Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha, ' Daily Bee
the Omaha dee
Ii the most powerful buttaess
Hotter In tha weat, beeaasa It (toes
to the home of poor and rich.
Fr Nehraaka Unsettled.
For Iowa Fair.
For weather report se rg 3.
Cabinet Decides to Dispatch Special
Cruiser Squadron to Turkish
North Carolina a - ana Are Se
lected for vice.
J, ,
Death of Two Missio "' t Adana
is Conflrn ..--'''
Homer Bnakervllle, Formerly a
Teacher la Freh-tertaa Mlssloa,
Shot While Aiding- Reva
lattaalst. WASHINGTON. April 1. To afford
11 protection possible to American clti
aens and their Interests In Turkey, the
administration has decided to dispatch
special cruiser squadron to that country.-
This wa decided upon by the cabl
ent today and after Its adjournment an
nouncement of the Intention was made
public, It was explained that this action
was not taken because of any particularly
alarming news that had been received
but simply as a precautionary measure, It
Being deemed wise In the present emer
gency to have suitable American naval
representation In or near the disturbed
districts. The moral effect of the pres
nee of American war vessels will be
beneficial. It Is pointed out.
The squadron will consist of the ar
mored cruisers North Carolina and Mon
tana, new at Gtuantanamo, Cuba, umlor
command of Captains Marshall and Rey
nolds, respectively. Their immediate ob
jective point will be Alexandretta, on the
Mediterranean coast of Turkey, which Is
In close proximity to Tarsus and Adana,
where serious trouble has occurred. From
Alexandretta the marines on these ves
sels may be available for any active
work In assisting Americans In trouble
In the surrounding districts. Captain
Marshall, who will be In command of
the squadron, will report to the Ameri
can consul at Alexandretta for any serv
ices that he may be called upon to per
form. The vessels also win be avail
able for dispatch to other places In Turk
Ish waters should conditions make their
present necessary.' The vessels will
top at Gibraltar for Instructions. It is
hoped at the State department that the
situation will be welj under the control
of the Turkish authorities very soon and
that there will be no necessity for any
demonstration by the naval authorities.
It was first suggested that the scout
cruiser squadron, made up of the Sulcm,
Birmingham and Chestsr. be utilised for
Ms aalaston, hut h far that the bflVrrs '
of the Birmingham are undergoing repairs
ill make Its Immediate departure impossi
ble. ,
' fteqaerts fer Prateetlea.
The principal Information coming to the
department today from Ambassador Irish
man at Constantinople was that there was
no Indication of any premeditated attack
upon foreigner. During the day Secretary
Knox received several requests that the
department use Its efforts to see that
American church Interests were given ade
quate protection In the disturbed district.
One came from the chairman of the foreign
missions committee of the Presbytery of
Westchester county. New Tork, and an,
other from the superintendent of the Ar
nienlsn Orphanage at Reading. Pa. The
department already has taken steps to In
sure protection to American missionary and
other Interests.
Although Americans are In danger in
Turkey, there la re Indication of premedi
tated attacks on foreigners, according to
Stat department advices from Ambassador
Irishman. Mr. Lelshman confirms the
deaths ef twe missionaries, Rogers and
Maurer, killed at Adana while trying to
save the burning home of a Turkish wo
man. The presence of Kngtlsh, French and
Italian warships, the ambassador says, will
have salutary effects In the present dis
turbed condition.
At Constantinople marines from the dif
ferent warships have landed to guard the
em.bHBsW'. Unfortunately the American
gunboat Scorpion, the regular station ship
at Constantinople, which went to Italian
prrta following the earthquake. Is now at
Naples having its hollers fixed.
In the present crisis ths ambassador says
the central government is much hampered
by a lack of troop at Constantinople.
Vii Presbyter la Teacher Charaea
with Beta; RerolatienUt.
