Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee.
Enter at Omaha postofflco as second-t-lsss
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Pally Bee ilnrludlng Sunday), per 1V
Dally Bte (without Sunday), Pr week.. 10c
Evening; Hee (without Munaay). par weelc o
Kverlng Baa (with Sunday), per weak.. 10e
fundi y Be, one year M
' Saturday ?W, on year I'M
Address all comnlslntv of Irregulsrltleo In
delivery to. City Circulation Department.
. , omen,
OmshaJ-Ths Bee Building.
. ftnuth Omaha Twenty-fourth and N.
i'ounrll Fluff li Scott BtreL
Lincoln tls I.lttle Building,
rhlcago ), Marquette Building-.
New York Rooms 1W1-110J No. M Weat
TMrtr-thlrd Street.
Washington 7! Fourteenth Street, N. W.
rnmmunlratlona relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha,
Bee. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, eiprese or postal order.
S'lte of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss:
Oeorge B. Tzachuck. treasurer of The Bea
Publishing eompany. being duty sworn, says
thst the arrtual number of full and complsiS
roples of The Dally, Morning-. Evening and
Sunday Pee printed during- the month of
March. 1M, was as follows:
t M.S30 IT M.MQ
I SS.300 . 1 ,00
4...;.' tt,BS0 10 ,
i......-.., aaao - ti,....;.... r.f,tso
i s.nt-.'. I
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;...'wao. .-,.... ;
10 St.OSQ 2 M.M0
11 10,830 IT S.M0
It M,70 tl 17.4O0
13.......... 3S.100 21 19,010
37,800 19
it as so ii eaM
1 , iMfiUO
... '
Total , M07.4M
Less unaold and returned ooples., 10,315
Nt total l,l7.158
Daily average OMIT
OEOKQB B. TZ8CHUCK. Treasurer.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to
beroie me this 1st day ci April, ltot.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Jab.ertb-era laarlaa; tk e)lt
porarilr skoal kite Tae Boo
mailed to taosa. .' Address -will ao
, It Is to -bo hoped ,' the ' troubles in
Turkey' wilf be settled before too many
of those names are inflicted upon us.
Will the World Herald swallow the
latest dose which the Dahlmanltes
have cooked up for it? Of course, it
will. .
The Turk may be unspeakable, but
there'll, ample evidence that he Is
thinking at. a lively rate in these later
days. '. '
The lions may suffer later in Africa,
,but Just now the great killing is
among the bears on the Drain ex
change. Ghosts have driven the men from a
PeaiieyrVa-n-Ut mine-. Ordinarily -.the
miner qufts only when the ghost fails
to walk.'
A Boston professor insists that tor
$10,000,000 he can make a flash that
will be visible in Mars. Why not send
the message collect?
Governor 8hallenberger has sud
denly convinced himself that "he don't
care nothing tor Omaha nohow." He
sang a different song last fall. :
A prominent dramatist has written
a play with the idea of having the
stage purify politics. Wel Well!
Well! What do you think of that?
Mayor Jim also promised not to let
anybody interfere with the screens in
the windows, but when the pinch came
this promissory note went to protest.
It transpires that there is a copy of
the- state constitution in the attorney
general's office, even though the one
that belong in the governor's office is
A wild bear has been killed in the
streets, of. Pullman, Wash., and a lynx
In one of the city parks of Spokane.
Advertising for the tourist season is
starting early.
Wint'ergrcen Is quoted a strong
favorite Jn one of the big Kentucky
races. Has the prohibition wave put
mint Julep out of the running in the
bourbon state?
we, ask; Why, .If paying
$6.2613,395.49 for the water works will
not raise taxes, the water. bond boos
ters were so inslutent on that frontage
water tax bill?
Governor Hughes ot New York Is
having the time of bis life with his
legislature. Win or lose, tlto result
will be' decisive. No close shaves go
with the governor of New York.
William R. Hearst has issued an
other rallying cry to the Independence
league. On the basis of last fall's
vote all members should be able to get
within the sound of the leader's voice.
A Chicago man thinks school chil
dren should not be taught the idea of
purgatory. It will be hard to get the
Idea out of the mind of the small boy
forced to attend school while the fish
ing is good.
