TUB BEB: OMAHA. WF.DNKKDAV. Al'HII. 21. 1003. CHIEF CITY NEWS 1909 SUN MOM 909 Ml SAT APRIL TUt WCB THU 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2728 2930 Stave aVoet mat m Sold Mesa Bags Edholrrt, Jeweler, ftaaelph . Bwotota. public Aceeanteflt Riaeaart, fktmkir, lltb raMan. Welkup Kaa,i x state c, M rutra !. Keja, facto, removed to If and Howard. . -uUeej tile Policies, sight draf ta at n.aturtty. H. D. Neely, manager. OmiU rata for OweaJe W. Bnoku (or council 11. an of the film ward on tna aemocratlo ttkeu W. X. Tul tt Flrat National Baak feldg.. landa money an Oanana real ea(ta in ihf SKATI IA IAdflA PmMnl ianrlj . Tor Wege-aaraera the monthly repay- In -fit clan af heme loans la aureat. chaao ei, (jutckeau Nebraska, Saving and Loan A0cJatl0n, H0 Faroara (treat. " tand $70) Aa Aere Loui Doll h hOt,ht the forty-acre tract weet of Elm- woo 'd park, between Pacific and Leaven worthi streets, for $28,000. The property waa secured through the Chris Jenaer) Realty company . Have yon rot a chance on the Fidelity and Casualty company" accident policy being raffled at the Elks' fair? The one that payi 1109 a, week the rest ot your life fur disability-donated by H. E. Palmer, Son A Co? . Xnox Hold ate Freyer Meetiag On ac count of the Calvin memorial service at the Low anu 'Presbyterian church Wednesday : evening the congregation of the North Preabyterlan church will hold no prayer meeting on that night. Many of the members of the latter church will attend the Calvin memorial eervlcea. Federal Brand Jury The federal grand Jury waa empaneled Tuesday afternoon a 1:80 by Judge W. H. Munger. The Jury was formally Instructed as to its duties and K. W. Burdlck, a banker of Herman was appointed as foreman. Bailiff David Miller haa been assigned to duty with the grand Jury,' frank Wolf to Boat at at. fcoula Th body of Frank Wolf, 24 yeara of age, who died Monday morning at the Omaha Qen eral hospital. Is to be taken to St. Loui Tuesday evening for burial. Wolf Wish nuff. an uncle of tha dead man and resident of St. Louis, is In the city and will accompany the body. Wolf's mother, who lives in Mississippi, will meet the fun rial pariy at St. I,ouls and attend the ser vice and burial there. Becoptloa at Shops postponed The data or the public reception at the Union Pacific shops has again been postponed. A. Mohler. general manager of the Union Pa cific, haa. decided on Saturday a the day for. Inviting the general public of Omaha to visit the schops to inspect the now plant for ahlcli Harrlman has spent several mil lion dollars. Some of the machinery la not installed and the public reception ia post poned until a later dale. TOiaer Dismisses Kls Case Tha $20,000 damage case ot Frank H. Uoagland, ad ministrator of tha estate of Ralph Waldo Moagland tgainn the Burlington, which has been on trial In the United States clr cult court for a day and a half, came to an abrupt turmlnatlon Tuesday, by the attorney, .for the .plaintiff, John O. Yelser.w ' dismissing the case without prejudice. The petit ' Jury was excused until Thursday morning, no other cases being ready for trial. Two Patleats Leave Hospital Two ratlents of Pt. Bernard's hospital at Counp.il Bluffs may he In Omaa. The police have been adv'eed that two women, Lottie Fad den and Mary Llskley, left the Institute Monday night and took a street car for Omaha. The officers watched the bridge while the cars were running and have been Instructed to apprehend them if they are . seen,, here. t. . tiernara a nospitai ia a sanitarium, In one ward of which insane persons ore kept. . XVereaso Crounse Bailies Again Ex- Governor lirenzo Crounae, who was ill for aomn time recently with double pneu monia, had a serious setback in his re covery, but la again reported to be con- ! ateeclnt;. When It was supposed that he had entirel) thrown off the lung trouble e waa seised with a troublesome complaint that was due largely to his weakened enn- itlon after having pneumonia and for a few days It waa feared that the long Illness might have to be gone through a second Ime. However, word from his apartment t the Homllton ts encouraging. Boa Car Thieves la aTew Jail The al leged boa thieves moved Monday. They are now confined In the ne'w Douglas county jail on Dodge street, near Eleventh and are In