THE BEE: OMAHA. "WEDNESDAY. 'APRIL 21. 1909. CpU Pong. HI 1QT1 riOMl White Serge Suits Are Very Fashionable Now We are showing, the rery newest style. Beautiful Plajn Tailored garmepts with the long, straight lines are very desirable. Prices for handsome styles $25.00, $36.00 and $37.60. All Alterations A,tade Free of Charge. The Finest Hair Goods Department , - "1 rin 'the City of Omaha. -. ..." . -' Is not? -located.' on our third floor. We have exclusive sale for Omaha of the- famous' "Yvette" goods. An expert hair dresser la here from New York. -mbq wilt select any hair goods you may wish so that they will bTr-nd perfect1"and naturally with your hair. Many remarkable value are being offered this week as an inducement for you to visit thisv beautiful third floor department -Come Wednesday. Remnant Square. Basement, Wednesday Remnants of 10c and 16c Zephyr Ginghams on sale Wednesday, yd. 5c Remaants of tfOc Woven Madras, 32 Inches wide, per yard lie Remnant's of 25c Poplin, washed at the mill, per yard 12 He Fee 4 - 20 Boy Kills His .4 Baby Brother 'hooti Two'Year-01d Lad Through Heart While Trying to Kill Heifer. Z CARING, la... April S0.-t8eclal.) "Tell papa-end -mama good-bye I am dying." ansped little Ernst Heard, who Uvea near bearing, to his brother Harry, aged I tears, who bad accidentally shot him; then he Cicd. The father and mother were sway from home at the time. The father hud intended to hill a heifer which had uecn badly frotcn, and the boys, getting a K-callber rifle from Hie house thought they would , av.e thtlr. father the trouble 'and relieve the-suffering nulmal of lis torture. The elder son- plared a cartridge In the gun and' Wnsert 'the breach. In doing so he xplond Vlhfr shell, 1 ho -'bullet striking his !-yar.-old brother in the heart JORDAN GOES ON TRIAL -FOR MURDERING HIS WIFE Yande'ltle Actor ,1s Charged with Killing gnonse 'with Flatlron - mnt ratting; Is Body. CAM BR TOO B,' Mass., ;Aprll 20.-Chester 8. Jordan of 8omerv'll)e, .a vaudeville actor, waa placed' on (trial today at East Cam bridge for the murder t)f "his wife, Honora Jordan, a"t Som'nrville oft September i last. It Is alleged that during a quarrel Jordan killed his wife at ,-tneir home In Bomer vlllcT by 'striking her on the head , with a flatlfdn "and afterwards .dismembering the body to . conceal the crime. Portion of the body were found In a trurlk'at a lodging house In' Boston. Tha woman's hea,d was discovered later In tha furnace at her home and other parta of the body ware round fn at' wash-tub. The pifllr-e claim Jorflar Tnafed the crime. The Introduction of the alleged confession In court la expected to form the basis of a protracted legal battle. The prisoner Is a brother-in-law- of Jess I I.lvermore, the well known New York cotton operator, and It, Is understood tha l.lvermora wealth is aiding In his defense.- . NEW BOAT F0JRJJIVER TRAFFIC Vessel nealajned by Kavananajh May Make Waterways Important Avenues of Trade. ' ST. 131:18, April 20.-A new-style of rlv boat, designed by W. K. KavanSugh, pres ident of the Lakcs-to-the-Oulf Deep Wat erway association. Is bclievi-d by river traf fic advocates to make possible an extensive competition between the river and the rail roads. A conference will be called In a few day to discuss financing a freight line be twocn St. Louis and New Orleans and co operating with Kansas City in the equip ment of a line between St. Louis and that city. It V diydrij!';t) "biln, perhaps .000, Oiia for tb" imriwee, Mf," Kavanaugh'e boat Is designed- to- carry heavy loads with . light draft. 4ml Is suitable, for navigation In eight faeWt water. JOINT RATES FOR CREAMERIES nurauilafoar Proof r Ae'ta Favorably Oa vlieaiaest of Western j .. Prudaeer. CHICAGO, jAPill JO.-Interstale Commerce Commissioner Prouty today at tlve request of several, creameries of , the" inKldlo west, Informally 'directed express companies, to Institute Jdlnt rates for handling creamery products, f Judge Prouly aatd If the express companies did not follow his suggestion he would Issue' a' formal' order. '." COURT, ENJOINS WIRE ,CUTTJNG Jadge Prohibits Clay trnfer, Kan.; from nantavlaar Property of J ' Meat Plaat. , TOPEKi, kan ," April 30.