Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha ' Daily Bee
to the) home ta read by th
omn telle goodi for adverthvr.
Tnr Nebraska I'nsettlrd.
For Iowa Fair.
Kit weather report see rsgs S.
- : , a
Rhode Island Senator Explains Meas
ure Reported by the Committee
on Finance.
Woman in Whitla
Case is from a
Wealthy Family
Prosecution Asserts She is Daughter
of Respectable Parents, but Will
Not Disclose Identity.
Messrs. Burkett and Brown Confer
Over Tariff Problems and
Real Revision.
Rumor that Htad of Mohammedan
Church Is Preparing Written
Declaration of His Fall.
V tK M J f.oOSM TO C ?r.IeSMn If
Sanges Made
'' Nles.
Statement Also
from Horn.
If It Does
Not Ex, U
Nearly Alt Senators and Many neare
sentatlrea, lariating; Mr. Cannon,
Are Present o Hear the
P perch.
n Be
WASHINGTON, April IS. The tariff de
hate was opened in the senate today and
Senator Aldrloh reviewed at length the
pending measure which had been reported
from the committee on finance. He. re
ceived practically no Interruption through
out hla remarks, which were listened to
not only by senators but by Speaker Can
non and membera of the house of repre
sentatives, who visited the chamber for
that purpose.
Senator Daniel, the senior minority mem
ber of the committee on finance, followed
Senator Aldrioh, and laid down the general
line of opposition that will be made to
the pending; measure by the democrats. He
Also received careful attention.
In opening the debate on the pend
ing tariff bill today Senator Aldrlch,
chairman of the committee on flounce,
assured . the senate that the bill
reported from the finance committee
would produce ample revenuo - , for
Objections te New Taxes.
x (he government. He suggested that If, by
any possibility, these estimates should
prove to be incorrect, the duty of congress
would be to "reduce expenditures and
make them conform to actual revenue con
ditions and not to Impose new and onerous
While he did not refer specifically to any
proposition to impose an income tax, his
statement declaring that ample revenue
may be derived from other sources was ac
cepted as direct opposition to all such
On the desk of each senator was a com
parison of the text of the Dlngley tariff
law with the Payne tariff bill as passed
by the house and as amended and reported
from the senate committee on finance. In
addition a statement was furnished to each
senator showing the estimated revenues
under the present law compared with the
amended Payne bill. Mr. Aldrlch called
attention to these volumes In beginning his
A-i.sptevhvr'- JTfcv." get-Increase--from" rnrltorns
over the existing law was estimated at
lll.6W,7 tor the Payne bill as passed by
the house and S9,3, under the bill as
reported from the senate committee. In
making the estimates, the revenues pro
duced In 1908 were used In attaining the
comparison with the house bill, and the
revenues for 1907, when the Imports were
much larger, In arriving at the compart
son with the possibilities under the senate
bill. Mr. Aldrlch believes that 1907 was a
normal year, while Representative Payne,
chairman of the house committee on ways
and means, believes 1906 waa the last year
when conditions were normal.
Bill Will Rats RtTtm,
Mr. Aldrlch said in part:
"The practical question to which I ask
your attention today la, Will the bill as
reported from the committee on finance
produce sufficient revenue when taken In
connection with the Internal revenue taxes
end other existing sources of revenue to
meet the expenss of the government with
out the Imposition of additional taxes? I
answer unhesitatingly, after a thorough
nml careful Investigation of tha facts and
the conditions likely to surround the prob
lem, that It will."
Mr. Aldrlch submitted statements sho
ing the receipts, disbursements, surpluses
and deficits, actual and estimated, of the
treasury for the fiscal years 1900 to 1911,
Inclusive. Ills estimates for the fiscal years
190 to 1911, inclusive, were as follows-
Rscefpts. inents. Surplus
...116.047,231) Sb"4.SH.Sn Ib9.4.-.'.'lo0
... 66.niO.iO 700.000,000 tt.OuO.HM
... 6M.UO0,onu 6nS,0W,w0 Su.Ouu.UOO
"In these statements Doth tne receipts and
dikburseir.ents for the Panama canal have
uen eliminated for obvious reasons," said
.Mr. Aldrlch. "It Is the policy of conaresK.
which I think has universal spproval. thai
laments for the canal and Its construe- j
lion should not be made from current reve
nues, but met by the sale of bonds.