custody of Sheriff Spearman of Sarpy county, who la keening them In Omaha until the complaints are filed against them. The charge will he receiv ing stolen property, according to he police. The men transferred from the city to the county Jail are Alfred J. ftiyes, J. W. Adair and J. .Walters. Lew Adair, said to tha leader of the gang. . Is . still held In the city jail and will be tried tor breaking and entering, aay the officers, - ; AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA New Lighting Company Put in Bid for City Work. INCORPORATORS NOT NAMED ftoeth Omaha Will VMajeleate l.arae Ameaat ml Its Beaded ladektedaess O Street P.ilestles Attala I p. Landscape At High School Will Have Good Care Board of Education Decides to Em ploy Gardener and Improve Several Building?. The Improvement of property of six ward schools and the employment of a landacapo gardener at tha high school was decided on Monday night by the Board of Education In its regular meeting. Tha annexes at the Gibson, Druid Hill, Train and Saratoga selioois will ba painted and brick walls will be built at the Saratoga school. The fences, heating plant and plumbing at this school will also bo repaired.. The grounds surround 1ng the Franklin and Lothrop schools will be graded and resodded. . Secretary Burgess presented a report showing that a balance of $476,353.84 re mains in all the apportioned funds. The original apportionments smounted to $598. 00, but of this $118.246. It has been expended since the first of the year. Dur lng the flrat three months of 1(0$ the school district expended $112,898.(1, while during the first t'ee months of till year $118,248.18 waj expended. On April 1 there waa In the treasury cash amount ing to $117,8(2, and In the alto and build lng fund a total of $172.(14. 0(. Four Democrats for Fire and Police Board City Committee Names J. . Reagen, Theodore Spratlan, Dan Connell and John Brandt for Race. The democratic city committee held meeting Monday In the Dahlman club rooms and selected John E. Reagan, Theodore Spratlen, Dan Connell and John Brandt as their candidates for the Fire and Police Board at the coming elec tion. Reagan Is an attorney,, Spratlen was until recently connected with the Purl-tan-Hub laundry, Connell la a plumber and Brandt's occupation is given as a musician and salesman. William Aycrlgg, - whom MayOr Dahl man has announced he will appoint city engineer to fill the unexpired term occa sioned by the death of Andrew Roeewater, waa endorsed as candidate for city engineer. Considerable difference of opinion de veloped In tha committee over the choice of the tour Excise Board candidates, and several ballots were necessary before four menx could bo finally determined upon. D S MID FEET Suffered Terribly from Eczema which Made Hands and Feet Swell, Peel and Get Raw Arms Affected, TooGave Up Hope of Cure. USED CUTICURA AND WAS QUICKLY CURED 1 Buffered from ecaema on my hand arms and foot for about twelve) years, any band and foot would swell, sweat gnd itch, than would become callous and go dry, then peel off and get raw. I tried most very kind of salve and ointment without success, only -got temporary relief. A soon aa I would leave off using them I would be aa bad aa ever. 1 tried several doctors, took arsenic for two yeara and at last gave up thinking there was a cure for caeroa. A friend of mine insisted oa any trying the Cuticura Hencdiea but, supposing they were the same as other 'cures' I had tried, I did vot give them a trial until I got eo bad that I bad to do something. I secured a oalce of Cu tiowa Boap, a boa of Cuticura Oint ment and a bottle of Cuticura Resolvent and by tha time they were used I could lea a vast improvement and my hands ted feet were healed up in no time. I used several bottle of Cuticura Re solvent, This wss over a year ago and have bad no trouble since. I think X am entlrelv cured. Charles T. Bauer. H.F.D. 65,' Volant, Pa.. Mar. 11. 