-JUdgs Pollock today granted r temporary Injunction for bidding fi' officers of the city of Clay 'V f WALL-PATER SALE Balance of tha-two carload LWhase-recently made by Brandels. Positively the beet bargains everoff,ered the people of Omaha. Come early Wednesday."".; The test selection1 of-dark aud light colorlDgs regular -6c and Sc papers, at, -. roll.'.;', V, . . . rtV. . ..... ." C Half indr store .papers, '200 combi nations to select from.' This pa- per sells everywhere at 8c and 10c roll -our price.' p per roll . T . ... -JC ' Vernlfh jold papers, the . newest abades and - patterns our com petitors ask 10c a roll. n Braadets price, roll ...... IUC BRANDEIS STORES HC AI.U Dim lad. A-1S41 f ' - - 09. Center, Kan., from cutting' down the polea or Interfering with the operation of the electric light plant at that place. The In junction was granted on the application of the Merrlmac River Saving, bank of New Hampshire. Clay Center, which -owns its own lighting plant, refused to renew the franchise of the corporation, which has been operating the old plant and attempted to cut down the poles and remove the wires from the streets. Court Frees Girl Who Pleads Guilty Miss Koten, Who Killed Ber Be trayer, Placed in Custody of Jewish Women. NEW YORK. April 20 -Miss Koten, who killed Dr. Martin W. Ausplta in this city last summer and recently pleaded guilty to manslaughter, was today, through the de cision of supreme court Justice Blanchard, spared the prison penalty. When the woman, with tab? In aims, was broujht b fore the Justice he announced that lie would suspend sentence and place Miss Koten in the custody rf the council of Jewish women. This society, the Justice said, would find her a suitable home where ahe could change her name and rear her child In Ignorance Of the crime lta mother bad committed. ASKS CHURCHJT0 FIND A MATE Woman Offers (lilOO to Methodlat ('oaf resstlos Tkat Will Fir. Blah Her a Haaband. CHICAGO, April 20. Any Methodist church of Chicago which will furnish good .lusband .for. "Comely widow" wjll receive a reward of $300 from the lady in the case. This announcement- waa made today by Rev. Dr. James Row, secretary of the City Missionary association of the Methodist church. "Recently,'.' said Dr. . Rowe, "I raised several thousand dollars for a church. A lady, after services, came to me and said 'Dr. Howe, you are ao successful In rais ing money for churches maybe you can help me find a husband. I II give you tm for the church If you do.' biio assured me that the offer waa bona fide. Her name for the present must be kept secret" ev. D. D. Vaughan, pastor of the Hal- ated Street Industrial church, will act as go-between, receiving the petitions of suitor. The fair aeeker for a mate Is aaid to reside In an aristocratic aection of the north" side of the city. TWO NEGROES CHARGED WITH . ROBBING GYPSY OF HER ROLL Arrest Follows Aetloa of Saaneets la Paying BBO for shave and 10 far Beer.' . PHILADEXPHIA. April . Showing large rolls of money, giving a barber M tor a ahava and a bartender 110 for two glasses of beer, two colored youths laat night . arouaed the suspicion of the polloe that they might have been Implicated in the robbery of Rhoda Lovell, the 80-year old "gypsy queen," who lost $10,000 while she lay sick In her tent at Bryn Mawr near this city grid .thy were taken into custody The old gypsy was robbed on Sunday. The boys, each about 18 years old, have ad mitted their connection with the robbery the polloe say. tXirlng the night the police took tha boys In- an automobile, to the home pf an of the gutpect wisre it la said they found ta.0M) In the. cellar of the house, The police are looking for another boy who la said to have gone to New York. . Mrs., Ivnallan Dies, Yankton. 