cents per ton In the readjustment which will be made A pry 26. By s railroad man attending the meeting the explanation was offered: 'The readjustment does not in any way eliminate Omaha from the coal trade In the territory west of here The dealers wlil ship their coal to Omaha and reconstgi, It to stations west the same as before, and It will cost them no more than It costs Kanaas City. In other Words, the advance in tha through rate of S cents per ton leaves Kansas City snd Omaha in Identi cally the same poaltion as at present. "The fight In the Interest of the con sumers seems Isrgely a matter ef senti ment. It is absurd td talk ef a 30-oent ad vance In the rates from the Mississippi river to the Missouri river, as such Is no, the Intention of the railroads." PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS The condition ot Mrs. Teresta Burk'e-', mother of Frank J. and Harry V. Burkley, la such that the physicians say her death is only a matter of a abort time, fthe Is W years old and make her home with rrank J. Burkley, 13 North Thirty-eighth avenue. Voters Who Moved Must Register They Can Do So Saturday, and rail in; They Lose Tote on Fourth of. May. Saturday ts the one -day of registration before the cMy election. Voters wh hae moved to 'another precinct and first voters must register Saturday In order te e able to vote at the election. Voters wha have ' moved must go to their former voting place on that day and secure a removal blank and fake it to the registration sooth. In the. precinct where they st present lit and register. Voters who have corns to the city since the last elertlon must also register Saturday. Kegist ration booths in each of the fifty-four precincts will be open from ( a. m. to t a. m. Quick Action fer Yon Moneyr-Veu gt that by using The Bee advertising column. Aycr's tiair Vigor railing? Hair Dandruff AfHaar Vsaer sraasu isw 11 the germ Ayer's Hair laor last as SToapUy iasua ..-. . fuu k. it - - - thai uum aanorun. 11 rtmm m mn tmttaa. restore Umb ta'keeMi. Tea kaar Up Cm aru Itself, aad kecae lit ataa faUtag awl ewe aser raalaht. clsaa an ia a bcakhr conditio. W wish yoei ta poairhely and distinctly understand that Avar's HaJr VTiW doe nor affert th cnlor erf the hair. ven ta th sllfrtteet degree. J 1 V