1908.'' BABIES CURED Of Torturing, Disfiguring Humors by Cuticura. The suffering which Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have alleviated among suin-torturea, dis figured infanta and chil dren, and the comfort they have afforded worn out and worried parents have led to their adop tion in countless home . aa a orioeleaa treatment ' for the akin and blood. Ecaema, rathe, and totv form or ttcninc. eoalv humor are speedily cured. In tha majority of cases, when ail else faiU. - - wiplMe ttmil and tavaraaJ Tfeelmaal toe 7 Huiacw at lotaat. C"ra te v l Cv'Jrm c SO to rto th Slim. Cullrurt Omuami Mc t IIm.1 Um Otia u t utl r twinii ,toc . iM ia im tors el CWo.au t"uu4 turn. 14. ri Ttl af 401 ( Pvtpfr ( lauliait the var a. Patwt brag A CH.W. Cr from . koaiaa. Maaa. ae-Maaad Fia, CiMevt ofc ee DaMaaas I Ats. MAN CATCHES ELOPING WIFE AND KISS SEALS REUNION W. Krabtll ef Llnrola Finds His gpoase with 4 aether Man, ' bat Forgives Her, Eloping from Uncoln Mondsy evening with a traveling salesman from Galesburg, 111., and coming to Omaha, Mrs. Q. W. Krablll, whose husband Is s slationsry en gineer In Lincoln, wss fr Mowed by a private detective In the employ of her sus pecting spouse, and, after being appre hended and placed In jail for a few hours. with the salesman, cloeed the affair with kiss and forgiveness from Mr. Krablll. who hurried to Omaha on the first train. The reunited couple, after their half day of sepsratlnn, left for Lincoln Tuesday morning, having satisfied the Omaha po lice and court authorises of the sincerity of their reunion and their unwillingness to have the matter handled by the courts. J. 1L Rowe. whose homo Is aald to be at Galesburg, was the man who left Lin coln on Hock Island train Monday night about the aame time Mra. Krablll left over the Burlington. He met her at the Pazton hotel, according to the police, and they were found there, registered, by the pri vate detective. Detectives Ferris and Dunn and Emer gency Officer Lahey made the arrests after o'clock Tuesdsy morning. Two bids were received for city light ing at Mondays session 01 me ciiy council. One was by the South Omaha Electric Light and Power company and the other by the Omaha Electric Light nd Power company. The former bid on three propositions for light and offered to furnish a direct current for 70 per arc on a ten year contract. For an alternating , current the rete was 7t per arc. The Incandescent tamps and ana for lighting the public buildtnga were to be at the rate of II cents per kilowatt hopr. The bid of the Omaha Electric Light and Power com pany was $TK per 'c with a minimum of 110 sirs on a five-year contract under similar conditions ss now exist In tha city. The personnel of the new company Is not revesled even to the councllmen. The arcs offered as" samples are from the Weatlnghouse company, and It Is prob able that this company will back the local corporation. It la said the new company ts Incorporated and that sis of the nine dlrectora are now and shall un der the articles of Incorporation remain cltliens of South Omaha. A, H. Mur dock, as attorney for the new company, presented the bid. Action on the lighting proposition waa deferred for one week and the matter Is referred to the committee of tha whole council. The poundmsster's ordinance was de feated lsst night on tha point of the slxe of the dog license fee. Half of the council wanted ti and 5 and the other half wanted $1 and IS. Opealng of O Street to fllver. A petition of considerable length waa presented urging the council to tako atepa for the opening of O street to the river. This haa long been a bone of co at tention In the city. It Is said by the city attorney that under the new charter the street may be opened and graded by extending the Improvement district until the burden of the special assessment shall not be confiscatory. The routine mettere contained the fol lowing ltema. A petition was presented asking that the intersection of Eighteenth and P streets be repaired. The Nebraska Artificial s"tone company asked and was granted a renewal of the lease of a portion of an unused street at Twenty-eighth and K streets. The oath of Dr. F. W. Faulk aa the new member of the South Omaha Board of Fire and Poltoe commissioners was filed. The damage claim of Mr. and Mra, Edward Shaffer waa compromised by settlement for KS0. The claim arose from personal Injury to Mrs. Shaffer nearly year ago. The contract between the Chicago Rock Island 4 Pacific and the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railroads for the open Ing of Twenty-fifth street across the right of-way was referred to the city attorney for