The ftguns I submit Include all rec-lp-aod
disbursements except those of the r, ai
office department and the Panama caua:
but the postsl deficiencies are Included u
all cases In the disbursements.
Comparison with Old Law.
"Kor the purpose of ascertaining the re-
, Tstlve revenue producing qualities of the
senate bill, and the act of 1897, the coin
mlt'.i on finance has bad prepared a state
ment, which Is laid before the senate this
m m'lig. It applies the rate of the senate
bill c the Importations of 1W7; In other
words, It shows the revenue that would
have been derived upon the Importations
made In 1907 If the senate bill had been
n force during that year.
"We have selected tha year 1907 for the
comparison, as this was tha last year in
Willi h the finances and business of the
:ountry were in a normal condition.
"The statement shows that if the senate
Mil hsd been In force In 1907 the customs
revenue produced by It would bava been
fs.OUCOOv greater than those collected under
the Dlngley act, the totals being 1332,000,400
under the act of 197 and S340.tino.000 under
the senate bill.
"This Increase of revenue Is due to sd-
mires In rates on a few articles of luxury,
such as wine, spirits, etc. It Is also due
to the eurvstltvtlon made in the hill In all
cases where It was possible, of specific
for ad valorem duties. This will prevent
Undervaluation and consequently Increase
revenues. This Increase will be more
-narked in the silk schedule than rise
there. "There are changes which will he in
tluded In ths bill that will affect the rom
Xrativ revenues.
Ches B-rM Hmh Hill.
"The changes which we propose to make
(Continued on Second Page )
MKRCElt, Ta., April 19. Thst the woman
charged with the nbductlnn of little
"Billy" Whitla from Sharon last month is
not the wife of James II. Boyle, but Is the
unmarried daughter of wealthy and re
spectable parent whose character and
standing are above reproach,, Is what the
state expects to prove in the approaching
trial of the kidnaping cases.
Detective I, V. Ke.pncr, who dixappesred
from Mercer immediately after the recent
visit of Mr. and Mrs. H. Chotesu Dyer of
St. Louis, has returned and announced
that he has positively Identified the
woman. Attorney T. C. Cochran, who Is
representing Mr. Whitla In the prosecution
has refused to allow the Identification to
le made public, but will endeavor to have
It Introduced at the trial. Mr. and Mrs,
Dyer, who partially Identified the woman
as a maid who left their employ about the
urns time that 110.000 disappeared, will re
turn. It is said, as witnesses before the
grand Jury or at the trial.
Telegrams said to hare Tiecn sent by
Boyle from Bharon to the woman at War
ren, O., about the time of the kidnaping
and from her at Warren to him at 8haron,
will be brought Into evidence to connect
the woman with the abduction. Attorney
Cochran also expects to show the woman's
connection with the abduction by proving
that it was planned during her visit in
Sharon with Boyle and that she wrote the
letter demanding the 110,000 ransom which
was mailed by Boyle In Sharon, Court
convened this morning with Judge A. W,
Williams on the bench. The grand jury
will be busy for several days with other
matters and the abduction cases will not
be presented to It before Thursday or Fri
day. It Is probable that If Indictments are
returned an immediate trial will be asked
for by the state.
D. A. R. Congress
Opens Its Session
Big Interest in Thursday's Meeting,
When Election of Officers
Will Be Held.
"WASHINGTON. April IS. Continental
hall was packed to the doors today when
the eighteenth congress of the Daughters
of the American Revolution convened. The
session will last throughout the week. The
hall Is capable of seating 1,600 persons.
As Mrs. Donald McLean, the retiring
president-general, was escorted to the plat.
form by a number of charter members of
th." organization.. S(j -. accounted, a i eva
tlon. On the rostrum, besides the officers
of the Daughters of the American Revolu
tion were Vice President Sherman, Ambas
sador Jusserand, Judge Henry Stockbridge,
president-general of the Sons of the
American Revolution; Dr. Edward Everett
Hale, chaplain of the senate, the Right
Rev. Alfred Harding, bishop of Washington
and Revs. J. Nevltt Steele and Roland
Cotton Smith.
Maybray Trial
at May Term
This is Decided at Conference of Al
leged Swindler and His
DE8 MOINES, la., April 19.-J. C. May
bray, the alleged million-dollar fake pro
moter of horse racing, today held a con
ference with his attorney, George S.
