Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Bepublican Candidate for Mayor
Telli of Changed Conditions.'
Detnoeratlc Incompetency Ksnosen" by
Mkrn at , aa Kntanslaatle
Mrrllac la the Twelfth
' Ward.
John I'. Breen. republican candidate for
mayor and heal of the republican ticket,
dealt Without gloves with the leaders
of the democratic party lio spoke un
kindly of Mb record at the democratic
convention Friday night, when he ad
dressed the member of the Twelfth
Ward Republican club Saturday night at
the hall at Twenty-fourth and Amei
"f take til In enthusiasm which prevails
to maan that the citlxena of Omaha, Ir
respective of party llnee, have arrived
at the ; Conclusion they want a change
In municipal government," said Mr.
Breen. V't doea not take a momentous
occasion Ilka the civil war to arouse men
to a desire' for good government, but
the time Is now come when Omaha will
Insist on having It
"The government of' the city l Just
what you make It by the character of
the men '.you elect every three yoara.
Three, yeara of broken promises are about
enough for the people to have to put up
with at one time and they are ready for
a change.
"The democrats have Just had a con
tention, at which the democratic press
ay there were 324 present. I will state
to S'ou as a mutter of confidence that I
have Veen holding a bigger democratic
convention than that right In my office,
both by personal appearance and by let
ter. There seems to be a tendency on
the part of the democrats to hold demo
cratic conventions in different places this
spring. This seems to be more of a cut
sens' movement against my opponent, but
there also aeumn to. be a unanimity of
republican feeling, ton.
ftespecta to Ik Dunn.
"lg J. Dunn said some most unkind
things about my record Friday night, If
1.1-4 speech reported rightly In the dem
t irntic organ." said Mr. Breen, who then
rend some of the extracts and showed
them up In their true light as he went
"My worthy opponent also considered me
In his speech and avked where I was on
the 8 o'clock closing. Doea he dare tell
where he stands on the question? Does
he dare come out and aay he doea not
stand for law and order? His platform
fays he doea. If he Is elected mayor. Is
he not going to use his power for law
i :iforcement?"
Byron Burbank, Nelson Pratt and W. A.
l)e JJord, made short, pithy addresses.
Resolution of regret at the death of
Andrew Roscwnter were adopted by tho
Howell la Disappointed.
U. Beechcr Howell waa the only really
disappointed man at the meeting. He
came loaded with a speech In favor of
the water bonds. The officers of the club
decided they could not let Mr. Howell
speak at the club meeting, but announced
that after the club had adjourned the
meeting could resolve . itself Into a tax
payers' meeting and hear Mr. Howell if
the members present so desired. Nothing
more waa said about It and as soon as
Mr. Breen had finished his speech all
went home and left no one for Mr. Howell
to spruk to.
.".tore Nearly rare, as Analyses
Show, Than it Waa Two
Wrrki A a;o.
Late analyses of the Omaha water sup
ply show It Is much nearer pure than It
was two weeks' ago and Health Commis
sioner Cornell la of the opinion that It la
row perfectly healthful. An analysis was
ordered by the health commissioner as
sjon hs a return was had from Wash
ington' on water sent to the government
bacteriologist and this later analysis shows
but little nlbumlnold ammonia.
Samples of Omaha water were sent to
Washington about the first of the month
end rcp'irt received from there was to the
effort that It la "aad and that It showa
dinger of - sewer - contamination which
would be liable to typhoid fever." The
advice to boll the water waa given. This
analysis was the sume aa made by the
health department and by Prof. C. . F.
Crowley, the city chemist, except the gov
ernment mistook decayed vegetable con
tamination .for sewer contamination.
"The water la not contaminated from any
sewer." said Dr. Connell, "and aa our for
mer analysts agreed with that of the gov
ernment. I am sure that were a sample
Gold Medal
Of tho tlx American cham
pagnes exhibited at the Paris
Exposition of 1900 the Great
Western was the only one
that received a Gold Medal.
Tss Ansrins fitaajigia
Abarncaef autrrraucri ill coat
hO M GtIU VCMtl coau
salt M auca at lb laaotua.
Our ln?sf( at alwbni,
N If., are naailr 100
U tha eiacM la Aacrka.
Atk mm Oraat Waatare.
l Pleasant Valley
Wine Co.
Ghas. L. Fish
1914 Burdetts St.
Pboni W. 12S5
G. A. Lindquest Co.
235-35 Paxton Block.
makers of good clothes. A nice Una of
Spring pattern on hand and our price
are right. A liberal discount on two UV
knora suit.
Wbosi yen bar Go! 4 Medal Plans
mm nro It la Waibkara-frMar'a Gold
aal rioar. TkU la laapartaat.