8. D.. April 20,-Speclal Tele gram.) Mrs. A. M. English, burned by a bonfire Monday, died nevt dty. The de ceased . was a, widow or farmer mayor, leaves two sons and five, daughters and wa es years out. .. 100 patterns ot two-tone papers all the best shades and patterns, ! former price JOo roll. -a p this, aale, roll IJC Handsome dining; room effects, In the upper and lower third style floral and fruit patterns with matched lowers tots paper worth 40c and BOc roll, specially priced, at. roll . Wall Burlap, the beat grade, regu lar price 45c yard, in brown, red . ana green, at, square. yard 27c OMAHA V. Ben Tillman Calls on President Taft "I Waited Until a Gentleman Got Here," He Sayi, Explaining Long Abienoe from White Home. WASHINGTON. April 2 -Senator Till man of South Carolina paid his first visit to tha White House In seven years and re ceived a cordial greeting from President Taft. His appearance today In the eaecu tlve offices created a sensation. The sen ator walked to the White House unaccom panied, but left with Senator Beverldge of Indiana, riding to the capitol with the lat ter In his automobile. Booker T. Washing ton was waiting to sea the president when Senator Tillman an-IVed. The South Caro llnan was Immediate)-- shown Into Mr. Taft'e office. The call was purely of a social nature, it waa declared. I came," said Senator Tillman, "to sea If the office seekers had fried any fat oft the president, but they have not fried a pound." Asked why he had .never' visited the White House In the past Senator Tillman replied: "I waited until a gentleman got here." "It's not necessary to make m nine days- wonder out of my visit to President Taft," said Mr. Tillman after his return to the capltnt. "We have always been good friends. . Whether he haa Inherited his office from Roosevelt or been elected by the peo ple there Is no reason for anyone to sup pose ha has Inherited Roosevelt's mean ness." Mr. Tillman said he merely went to the White. House to say' good morning to the president and to express his "gratification pon having a gentleman there." I have no favors to ask of the president nd no advice to offer," said Mr. Tillman. Or t would have gone to see him sooner." While at the White House Senator Till man saw Booker T. Washington (or tne first time. I was curious to see him," said Mr. Till man, "because It enabled me to draw my own conclusion! as to the percentage of white blood there is In him. It Is over one-half." Asked what Impression he formed of Washington, Mr. Tillman replied: Booker Washington Is considered a great negro and he haa great Intellectual powers. He has a Jesuitical face. If he had not been engaged I should have gone up to him and chatted with him. I would like to discuss the race question with Booker Washington." Negro Boy Feeds Babe to Hogs When Mother Whips Him He Seizes Axe and Attacks Two Other . Children. NEW ORLEANS, La., April . incensed because his stepmother had la ft him at home near Opelousus, I.a.. In charge of his young stepbrothers and sisters for the day, Tom Godfrey, a 12-year-old negro boy, fed the youngest of his charges to the hogs and later with an axe Inflicted what prob ably will prove fatal wounds on the heada of the other children. Three ' children were Injured. The step mother reported the triple crime to tha parish authorities and Tom was placed In Jail at Opelousus. She says she found the baby in the pen. with the hogs when she returned home late yesterday. Its handa and feet had been eaten off, but it was still alive. She straightway whipped Tom and when she went for a doctor to attend the baby Tom seised an axe and attacked his -year-old- stepbrother. Inflicting several d?ep wounds. His young stepsister Interfered and he crushed her skull with the axe. Tha girl Is dying and the other two chil dren have little chance for recovery. ATTACK ON CENSDS SERVICE (Continued from First Page.) amendment requiring actual residence by the applicant from a state, which waa stricken out by the conferees. Senator Qalllnger said It waa notorious that