TUe'bE: OMAHA, TCTK75DAY, APRIL 'JO, HW. PATENTS (Continued.) A (W-M551 Maytx PATRNTR THAT PROTECT Three books for investors mailed receipt of ta post age. K.. 8. ud A. R. Iatm. room n-a pacific Fldg.. Washington, D. C. Kstab- Jihex3 . . , . fUru- PERSONAL MASSAGE-PROF. O. K. DINJIAN. EX I'KKT MA8SKUR, For ladles and gentle men. If tired, languid, from lack of circu lation which -causes Indigestion, constipa tion, torpid liver,- rheumatism and chronic troubles, try. Oriental maxaage. Thorough hand work. Kara and scalp treatment; ft yra. In Omaha at Bee Bldg. Doug. 4n. (li-317 May4 OUAUA Stammerers' Ina.. Ksmge Bids. (18-13 STR1XGE&. . rubber goods, by mall: cut trices. Hnd for free catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co., Omaha (18j 1 the salvation armt solicit castoif clothing;. In .fact, .anything you do not ntad. . Wa collect, rapalr and aell at 134 N. llth St., for coat of collection to the worthy hoar. Call 'phone Douglaa 41 and wagon will call. (18)-7 H treatment. Mma. Smith, MAUiNrii-lO 6ii2 h. no,, third floor. A HOME for women during confinement. We find homea for babtua where moth era cannot care fof them. Bablea boarded. Mr. Martha A. Lee. 403 Ban croft St. 'Fhene Douglas Ifr-'!. .. . 08J-M4M Majrf PRIVAT18 horns during confinement; bablea adopted. The Quod Samaritan San itarium, 740 First Avu., Council Bluffs, la. (llj-MstU HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 103 Farnam. MfJMPlTlP lectrlo vrbrstorjr.120 iurriXIiGth room m Fourth Floor, Old Boston Store. (18) 043 May 11 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young women a unristlen aaaoclation. mh ana Howard Sts.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place a or otherwise assisted, A deaconess representing the aaaoclation meets tralna at the Union sta tion as travelers' aid. (18) 268 DRPNKEJINKHMIHIO HABIT, our! to stay cured tinder positive guarantee. Writ tha F.ruior . Remedy Co.. Dept. O. South Omaha,. Neb, (18) M&2 Mil POULTRY AND EGGS I. C. B. LEGHORN EUU8 II per sett lag, $3 per'lQU. O. 11. Deaver, Orleans, Neb. . (1D-M63H Zix 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN EOGS-Choloe atandard bred stock. Heavy laying itnun. to per 100, U per 60, U per 80. Mra. W. LMcKenney, Palmer, Merrick County, Neb. . (1D-M537 Z3x S. C. ' BUFF ORPINGTONS, free range; egga for hatching, $1.26 per IS, 83.00 for sO, ti.OO for KiO. Indian Runner duck egga, U fur II. 2o; for W-W. Toulouse goose eggs, 2fio each. Guaranteed fresh and fertile. Peter 4k Brehm, Harvard, Neb. (11) M&38 23x WHITS ROCK EGGS, 1 for 16. 1811 Oak Bt. - . : i (11) M632 20x i . r CHAMBERLAIN Original perfect dry click feed, t'se this) only and aave young rhlckena. Stewart's Feed Store, Sola Agents. II N.- 18th St. (1D-M841 May 1' s i J .' R. C. R. I. RED EGGS for sale. Pen egga. 11.60 per it, u per luu; irom pena ecoring 10 to M range II per IS, t per loo. J. W. Abraham. Valley; Neb. (U)-M24 B C BLACK MINORCA egga for Betting. (1 for IS, Tel. Harney 8322. UD-M892 M2x White Leghern eggs M per loo, at Mandy Lee Farm.- Tel. Florence 182. i (U)-M7-M A3 PRINTING IARVE PTG. CO.; lob printing and calen dars, 16ih (Jap. Ave. Phone lod. A-UttO. '. .- (6 1 REAL ESTATE REAW ESTATU OKALBRS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Eat. 186; prompt servtcv; gl our pricea. lHv fc'ainam MU (1W-1 HEAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAd. E. WILLlAMbON. Prasideni. (U))-17 PAYNE 1NV.' C.O.;- flrat floor N. Y. L ' . . - (1)-18 BENJAMIN R. E. COt. 477 Brandela Bldg. ...... (l)-til WALKUPlREAL ESTATE CO.. 0 Paxton block. ' ' (1-M9i7 Mayl8 .. -DARLING A DARLING. 141 Brandela Bldg. Tela. D. 8u34 or A -1821. (19)-205 CITY PROPERTY FOR BALB 543 SOUTH 'J6TII STKEET, A new -rtom house. In ' fine neighbor hood, close In. We think tbta house la an exceptionally fine proposition for someone wanting a' home In walking dis tance:, rnd yet In a first-'lasa neighbor hood, The house la' complete In every way a splendid bs.aement, line furnace, good plumbing, quarter-sawed oak finish, 4 bedrooms, 4- rooms and hail downstairs, nice yard, cement -walks, pjvlng all paid. sewer, water, gas and electrio lights. Tha ocatiun la ' Ideal. .. The conveniences are .here. -See It today and make orrqr. HASTINGS 4k 11EVPKN, New ki acton. 1614 Harney. " (!) 1 WK WILL BUILD YOU A HOME TO I SUIT: have lots near llanscom park; idaoi lots m norm ana, au convenient to car linear -water, aewar, etc. i Take your choice; ' Nowata land and lot co. Suite :4 N. Y.. Life Bldg. Phone Red IW9. Omaha, Neb. Open evenings. -. . . (18I-408 a ,1 1 , .. . ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS Half acre and. small bouse, 34th and Cam den Irt ;. Also a-roooi, anodern eottage, 4812 LaFay eue Ave. Omaha Loan & Building Ass'n ' S. 'E.' Cbr. 18th and Dodge. (18I-M378 30 HAYF three 10-rpom flate, cloaa In. that are the beat revenue producers In the to n,. 83,004 to H.ixw win carry them; bal ance ( i-cr cent; In that way they wtll net it urrunt on your monev In the di i Thla, ta tba (aet Jet me prove (t. Ad- drera y Mi, nee. (l M682 20 I ISO .town and balance same aa rent will buv Brand- oew cottage near 41at and Grand vt; one block to ear. BEMIS .Brandela Bldg. (1)-MU3 x "N" ninney St.. Juat a gtep to ltith, 8 rooma nii'nria exeent neat, t-rira a.-.auu. . NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suite .'4 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1'h .ne Red l Oanaita, Nab. uen evenings. - (1 47 tl HOMK8 IN BENSON Part cash; balance emu aa rent. W. E. Yarton. a Or. Ihanage Ave.. Benson. Tel Benson 61, (18) MAW AAV '.A RGB new "Wind, i-r :iX'l. two blocks fr -r. eottage. eor. lot dlate poaseW.,ni (t a licme on ea'ey nay- """"V"00 th owner. Doug. 1461 or even Inge Wtta., 4 . .. ' . (18 MIX) REAL ESTATB. LOAN and Inaurance IJat your property with us for aale or exchange. Walnut and Oraliard HMe aity Co. 4i.lu Hamilton St. Phones i T I.; Ind.. U-UU. (4-to REAL ESTATE CITY TBOPF.RTV FOB SAI.F.. (Continued don't be foolfjj. Theae people who advertise a owners and tell you that you can eava commission hv biiving of the owner are tryn to fool you. WHO RUtlf OMAHA? Iork at our list; then compare "owner' a" pricea. NOWATA UND ITT CO.. Htilte f.?4 N. Y. Life Rldg.. 