Wright of Council Bluffs, to determine
when to ask for a trial from the govern
ment. It was decided to get the evidence !
together as soon as possible and bring the
matter up during the May term of the
United States court In Des Moines If th
United States attorney will consent.
Old Man Found
Wandering Streets
Robert DoblOn, Bound for Primrose,
Picked Up by the Police
in Chicago.
CHICAGO, April 19. (Special Telegram.)
Robert Dobson, aged 75. at New Tork was
found wandering the streets last night and
taken In by the police. On being searched
a ticket to Primrose, Neb., wss found on
him, aa well aa some money. He waa put
on a Chicago & Northwestern train for Nebraska.
Ministers May Refuse to
Bury Dead on Sunday
The Omaha Ministerial union is consider
ing the matter of closing cemeteries on thu
Sabbath and holding no funerals then.
The ropoaitlon wss put up to the union
at ita Monday meeting in a resolution of
fered by Rev. R. T. Bell, paator of the
Church of the Covenant. It provides the
one exception that burials may be muds
where sanitarv reasons drmnnd them.
Rev. Mr. Bell ssid that his pruiosition
met nlth the approval of many of the un
dertakers snd cemetery officials.
The general sentiment of the ministers
was favorable to the resolution, but It waa
thought that the proposition should receive
further consideration before the union went
on record as opposing Sunday funerals or
advocating the closing of the cemeteries on
Sunday. The resolution sit finally re
ferred to the civil service committee to
report at the next meeting of the union.
"The Scriptural Itoctrlne and Proper Ob
servance of the Ird s luv," ti the sub
ject of a papT re.d before the union by
Rev. J. W. Kery of the Firm Christian
rhurrh. The paper went at length into the
early history of 8ahhth ubervsnce and
the origin of the day In the pre-Mnsnlr
period. H h.-M that It was nut until tM
Tell Executive They Will Stay All
Summer to Get What Is Right.
Canvass on to Develop Strength from
Mississippi Valley. '
tnnntrr l.lrment In t'aner Hone
Coantea on to Stand by la Bla
Contest that Is Sorely
fFTom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April l.-(Bpoc1al Tele
gram.) Senators Burkett and Brown had
an extended conference with President
Taft today, their subject being the pend'
Ing tsriff bill. As representatives of the
it-called Inaurcenta of the Senate, the
Nebraska acnators. It Is understood, pre
enterl to the tireslclent their views as to
tariff revision, which they Insisted upon
must be downward and not upyard.
While the senators refused absolutely to
spesk for publication. It Is learned from
reliable sources that they told the presi
dent substantially that if he would say
the word congress would stay here all sum
mer until a real revision of the tariff
downward was accomplished. Senator
Burkett is convinced that unless concerted
action is taken by the senators represent
Ing the central Mississippi valley who, hav
ing the courtage of., their convictions, will
proclaim them, the west will be holding
the sack while New England and the east
will be setting the bulk of the beneflia
from the Atdrlch-Payne bill. It would not
be at all surprising to see pulled off
shortly one of the biggest fights the sen-
ste has seen In years over the tarirr. out
unless concessions sre made by the pro
ducers and manufacturers of the east to
the farmers and manufacturers who live
midway of the continent.
Senators who owe their election to the
progressive clement of the republican party
are open In tholr criticism of certain
schedules In the Aldrlch bill and as these
progressive western men represent .great
farming communities of the United States,
while the aenators from the east and New
England represent great manufacturing In
terests of the country, the point of view
Is bound to play a most interesting part In
this drama of "the tariff builders."
Something: Mere Thus Talk.
Senator Burkett la on tha war path and
says that he is not going to let New Eng
land' carry ofi VrVrting ' t fc Us advantage
If he can help It. He proposes that the
west shall get something out of the tariff
and speaking as one of the leading . In
surgents, he hopes those interested In the
schodulea which effect farmers of the
west will be able to get together and do
something Instead of taking It out In talk.
It is known that President Taft is greatly
worried over the tariff situation. He be
lleves in an honeet, conscientious revision
of the tariff downward, and yet there are
revenues to be derived from the tariff bill
to meot expenditures of the government
which are still a source of much specula
tlon as to the amount the present bill will
provide, notwithstanding the statement of
Senator Aldrlch today, that the bill pro
vldea ample revenues providing economy
is used In appropriations.
