Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Iowa Iowa j
Iowa Statute Providing Copies of
Emergency Meaturet Go to Clerki.
ftrrefrrr f heldoa laatltatlon Will
Pay Rack frty-Tbr Ceata
n Dollar Pktrinirr Corn
ImIoi Rrrai1i.
' (from a Staff Correspondent.)
tra , MOINES. April 19.-(Special.) Tha
legislature passed, law which, in I tic fu
ture, will give the; .urts of the state Home
opportunity for having definite knowledge
of the emergency lawa without waiting fur
tha publication of the book containing the
session, -lawa. This bill provides that Im
mediately upon a toil! going Into effect by
publication, the secretary of elate shall
send a certified copy to each of the county
clerks of the state, and they mint ke-p
them on Me at tea at six months. A great
many acta are paused which go Into effect
In this way, and under the present system
the courts must wait until the middle of
summer before they knew anything about
these special lawa. . The bill has Just been
signed, so that It will not. In fact, hava
any effect on the lawa thla year, but In the
future It will have the effect of prevent
ing much confusion;
Wladlna 1 Old Baak Caae.
The affaire of the defunct State Bank Of
Sheldon are bring finally wound up by the
lecrlver. II. W. Ady. The bank went to
pieces five or six yeara sgo, and caused
considerable loss In northwestern Iowa.
The receiver haa now paid a part of the
claims and thla week, will aend out checka
to more than 6,000 depositors, which checks
will make a tottil of 73 per cent paid back.
At first there, was an effort at some prose
cutions In connection with the bank fail
ure, but theee c.ime to nothing.
Reorganise the Commlasloa.
Tha coming week the State Pharmacy
commission will meet for reorganisation
for the year,' aa a new commissioner Is
due before the end of the week. Thla will
be the democratic place now vacant, aa it
la now expected that the two republican
membera will remain upon the board right
along. It la regarded aa possible that when
the annual meeting Is held later, C. W.
Phillipa will retire aa secretary. He has
been the secretary for a number pf years
end is recognized as a hard-working and
conscientious official. He haa served on the
republican state committee for a number
of years and la now, and has been for a
long time, on the State Board pf Agricul
ture. He desires, however, to engage in
business, unless there la pressure to have
hltn remain In the stale service.
Woodward Will Get Pardon.
The governor has signed the Joint resolu
tion of the legislature with regard to a
pardon for C. H. Woodward of Decatur
county, which makes It certain he 'will
soon Ia3ue the order for his release. This
Is one of the strangest cases In Iowa, for
despite the fact that Woodward la serving
a life term In prison for murder In the
first degree, the legislature concluded that
he Is entirely innocent. One phase of the'
case related to life Insurance upon Ills wife,
who waa poisoned, and since the trial it
haa developed that Woodward knew that
the Insurance had lapsed. Aa this waa the
sol motive assigned the case la believed to
have resulted In a defeat of Justice.
Six Months' Law Blamed.
Among the bills which Governor Carroll
haa aigned waa one to reduce the time for
the appeal of criminal casca from one year
to aix months. B. I. Salinger, formerly
reporter of the -supreme court, asked to be
heard In opposition to this bill, but the
governor signed It without walling to hear
of the objections. It Is Intended to reduce
the delays Incident to appeals In criminal
Medals for Gaardsmea.
The adjutant general of the stale militia
has received medals for a number of
guardsmen In recognition of actual service
In the field. These include medals for
T. K. Kirkpatrick, a civil war veteran, who
la actively Identified with t lie guard, and
for the following who served against the
Filipinos: George W. Landers, chief musi
cian of the Fifty-fifth. Centervllle; Charles
O. Mllsap, company quartermaster sergeant
for Company L at Council Bluffs; Henry
A. Simmons. ' corporal of Company E at
Shenandoah, and Allen O. Oorrell, private
In the band at Centervllle.
Edacatloa Board to Meet.
The State Board of Education will meet
here Tuesday '.o take up matters In con
nection with the formal organisation of the
board to take ov-r. the direction of the
! It wasn't the name that made the fame of '1'
It Was the goodness of the crackers yyr
that made the fame of the name XPS
xiM -J (jjj Sold only in
0rw fX ) I moisturs iroof packages. $$)
three state colleges. The first mutter to lie
considered will be that of the selection of
the three men who will constitute the gov
erning board or flnanre committee. A con
siderable campaign Is being made In favor
of varloua persons, but not until the board
meets will anything be known of the prob
abilities of the new committee. The board
will Immediately open an office, but will
not take charge of the colleges until July.