VtV v
a jr & vi a
! Aa mm Onat Waatara. A4
RW-a,N.Y. -v
sent to Washington now the water would
be pronounced practically O. K. aa we find
It. The water waa not sufficiently set
tled, but with the fine of lirr niianllila.
of alum the albuminoid ammonia la now
practically eliminated"
(rand tonncll of Itoiil Arraiaal
Meets In Omaha .et
The thirteenth annual session of the grand
council. Rmal Arcanum, of Nebraska will
be held in Omaha Tuesday, April i'T. at
Crelghton Institute, HO South Kighteenth
street. The session will begin at 10 a. ni.
Deputy Supreme Regent Daniel 1U Bene
dict of Colorado has been designated by
the supreme regent aa the Installing offi
cer for the new grand council offlcera.
I'nlon Pacific council No. 1069 of Omaha
will hold a special meeting at Crelghton In
stitute hall on the evening of April 20, as
a welcome greeting to the officers and
members attending the grand council. A
small class of candidates will be Initiated
on this evening under lue new ritual by
the uniformed degree team of the Union
Pacific council.
Odd Fellows.
Ruth lodge No. 1 will hold a district
meeting In Odd Fellows' hall Saturday
evening. This district takes in Omaha,
South Omaha, Florence, Calhoun and
Omaha lodge No. 2 will confer the sec
ond degree od two candidates next Friday
Beacon lodge No. 2ft and Waaa lodge No.
13 will have candidates for the second
degree' on Tuesday and Wednesday even
ings, respectively.
Hesperian encampment No. 2 conferred
the royal purple degree on five candidates
last evening, closing the meeting with re
freshments. The five Omaha lodges have appointed
committees who are making arrangements
to hold a Joint celebration of the ninetieth
anniversary of Odd Fellowship on the even
ing of April I.
Next Saturday evening the Rehekah
lodges In this district, comprising the
lodges In Omaha, South Omaha. Florence
and Plattsmouth. will hold a district meet
ing at Odd Fellows' hall, Fourteenth and
Dodge. The South Omaha lodge will con
fer the Rebekah degree.
Travelers Protective Association.
Omaha Post A will senit a delegation of
about seventy members to the state con
vention of the association to be held In
Beatrice April 13-4. The delegation will
leave on a speclsl train from the Bur
lington station Friday at 1 p. m. sharp.
The train will pick up at TJnenln. delega
tions from Lincoln, Grand Island, Fre
mont and Norfolk.
The following Is the program:
$:0O Reception for delegates and ladlei
at F.Iks and Beatrice clubs.
5 .30-7-30 Supper.
7:30-8:30 Preliminary business meeting.
11:30 Kntertalnment for visiting members
and ladles at both clubs. Dancing and
refreshments st Nicholas hall.
9:30 Business meeting at Paddock opera
house. Address of welcome, by Mayor
Rutherford. Meeting called to order for
regular business.
Woodmen of the World.
Benson camp No. 2KS at Its next meeting,
Monday night, will Initiate a closa of ten
candidates. This camp has set Ha mark
at 200 for the present year and Is working
hard to that end. A company of the Uni
form Rank. Is being formed to properly
exemplify the work of the Protection de
gree. It Is expected that Sovereign Com
mander J. C. Root will be present at Mon
day night's meeting.
Zionist Meetlnar.
Rabbi Farber of Des Moines, Zionist lec
turer and leader, will deliver a lecture
Sunday night In Modern Woodmen of
America hall. Continental block. Fifteenth
and Douglas streets. His subject will be
"Zionism and Its Institutions." The meet
ing will be open to everyone and Is held
under the auspices of the Order of Knights
of Zlon of Omaha. The lecture will begip
at 7:30.
laurel hive No. 18, Indies of the Macca
bees of the World, will give a card party
In Myrtle hall next Friday evening.
The foresters of Hickory camp No. MM,
Modern Woodmen of America, will glva a
grand social dance Tuesday evening nt the
club rooms. Gentleman's hall. Twenty
fourth and Lake streets.
Mcndamln lodge No. 111. Fraternal Union
of America, will entertain Us friends and
members with a dancing pirty In Fraternity
ball. Nineteenth and Harney atreets. on
Wednesday evening. The proceeds will go
toward buying uniforms for the base ball
team. ....
Omaha lodge No. 311, Fraternat Union of
America, will hold a card party Tuesday
evening In Fraternity hall. Nineteenth and
Harney strcts. Dancing and rerreanmenti
will follow the card party.
Omaha court No. 110, Tribe of Ben Hur.
held a well attended meeting Monday even
ing. It was decided at this meeting to give
a dance and i-srd party for the members
and friends of the lodge Monday, April 26.
During the spring every one would be
benefited by taking Foley's Kidney Rem
edv. It furnifchea a needed tonle to tho
kidneys after tht extra strain of winter,
and It purifies the blood by stimulating
the kidneys, and causing them eliminate
the Impurities from It. Ftoley's Kidney
Remedy Imparts new life and vigor. Pleas
nt to take. -Sold by all druggists.
Goea to Force Drlacoll Into Anotker
Battle with Hlaa.
NEW YORK. April 17. Abe Attell Is go
ing to England to force. If poaslble, Jem
Driscoll Into another battle with him. Aba
and his manager, Al Llppe, decided upon
thla step when they learned that Drlacoll
had no Intention of returning to this coun
try until late next fall.
