Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Unfavorable Weather in East Presents Many Games; Lincoln Wins
Cold Weather Caaiet Poor Playing
and Small Crowds.
Lincoln (Im Pat la Vain ntehe
! Hit mm Field Well
-trfri He "la-ned
LINCOLN. April 30 jn than a hundred
spectator shivered through seven Inning
of ban ball Ihla afternoon and aaw thft
Lincoln win an exhibition time from
Omaha by a score of 4 to 3. Th weather
was too cold for good base ball, but thera
were occasional flashes of brilliancy, mixed
with a lot bf the hippodrome. Lincoln ex
celled both In hitting and fielding. Both
splalns put In young pitcher and their
work not th beat. Prltchett. last
year third baaeman for Lincoln, who haa
been holding out. It waa announced today
had come to term with the management
and will etart from hla home at Indlari
spolts, Ind., In time for the opening of the
championship eaon. " Reore:
H. O. A. E.
Waldrnn, rf...
Fot, 7t. ........
Jude. If
Thomaa, lb....
Davidson, cf..
Garnier. ....
rIdw-ll. 8b...
Mason. o.s...
Moore, p
Canty, p
.. 3
... 0
a 4 a
. AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Fisher, lf , .a ..0.0 0 1 0
King, 2b........ 1- 4 ) 0 1 4 .0
Welch, rf......... I, 1 a 1 ft 0
Tendry, Sb.............. S I S 0 8 1
Johna. cf..:: 1
Franck. as..Y;. .... 8' t 4 I
Claire, lb....t 3 0 0 8 0 1
.IBrand. c 8 A 0 8 X 0
Rice, p 3 0 1 0 3 0
Total... '....:a 3 31 IS
Claire ut for not touching flrt baa.
Lincoln V0J1000-4
3miln v. 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 t
Three-ba hit:' Fox, Pendry. Double
itlay:. Waldron to. Tbmaa. Sacrifice hit:
Juo. Struck out: By Moore, 1; by Canty.
I. Firat base on balla: Off Moore, I; oft
i anty, 1; otf Rice, z, Paaaed ball: Maaon.
Time: 1:10. Umpire: Wood of Lincoln.
Mllwaake Goe to Piece la eead
Halt f Math.
MILWAUKEE, April 80.-After having
the game apparently cinched Milwaukee
1 went all to pleoes In the first half of the
ninth, error by Roblnaon and Curtla and
three af hit giving the visitor four
run and th game. Bcore:
H.O.A.K. B. H.O.A.K
Oyl.r. aa I ft 4 1 Rakineen, .l I I I I
rtowna, lb.... 4 ft I 1 1 Barry, rf 4 ft t ft
O'N.III, If.... t 1 1 ftltandall. rf... 4 1 ft ft
FMm'ftaen, rf. 4 ft 1 ft ltfeoaaa. lb... I 8 ft ft
Plckarln. rf. I ft 1 ft ft Clark. b t 1 I 4 ft
J. Comm. IM I I I ftMcRana'k. SB 4 1 I 8 ft
WtMlH. lb. I I It 8 ftOolllna. If.... 4 18 1
lack, a...... I 1 t ft SHoatau.r. a.. 4 ft t 1 ft
Wllnn. ....! t ft t ftcartla, 3 ft ft I 4
Okarlin, .... ft ft 1 Mora 1 ft ft ft ft
Mariana .... I ft ft ft ft
. TaUla 14 f 81 II 3
Tata la 38 1 37 II 3
Batted for Oirtls In ninth.
Batted for Wilson In ninth.
Milwaukee .....A 3 1 0 0 ft 0 0-3
Minneapolis v....ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ft
Three-base hit: McOann. Hits: Off wll
on. 8 In elrht Innlnsrs: off Oberlin. lin one
inning. Sacrifice hits: towns. Block. Mc
Oann. Hoetetter. .stolen bases: n. coiuns
Clark. , Double playst J. Collins to Downs
to Wheeler. Left on eases: Milwaukee. 7;
Mlnneanolla. I. Raae an balla: Off Curtla
8; off Wilson. 1. Hit by pitcher: Pickering.
oturcK out: My curui, s; by wiison, .
Time: 1:60. umpire: Hayes.
Game Poatpaart.
At Louisville: Louisville-Toledo game
postponed: wet grounds.
At Kansas City. Kansas Clty-Bt. Paul
game postponed: wet grounda.