Bainbridge Was
Insane When He
- Killed Himself
Former Council Bluffs Man's Claim
of Plot to Ruin Him is
Not Believed.
WASHINGTON, April 1. Questions hav
sulate of William E. Bainbridge. confi
dential sg-ent of the United Statca Treasury'
department In charge of Its Tarts customs
bureau, who committed suicide In this city
Saturday, waa opened this morning. ' A
drawer contained a box of cartridges, five
of which were missing, and a slip of paper
In Mr. Balnbridge's handwriting describing
himself as beset by a "plot." None of the
off leal papers found, however, disclose the
slightest evidence that the department waa
dissatisfied with Mr. Bainbridge's work.
Washington had sent neither criticism nor
reproach, and a letter received thla morning
from James Burton Reynolds, assistant
secretary of the treasury, waa of the most
friendly character. It Is known that Wash
ington fully approved of Mr. Bainbridge'a
action In a recent smuggling case.
The documents found confirmed the opin
ion previously entertained at the consulate
that Mr. Bainbridge had broken down from
overwork, that he was temporarily insane,
and that he took hia life while suffering
from the mania of persecution. On Friday
of last week he sent a telegram to Mr.
How land, his assistant, who was on a
vacation, urgently requesting him to return
to Paris to aid In the Investigation of the
trunk smuggling cases, regarding which
Mr. Bainbridge was greatly worried. The
cabled reports that the agent had been
reprimanded In connection with these cases,
however, are untrue.
Problems of
Law of Nations
Conference to Be Held at White
House Involving Many Questions
of Interest to World.
WASHINGTON. April 18. Questions hav
ing an Important Bearing on the character
of the relations between the countries of
the world will be the subject of addresses
by some of the country's most eminent
students of International Jurisprudence at
the third annual meeting of the American
Society of International Law, which will be
held in this city next Friday and Saturday,
April 23 and 24. An Interesting program haa
been arranged by the committee for the
four sessions which will be held.
President Taft, who is one of the vica
presidents, has agreed to receive the mem
bers at the White House on the afternoon
of April 21. The annual banquet on Satur
day evening at the New WUlard will bring
the meeting to a close.
Senator Root, the president of the society,
will open the meeting at 10 a. m. April 23
with an address on "The Relations Between
the Jurisdiction of National Courts and
International Arbitration."
People of Vienna
Express Thanks
Seventy Thousand Gather in Grounds
of Imperial Palace to Show
VIENNA. April 19. An extraordinary
demonstration, organised by the town coun
cil, was held on the grounds of the Imperial
palace at Shoenbrunn today for the purpose
of testifying to Vienna's homage to the
emperor for his majesty's services In safe
guarding peace. Burgomaster Lueger mau?
a speech in which he thanked the emperor
for his successful efforts to avert war.
The emperor expressed his deepest grati
tude. Fully 70,000 peraons attended the
Homer D. Call Addresses Large Meet
ing of Workingmen.
Aaaaal Eleetlnn of Board of Directors
,of Y. M. C. A. Will Be Meld
Today Aaed Womaa oa
Homer D. Call. International secretary
of the A. M. & B. W. of North America,
addressed a good audience of South
Omaha working men at Rex hall Sunday
day afternoon In connection with the
meeting held In the Interests of fhe
American Federation of Laor. Mr. Call
will be in the city for some time and
will seek to strengthen the local butch
ers' union and thus assist in the work
of the federation. His subject yefcter
day afternoon warn the general subject of
labor anil he touched on a wide irftige
of topics of Interest to the men. t-m-mett
Flood, the general organiser, was
also present, and he spoke on the urgent
local needs. His principal plea was for
a strong local organization. The prj
motera of the American federation lo
cally have set their mark on a member
ship of 2.000 by May 1. The member
ship is well along in the second thou
sand of this number. Judging from tha
results of yeaterdsy's meeting the cov
eted goal will probably be reached.
So far the plea has been for member
ship and no questions affecting the rela
tions with the packers have been given
wide discussion.
Magic City Briefs.
R. E. McNally returned Saturday from a
visit to O'Neill.
Mrs. Fred Heff linger is visiting with her
sister In Stockvllle, Neb. ,
H. H. Tracey has been added to the city
englneer'a corps of assistants.
Judge Jacob Ivy spent Sunday With his
daughter in Nebraska City.
G. 8. Kennedy has reorganised the Union
Stock Yards base ball team.
Jelter's Oold Top Beer delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. 8.
Miss Marlon Fitzgerald has returned to
Kearney after a week's visit with her par
ents. Mrs. Louis Denntson Is said to be dying,
after a. long Illness, at the South Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bock expect to leave
In a few weeks for an extended visit In
The local nest of Owls has prepared an
entertainment and a big spresd for Wednes
day evening.