whole families are employed In the government service and that the law of apportionment Is a mere farce. Senator Lodge supported Mr. McCumber's smendment. "Perjury and false certlflcatea are given by applicants for the government service," said -Senator Carter. "The Civil Service commission seems to me to be accountable for permitting this condition to exist." Defending the conference report Senator LaFolIette declared 'one-third of the civil service employes In this city had been covered by executive order and were not subject to the law of apportionment. , . Advocating a limited tenure of service of ten years in the departmental service In this city, Senator Heyburn said: "While I. have great respect for gray hairs, yet If you look down some of the a!sles In some of your departments you will see a snow drift In reapect to age, espeotablllty and former competency.". He hoped some day he said, to have the civil service question - squsrely before the senate for consideration. LICENSE FIGHT IN DAKOTA (Continued from First Page.) deep test gas well. License carried by and tha well aprpopriation by over 100. Little Interest at Stnrgea. STURGI8. Neb.. April 20. (Special.) Telegram.) At the city election held to day H. D. Borger. John Kelly. H. K. Perkins, republicans, were elected alder men. Only one ticket was In tha field and a small vote waa polled. On the question, "Shall Intoxicating liquors be sold at re tall." yea received 11 votes and no 4-t. For aldermen two .hundred votea were cast, license 235. - The small vote was caused on account of one ticket in tha field. Mllbank. S. V., April 20.( Special Tele gram. Mllbank went dry by M majority The result waa a big surprise. There waa a heavy fight on all. day. ro-aaeratlv Coanaay at Boaeateel SIOI-'X FALLS. 8. D. April . (Special.) So far as the amount ofcapital Involved la concerned, one of the greatest co-opera tive concerns ever organised by farmers In South Dakota baa Just been organised by a number of the leading farmer a living in the vicinity of BonesteeL Tha company has been organised under the name of tha Farmers' Co-Cperative Drain, Stock and Lumber cosnpany. Aa the name implies. the company will engage In the purchasing and shipping; of grain and live stork and the handling of lumbar at retail. 8tock lu the new company te tha amount of about lJO.000 already has been subscribed fur. At a meeting of the stockholder W. N. Red mon was elected president and. Quy Her bal gh secretary-treasurer. - Fletcher Kleeted Seaater. TAI.LAHA4SSE, Kta.. April .-Dunran V. Fletcher- of Jacksonville was today etected I'niled Stales senator by the leg laltiure. Missouri Wets See Hope Ahead Adrerse Committee Report on Prohi bition Said to Reflect Senate Sentiment. JEFFERSON CITT. Mo., April .-Th presentation to the senate today of an ad verse report on proposed changes In the local option laws encouraged opponents of statewide prohibition. They asserted that the committee on criminal Jurisprudence had shown Itself opposed to modifications In the existing system of handling the saloon question In Missouri and declared that this attitude reflects the thought of the upper branch of the general assembly. Tha report today condemned the house bill, which provided unit county option with exemptions for cities of 10,000 population. Tha senate committee on constitutional amendments will hear arguments on the statewide measure on Wednesday evening. Representatives of the commercial, finan cial and manufacturing organizations of all the larger citiea ot the state are expected to be present to argue against tha submis sion of tha amendment to popular vote. Several petitions . expressing sentiments adverse to the statewide movement were filed in the aenate. The principal one came from the State Federation of Labor. SULTAN WILL NOT HESIST (Continued from First Page.). household and the foreign diplomatic rep resentatives.' "His sublime msjesty," Tewf'.k Tasha said today, "la" awaiting benevolently the arrival of