10 TTIE REE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AFRTTj', 20, 1000. BMMi TED Tl .jo) ID OMAHA BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO THEIR. Out-of-Town Customers vm (greatest $m OF L Curtains Ever Hold by Any Store in tho World Monday April 26th We bought for spot cash, the en tire stock on hand of one of the lead ing mills in the east. IVe have held big Lace Cur tain Sales before, but never before did we offer bargains so wonderful as these. You can easily save the expense of your tripio OmahaifYou buy the Lace Cur tains you need at this great sale next Monday, The Stock is Higher Class, the Var ieties is much greater and the bargains the biggest in our history. It is well known that Brandeis stores always buy for cash, no matter how fine the goods or how large the amount The best bargains in America are therefore always offered first to us. Here Are a Few Specials All the Lace Curtains, worth up to $6.00 a pair CG wity go on sale at, each All the Lace Curtains worth up to $3.00 a pair Cr will go at, each w J C V AH the Lace Curtains worth up to $1.23 a pair T) C will go at, each , C All the finest Lace Curtains from the stock, worth up to $18.00 a pair, will go at $2.98-$3.98-$4.98-$7.50 The Lace Curtains are all in pairs, but will be sold either in pairs or singly, as you wish. Special Next Tuesday April 27 All ihe Bobbinet, all the Fancy Net, all the Swises, Cretonnes and other yard goods, worth to $1.00 a yard, C will go, at, yard UC The Appearance of a Woman's Foot IT i i n i 1 I I I 1 ff f msmfm 1b made or unmade by the shoe she wears. A handsome foot in a poor fitting shoe loses Its beauty, while a poorly formed foot in a handnome shoo al ways looks well. Every wo man that Is fitted at this store has. an attractive looking foot. OUK WOMKV8 93.50 $4.00 "" 85.00 OXFORDS showing thin spring acme of style and We are showing evwi . and heel In golden and brown kid, We are are the beauty. new last. brown. Ideal dull and Russia catf and patent rolt in gray, black, brown and blue. The nobby two-button patent rolt is shown exclusively by us. Pumps that do not slip. The button blucher, turned and welt shoes, cloth and kid tops. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Faroam Street ( 1 Q 2nOI V A tern. KJr ft s Thn Mnmnipr Slil Ilook Is In. It's and a Free ladles' Home Journal i-ai Tuesday is Linen, White Goods and Domestic Day Bennett's name prices on standard grade household linen and cot tons that are nowhere else duplicated. No remnants, but fresh, de pendable merchandise such as every family has need of. MAYDEUs 'ri'"9 HAVDENs TNt MLIABIC frOM thc himui treat Bargain Day in Cloak Department Small lots and broken lines to be closed at far below actual worth. Your opportunity. PERSIAN LAWN 10,000 yards very fine quality, worth 30c yard, 32-lnch WHITE GOODS In new styles checks, stripes and figures. 12 c and 15c goods, at Tie LINEN SHEETING 90 inches wide, and worth $1.25 a yard, fine for tailored Bulls, at TABI'K MNKN Very handsome two-yard all linen damask, nlanrfil nalaht snri hanriftOfTlfl nattemS. VSTd ' 24-inch Napkins to match, per dozen . . . 