THE BEE: OMAHA. M OX DAY, APTUl. 11). WX POULTRY AND EGGS (Continued 1 S C. BI-ACK MINORCA 4 for setting. 1 for It Tel. Harney 3222. (U)-M M2x Whit Leghorn egge nr loo. t Mxndy Lee Farm. Tel. Florence 162. U)-MTr4 A2 PRINTING JARVS TTO. CO., Job Printing and calm dars. 16th St Cap. Ave. Phone Ind. A-2Si0. . S)-61 REAL ESTATE BCAL BITATH DEALER. REED AB8TKACT CO., Et. ISM; prompt service; get our ptlcj. 1710 c'arnam u (IW 616 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHA8, . WILLIAMSON, President. (13-617 PATNB INV. CO.. fir: floor N. T. U j9 CIS BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandela Bids. a i WALKUP REAL ESTATE CO., 609 Paxtnn block. (19r M967 MayU . DARLING DARLING. Ml Brandets Bidg. Tela. D. 64 or A-1B22. CITY PROPERTY FOR f ALB W WILL Bl'ILtT" YOU A HOME TO SUIT: have lota near ILanscom park; also lota in north and. all convenient to oar lines, water, sewer, etc. Take your choir. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. . Suite 624 N. T. Life BW. 'Phona Red WW. Omaha, Neb. Open evening. (1II-46H 21 UTH BT. BOULEVARD 80x138 feet, aouth and east front, corner, speclul price for Tew oaya. jr. u. wead, 1MU tTnrnam Bt, (19) 209 17 FOR BALE by the owner no agent's com mfislon North 36 ft. of lot 12. Axfords add (W.T140), on Sid and I-ake 81., a few feat from atreet car. In fine residence neighborhood - and paved street all around, a, room modern house and large ham. If you mean bualnesa you can buy It for tt.OOO. H. a. Counsrosn, 2213 N. 18th Bt. Tel. Webater 1390. (19I-M236 19x ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS Half acre and small house, 24th and Cam den in 1 Also (-room, modern cottage, 4M2 LaFay ette Ave. Omaha Loan & Building Ass'n 8. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge. (19.-M3T6 20 SOME BARGAINS M.60O. rooms, modern, in Kountse Place. $2,600. t room modern ex. furnace; good loca tion. 11.060. Excellent lot for flat or dwelling. $3. ' Lot worth 6400, In north part of city. McEACHRON REALTY CO., 1924 Lake BL 'Phone Webster 1651. U9)-Ml66 1 Farnam St Property Very choice corner near, the city hall with five-story brick and atone building. Well rented and Income crowing. 8106,009. Harrison & Morton, (19) Mju3 HOMES IN BENSON Part eaah: balance aame aa rent. , W. E. Yarton, 23 B. Or pnanags Ave., Benson. Tel. Benson 6L 19 M799 AM - - , LA ROB. new mod. -r. cottage, cor. lot 100x128. two block from car Una; Imme diate poaaeealon; get a home on sy pay ment front the owner. Doug. 163 or even ings Web. 4661. , . U9) Mtss HAVE three new thoroughly modern 6 and T-room residence properties In best part of Lincoln, Neb., residence section, which I will sell at a bargain or exchange for Omaha property. What have youT W, U Ktlly. 414 N. Y. Life Bidg , Omaha. (191-M373 1 9 WE HAVE A New Printed List of -V 60 HOMES Ranging in Price from v $1,100 TO $7,500 that wa want everyone to get and look over who I Interested In buying a home, every house on the Hat I good value. Call at our office or telephone and wa will be pleased to let you have one. HASTINGS HJEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. (UiMIlS 17 BOULEVARD HOUFE. fS4f North lta St., rooms, modern, only $2,600. Thomas Brennao. room 1 New York Ufa Bidg. U MM REAL ESTATE, LOANS and Insursnce List your property with us for sal or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills Realty Co., 4010 Hamilton St. Phones Harney l7tiS; Ind.. B-IM. U9te LIST your property with Cbria Boyer, ?24 and Cuming Bta. . (19) (23 IF YOU HAVE City property, farms, ranch landa or mer chandise to sell or trade. Hat them with m. It costs you nothing unless I effect a sat, w. w. Mitcneti. sa fcia. TO. Did (19)- NEW. T room.- very choice, Beml Prk district C. M. Rich, 120 N. Y. Life. D 302$, A $233. (19)-M960 ON Blnney Bt., lust a step to ll'h, $ rooms modern except best. Price $2.N00. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suit f?4 N. Y. Life Bidg. Phone Ren 1. Omaha, Neb. Open evening. (19)-4 II I ROOMB, modern except heat: could fin ish two more rooms in second sturv. Ui 6ixl3S, one block from car line. Brand new. . A yery desirable home. Terms reasonable. Prl.e $2,350. Nowata land and lot compant. nuns i. ui oiug., umana. 