approval. A half dosen sidewalk ordinances were recommended by the Judiciary committee. A change of grade of Twenty-seventh street was also recommended. The junk dealer'a ordinance waa ordered to second and third reading. yhe city , clerk was ' instructed "to draw warrant In favor of the city treasurer for S30.422.M to pay the clty'a obligations in New York City. The Dond ordinance for East Q street paving was passed. City te Llaaldate. The city of South Omaha will liquidate t30,it of Its bonded Indebtedness, includ Ing Interest on the outstanding obligations, Msy 1. The city treaaurer made his re port of the amount due yesterday and in eluded among the Items to be paid oft $18,0(0 of the lower Twenty-fourth street paving bonds which became optional this year, or five yeara after the date of iasua. The city hss collected above 111.?) In special taxes in this Improvement district. For thls reaaon the money was applied to the retiring ot the bonds. The rest of the bond Issue will run the twenty years as provided. After the lapse of the present year they may not be redeemed until the full time. The collection ot so large a sum In special assessments Is an unusual thing in South Omaha. In the majority of caaea the assessment haa been eluded and the Improvement ahlfted to the ell v at large, when the obligation must be met out of the Interest fund. Other large ltema In the expenditure dating Msy 1 are $1,600 In refunding bonds; 13.160 Interest on the city hall bonds; t5,636 semt annual interest on the general sewer bonds; $900 Interest on psrk bonds, and 1850 Interest on curb and gutter bonds. Magle City Goaslp. Lena B. Kllmrsh of Spillvllle, la., is the guest of J. O. Vana and family. .letter's Oold Top Beer delivered to any part of th city. Telephone No. (. The Royal Highlanders will meet this evening at the Danish Brotherhood hall. Mr. and Mr. II. P. Soreneon were given surprise Sunday evening In honor of a meeting at the rectory Wednesday at J 30 p. .m. offlcere for the coming jear will be elected. Furnished Home for Rent Modern In everv pertlcnlsr. Inquire Aithur M. Howe, rot North 241h St.. Bcuth Omaha. Tel. South M. The death pf Mra. U H. Denlson occurred yealerday at the South Omaha hoepitil after a long Illness. The body will be sent to Ktrksvilic, Mo., for burial. The railed meeting of tne South Omaha Country club etockholdera will be held at Library hall Thursday, Instead ot Tuesday evening, as formerly announced. Mrs. A. Reltmsn Is erecting a ll.dno cot tage at Thirty-fourth and 7. streets. Qenrge I'hllllps is" erecting a dwelling at Fortieth and r streets. Frank Nmril t building a cottage at Thirty-eighth and II atreets. John Baptist hss agreed to give a lec ore at the Baptist church Wednesday evening at 7:S0 on the auhlect of the Turkish situation. He la an Armenlsn snd has en Intimate knowledge of the conditions In Turkey. AMAZED AT CITY'S GROWTH General raasesgrr Atrat of Van- ttalla Imereaaeel with Omaha Wholesale District. "Mar-ve-lous." said J. M. Cheabrough, general passenger agent of the Vandalla & Pennsylvania lines of St. Louis, as he walked through the jobbing center of Omaha Tuesday for the flrat time In doxen yeara. Mr. Cheaborough was formerly chief clerk to Thomas Kimball, general manager of the I'nion Pacific, and he telle many In teresting experiences of the early days of railroading In Omsha. "In the old dsys traveling passenger agenta would meet the Overland tralna at Council Bluffa and Induce travelers en route to Xew Tcrrk to go via Kansas City. end trsveling agents would meet the Over land traina at Kansas City and induce them to come via Omaha and Council Bluffa, and these tourists, traveling miles out of their wsy, would pass esch other be'ween here and Kansas City," mused the genial gen eral pHsaenger agent. WIDOW SUES STOCK YARDS Demands Tea Theesaasl Dollars for the Death ef Her Hasten. The suit of Mis. Olena Saanson against the I'nion Stork Yards company which hss been on for several daya before Judge Ken nedy In district court Is nesting Its con clusion. Mra. Swanaon. who aaka $10,900, contends that her husband, who was section hand, was killed through the ctre- lesness of the Stork Tarda company, whlrh Is rhsrged with having sent a ear down upon him while he waa shoveling with his back turned .