Jay Lefler left the city yesterday to as
sume his new duties as engineer of Grand
Inland, Neb.
W. H. Queenen, who was for several
days confined by an Injured foot. Is now
able to be around again.
Detective Hank Elsfelder has returned to
his duties after ten days' vacation. He was
sick In bed five days with the grip.
Card of Thanks We desire to thank
neighbors and friends, who so kindly helped
us in the death of our beloved wife and
mother. George T. Duckworth and Children.
Dr. F. W. Faulk has received his com
mission as a member of the South Omaha
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
It Is anticipated that he will file his oath
with the city clerk today.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Presby
terian church will give the annual hot bis
cuit and maple syrup supper Tuesday even
ing at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. M.
The city council meets tonight In regular
session. Bids for the city lighting propo
sition will be opened. This Is a most Im
portant question and will attract a large
number of Interested citizens.
Old aad Tog Are Laid
Rest Sunday. Tiro in
Six funerals were held Sunday afternoon.
William L. Mardla, the contractor, who
died Thursday, waa burled in Forest Lawn
cemetery ajter the Odd Fellows conducted
the funeral at the home, Fifty-second street
and Military avenue.
Mrs. Marie Deyer, whose death occurred
Thursday, was burled In Forest Lawn
cemetery. The service waa conducted at
the Hulse A Rlepen mortuary chapel, 7l
South Sixteenth street.
The funeral of Arthur J. Krug. son of
George Krug, waa held at the family home
and St. Mary Magdalene church. Nine
teenth and Dodge streets. Burial waa in
Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
The funeral of Harvey B. Smith, who
died Thursday, was held at his home, 4114
Grant street. The body is to be taken to
Clearfield, la., for interment.
Mrs. Louise Nelson, who died Friday at
the home ot her daughter, Mrs. H. O.
Beatty, was burled In Prospect Hill ceme
tery. The service took place at the resi
dence, 3828 8ewaed atreet.
The funeral of George W. Miller was
held at the Bralley & Dorrance undertaking
parlora. Nineteenth and Cuming streets.
Burial will be at Lewis. Ia.
Alumni of the
High School
In Books Placed in Omaha Drug
Stores Long List of Names
Already Appears.
Feople of all ages, classes and occupation
are being brought together under one head,
that of being Omaha High school gradu
ates, by the alumni registration books that
have been placed In several of the down
town drug storea for that purpose.
A Judge of the district court, several doe
tors, a number of business men and men
of varloua lines of work, with a large per
centage of women, many of them now
married, make up the lists, which hare
been growing by leaps and bounds since
the books were placed In the storea a few
days ago. Already over fifty names have
been Inscribed In them, although but two
or three days have elapsed since they first
made their appearance, so it Is safe to say
that' the registration will number In tha
hundreds, even the thousands, before tha
next annual meeting pf the Alumni asso
ciation Is held, the latter part of June,
Miss Louise Northrop, 'OR, president of
the Alumni association,1 originated tha Idea
and placed the books In the atores, with a
placard asking graduates of the Omaha
High school to sign their names, addresses
and class numerals, and to spread the idea
by getting other alumni to do so. Several
more books are to be placed in other stores
soon. In order to get aa large a registration
as possible.
Judge Howard Kennedy Is one of the
more prominent alumni of the school who
has already placed his name in one of the
books. He graduated In 1SS3. Mrs. David
Gross of 24S2 Franklin street, holda the dis
tinction of belonging to the earliest claas
of which (a member has yet signed up.
She graduated In 1876. So far, five persons
whose names appear on the books, now live
in other cities than Omaha. Edward M.
Meyer of Great Falls, Mont, lives the
farthest away.
Elks Have Two
Unique Contests
Prises for Most Popular Woman Wage
Earner and Candidate for
The Elks have started something at the
fair In the Auditorium. They have con
tests on for the most popular woman wage
earner and the moat popular candidate for
city council, and the race la getting stren
uous. The woman who wins goes to the Seattle
exposition and tha politician well, he goea
to the city council.
While the Klka began their fair laat week,
the best is yet to come. Beginning at noon
today the wheels will moye full foroe. Much
Is to be made thla week of the Cinderella
danoe and those people who were crowded
out of the Coliseum last fall may satisfy
their desires to See thla fantastic show of
art by the same children who presented It
at the Ak-Sar-Ben den. But the children
have been more thoroughly drilled and
practiced and 'consequently are far more
skillful than . they were last fall. Prof.
Chambera haa them In charge.