'Phone Red 199. Open evening. (1)-4T 21 FOR SALE Nearly new house and barn on two acre of good ground, some fruit. Price $3,100. Adolph Hansen, 64th and Center eta. (19)-164 17x NEW modern. S-room house. $?,9rl: $l.!O0 cash, $J."i monthly pamenta. Call to day at 3u$ Ames Ave. tl9 M2H lx FOR BALE A home built by one of Omaha beat contractor less than I wo years ago; rooms and bath on first floor, 3 roonia with hot and cold water on second floor; thoroughly modern; full lot. paved' atreet, convenient to Farnam car. Aaarrss owner, j m, care nee. 11 Maw I9x REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAlsCH 1AN D FOR BALI ' Mlasoarl. HAVE four choice Missouri farma. In ex (t-llcnt neighborhood, within (weniy-five milea of Kansaa c-liy; prices low. Kelly A Kelly. Topeka. Kan. (30)-Mail 2lx COLORADO IRRIGATED SNAP. acres Joining townsKe. twelve milea from Denver: fruit and vegetable Wild; Ilea beautifully; fine view of the mojn tsins; Ideal for home or Investment. This will be sold at one-half its present value If at once. NATIONAL INVK8TMKNT CO., Ixs Brandela Bidg., Omaha, Neb. Mi 269 a ttrMXa. taVACRB homesteads; cheap relinquish meal J. barai&a. Whitman. Neb. tV MH MajrUA REAL ESTATE FARM ASD RAX1I LAND FOR SACK R) tknuku Cntli 7 AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN Section of good farm land In Cheyenne rountv, Nebraska, well located, that must be soid at onre and the price will sell It. If sold by the X2d Inst., owner will take $7 an acre; better look this up at once. NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY M3 Brandela Blclg., Omaha, Neb. (3ft)-M471 19 New Mexico. FOR SALE 1W acres of deeded land In the rich Fecoa valley of New Mexico, with artesian well and Improvements, within H mile of the town of Dayton. Price, per acre; Address Dayton Land Co., Dayton, N. M. (201 M. lx Idaho. FOR INVESTMENT Buy Improved irrigated farms In IdMio. rfnitd to reaponainio farmers for a num ber of years at a net cash rental that will give you M pe cent net annually on the money Invested; all rent guaran teed. These land will double In value within three years. You can Invest from 81.000 up. This means flrat-clasa real es tate security, a high rate of Interest and twlr the money Invested In three yesrs If you know anything about Idaho Irri gated lands and farming bv electricity this offer will not surprise you. For par ticulars address WILLIAM LAMPM ANN. LAI. A.. Oregon 8hort Line Rallroid, 1906 Blnney St.. Omaha, Neb. (20) M376 lx Kawaaa. FOR 8AL&-Farm of 660 acrea, milea from Attica, Harper county, Kansas. Im. provementa. House of four rooms, cement rock barn, granaries, rood well, wind mill and Link. 2 acres orchard, i acre locust grove: fenced and cross fenced ITS acrea In wheat. 40 acres In oata. Hi acrea being put Into com, balance in grass. One-third of crop goes with place Price 313,000 If taken In 30 riavs. No trades. Address Dr. D. S. Smlthhisler, owner, Harper, Kan. (20) M397 19x Oklahoma. , OKLAHOMA TUESDAY, April' 2a A very low round trip snd one-way rat to Nowata. We want IS for special car. Land $10 to $25 per acre: 4.6oO oil well In Nowata county. No better Investment on the face of the earth. Ask Missouri Pa cific Railroad agent for rates. Nowata Land and Lot Co.. -Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bidg., Omaha. Neb. "Phone Red 199i Open evening. (20) M991 19 Miscellaneous. LOTS In Prince Rupert on nle by auc tion May 26. Term, cash, balance, three payments, 6 per cent. If you wish to Invest write, Prince Rupert Realty and Commerclrtl Co., 460 Richards St., Vancouver. B. C. ( M1S0 19x REAL ESTATE FOR RENT WHEN writing to advertiser remember it only takes is stroke or two of the pen to mention the tact thai you saw the ad The Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loan. Peter Trust Co. (22)-Ri SECOND MORTGAGE losna negotiated. W .11' i .' -' 0mim i-'i ug. Bell 'phone Douglas 2318. (22) 2 WANTED City losns and warrants. W. larnam Smith v.o., uoi f arnam Bt. (22)-28 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood. Hit xsranaeis xiue;. ai LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandels Bidg. (22)-27 PAYNE, BOBTW1CK & CO., N. Y. Life. Private money; $609 to $6,000; low rate. (22)-JJ $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bidg., 16th and Farnam. '.23) Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on hand and for aale In amounts from 1300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, . 