TABRIZ, Persia, April 20. An American
named Baskervlll. who until recently was
a teacher In the Presbyterian school here,
was killed outside Tabrls this morning
while leading a sortie of nationalists from
the city. Tlio object of the expedition wss
to open a way for the bringing In of pro
visions, of which the city stands greatly
In need. It ws not successful.
The St' u Hon here Is desperate. The
Christians of TabrU ar arming themselves
nd will put up a strong defense during
the bloody disorders that are expected to
bteak out any day.
. The English residents have sent a tele
gram to Foreign Secretary Gray at London
appealing for Immediate help. The Rus
sians have taken refuge at the RussUn
ABHINOTON. April JO.-An American
banted Baskervtll. a teacher in the Pres
byterian boys' school at Tabrls, who had
been accused of complicity In the revolu
tionary movement, waa killed In battle to
day, according to a dispatch from Consul
Ioty at Tabrii. The Presbyterisn mission
disavowed the arts of Bsskervllle and he
resigned from tits mission.
tat Association Farmed at Cedar
Haata ta I'ltkt Hostile
CEDAR RAPID I-x. April Js.-A state
association of laundrymen was organised
her t avert 'Inimical legislation and to
f'Sht the manufacture of shoddy goods.
T. J. Kimball of Waterloo waa chosen
kl Marker Draws Tare,
1 RONTON, O . April SO By rot king a
swiff while erossing the Ohio river toUy
four persons ware thrown Into the water
knd Frank Matoey and Allc around wer
Drinking Cups
Upon Railroad
Trains Doomed
Nebraska ' Lines Practically Given
Permission to Abolish Tme for
Public Health.
(From a Staff Corresponding
LINCOLN, April 20. (Special.) It 1
probable the drinking cups on railroad
trains will soon he a thin,; of the past.
Following the example of the Missouri
Paclflr. the Union Pacific, Burlington anil
Northwestern this morning applied to the
commission for an order directing them
to abolish the drinking cup. The action
of the railroad companies Is the result
of the Order of the State Board of
Health to abolish the public drinking cup.
as the board held It was a menace to the
health of the public.
The commission will not Issue the or
der, but It Informed the railroads that
If they adopted such a rule the commis
sion would not object.
Prof. Whips Boy,
Dad Whips Prof.
Sheriff at Julesburg Has to Interfere
in Altercation Over Punish
mint of Lad.
Jt'LEBBUna. Colo . April 20 (Special. )
A few days ago Prof. Howard, superintend
ent of the public schools, whipped young
John Llddle. son of a prosperous ranchman,
very severely so much so that the laJ had
to stay in bed several days and the skin
came off with his underclothing.
A meeting of the school board and the
teachers of the school, together with Prof.
Howard and Llddle, to Investigate the mat
ter, was held, when Mr. Llddle and the
professor got Into an altercation and the
sheriff had to be called in to separate the
belligerents. Some of the teachers fainted
and It took some time to quell the disturb
ance. Mr. Llddle. father of the lad, says he
will have the professor arrested for assault.
Public sentiment Is somewhst divided on
the matter. The lad Is still In bed from
the effects of the punishment.
Crowd Watches
Bandits Escape
Four Men Who Rob Bank at Badger,
la,, Make Their Getaway
on Handcar.
BADGER la., April 20.-8pedal Tele
gram.) While people of the town, awak
ened by the explosion, watched them, four
robbers who had Just looted the safe of the
Badger Saving bank escaped on a handcar
at 1 o'clock this morning. The safe In
the bank was blown and $1,600 principally
In gold and silver was taken. Four charges
of nltro-glycerine were used In the safe.
The four men came to town on a hand
car on the Minneapolis & St. Louis road
and left oy the sama means. The handcar
was discarded north of Fort Dodge. No
very good clues have yet been found and
all suspicious characters In this ' part of
the country are being arrested.