'Phone Red IW. Omaha. Neb. Open F.venlngs; (1-MB! 23 BOULKVARD HOUSE. 2548 North lth St.. I rooma, modern, only 12, SOU. Thomaa Brennan. room 1 New York Life ftldg. li 4 HOME AND INVESTMENT. Reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen; II bod rooms and hath; strictly modern, full basement, large lot, room to build another house; easy walking distance. . OALLAGHKR & NELflON. ' 4W) Brandela Bldg., Omaha, Nrl. (1)-M533 LIST your property with Chrla Boysr, T4 and Cuming Bts. (1)-4U3 IF TOU HAVE City property, farms, ranch landa or roer chandlae to aell or trade, list them with me. It costa you nothing unless I effect sale. W. W. Mitchell, 383 Bd. Td. bldg. (1 BUY A HOME OF YOUU OWN 8-Koom house, city water, gns, cistern, barn, chicken house, large ahade trees, large lot, buildings in good condition, close to car, X Blondo St. 13. WO. part terms. W. W. MITCHELL, 33S Board of Trade Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (18) MM X NEWT 7 rooms, very choirs, Bern I a Pwk district C. M. Rich, 320 N. T. Life. D 802. A 3233. 19-M9M t ROOMS, modern except heat: could fin ish two more rooms in aecond atory. hot 60x133, one block from car line. Brand new. A verv desirable home. Terma reasonable. Price 81. 8M. NOWATA LAND AND DOT COMPANY. Suite. 624 N Y. Life Bldg , Omaha. 'Phunu Red 1W. open evenings. (!) 481 21 FIVB-ROOM cottage 32x2. modern except fiirtiHcc; lot 50x100, near 33d and Harney. Price reasonable. s GALLAGHER NEISON, 4IKI Brandela Bldg., Omaha. Neb. (1S-MB4 20 REAL ESTATE FARM AJID HAN CH UND FOR SALS Mia atria HAVE four choice Missouri farms, In ex cellent neignuornooa, witnin twenty-live miles of Kansas City; prices low. Kslly & Kelly, Topeka. Kan. 47elora4io. - COIiORADO IRRIGATED SNAP. 40 acrea Joining townslte, twelve miles from Denver; fruit and vegetable land; lies beautifully; fine view of the moun tains; Ideal for home or Investment. This will ba aold at one-half Ita preaent value If at once. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. 682 Brandela Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (20) 268 Netkraakav MO-ACRE homesteads; cheap relinquish ments. J. Berxlna, Whitman, Neb, ()-M401 MaylSx Wyeaslagj. 10,000 Acres of Land Now Open to Entry under the Carey Act at Wheatland. Wyo. vtme ua ror run information, now to get aome of theae landa. We - will locate you and look after your Intereata care fully. Thla Is a splendid section, the soil la rich; It la a great alfalfa, wheat, oata, barley, sugar beet and potato country. Fruit does well. The laud Is ready to plow. Building materials are cheap, fuel Is abundant. We have railroad, school and church facilities and the beat of nelghbora. Thla la a dairy country. You can get rich farming here. We want you to have our full descriptive Illustrated circular at once, free for the asking. Write; we want to hear from you. In quire of J. R. Maaon, Immigration Agt., W heatland, Wyo. (20) REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loana. Petara Trust Co. (22)- SECOND MORTGAGE loana negotiated. Apply Room 417-18 Flrat Nat l Bank Bldg. Bell 'phone Douglaa 2318. (22) 4U WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Faruam Smitii Co., 1330 Farnam St. (22- PRIVATE money to loan. J. H Sherwood. fit Brandela Bldg. (22) W LOWEST RATES Bemle. Brandela Bldg. PAYNE. BOSTW1CK CO.. N. T. Ufa, Private money; 8608 to 88,000; low rate. DB m 100 TO 810.000 made promrtly. F, D. Wead, Waad Bldg., 18th and Farnam. '3) FIVE PER CENT MONEY ta loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Itaom 1. New York Llfa Bldg. (21)-3t On TO t&.OOO on homea ta Omaha O-Keefe Baal Estate Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, ar A-2161 (22) I7 MONEY TO BUILD, tsrw to IJOO.OOO at current ratea. W. H. THOMAS, tut First Nat l Bank Bldg. (32) 31 ttOO to l'iOO.000. lowest ratea, no delay. Q win Bros., 1604 Farnam. (22) MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (23) 434 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS for a 6-room house, a t-room house and a couple of vacant lota. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg . Omaha. 'Phone Red I9SO. Open Evenings. 12D-M7fe WANTED To buy for cash, a lot In or near Bemls Park: must he east or south front. Addresa Y7, care Bee. ii.'.) M57 21 STOVE REPAIRS NEW furnacea, hot water and hot air com bination heating, 3 and 4-bole laundry hot water heaters, mantle grates, gas atovea repaired, water fronts and flower vaaes. Omaha Stove Repair work, lids 1208 Douglaa St. 'Ffconea lnd. A-3&1; alell. uougias u. WANTEDTO BUY HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture, carpets, clothes and ahoee. Tel. Doug. tuTi. (2)-44t BEST price paid for aecondhand furniture, carpet a atovea, clothing, ahoee. Tel. Doug. 401. (2a)-41 Tha Practical Auctioneer. 148 N. T. Llfa WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent May 1. 8 or s-room mod ern houae. Must be In good neighbor hood. Will has for yar. References. No children. Slate terma. Y 13. Bee. U--M2i,- at WANTED By single man. room with or witlKiUi board. In or near Hernia park Ad tren with full particulars. 7 Lite Bldg., or Phone Douglaa ttae (Jo)-4iol V. Boston Manages to Lose One; Red Lead; OMAHA WINS BY HAIR Crime With Lincoln Ii Taken by a Score of FiTt to Four. OREENBACKERS TRY RECRUIT Pearfry and Graham Eaeel Wltk) Dtlclx Llacola fittttA Between Bases qaeese Play la at Feature. LINCOLN, April 1 A small but enthusl aatlc crowd of base ball devotrea ssw Omaha win a tight exhibition game from Lincoln today by a score of t to 4. Hocken bary, a recruit for the Lincoln club, had hla first real trying out In league company and the visitors hit him hard at times, their eight safeties going ofr a total of eighteen bHsea. Pendry and Grahnm ex celled In the batting. Hockenbary waa effective in the pinches, but the two errors by bis teammate were costly. Lincoln excelled la base running, Davidson twice working the "aq'ieeM" play effectively. The tennis will pin again tomorrow. Score: OMAHA. , AB. R. 