LIppc. In behalf of Attell. will Inslat on
twenty-ftve rounds at least, and. of course,
the world's featherweight championship
title would be at stake. The battle wquld
attract world-wide attention, and 11 Is
doubtful If a stronger drawing card could
be put up certainly not In the light claaa.
Attell will go prepared to make a aide bet
of $10,000, half of which will be furnished
j by George Conaldlne. It Is problematical
If Driscoll will meet Attell again at least
In the near future. A defeat In a world's
championship battle would put a crimp
In Drlscotl'a money-gathering power, and
Jem Is noted for his thrift. He may figure
on another campaign In this country, pick
ing up a few thousand dollars before tack
ling the American champion again.
In a twenty-five-round bout Attell would
doubtleaa go to the poat a top-heary fa
vorite, and a ton of coin would be wagered
on the little American. Prtscon" would not
be without backing, both here and In Eng
land, and a king's fortune would be placed
upon him to win.
One Important Change a a4. A
Jrews Golf Rales.
"No putts shall be conceded."
This is the one marked and important
change In 8t. Andrews' rulea of golf, which
have been adopted for this year by the
Western Golf association. The practice of
conceding putts from two to four feet has
grown t such an extent that a player
who aaks his opponent to hole out hia ball
If It be two or three feet from the hole, la
looked upon as a disagreeable person to
play with. The lawmakers have changed
the word may to shall and should to must
In several Instances.
Mr. V. Q. Frltu, Onronta. N. T. writes
"My little girl was greatly benefited by
taking Foley's Oiino Laxative, and I think
It Is the best remedy for constipation and
liver trouble." Foley's Ortno Laxative is
best for women and children, as It is mild,
pleasant and effective, and 1 a splendid
spring medicine, as It cleanses the system
and clears the complexion. Sold by all
Seaion Closes at Emeryville, Santa '
Anita and Jacksonville.
Tnrret Wins Trnvere Handicap at
F,neryvHle . Green Seal Takes
Meddler Handleon at
Santa Anita.
OAKIiAND, April IS. One of the greatest
crowds ever assembled on a California
track waa on hand at Emeryville, today to
witness the closing of the racing season.
One of the best finishes cam In th sec
ond race, when Meellck beat Gypsy King
by a neck. The Travera handicap went to
Turret, which, coupled with Sonla, ruled
second choice. Stsnley Fay, the favorite,
waa an easy winner of the Rutherford
handicap. Summaries: . ,
First race, six furlongs, selling: Anna
May (10$, Roas, to It won, Buoolie (108.
McRrlde, 17 to M second. Hereafter (MS,
Sullivan, $ to D third. Time: 1:14. Adena
Cadlchon, Marian Cssey. Bt. Francis, Mar
wood, Glvonnl, Balerlo and Native Son fin
ished as named.
Second race, six furlongs, selling: Mee
llck (118. Burns. 1 to 2) won. Gypsy King
(10. Taplln, $ to 1) second, Gemmell (111.
Boreal, 13 to 1) third. Time: Early
Tide, Tnny Faust, Fordello. Bewell and F.
Neugent finished aa named.
Third race, five furlongs, Travera handi
cap: Turret (115, Mclnyre. 18 to S) won,
I.ewtston (106. C. R. Miller. $0 to 1) second.
Elfin Beau (103, Buxton, 20 to 1) third. Time:
1:0H. Charlie Hargrave, Penn, Pretend,
8orl, Quality Street. Coppertown. Mary
Genevieve. Judge Qulnn. Old Mexico, Ed
die Graner and Aahel finished as named.
Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards,
Rutherford handicap: Stanley Fay (112,
Mentry, even) won. The Peer (9J, Ross, $
to 2) second. Dandelion (113, Bums, 14 to
b) third. Time: 1:4H. Woodoraft and Crea
slna finished as named.
Fifth race, one mile and fifty yards, sell
ing: Rockstone (102, King, t to 1) won. Ten
nessee Boy (96. Tsplln, 6 to 1) second, Col
bert (103. Russell, 20 to 11 third. Time:
1.454. Elevation. Taunt. Tommy Ahearn,
Celeres. Cabin. Blanche C. Mabel Hollander
and Joe Nealon finished aa named.
Sixth race, one mile and fifty yards, eell
tng: Hush Money (105. Mentry, IS to 2)
won, Fankstlo (105, Boxton. 1$ to 1) sec
ond. Bannnsal (tot, Klrschheum. 80 to 1)
third. Time: 1:44V. Don Enrlaue. Boggs.
Warden, Yankee Daughter. Eduardo and
Csntaln John finished aa named.
Seventh race, six f'irlongo. Hast Ieugo
handicap: Madman (95. Taplln. 1$ to 1 won.
Booger Red (104. Russell. $ to D second.
Rose Qneen (100. Clark. 4 to 1 third. Timet
1:134. Blaggs. Reatlgotiehe, Jeanne D'Arc.