Five of Crew Are
Lost on Lake
Steamer Eber Ward Goes Down Near
Mackinaw City Ten Are
MACKINAW CITT, Mich.. April SO. The
steamer Eber Ward sank In Lake Michigan
six miles west of here today. Five of the
crew wer drowned and ten were saved.
The Ward was a small steamer ewned
by D. M. Ferry & Co. of Detroit. It
left Milwaukee several days ago on its
first trip of the season, loaded with grain.
Shortly before entering the straits ef
Mackinaw today the steamer crashed into
an unusually heavy Ice flow. It sank im
mediately In deep water.
Hoastoa Concern Will Take Over the
Prapertr a( Waters-Pierre
HOCSTON, Tex., April It was au
thoritatively announced here today that the
Houston Oil company will soon take over
the Waters-Pierce company's Texas prop
erty. Ths company will maintain Its head
quarters here.
Income Tax to Be the Target
in Tariff Contest in Senate
WASHINGTON. Arril 20,-It 1 vtdent
from the activity of opponents and sup
porters of the Income tax proposition to
ascertain the atrongth of the other that
this question will furnish the sharpest con
test to be waged in the annate during the
tariff revision session of congress. In view
of ths fact that the democrats ar said to
be unanimous for an Income tax measure
the leaders of the "Insurgent'" republican
faction appear to be confident of victory.
On the other hand, opponents of the in
come tax Idea sssert that the democrats
are not united and declared that some of
the strength for Internal taxes will be lost
the moment senators are convinced that tli
pending bill will produce sufficient reve
nues for the need of the government.
Among the republicans declared to be
in favor of an income tax are Senator
Borah, Brown, Burkett, Clapp. Crawford,
Cummins, Dixon, Gamble, GumuMilmlm,
LaFolletU and Nelson. In addition to
these, aome of the Insurgent are claiming
Senators Jones, Bourne, Hayburn, Johnson
of North Dakota and Dolliver. If the vote
of all of these senator should be case for
an income tax provision they would be
mors than sufficient to psss It In the sen
ate unless a break should occur In the
democratic ranks.
Ths burden of senator Aid rich's speech
In the senste yesterday was an effort to
how that additional Internal taxes ar not
needed U provide for to c Derating ex
Abdul Ha mid Reported to Hare
Ordered That Not a Shot
Be Fired. .
More Reports That Sultan ia Ready to
Demands of the Constitutionalists
Being: Considered.
Farts Are All la the Hand at Vong
Tarka ana Gestral MoTemeat .
la Expected to
PI are Boon.
rumors that the sultan's abdication is
pending are heard persistently In Constan
tinople today. According to the latest re
ports his majesty Is ready to turn over the
throne provided his conditions are accepted.
It la apparent that Tewfik Pasha, the
grand vlxler, has withdrawn his resigna
tion, for after a prolonged audience with
the sultan this morning, he summoned the
csbinet to dlseuss the demands of the army
of Investment.
The cabinet Is now in telegraphic com
munication with Huanl Pasha, the com
mander of the constitutional forces.
Constantinople la quiet.
CONSTANTINOPLE, April 20.-The popu
lation of the Turkish capital awoke thia
morning to find the pickets of . the con
stitutional forces, who have surrounded
the city to make the sultan guarantee the
continuation of constitutional government,
within calling distance of the old walls
that flank the capital on Its south side.
The constitutionalist lines extend In a
wide seml-clrcle around three-quarters of
the city, Pera, Oaiata and Btamboul, and
every hour they are becoming longer. AH
road outside of the capital are occupied
by the Investing forces, whose twelve-mile
front can be traced distinctly, but move
ment of the highways has been practically
unaffected except that now and then
travelers are stopped and questioned and
aome time taken before the commander of
the nearest outpost.