Senator Brown, like his colleague, has
been holding quiet conferences with the
younger element In the senate who largely
come from the west and northwest, and Is
determined to fight for the things which
tils country wants, and he standa ready to
enter Into an alliance wHh western republi
cans, whose program shall be a duty on
hides, free lumber, free crude oil and Its
products, reduction on wire fencing and
nails, and lower duties on hosiery and
Poll Taken of ffenate.
As a result of the conference held Sat
urilay, of which The Bee told In dispatches
of Sunday, Senator Curtis today started a
canvass of the senate with a view of as
certaining how many men stood for duty
on hides, free lumber, etc.. and he hopes
to ( complete the poll by the last of the
week. In the meantime, conferences be
tween insurgents will be held dolly, with
a view of agreeing upon some plan of ac
tion which will bring concessions to the
farmers of the Mississippi central valley.
"The Shoe trust Is evidently getting In
Its wtnrk In Nebraska," said Senator Bur
kett today, holding In his hand a dosen
or more telegrams which he had Just re
ceived from leading shoe dealers In the
Prairie state.
"I have received more than twenty tele
grams," Bald Mr. Burkett, "practically all
(Continued on Second Page.)
years after the creation that Sabbath ob
servance became a law under the Jewish
"The law. In which the first command
i dative to Sabbath observance was given
to Moses as embodied in the fourth com
mandment, was given for Israel and Israel
alone, and not to the Gentiles," he said.
Every command In the decalogue Is em
bodied In the New Testament, except the
fourth commandment The Mosaic law Is
binding on the thrlstians of today, not of
the old covenant, but of the new."
The paper waa discussed with much ani
mation, thooe leading In the discussion be
ing Rev. J. W. Conley. Rev. K O. Balrd.
Rev. P. T. Rouse. P.ev. H. J. Kirschntein'
All endorsed the spirit of the paper and the
general trend of the discussion that the
observan-e of the lord's day should be
msde a moral observance as well as a
spiritual observance.
Rev. B. K. Fellman, president of Omaha
Anti-Saloon league, took a rap at Sunday
base ball and was supported by 'the other
ministers. He aald:
"We don't want to compel anybody to
observe the lord's day. nor be religious,
but it do wsnt a moral obst-evance of the
From the Cleveland Plajn Dottier.
Judge Trieber Makes Important Rul
ing in Arkansas Case,
He Holds that 3nrt Una Power to
Determine Whn.1 May Be Charged
While Hearing; on Injunction
la Pending;,
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., April 19.-Judge
Trieber In the federal court here today ren
dered a Ooclslon In the rate cases ordering
the railroads to put Into effect Interstate
freight rates one-third In excess of the old
rates of the Arkansas Railroad commission
rate, which waa enjointed by the trunk
line ra'"-onds of the state. Judge Trieber
held the old commission rates were non
compensatory and the ratea later rut Into
effect by tha railroads after the temporary
Injunction waa granted excessive. Hjb
states that unless the commission and the
railroads get together nd agree upon rates
which will produce one-third more revenue
than tha old commission rate he will ap
point a master to do this work. This vir
tually settles the permanent Injunction.
Judge Trieber set a pi-cedent In this ruling
by, holding thathllrno court.,,hag the
power' to fix'Vat'5 'a the power to fix
rates which shall be charged while the
hearing of a permai.ent injunction is pend
ing. The passenger rates were not changed.
Methodist Pastor
Slashes His Throat
Also Cuts Off End of Tongue and
Writes Note Saying He
Feared Poverty.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April 19. A special to
the News Press from Bolckow, Mo., says
that Rev. J. H. McCampbell. aged 60 years,
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church
there, while preparing to conduct this
morning services Sunday, slashed . his
throat with the raior with which he was
shaving and cut off the end of hla tongue.
When found by hla wife he oould not talk
but wrote a note, saying he feared he would
have to quite the ministry on account of
411 health, and his family would be left In
want. He died three hours later.
Tawmer Appropriation Rill Provides
for Funds for the Meat
WASHINGTON, April 19 An appropria
tion bill providing funds for the taking of
the census and other purposes was Intro
duced today by Representative Tawney.
The Item for the taking of the census
mounts to $10,000,000 and Is available un
til July 1. 1912. The bill authorlxes ap
pointment of three p?rsons to represent
the United States In the International
commission for revision of the classifica
tion of diseases and causes of dealh. to
meet In Paris in July. .