Bellwether and Bubbling Water finished
as named.
Great Crowd at Santa Aalta.
JjOB ANOEU08, April 18. The 122-day
meeting at Santa Anita ended today In a
blase of glory, over 18,000 racing enthusiasts,
the largest number In the history of racing
In southern California, being In attendance.
Betting waa lively, the crowd giving the
twenty-three books In line all the business
they could handle. - C
The racing was of the beat. The Meddler
handicap, the fourth race, at one mile, the
feature of an excellent card, brought to
gether nine of the best handicap horses
at the track. The event went to Mr. I. H.
Wheatcraffa Green 8eal after a drive.
Glorlo easily beat Edwin T. Fry for the
place. The time for the mile waa. 1:874,
within one-fifth of a second of the world'
record. , .
Jockey J. Howard was awarded the stiver
cup for scoring the greatest number ., of
points during the final week. He scored
thirty-four points. The presentation waa
made by Mrs. J. U Holland, wife of the
president of the association. Summaries:
First race, selling, alx furlongs: Wistaria
(12, B. Wilson, 7 to 2) won. Sly Ben (131,
Donvlti, 8 to 1) second, Kopek (12, 'T. Rice.
SO to 1) third. Time: 1:14V4. Sir Angus,
Deamagea. Coblesklll. Tony Boy, Evados
and Paeifico also ran. .
Second race, selling, six furlongs: Plo
Pico (lul, Rettlg. 8 to 1) won. Firm Foot
(131, Bulwell. 3 to 1) second. ,McQhord (131,
Muaarrave. 8 to 1) third. Time: 1:14. Bvo
Bye II. Rey dtl Mundo, Toll Gathe.-er, f a-
tor Barrett, inx spring, a v. wqrig,
Canardo, Gosslper II and Lee Harrison II
also ran.
Third race, purse, one mile: Friend Harry
(104, Musgrave, 1 to 2) won, Tavora (log,
B. Wilson, 30 to 1) second. Dredger (110,
Archibald, 12 to 1) third. Time: 1:39.
Rnletch. Angle Face, Altenberg, I .Inert o.
Miko Jordan. Mlas Beaumonter, Ethel Day
and Yankee Tourlat also ran.
Fourth race, one mile: Green Seal (103,
Paa-e. 7 to 2) won.- Glorlo (114, C. Henri'. 3
to A second, Edwin T. Frye (106, J. Howard,
16 to 1) thltd. Time: 1:876. Plnkoln, Ught
Wool, Old Timer, Guy Fisher, Mark An
thony II and Ida May also ran.
Fifth rare, selling, rive and a nait fur
longs: Snohn (lis. Shilling, 7 to 2) won.
Jane 8wlft (ill, Kennedy, 6 to 1) second.
Free Knight the Bear (121, Musgrave, 13 to
1 third. Time: 1:0$. Mllplt Chill. Red
Mimic, Bat Masterson, Pal, Black Mate and
C. W. Burt also ran.
Sixth race, selling, one mile and a quar
ter: John Louis (107. Kennedy, 7 to 6) won,
Oliver Knight (99, Veaper, 16 to 1) second,
Aso (97, J. Kaln, 12 to 1) third. Time:
2:06V4. Dr. White, Logiatllla, Herman Doyle,
Nattle Bunippo, Jane lurei ana hi i-oi
Cap also ran.
Seventh race, the Adloa handicap, six fur
longs: Lawton WHgglns (108, Bulwell. 1
to 11 won. Fleming (108. Rice. 10 to 1) see
oi d. vRlslto (113, Archibald, 8 to 6) third.
Time: 1:124. Fern I. Tom McGrath, Med
dllrg Hannah, Waterbury. Colonel Bob and
Lady Irma also ran.
Lona- Shots at Jacksonville.
JACKBONVILIJS. Fla., April 18.-The
initial race meeting of the State Fair Asso
ciation of Florida at Moncrlef park came
to a close today. Seven racea were run,
with long shots ruling, and the attendance
was the largest yet recorded. Many of
the horses will be shipped to Baltimore and
Louisville. The work of Improving and
perfecting the racing plant for a meeting
next fall and winter will begin at once.
First race, five furlongs: Takahira 006.
Griffin, even! won. Alice (10$, Burton, out)
econd. DIsDute (112. Harty. out) third.
Time: 1:034,. M. L. Dawson, Katie Flaher
and O. U. Kid also ran.
Second race, six furlongs: Camel (M,
Hinnin. 3 to 1) won. Earlscourt 1108, Reld,
even) second, Bltterhand (107, Flynn, 8 to
2i third. Time: 1:174. Roseboro. Trey of
Spades, Nloless, Mertse, Variation. Don
Hamilton and Hawka Flight, also ran..
Third race, mile: Heart of Hyacinth (96,
Lovell, 16 to 1) won, Koaeburg II (lob, Han
nan. 2 to 1) second. Ben Double (102, Bran
non) third. Time: 1:4644- Youthful. Sally
Preston. Fiahkln. Bosserlan, Melange and
Monslgnor also ran.