4 12 Ni V. Life Bidg. (22) M372 19 KIVW PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BKENNAN. Room 1. New Voik Life Bidg. (23) 8600 TO 15.000 on homti In Omaha. O'Keefe l-. n Hail m v : . r... or A-3132. (21-7 MONET TO BUILD. $.100 to k-Om.oOO at 'current rates. W. H. THOMAS, kit First Nat l Bank Bidg. (U U 8600 to f.xjo.000. lowest rates, no delay. Qxrvln Bros.. 1604 Farnam. (22-HU MONSY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (22)-634 REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS for a 6-room house, a 6-room house and a couple of vacant Iota NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bidg., Omaha. 'Phone Bed 1999. Open Evening. C2 MTKi STOVE REPAIRS NEW furnacea. ho', water and hot air com bination heating, $ and 4-hole laundry hot water heater, mantle grates, ga love repaired, water front and flower vases. Omaha Stove Repair works. 1206 1206 Dougias St. '!ones Ind. A-lttUl; Bell. Douglas 960. WANTED TO BUY HIOHE8T price for secondhand furniture, carpets, clotne and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3971. (26) 840 BEST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpels, etoves, clothing, shoe. Tel. Doug, (ML (261641 The Practical Auctioneer. 8a N. Y. Life. ', WANTED TO RENT WANTED By young couple without chil dren; 1 or 3 furnished rooms equipped for light housekeeping; must be In first-class modern bums -ud neighborhood; will prove permanent If agreeable and ref erence exchanged. Address L 334. Bee. (26)-M244 19x WANTED to rent May 1, 6 or 6-room mod ern house. Must be ' In good neighbor hood. Will Itase fur year. References. No children. Btate terms. Y 162, Bee. (26)-M237 U FOCR or 6-room furnished c It age or flat. Address C 3-, Bee. i2t)-M149 20x WANTED 3 furnished rooms. May 1; Loth rou school district. L. K. Vorce. 1624 Bln ney Bt. (26) 469 20 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By a Filipino boy a pis work for board while attending B 'lace to Boylee' Business college. Bt-st of reoonvnenda- tions. Address Farmm Gamo, Crawford, Now il7)-Maw8 3bx WANTED SITUATIONS ( pnunuo BOOK HFFPF.R Toting wrmnn. ten year' experience In drug house and wholesale line, wants position; best of references as to ability In handling books, office work which requires dealing with public, but not adenography. Address, giving time most convenient for applicant to call, N 836, care Bee. (27 M3M 19x GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSAL FOR BEEF AND MITTON Omaha. Neb., April 19, WO. Scaled pro posals. In triplicate, for furnishing and de livering fresh beef and mutton required during six months beginnings July 1, 1!, In accordance with specifications ami condi tion set forth In Circular No. 4. War De partment. Office of the Commissary Gen eral, Washington, D. C, March 27. IP, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock . m.. May 1!), IS., for the following posts, vis.: Korta Crrok, Omaha and Robinson, Neb.; Fort Dea Moines, la.; Korta Iieaven worth, Riley and Military Prison at Fort 1-eavenworth, Kan.; Jefferson Harracks. Mo.; Forts I. A. Russell and MacKenxle, Wyo., and Fort Meade. 8. D. Information and blank propoaala will be furnished on aDDllratton to the commissaries of the re spective posts or to undersigned. Enveh pes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for bef and mutton, to be opfni-d May 1. 19H9," and addressfd to the undersigned. F. F. EastTian, I.leut. Col inel. l. O. O., U. B. Army AI-3-zi--' mi-k PROPOSALS FOR FRESH MEATS OF flce of commissary purchasing agent, Panama Railroad company. 