Speeding Car nana Into a Pile
Dlrl, Spilling; tfce Occo
pants. of
PITTSBURG. April 19. Charles K. Mc
Oltnum and H. B. Imhoff, business men,
were probably fatally Injured today when
an automobile in whtch they were speed
ing on Grant boulevard ran Into a pile of
Second-hand autos
motor cycles
auto repair s
spring overhauling
do any of these
things interest you?
You will find the right place by
looking on the wgnt-ad page under
the head of "Automobiles."
The live dealers use the want
aLs because people can find
what they want easily and al
ways in the tame place. Have
you read the want ads yet
today I
Ministers Roast
Patten Wheat Deal
Patten Says They Are Trying to Make
Him Scapegoat for High
CINCINNATI, April 19.-Dcspite the fact
that Patten, the new wheat king, is build
ing a gymnasium costing 1160.000 for the
Northwetsern university, a Methodist In
stitution, Cincinnati Methodist ministers
passed a resolution today condemning the
"action which cornered wheat In Chicago."
CHICAGO, April 19. Mr. Patten ex
pressed a feeling of weariness when in
formed that Methodist ministers of Cin
cinnati had condemned the "action which
cornered wheat In Chicago."
"What la the use of talking? Everybody
who knows anything about conditions
knowa that I haven't cornered wheat. No
body has cornered it. Prices are high and
they want a scapegoat. I'm the man
chosen. It (I sold every grain of wheat I
have prices would not drop.
"If these ministers who want to preach
with their eyes open would turn to the
sober market page of their paper Instead
of sensational front page articles and hon
estly endeavor to find the truth the silly
pulpit utterances would not be made.
Patten Sells,
Wheat Drops
July is Lowered More Than Two
Cents Under Saturday's
CHICAGO. April 19.-Selllng attributed to
the "Patten crowd" and allies, although on
a moderate scale, today sent the1 price of
July wheat off, the close on that option
being I'tc under Saturday's final figures.
At one time July sold at S1.181. This
tempted profit-taking and the consequent
decline brought out stop-loss orders, under
which the price dropped to J1.16T.
Six-cent bread seems assured In Chicago.
One prominent baker has announced he
will advance the price 1 cent to that figure
on May 1, and his example will be followed.
If not preceded, by others. No meeting of
bakers will be held here, as any concerted
action looking to an advance of prices
could be prosecuted under the anti-trust
Jury Upholds
Unwritten Law
Decides Man Who Shot Wife's Para
mour Acted in Defense of
His' Honor.
ALTOONA, Ta., April 19. The coroners
Jury In the case of J. K. Craig of this
city, charged with killing Edward Rus
sell, today rendered a verdict "death waa
caused by a gunshot wound fired from a
revolver In the hands of John E. Craig In
self defense and while f1' Meeting the
honor of his own home."
Craig, who Is a locomotive fireman, came
home unexpectedly Saturday night and
found his wife and Russell together.
Four White Men Lynched
for Murder
ADA. okl., April 19-At 3 o'clock thia
morning a mob of 3u0 men stormed the
county 'Jail here and after overpowering
the sheriff lynched four white men. The
lynched men are: J. B. Miller of Fort
Worth, Tex., charged with the murder of
A. A. Bobbltt, a wealthy cattleman of this
section, and B. B. Burrell, Duncan, Okl.,
ranch owner; A. C. Wrat, Canadian, Tex.,
ranch owner, and I C. Allen, Canadian,
Tex., ranch owner, alleged accomplices.
The mob worked rapidly and qlletly,
nothing being known of the lynching until
daylight. The victims of the mob were
taken to a barn within a short distance of
the Jail. "Bring a rope," the leader ahouted
and one by one the men were hanged. The
mob effected an entrance to the Jail by
tearing down a high fence which ancloscd
It. Aa soon aa all of the members of the
vigilance party were Inside the enclosure
the leader pounded on the Jail door.
"Sheriff, we mean business," he cslled
to the officer Inside.
"I ou might as well go home, boys," the
sheriff answered. "I will never open this
door. Duty Is duty. I'm here to observe
the law and protect these men."
Kor reply three or four sturdy members
of ths tnob fell against ths door, breaking
Democrats Casting About for New
Timber in Race.
Eight O'CIock Closing; Art and Tem
perance Aa-ttadon Cansea More
Division In Democratic
LINCOLN, April 19. (Special.) Colonel
Bryan need not worry about having to
sacrifice himself as the democratic candl
date for United States senator and If
Governor Shallenberger wants the Job he
will have to work for It
Richard L. Metcalfe is being touted as
the man. Thla cornea from no less an
authority than Bernard McNeny, one of
the best prophets In the democratic party.