Fourth race, four and a half furlongs
Sam Clay (106, Marlln, 7 to 1 won, .Aunt
Tlbatthea (99. Reld, even) second, L'Amnur
till. Harty, 1 to 2) third. Time: 1:116.
Tomaccht. Bate Carney, Malta, Dalay
Rhine. Big Hand, Gordon Lee, Dona H.,
Risk and Realde also ran.
Fl'th race, mile and an eighth: Jeanette
M. (97, Franklin, I to II won. Belle Scott
(US'. Lovell, 6 to 2) second. Malediction (106,
Conley. 8 to 1) third. Time: 1:594- Water
Lake, Countermand, Spring Frog, Joe
Fallert, Elysium and Gallllee also ran.
Sixth race, alx furlongs: Myatlfier (111.
Reld, even) won. Tackle (107, Burton, 7 to
10) second, Charley Luak (114. Lovell, 7 to
10) third. Time: 1:18. Vendor, Blr Vag
rant. Martius, J. 8. McAllister and R. M.
McLeod alao ran.
Seventh race, one mile: St. Aulalre (M,
Brannon, 3 to 1) won. Wine Merchant (108,
Hannan, 8 to ft second. Si. Valentine (110,
Harty, even) third. Time: 1:47 V,. Mr.
Knapp. Hand-Me-Down, Moscow Belle,
Malecon, Eldorado and Roae F. also ran.
Makers Win First Gasae.
The Baker Bros, team won lis flrtt con
teat ff the season Saturday afternoon at
Benson park by defeating the Bricklayers'
team 10 to 0. Tha nearest the bricklayers
came to sending a man around the circuit
wae first base. McAndrews pitched a
fine game, atriklng out twelve men end
allowing only four hits. Next Saturday
the Baker Broa. team will meet tha Crelg.i
ton team on the university field. The en
tire Baker Bros, aggregation played In mid
summer form and not a wobble was regis
tered against tha bunch, a
Wken yon any Gnld MedaJ rinae
ka anro It la Waakkara-Crstsr'a Geld
Medal rienr. TkU U Important.
News and Gossip from Suburbs of Omaha
What the Neighbors Are Doing
Chroniclers for the Edification
Miss Rich Hlni returned last week from
a visit In Blair.
A son was brn Wednesday to Mr. and
Mrs. John Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Began have moved
Into their new residence.
Mrs. N. J. Neal of Rennard la a guest
of her sister. Mrs. Hermsn Wulff.
Miss Marjorio Rood spent her Easter va
cation at the home of her parents.
Mr.' and Mrs. C. W. Kaley have re
turned from a visit In South Dakota.
Mrs. A. Monroe has been called to Iowa
by the sickness and death of her sister.
Carl Mever of Grand Island visited at
the Johnson home during the past week.
Mayor J. Suraace of Ashland was a guest
at the N. J. Colson home during the past
Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith have gone for a
visit In Lamonia, Iowa, to be gone several
Mrs. Fred Rrndeaard entertained the
Sunbeam club at her home last Thursday
George J. Hodder of Seattle. Wash., has
been the guest of his brother during the
past week.
Mrs. A. Prior haa returned to her home
after a few day' visit with her daughter.
Mrs. Ruth L. Bengston of Mobile, Ala.,
Is a guest at the home of her father, C. A.
J. R. Chamberlain of Lincoln was a
gueart at the Trulllnger home on last
Mtsa Aldene MuneelT' hss returned from
Denlson. la., where she had gone to spend
last Sunday.
Easter urograms were given last Sunday
at. all of the Benson churches by the Sun
day schools.
Tha B. 8. rlub was entertained last
Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
J. J. Gleason. ' .
Mr. and Mra. F. 1 Roner of Lincoln were
gtests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Trul
llnger Sunday.
Mra Mary McCray of Wapello. Ia., Is a
guest at the home of her son, F. D. Mc
Cray, and family.
Carl T.lltenstolTve returned to the Uni
versity of Nebraska, after spending his
vacation at home.
The Knlshta and Ladles of Security will
give a social dance at Odd Fellows1 hall
Thursday evening.
Mra. I. N. Bunce was called to Omaha
last Thursday by the death of her sister,
Mrs. P. W. Hodson.
. The confirmation claas of the Lutheran
church waa banqueted Wednesday evening
by the Ladles'. Aid society.
Mr. end Mrs. William Bprlngmeyer went
to Lincoln laat Thursday afternoon to at
tend the funeral of a friend.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Senger have returned
to their home In Ashland, after a visit in
Benson with their daughter.
John Arndt. who attempted suicide by
stabbing himself last Sunday evening has
fully recovered and is out again.
Mrs. Charles Colburn and Miss Corey of
Omaha were dinner guests last Sunday at
the home ot Miss Irene Muon.