24 State Struct New York, March 30th, 1909. Sealed pro oosals will be received at this office until t p. m.. April IMh, 1909. for furnishing refrigerated fresh meats In the estimated minimum quantity of l.fiOO.OOO pounds for the period from May ll'th to September Soth, law. manna ana run information mav be obtained from the undersigned. Wendell L. Simpson. Major Nineteenth In fantry, U. S. A., Commissary Purchasing Agent, 24 Btate street, Mew iorx. A(i-l?-l-22 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William K. Foote and wife to Emll Gall, lot 4. block 7. Crelghton's 1st add $ 1 Luther Kountre and wife to Josephine H. Wldonfellcv. lots 1 and 2. block 19, Kountie 1'Ucp 1,400 Eugenie K. Ni-holson and husband to same, lot 1. block lv. Kountse Place 760 Charles B. Kountre and wife to ssme, lots 4 and . blocK 19. Kountse Place 1,600 Jlxenh Rarker et al. to Martin Quick. lot 9. block 471. Grand view 10 George B. Darr and wife to F. J. Rurklev. lots 4 and 6. block 161, Omaha 100,000 William O. .Reels and wire toNf-dwIn Hlndlev and wtfe. lot I. block S. Monmouth Park 1,400 Ernest Sweet to Fred M Penney. tract at sad and Harney Bta 1.600 Mary F. Bou.'ke to Jennie and Harry C. Lament. s. lot 4. block C. Hor- bach'a eubdtv 1600 Robert i. Ricnardson and wife to John W. Fisher, lot 1. block 14. Kountse Place 2.000 Jacob Relnefvand wife to A. L. Reed, lot 7, block VJ0, Omaha 1500 F. J. Burkley and wife to George B. Darr. two-thirds Interest In sV of lot 6 and lota 6 and 7, block 62. South -Omaha; lot 16 and 16. block 2, and lot 13 and 14. block 8. Hawthorne; lot 2. block . West End $5,000 E. A. Cndahy and wife to George B. Darr, lot 8. Clarke' add 15.000 Total $172.Sl RAJLWAYTI M E CARD tN ION STATION lOTH AND MASON Valoa Pacific Leave. ..a 1:66 am ..a 8:60 pm Arrive. Overland Limited Colorado Expresa a 1:40 em a 1:00 pm a 1:20 am Atlantic express Oregon Express a 4:10 pm Los Angeles Limited al2:66 pm Fast Mail a f 20 am China and Japan Mail.. a 4:00 pm North Platle Local a 8:16 am Colo. Chicago Special... al2:10 am Beatrice A Btromaburg a 1:09 pm a 8:60 pm a 8:46 pm a 8:46 pm a 4'4S pm a 7:08-am Local D12.40 pm b 1:49 pm vaney Local (motor, via I.ane Cut-Off )....a10:(O am Valley Local ( motor)... a 6:30 pm LocaL passenger not carried . a 1:45 pm a :m am on train No. 1 and t. Chicago, Rook lalaa Paelft EAST. Chicago Limited a J .00 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am UocUy Mountain Ltd. ...a 1:00 am Dea Moines A Katem..a T:00 am Des Moines Passenger.. 4:00 pin low a Local bll:00 am Chicago (Kaatern Ex.).. a 4:40 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:08 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd...all:12 pm t olo. & cal. Expi .... h l:iu pm OKI. & Texas Express. .a 4:40 pm all:0S pm a t:au pm all:06 pm a 4:10 pm al2:80 pm b 9:66 pm a 1:10 pm a :2b am a 2:50 pm a 4:30 pin a 1:0J pm Chicago, Mllwaaeo 4c bt. Paal . Cliluago A Uoio. special a t:2b am sll:60 pm mc urciuu iLAnn.i o.w pm Overland Limited a 9 66 pm Perry Local b 6:15 pm thlvsgo ureal Wtiters a 3:26 pm a i.aO am bU: am St. Pa-Jl-Minneapolia.... 8:30 pm St. Paul-Mlnneapoll.... 7:30 am Chicago Limited 6:06 pm Chicago Express 1:30 am Chicago Express $ 30 pm Chicago A) Northwester T:30 am 11:36 pm 6:37 am 11:36 pm 8:30 pm Chicago Daylignt a IM am Twin City Express a 7:46 am Chicago Local all: am 6icux City Local a 8:46 pm Chicago Local a 4:30 pm Chicago Special a 6:00 pm Minnesota-Dakota Ex. .a 8:46 pm Fast Mall Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...a 9:00 pm Overland Limited alo :) pni all:4S pm ai0:30 pm a 3:38 pm all:30 am a 8:36 pm a 8:28 am a 9:30 am a 3:36 pm a 3:00 am al2:86 pm a I :zd am Nebrarka and Wyoming Division- Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am a 1:30 pm I.incoiu-ijong rro i .w am Dead wood-Lincoln a 3:00 pm a 10:36 am a 6:20 pm a 6:20 pm b 1:66 pm b 6:20 pm a t 08 am a 6 60 pm a 8:38 am aU:16 pm bl9:16 Am Casper-Lander a l:uu pm Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm Hastings-Superior b 3:0u pm Mlaaoarl I'aclflo K. C. A St. L. Express.. a 8:00 am K. C. Si. L. Expr ..a.i,16 pm Wabash 81. Lout Express a 8:30 pm kit. Louis Local (from Council Biuffs) a $:0C am Stunberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 8:00 pm llllaols eairal Chicago Express ........a 7:16 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Mtnn.