- CORN SHOW BIG HIT IN EAST So Impresses New York that State Enlarges IU Exhibit. DR. . BAILEY PULLS TOR EXPO Deaa ef teraell sai t halrsaaa ef the Coaatry Life Ceasmleeloa le, Makla It Hia Baslaeas . deest. New Tork agricultural Interests were a , well pleased with the reaulta of the ex hibit made by Cornell unlveralty at the National Corn exposition, representative of their state, that the agricultural college Miss Ida V. J,inls. genersl secretary of - jniv.rity hss given notice that the the Associated Chsrttles of Omaha, will or jn ,,r. y " .. ,,. v,.r .a be the primlpnl speaker at the sesson exhibit will be made again this year and of the South Omaha Gredera' Sunday School union at the Young Men's ChristUn assoclstlon this evening. She will. discuss the work ot the union. The South Omaha illce arrested N. J. Welsh. George W. Welsh, Fred Schults, Peter panlng. ueorge Long and James Degnan last night as a gang of tough oharactera who made trouble on the Fort Crook car. by refusing to pay their fares and acting In a boisterous manner. Marcus If. Harding, superintendent of the National Packing company, with the local superintendents from St. Joseph, Kansas City. Bt. Louis, Chtcsgn. New York and Toronto were visitors at South Omaha yesterday. They were on one of their periodical tours of Inspection. Miss Josephine Wsnek and Josef Hruby of Omaha were married yesterday morning at the church f The Assumption. Father Chundelak performed the ceremony. Vic toria Vana presided at the organ. Anna Klouck and John Herman of Pocahontas. Ia.. were also married at the same church. The Afrlcen Methodist Episcopal church will be greatly enlarged. The Idea expressed by Dr. Liberty Hyde Bailey and Prof. Lyon la that the New York university will carry out iome par ticular object lesson. Last year the New Yorkers had hut a ahort time ta prepare their exhibit, but they made a general exhibit, showing In a graphic way that the Empire state leads all others In the production of hay, milk, potatoes, buck wheat, beans, farm forest products, vege tables, email frulta. flowers and planta, as well as nursery stock. For the 19n exposition Prof. Bslley haa lid that the matter of the Cornell uni versity exhibit will be taken up at once and some definite plan worked out. This Is In accordance with the wish ot the exposition management that each agri cultural rolleae or unlveralty settle on a definite plan some particular object lea nt South and North Omaha haa arranged wnlcn w, ,now the character of the to give a muaical program at .the South , , . . . ... hlv, ... Omaha High school auditorium Wednes- progressive work which the exhibitors are day evening. April a, for the benefit of the church in South Omaha. Rev. A. Wag ner and hta congregation are making an errort to raise 11.000 for a new structure. The Melcher Drue company. Fisher-McOlll and the Stott Stationery company have agreed to handle the tickets. Shawknlt hose are here, onlv 20 eta. Pres Ident suspenders. 39c. We also place on aale meti'i 60 ct. suspenders at 25 cts. We are agents In South Omaha for Manhsttan snirts ana stetson hats. One article on which we can show you that we are selling gooas cneaper man anywnere else is an sll wool blue serge suit at $10. Tt Is beautiful shade of blue and Is silk lined v hen we hart our Sale several weeka ago we closed out at a low price all the unde sirable pants, we had. We have now re. celved one of the finest lines of panta we have aeon anywhere. Anyone who wanta doing. If worked out by the dirrerent states and different achool. It will give great variety to the exposition and there will be no eameness to state exhibits, even when the states are located In the same gone The New Yorkers are also to organise local corn growers' clubs, similar to thoae in Iowa. Illinois. Nebraska and other ..lAa Th Cnrnll renresentstlves dem onstrated at he 190 expoaltlon that New York haa corn, not only the flint variety. but can produce a fine dent corn, showing site, uniformity and maturity. C. C. Rosewater, chairman of the ex ecutive committee of the exposition, Is In to buy a pair of pants from $1.90 to $6. we the east attending Several publishers meet can show him a beautiful line of patterns Ines. and incidentally making It his bus! ness to boost, the coming corn