At Indianapolis: Indianapolis-Columbus
game postponed: wet grounds.
Take Came from Mrnlngolde
...... ..... Score mt t 4,
IOWA CITY. la.. April 20.-Slpecial.)-
Iowa won the first intercollegiate game of
the season yesterday from Morning-aide
college bv the score of ft to 4. From the
Iowa 'standpoint the"surprlse of the game
was the Work of Hook behind the bst. He
proved a perfect backatop and hla throwing
to oases waa an inspiration, lowa scored
four tlmea In the third inning, mostly on
the errors of Its opopnents. Th lineup
waa aa iouowb: .
Hantan Pitch ..
Burred Pitch .
Hook, Catcher
. Kallameyer
Gumlerson...,. Catcher
Bechtl ,
,. First ..
.. Second
.. Third ..
.. Third ..
..'Short .
... Left ...
... Center
..Right ..
,. Wet
UtUoa Stilt Organisation Declared
Oatlaw ay National Coaaialaaloa.
CINCINNATI. April 30.-War on th Cali
fornia biaia league, mien i classed a an
outlaw league, waa declared by the Na
tional Rase Ball commission here lat this
An ksaessment of th alxteen club of
the two major league will be mad to Dro
vide a substantial aum to be expended In
the fight to be mad on th California
It waa aaid .10 application had been re-
.K.i from Pitcher FM Walah of lh Phi.
cago Americans to be declared a free agent
and no action had been taken In his caae.
A number of minor cases waa considered
by therommlaslon and decisions announced.
The claim of Player Maaon of th Troy
N. Y... 8 lata league team to be declared a
fre agent waa grantee, while th annlica
tlon if Placers Hann of Rockford and
Darrlaer of Dubuque to b declared fre
agent wer not allowed.'
Welch fiat Har Raa Bat.
Two -hug black bat were delivered at
th Bmok Houa 'Tuesday morning for
Harrvi, Welch with chargea on them that
aiaggeeed Frank Rourke, guardian of the
alfalfa! crop since ueorga uraham has
gone rft playing ball. They were paid for
and now Frank will have to collect from
the doctor. When lh Minneapolis team
waa I Omaha, Oyler. ahortstop for the
Millers, had a splendid bat and Welch
wante to buy It- U waa not lor aai. but
Oyler Volunteered to buy him aome like
It when be reached Loulsvlll and now tht
oocior i toaaea lor noma run mis.
Laarela Reaa r for Gaaaea,
Th ' Laurel hajve reorganised their
baa ball team for the coming year and
would iik to scnofluie game with any
fast team in or out oT the city. Call
Dougla 1321 or writ Erneat Andrew.
Boutn ughtn tret. The team la made
up or Uieae player: Krelle, third base; F.
Andrew, second baae: Kregier, left field;
fi. Masgie, shortstop; E. Andrews, catcher;
Hylen. jpitcher; Lee. first baae: Sharkey,
center field; J. Asdrew. pltchar; Wltkea-
auu. ri-ui iiaiu. .
Plaaalaa for Track Meet.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. April 30 -(Boa
la I ) Elaborate pieparatlona are being
nade for th track meet between the higu
.school of this city and York on tn I ova I
alhlotut field next Friday afternoon. An
tntereallmg contest i expected, as th York
team 1 on of th tiongt high schonl
agsreg&tiona in th alala. and Central City
atnletea have been making coal good
teoord trie spring in th weight and run
ring events. On May T th local team goe
to anpo and on May 1 to Halting.
ellva Beat Haakart.
Ballevae defeated th Moshar-LamPma
leant Tuesday afternoon by a acore of 3 l
I at Baliavu. Cold wind and a little rain
Standing of the Teams
W. L. Pct.i W. L. Pet.
Rosloti I 0 inrnvDetroif ...,..S, 1..W
Cincinnati ..4 1 .snO'New Tork ...8 3 .WO
New York. ..3 1 .-.T,I,iilladplphia..8 3 .ft
Pittsburg ...2 3 .4no Boston ...... .3 3 .
dr. Louis.. ..3 8 .) Cleveland ...3 3
Chicago ....3 3 Washington.. 2 3 .4ti
Brooklyn ....1 f :.xa, t. Loul ... 3 3 .
Philadelphia 0 3 .KXChlago 1 4 .aO
Won. Lost. Pet.