-SL, Paul Ex press, b 7:16 ara Minn. -St. Paul Limited a 6:00 pm Omaha-Ft. Dodge L'cal.a 4:16 m a 8:48 pm a 8:89 am a $ 30 am all 80 am BVRI.fNUTON ItAe-IOTH MAgOlf Barllaartoa Leave. Arrive Denver A California. ...a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm North ?st Express al2:15 am a 8:08 am Nebraska point a 8:4n am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:20 pm al2:ll pm Nebraska Express a 8:16 am a 6:10 pm IJncoln Local b 9:08 am Uncoln Local a 7:60 pm Schuyler-Plattsmonth ..b 8 06 pm bl0:20 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth b 1:08 pm Plattsmouth-iowa b 3:18 am Bellevue-Plattsmouth ,.jl2:R pm e 2:40 pm Denver Limited '..a 4:10 pm a 7:06 am Chicago Special a 7:26 am all:45 pm Chicago Expreaa a 4:20 pm a 3:66 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm a 8:80 am Iowa Local a 9:16 am all:30 am St. Louis Expreal a 4:10 pm all:) am Kar.saa City A St. Joe. .110:46 pm a 6:80 am Kansas City A St. Jo, a 9:13 am a 6:10 pm Kansas City A St Joe.. a 4:40 pm WEBSTER STA-1STH WEBSTER Chleaao. at. Paal, Mlaaea polls A Oasaha Leave. . b 6.30 am ..b 2:00 pm . c 8:46 am ...b 6 b8 pm Arrive, b 9:20 pm bll am e 6:20 pm b 8:10 am Twin City Passenger Bloux City Psssenger Skux City Loral Emerson Local Mlaaoarl Paelflew- Auburn Local . K t U wwm kit SA M a Dally, day only. a Daily except Sunday a bun d Dally except Saturday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC L368 TXAJI FOUR OATS AT SXA. Weskiy BsOUsg Between Meatreal, Qn aaA Uvarpoot. Two day on to beautiful St. Lawrence river and the shortest ocea rout t '"ruihlng setter on the Atlantic thaa aur rn pre Wire lee on all steamers, rirat otaaaa, tl seooaa. eat eiaaa eaeia see, aah your ticket ageat. r writs far InaaL tatee and booklet. a S. RAMJAJCXsT. AW NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Oirei Farther Evidence of Sptculatire TJnsettlement. SZLLE70 ORDERS EAELY IN DAT Bears Work for Reaelloa, hat Ara ler Pat to Flight s4 Kee aloa Ends with Baoyaat Rally. NEW YORK. April 17.-The stock market today gave further evidence of some unset- llement of speculative aentiment. The sharp reaction of the day before and argu ment of the unfavorable bearing of the wheat market aituatlon stocks hHd the ef fect of bringing In selling orders. Part of these were executed In the London market bt fore the opening here and the price In New York opening at the London parity or below, represented considerable declines from the level at which the market left off. The professional traders on the floor worked Tor a reaction. The manner In which the market absorbed the atock ot tered and the apperance of support for prices had an Intimidating effect on the bear and Inspired some covering of shorts. The bear took to flight in tbe late deal ings and caused the buoyant rally which ended the day. Foreign markets were still disturbed to some extent by the troubles in Turkey. The recent large gold outgo to Bouth Amer ica, together with the considerable syndl cate operation In connection wtlh bond flotations, has led the lender of money on time to attempt an advance In rate of interest, but borrower hold off and the result is great decline In the money mar ket. Reading waa exempt from Its recent week-end depression In anticipation of a poasime decision on Monaav in tne com mndltles clause cases. Central Railroad of New Jersey rose buoyantly with helpful effect on Reading and the coalers . gener ally. The pronounced trength In the coal ers was the Influence which prompted the vigorous rally and the. strong closing at general net galna. The bank statement showed a heavy loan expansion, both by the clearing houae Institutions and the trust companies, supposedly due to the week syndicate transactions. Bonds were Irregular. Total sale, par value, 32.620.000. United State 2a, coupons, and the 3s have advanced per cent on can during the ween. Number of aale and leading quotations on siocxs were a touows: Ssln. Rifv Lew. cia. Amslemt4 Oovper lt.tkm 71 H Amnion c. A r mo 4i 4t Am. C. r. Did Ill An. Cotton Oil 1, tilt U WV. Am. H at u. pfd 100 lit U In Am. !c Securities 1,4'X 17 ti Am. Llnsoe4 Oil W0 11V 1414 IW American LorsmotlT SOO MS4. UVk 1 Am. LeeomotlTe Bta 11114 Am. 8. R. 1.400 nit .iu. fc n . pia w ijj t "u ,'. Am. Siisar Refining ao 13S n US Am. Tobicoo pfd , JtiO M NU, American Woolen KJt Ansconds Mining Co 9.m US 44H 44, Auhlon nt 0h !. Atrhlion pfd too 1014 M Wi Atlantis const L,me las l izs Baltimore Ohio I.M0 113(4 1UU, Hli Bal. Ohio ptd i Drooaiyn Rapia Tr s.on 7 76 vH 1 anadlui Pacific .' t.4W 174 173 1714 Central Leathor 440 3H 29 M Contrnl Lethar pfa a. 11 central of New Janey., . . . . 