The sultan of Turkey Is reported to
be in training for making the Mara
thon distance In record time. If ha
waits at the starting line to kiss each
of his wives good by be is likely to be
left" at the post. " ' '
No, there is nothing to prevent any
one otherwise qualified from running
for police commissioner by petition,
but experience proves that th' privil
ege of running for office all alone does
out (ay big dividends.
Aldrich on the Tariff.
The statement of Senator AldrlcU
In presenting the tariff bill to the sen
ate will command universal and
thoughtful attention. His long service
In the senate, his membership for
years on the finance committee and
his conceded ability entitle anything
he may say on this subject to special
weight. Whatever may be one's opin
ion regarding the policy pursued by
the senator, he Is beyond question the
best posted man in public life today
on the question of public revenue. His
estimate of the revenue producing
ability of the tariff bill as presented to
the senate can therefore .be taken as
the opinion of the one best capable of
Read between the lines, it Is conclu
sively demonstrate! that the senator
figures on a material reduction In the
annual budget of the government. If
this Is true the public will not be In
clined to grumble, provided the prun
ing Is Judiciously done. The expan
sion of the national expense bill in the
preceding years of treasury surplus
has been beyond allxcomparlaon with
the growth of the nation. For the
years 1908-9 they were greater by ap
proximately $60,000,000 than during
the Spanish-American war. The esti
mate of a surplus of $30,000,000 dur
ing the next blennlum is based on a reduction-of
$35,000,000 In the appro
priations. That this sum can be lopped
off without impairing In the least the
legitimate functions of government Is
a matter of common belief by those
both outside and Inside of public life.
Certain It is, no material reduction
will be made so long as the revenues
of the government produce the added
amount. . . S
What changes the senate will make
In the bill and the added changes in
conference with the house, are of
course still problematical, but It is
fair to presume they will be compen
sating so far as the question of reve
nue is concerned." If the new tariff
bill shall raise enough to wipe out the
unavoidable deficit under the present
act and yet raise no more than nec
essary for the economical and efficient
administration of affairs it will have
accomplished its purpose so far as rev
enue goes. Under such a bill the In
come will expand as the country
grows and, until conditions change,
prove adequate to its purpose.
Insurance for Workingmen.
The annual report ot the Interna
tional Harvester company presents
some features other than the flnanciaf
one which are worthy of attention. In
addition to old age pensions of its em
ployes there Is a provision for sick,
accident and death Insurance. The for
mer is along almost identical lines
with the retirement pension systems
in vogue among railroads and other
big corporations, the money to meet
the expenditures coming entirely from
t.he company and offeree simply as an
Incentive to' faithful and continued
The Insurance feature is on a dif
ferent basis. The funds to meet obli
gations are secured first from a volun
tary payment of those who desire to
participate, the payment being 2 per
cent of all salaries under $2,000 per
annum. To this the company adds
$5,000 each year. The payments
under it are on the same basis as the
assessments, providing for two years'
salary in case of death, from one to
two years' salary in case of accident
which permanently disables, according
to the extent of disability and for the
payment of wages while sick or tem
porarily disabled by injury, the pay
ments In all cases being on the basis
of wages received while working.
Nothing Is charged against the fund
for transacting the business of the
relief association, and the company
pays 4 per cent interest on all money
In the treasury. While membership
in the association is purely voluntary
the report shows that 76 per cent of
the employes are participants. The
plan is upon such a broad basis that
It should interest all large employers
of labor for the protection of the men
In their employ. That a concern like
the Amertcan Harvester company
should engage In it purely for charity
Is not to be supposed. It is a creator
of mutual interest and an effective
method of Increasing the value of the
employe to the company on a founda
tion of mutual Interest.
Big Corporations' and Big Fortunes.
Bearing on the future of big corpo
rations and their relation to the pub
lic, George W. Perkins, the active part
ner in the banking firm of J. P. Mor
gan & Co., recently delivered k note
worthy address. He predicates his re
marks on the assertion that the big
corporation is simply the evolution of
the world's Industrial life and that
it has come to stay, an opinion more
and more generally accepted with each
succeeding year.
The most interesting feature is his
conclusions regarding the effect of
this evolution on the concentration of
wealth, holding to the belief it is ulti
mately destined to help distribute
rather than centralize ownership in
capital. As he views it, the first ef
fect of the movement was, through
manipulation, undoubtedly the cre
ation of vast fortunes and the
adding of large sums to already
swollen bank accounts. The vast
ness of the business involved, he
maintains with much force, demands
that capacity shall be the measure of
those who manage them. The demands
are too great to be met by the simple
ownership of large blocks of stock,
for Incapacity would soon dissipate all
the wealth Invested.