The dance is given in tha evening on the
stage between the." Bohemian and Japanese
villages. And these placea themselves are
works of art as well aa engines of utility,
for there are hungry to be fed, while the
dance goes on.
W. W. Stevenson Paaaes A way at
Hla Home Former Vice
President 111.
Stevenson, brother of former Vice President
Adlal E. Stevenson, died tonight, aged 6S
CHICAGO. April 18. Former Vice Presi
dent Stevenson expects to be discharged
from a hospital here tomorrow In tlmo to
return to Bloomtngton to attend the funeral
of his brother. A. E. Stevenson came hers
last week to have a slight operation per
formed and It was pronounced a complete
success by tha physicians.
To Dissolve the Union
of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and
cure biliousness and malarie, take Electric
Bitters. Guaranteed. 50c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
At the Theaters
A SUobborn Cinderella" at the Boyd.
"A Stubborn Cinderella," a musical comedy
In three acts; book and lyrics by Hough
and Adams; music by Joseph Brooks;
under direction of Mort H. Singer. The
Fat Lincoln Flumer
Skeeter Harry I'aull
Sallie Claire Noelke
Lois Ethel Dovey
A tutor Charles Wilson
The president.. Frederick Truesdell
Thaddeus Leonardo Richmond Kent
A cab driver Frank Sterling
Police sergeant Walter Howe
"Mac" Homer B. Mason
Colonel Hunt of the visiting English
party Jack Raffael
Officer Ed Starr
Grid Sport McShane
Lady Leslie, daughter of the earl of
Glenklrk Grace Edinond
Lady Evelyn, her aunt. ..Marguerite Keelcr
An engineer Charles Wilson
A porter B. J. Evans
An Indian Frederick Truesdell
Hotel manager Robert S. ChsshII
The evil spirit Claire Noelke
Tou have to watch pretty close to see
where the stubbornness of Cinderella cornea
in at all, but you don't mind that; while
you are watching for the Cinderella stunt,
you are being entertained so delightfully
by a lot of clever people that you wouldn't
feel badly if the Cinderella proposition had
been left out altogether, and matters were
simply allowed to take their course. It all
bomes to-the same total In the end. Adams
and Hough have provided a better book
for thla piece than they did for either of
their others, and Joe Howard has written
better music; maybe It would be nearer
the mark to say that he recalled more
good airs he had heard elsewhere and suc
ceeded in fitting them more closely to the
words. Whatever course he adopted, he
haa furnished a lot of sprightly tunes, and
If so be they remind you of something you
have heard before, you have- the certain
satisfaction of knowing It was something
good. But the lines are bright and snappy,
the situations funny without being out of
reason, the songs good, and the ensemblo
all that could be asked. George Marlon
haa arranged some very effective groupings
for the stage pictures, and with his ex
cellent taste In color and posture makes
the combinations beautiful.
Homer B. Mason, a quiet comedian who
Is really funny, heads the cast, and has
the assistance of several others who help
to push along the Jollity at a rapid pace.
Messrs. Plumer, Fauli, Wilson and Raffael
are worthy coadjutors of the clever Mason,
and their efforts are all to the good. The
quartet whleh renders that'a the word,
"rendera" "If They'd Only Let Poor Ad
am's Rib Alone" Is about the funniest
stunt that waa ever put on the atage In
Omaha. :ut the evening Is so full of good
things that one hesitates at undertaking a
catalogue of them.
Miss Edmond ia a beautiful girt, with a
voice of great range, power and purity, and
enacts the role of an unsophisticated titled
personage with good effect. She sings a
solo at the very close of the performance
that wins for her much deserved applause.
Ethel Dovey, well-beloved In Omaha since
she made her flrat public appearance here
with her sister aa a "child wonder" some
ten years ago. Is the same dainty, vi
vacious little tease and romp she has been
from the beginning, and her part is cleverly
done. Miss Noelke sings and dances In a
LB. il' ILUTJmnaX fflgiim .JlUJmmMJm
way that Justifies her popularity, and the
others in the list of principals are well lo
cated. The chorus is numerous and con
tains all kinds and sizes, from the gTent
dler show girl to the diminutive broiler, of
all shapes and styles of beauty, and every
one a willing worker at least none was
noted In the act of cheating at anytime
last night, and between changing costumes
ind doing tho stunts set down for them on
the atage, they are kept pretty busy. All
In all, "A Stubborn Cinderella" Is tho best
musical comedy seen here in a long time,
and the enthusiasm ot tho big audience
that listened to it last night Is Justified.
VaodeTllle at the Orphenm.