'H. 0 A. E. Flsl r, If ,6 I l o 0 0 King, cf 12 12 0 1 Welch, rf 4 112 0 0 Pendry, 8b 4 1.8 1 4 0 Graham, 2b 4 0 2 8 8 S Franck, sa 3 0 0 t 2 0 Claire, lb 3 0 0 9 0 0 Ie Brand, c. 8 0 0 t 0 Gondlng, c 10 0 110 Hollenbeck, p 0 0 0 1 0 Johns, p 2 0 0 0 0 0 Total 84 I 8 27 14 LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. V.. wandron, rf 5 0 1 3 0 0 Fox. 2b , (01301 Jude. If S 1 1 3 0 Thomaa, lb 4 0 0 8 2 0 Davidson, c 3 8 110 0 Gagnlor. as....'. 3 0 0 3 8 1 Caldwell, 3b 4 0 0 0 1 0 Sullivan, c I 0 1 a 4 0 Hockenbary,' p 3 0 0 1 3 0 Totals... Omaha .... Lincoln ... .36 4 27 18 202010000-6 0 10 0 2 0 0 1 04 Fisher. Klna-. Welch. Three-base hlta: Graham. Two-base Jilts: Graham. Pendry. Baae on balls: Off Hockenhary. 2; off Hol lenbeck, 3. Hit by pltohed ball: Bv Hollen beck. 1. Struck out: Bv Hockenbary. : by Hollenbeck. 2; by Johns, 1. Left on bases: Lincoln. 8; Omaha. 4. Sacrifice hlta: (ox, Kranck. stolen buses: Gamier, Sullivan. Pendry. Umpire: Wood of Lincoln. Davidson (3, Time: 1:60. V ALL TOIMERS ARE HOME AGAIN Cerskstker Pltchla Staff Reapoa- alble for Slasa on Trip. LINCOLN, April 19.-(8pecial.)-The ' Ne braska base ball team returned from Ita eouthern trip last night, visibly fatigued, and In other ways manifesting the wearing effecta of a hard Journey. During the laat three daya of the trip the Comhuskera encountered cold wather and Buffered a miserable slump In their playing, losing the laat four games of the tour. Three of these contests were played In dust stonne and the Cornhuskers were easily taken Intj camp by the resident nines. The record of the trip was four games won and five loat. The four vlctorlea were snatched during the first five daya of the trip. Two games counting In the championship race of "the Missouri Valley Conference league were played on thla trip, the Corn huskers winning one and losing the other. Missouri was defeated in the title contest, but Kansas was unconquerable, and took not only the championship game, but also a second bout from the Cornhuskers. Nebraska's slump during the second half of the trip U laid cn the pitching staff, which had dpW brilliant work In the earlier games, but which apparently could not stand the suddVn cold snap that overtook the scarlet and cream brigade. Ward, the most dependable alab artist on the staff, even lost his pitching strength, and in the last three games of the Journey was un able to do effective work in the box. Olm stead. rated as the aecond best pitcher on the nine, developed a strenk of wildness and could not control hla balls. Prouty, the third member of the staff, failed to puxale any of the last teams encountered and could not be kept on tha slsb. The pitchers were given good support on the entire trip, the Cornlrusker Infield play ing much better ball than had been ex pected. The error column In no single game waa very large and no Individual did any great amount of poor playing. At the bat the team proved quite strong In nearly all the games, and several of tha WANTED TO RENT (Continued.) FOITR or 6-room furnished octtage or flat. Address C 82. Bee. (36)-M14t 20x WANTED 3 furnlsh'id rooms, May 1: Loth rop echnol dlatrlct. L. R. Vorce, 1824 Bln ney St. (il 40 20 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By a Filipino boy a place to work for board while attending Boylea' Buslneaa college. Beat of recommenda tions. Address Farm In Gamo, Crawford, Neb. (27) M395 26 x WANTED A position In a furniture store; had 8 years experience and can give good references. Address H 314, care Bee. (27) M079 2x JAPANESE wanta altuation aa cook, waiter, porter and houae cleaning. Write please, H. N., 411 N. 26th Ht., South Omaha. (21) MS77 2Sx BUNDLE waahlng to take home. 'Phone Wehater 2831 . (7 MNW GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR BEEF AND MUTTON Omaha. Neb., April 1, XVuO. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, for furnishing and de livering freali beef and mutton required during six months beginning July 1, I1!!, In accordance with specifications and condi tions set forth In Circular No. 4, War De partment, Office of the Commissary Gen eral, Washington, D. C. March 27, 1. will be received at thla office until II o'clock a. m., May 18. lSut. for the following posts, vis.: Forts Crook. Omaha and Rob'nson. Neb.; Fort Dea Moines, la.; Forta Ieaven worth, Riley and Military Prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; Jefferson Barracks, Mo.; Forts D. A. Russell and MacKense, Wyo., and Fort Meade. S. D. Information and blank proposals will be furnished on application to the commissaries of the re spective posts or to undersigned Enveli pes containing proposal should be marked "Proposals for beef and mutton, to be opened May, 10, l(to9." and addrcased to the undersigned. F. F. Eastman, Ueut. Colonel, D. i". . r. K Army. Mlft-ii OCEAN STEAMSHIPS forth (JermanJUotcL FACT UPB18I SBBTIOa rUTMOUTt-CHBaBOUkO BHEMgN U A. at. Kai. Wm. r. Or. Apr. kronprlas Wai Mar 11 Kala W. II star 4U'ee-lila Mar U WXaT-S7BaW VAaujXaTOBm BBYIOS rLtstOi.'TH-CHgasiocau. Llrrt I A M. GnalMnau Apr. gf rwni Prist's Kb. .Mar 4 kurtuam sr l'Prlaa. O. Grass.. May II Branarn lea 3Brra3rBAW SBKTXCS . OlgRALTAB NAPLES OCMOA salllna at tl A. at. K Albert Apr. t Barharoaaa Mar 3 Neraar May 1 Bart I a (new) May li Halls at Algiers, ortk atenaiaa Lloyd Travelers' Cheeks, Oelrtoaa 4s , Agsais. Bra war, a. Y, K. C la mas alus a) jkearswrB U Oh, sago, XXL . SCAMMNAVUNAUESICAN UM MjSSS Tea Twta scsew Paaaaaat gaaaaaara DtrastSs ' Ncrway, Swede, ai. Btjuaark t nl4 Siaias Apr. affoasar n. Mar IT C. P TlMaa r 4'l'tilt4 StatM Jim to Hallls ria Mar 111 C. T Tlatsaa... Juna It AU 8rvaera BaalppaA Wit Wtrelesg f irst cabin 't upva4. aaconS aaHa, t-t aj. A B. JOHNSON A CO., US A Aia SU, CaMam 111. er ta LoasJ Aaas- Standing of the Teams NATL LEAGUE AMER LEAGUE. W.L Pct I W. L Pet Cincinnati .. 