the constitutional army. His sublimity Is In favor of the constitution, ot which he Is the supreme guardian." altaa Forbids Shooting. The sultan has Issued, orders that not a ahot shall be fired by his household troopa or the Constantinople garrison against the forces that have surrounded the city in the Interest of -the committee of union and progress that threaten to occupy Constan tinople within twenty-four hours. All the forts surrounding Constantinople from the Sea of Marmora to the Black Sea are now occupied by 'the constitutional troops and soldiers aupporting the Young Turks are advancing upon the capital. No definite Information ss to when they will enter Constantinople la had. Two proclamations, signed by Husnl Pasha, commanding the army of invest ment, addressed respectively to the cltl sens of Constantinople and the local gar rison, were scattered broadcast through the capital today. They explain the ob jects of the advancing army and give as surances that the lives and property of the people of the -capital will be respected MOSLEMS ARB 1 ARMS AGAIN Hoases Are Seen In Flames from 'Streets at 'Aleaandrrtta. BEIRUT. Syria. April 20 Moslem fanati cism haa broken out In the immediate vlcin itey of Alexandretta and great excitement prevails In that district. Houses in flames can be seen from the streets of Alexan dretta. CONSTANTINOPLE. April 20.-No fewer than 5,000 persons lost their lives In the massacres that have been going on In the vilayet of Adana during the last eight days ss a result of the 'outbreak of Moslem fanaticism.' Of-thTs' total 2.0(0 were killed In the'tlty of Adanhjl'more than 200 of the victims being -Moslems." This Information was received In ' Constantinople this morn lng through consular channels Adana at present Is quiet, but there have been renewed attacks on Christians at Ma rash in the vilayet ef Aleppo, about eighty miles northeast of Alexandretta. The con sular advices describe the situation as ex tremely precarious. The excitement at the port of Alexandretta is intense, although the presence of the British cruiser Diana at that port la expected to have a tran quillxlng effect. Disturbances are reported from Hadjtn in the northern extremity of the Adana vilayet, wbere a large Armenian community la counted upon to defend Itself vigorously. Americana at Merslna Safe. NEW YORK, April 30.-Amerlcan mis sionaries at Merslna are aafe. according to cable dispatch received early today by W. T. Miller, treasurer of the board of foreign missions of tha Reformed Presby terian church. The dispatch waa from Larnaca, Syria, and read merely: "Merslna safe," but this is regarded aa satisfac tory by Mr. Miller. The missionaries of the Reformed Pres byterian church at that point were Rev, C. C. Dodd and wife, Rev. C. E. Wilson and wife of Morning Sun, la.; the physi cian. Dr. John Peoples, and Misa Klraa French of Winchester, Kan. PANIC IF TRUTH WERE KNOWN Lard Beresford Says People Do Wot ReaJlae Condition of British Navy. LONDON, April 20. "If the country knew the truth regarding. the present condition of the navy there would be a panic," the striking sentence In a' letter from Ad mlral Lord Charles Beresford, read at meeting of the Navy league, held at Bournemouth last night. To this Lord Charles added: "I wish you every luck in trying to arouse the people to the grave danger arising from our unpreparednesa for war." BAD DREAMS Xndloate Improper Slat, Usually due to Coffee. One of the common symptoms of coffee poisoning Is the bad dreama that spoil what should be restful sleep. A man who found the reason aaya: "Formerly 1 waa a slave to coffee, waa like a morphine fiend, could not sleep at night, would roll and toss In my bed and when I did get to sleep waa disturbed by dreama and hobgoblins, would wake up with headaches and feel bad all day, so nervous I could not attend to business. My writing looked like bird tracks. I had indigestion, heartburn and palpitation o the heart, constipation, Irregularity of the