1,400 HI 44 7 CbeanrMtk Ohio 1.600 77 n 744 Chli-aco ot. W MO H 6V4 ChH-aso a N. W 171 C, M. It at. r : 9,100 141 14614 141 C, C. C. A St. L 7314 Colorado F. A I l.SOA 174 1414 174 Colorado So tii Colo. A So. 1st ptd ... ..'. 0 Colo. A So. td pfd ftIO 7414 74V4 1 H Consolidated Oaa 60 117 14 117 Corn Product l.KOO US 1 214 Dslawsra A Hudson. . 1.100 182 11114 112 Danver A Rio Ontnd 8,700 it 414 5" '4 D. A R. O. pfd ,. 1714 uiatuwrr seeuritias ...... it(4 t Erie 4LS00 4 lW 104 Brla lat ptd 400 44 44 414 td prd 17 Oanaral Blertrie 4)0 1M IM - 16 Orast N-ortharn ptd ; rl.m lS 141 J 4.14 ut. Northern or etta.... too 48 M I Illlnola Ontral 7 146 14S14 144V4 IntarborouKh Mat tM 1114 id n mi. Met. pre i.nn 44 4iu. 4s Intarnallonal Paper U nt. paper prn ion 47 sr 17 International Pump ; .'. 16 low (antral . 2,700 St II 34 Kanaaa City So..... t.M 1.7O0 4?.', 44 4o'4 K. C. 80. pfd no 7114 7'4 It Louisville A N . 1.600 174 ! 174 Minn. A SI b , atOO 414 414 "7 M.. St. P. A S. S. M H) lSS'j U34 III Mlaaourl Pacific , 1.400 7SS 724 IS M., K. 8 T ....'.? 1,700 4214 411$ ' M., K. A T. pfd I.) '" S00 744 744 14U National Lead 17.n 1144 H4 S New York Central i too 1M lad 12H N. T., O. A W 4.0)0 4414 474 4i4 Norfolk A w I.aro iv4 11 414 North Americas 1.100 8S MI4 2 Northern Pacific S.IOO 14814 143 143 "4, Pacific Mall ..." 1914 Penneyivanla l.sOO 13414 183 '4 People's Oaa 1.000 111 m 114 P.. C C. A St. L 500 13 M l'4 Preaaed Bleel Car ' 100 87 17 84 punman palace car ll Rallwar Steel Serin 100 ID Ml Reading 37,700 1414 114 14 114 Republic Steel 824 Republic Steel pfd 100 744 74 14 14, Rock laland Co 14.400 M4 S'4 , Rock laland Co. pfd ........ .3 47 '4 17 47 s St. L A 8. F. 2d pfd 1,400 W'4 344 St. uouu b. w 84 St. L. S. W. pfd 100 17 (7 M14 Sloee-Sheffleld 8. A 1 744 Southern Prtrie 13.000 11 4' im 1104 So. Pacific pfd l' 1234 1314 13J Southern Railway 4. 400 U ZJ il4 Bo. Railway pfd 1,200 41 64 6i4 Tenneaaes Copper .' : A0 41 40-4 Teiaa A Pacific too 8814 98 U4 T , St. L A W 1,400 24 tl4 el T., St. L A W, pfd IKl 7l' 70 44 t'nlon Pacific 64.10 1M4 1444 114 I'nlon Paclflo pfd S0V4 C. 6. Rubber 82 V. S. Rubber 1st pfd too 10!V. KB 10214 V. S. Steel 43.400 51 414 4044 V. S. Steel pfd '1.010 11414 1184 114 flab Corper ' 800 43 4114 43 Va. -Carolina Chemical 1,600 47 444 47 Va.-Caro. Ckeat. pfd lit Wabaah 300 II 174 18 Wabaah pfd 3.40H 47 4. Wwtlnhouia Electrlo 200 1 81 811, Weatern L'nlnn 400 t 41 44 Wheeling A L. C Wlacnnaln Central s... Too 47 54 17 Am. T. A T. Co 4,104 127 1M4 137 Total sales for the day, 454.800 shares. Movements of 8peele. NEW YORK. April 17. Imports cf mer chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending April 1 were valued at 319.687.610. imports of specie at the port of New York for the week ending today were 328.947 silver and 3181,093 gold. Exports of apecie from the port of New York for the week ending today were 3650,100 gold and $S66.0I silver. Tveasary Rtatesaeat. WASHINGTON, April 17-Today state ment of treasury bslances In the general fund, excluaive of the 8160,000,000 gold re serve shows: Oold coin and bullion, 346,326, 776; gold certificates. 840.462,960; available cash balance, 3129,019.701. Looa! heearlttee. Quotation furnished by Samuel Burns, it.. CM New York Ufa Building: Bid. Aaked. Beatrice Creamery, common 66 47 Cody Canal Association, ...'. 14 Columbus L. H. A P. la 1424 44 14 City of Omaha Bonda. 4s 1121 la 1004 Douglas CounLy 4a 44.6 . 