1 .MSI Detroit 8 0 l.nm, Boston 4 1 .NoniNew York ..4 3 .W7 New York. .2 2 .S"n Boston 3 3 .6") Pittsburg ..3 8 .ton pbiladelphla.3 3 . St. Louis ..2 4 .i Cleveland . 3 I .4 Chicago ....2 3 .W8t. Louis ....S3 .4) Brooklyn ..2 3. .40 Washington 2 4 .MB Phlladclph..l 3 .2WChlce.Ro 1 4 .) AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Won. Lost. Pet. Milwaukee 4 0 l oon Indianapolis 8 1 lioulsville 1 .m Minneapolis .....8 2 Toledo 2 4 .XQ Kansas City 1 4 .2"o St. Paul 1 4 .2"') Columbus 6 .nco GAMES TODAY. National league: Brooklyn at Boston, Pittsburg at Chicago, St. ixjuls at Cin cinnati, Philadelphia at New York. American league: Chicago at St. Ixnils, Cleveland at Detroit. New York at Phila delphia. Boston at Washington. American association: Toledo at Louis ville, Bt. Paul at Kansaa City. Minneapolis at Milwaukee, Columbus at Indianapolis. Corr.husker came bark to Lincoln with fat letting averages. At the request or the Kansas Aggies, their game, originally scheduled with the Corn hunkers for April 22, In IJrieoln, fcfls been placed a day earlier, and the Manhattan earn will be seen In thla city on Wednes day, instead of Thursday. Manager Eager, who accompanied the Cornhuskers on the southern trip, says that the Kansas Aggies wrc by far the beat team the Nebraska playera met on the Journey. He declares their infield to be qne of the beat on any college nine in the west and ventures to assert that the Manhattan nine can trim any college ball tossers In thla section of tne country. He doea not expect the Corn huskers to win the game Wednesday, but locks for a closely fought battle. Ward will probably pitch tMs game for Nebraska. THREE! GAMES FOR BF.LI.EVl E College Playera Will Have Harder Work This Week. The Bellevue college baae ball nine played so well In Iowa last week that Its supporters have confidence, that a good showing will be made In the three games of the current week. The flrat of these Is with the Mosher-Lampman Business col lege nine," which will be played on the Bellevue diamond Tuesday. The strong Crelghton nine will be takPn on Thursday, Arbor day, and Saturday the Omaha West ern leaguers will be the redoubtable oppo nents of the collegians. This game will be pulled off In the Vinton street park. For Bellevue Ohman and Stark have done the pitching thus far. Ohman 18 always hlependable. Friday he pitched a seventeen- Innlng game without weakening. Hla style of pitching will be Invaluable to the team this aeason. ' Stark was wild In the Saturday game with Amity, hitting two men and passing eight, but he held hla opponents to three scratch hits, and with better control, will do a good share In coming contests. All the fielders did well. Few errors- were made and better team work ahown than expected. Bellevue haa had a winning team for several seaaona. but had felt handi capped this spring by new and doubtful men. However, the new onea may prove tha best of all. ROl'RKB BIOS COACH FOR TEAM Gets J. Pevk Sharp,' Old-Time Baae Ball Maaaxtr, ' CHICAGO, April -19-To 'the Sporting Editor Omaha Bee: Have" signed J. Peck Bharp to train and coach my team. W. A. ROL'RKE. This telegram explains Itself. It Is sig nificant for two things. First, it indicates that President Rourke Is " determined to exhaust his resources In doing what may be done to win the pennant. Sharp la an old time manager and trainer. Guess Pa Isn't getting nifty, eh? Second, thla telegram signifies by Its si lence on the subject that Pa has not yot closed a deal for first baaeman. He may yet land Kane of Pittsburg, aa today la the last day of waivers. ' He doubtless hss got the cash for Autrey snd passed up hope of ever getting Chick back. Clark Griffith no doubt waa too wise for that. r GAMES IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Toledo Break! Loalavllle'a Wlaatag Streak In Flve-Inlax Coateat. IjOUISVILLK. Ky., April 1. Toledo broke Louisville's winnings streak today In a five-Inning game, which was called because of rain. Score: TOLEDO. LOIHSVILLB B.H.O. A. E. B H O.A E Mil. as I OrnrnleaTT. rf. 3 ft 6 0 e Htnchman. lb I ft 1 I 1 Woodruff, lb. I 1 s 1 0 Smoot. of ...I S 1 ft Delahautr. If I 1 1 ft Hlrkman, If . I 1 ft ft OsulllTan, lb . 3 ft 12 ft 0 Bavbald, rf... 1 0 I OLandrats, rf.. I 0 ft ft 1 Rlwert. lb ... I 1 1 I OOlaon. lb 1 ft I Dauberl. lb.. 114 0 DQulnlan. aa. .. I 0 0 t I Clark, s I 0 I ft 1 )'. e 1 ft I 1 ft LAttlmora, . 1 ft ft ft OSalbr. P I 4 Totala 1 '.4 S t Tntala. . . . . . II I 18 12 I Delehanty ont for Interference. Louisville 1 0 0 0 01 Toledo 2 0 0 0 13 Stolen baaea: - Dunleavy, Htnchman. Sacrifice hlta: Outfield, Woodruff. Two base hlta: Delhanty. Struck out: By Selby. 1; by Lattlmore. S. Mase on balla: Off Selby. 6; off Lattlmore. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Seybold. Left on bases: Louisville. 4; Toledo, 6. Umpire; King. Bhewera Blank Millers. MILWAUKEE. April 1.-The home club won its fourth straight game today, shut ting nut Minneapolis 6 to 0. Score: MILWAUKEE. MINNEAPOLIS B.H.O.A K. B H O.A E Robinson, at. I 1 I 4 OOylar. 4 I 2 I ft Barrr, rf 4 ft ft ft AMowna. lb ... 4 1111 Randall, rf... 4 ft 8 ft ftO'Nall), If.... 4 0 2 0ft Mec.ann. lb.. 4 1 11 1 0 Kdm'daon, cf. I ft ft 0 0 Clark. Sb I ft 1 I 0 Plckarlni. rf. I 0 t 0 0 Mrl'orm'k, b 4 O I ft 0J. lllni. lb 1 0 ft ft 0 P. rnlllna. If. I 1 I Oyulll.n. 3b... J ft 0 I ft Hoalaiter. e l I I ft lWharler. lb . I ft ft 1 I Doushartr. ft. I 1 1 I OBImk. e I ft I 3 0 - lmra4. p.. I ft t 4ft Totala 11 4 17 11 l'Martena .... 