The best bill in many weeks and one
of the best of the season la offered at
the Orpheum this week. From the open
ing number, three Italian singers, until
the musical farce, "The Naked Truth,"
which closes the Mil, there la not a weak
act. Miss Jeanette Adler and her picka
ninnies follow the three Italians, who
are worthy of the highest praise. Miss
Adler alngs a number of character songs
and her diminutive assiatants dance In
lively fashion. Fred Gray and Nellie
Graham are next In order. Gray In
dulges In a good deal of amusing clown
ing, while hia companion plays various
instruments, including "the largest sax
ophone in the world." Tho sketch,
"Thirty Dollars," by Kewell Collins, ia
bettor than the ordinary, and la In the
effective hands of Frank Nelson. Dorothy
Deshello and John C. King. Nelson, is
an able character comedian and Mlss
Deshelle a young woman whose acting
betrays both temperament and Intelli
gence. King also merits praise.
The Sisters TJeFaye follow the sketch
and score one of the decided hits of the
bill. They do a little graceful dancing
and play mandolin and banjos, tha lat
ter particularly well. Part of their suc
cess is doubtless due to the fact that
they are young and quite pretty. TVttt'a
Singing Colleena" may not all be from
Joan , of Arc; Made Saint , , ;;
Amid Pomp at St. Peter's
ROME, April H. In the presence of 70.000
French pilgrims, practically alf the bishops
of France, many cardinals and family de
scendants of the new saint, the solemn
ceremonies In the beatification of Joan of
Arc were carried out In St. Peter'a Sunday
According to the Rubric, the pope does not
attend beatifications In person, but as a
mark of special devotion he assisted thla
afternoon at a solemn benediction, which
replaced the ceremony of the veneration
of relics, none existing in this case.
Soon after daybreak streams of pilgrims
began to arrive In every Imaginable con
veyance. They crowded the great edifice
and at 9M o'clock myriads of electric lights
burst out and the organ thundered. The
long procession of cardinals tnok their
places. In the special galleries were the
duke of Alencon, the sisters of the pope
and a number of French notabilities.
The basilica presented a fiery-like appear
ance. It was hung with red velvet drap
eries, and everywhere strings of electric
lights were artistically arranged. Huge
mi ijiji tw. iinsi iii ij m gam i
" - ' 11 i
the Emerald Isle, but all four sing- at
any rate. "The Naked Troth" gains Us
title from the fact that an rmage of "be
goddess of verity concealed,' In a well I
supposed to have the powef to cause one
article of apparel to vanish for each lie
told by persons nearby. This anunds a
trifle dangerous, but aa carried out will
shock no one's modesty and will amuse
every one. Lillian Lawsnn. a pretty and
graceful soubrette,- and George W. Les
lie, a Scotch comedian, have the princi
pal roles, '
John Davidson, Fnallsh Poet, Take
Own Life Oat of , Fear of
Dreaded Disease.
IJNDON. April 1. There is no of
John Davidson, the poet, who has been
missing from his homo at Penaance since
March 23, and his family has now given up
all hope of seeing him alive. A search
of the poet's papers has revealed a docu
ment in which he' wrte: "The time has
come to make an end."
After referring to financial difficulties
p.nd 111 health, he concludes..
"I cannot put up with cancer."
In a will executed last August, in which
he bequeathed the copyrights to his works
and other effexia for tho benefit of his
family, Mr. Davidson Intimated the possi
bility of hia having to die at a fir moment,
"for reasona which concerns myself alone."
Thomas C. Dawson Named hy Presi
dent for Minister Soath
American Country-.
WASHINGTON, April 19. The president
today nominated Thomas C. Dawsoij of
Iowa to be envoy extraordinary and minis
ter plenipotentiary to Chile. -
pictures, representing the miracles of Joan
of Arc and her statue were placed over
the high altar, but they were veiled. The
ceremony began by the reading of tha brief,
at the laat word of which the veils fell. The
statue appeared framed with electric bulbs,
the bells pealed forth and the massed
thoirs intoned the te deum, which waa
tnkm up by the vat throng. Many of the
pilgrims, overcome, burst Into frantic
cheers, which were Immediately suppressed.
The bishop of Orleans then said the first
pcntlfical mass in honor of Jonn of Arc,
wrich ended the first pnrlton of the cere
mony. '
In the afternoon the ceremonial was n
less Impressive. The holy father passed
through the ranks of kneeling pilgrims,
followed by his court and pitiuresquA
guards, to the altar. After the singing of
the Liturgical hymn the advocates for tlie
beatification presented to the pope the tra
titknul gifts of a basket of flowers and
the life of Joan of Arc, magnificently