1U .M4 Oate City Malt Company 1 140 German Fire Ina. Co lis Ind. Tel. io 117 (60 pfd bonuai 45 Kanaaa City R. A L. 4s 111 17 94 K. C. R. A L pfd 1 It 62 Nebraska Tel. Stock 4 5 Omahs Oaa to 1117... II tl OCEAN STEAMSHIPS (Continued-) Nbw York to Paris In 6 Days FRENCH LINE Safety, Speed. Comfort via Msvr ta "aria, the City Beautiful, Fait Trains to All Coattneatal Point. Compagnie Generate Transatlantique Guisnrie twrta acre express steamer sail every Thursday. 10 A. M. They are modern won der, with all coavealsBcea aad lux a tea of saoat palatial hotels, oa vea grander scale. Passen ger elevators, roof cate, orchestra, famous cuisine, gymnestasa. dally newspaper, elegant suites, provide greatest comfort. Naval officer, snaa-o'-war discipline, wireless teletjrspby. sub marine bell slgaal system aOord every provteioa lor abaolut satetr. La 6aae4 April It L PreTcnce May II Le Teoralne ....April JS I.S Saaele May 8 La Lorraine May I La Toaraia May d) IOeailat Pee elees CaMa Beretae (II deeel I SM 4 .. elvaameaa kauadsye. aa sew Urge 4tn I e.acw mma aapraae enieieaa. I gaeee Veo-Sard.eea Bawtas aej aaaas eahts) I eml, aee ee . II. B. Meore IM Panvem Street. L heeee lat Naiieawl lut W. B. aeek IsM eHrasaa ttree. Omek g. L A P le 1483... Omeha A C. B St. Ry. a 114 4 l"t lot Omahs A C. B. Si. Ry. to I9n Owiaks C B. St. Ry. pfd. 5 101 W'4 44 Omahs A C. B. St. Br. com 4'V ea 44 41 4 101 Pnaha A C. B. Ry. A Rrlrtae pf 4. Onaaha Water on. 6s 114 Omahs Walee C. 5s 14 Omaha Water C. 1st ptd Omeha B. at T. Bis. Co. pfd t Omeh B. ef T. Bid. Ce. eom B. P. A t. J. e 1lf so si S4 f Hi 44 44 7-4 44 ... 104 46 , ... JOI . 64 (t , M4 104 . 46 , l n m Pncifi T. 4b T. Oa, 6 iter Scott's Rtnrf, Nek.. Water Bowlk Omaha Sewer 44 1624 8ion City Stock Tarda pf 6 Swift A OMioeinr Tn-State Land Ce. pfd. 7 Torek St. Rr le tnlon Stock Tarss tx.. umana, e-.. New York Moaey Marhet. NEW YORK. April 17 MONEY-On rail. nominal; time loana very dull and steady; sixty day and ninety day, IV per cent; six months. 3tf3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE r Ar"r:;rV 04 per cent. o Tt-KLlPil rt A rv v. tLf r 1 r m. wun ac tual huelneaa In bankers bills, at 34 SWt 4. 9M5 for alrty-day bllla- and at M.STTOW 4 6776 for demand. Commercial bills, 84.86 8j4.864. SII.V rK Bar, eiiftc; niexican oonara, etc. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Ir regular. Closing quotations on oona were a 101- lows: V. S. rat. Is peg im "Japan 4a s do cespon 104 de 4s IS. g. a, ri 401 ed( M eerles 42 ds coupon 101 eg. r. Be. 1st ta 14 V. S. 4, rre. . ex. Int. lit L. S. deb. ta 181.... do coupon 10 'I- A N. ant. 4s rOl Allls-Cbal. 1st 6 MM. K A T. 1st 44.. 100 An. A. 6s... MS do lat A ref. 4s.... 41 Am. T. A T. e. 4s.. 102 de gen. 4s 1 Am. Tobsee 4s. 74M. faclfl 4s U4 do 4s 1I0N. Y. O. . Ia I34 do gen. 4S ....101 de dek. 4s a Short Lis 1st 4a tsH N. T. Olty 4s new...l-4 do c. 4a toN. T , N. H. A H. e rr. la 1014 ev. 6a A. c. L. 1st ts 7N. A W. 1st sea. 4.. AO. 4s lot de tr. 4s 17 do twa 44 Ne. Paolflo 4a. 108 4 do S W. Ia 1 de la 74 Brk. Tr. tt. 4e...j... I4'4 O. S. L. rfd. 4s Cansds So, lat s...l00penn. ev. 4 lilt... Cen. of Oa. la H4 ds eon. 4s. ICi ecentml Leather 6s.. WRedls gea. 4s 114 C. ( N. 3. S. 4 1244 St. L A 6 P. f. 4s. 444 Cles. A Ohio 4V4....lt4 8t. L S. W. e. 49... Chicago A A. Ia ... 1i 60 1st gold 4s M C, B. A Q. J. 4a.... MSeabonrd A. L 4s ... 71 C, M. A B P. g. lslSo. Paeine esl. to.... Sit 0.. R. I. A P. 4s.... 11 do let ref 4s St do col. 6s i4Bo. RalliTsy aa lu do rfdg. 4s la ds gen. 4s M err a St. L a. 4a.. 44 . Unloa Pacific 4s. I"! Colo. Ind. 6 7 d e. 4s 107 Oslo. Mid. 4s 37 do 1st A ref. 4 C. A 8. r. A e. 4s. . ! D. A H. ev. 4a 104 U. g. Steel M as 104 4 do lat ret. 4s 102 Chem. 6s... Kti D. A R. O. 4s 7 Waheeh lat 6 lllX nistlllers 6s T do let at x. 4S 73 Brie p. 1. 4s 17 Western Md. 4s. 88 de gen. 4s 74 Weet. Bloc. . Is.... IS de tr. 4s series A.. 71 Wis. Ontral 4s. 15 do series B 6 D. A R. O. ref. 6a.... 64 Own. Elee. tr 140 c. o. rat. etr ee. .101 III. Can. let ref. 4a... 1004 N. R. R. of M. 4e.. MS Int. Met. 4s 71 So. Pnclfle ev. 4 etfs It Int. M. M. 4s 7J Sid. Mllwaake) Grala Market. MTLWAI'KF,E5. April 17. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 81.2fV4m'.2H; No. I northern. 