The most potent fact brought out
is the rapid transformation going on
In the actual ownership, through
stock holdings, of 'these big corpora
tions. During the past two years the
number of stockholders In the Great
Northern railroad have Increased from
3.000 to 11,000, In the Pennsylvania
railroad from 40,000 to 67,000 and In
the New York Central from 10,000 to
21,000. Going from the railroads to
the Industrials, he shows there has
been an Increase of more than 30,000
In the number of stockholders In the
steel trust, the total number now be
ing over 100,000.
Such figures go to Indicate the
transfer of large amounts ot money
from individual enterprise into corpo
rate channels. Whether this is to con
tinue must be decided by the manage
ment of the corporations themselves.
Under conditions such as have pre
vailed In the past and to a large meas
ure in the present, It simply means that
the small Investor will have to be
more considerately treated and culti
vated. Complete publicity In affairs alone
can protect the small stockholder,
put a restraint upon the big one and
give us all a square deal.
With a check upon, questionable
methods by which immense fortunes
are acquired in a short time, the con
dition which Mr. Perkins points out
will with time have a leveling effect,
but these forces would be Impotent so
long as other fortunes are accumu
lated more rapidly than the old onea
are dispersed.
Still No Grand Jury.
The May term of the district court
Is coming on and the time for drawing
the jury panels has passed without the
summons of a grand jury to go
through the motions of hunting down
well-defined rumors and bringing In
reports censuring public officials
against whom no evidence of miscon
duct could be found on which to Jus
tify Indictments.
The people of Omaha had been led
to believe that grand juries were such
a good thing and so necessary that
they were to be the regular sideshow
of every term of the district court.
They had been led to believe that the
county attorney's office was purely or
namental and that his salary had just
been raised by the legislature to com
pensate him for the trouble which the
successive grand juries imposed on
him to ne-lle so many faulty or unsup
ported Indictments.
It looks now as If we would have to
get along without a grand jury In
Omaha and Douglas county until next
fall. We know It will be a great dis-
appointment, but hope the taxpayers
who foot the bills will try to bear up
bravely under It.
A Notable Benefaction.
The will of the late Charles E. Ellis,
together with the generosity of his
widow and daughter, leaves a fund of
$2,500,000 for the founding of a col
lege and industrial school in Philadel
phia for fatherjess girls. The widow
waived her claim to the third of the
estate and the daughter voluntarily
takes only a small bequest, leaving
practically the entire fortune for the
purpose designated.
With such a rich endowment. It
would be impossible to foretell the
good that this institution can accom
plish. It not only opens up an ave
nue for giving an education to those
who for the most part would not be
able to obtain it, but they would re
ceive it in an atmosphere in which
they would feel at home to a much
greater degree than were they pro
vided for In schools where they would
come In contact with daughters of
wealthy parents. In such a school as
planned they can be fitted for the life
work before them without the dissat
isfying Influence of too close associa
tion . with those whose expenditures
were beyond either their present or
prospective means.
Water Board Politics.
The Water board is a great non
partisan institution. It was created
for the express purpose of putting the
water company out of politics and, of
course, recognizing how pernicious the
Interference of the water company in
poltlcs was, Is itself built on the funda
mental rule that the Water board and
everyone within Its jurisdiction shall
also keep out of politics.
The Water board membership, as
everyone knows. Is nonpartisan or bi
partisan, as you may prefer to view it,
and instead of a party caucus the en
tire membership is always admitted to
Its secret sessions. So fearful were
the framers of the law creating the
Water board that the board and its
employes might be tempted to go into
politics that they wrote right into the
law a specific and definite prohibition
on political activity and threw a civil
service fence around them so high that
no one could look over. Here Is the
wording of the law:
Undue activity or participation In mu
nicipal polltlos shall bo deemed a just
cause tor removal, In the discretion of
the board. It being the latent and pnrposo
of this act not only to remove the Water
board, but likewise its employes, from the
influence of partisan politics.