8everai of the foreign military attaches
In Constantinople rode out this morning
and visited friends among the Turkish
officers, who command battalions of the
constitutionalists, and had an excellent
opportunity to observe the condition of
the troop. They were amazed at the excel
lence and completeness of the equipment,
and the high state of eflclency of the field
telegraph system, the hospitals and the
supply trains. The men are well fed, con
fident of ultimate suoces and under excel
lent discipline. All requisitions made upon
the people for food or animals are paid for
In cash. The Italian attache counted thirty
machine guns and another u-.tlltary observer
learned of the presence of a division of
sixty field guns attended by well-mounted
troopers. At noon yesterday the con
stitutionalists numbered about 20.000; at
noon today they were mors than 26,000
No Delay la Oecapatloa.
The occupation of.the city will not be de
layed long. It may take place tonight or
thf, movement may be deferred for another
twenty-four hours.
General Huanl, commsndlng the ermy of
Investment, ssys thst as he will have to
patrol a city of a million people. In which
there are many dangerous mob elements,
he must have at his command enough men
to do this work carefully and well and not
only to take the city, but to Uold It.
In' the meantime no preparation! are
being made within the city to offer re
sistance to the army of constitutionalists.
The sultan remains secluded at Ylldiz
Kiosk. To all appearances hs Is showing
little activity. With the exception of
Tewfik Pasha, the present grand vlxler,
h" has received none of his ministers for
forty-eight hours; but Tewfik Pssha, the
calm and tried counselor of many a time
of stress, has spent tne thirty out of the
last forty-etfht hours with his Imperial
master. He Is constantly summoned to
lie palace. He may Just have returned
from a four-hour audience with the aultan
t his home In Pera. which la sums dis-
'.snce from the palace, wheu another
mounted messenger from his majesty will
summon him to further conference. It is
through Tewfik Pasha alone that the sui
te n's attitude and mind are made known
to the other ministers, the officials of the
(Continued on Second Page.)
penses of the government. His argument
came as a surprise to many senators, for
it had been accepted as true that more
revenues than the pending bill would raise
are to be required annually for the next
few years at least- The chairman of the
finance cemmittee told his colleagues that
he waa willing to stake his reputation upon
the Payne bill as amended by the senate
committee. His confidence In tk measure
impressed some of his colleague who were
Inclined toward an. Income tax. After the
senate had adjourned for the day he was
pressed with questions concerning his fig
ures. it is declared that aome of the
doubtful republicans again became sup
porter of the amended bill.
Leader of both faction were busy on the
floor and again today canvassing the sen
ate for and bgalnst the income tsx measure.
The opponents used the argument that
every dollar raised from taxes on Incomes
must be at the expense of protected in
dustries ana tnat tne attack would be
made first upon western products. They
argued further that it would mean the
complete revision of the tariff and a resort
Ing to many experiment which might prove
unsafe. In any event. It wa declared
that if thia course aaa followed It would
mean an entire summers work. This
character of argument appeared to ahake
ths enthusiasm of some of the supporters
of the Income tax idea, but the leaders of
this faction were still of the opinion that
they would win.
Copyright, 1909, by
the Mail and Express Company.
Senators Say Famed Clerks Are
Given Promotions.
taper Body. Stands Pat aa Mr run.
ber'a Amendment Requiring Res
idence la State from Which
Applicants Are Appointed
WASHINGTON. April. UO.-By an aye and
nay vote the senate today rejocled the con
ference report on the census bill because
of Its failure to include the McCumber
amendment requiring applicants for civil
service employment to reside In the states
claimed by them as their homes.
That the census office has has In It em
ploy In one bureau the wife of a secretary
of k member of congress, the wive of two
officials of the War department and the
wife of a prominent official In the Treasury
department was the charge made today
by Senator McCumber In criticising the
conference report on the census bill.
"Promotion," he said, "seems to be almost
wholly for women who have husbands In
the departments. Thia is getting to be
a city of official families holding positions
under the government."
Mr. McCumber said the census bill as
agreed to did not differ materially from
the measure which was vetoed In the last
congress by President Roosevelt. Accord
ing to the provisions of the bill, he said,
employes of the government w not ap
portioned among the several states. The
fact is that whole families are employed
In government departments credited to
states which the younger members of the
families have never seen.