1 1 ft ft Totals It 4 14 II 1 Batted for Olmstead In ninth. Milwaukee 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 -B Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-hase hits: Downs. Three-base hlta: F. Colllne. Stolen bases: O'Neill, Picker ing, Randall. Double plays: Clark to Mc Gann to Ron In son: Oyler. Downa to Wheeler. Baaca on balls: Off Dougherty, 1; off Olmstead, 1. Left on haae: Mil waukee, 4; Minneapolis, 4. Hit by pitcher: Hobiiieon. Ktruck out! Bv Dougherty, 2; by Olmstead. 7. Wild pitch: Olmstead. t mpiie: Hayes. Colamhas Eaar for ladlaaapolla. INDIANAPOLIS. April 19 The aecond game of the home club flrat aerlea with tne Columbua team was another victory for Indianapolis, 6 to 1. Chrney held the visitors to three hits and the whole club played a fast-and errorless game. Score: INDIANAPOLIS COLUMBl'BV B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A. B. r'adb'rne. If. I 1 4 ft ftRetllr. ef.... 4 ft 3 ft ft M t'haaasr. ef I 1 4 ft ftOdseH. Ik.... 4 1 0 1 t Harden. rt...4 1 1 ft ftr'onsalton. rf. I S 1 ft ft Can. lb I 1-14 ftjamea. c I ft I ft ft Burka. lb. .. 4 ft I ft vfVhrsrk. e....t ft ft ft TO'R'rka, Ibt ft I I ftKrusar. If ... lift Hlsy, a ... 4 111 Miller, lb I ft II 3 I Hooka. aa ...l 1 ft I ftnrrg'rte. as I ft I I 1 ( benar, p.... I 1 3 ft ftWrlgler. lb.. I ft 3 I ft Oarer, p. 3 t ft I ft Totala II 1 17 tl Milll(an. a... 1 1 1 ft Totala .... It I 14 II I Indianapolis 02100110 I Columbus 06000100 0-1 Two-base hit: Hayden. Three-base lilts: MWheeney. (layer. Btruck out: Bv Che ney, i. by Geyer, 3: bv Milllgan, 1. Double play: Howlev, Carr lo Howler. Stolen baaea: Chadhourne, Hayden. Wild pitch: Cheney. Paaaed ball: ftchreck. Balk: Geyer. Hit bv pitcher: Miller. Umplrea: Owena and Eckman. Time: 1:35. Ciaaao Poatpoaea. At Kansas City-Kansas City -St Paul gams eoatponeaV BOSTON WINS MORNING CAME .rooklyn Is Defeated in the First Contest, Three to Two. TABLES TURNED IN . AFTERNOON Home Teaaa Falls to Hit Mclatyr I Is Skat Oat Seores at Other National I.eagae lianaes. BOSTON, April 1 . Brooklyn and Boston broke even In today a guinea, tne morning event being won by the home team 3 to 2 and the vlsltora shutting them out In the afternoon S to 0. Score: BOSTON. BROOKLYN. H H O.A K B.H.O.A.H. Bates. If 4 I 0 OBurrh. it 2 1 0 0 Betkar. rf....4 1 0 0 OCurtla. If 1 0 0 0 8 Reaumont, cf. 4 1 4 0 tAlparman, Jh. I t 1 I FWk, lb 4 111 1 0 Hummed, as. 4 0 4 Rltrhay, 4 Oil ngrbrlna, rf... I 0 4 0 0 Dahlan. at.... 4 0 14 GLumler. rf...l 111 Pmllh. c 4 114 OJordan. lb.... 4 I 11 ft Sweeney, lb.. I 12 1 Olmnoi. lb... 4 111 Chappalle, . i I 1 4 OManhall, o... 4 18 10 Bell, a 8 0 4 0 Totals 14 1II7 1I0 Total a SO TO IS One out when winning run scored. Boston ....' 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 03 Two-base hits: Jordan, Bweeney. Len nox, Smith. Three-base hit: Bates: Home run: Chappelle. Sacrifice hits: Lumley, Curtis. Double plays: Beck to Imhlen, Dahlen to Smith to Sweeney, Rltchey to Bweeney, Chappelle to Dahlen to Beck. Left on bases: Boston. 7; Brooklyn, 8. First base on balls: Off Chappelle, 4: off Bell, 1. Hit hy p1tohd balf By Chap- felle, Alpeman. 8truc. out: By Bell, o; y Chappelle, 2. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Klgler and Trubjr. Score afternoon game: BROOKLYN. BOSTON. B.H.O.A C. B.H.O A S Rureh. If 4 1 I OBaies. If 4 1 1 1 Alpsrmao. 3b I Oil 1 Ba-kr. rf ... 4 tilt) Humraell, aa. 4 1 1 i IBark, cf. .. I 0 1 0 sahrlng, rf.,,4 0 10 IStem, lb. 4 1 l 0 Lumley, rf....4 1 2. 1 1 Rltrhar, 2b .. 4 115 0 Jordan, lb.... 4 I 111 tl ODahlen, aa....! Dili t,annoi, lb... 4 I 1 I Onooerman. e. 4 1 4 I ft Braar, e 4 I 0 Sfweoney, lb. . 4 ft I 1 ft Mrlntrra. p.. I ft 0 ft OMcC'artbr. p.. I 0 3 5 1 Beaumont ... 1 ft 0 0 ft Totala II 10 27 11 5 Totala 94 4 17 17 I Batted, for McCarthy In ninth. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brooklyn 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 Two-base hits: Purch, Jordan: fcaerl flce hit: Mclntyre: Stolen bases: tlates (2), Lennox. Double play: Becker to Dahlen to Rltchey to 8tem: Left on basea: Boston, ; Brooklyn. . First base on balla: Burch, Dahlen. First base on errors: Boston. 4; Brooklyn. 2. 11 by Pitched ball: Beck. Struck out: Liiinley, Becker ?2), Mclntyre, Rltchey, Bower inati. Wild pitch: McCarthy. Time: 1:40: Umpires: Klgler and Truby. Reds Win rrom Browns. CINCINNATI, April 19. -Cincinnati went Into first place by defeating St. Louis in an excellent finish. A base on balls, an er ror and a aacrlflce put men on third and second for the visitors In the ninth Inning. Mowrey then threw the runner out at the plate on an Infield hit. the next batsman rolled -to Fromme for the final out. Score: CINCINNATI. ST. LOI'IS. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B. Huaaina, lb.. I 0 2 OBrrna, 3b 4 t 1 0 Oaks, cf I I I 0 "Shaw, r t 1 4 ft 1 Paakert, If... I 1 I 0 OUraanahan, e. I 0 I 1 0 Lohert. lb I 1 I I OKonatrby. lb. 4 0 14 Oft Mitchell, rf.. 10 10 OKvant, rf 4 10 0 0 Mowrey, at... I Oil 1 DclahasUr. If. 4 1 2 ft ft Hohlltiall, Ibt 0 11 0 Oriia-lea, 2bf. .1 3 0 2 ft Roth, v I 0 I t OOneen, sa.1.,1 1 ft 0 Fromme, p.... 10 0 1 0'Phelpa J 1 ft ft ft Beeba, p I 1 0 4 Totala..... 13 4 17 M lHt'hotharo, pO 0 0 0 0 Knrlakt 10 A 0 0 - Bllaa ft 0 0 ft ft Totala 14 I 24 14 1 Batted for Beebe In seventh. Batted for Osteen In ninth. Batted for Htgglnbotham In ninth. Cincinnati 2 0 0 0.0 1 0 0 3 St. Louis ...0 0.0 0 0 0 2 0 02 Two-base ' hits: Charles, Lobert. Three base hits: Delehanty, Paakert. Sacrifice hita: Hugglns. Oaks, Paskert, Bliss. Sac rifice files: Lobert, Byrne. Stolen base: Paskert. Base on balls: Off Fromme, 3; off Beebe. 3; off Htgglnbotham, 1. Struck out: By Fromme. 3: by Beebe, S. Hits: Off MiDe, 4 in alx Innings; off Higglnbotham, In two innings. Wild pitch: Beebe, 1. Time: 1:45. Umpires: O'Day and Emslie. Philadelphia Defeats New York. NHW YORK, April 19.-The Philadelphia Nationals today won their first victory of the championship season, defeating New ui i, iu 4 uy uunciung nits on t. ranaaii In V. & V . ( ....!.... I . - . . 