With that magna charts of personal
liberty before them, the Water board
members and employes, of course, are
properly abstaining from participation
in partisan politics. True, one mem
ber of the board filed last year as a
candidate for state senator, and the
paid aecretary this year as a candidate
for city engineer, while another mem
ber of the board volunteered to help
manage the primary campaign of a de
feated candidate for mayor. This,
however. Is not partisan politics "in
the discretion ci the board," nor will
It be deemed "a just cause for re
moval." The Water board and every
employe under it are strictly divorced
from politics. .
Seattle has been engaged for some
time in cleaning house and making the
city beautiful for exposition visitors.
The latest move Is against the un
sightly billboards. If Seattle suc
ceeds in driving them out other cities
which have so far failed will be en
couragef"to follow suit.
Our city attorney is said to have
given an opinion to the effect that a
nonresident is qualified to run for mu
nicipal office In Omaha and that to be
elected an officer of the city the candi
date need not be able to vote for him
self. It is possible this may be a tech
nical construction of the charter, but
It is wholly at variance with the spirit
of that document and the principle of
municipal government. The prevail
ing Idea Is thatthe officers of a mu
nicipal corporation must be stockhold
ers in the corporation and our city
charter goes further by requiring that
"all agents, officers and servants em
ployed or appointed" be, "so far as
practicable," qualified voters of the
city. Would It not be a queer specta
cle to have the elective head of an im
portant department a nonresident, but
limited In the choice of his employes
to qualified voters of the city?
Observe how those distinguished
democratic lawmakers, who insisted
on having a charter providing for an
elective police board, in order that
they, themselves, might connect with
the payroll, have all stubbed their
toes before getting a start. Innocu
ous desuetude is theirs.
Officials of a prominent western
railway assert that they have a new
invention which will do away with
railway wrecks. While many will
doubt the truth of the statement, no
one who scans the figures of mortality
on the rails will wish them anything
but success.
The women implicated In the smug
gling of fine French gowns are willing
to pay liberal penalties if their names
can be suppressed. If the paying idea
had taken root a little earlier it would
have saved tho women a whole lot of
If that pretense of Increased busi
ness made by our amiable democratic
contemporary, the World-Herald, Is
even part fact and not wholly fiction,
wonder why It has been hollering
about the prosperity special being de
layed. -
Don't be too Impatient about the
cool and backward spring. If the Im
mense amount of snow In the moun
tains should melt too rapidly people In
the plains section would have an un
pleasant reminder.
Misleading; Disclaimer.
Chicago Tribune.
"It Isn't a corner," says Mr. Patten. "It's
a perfectly square deal." Anything that
Is perfectly square usually has a corner.
A Party, Characteristic.
".''Brooklyn Eagle. , :
The genius' 6t 'the democratic party for
discovering' unpopular issues is again
demonstrated. In the resolve of the demo
cratic senators to support an Income tax.
Son for the Old "Way.
Philadelphia Record. -
In the good old times the forestallers ot
bread were dealt with quite differently
from thtlr present treatment. But the
remedy, -though drastic, was effective. At
any rate their careers were shortened be
fore they became millionaires or bank
rupts. Is the Consumer Getting; Weary f
Baltimore American.
The New Jersey legislature is to make
an Investigation as to whether Ice Is a
monopoly. A bill may be Introduced In
congress in consequence of the recent op
erations in wheat, to prohibit corners in
food stuffs. Evidently the poor, dear pub
lic Is getting tired of always paying the
plprr and getting none of the fun of the
Mot la the iaaae.
Springfield Republican.
Lawson of Boston Is now trying to arouse
the country against the "dastardly conspi
racy of reckless gamblers" in wheat. Ha
proposes mass-meetings, and predlcta that
the atrecta of American cities will be given
over to riot and bloodshed unless some
thing Is done to suppress the "ravenous
gamblers." Apparently Laweon's own
gambling agency. Bay State gas, does not
speculate in wheat or waa short of that
I.atr of Libel la Mtsaoarl.
St. Ivouls Globe-Democrat.
By a vote almost unanimous the state
senate has passed the bill providing that
a newspaper may be sued for libel only In
the county where the person who brings
the suit lives, or In the city or county
where the newspaper Is published. It Is
presumed thst ths house will pass the
bill promptly and by a similar vote. The
present law permits' such a suit to be
brought In any of the 114 counties of the
state, which gives the plslntiff a power
that may be oppressively or unfairly used.