Indianapolis ... 5 1 .MJ
Ixiulsvllle ...ft 1 :3
Milwaukee ....4 1 0
Mlnnpanolls 4 2 t7
Toledo I 4 .3
Kansaa City ,1.., 1 4 .:"0
St. Paul i 1 4 .XD
Columbus 0 6 .C00
National league: Bnaton at Philadelphia,
Bt. Lou I a at Cincinnati.
American leaaue: Ht. Louie at Cleveland,
Detroit at Chlcsgo,. Wsahlngton at New
York. Philadelphia at Boston.
American association: Toledo St TouiS-
vllle. "t. Paul St Ksnaa Cllv, folumbus
at Indianapolis, Minneapolis at Milwaukee.
made a fast game difficult, but a score of
1 to 1 made in the first Inning kept up
plenty of excitement until the sixth Inning,
when Bellevue opened up a batting rally
and made two runs. The visitors' infield
played a little c lea net game than the local
team. '
For the visitors Adams played a good
game. Ohmsn showed the effecta of a m.'Ue
run In the trlsngu1"- track meet Monday
night, but pulled h: fa am out of two bad
holes. In the seebm. .nnlng' with one man
down and three on bases he struck out the
side, and again in the fourth with second
snd third full, he struck" out thre men.
Stark pitched the -last three'' innings for
bellevue and started the batting rally for
the locals. 1 -
Today Bellevue will play the soldier and
Cretghton on Thursday.
Blrmlaajhama aad Met Brother Will
Compete Tonight.
Following are th scores bowled In the
tournament last night on the Metropolitan
alley. No games will be bowled In the
tournament tonlrht a the alley will be
taken by the Birmingham Range Co. ana
the Met Bros, team, to aee who I cham
pion or omaha. Both are among tn best
In the city. Postmaster Thoniss Is break
ing In the bowling game fast. He has
been bowling only one month, but bowled
a 3Z7 game Friday, on- tne Metropolitan
alley. Mr. Thomas will be In the Post
office team next season. Score:
lat. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Seaman 1D4 191 15S M3
Bryan .4 1M 284 178 07
Martin 175 178 21 589
Total 663 03 573 1,738
Younern' Colts won two out of three
gamea from the Union Pacific In th Sum
mer league last night on the association
alley. Tenignt, tegnai corps against
West Side. Bcore:
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Kiasane 143 1 27 1 42 413
Crosa IM 17 141 478
Yeuiem 190 173 181 644
488 470 464 1,418
lat. 2d. 3d. Tot.
..201 163 16 503
185 14 1 4S4
Coleman ...
Bullard ....
Wll ley ,
17 169 138 475
Total 663 471 463 1,477
Th Malonya and Ortman Stars played
their final gamea on the Association al
ley last night and th Stars were much
up In the air considering the score they
made, both team started out very easy,
but the Malony hsd a wslkaway in the
last two games. Tonight, Storx Triumph
against Bam peck a. Score:
lat. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Glover 133 l 1M 487
Hammerstrom 164 ITS 173 603
Lyon 165 Vfl 211.. 678
Total ...461 64H
lat. 3d.
Laird - 134 183
Griffith 14fi 124
Moran 133 14S
Total 406 4fi3
Summer league team standing
of the third week:
Played. Won. Loat.
People's Btor 8 7 2
National 8 3
Paxtona 3
670 1.667
601 1,370
it the end
Cudahy ft o 4
Signal Corp 8 6 4
West Sides. s s
Yousem's Colt.... 8 4 8
Union Pacific 3 3,8
Cream City 8 2 4
People' No. 3 3 0 3
Individual standing:
Gamea. Av
Oamaa. At.
I lii
Falconr ....
Rhrlatenaea ,
Tonplln ....
Craaa .......
Landfra .',
u liar 4
Kuncl ......
K. NargaarS.
Celeman ....
ls !
Fleming ....
Ail It
I.. Noraar4.
Wlll.r ......
Ratekla ,
' 111
111) I
IM: Mitchell
,131 Rica
ljljThojnsaon ,..
Maa Who Attempted to Corropt Ml
tloaal I.eagrae Official Barred.
CINCINNATI, April . Th National
Baa Ball commission announced today that
aa a result of Its investigation of charges
that an attempt waa made to bribe Umpires
Johnston and Klein during the Chicago
New York National league game at the
Polo ground last fall proof has been ob
tained tnat the attempt to bribe wa made.