show. He visited Dr. Bajley at Ithaca, N. Y., and the dean, who Is also the head of the Country Life commission, expressed himself as gratified with the reaulta ot the exhibit made by the achool at Omaha. W. O. Paisley, assistant general man ager of the exposition. Is In Indiana, where he has found the grain growers preparing for a big exhibit at the 19ot exposition, and slso a number of seedmen and Implement Spanish Wax Veterans Entertained manufacturer, who are anxious to reserve and save him at leaat 28 per cent. All pants aa well as everything else Is abso lutely guaranteed. Store open Wednesday until p. m. Nebraska Shoe and Clothing nouse, cor. ann ana in his., south Omaha. Anniversary of First Nebraska Monday by Hen's Club of Presbyterian Church. apace to secure the concessions they want. BENNIE THOMAS' REFORMATION AS SHORT AS PAT CROWE'S Spanish war veterans were eptertalned Monday evening by the Men's club of the First Presbyterian cnurcn when a pro gram was given for the Spanish war veterans and the auxiliary societies and the G. A. R. and Its auxiliary societies, Sands F. Woodbrldge presided and the speakers of the evening were Cadet Tay lor, who told of the past and present con ditions In the Philippines and the causes which led. up to the wsr. He illustrated hla lecture by some Splendid late pictures which have TecentTjr-arrlved from Manila. Past Commander Crook of Lee Forbv nont I him. also spoke on the .condition of. the Phil. "I didn't know Bennie waa bad." said ipplnes when the famous First Nebraska I Willie JackaonJ a l!-year-old colored boy waa on the Island. Jo Barton sang aoma who waa arrested Tuesday morning and Is Jnveetle Ceert Personage la Wow Blamed for Theft of La from a Bex Car. Bennie Thomas Is now blamed for a box car robbery. The elualve and light-fingered lad. after serving several terms In the state reformatory, entered as a candidate for the navy nd. releaaed on parole, la now aaid to be out in the state with the sheriff of a doxen countlea looking for patriotic songs and the Shook orchestra furnished the music for the evening's en tertainment The occasion waa In cele bration of the anniversary of the depar- ture of the First Nebraska regiment for the Philippines. ALLEGED CABLE THIEVES HELD Three Men Boand Over to District Court by Police Judge Tees day Horslsg. Three men were bound over to the dis trict court Tuesday morning from police court. Clarence While and Harry Johnson waived preliminary examination on the charge of stealing $1,000 worth of lightning rod cable and their bond were fixed at $500 each. The charge was breaking and entering. Joe White . and Louie Simon were arraigned on the charge of grand larceny. White waa bound over and Simon was discharged on recommendation of Captain Savage, who says White haa con fessed to the work and that Simon waa arrested becauae he lived in the house where a quantity of the stolen property, oars of bullion, had been found. The smelting company waa the complainant. White offered no defenae. The amount of his bond wss fixed at 15-10. being held In connection with the theft of aeveral hundred pounds of lead from 1 boxcar. Willie lives with his mother a 1617 North Twenty-sixth street and hi father Is a sheep herder at Buffalo, Wyo. George William, also colored, has been arrested aa a auspicious character, having been caught by Officer Hell and Reigel man coming from the robbed boxcar Mon day afternoon with some of the lead in hla possession. He also impliratea Bennie Thomas In the case and saya that Bennie waa the one who broke the seal on the car door. The police are holding the colored man and boy. ano nave leiegrapnea Information on the case to vrriou towna, with tha request that Thomaa be arrested when found. He Is ald by the colored man and boy to have gone to Fremont on a Ireignt immeaiaieiy anor me mmrei; their twentieth wedding anniversary. Captain Nela Turnqulst yeeterday after noon swore out a complaint ehararlna- In. aanity Induced by diseaae, against Eva Coa- ru. St. Martin a Women's auxiliary will hold ne of the 40,366 estimoni&ls received in two ears. M Ours is i New Eng and farmer's home and we are twenty mile from a large own. w are obliged to depend very rgely upon family medicine w keep n hand all the time. "First and Foremost among