It was held by the senate that the plain
tiff can count upon justice in his own
county, and he has that Opinion in the
proposed new law.
atleaal Rirense Mraaaro Bosss to
Be opalar.
Leglles Weekly. '
The newspapers of this country have
every reason to support ths bill Introduced
by Senator Heyburn of Idaho providing
for a tax on advertising signs. In foreign
landa these signs are taxed and afford a
considerable" revenue. Senator Hey burn
proposes a tax of J cents per superficial
square foot on signs advertising products
which enter Into interstste commerce. The
tsxes are to be paid to the I'nlled Slates
treasury, and to be collected annually.
This new source of revenue ailght well be
considered In connection with the effort
to revise ths tariff and relmnose war taxes
of an objectionable character. Throughout
the country an effort is being made to sup
press the advertising sign nuisance. It has
beep toiori-.ted altogether too- long. It meets
no public want, becauae the newspairs,
msg-aslnes and other publications are the
legitimate channels for the use of the ad
vertiser. They contribute to the education
of the people and to the prosperity of ths
nation. If the press will stand solidly be
hind Senator ile burn's bill, its passage
will be ussured. and it will bo effective in
suppressing what has come to be an in
tolerable nuisance. The billboard must go!
Famous Land Rush
Twentieth Aanivsrsary of the
Birth of Oklahoma, and Methods
by Which It Waa Achieved.
There have been stampedes for land be
fore and since the memorable April 22,
1RS, but none equalled the picturesque
f reparations for and the rush over the
Ksr.sss border which signalised the Mrth
of the terrltcry of Oklahoma and the open
ing of thst section of the public domain
to white settlement. A territory was bom
In an hour, trowing Into a state in less
thsn nineteen years, and cities sprang Into
existence In a day. In honor of that fa
mous blrthdsy Oklahoma In general and
wveral cities In particular will celebrate
the twentieth anniversary tomorrow with
cxtrclecs and crstnry suited to the event.
At high noon. April 22, 1SS9. guns were
fired by fnlted Slates soldiers, which
echoed along the Kansas border and pro
claimed that the efforts of Cnptaln David
U Payne were at last rewarded aivd "The
Land of the Fair God" opened, to settle
ment. The scenes which were 'enacted In
Ihoee days have passed into history snd
wtlT never be repeated In the fnlted States
For years prospective settlers had cemped
along the Kansas border anxlcusly awaiting
word from Washington that the new public
domain was open to settlement. They were
led by Captain David I. Tayne, who he
since been named the "Father of Okla
Finally word was sent from Washington
that on April 22, ). the public lands
would bo opened to settlement, and those
who desired to enter the new country
would be entered In a free-for-all raee for
homes. For months the soon-to-be-Okla
homans Increased slong the Kansas bordr
near Arkansas City and along the old
Hunneywell trail awaiting the signal that
would throw the new country open to set
Federal trc6ps stationed along the border
would frequently return from an expedi
tion Into the forbidden land with "sooners"
who had attempted to secure a home In
advance of the great race.
At last, with thousands of persons from
all parts of the I'nlted States "toeing the
mark," the signal was given, and the mad
rosh for homes was on.
It was a cosmopolitan aggregation. Some
tried to gain homeateads near the line by
running afoot. The large majority, how
ever, were mounted on horses, and ' the
event was an endurance race rather thsn
a speed trial. Following the riders in
"prsirle schooners" were the wives and
families of the homeseekers.
TVia nil. ff-overntnff t he. homestearttng of
ir.i nf in rr waa that the settler
should be the first on the land and estab
lish his right thereby by placing a staKS
In the ground as chsracterlstlc of the home
which he was to build. The desperedo and
h Kiitinv figured in the race, and many
men went to unmarked graves thst dsy
when disputes arose over the possession.
Thousands of quarrels which afterwards
resulted In contests were begun.
The race was one of the most unique
recorded In American history. Thousands
- t.r,.,h.u Hitera auraed In a broken line
all afternoon across Oklahoma. Many
horses fell under the strain, and many a
rider sot out on the rest of his Journey on
foot or stopped on the best plot of ground
available. If there were any. trees on the
ground on which the "squatter sovereign
.., .,n hi domicile a temporary arbor of
bruph was erected to take the place of a
home. It was usually followed by a rude
dugout. But the men who came to Okla
homa in the plone-r days lived for the fu
ture, and the hardships that they encount
ered have amply been repaid.