The names of th guilty persona are kept
secret. ,-. .
Th official atatement by the National
commission Is aa follows:
"Thi matter was referred to the Na
tional commission by the National league
and pertalna to certain statements made
by Umpires Klem and Johnstone that an
attempt was made last fall to bribe them
with reference to a game that they had
umpired end which took place between the
Chicago and New York National league
cluba on the Polo grout ds.
"We have made a full and thorough in
vestigation of all of. th matters that .have
been nroented tor our consideration with
reference to thi aubject. We believe that
the atatement as made by the umpires ara
true and that an effort waa mad to bribe
them with reference to thoir duties. The
same, however, wsa unsuccessful snd the
umpires are deserving of th highest com
mendation, not only on the part of til
National commiaaion. but of all of . those
who ere Interested In organised base ball
as well.
"In this mattar the commission would not
hesitate a moment to Institute a moat rigid
prosecution against the offender if It had
the power to do so and the corroborative
testimony to sustain the chargea a made
by the umpires. We feel, however, that In
the absence or this the party charged with
this offense by th umpires should not go
unpunished, end for that reason we will
furnish to every major league club owner
th name of the person who attempted the
offense with Inatruetlona to null club own
er to bar him from their respective
grounda tor all time to come."
Gotek Throw tilaea.
MARSHALLTOWN. Ia. April 3C.-Spe-cial
Telegram.! Frank tiotch beat Charles
Olsen of St. Louts In two falls, on In
eleven and one In flv minutes with the
arm and scissors and head and crotch holds
tonights. Dun McLeod beat Alexandt-r
Bader of Chicago, two atralght In the
preliminary contest.
Pathflader Car at Rawllas.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. April JO. Tne Path
finder 'car from New York to Seattle, which
aft nr... a - .... ... .
there at aoon today, having remained ver
on account of washout west of Rawlins.
Th car mad only a few mile today, th
road being heavy.
Bora Throw Waaaoa.
NORTH PLATTE Neb., April .-(St-cial
Telegram.)-Farmer Buma threw
Ooar Waaaem last night In two straight.
H secured ha firat fall in 2314 and the
second In. H on. A iaise cr.jwrt witnessed
the match at the Lloyd opria house.
Rain or Low Temperature at Nearly
.: All Points en Big- Circuits.
Ysasg la la Fine Farm anal Wltk
Little flood Lark Woaid Hat
Mart It a Sbat
NEW YORK. April 30. Rain and gen
earlly cold, dlsapreeabl weather caused a
postponement, of Ur the Important ball
gamea scheduled for today In both the
National and American league except th
Detroit-Cleveland contest In Detroit, rhle
Is Tather unusual, .but one day last year
the weather stopped practically every
game In every league In the United
States. -
; The games postponed today were:
National league: Philadelphia at New
Tork, Booklyn at Boston, Pittsburg at
Chicago and St. Louis at Cincinnati.
American league: New York at Phila
delphia, Boston at Washington and Chi
cago at St. Louis.
Cleveland Wla from Detroit.
. DETROIT, .April 20. Detroit played
ragged ball in every line and Cleveland
won almost as It pleased. Yountf was
In grand form- and with a little luck
would have made it a shut out. The vis
itor hit Lafltt hard all th way. Ten
of their runa were scored with two out
and several after missed chance to re
tire the aide. It was the coldest day of
the spring, with a high wind bothering
the fielders. Birmingham' hitting waa
a feature. Scor:
B. H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.E.
(VrxxM, rf i t) Mnlntyra, if., 4 1 I ft 1
Pairing, In... 4 3 1 i 1 Buah. aa ,3 ft I 4 1
Storall, !.... It 0 ftoawtora. cf.. 4 ft 1
Lejnle. 3b.... t 111 Orobb, rf .41 8 ft ft
BarteTlr. a... Ill Orotihuti, lb.. 4 ft I 1 I
Htnchman, III I 0 I I Mnrlarltf, lb. I ft 1 1 ft
Lord, It I I i l OSchaelrr, lb.. I ft I 1 ft
Blrm'ham, cf. I 4 1 ft "Brhmldl. C....I ft ft 3 ft
Young. I ft 4 0 Lafltt, p I 1 1 I 0
Totala 44 17 37 It 3 Tetala M 8 17 14 I
Detroit 000101800 3
Cleveland 0011113 t-U
Two-base hit: Hinchman. Three-base
hit: Hinchman. Home run: Birmingham.