fhera la lood'a Baraaparllla, which we have tlways found a true friend and helper. ,Vhen I had suffered dreadfully from '.yspepsla, without finding relief. Hood' Baraaparllla gave me positive help, and when I had used four bot '.les I wa In better health than for many yeara. I have found It "A Great Medicine to build up when strength la most needed, to create an eppedte, and In ahort to regulate the whole system. I have lately been tak ing Barsataba, which I find convenient aay to take, and alio very beneficial." Mr. E. I Berry. Wet Troy, Me. Hood' Baraaparllla combine the utmost remedial value of more than :o different ingredient, each groatly strengthened and enriched by thia peculiar combination. Begin taking Hood's Bar so par Ilia to day. Get It In the usual liquid form or in chocolated tablet known aa Bar sataba 100 Doses On Pol- HARD WINTER FOR STOCK season In Wiamlat Haa Heea Sr. vere, hat l.eaa Is Wot Great Expected, The a inter has been long and cold In Wyoming and has been hard for all kinds of stock, although the loss has not been as heavy as wis expected a few months ago, according to the crop report of the Burlington on the state of Wyoming. Ths condition of the stock at present and the range is fair and some stations report there will be larger shipments of cattle sheep and wool thia. year than last year. ine acreage ot sugar beets also will be increased It Is estimated the acreage of potatoes will be Increased about 25 per cent In the vicinity of Hemingford and Crswford. Win ler wneat nas not made a very rapid rw,n dui tne sou 1. m good condition ,f ,t were not ,cr tht tmct th.t you add and only awaits warm weather. Oata are l0 your ut every day, you woud soon get """u uwn aim m grouna ia Deing hack to a decent figure. Each day a actt prepared for corn. .,, ,.,,me aoma of vour exceaa. Uut it 1. .fi with th nlri rfin avlth the new BENSON ASKS NEW TRACKS with you every twenty-four houra. u that th lai balance remain uncnaoacu. CINCINNATI PAPERS SAY PA BOUGHT KANE OUTRIGHT Paoa Bill Comes Heme larsaay and Kane May Follow la Short Time. Papa Bill Rourke, if the Cincinnati papera are telling the fact about It, bought Jimmy Kane, first baseman Of ruisourg, ouirlaht and Omaha will have mm on flrat when the season opens. Father Rourko haa not yet returned, but la expected home wedneeoay morning Brother Dave epent Tuesdsy In Lincoln shoveling the money aside at the gate, but he wola not of Pa'a mysterloua tradln alnce he departed, anyway, he says. Pa la In for a good "kidding" when he gets home for that telegram "signing" J Peck Sharp lo train and coach his team A Fleree Attack cf malaria, liver derangement and lUdney trouble, la eaatly cured by Electric Bittera the guaranted remedy, hie. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. You Manufacture Fat? wants Ktreet ler Company te Move Ita Ralls anal Lay Doable Track. Four numbers of the Board ct County Commissioners traveled to Benson Tuesday morning to look at the atone pavement on Main street. I Benson residents wish the street car tracks, moved from the, north side of the atrect.to the tenter and an additional set f rails lsid. The street car company haa declare.) Itself willing to double track pro vided some one else will move the paving, which consists of large squares of ajtone. The commissioners are of the opinion that the company ought 10 do the moving. Mr. F. U. ruu. Oneonu, m. t. writes: "My It lis girl was greatly benefited by taking Foley's O.lno Laxative, and I think It Is th best remedy for constipation and liver trouble." Foley's Orlno Laxative . best for women and children, as It Is mild, pleasant and effective, and 1 a splendid spring medicine, as It cleanses th system and elaara tha complexion. Sold by all drugglsta Now. people who take Marmola Pre scrlH ion Tablets really gut thin, but harm lesaly so, and a hint aa lo th reaaon given above. They eat and drink with un Disturbed delight as formerly, and yet the lose, ymany of them, a pound a day. The leasu Is Marmola causes the body to stop manufacturing useless fat; hence the body It la Introduced Into gets thinner as a ma ler uf course. Each day activities alone would account for the delightful reault Check up the results from thia point of view and juu can readllly understand why Marmola frescrtption Tableta rauwe no 111 etttcia or wrinkles, but, on th contrary help Ilia atomach and the appearance. They are nature a allies, not her compet ttora. 