"Ninety per cent," Raid Mr. McCumber,
"of officials in the departments In the city
of Washington are residents of tills city
and the other 10 per cent may be said to
bo residents of the other portions of the
country. If we were to apply the rules of
apportionment to the civil service the city
of Washington would have 2 per rent and
the remaining officials would bo from the
Amendment a Necessity.
Mr. McCumber urged the necssity of his
(Continued on Second Page.)
Beautify your lawns
and gardens, at the
same time help to
make Omaha the
garden spot of the
On our classified page,
uuder the caption of "For
Garden and Lawn," is a direc
tory of reliable florists and
nurserymen, people who have
been established for years and
who are building up a per
manent business in Omaha.
Bewara of peddlers and canvas
era, they are often uorellab'e.
here to day and gone tomorrow.
Deal with the men who advertise,
a they merit your patronage and
are alwaya here and ran only suc
ceed by furnishing what they prom
ise. Have you read the want ads.
yet today?
Me Around Again, Nelsie!"
Political War
Among Medics
Charges Filed Against-Former- Ne
vbriakan in Tight in American
Medical Association.1
CHICAGO. III., April 20.-(Spcclal Tele
gram.) War on the so-called "political
machine" in the American Medical associa
tion baa crystalized Into charges to secure
the expulsion of Dr. G. H. Simmons, secre
tary of the association and editor of its
official journal and alleged head of the so
called machine. The charges, drawn by
Dr. Frank Lydston, leader of the faction
which seeks to eliminate politics from tho
association, have been mailed to Dr. M. Z.
Albro, secretary of the American Medical
The charges set forth that while prac
ticing at Lincoln, Simmons regularly ad
vertised in newspapers about a sanitarium
he was conducting, that tie guaranteed
cures and that be obtained a diploma from
Rush Medical college by peculiar methods.
Damage Estimated at 23,000, Five
Balldlnic Bring; Consented
Starts la Livery Bars,
PIERRE, S. D.. April 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Fire last nlgnt did damage to the
amount of about (3,000 at the town of
Harrold, thirty miles east of here. The
flames destroyed the Woodruff atore, the
postofflce, the Summerslde building,
Stewart' real estate offlc and th Beavan
livery, in which building It started. How
much Insurance wa carried Is not known
st present.
Patten is a Philanthropist,
Says W. C. Sunderland
"Jii.i 'fallen ts neither a criminal nor a I
.peculator In wheat. He' a philanthropist
and & good man, as well as being a wise
one and the friend of the farmers, who
have been trying for years to make a profit
raising wheat. 1 cannot understand those
men who attack ratten in this present deal
In wheat, as he Is doing Just as he always
lias done no different."
This Is the estimate of the head of the
firm of Patten & Bartlett. which Patten's
friend, W. C. Sunderland of Omaha, holds,
and which he -Is not afraid to tell his cus
tomers. Almost every day every member of the
Grain exchange, drops Into "Bill" Sunder
land's office on the grain dealers' floor of
the Branch Is building to get the "dope"
on the markets. There are a lot of other
places where quotations come In and the
ticker ticks the best rsrt of the day. But
the dealers always get to "Bill's" one
a day and aome of the others don't get
visits once a week.
"Bill" Sutherland Is a friend of "Jim"
Patten. Patten's wires come Into the
8underlund office and Patten ft Bartlett
give orders to buy Nebraska wheat, some
times offering prices which make other
dealers bid snd Increase the else of the
Nebraska farmer's roll until It would
choke a tunnel.
"The Influence of Jim Patten on the price
of Iowa and Nebraska wheat ought to Vd
enough to make every farmer and Secre
tary of Agriculture Wilson a friend of
Jim Patten." said Mr. Sunderlaud Tues
day when he read more attaxka on his
friend Patten. "He's a caah grain buyer,
boys, and nut a speculator b lying on
margins without expecting to have a bushel
delivered. Time and again he has dern
onstrated that by buying Nebraska wheat
aud paying casii lor it. The price t
Mitchell Reyerses Itself and Wets
Win by Forty-Seven.