Stolen bases: Cobb, Goode, Lord. Double
plays: Hinchman, Lajole and Stovall.
Ijeft on bases: Detroit, 8; Cleveland, 8.
Bases on balla: Off Young, 2. First base
on errors: Detroit. 1; Cleveland, i. Hit by
pitcher: By Lafltt, 1. Btruek out: By
lafltt, 2; by Young, 4. Passed balls:
Easterly, 2 Time: 3 hours. Umpires:
Kertn and O'Loughlin.
Contest Take Place Between The,
High School and Bellevae.
Th Young Men' Christian association
athletes won the triangular indoor field
meet held Monday "night at the Young
Men's Christian association gymnasium
between Bellevue, the Omaha High achool
and the Young Men' Christian associa
tion, the wlnnera making 27 point to 31
for Bellevue and lo for the high achool
Age and experience counted against the
high school boys, who were not equal to
the task of winning from their older and
stronger competitors in several of the
eventa, but the high achool boy per
formed with credit In plte of that and
showed that they have advanoed wonder
fully In the short time they hav been
working at track athletic.
Several of the event werft most hotly
conteatetd. especially th relay race,
which waa won by Bellevue by a margin
of two-fifths of a second. Only the mar
velous run of Racely of Bellevue won for
them from the high acbool boy, who had
a' well balanced team.
The pole vault wa a walkaway- for
Hagenslck of the Young Men'a Christian
aaaociatlon. who waa Missouri Valley
champion while at the University of Ne
braska. He waa only forced to clear the
bar at ten feet. Kennedy, of the high
school team, trailed the Young Men
Christian association runner for about
half the way and then Jumped to the front
and set his own pace, making the distance
In 4:48.65, which stood as the best time of
the evening. Summaries:
High Jump: Anthes. Young Men' Chrls
tlon Association, 1st; Wallace, Young
Men's Christian association, 2d; Thomp
son, high school. 3rd. Height: 6 ft., 8 in.
Pole vault: Hagenslck, Young Men'a
Christian association, 1st; Templin, Belle
vue, 2d; einsell. Bellevue, 3rd. Height,
10 ft.
Shot put: Linn, Young Men'a Christian
aasoelation. 1st; Can fie Id. Bellevue, 2d;
Griffith, Young Men's Christian associa
tion, 3rd. Distance. 37 ft., 11 In.
Half mile: Primrose. Bellevue. 1st; Wil
son, Young Men's Christian aaaociatlon,
2d: Kaven, Young Men' Christian
association, 8rd. Time: 2.10H-'
Mile: Kennedy, high school; Balthaeer,
Young Men'a Christian association, sec
ond: Ohman, Bellevue, 3rd. Time:
Relay: Bellevue, 1st; high school, 2d;
Y. M. C. A. Third. High school term:
Rawley, McKinney, Wood.
Belle- Y. M
Event. vim. (H. 8. C. A.
High Jump 1 8
Pole vault 4 .. 6
20 yard run 3 6 7
Shot put 8 .. 6
Half mile S 4
Mire, 1 S 3
Relay , 6 3 1
Event Will Come Between Stat
Shoot of Illinois and Nebraska.
ORESTON, I.. April 30 (Speelal.l-
The state trap shooting tournament will
be held at Burlington May 18-30 and prom
ises to be one of the most conspicuous
events or the year in the middle weat
The ahoot comes in between the annual
state tournaments of Illinois and Nebraska
arid will naturally attract all the leaders.
It Is expected that at least 160 of th
crack shots or the country will be pres
ent, notably among them being Spencer,
the 1908 champion; Tom Marshall, twice
winner of the Grand American handicap;
George Marshall, the wonderful one armed
shooter and a host of others. Th trape
to ba used are the New Ideal, made at
Kansas City and used last season for the
first time In any tournament. Fred Whtt
ney of Des Moines will act aa cashier.
Aside from the regular purse events, the
principal onea will be the Iowa champion
ship, the Smith cue, the Diamond badge
and the championship at double targets.
Added to the purses will be 3ou0 in gold.
The "Jack rabbit" system will be used,
310 added to each 15-blrd event, and 312.60
to each 20-bird event.
H. A. Wright Win th Firat Gas
front Jwaesh Mayer.