1 his commends them to all, even the timid, aa safe; and alnoe they reduce one aa fast aa la desirable, that Is all thai required. VS hen you get tired trying other method or getting thin lesi this one. Marmot Prescription Tablets come In large, sen erously filled cases, and If your druggist can not supply you, which la unlikely, you can get one or more cases by mall by send ing the price, 7$ cents, direct to Marmola Company. Detroit. Mk-h. Wits yea ha del Medal Fleer be sare It Is Washbara-Cveahy'a Cola) Medal Fleer, This la laapertaat. Spring Oxfords for Men and Women If you've nver worn "Nebraska Special iz.&o (mora you'll be greatly surprised by the handsome shape and snappy styles we how at that price. , And, after yqu've worn them awhile you lt-be well pleased with their perfect fit and surerlor wearing qualities. Without fear of contradiction we say they're equal to any $3.00 Oxford In town and are actually better than mast $3.00 and $3.50 grades. Your selection can be made from a moRt comprehensive, array of new styles, shapes and lasts In Gun Metal, Patent Colt, Vlcl Kid or Tan leathers In lace or blucher styles, and all slzea at fBBSI ,3 "THK HOT8E OF H I rf MRU IT." situjiipdlsi DAY THE LAST yum hiLVU III JM f If M 2.000 DRUMMERSt SAMPLES Of tl00tl50700 Kecogalsed Standard Brand of ths World Wostenholm Pipe Butcher Bros. Williams Bair A. C. Horden Deutchlond Kollngen Sheffield William KUIot Wade & Stockholm Woatenholm Butcher (Swedish) I-X-L (and fifty other different brands.) Genuine fa Balr Strop Vow 7o. The keenest strop In the world. It hones your raior, or better still, It polishes It, giving you thst much desired keen shav ing edge, as good as an expert barber can obtain. The regular price that you nee ad vertised In ail mugasines Is 12.00. and at thst price It is a bargain; but during this sale we cut the price 10 97c. A good strop ia "Nine-Tenths" of any razor, and you cannot afford to put your good raxor on a cheap strop. WK tlUARANTKE every Rater, subject to exchange or refund or money. ' MAIL ORDKRS for these Razors and Strops are given special attention. ICach carefully selected and guaranteed to be satisfactory. Poatage 10c extra. Mail your order to-dav. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. "fs?" man guides Vou to immm When going to California, wouldn't you like the personal attention of an experienced tourist agent? One who knows the country traversed; who helps make the journey a pleasant one; who takes special care of elderly persons, women and children. The Santa Fe carries newest style tourist sleeper every day on three of Us four trains between Chicago, Kansas City and Cal ifornia. The fastest tourist sleeper service to California. Three times a week these excursions are personally con ducted. Our de luxe folder, "To California in a Tourist Sleepr," tells how cozy the cars are, and how economical Free on request. California homeseekers should ask for our San Joaquin Valley land folder, telling all about the greatest irrigated valley In the world where intensive farming pays largest profita. sue' Larimer. Pass. Agt., Until April 30 one-way colonist tickets 40 sixth Avenue! to California are on sale at $25 from Dea Moines, la. Omaha. . . s - PILES CURED Withont Cutting, Tying or Barnlng. All Kinds of Piles Cured Blind, Bleeding, Internal, External and Itching Pile Cured by DR. WILLIAM CREIGHTON MAXWELL A Graduate of Bellevu Hospital Medical Co ling of New Tork City. Dr. Maxwell has realded In Omaha for tt yeara and haa had it years of experience in treating diseases of the rectana. KnnAreds ef the moat vroaa Ineat people of Omasa, Kebraska, aae from aU part of ike Puited Stale have eeea cured by Sr. ltaxweU. A written guarantee la given In every case taken under treatment by Zrr. Maxwell. IVo lYtoney Fald Until Cured 524 Bee) Building. . OMAHA, NEBRASKA. All patleata xaaat eoaae to the offloe for treataasat. af ., jSE tint- , VI" Extravagance is not necessary to good printing. The best work depends upon the good taste and capability of your printer- A, l Re, tacerporatea, 1110-1118 Hew ere Street Bee WantAds ' Produce Results