The wife following In a covered wagon
hoped to trace the husband by the direc
tion he had taken at the outset. Some
families were sepsrated for weeks by the
homeseeker being forced to change his
Guthrie seemed to be the chief objective
point by reason of the designation of that
place as the capital. During the day
thousands of persons hsd arrived In the
new capital on the Ssnta Fe railroad from
Purcell and Arkansas City. The State
Capital newspaper plant was brought In
during the day and by evening the press
was act up and the editor began to write.
A tent aerved both as pressroom and
Twenty-five thousand persons slept on
the townslte that night, and when tho
city awoke the next morning it was as if
the powers of magic had transformed the
valley Into a living, breathing city. An
organisation was soon effected by select
ing a representative from each state thst
had any considerable representation
among the settlers. At the end of the
week D. B. Dyer of Kansas City was
elected mayor. Famous bandita. whose
names were terror to tfie southwest,
mingled with the crowds. Gsmbling halls
were wide open and dance halls rsn day
and night, but strange to relate, amid all
the picturesque eventa that marked the
opening aummer In Guthrie, crimes were
remarkably few Snd very few men died
"with their boots on."
Capt. David U Payne, the original Okla
homa boomer, was born In. Fairmont, Ind.,
In He came to Kansas when a young
man and waa twice elected to the legisla
ture of that stste from Doniphan county.
Removing later to the southern part of
the state, he was a familiar figure in
Wichita, which city he made the base of
his efforts to secure the opening of the
new country. At that time Oklahoma was
controlled by cattle barons, mho held
leases from the federal government.
Seven tlmea did Payne lead bands of
boomers Into Oklahoma and as many
times were they rounded up by soldiers
and aent out of the country and some
times thrown Into Jail, from which they
would be liberated on writ of habeas cor
pus. No Isw could be found by the court
for their detention, for there wss nothing
In the statutes making It a crime to go
upon public lands. The pathetic side of
the struggle was the death of Capt. Payne
at Wellington, Kan., Just as he had
reached the point where he could view
the land of promise. His earnest conten
tions had been vindicated by the Vnlted
States courts and it remained only for
congressional action to open the country,
and this was sssured. While at break
fast In Wellington hotel on November (,
ltS4. Payne was seized by an attack of
heart failure and expired.
The campaign for the opening of Okla
homa to white settlement wss continue.
by Capt. W. Li Couch and Judge Seats
and others of Payne's followers, and re
sulted In favorable action by congress.
The proclamation opening the land to set
tlers was Issued by President Harrison,
who named April 23 as the dsy on which
the race for homes should be made.
Striking: la a Srw Lla.
New fork World.
The minority members of the Philippine
legislature who have adopted an Ameri
can Idea and gone on atrlke have Improved
on 'the example. Legislators are si runs t
the only class of employes who do not
strike, at least In thai sense of the word.
Cream Y
9 I
R Me
kv si
A pure, Cream of Tartar Pow- LJ
der. Makes finest cake and Pi
pastry,light,flaky biscuits, ;L
delicious griddle cakes J
palatable and wholesome. X
No alum, no lime phosphates. J
Avoid baking powders
Noons can continuously
vim aium without injury
Arkansas Is learning to curb railroads,
but Its Jeff Davis can't be Induced to sub
mit to a similar process.
James R. Garfield, formerly secretary of
the Interior, has returned to Cleveland and
will resume the practice of law.
The Oklahoma militia have succeeded In
getting Crazy Snake rojnded up on a
strip of land thirty miles wide and a hun
dred miles long.
Another San Francisco grafter has con
fessed. However, the difficulty of accept
ing the word of a San Franhclsco grafter
naturally Intervenes to embarrass the Jury.
Mayor D. W. Lawler of 8U' Paul, 'pro
poses to create a city cabinet by appoint
ing an advisory committee of fifty prom
inent business and professional men to
advise him.
Judge Kenesaw. Mountain Lendis re
cently fined a defendant 1 cent. Quite a
come-down from 29.:4O,00O, but there was
this advantage about It the defendant
paid the 1 cent.
Since the acquittal or T. Jenkins Halns
demonstrated that the killing of a man is
no crime In New York, it seems Idle to
bother the other Halns tor participation
in the same innocent episode.
Maud Muller sung as she rsked the hay.