1 ... in. iiiuu inning, muiaii was euecuve for the visitors, but was saved on several occasions through sensational catches by Osborne and Magee. The New York club today released Outfielder B. Meyer to Newark. Score: PHILADELPHIA. n NEW YORK. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B. Oram, lb 4 ft 1 ft "Hanoi, If.... 4 0 I 0 ft Knaba. lb.... 4 lift IDoyl. lb 4 1410 Tltua. rf 4 1 1 If 0 Murray, rf ... 4 1 I ft ft Macee, K I 0 4 0 OTennay, lb... I ft 10 I 0 Hranaflald, lb 4 0 4 0 OO'Hara, vf....l 0 4 0 0 Oabnrna, cf... I ft f ft ftDavlln. In.... 4 0 10 0 Doolln, aa ... I ill 1 Brldwall, aa , 4 Sill 1)00111, c I ft I 1 ftBihlel. 0 I 1 I I ft Moran, p I 1 1 0 OCrandall. p. ..ft ft ft I ft Mrt'ormlok . I ft n ft ft Totala ' I 17 I I Durham, p... t ft 0 1 0 J. Myera.... 1 ft ft 0 0 Raymond, p.. ft 0 1 1 0 Totala II 4 27 14 1 Batted for Crandall in the third Inning. Batted for Durham In the seventh In ning. Philadelphia 00300000 03 New York 00010100 02 Two-baso hits: Knahe, Tltua. Doyle. Three-base hits: Murray. Sacrifice lilt: Moren. Sacrifice fly: Tenney. Stolen bases: Doyle. Left on baaea: Philadel phia, 2: New York, 3. First on errors: New York. 2. Struck out: By Moren. 2; by Crandall, 1; by Durham, 1; by Ray mond, 2. Bases on balls: Off Crandall, 1; off Moren. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Crandall, 1. Wild pitch: Moren. Hlta: Off Crandall, 2 In three innings; off Durham, 2 In four Innings; off Raymond, 1 In two Innnlnga. Timx: 1:37. Umplrea: John atone and Cusack. Game Postpoaed. At Chicago Ptttsburg-Chlcago game, postponed; wet ground. AMERICANS BRAT HOCTORs Wla Good Game, la Which Their Pitcher Allows Bat One Hit. The Americana defeated the Hoctora Sun day at Florence park by a score of 4 to 1. The Americans won the game In the first two Innings. The Hoctora made aome rag ged errors, but braced up after that. Denny pitched good ba'l for the Americana, strik ing out ten men and allowing no paases and but one hit. The feature of the game was the home run made by Farley In the eighth Inning, knocking the ball over the right field fence. Next Sunday the Americans will play the Hoffmans at Florence park. Score: AMERICANS. HOCTORS. AB H O A E AB.H O.A.I. Pyfart, If.... 4 0 ft ft ft Marach. cf... 4 0 ft 0 ft Bmlib. aa.... I ft 1 1 Kelly. lb 4 113 1 Pannlaon. ef. I ft ft ft OCaaana. c-lfl.l ft I I ft Parity. 11).... l 1 11 ft ftMarty, rf I 0 it ft rollln.. lb... 4 111 tBroarna. lb... I ft -J ft 1 fox. lb 112ft ftBakar. aa I 4) I 1 0 Brodheik. rf. I ft I ft 0 MUrhoraon.Sb I ft 1 I I Caaaldr, I 1 1ft I OMIIIs). If-r... I ft 7 2 ft Denar, p 3 ft ft 1 ftWrlaht. p.... I ft ft Tntala Ift I 17 M I Totala II 1 14 13 4 Americana 1 3 0 0 0 0 o 1 4 Honors 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Earned runa: Americana, 3. Two-baae hlta: Collins, Kelly. Home run: Farley. Sac rifice hlta: Melrhoraon, Denniann. Stolen baaea: Baker. Smith (2), Collins. Farley, Brodhack, Fox. Double play: Millet td Browne. Bases on balls: Off Wright. 1. Struck out: By Denny. 10; by Wright. 3. Time: 1:2ft Baslefrss College Defeats Clltaer. OILTNER, Neb., April U.-44tpeclal.) The Grand Island Business college team defeated tha Giltner team here in a well played game by a score of 4 to t. Thla was Giltner's Initial game and Grand Island's third victory, one of which waa over York Buslneaa college, the recent conquerors of Nebraska university. Score by Innings: RUE. Grind Island 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 04 g 4 Giltner 1 0 0 1 0 0 00 -! 7 Batteries: Grand Island. Hoffman and Sinn; Giltner. Moure and Ward. Struck out: By Hoffman, 3: by Moure. T. Two base hits: Wanek of Giltner; Thomas of Grand lalanj. Umpire: Sammy liighslta. Alllaaro Wlai l.aal Gasae. ALLIANCE. Neb, April 13 'Special.) In a poaiyonod gams tha local high school Giants Lose team defeated the fast Bridgeport High achool fk-e by the overwhe'mlng score of M to 10.' The Score does not Indicate the fast work done by Bridgeport, yet th y were In the gnme all the lime, rlaviiiB fierce and heady ball. Bridgeport could not solve the perfect team work of th. local team and Iwaket alter basket waa made on complicated pUya, engineered by the locals. In nine match games Alliance has reaped a total of points to 113 by all opponent. The game was preceded by apparatus work of various kinds. Alliance has one of the best high echo' I gymnasiums In ths state. HOI.LY 1IVKMICH .TO GOOD Spore of 14 In 1 Ran Up on Signal Corps Team. At Fort Omaha Sunday afternoon the Mollys slugged out a 14 to 2 victory over the Signal ctrps team In aeven Innings of play. The soldiers started the bunting game, but Murphy broke up an attempted squecxe and after that Uncle Sam's board ers were rever dangeroua. P.. Kelly, the Holly thrower, took things easy, yet held the opposing batsmen id but four hits. Gibson and C. Murphy WeVe the Individual stara both In the field and at the bat, both getting opportune three-sackers. Next Sunday the Hollya will play the Benson Kagles at their park. Score: HOLLY S FORT OMAHA. AB.H.O.A.B. ABII.OA.lt. Falroner. rf., I ft 0 ft ftMrGe. p-lb.. 4 0 I I I J. Kelly, lb.. 4 111 IPerklna, If... 4 ft 0 0 ft MrAnd'wa, rf. ft 1 1 u stirrer, e 4 1 II ' I Olnaon, c 4 t ft 1 ftftlmi-oi, lb,... I 1 I 4) 1 Olllbam. lb . 4 1 ft I lBrewar, rf ... I ft 1 ft ft Douiherty. lb 4 1 ft ft OWalla. Ib-p... I ft 0 1 0 Murphy, aa... I I I 4 OHubbard, 2b.. 1110 Braanman, If. I ft 1 ft ftManolnf. as.. I ft ft ft 3 P. Kelly, p.. I 1 1 I Odtrldsr. cf.... I I ft ft ft Totals.... '..14 I tl II I Totals ift 4 21 4 I Hollys 0 1 5 S 2 1 0-14 Fort Omaha 0 0 3 0 0 0 03 Earned runa: Hollys, 6; Fort Omaha, 1. Three-baae hits: Gibson. Murphy. Two base hit: P. Kelly. Sacrifice hit: J. Kelly. Stolen bases: Hollya, 11- Fort Omaha, 2. Double play: Slierer to Hubbard. Hit by pitcher: ny McOce, 8; by P. Kelly, L Bai.es on balls: Off McGee. 6. Struck out: By McGee. 