83.50 ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . a t'Wi v a.1 1 . V RL.KACHED BHEKTIXG Z V4 yards wide, actual retail price 29 cents, Tuesday 9(11 special, at "Vlt IX BLEACHED SHEETING 2 yards wide, Impossible to buy equal quality under 25c, at yard . . . iOL IN BLEACH ED CANTON VtS- NEL 36 pieces on sale, 8 cent quality, at, 4C a yard PlLIiOW CASES 45x36-lnch, ex cellent quality, Q each LOW OIIE-WAY RATES TO . CALIFORNIA 0REG0I1 WASHINGTON and IDAHO EVERY DAY To April 30, 1909 $25 to 1 Ban Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and many other California points. to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. to Everett, and Victoria. Vancouver $25 $25 $25 $25 Union Pacific ELKCTUIC BLOCK SIGXELS MAKE IT THE SAKE KOAD TO TRAVEL INQUIKB OB CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 FARNAM STREET Ftoonaa: Ball Doug. 1838, and Ind. A -3831. to Weed, Call., Ashland, RoBeburg, Eugene, Al bany, and Salem, Includ ing So. Pac. branch lines in Oregon. to Spokane and Interme diate O. R. & N. points. TIA Spring Models $3.50 $4.00 $5,00 t p would suggest this as being the moit appropriate time to examine our beauti ful new "Dorothy Dodd" Low Shoes for Spring. Our stock is very complete and includes Oxfords in the new Suede finishes, Cravenettes, Gun Metal and Tan Russia Calf-skin; Tan and Black Kid-skin and Patent finished leathers in a splendid variety of recent and fashionable patterns. OMAHA K A N Broiler Buffet Parlor Car Service OB Trains 103 -104 OMAHA 1 H B IX.ZATB H Si umaua h C I 00 I I ABBXTB n I V Kansas Cily i a sias p. m. B Kansas Cily 1 l48 A. X. I ABBITB I Omaha C8:SO Ze. K, I Kali a la Cart I Taka hla train whaa yon traval btlwui Omalkn j and Xumi Olt;. IV ThosrF.' Godfrey, g M Faas. and Ticket Araat, H 1423 rarnam Btraat. H TO-NIGnT R --7 rM Tuesdays' Fine Grocery Inducements Bonnet t'a Capitol Coffee, per pound, pkn iSe and 40 green tmpn Bennett'e Teas. asaortPd kinds, per pound RSc and 50 green stamps Upton's Teas, per pound SOc- and 40 green stamps Tipton's Jellv, assorted flayers, pkg , ;..10c and 10 green stamps California Kips Olives, 60c cans 30o Chap Tan Sliced Pineapple, can .'Uc and zn Kreen stamps Franco-American Soups, pint can ZOc and Bennett's Capitol Haklng Powder, per pound !4c and Pure Honev. mason pint Jar 25c and Ellen Sardines, can 10c and New South Syrup, can i!2c and Kamo Catsup, bottle 23c and Armour's Veal Ham and Beef Uoaf 10c and Armour's Corned Beef. 2 lb. can 28c and Boyalton Lima BBeana, 12 Ho quality, 3 cans for 2:c Potter fc Wrla-htlna-ton Clams, 19c size cans for 12c Martha Washington Flakes, package 10c and 5 green stsmps SOc Burnham's ClamllOc Cooking Raisins, per I Seeds, Flowers and Vege ennwaer i punnu miir 30 30 20 10 5 20 Roliablo Dentistry Taft's Dental Rooms TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Dollar tear. Change of Time Sunday, April 18 TBS Chicago Flyer Tickets Dress Skirts Values to $7.50, fine pnnanias and fanev mixed fabrics, new est styles, all colors ou sale at, choice $3.95 $12.00 Silk Coats, in all the pop ular long loose styles; great snaps Tuesday at $7.95 Silk and Net Waists Values to $5.00, at :....$1.50 Silk Dresses $t$.00 and $20.00 values, in foul ards, taffetas and messalinefv all colors, cleaver new designs, at $8.95 $7.50 Covert Coats, in all the lat est styles, satin lined, a great snap at $4.95 $1.50 House Dresses 98c Extra Specials for Tuesday In Our Famous Be urp and attend our. Famous From to O-.iln A. M. One cn.se of No. 101 fine yard wide bleached Muslin. 10c values, 10 yards limit, at, yard From II to 11:30 A. M. One case of 19c Towels, 2 pairs to customer, at. oarh ; U From 2 to 2:30 I. M. One case of Fruit of the Ixjom, tho genuine arti cle, 10 yards limit, at, yard . ...5 We Ship all Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Direct We aave you from 50 to 75 per cent In your Fresh Vegetable and Frnlta. C bunches fresh home grown onions. Be 2 heads fresh Icaf Lettuce 5c Large Head Lettuce, each. 7Mc Fresh Spinach, . per pock 20c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 7 Vic Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, per bunch , 4c Large bunches fresh Parsley ..... .Be Fancy Wax Beans, per lb IBe New Cabbage, per lb 4c Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb.3V4c DON'T FORGET TRY MYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO DR. BRADBURY. DENTIST leo, Palnlaaa Extracting BOs 'r-vCJB Crown, up from.. 9S-M Partial PlaUa, up rAJLMJLtt ITU1T. IT vaa aama oXIioa. 