He told the day after the Denver conven
tlon what would happen to Bryan and he
now predicts Metcalfe will be the demo
cratic candidate for the senate.
In the opinion of McNeny since the
enactmrnt of the 8 o'clock closing law
Metcalfe Is the logical candidate. In his
opinion he is the only man who has a
claim on the new democracy. It was Met
calfe's prohibition speech at Fremont
more than a yeat ago? his speerh to the
editors snd hla Influence 'tiat saved th
S o'clock closing law to the democratic
legislature. "Bryan cannot be elected."
aid McNeny, "and neither can Shallen
berger be elected senator. The only man
In the democratic party who has any show
In my opinion is Richard L. Metcalfe. He
came out for temperance legislation long
before any other democrat and the tem
perance element of the party owes It to
him to stand by him." ,
McNeny is making no secret of his be
lief that Metcalfe Is the strongest man tha
democrats can put up, but on tho other
hand he believes from what he has heard
other democrats say that If Metcalfe will
stand for the office, he will receive a big
ger vote than any otehr democrat In the
Heretofore Metcalfe has refused to bo
candidate for any office. A year ago a lot
of democrats tried to get Berge, Dahlman
and Shallenberger to withdraw from the
race for governor and give the nomination
to Metcalfe on a silver platter, but the
candidates refused to withdraw and Met
ralfo refused to enter the race unless they
did withdraw.
Metcalfe's books have put him In sight
of easy street and he Is financially able
now to paddle his own canoe without
helping oar from any one.
Should Motcalfe consent to the use of
hla name, the Hltchcocka, the Bryan s and
the Shallenbergers will be up against
proposition they never dreamed of.
Bernard ' McNeny, who proposed Met
ralfe as the democratic candidate for the
senate. Is a member of the bar commit
slon of the supreme court and la one
the active and leading members of the
democratic party of the state in so far as
the hewing of wood and drawing of water
is concerned.
Wife of the Iowa Mrnntor
.National Patriotic
WASHINGTON, April 19. Mrs. Albert
J. Cummins, wife of Senator Cummins u
Iowa,, was elected today president of tho
National Society of the Children of the
American Revolution.
of Cattle Man
It. Once Inside one of the party dealt th
snrrur a blow with hla revolver, fellln
him. The mob then completed its work.
ooouiii waa anted February 27. 190S. Nea
uua ria waa onving In his wagon a few
miles out of Ada. The fatal shot waa flrrt
from ambush. The assassin mounted his
borse and rode away. Bobbin's desd body
was found the next day. There was no
evidence ssve the horseshoes on the mur
derer'g animal, which had been removed a
few mllea from the crime. Miller and his
companions were suspected of knowing
who committed the murder.
tola mens Bleralt Company Will Close
Dsns Breaa Department ta
lll Price Drops.
COLl'MBrS. O., April lJ.-Tlie Columbus
Biscuit company today announced thst It
had determined to close down Its bread de.
psrtment Indefinitely because of tha high
price of flour due to the "corner" In wheat
In Chicago. The company employs forty
men In Its plant and haa a large trade
with bakeriea and In towns adjacent to
Columbus. The company will rsmsln tlosed
until the pries of flour comes down.
Unconfirmed Report that Sultan Has
Fled from the Palace.
Another Rumor Says He Will Make
Peace at Any Price.
Army Is Concentrating- ana Mill
March oa Vlldls Kiosk In less
Concessions Are
CONST ANTINOMIES. Aril lfc-The Bhelk-
L'l-Ialam, the head, of the church, Is pre
paring a written declaration to the country
pronouncing the fall of the sultan. It is
rumored here this afternoon the sultan has
fled, but the report cannut be confirmed.
BERLIN. April 1.-The Constantinople
correspondent of the Murgnn Post saya In
a dispatch that he has been Informed from
an excellent source In tho Ylldla Kiosk that
the sultan haa eent his chamberlain, Rlfaat
Pasha, nnd his secretary to the grand vlsler
with orders that the government make
peace with the young Tur.ts on any terms
in order to prevent general bloodshed. Ac
cording to tho correspondent Mie sultan de
clared that If his person waa atiy hindrance
to peace ho was willing to offer himself In
order to save the fatherland from catas
Trona Are Concentrating.