1.1; by P. Kelly, 6. Uttipliei Jlmmle McQoo. FORT CROOK GETS O.N E SCORE Torrnaend Play Soldiers Fast Gamo nasi Barely TakO It. The Townsend Gun company team de feated the strong Fort Crook bunch Sun day In a fast and Interesting seven-Inning contest by the acure of 2 to I. The Town sends played In midsummer form, although a winter day, as only one wobble waa chirged to the bunch. A few of the soldiers tried to steal sec ond on Spellman, but the whip of tlv Omaha worder was In excellent condition, consequently the attempted steals were chalked up aa putouta. Hall and Eastman played great ball on the Inflold, as thiy both pulled off a few stunts that bordered the sensational. Faber was the strongest with the willow. For the soldiers Qulg, Kilmurry and Decker were the star per formers. Durkee pitched an excellent game for the Townsenda, striking out six and allowing only five scattered blugles, and at critical stages he was there with the right brand of goods. For Firt Crook Kilmurry pitched a mas terly game, holding his opponents to seven scattered hits and striking out seven. Score: Townsends 1 0 0.1 0 0 05 Fort Crook 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 WF.I,EVAN DKKKATS NEBRASKA Retarn from Trip Leaves Weakened. Them L.INCOI.N, Neb., April 1. -(Special Tele gram.) With two men on basea and two out, Prouty played right field for the Corn hUBkers, dropped a high fly In the seventh Inning of a game between the State uni versity team and Wesleyan at University Place thla afternoon, permitting the Meth odists to run In two scores and win the contest. Up to that session the Cornhusk ers had played an errorless game and had the Wesleyan bunch outflelded. Mathers pitched for Nebraska and had the Mctho dlsta at his mercy. Farthing, on the alab for Wesleyan, waa hit freely. Score by Innings: Nebraska 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 04 Wesleyan 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 06 Batteries: Nebraska. Mathers and Oreen sllt; Wesleyan, Farthing and Stringfetlow. RENAUD WINS MARATHON RACE Runner from aahoa, New Hamp shire, Flalshcs Course la 2i7i:te. BOSTON, Mass., April 19. Henry Renaud of Nashau, N. H., won today's Marathon from Ashland to Boston. Time: (unofficial) 3:67:36. . Jensen of New York was second and J. J. Grant of New York third. Renaud'a time waa about thirty-three minutes behind the record. GOOD RACING EVENTS . NEAR Horse Raring Game Will Fnrntah Iaterest la Many Wars. The "Sport of Kings" the horse racing game peeps over the sporting horizon thia week, with the spring opening at l'imllco on next Saturday, after a long winter filled with uncertainties as to whether thu recent anti-race track betting laws In New York state had, through their Influence, killed off the last possibility of racing In the east. A successful meeting at l'imllco would be taken by many to forecast a good season for rsctng at the Metropolitan tracks. The Plmllco line will close on May 12, the day before Belmont park In augurates the New York season with the running of the Metropolitan handicap. England will furnltih two rich racing events this week the Great Metropolitan handicap on Tuesday and the City and Suburban handicap on Wedneuday, whlcu will bring together some of the best Ameri can horses owned by James K. Keene, August Belmont and Harry Payne Whitney, In competition with fcngllsh cracks. The Great Metropolitan handicap at two and a quarter miles Is run at Kpsom for a atake of 2,0u0 sovereigns and Dinna Ken II has been entered to carry the American honors by Harry Payne Whitney. Dinna Ken II Is 6 years old. The City and Bubjrban handicap at about a mile and a quarter over the Kpaom course for 2,0n0 aaverelgna will find James R. Keene's 5-year-old Ballot, August Belmont's Prlscll ilan. 4 years old, and Norman III, also 4 years old. of the same stables, and Harry Payne Whitney's Delirium, 4 years old, at the starting line. Next Saturday night Alfred Shruhh of England and Henri St. Yves, the winner of the recent Marathon derby, will meet sure strides for a fifteen-mile contest in New York. Shrubb declares that he Is the fastest man In the worm ror fifteen milca, but St. Yves' recent run haa earned him many supporters. An interesting Marathon run, bringing together some of the test amateur runners, will be conducted by the Boston Athletic association on Patriots' day, Monday, In Boston. The leading amateur billiard playera of the United States will begin a tournament In New York for the amateur billiard championship of the United Statea, won last yesr by Calvin Demarest. Domarest since haa Joined the professional ranks. Five players, C. F. Conklln, Chicago; Clar ence Jackson Chicago; Joseph Meyer, Philadelphia. II. A. Wright, Ran Francisco, and Dr. I I.. Mlal of New York, will com pete. The gamea will be for 4"i0 points, 18-Inch balk line, two shots in. Plaaalasr for Track Meet. CENTRAI, CITY. Neb., April 19. (Spe cial. I Mia borate preparations are being trade for the track meet between the high schools of this city and York on the local athletic field next Friday afternoon. An Interesting contest Is expected, as the York team Is one of the strongest hlwh school aggregations in the state, snd Central City athletes have been making some good 1 eor ds thla apring In the weight and run ning eventa. On May 7 the local teem goes to Wahoo and on May 14 to Hastings. ohodr la Too (lid to learn that the sure way to cure a cough or cold Is with Dr. King's New Discovery, toe snd 11.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. A Tonic -Tree from Alcohol Talk with vour doctor about Ayer's non-alcoholu barsaparilla. Ask him it he prescribes it for pale, delicate children Ask him if he recommends it when the blood is thin and impure, and when the nerves are weak and un-ttpaHv AW him if it i-i nature in rtuiMing up the men You See This, W Sign Yoi Know fbout BATTING RALLY IN SEVENTH Highlanders Win on Three Hiti and Two Passes. ELBERFELD IS TAKEN SICK He Is Forced lo Retire and Is Re. plnrrd by Auat In Report that He Has "malt pox ' te Contradicted. 