Mesrs. Peruse of Omaha and A. Detallo
of Mexico have been guests, at the LlUen
stolpe home, during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong and Miss
Letta Reed of Omaha were guests at din
ner laat Sunday at the Trucky home. -
Mr. and Mra.vOeorae Hill entertained at
dinner last Sunday for their parents and
Mr. and Mrs. McQuintres or umana..
The funeral services of Mrs. Swan An
derson was held last Sunday afternoon
from the inrne of her parents In Omaha.
Raw. Mr.. Wilson will go to Irvlngton to
day to exchange ' pulpits with Rev. Mr.
Btorm 01 tne congregaiiona.1 cnurcnoi mai
place. ; .
Mrs. John Noblewas pleasartly surprised
last Wednesday evening 'at her home by
the drill team ot the Degree of Honor
lofige. I-,.
Th mil meatlna- of tha Women a Cfuis-
tlan Temperance ' I'nlon will be held next
Sunday afternoon, m the home ot Mrs. O.
N. Btaiey. .
uiu Teniae Zoreman of Gothenburg,
Veh.. and Mrs. A. Oleson of Omaha, spent
the past week at 'the home of Mrs. Chaa.
tmf. M. B. Graham of Lincoln, Mr. and
Mra. J. I.' Peterson and Miss Lulu Prior
were guests gt dinner at the Speidle home
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Bean entertained at
dinner laat Sunday for Mr. S. E. Bean of
Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bean of
Eustace, Neb.
Tha funeral services of Clarence Hollen-
burg were held In Omaha Saturday after
noon a week ago. na naa uvea in Benson
for some time. ......
Mrs. a. W. Btlger. and daughter, returned
Saturday from Plattsmouth, where she
spent the past weex, viauing at mo nome
of her parents.
Mra. William McKeown returned home
from a visit in Mlasourl Valley last Sunday.
She wa accompanied home ty tier sister.
Mrs. A. Dray, who la ner guest.
Mrs. John Noble and children expect to
leave this week for Bethany, Mo., where
Mr. Noble will Join them In the .iear
future and they will reside in that place.
Roy Young waa pleasant surprised last
week bv Epworth league members who
gathered at his home and presented him
with a gold pin in honor of his birthday
Rev. E. C. Thorpe went to Springfield,
Neb., last week to attend the annual dis
trict conference of Omaha district of the
Methodist church, held there last
Wednesday and Thursday.
The memorial . services of the Eagle
lodges of Benson, and adjoining towns, wll
be held next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at
the Auditorium of Benson, with a good
program of music and addresses.
The funeral aervlces In Omaha last
week -for Robert Llnde were attended by
a number from Benson. The young man
had lived in Benson up to a year ago and
waa a member of the Lutheran church.
The choir of the church furnlhed the
music and some acted aa pallbeartfts. In
terment waa. at Forest Lawn cemetery.
The Benson Commercial club met last
Monday evening at the town - hall. A
number of bills were allowed, the matter
of a city mall delivery was discussed and
Messrs. Thomas, Howard and Morton ap
pointed as an Investigating committee,
also a committee for entertaining the
visiting commissioners waa appointed.
The plans for a street fair thla summer
were diaousaed and left till a later meeting.
West Ambler.
Miss Julia Faverty had as her Easter
guest Miss Zella Hensman ot Center street.
Mrs. P. J. Trabor of East Ambler was
the guest of her friend, Mrs. Bernhardt,
on Tuesday. ,
A. W. Spoerrl remained home a part of
the week on account of the temporary
Illness of Mrs. Spoerrl.
Mrs. C. P. Wilson and family of South
Forty-second street, have all been vic
tims of the grip the past week.
Mrs. O. Carlsen attended the fifth wed
ding anniversary of her son Fred at his
home on Canton street on Friday.
Mrs. Josephine Carroll of South Omaha
supplied Miss "Wallace's room, the Eighth
grade, at Beat's achool on Monday.
. Many of the residents are setting out
trees and shrubbery here this week, thus
atlding to the value and beauty of their
Miss Anna Mikesell. teacher In Avenue
B school. Council Bluffs entertained her
old friend. Mrs. Ida A. Aughe, for lunch
eon at her home on Avenue C on Wednes
day. Re'. R. M. Henderson and Mrs. Hender
son entertained their grandson. Earl Hen
derson, over the Easter holldaya. He re
turned to hie atudiea at the State univer
sity Monday morning.
Mr and Mrs. D. Bhsndv were guests
of their eon Thomas and family on Fifth
street Monday and his little daughter
Gladys accompanied them home.
J. E. Aughe went over to Council Bluffs
on Wedneadsy morning and spent the
meek's end with his daughters. Mesdatnes
K. C. Dawaon and J. Voung. acrid his son
Will. He returned home Saturday.
The Ladles' Aid society will hold an all
day meeting Thursday. Arbor day. at the
home of Mrs. John Blake. In Kckermau,
to quilt. Dinner will be served at nouii
by the hostess and daughter, Mrs. Grover.