NEW YORK. April 20.-H. A. Wright of
San Francisco tonight won the opening
game of the ninth annual tournament of
the National Association of Amateur
Billiard player at the Liederkrans club.
The play la at 18.2 line. Wright' acore
waa 4U0 points against 14- for Joseph Mayer
of Philadelphia. Wrlght'a gathering ahot
and drives for position wer deftly tie
cuted and hi nursing and masse shots
were worthy at time of the best pro
fesalonal talent. Mayer made his debut
In fast company tonight. While he lacks
control, his open gsm and play for posi
tion won lilm a number or friends.
Tomorrow afternoon C. F. Conklin and
Clarence Jackson, both of Chicago will
oppose each other and th evening game
will bring Mayer and Dr. L. L. Mial of
this cllv together. t li oore:
WrtKht: In. 8. 6. 10. 1. 66. ft. 8, 3. 0. ft.
I. 1. . 22. 63. 10. 7. 36. 7. 30. BO. 3, 1 -Total
4ui Average. 16; nign runs, au. 00. u.
Mayer: 10. 3. ft. 0. 13. 11, 0. 2. 24. . 0, JO,
3. li 8. 4. 0. ft. 1. 3, 3. 1. 14. 3-Total lii.
Average, ft. !-; nign runa. zt. at, if.
Sine Soaday Ball Bill.
ST. PAUL. April 30. Governor Johnson
today signed a bill passed by the aenate
yesterday making Sunday baae ball legal
during the noura rrom 1 10 a p. m.
Vanderhilt' Mora Win.
ST. CIXlt'D. April 3ft The Prix du Bol
de Rnuline waa won lire looey oy w, k
VandcrliiU a Uan baiteauil. Herman Dur
yea' Rose Noble got first place In the Pri.t
Kaaaaa Agalea Defeated,
DES MOTNF.R. Ia.. April 80.-Kanss
Aggie has ball team after an unbroken
string of sixteen victories wsa defeated
here today by Highland Park college, 4 to
2. Germing allowed Aggies but three hits.
Greea'a Indiana One Season.
YORK. Neb. April 80.-8peclal Tele
gram.) Green's Nebraska Indians opened
the season today with a victory, Indiana.
10; Tork, A. The red men play Pa Rourke'a
team In Omaha next Sunday.
Relt of the Shaekleton Expedition
Compared with Prevloa
What did the Shaekleton expedition to
the Antarctic learn that was not reported
by Captain Robert T. Bcott on hi return
to civilisation In 1804 T
It wa already known, or believed, that
no land mammal existed wllhln the Ant
arctic Circle no bears or foxes, such as
may b found In th far north. The only
mammals encountered and reported by Dr.
Wilson of th earlier expedition wer sea
mammals; ore, rorqual, flnner and beaked
whale, and crab eating, Roas and Weddoll
seals within the Antarctic Circle.' The
seal known a sea leopard and ea ele
phant wer found on the pack lc north
of K. Along South Victoria Land twelve
different kinds of bird were sighted,
chiefly petrels, and also a small tern, the
ooly and black browed albatrosse and the
blue gray whale bird these In th open ss
and along the Great lc Barrier. About
th winter quarter under Mount Erebus
th emperor penjruln, four feet high, tame
knd almost human in It aspect and way;
th Adell penguin and McCormlck tkua
la trull) were habitual neighbor of the
explorers. On the return from th "farthest
south" (463 mile from th pole) a solitary
kua waa seen; but in th desolate Interior
ther waa no life. Except mosaea and llnch-
n no vegetation wa noted. The terri
torial fauna. If the term can bo used of
uch vital barrennee. consisted of a wing
less Insect approximating to a fly.
Now, as Shaekleton', party, pushing
their perilous way south, met with only
glacier and ranges of snow mountains. It
may be uiumtd that th biologist of the
expedition will have nothing or very little
aid to add to Mr. Wilson' report at least
of life In th Interior south of the point
attained by Captain Scott, Lieutenant
Shaekleton and Dr. Wilson in 1908, which
was latltud 82 degrees 16 minute 33 sac
ondS) longitude 184.
But of th topography of th so-called
continent th hardy and Indefatigable
Shaekleton, who almost perished of scurvy
in th prevlou venture, learned a good
deal more than Captain Bcott. Tho latter
tn hi account of th Discovery expedition
wrote: ' '
Tho main geographical Interest of our
expedition lie In thj practical . observation
of a coast lin from Mt. Melbourne in
latitude 74 degrees to Mt. Longstaff In
latitude 88 degree, and of th condition
which He to the east and west of thi Una.