kidneys, etc. "Indeed 1 began to feel 1 had all the troublca that human fish could suff but when a friend advUed me to leave off coffee I felt aa If he had iusulted me. I could not bear the idea, it had such a hold on me and I refused to believe it th cause. "I finally consented to try Postum and with th going of -coffee and the coming of Poatum all my troubles'have gone and health haa returned. "I t and sleep well now, nerves stead led down and 1 writ a fair hand (as yo can see,) can attend to business again and rejoice that I am free froth the monster Coffee." Ten daya trial of Poatum in place o eoff will bring sound, restful, refresh lng sleep. "There's a Reason." lxok in pkgs. for the famous little book. "The Road to Wi-llvllle." Bver read tha aaev Uttart A aw aa appears from im to Mm. They ars gsa nia., tra, aad foil of ham as later. Diplomas for Graduates in Agriculture Seventy-One Student Will Receive Diplomat from State Agri cultural School Friday. (From a 8taf Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April . (Special.! -Seventy- one member of the graduating class of the tate agricultural school will receive their -sheepskin" Friday evening at tha eon- luslon of the commencement address by Chancellor AveTy at Memorial hall. All but hrce are residents of this state, one com ing from Iowa, one from Missouri and one from Louisiana. Lasl night the reception tendered the class by the literary societies at the farm was argely attended. Commencement week will be a heavy one for the seniors. Tuesday night the seniors will be tendered the annual reception by the faculty. Wednesdsy night the Juniors will pull off a few stunts for the edifica tion and amusement of the fourth year men. Thursday night the grades will meet for their last class party. A complete list of the stuuenis wno win receive diplomas Friday night follows: John Albert, Jr., Wahoo Kphream David Allen, Clay Center. Dclmar Henry Ankeny, Laurel. Bdgar Trlbble Anthony, Lincoln. Bernhardt Herman Aaendorf, Craig. Mo. Alexander Henry Reckhoff, Fairmont. Otto Richard Bellows, Fairmont. Earl Wiswell Boydston, Holdrege. William Tarbell Brown, Scrlbner. Ray Herbert Camp, Republican City. William Lawrence Capron, Belmont. Felix Stephen Carpenter, Poole. John Filing Carse, Council Bluffs, la. Martin Frederick Chrlstensen, Superior. John Charles Coupland, Elgin. Warren Andrew Doolittle. North Platte. Herbert Rtiscoe Dopp, Hickman. Porter William Dysart, Egle. Albion Brenton Elder, Rlverton. David Robert Ellis. Crelghton. Estella May Ellison, University Place. Iawrence Edwin Emlgh, Dawson. Dennis Cleveland Fowler. North Platte. Halite Clarence French, Arlington. Frederick Trumbull Gates. Ft. Crook. Woodson Graham, Gibbon. Phil Is Hall. Lincoln. 1315 C. Jules Luther Haumont, Elton. ftmerson Walter Helm. Dawson. Marie Dorothea Hennles, Adams. Ernest Herman Herminghaus, Lincoln, 80 Bouth Tenth. Frans Hofmeyer. Republican City. Paul Crary Hunter, Raymond. Charles Webster Hutchlns, Weeping Wa ter. Agnes Anna Isham. Buffalo Gap, B. D. Harry Herbert Johnson. Lyons. Max Wallace Junkln, Lincoln, 1946 C. Russell Joseph Junkln, Lincoln, 1946 C. Jra Nelson Klndig, Hoimesvllle. Alfred Frank William Kraxberger, Goth enburg, i Joseph Benjamin Kuska. Ohlowa. Albert Lee Lamp, Inland. Charles William Lawson. Santee. Otto Hugo Liebers, Mlnden. Rudolph Henry Luebs, Wood River. I-eroy Phillip McArdle. Washington. Achie Donaldson Mlddleton, Gothenburg. Thomas Wesley Moseley. IJncoln, 19a6 F. Clarence James Nelson, Pilger. William Mathlaa Ollis, Ord. Ray Allen Parmenter, Keneaaw. Oren Malcolm Pollard, Nehawka. John Lyman Pray. Ixiup City. Robert Delafield Rands, Logan. Noel Nicholson Rhodng, Creighton. Charles Reen Richey, Omaha, 4701 North Twenty-fourth. George Edgar Ritchie, Risrng City. Ijren Cleveland Robertson, lota, La, Ray Rosenbaum. Kennard. Ralph Stanley Saul. Superior. William Charles Scliulte. Elgin. Oscar Warner SJtigren, Funk. John Pryse Thompson. Grand Island. Claude Jones Tipton, Seward. John