South West church people and Sunday
school did themselves proud initiating the
public to their newly remodeled building
with special Eastar exercises Sundav
svenlng. airs. Charles J. Roberts had
and What They Propose to Do
of Others Who Are Interested
charge of the program. Mlsa Myrtle
Blake was organist. The Sunday school
now has Increased to nearly 100. and one
special feature was by Mr. Davie's claas
of young ladies, the other two excellent
Faster songs by the Eighth grade of Beal a
school, wltn Miss Wallace, teacher, aa
. Miss Margaret Suttle la ill with the grip.
William Storms, sr., has been ill with
lumbago this week.
The Improvement ttub will meet at the
city hall Tuesday evening.
The F. S. W. met at the residence ot
Mlas Melle Griffin last night.
The Pleasant Hour club gave a hop at
Pasoale's hall Friday night.
Andrew Anderson has been under the
weather with the grip this week.
Mrs. Dan Green haa been on the sick list
this week, but Is somewhat Improved.
Mrs. John Lubold and Mrs. Newell Bur
ton visited friends In Omaha Monday .
Miss Florence Olmsted waa a guest at an
Informal hop given at Fort Omaha Tuesday.
Charles Hupp bought of John J. O'Con
nor lot 6, block 68, for $500, and will Im
prove it.
Dr. and Mrs. Holbrook of Benson were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Tucker Thurs
day evening.
Frank Brown, who Is at the hospital In
Omaha, Is reported as Improving rapidly
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Packard of Omaha were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Tucker on
Wednesday evening.
Mra. J. V. Finley Is acting as one of the
assistant floor managers for the Klks' fair
In Omaha this wrk.
David J. Trail has secured more Florence
prrperty this week, adding lots 9 and 10,
block 96, to his holdings.
Miss Pearl Warller, daughter, of Lew
Warller. was married to William Pilger of
Laramie, Wyo., Tuesday.
The Royal Neighbors of American will
have a dance and card party at their hall
after a short meeting Monday.
Carey, the young son of J. H. Holllngs
worth, haa been under the care of Dr.
Akers for the grip this week.
The city council will meet Monday night
and adjourn sine dlo, and the new officers
will take up their duties by organising.
The Eagles will observe next Sunday an
Memorial day and will held services In
conjunction with Benson lodge at Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. McCIure were
gueta of the Hanscom Park Dancing club
at the Rome hotel, Omaha, Tuesday even
ing. Lawrence Fay started to fill his contract
with the city this week on building cement
sidewalks, ordered by the council some time
Miss Louise Procknow. daughter of Au
gust Procknow, a prosperous farmer north
of town, was married Tuesday to Oscar E.
Rehshuh of Omaha.
John Kelly, who for fifty yeara has lived
on the oame farm near Kelly's lake, north
of Florence, died last Sunday at the age
of 80 years and was burled Tuesday.
William Ross, son of Dr. Ross, will be
one of the debaters of the Omaha High
school In the debate with the Englewood
High school of Chicago in Omaha next
Mrs.. Russell, who has lived north of
Florence for many years, died Wednesday
mcrnlng and was burled Friday afterrooi
from the farm, Interment being In Shipley's
Allen sold outlot 27, consisting
of four acres, on the south edge of town.
to Annie Linneman for $4,000. The property
Is Improved and set out to fruit and brought
$1,000 an acre. I
M. C. Coe is very 111 ' from a general
breakdown following a hard attack of the
grip. While he waa reported as somewhat
Improved Friday, It-will be some time be
fore he will be able to do much.
Miss Florence Olmsted entertained st
cards last night In honor of Mlas Louise
Kennedy of Fort Omaha, who leaves
shortly with her parents. Dr. and Mrs.
Kennedy, for Fort Sam Houston, Tex
The school board will meet at the school
house Thursday evening to approve . the
bond and contract of Mr.' Armstrong, the
successful bidder on the new building, and
to rearrange the school work for the coming
The residence of Henry I Glbbs on the
south edge of town caught fire Monday
morning from matches and mice In tha
seed corn stored In the attic. By heroic
work Mr. and Mrs. Glbbs confined the fire
to the roof of the house.
The Farmera Stste bank of Florence will
open for business Monday morning with
the smiling faces of W. R. Wall and Frank
Parker behind the counter. W. R. Wall.
Soren C. Pederson and James P. Flnley are
the hoard of dlrectora, and the capital Is
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Presbyterian church gave an enjoyable
social at the residence of Mr. and Mra. A.
B. Hunt Friday night. Music, story telling,
riddles -and singing furnished the enter
tainment of the evening, after which re
freshments were served. Many people from
Omaha were present.
The Florence base ball club will play
the Hustlers at their park in Council
Bluffa today. 'While this game will open
the season for the home team, the first
home game will not e played until next
Sunday, when they will play the Stevens
team of Omaha. George Slnrt has laid In
a carload of double-jointed peanuts, red
pop and cushions for the benefit of the
patrons of that day.
The Volunteer Fire department held Its
annual meeting at the city hall Monday
night and listened to highly gratifying re
ports and elected offlcera for the enaulng
vear. The following were elected: Presi
dent. Andrew Anderson: vice president.