'rbonai D. 1TM. from . PlUInca. up from Porcelain FUllnaa. up from CI. 9iM Brldc-a Work, par tooth, up from fla.B tiarvaa ramovod with. ut pain. au.-rxox.am won A CiaXTT. Work cuaraniawl taa TMri, 20 OFF We Store Free Till Needed green stump" green ntampn green stamps ereeu stamps 10 arecn stanins 10 rfreen stampH green stamps green stamps I 12V.C 5c 3c Train No. 14, will leave Omaha 6:08 p. m. now leaves 6:128 p. m., will arrive Chicago 8:38 a. ra. now arrives 8 :58 a.m., mak ing connection with early morn ing 24-hour trains to Now York. This train will be equipped with Library-buffet and Pull man Standard Sleepers berth lighted chair car and dining car. . Rocky Mountain Limited Train No. 7, will leave Omaha 11:12 p. ni. now leaves at 11:17 p. m., arrival at Colorado unchanged. I4th and FARNAM THAT GROW NEED ANY? THE IIeKsKa'Te'ed'cO. City Salesroom 1613 Howard St. Tel. Doug. 1261 20 Discount Sale 20 EVERY DAY UNTIL MAY 1ST ON Lighting Fixtures Homebulldera should Immediately take ad vantage of this big special offer of a 20 discount on all purchases made before May 1. It's a big opportunity make your selection, compare our price with that charged else where and then we will chop off Just 20. You don't have to take the fixtures as soon as they are bought. We will keep them here for you until you are ready to have them hung. Just buy before May 1st and save 20. An Iron-clad guarantee as to workmanship and material goes with everything we sell and you may have your money back if not satisfied. Omaha Lighting Fixture Co. 417 South 15th Street, Omaha Bought for SPOT CASH from RECEIV ERS of Firm of RUTHERFORD & JENSEN The magnificent stock of Wall Paper, French, English, German and Domes tic Papers STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE, which we offer at 1-10 their original value. Come and look them over, at 2008 FARNAM ST. n u w Using Power Now? Expect To? No matter what power it is or what you have thought it would be, it will pay you to find out about Electric Tower. Our experts will gladly plaft and estimate the cost of your power without expense to you. Let us show you. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING Contract Department. Both Phone. Graduating Gifts It ia I hid- now to ! t BlflM for K' aduatloit -We w a Ixmmful rap anil n kihm.k hI r.lff full f tieautlful article aultahle for gift. Ifi for the " S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweter 1614 BOVaXOM BTaUU - Domestic lloom. . j .. . - , 30 Mlnutrs Sal B. From 10 to 10:30 A. M. On : of IBe tine pointed waih goods, batlntus and organdies, 12 yards limit, at, per yard 4t From a.so to 4:00 I. M. On caae of 10c Dreas Ginghams, fast colors, 10 yards limit, at, a yard .' 5 From 4::iO to 5 P, M.-On cme of Apron Checks, worth. 6c yard, 10 yard limit, at, yard 2H$ Fancy fresh Peas, per quart . ...lflo Fancy ripe Strawberries, qt. boxes. IBe Large Grape Fruit 6c and 7 Vic 60c size Highland Navels, dozen. . 40c 60c size Highland Navels, dosen, .30c 40c size Highland Navels, doon,.25c 30c size Highland Navels, dozen,. 20c KGS F.GGS KOGS Strictly No. 1 Fresh Kgjpt, dozen 20c ' Monday's prices on ' all groceries, crackers, butter, cheese and meats. lit