"With a little tralnlns." alio irhH t
believe I'd make a fairly good grassnop
pcra singer."
just then the Judge happened a onz and
the rest Is history. Chicago Tribune.
"So your husband always stays in the
house nights," said one woman.
"Yes," answered the other. "Once Hiram
gets settled down In- front of his fireside
you can't get him out o' doors even to
bring in an armful of wood." Washington
oiar. i
"Whatever success I have achieved." ar
gued the passenger with the skull cap. "I
owe entirely to heredity and environment."
That s a firm I never heard of before."
said the passenger with the loud necktie.
Mow long nave you been traveling for
them?" Chicago Tribune.
"Yes," sighed the burlesque star, as she
posed gracefully for the Interview. "I
nave me moods, you know, but It's me per
sonality what takes 'em, me boy. I have
so much temperature." Baltimore Ameri
can. 'But." asked the first co-ed. "why did
you elect to take up ths study of German
inslesd or KTancnr
'Oh! replied the other, "the German
profesaor was so awfully handsome, you
know." Catholic Standard and Times.
A surgeon In a western town, engsged to
perform an operation of minor character
upon a somewhat unsophisticated patient,
asked him If he were willing to have only
local anaesthetic.
"Sure," replied the other; "I believe In
Shoulder Room
In all our Suit models this Spring
there is ample room across the chest,
with natural shoulder width.
A diminishing fullness in the skirt
of the coat makes the shoulders ap
pear more athletic.
Thus wc secure an easy fitting and
well balanced garment.
Suits $15, $18, $22, $25, $30 to $35.
BrQvnin8,1(ing 6 Cq
Spring Announcement
a are sow alsplsying'a moat com
plete line of foreign iioveities for
spring and summer wear.
Tour early Inspection Is Invited, as
K will afford as opportunity of crooa
in from a large number of exclusive
We Import la "Single suit- lengtba,"
aad a suit eannot be duplicated.
Aa eraer piacod now may be d.llv
ers at your oonvcnlance.
v i
made from alum. . V
eat food mixed
to neaiin.
patronising home , industry whenever you
And he meant lt.--LJpplncott's.
r .
Knioker How does your daughter get on
cultivating her voice?
Booker Fine, I guess. She doesn't sing
any more; she Interprets. -New York Sun.
Slnp a song of April, .
8howers and scowlin' skies;
Well we know her coy spring lamb's
A linn in disguise:
Thunder, llghtnln', rain an snow.
Hall an' sleet come down
The elements go on a tear 1
Whifn April comes to town.
Now, altho' 'tis April.
Chill the breezes blow:
Pa still pokes the furnace
And predicts 'twill snow;
Then 'mlflet cold in' dismal dys
An' freakish wind what's this?
A Welsh rarebit of sunshine -
A Welsh rare hit or mlss
Yes of course 'tis April.
Hear that peal of thunder.!
But lie low little violets
An' keep yer noses under;
The only flowers that may bloom
Immune from frost-bite dread
Are the flowers that bloom upon that tun
That concesls my lady's head.
Yes. and whst do I behold
With surprise complete?
Is It a new broom chasln'
A rain-barrel up the street?
Ah. no. my friend, you -sadly err
In truth, It is not that
'Tis only Apgellna fair.
Chasln' hqr Raster hat.
Then here's to hoydenisll April dsys,
A mlsrellaneoun lot..
Contributed hv all the months
IeSf their cha-rrtis' be forgr ii'i
The weather man sneaks at random
An Uvea on roast done brown;
He surely, surely rues the day
That April comes to towrt.
And If these verses seem to b .
At random strung together,
Still they're In keeping, you- must own.
With hop-scotch April weather;
So critic pray be lenient.
I pray thee do not frowp.
For a rhvmster'a not secountsble
When April comes to town.
also the "Crystal Lithium" water frorrt
Excelsior Springs, Mo., In 5-gallon
sealed Jugs.
6-gallon jug Qrystal Llthla water.. $2
6-gallon jug Salt-Sulphur water. . . .$2
Buy at either store. We sell over 100
kinds mineral water.
Sherman & Unnelf Drug Go.
Sixteenth and Dodge Sti.
Owl Drug Co.
Sixteenth and Harney Sts.
and Douglas Sts.
317 Sot!i rifleentk Street
the ,
1 --