'PHILADELPHIA. April 18.-New "York today defeated Phllndclplila by the score of 4 to 2. The vlsltora were shut out until two were out in the seventh, when they scored three runs, enough to win the game, on I ji Porte's triple, Knight's single, passes, to Irmmltt and Mcllveen and Crce'a single. Elberfcld was taken sick during the game and was forced to retire. There were rumors that he had smallpox, but there is no truth In the reports. Score: NSW YORK PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O.A B . B.H.O. AH Crea, cf 4 1 ft o II art aft. If... 4 1 0 0 KeHfr, rf....l 1 I (I ONldiola. .lb... 4 1 J I I) Blborteld, Jh. 4 2 ft 3 Ololllna. b....4 I I Ii 0 Austin, 8b... 0 O00 OMurphf. rtu.l-X't I 0 Knsle. If I 1 1 0 lDavia. lb 4 2 I 1 1 Mecnnnell. Ibt 0 10 1 ooidrlng, cf,..l 0 10 0 lPorti-, 2b... 4 1 4 I n Harry, as 4 1 I 0 1 Knlajhi. si.... 4 III OThomaa. t I 0 4 1 n KIHnow. c.,.5 IP i 0 lVlrsara, p.... O 1 1 0 Blair, r I n 4 0 0 Praart, p 0 0 t 1, 1) Doyle, p 1 0 0 4 ft 'Maker 1 0 0 0 0 Warhop. p Ifttllft riammltt ....ft 0 ft 0 ft Totala 92 J 21 li ' Mtllvtfn ... 0 ft 0 0 0 Totala 32 in 37 17 3 Batted for Vlckers In seventh. N "Matted for Klelnow In seventh. Batted for Doyle In seventh. Philadelphia 01 100000 0-1' New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 I 04 Two-base hits! Murphy, Davis. Three, base hit: LaPorte. Hits: Off Vlckers. 8 In seven innings; off Dygert, 2 lu two Innings; off Doyle, 7 In alx Innings; nff Warhop, 0 In three Innings. Sacrifice hits: Oldrlng, Keeler. Stolen bases: Knight. Double play: Collins to Davis. . Left on bascB: Philadelphia, ; New York, 5. First base on balls: Off DoyTei 1;'rff Vickers, tl. Hit by pitched ball: Warhop, 1. Struck out: By Doyle, 2; by Vlckers. 3; by Warhop, 3; by Dygert, 1. Time: 1:58. Umpire: Hurst. Taft Mrea Washington I.oae. WASHINGTON, April l.Ray was wild and Ineffective today, r Boston defeating Washington eHslly by the score bf 8 to 4. President Tnft and Vice President Slier man witnessed thee one sided contest. Q ...... . B08TO.V. WA9HINOTON. . H,O.A.k. . B.H.O.A.B. M.tonnall, 2b 4 a' 1 4 Orlymar. rf... 4 10 0 0 kord. 3b I 1 I 1 lOanley. rf.... I 110 0 Speaker, ef...4 3 1ft ft l;na;laiib. If... I 0 ft ft Otaaler. rf.... 4 1 1 ft VDelrhanty. 2b 4 ft 1 I 1 "'hi. lb S 1 7 I oranroy, Jb... 4 1111 Nllea, aa 4 1 I 1 OKreaman, lb . I ft 11 1 ft Hooper. If... J 1 tl OMrllrola, aa..! 0 T li 1 Cornsan. c... 4 1 I 1 (is.hlpke, aa... 0 ft ft ft ft Clrotte, p S 0 0 1 0 !lreat. t.. .... I 0 4 3 1 Steele, p 1 0 I I OHIaiik'ahlp, c. 0 0 0 0 1) lrV. p....... Ilftod Totala 33 11 27 12 lMilan ....... t ft ft 0 0 Taonehill ... 1 ft ft 0 0 Totala 13 I 17 II 4 Batted for" McBrldo In eighth. Batted for Street In ninth. Bnn'on 0204200 03 Washington 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1-4 Two-base hits: (fessler. Hits: Off Clcotte; 4 In five and one-third innings; off Steele, 3 In three and two-third innings. Sacri fice hit: Ganley. Stolen basea: Clymcr 12), Speaker. Double plays: Delehanty, McBrlde to Freeman; McBride to Freeman, lcft on banes; Wuahlngton, 0; Boaton, 1. Base on balls: Off Gray, 3; off Clcotte, 5; off Steele, 1. First baae on errors: Boaton, 2. lilt by pitched ball: Bv Clcotte,, 1. Struck out: By Gray, 4; by Clcotte, 1. Wild pitch: Gray. Time: 1:65. Umplie: Evans and Egan. (amea Poatpoade. - At SL Louis HI. Iulft-Chicago game postponed; wet grounds. At Detroit Dctrolt-t'leveland gams post poned; showers and cold weather. WEATHER RAD FOR IOWA Lack of Practice Makes It Iraposalhle ' to Blao Men I p. IOWA CITY, la. April 19-(Speclal.)-The bad weather of last week was a ac vere disappointment to the University of Iowa baae ball coaches, who hoped, after the week's series with Davenport, to be able to pick the team to defend the Old Gold s honor on the diamond this season. "We can't (ell anything yet," said Coach Kirk after last Saturday's game. It wa suggested to the coach that the 'varsity outfield seemed to be well cared for by Bnchtel, Thompson and McGregor and lb this be gavu a half-hearted ussent. Aa to what the plana of the coach are with reference to the rest of the nine but Hit lu la known. Hanlon, Hurell and O'Brien are sure to constitute the box material. All three of these were used against Daven port Saturday with varying results. C0I1 ling is not a sure catclur and la alow at reaching second baae but lie is .the best there Is to be had. Hemingway aul Hylund have both demonstrated their abil ity to play a loose game on first has;-. Captain Stewart la eure. of se.com! bane In the tlnal makeup of the team, while Urv ant haa been playing steadilv on third and may hold that bag. McUulre la compara tively excellent at abort atop, while an other likely candidate for an Infield loca tion la Kohl. On (lie whole It la evident that a lot of hard work munt be done In ' the next few days In the way of final se lection and car. ful finishing of the team If Iowa is to give u good account of Itaelf during the season. . v .... IOWA AI TO OWN KHI OROAN1XR Slate Association to Be Formed at Meeting la Marshall tow a. ! . . MARBHALLTOWN, la, April l.-(Spe-ciul ) At a meeting of automobile owners from various sectlcwis of the state, which is to br held here Tuesday-, a arete- auto mobile association Is to be organized. The invitations for the meeting were si nt out by the automobile clubs of Davenpoit. Council Bluffs.. Des Moines. Mason City. Fort Dodge. Hoone. Diihiujue, Sioux City and Cedar Rapids. The e-hlecl 11 the as sociation Is fi promolM the building of good 'roads, secure legislation favorable In automoblliats and eecure ronceit'-d' action on questions and moveinaata of interest to the auto loving public. Vamlerbilt'a Horse Wins. ST. rUH'll, April in. The Prix su Roll ' dn Boulogne waa won hare today bv W. K Vandei'blH h iHii.baii e mil. Ilormaii Diir yea'a lloae Noble got flist place In Hie pri Aubtiplnes. general health. 1 O 4 Tar Co.