Majority af Tare Votes Dora Work
la Korthera CMyOnly On
Ticket In Field at
MITCITELL. 8. D., April 20.-( Special
Telegram.) Today this city reversed itself
on the prohibition vote of a year ago, when
the town went dry by 31 majority. The
majority In favor of license today was
fl. The fight was close and exciting, the
wets claiming ths victory by 200 before
th election.
Sewer bonds were voted upon to the
amount of 150,00 and carried by a majority
of 400. C. D. Hardy, C. W. Adams, P. H.
Kellcy and A. H. Doyle were elected alder
men for two-year terms.
Fort IMerre Without Salons. 1
IERRE, S. D April 20.-(Special Tele
gram.) For the first time in the history of
the old town. Fort Pierre is to be
saloons, the town having gone dry
election today. It waa a warm fight and
license was defeated by only 3 votes, but
the Influences against license are such that
they will see that there Is to be no fudging
by the saloon men. The town also voted
for 12,000 of school building bonds.
The aldermen elected today were Fl C.
Klnley, J. J. Palton, J. B. Mallory, Louis
Greenough. The qeustions at issue were and appropriation of $26,000 for a
(Continued on Second Page.)
pays when his Judgment, based on In
formation he collects at his own expense,
has Inspired the farmera of Nebraska to
increase their acreage of wheat. He Is
doing that right now, and everyone know
Nebraska ought to grow mora wheat.
There's a miller standing right there In
from Hastings who doesn't know where
he Is going to get wheat enough to keep
his mill running.
"Now Patten found out for himself that
the world'a supply of wheat was short
last fall. He has men In every country
where wheat Is grown who know .what they
are talking about. He does not gather his
atatiatlcs from postmasters as Secretary
Wilson does, but lie spends his money
securing experts In his employ Is Snow, the
former head of the bureau under Wilson,
which gather crop statistics. Snow knows
how bad the Department of Agriculture
gathers Information and lie has helped
Patten organise a system which beats the
department for reliability.
"Patten found out wheat was scares and
began to buy It and have it delivered Just
as men buy city lots when they believe a
certain part of the city Is going to see a
boom, ration was right. 'Tsma' Jim was
wrong and Patten Is paying what wheat is
worth and selling it for what real wheat
Is worth to make real bread to feed a
world which would not be hungry If bread
earners wer little more Intelligent and
"This Patten deal Is not Ilk the other
deals. It's a corner without being a cor
ner,' siys Mr. Sunderland. "This man
Patten would not start a big speculative
deal Just to be smart snd show his cun
ning. He Is a great wheat merchant, buy
ing and selling, snd that' all. He ha
been a big help to the farmera and they are
getting th benefit of hi foresight and
Balls Are Without a leader and 0n
slaught Results in Big1 Slump
in July Delivery.
Traders Who Expected Fatten to Sup
port Market Disappointed.
Drop Follows Accumulation of Bear-
ish News.
Rain a Koalhwest Aid Wlntet
Wheat, aad Fine Sieedlna Weather
In North Inaare Bsaptf
Spring; Crop. t
CHICAGO. April 0.-Bulls In wheat wer
leaderless today and a dashing bear raid
wrought considerable confusion In the pit
where July, closing at J1.12S, showed a
net loss of S'&SAjC. J
The raid weeded out small Snarglned
traders, enabling a lot of profit-taking by
shorts, not to mention the reinstatement
of long lines previously disposed of at a
higher figure.
"It old Mot Iter Earth warning Patten
et al that Secretary Wilson knows some
thing about crops himself," said the bears.
"It's Just a natural swing of th specu
lation pendulum. There has been a long
continued advance; the reaction is only
natural," said tho bull.