Clarence Wall; secretary, Wilbur Nichols;
treasurer, M. B. Parks: chief. Georpn R.
Gaule: assistant chief, Raa Peterson; fore
man, Haxe Lowrey.
The Modern Woodmen of America will
hold a joint session with the Royal Neigh
bors of America at their hall Thursday
evening. The Woodmen have ten candi
dates to Initiate that night and at the
social session will be entertained by the
Eagles' quartet and other music as well
aa speaking by well-known men. Refresh
ments will be served. F. 8. Tucker will
preside at the open meeting.
Miss Catherine Vansago. Miss Lena Van
sago, Peter Vansago of Fort Calhoun,
Chris Pederson and John C. Pederson
formed a happy bridal party that went to
Omaha Wednesday, when Rev. Charles
Bavldge united Mlsa Catherine Vansago and
Mr. Chris Pederson. Mlas Vansago Is the
daughter of Peter Vansago of Fort ChI
houn, while Mr. Pederson Is a popular
farmer north of Florence, where the happy
couple will realde.
Mrs. W. W. Johnston Is at home again
after a visit to the Pacific coast.
The West Knd Card club met Friday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Miller.
Miss Anna Jenkins has been called to
Beward, Neb., by the death of her mother. .
The Saturday Evening Dancing club met
last week with Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Douglas.
Mrs. Henry Van Gieson. who spent the
winter In southern California, returned
homo Wednesday.
Florrnce. Mr. Ciuinter now has the Dundee I
pharmacy at Fiftieth street and L'nderwood I
Miss Mildred Rhradee was hostess at an
afternoon party Balurday, when her gueats
were about thirty of her young church and
school friends.
Mrs. W. O. Templetun and Mrs. Royal D.
Miller gave a very pretty luncheon on
Thursday at their home In honor of Mra.
Elwood Bailey of 8t. Joseph. Mo.
Miss Rose Crosby left the latter part of
the week for Denver, expecting to remain
about six months. A number of her friends
frsve her a surprise party Thursday even
ng. At the meeting of the Alternate Card club
Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. J. C. Ken
nard. Mrs. C. V. Smith and Mrs. J. T.
Foyer won p'ises. The next meeting will
be with Mrs. C. V. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Templelon n.1 Mr.
and Mrs. Royal D. Miller attended the
golden wedding a.inlversaiy of Mr. Twm
ple;on's sister. Mrs. A. Kitchen, and Mr.
Kitchen. In Council Bluffs last Saturday,
which waa a very beautiful affair.
Mra. D C. Dndds, Mrs. J J. Dodds and
Mra J. E. Dodds gave a large reception
Thursday afternoon at tha home of Mrs.
Entertainingly Set Down by the
in the Doings of Their Fellows.
D. C. Ddd.. Mrs. Ellery H. Westerfirld
presided In the dining room and was aa
slated bv Mlsaea Jtcnnte Peters. Edna P"'i
nett. Lucy Harte. Miss Ferguson and Miss
B. B. Combs Is building an addition to his
Mlsa Ruih Dutcher has been on the slrk
list the last week.
L. Sweetlnnd haa been entertaining his
brother of Loup City.
Dr. George C. Ernest made a business
trip to l.a liatte Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James McGlnley have a
baby hoy, liorn last week.
Charles Whetstone has returned from a
trip ot some length In Iowa.
The Edmonds family ia making prepara
tions to move to Omaha anon.
Charles Grave .has been a victim of the
mumps for the laat two weeks.
J. O. Stevns of 8uuth Omaha has been a
guest at the G. C. Reed home.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Chandler
have been quite III the last week.
William .Ijevlna and his family have left
Bellevue for a new home near Avery.
Howard A. Clarke of Columbus, Neb.;
visited hia aunt, Mrs. K. L. Chaffee, Mon
day. Mrs. Mary McKlemon, n-rin has been ex
tremely 111 the last week. Is somewhat Im
proved. MY. and Mrs. William Helwtg of Papllllon
visited at the -Henry Shumann home two
days last week.
The Woman's Missionary socletv was en
tertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs, B. E.
Jones at her home.
Catholic services at Fort Crook Easter
morning were largely attended by Bellevue
people of that faith.
Misa Frances Martin taught at the Averv
school h part of this week while Miss
Edith Wright was absent.
Mlsa Edith Wright, now teaching In the
Avery schools, whs kept at home several
days laat week by lllneas.
Miss Mary Lyman, the only daiiRliter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lyman, died Thursday
morning after a short Illness.
Mrs. James A. Mullen and Iter IHtle son
have returned to their home In Okliilionm
after a several weeks' visit at the Black
Three Trains East
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One morning and two evening trains daily frorn Union
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Leave Union Station, Omaha, 7:25 A. M., arrive Union
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Boys' Base
Uniform FREE
Thig means you and it Is really free
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This pays the subscription from May 1st,
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The color Is gray they
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