Vansklver. Davenport. , Lisle Ijoren Wait. Coleridge. George Allen White. St. Paul. Walter Edward Wilcox, Arborville. Robert Ixiring Williams. I'nlverslty Place. Oscar Raymond Yeakle, Falrbury. Irving Snell Young, Havelock.. ,. ,. ' Stolen Horse Recovered. " FHKMONT. Neb., April !0 (Special.) R. L. Cramer has recovered the three horses which disappeared last weeH while In charge of hls"farm hand, Krum, near Schuyler. Two wereXound yester day at Schuyler and one at Rogers, wltii parties who got them from a man an swering Krum's description. He did not realize one half the value of the horses, and after going on a Mj spree disap peared without leaving any clue to his whereabouts. Furious Contest to Lead D. A. R. Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Story Have Their lieutenants at Work Early in Session. WASHINGTON, April 20. Having con, eluded the preliminaries of their eighteenth congress, the Daughters of the American Revolution today entered upon th real work of their meeting. Almost the entlr day was taken up with the reading of th reports of the standing committees. As on yesterday, the attendance was large. The candidatea for the office of president general, Mr. Scott and Mrs. Story were on th ground sarly and their lieutenant were actively at work in their behalf. The contest for the other offices, while npt so furious as that for president general, are nevertheless being waged with an earnestness that leaves the outcome un certain. JJAPAN AT SEATTLE SHOW Training Sqaadroa of Two C'ralsera aad 10 Cadet Will Attend Opealag; Festivities. WASHINGTON. April 30.-Japan will be represented at the opening of the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflo exposition on June 1 by a training squadron of two cruisers com manded by Admiral IJIchl. The aquadron will arrive on the Pacific coast April 26 and remain until June 10. This training squadron Is composed of the armored cruiser Aso and the protected -cruiser Soya. On board are 180 cadets of the Jap anese, navy. Admiral IJIchl's squadron at present Is On its way from Hllo. Hawaiian Islands, to Ban Pedro, Cal., and Ban Diego, where It will arrive April 9. OMAHA GIRLSC0RES A HIT Mia Almyra Breckearldgre Favorite la Cellege Cak Opera at Eastern School. NORTHAMPTON, Mass., April Jn.-(8pe. cial Telegram.) Mis Almyra M. Brack enrldge, a pretty Omaha atudent at Smith college, scored a pleasing success In the comic opera presented by the "Cap and Bells" ociety. Arrayed In pleasing eoa tume the girl Bang th original song with many local gibe and Joke. Miss Breckenrii'ge wa on of th leader of the chorus and was called upon repeatedly for encore. Th show I entitled "O My Land." Misa Breckenrtdge 1 the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Ralph W. Brckenrldg of Omaha. POPE AND FRENCH BISHOPS Aaaannee He Will Give Faltafal mt That Connlry Fall ladalgenee. ROME, April . Monslgnor Tourhet, th bishop of Orleans, haa announced that h Our New 1410-1412 Will give M faellitle te eare mere rad ly for ear ' laeresamt ha alee. X .' i t 3 x;?ai3ailaax t f ;" . We have new the Largest and Best Equipped Show Rtomt for PHYSICIANS' SUPPLIES in the West. H. J. PENFOLD & CO. Surgical and Hospital Supplies 1410-1413 Harney Street ;t it tt OMAHA, NEB. At the "New Kind" of 100 stunning Spring Style Suits, in two and tWee-piece mod els of Panamas, Serges, Worsteds, plain or fancy colorings, arrived too late for Easter business, are now on sale here. ...... Orders by Malt Must Be Accompanied by tTiet k or Money Order. ! , Princess; Cloak & Suit Parlor Management of the Goodyear Raincoat Company, Corner 16th'and Davenport Streets. has the papal authorisation to give the faithful of France the apoBtollc benediction with full indulgence. The pope today re ceived the French bishop In private audi ence. The fete In honor of Joan d'Arc are being held today at the church of San Lmlgl De Frances. The French pilgrims defiled before the statue of the Maid of Orleans erected oh the altar. HORSE TRIES TO BOARD AUTO Wife ef Vice Tresldent Sherman aad rrlead ISnrrowly Escape Injury. WASHINGTON, April 20.