Our previous knowledge extended only to
that part which lie between Mt. Mel
bourne and McMurdo sound, and of this
w had th vaguest description.
Captain Scott and hlparty travelled with
dog aledgea over th lc plateau, which he
supposed to b afloat although of vast
area, and kept within tight of the moun
tain ranges that form the eoaat of Victoria
Land. After gaining an altitude of 8,800
feet they traversed "a level plain," and
Captain Bcott ,says; "The Great Ice. Bar
rier I afloat a far a wa traveled.'' They
were finally stopped by a crevasse they
could not descend Into and on their return
Journey they lost all their dog (Just as
Lieutenant Shaekleton lost alt hi ponies)
and came near dying of scurvy. They
named mountain which they never
reached, Longstaff 00,360 feet) and Mark
ham (16,000 feet),. and Captain Bcott waa of
th opinion that the Ice plain aklrtlng th
mountain range extended even to th south
pole. ;
What Lieutenant Shaekleton did wa to
pas tho very point at which the party In
1903 stopped, and push on 863 mile further,
only to be baffled, with th Ice plateau
stretching before his eyes, by th same
condition of hunger, fatigue and loss of
animal that mad the "dash" of Bcott,
Wllaon and himself a failure. Ha seems,
however, to hav been favored by milder
weather. H learned that th mountain
range continued along the plateau, and he
will be able lo furnish the Royal Geo
graphical society with a new map contain
ing peaks named by himself. "We dis
covered eight distinct mountain ranges,"
he says, "and more than a hundred moun
tain." Almost equal tn Interest and of
more Importance scientifically than wa the
ascent to the crater or Up of Erebus. This
was a prodigious feat If tho courageous
fhackleton failed at a point which would
probably hav been in sight of the locality
of the smith pole on a clear day, tf h
could hav atood upon a mountain top. It
wa because the human fram wa not
equal to th hardships to b endured.
There will be other attempts, and let us
lops that the consummation will finally
fall to a man of his deserts. New York
Bun. 1
John Morln.
John Morin, 6a years old and for twenty-
five years a flagman In th employe of the
Omaha railroad, died early Tuesday morn
ing at hi horn, 8614 Grand avenu. He
had been suffering from paralyse and ex
perienced a third atroke recently. Hla wife
and seven grown children survive him. One
son Is a conductor on th same road for
which the father worked. Before moving to
Omaha seven years ago the family lived at
W Inside, Neb. The funeral is to be held
Thursday morning at 3 o'clock at Sac re J
Heart church. Burial wlil b in Holy
Sepulchre cemetery. 1
Dr. H. A. Given.
WYMORE. Neb.. April J0.-(8pecial.) Dr.
II. A. Given, one of Wymore's oldest citl-
ens. died at his horn early Sunday morn
ing after a prolonged Illness. Deceased wa
63 year of age. H wa born In Woodstock,
111., and located tn Wmor in th spring
of 1882, taking up the practice of medicine.
li wa a democrat and stanch admirer
of William J. Bryan, whom he counted as
a personal friend. He has been prominent
In building up Wymore, ilmyi taking an
active part in public affair. He wa
mayor of Wymore two yeara ago. His
wife and two children, a boy and girl, both
grown, aurviv. ,
First Mayor f Webster City.
WEBSTER CITY, la., April 20. (Special
Telegram.) L, L. Esles. nearly 77 year
old, and a resident of Webster City for
fifiy-on years, died this morning of
prostatic trouble. H wa president of
lha Firat National bank and wa also th
firat mayor of th town. Ha ha alway
been a prominent factor In th develop
ment of lh city.
Quick Action for Your Money you got
that by using The Baa advartlaing columna.
Wheat yen har ! Medal ft
he ear It I Waiakara-rrstkr'i Geld
Medal riesr. This U laa porta t.
Former Chimp Will Make This An
nouncement Tonight.
Propose t Take n the Winner f
th Johnson-Ketehel Match
Johnson Wrleontr th
Chance. '
NEW YORK. April 20.-James J. Jeffrie
Will announce tonight that he hs reclaimed
the title of heavyweight champion pugilist
of th worid and will be ready to defand
it against all comer In ten month or a
dear. Jeffrie In a statement says he 1
convinced that ha will b ablft to get Into
good fighting condition. For om week
th former champion ha been touring th
country giving sparring exhibition and at
th same time endeavoring to ascertain If
hi four yara' letlrement from th ring ha
impaired hi fighting ability.