"Why didn't the Patten crowd support
the market?" was a question frequently
put by small speculators who had pinned
their faith to the Patten position and ex
pected that the bull leader would take
care that prices did not run away.
"Because it's none of Patten' business,"
came the answer from the Patten aides.
'.'He has a lot of wheat, but he la not
manipulating prices. He knows thst con
ditions will take care of the price. He
has neither made nor unmade prices and
has no responsibility In the matter."
Whether Patten purchases wer msde
Is a matter for conjecture, although there
was an unconfirmed report that the bull
leader bought heavily at the decline and
stopped July before It got beyond SLUU
In .ts headlong tumble.
Customers of the Patten house, however,
declare that there waa nothing through
out the day to Indicate that the leading
trader had taken any Interest In th mar
ket. Apparently he left It to It fate, al
though his eye seldom left the blackboard
where quotations are marked up.
Hears In wheat made another sensational
drive at the market today. July sank an
extreme six cent under the point of yes
terday and May followed suit. Th ticker
crdfte'd Patten 'and allies with support
ing at the decline, but confirmation,
either direct or suggestive, was lacking.
. Today' slump followed an accumulation
of bearish news, yesterday and today.
Among the Influences was remarkably
heavy Russian shipments last week, rain
in the southwest and a report that seeding
In the northwest would be completed this
wek, with prospect for a bumper crop.
The market seemed weak all day, but
what looked like bull demoralization was
reserved for the closing half hour. At the
opening today the decline of late yesterday
continued. May wss fcfrlc under the pre
vious close and July VoHc to lSl'c.
This opening loss was sufficient to bring
out further stop-loss order, under which
July declined to 11.14 U and May to
$ 1 . 2 6 T . Then came the crash. July tum
bled to $1.12 and May to $1.52 H.
The close was weak, with July iSf?
J4 cents under yesterday' close at
S1.12H and May 2T4 cents down
w. S. Wood Sells
Kansas City Bank
to St. Louis Man
Disposes of Interest in Bank of Com
merce to J. Wilson Perry
for Large Sum.
KANSAS CITT. Aril SO.-J. Wilson
Perry of St. Louis, today purchased the
entire Interest, amounting to $1,400,000 of
Dr. W. B. Woods of Kansss City In the
National Bank of Commerce ef this city
and later Mr. Perry was elected president
of th bank to succeed David T. Beala.
William L. Buechle of 8U Joseph, state
bank examiner for Missouri, waa today
also elected vice-president to succeed Wil
liam T. Kemper of Kansas City, and Mr.
Perry and George E. Nicholson wr
elected to fill vacancies in th directorate.
This ends a long contest over possession,
of th bank. The bank failed la th fail
of 1D07 with $34,000,000 deposit.. It wa re
organized later and re-opened with William
B. Rldgeley as its president,, the latter
having resigned the position of com
troller of the currency to accept th posi
tion. Subsequently Mr. Rldgely was ousted
when Dr. Woods aecured control of the
Institution, with which he had for year
been president. Mr. Nicholson Is from tola.
Court Annuls
Alabama Law
Statute Prohibiting- Corporations from
Going to Federal Court
Declared Bad.
MONTGOMKRV. Ala., ApHI jn.-The Ala
bama Htate law inovlding for annulling th
licenses of foreign corporation which take
cases from state to federal courts wa to
day dec'ared unconstitutional by Judge
Thomas C. Jones in the United States dis
trict court.
omlaatlons by President.
WASHINGTON. April 20 Th president
today made the following nomination:
Kitvuy exlraordlnarv and minister pleni
potentiary to Colombia, Klllolt Northcoit
of West Virginia.
1'nited tttaf attorneys for th western
district of Wlwmisirt. Uorga If. For don
of Wlwonsln; for the soul hern district of
West Virginia, Harold A. Kits ad rVt Vlr-aiuiw