-Mrs. Sher man, wife of the vice president, and . Mrs. Wood, a friend, narrowly escaped Injury today when a runaway horse tried to Jump over the front end of the Sherman motor car. The machine was slightly damaged. Wa often wonder how any person can tx persuaded Into taking anything but Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble. Do not be fooled Into accepting "own maka" or other substitutes. Th genuln contain no harmful drug and I In a yellow package. Bold by all druggists. MOTBafXaTT OT OCTOAJg TXAXgXirg, Port. Arn. Bsllea. MW YORK ThtmlMorln.. NEW YORK. MtnnupolU, LIVERPOOL, Ot'KBNSTOWN.. TRIBHTR OI.ASItOW rXlVER , t-HERBOl'RO.... ril'MB BOILOONB MARSEILLES..., BRISTOI . t-'i)ri(-n . Mauritania.... .. arpaikl. .. ,. , Mongolian .ZMIano . K. P. P. P. Wlihelm. Pannonla. Nltuw ABMriia Calabria... Montcalm. PALERMO..... SOUTHAMPTON , PONT A DEL OADA.. ...tUIIS. . ..Prealdant Lincoln. .. Orosaor Kurfurat. The delicacies of the season at a price within the reach of all, is the purpose of Hanson's Cafe Take lunch there today. Curos the Grip Howell's Anti-Grip Is the Only Specific Our remedy has been on the mar ket for yeare. We bare been flooded with letters - from grateful people who hae bee-si cured. These letters are the bast recom mendation we can offer. We are mailing the remedy to all parts of the United States. It Is In capsules and convenient to take 25c. (.'all or Write. Howell's Drug 8toro Omaha, Neb. U. 8. A. Location Harney St. :":SnnJ --m t a ---iiioa.J a Women's Suit Store At 50 Less Than Standard Prices t - ' t To the woman who haj nor as yet bought her spring suit this sale should prove of great Interest. One hundred of the very latest spring models In a variety, of new shades and colorings which should have been here ten day ago, have just been received. '' ...... And for thla reason, have placed the beau- tiful suits on sale at s reduced price which price Is Just half of what the retailers sell at. . Ordinarily our prices are J3Vs to 40 less than others, for the reason that "WJ im AT . THE MAEBM' PBXCSS" the nilflilhnen's profit are your savings when you buy here and at these prices: $20.00 Spring Suits on sale at $10.00 $25.00 Spring Suits on sale at $12.50 $30.00 Spring Suits on sale at $15.00 $35.00 Spring Suits on sale at $17.50 $40.00 Spring Suits on sale at $20.00 KAN6 GARMENTS IK MANAHAN'S KU.-I H. i MOTH HACK. WRAP CLOTHES In TAHINb MOIH SHEtl J When yon bnr Oold Medal Flans 1 be sore It I Wasabnrn-Croshy'a Hold Medal Flonr. .Thla la Important. AMDIBMKNTI. BOYD'S Thla Afternoon, Tnltfht, Thursday, rrlday and Saturday Dally Matinees rhotographio ateproduotlon' of BURNS-JOHNSON Ksaryweight Championship Motion llct-iu-es. rovular nice. , Sunday, Monday, Tussday. Wednesday Wednesday MatiuA HBVBT MTLLEB VXBBBWTB The Family A Flay la ronr Acta By Sober Dart. TKB ZiASXBB' AID of tut, . , SOOXSTT bags FIRST CONGREGATIONAL"" CHURCH PKESXHTS U.S.KERR 'v;. ' BABIO-COITTAITTS IsT -. SONG RECITAL. . . Assisted by Ony Bevies Williams, rtaalsU rirst Congregational Church , . THURSDAY EVENING apbxzi aa, isoe . Tioksts oa al at Clark's drug store prlo 76 cents.- AUDITOR I U t ansnsBnaannnnBansaaansBnBnBnnnBnnniannsnnni April 10 to 24. Afliracon & EvenlQf BXriatED TAVBlTILtl, C1BDBBXI.X.A SAMCESS. unarsd of Attractions, ma Beery Mia at. Masts All th Tim, admission 10 Coats. ,r vastuaxva XJVaVy CBZiaarroB PHONBA ' INOAMaat ADVAWOBS TAHDSIU1.B SOBS TAUDBTQ Dally Matin as SU5. Bvsry Bight-giia r Trurli. Kraok felotf.A ,Co., j InKtng foUeeiis, Tli-Mtrs ine (saned i Mas Wilt's lr IM Feye, Jrannqite Aai-r. uiay ana Ura- ; liaiti. The Tlir6 boliniilaiua . Klaodrom. ' Price 10c. 25o and sue. ' I. . . rim Phone: Uoug. iou; Ind . A-l0t r, Tun.. TAur.' and i.l ' Tho Vlay with WnMro Atmosphora. ,.j -TBB COWBOT AMD TUB Z.ADT" y Clyd Fitch. Bst. "OLD HSIDBt.. B15a." ftb Manaflalg varaloal. Sllra. Ma XI ' Mxa. ruaa, -BaJraUB BaU