CONSTANTINOPLE!, April 1.-Turkish
troops, loyal to the Toung Turks, and de
termined to enforce the political aspirations
of the reformers, are rapidly concentrating
upon Constantinople and threatening to
March In to the oity and force the sultan
to abdicate, unless constitutional govern
ment is given full recognition. Ylldli
Kiosk, the residence of the sultan, is their
objective. No resistance Is expected and
steps are being Uken by the Toung Turks
to protect the lives and property pf for
eigners and Christians. The nearness of
the expected victory of the Toung Turks
Is evidenced by the fact that they and not
the authorities at Constantinople are giving
assurances of protection and the main
tenance of order.
Two advance guards precede the main
body of the soldiers. One Is composed of
900 men, half of whom are officers, while
the other numbers 1.000 man. These two
columns' are expected to occupy Pera and
Galata, the foreign and official quarters of
Constantinople as soon as possible,- In order -
to protect foreigners in the event bf rlo
Ing. Many of the troops In Constantinople
favor the young Turks and resistance
hardly expected.
The sultan la described as ready ta sac
rifice himself to save the fatherland from
The Turkish warships stationed nt
Smyrna are loyal to the Young Turks.
Orders have been Issued for both French
and German wsrshtps to prpceed at once
to Turkish waters.
Troops Xeartngr Capital.
LONDON. April l.-"The Macedonian
troops Intend to enter Constantinople todiy
and enforce their demand for the abdica
tion of the sultan. The new ministry Is
tottering. It Is believed adequate steps
have been taken to guarantee public order." '
The foregoing statement waa received in
London today In a coda message from Con
stantinople. It was sent by the local agent
of a well known banking firm.
Ueaeral Massacre Feared.
BERLIN, April 19. A German squadron,
composed of the cruisers Gneisenau, Lue
bee, Stettin and Berlin, has been ordered
to Constantinople. The vessels sailed this
afternoon. They will be Joined In the
Mediterranean by tha cruiser Hamburg,
which accompanied the Imperial yacht
Il'ohenxollern to Corfu when Emperor
William went lo Corfu for his vacation.
In a dispatch from Constantinople the cor
respondent of the Lokal Anselger says:
"The situation Is extremely serious. A
general massacre can be prevented only by
the speediest success of the Balonikln
troops. The liberal unionists at last under
stand to what purpose the Ylldla Kiosk
used them, and as a result they are partly
downcast and partly Incensed against the
palrfce. The sentiment of the troopa In tha
city is turning strongly against the
"Tho movement of the troop loyal to
the young Turks to Tshatalja appears to
be proceeding with the greatest order.
Everything waa planned beforehand In ex
act detail. TchataIJa Is the key to the
girdle of fortifications around the capital.
Four military trains arrived there Sunday
morning. Mukhtar Bey Is In command of
the advance guard of the BalonlkJns. When
a deputation of pacification from Constan
tinople greeted him he asked gruffly:
Have you brought the head of the old
man? We cannot negotiate so long as you
come without that head.'
Peace Deputation Threatened.
"This deputation, consisting of thirty
men. wanted to proceed to BalonlUl, but It
was compelled to return here. Mukhtar
Bey threatened to give orders to have
them shot Immediately If they attempted
to get Into touch with the soldiers.
"The troops which srrlved at Bpartakule
Saturday afternoon, under the command
of Nlasl Pasha, proceeded last night to
Kutchuk and Tchekmedje, where it la be
lieved they will await the coining of rein
forcements. They will then embark on
vessels and, avoiding Constantinople,
march to Yildls Kiosk. Many of fleets
have deserted their commands and Joined
the Baloniklns.
"Ixset Pasha, chief of the general staff,
went with ten officers yesterday afternoon
to Kutchuk and Tchekniedje.
They went ostensibly to pacify tha sol
diers, but persons well Informed ssy 'tha
real purpose waa to transfer the entire
general staff to the Baloniklns.
The foregoing dispatch to the Lokal An
selger came out of Constantlnopue by way
of Bmyriia. The Turkish warships stationed
at Hniyrna are loyal to the Young Turks
The volunteers iu the vllsyet of Kosaova
number M.oun; Albania has furnished T:.0dj
more and Balouik: s.fl'O. The committee of
union snd progress has accepted an offer
from Bulgaria to organise a null t la for
emmgenry purposes.
A military writer la Laa Lokal Anxeigr