Jeffries in a statement today, ssys:
"Immediately after my exhibition with
Sam Berger, my sparring partner, tonight,
I will go before the footlights and announce
to th audience that I have decided to re
enter th ring again and defend my title
of heavyweight champion a gainst any man
In the world. If Jack Johnson I fortunat
enough to best Stanley Ketchel next Oc
tober I will fight him before the club that
offer the largest purse.
"I have com to the conclusion that t
can get back In my previous good form
which I responsible for my ' making this
announcement. I wilt be ready to fight
again In about ten month or possibly a
year, but I will fight Just the sme."
Jeffrie ha been out of the ting for four
year and during that time ha taken on
flesh. Until Jack Johnson captured the
title of champion from Tommy Burn the
return -of Jefrlea to th aquared clrcl had
not beert thought of either by the retired
champion or the pugilistic fraternity. Th
demand of the public that Jeffrie fight
again following th Burns-Johnson battle
became so Insistent that Jeffrie, who had
declared he wa through with th boxing
game, told hi friend If he eould get Into
hi former fighting condition he would meet
Johnson. ,
Jeffrie for wveral weeks ha remained
non-commital. so that some of hi ad
mirers despaired of ever Mains; th big
fellow put on th glove once more.
Jeffries want th fight to take place tn
thi country and ha underconalderatlon an
offer from a fight promoter for a cham
pionship contest som time during th Seat
tl exposition.
Hugh Mcintosh of Australia left for Eng
land laat week and doubtlea will renew
hi offer for a fight at Melboum. A
championship fight trrth state along; th
Atlantic seaboard Is not possible under
existing laws, and fistto follower in the
west will have to Journey westward.
Jack Johnson I now touring th country
giving sparring exhibitions. He weighed
here th other day a no. tipped th scale
at 310 pound. H I matched to fight
Stanley Ketchel at Colma, Cat., on October
12. Jeffrie weigh about 860 to 360 pound.
Johnson Ready for Frny.
PITTSBURG, Pa.. April ao.-Jack John
son, heavyweight champion rf th world,
aid today that If Jeffrie waa In earnest
and would poet a forfeit, he would cancel
all fighting engagements and Welcom the
chance to meet the' former champion in the
"I will be th proudest man In Pitta-'
burg." said Johnson to th Associated
Press today, "If Jeffrie wilt how that h
mean business by covering th $6,000 which
I have posted with New York paper. My
money is ready and the moment he make
his announcement I will cancel all fighting
engagement and get ready for him. My
match with Ketchel and alt other matches
I have were arranged with the understand
ing that I would cancel them it I had a
chance to meet Jeffries."
Former Sigma Agjreenaent t Meet Wew
Chanilaa f EnsTlnnd.
LONDON, April SO.-Th projected fight
between Jack Johnson, th colored heavy
weight champion, and Sam Lang-ford, my
possibly never be pulled off, a Langford
today algned article for a conteet before
the National Sporting club on Derby day
with lan Hague, who laat night wrested
th championahlp of Great Britain from
Gunner Jim Molr. Hague, who knocked
Molr out In th first round In the aaaleat
faahion. Is a Yorkshire pitman. His
previous opponent hav been local email
fry, and the ease with which he finished
Molr was a great surprise. The National
Sporting club has offered purse of 87,000,
together with a side bet of 81,000, for the
Langford-Hsgue fight.
Hnatlera Call OaT Game.
The manager of the Ideal Huatlars haa
called off the game scheduled between that
team and Omaha at Council Bluffs for
Wednesday. He write that th cold
weather has kept his team from practicing
and th player are not ready to open the
Bee want ads ars business boosters.
4 s -fv NwJS
tgr li
F IH'j'J ",'o0"-S ! aroii aara. wi4ao ages
. $50.00
The Map Shows your choice of direct and scenic routes if
your ticket reads t4Burlington."
Ticket Offleo, 1502 Farnam Otraet, Omaha
The Beginning and the End
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well the first time and all the time.
-An "rUjr Suit, an-GUW Vest, an "OUGT Overcoat,
an "CVtW" Mackinette with each it is the same.
Sold by Indief dealer everywhere. .,
Round Trip, May 6th to 13th, to
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