81-26; July, n.MHtt.lBHw OATS-Standard, 6ftgW4c. FIFTY ROUND YBJZZ FIGHT Joe Jeaaette Defeats "ana MeVey 1st Pari. PARIS. April 18.In the greateot fight witnessed In France lnce John L. Sullivan and Charley Mitchell drew at Chantllly In 1888. Joe Jeannette of New York tonight defeated Sara McVey el California in the fiftieth round of a finish fight. A great crowd witnessed a game exhibition of heavyweights, the contest lasting for three and a half hour. McVey had the better et the fight up to the fortieth round and In both the twenty-first and twenty-econd round he had the New Yorker so groggy that he barely could keep on hla feet. Jeannette bore the punlahment bravely and recuperated In a wonderful manner, McVey had almost worn himself out after forty roupda and by this time the New Yorker was coming back. By effective In fighting lie gradually beat the Callfomlan and practically had him knocked out when the fight ended, McVey 'a second throwing up the sponge. Jeannette was the favorite In the betting uid the purae waa 86.000. It la urrderitooeV that Jeannette now Intends to Issue a challenge to Jack Johnson for the championship of the world. SOUTH OMAHA LINKS BETTER Improvements Made at Coaatry Clak Ifrave Orosada. During the last three week much tin provement has been effected In the golf link of the Scuth Omaha Country club, Change In the link have added much to the course In numerous ways. By the time of the spring opening. May 7, everything will be In good shape. New grass green will take the place of the aand greens la use last year. The graas is coming up finely and will be up to standard by the date of opening. Several change have been made In the eourse by which the length has been Increased to 8,100 yard Instead of 1800 yards aa formerly. New bunkers are being constructed and four teeing grounds Will be changed. Mr. Shultg, keeper of the grounds, says the only thing which may delay him or prevent the links being In perfect condition will be stress of weather out of the ordinary. TEACHERS BEAT CITY MEN Nebraska City Baalaesa Cellesre Teasn Beatea at Pera. PERU. Neb.. April 18.-8peclal Tele gram.) The game of base ball played here today between the Nebraska City Business college and the Normal resulted In a score of 9 to 1 In favor ot the teachers. Both teams did excellent work, although a few errors were mado on each aide. Th Normal did better team work than the city. The lineup wa as follows: Nebraska City. Position. Peru Chapman Short Parrott Sampaal Third Beck Thomas Left Swenaen Oolden Catch Carteny Beale Pitch Qarry Johnson First McAdams Reiser center Oelwlcat Tlieman Second Heloma Falmqulat Right McDowell uunnf me last rour inning Stevens pitched and Selk played r'ght field for Peru. BOWLING. Team standing of Omaha Bowling league Played. Won. Loet. Pet. Plna. Mets Bros 84 64 30 .763 TS.4,7 Triumphs 78 63 26 . 679 68.876 Chancellors 78 41 37 . 626 67.900 Falstaff 84 44 40 . 624 72.003 Jetter 84 41 43 . 463 69. Si 2 Onlmoda 76 S3 42 . 440 63.61? Oate City 78 24) 63 .3.(3 68. KM Sampecka 76 18 69 .213 61,334 Individual atandlng: Games. At. I Games. At Martin I HO, Orwenleei 75 111 Neale 71 1M Bpragu 80 118 B latency 44 17 Rempks I 178 Berger 14 lUlTmrr 44 173 Ojerds 1 112 O. w. Ooff 44 171 C J. Praaclscs.. 76 Mwalens 14 170 Hand It lD8Orrll 4i 141 Oechraa M till Otineeor 44 141 Lenders 9 1H Chandler 73 147 Penman 14 ll! Cogswell 4 147 mucker 7 171'Klauch 67 117 Huntington 11 lii Weber II 14 O. O. rraaelaoo. 44 1141 Mcrtgu 84 144 Boot! 4 174 Sherwood 67 144 Pruak 14 171 Forsyth 30 ltd Hartley 1 174; Rudeeer II 141 Cuhll 43 llli Jones II IM Dudley 71 177 Starr Bt 111 Lehman 37 177 C. H. Ooff II 14 timmertnaa .... 74 1771 MoKelirey 42 14 Jordas 9 174 Mill 44 14 Andersoa 4 17 Mullls 4 117 Reed 40 174 Sheldoe 11 1 Lritfis li 17IMahoney 17 ' Itl Reynolds II 114 Harford la it) gbuaMtiaer 114'Lucu 4i let West 14 1141 Foley's Hony and lar Is a aareguartl against ssrlou reiult from spring colds, which inflame th lung and develop Into pneumonia. Avoid counterfeits by l-n.'itlng upon having tbe genuine Fo'.ey'e Honey and Tar, which contains no harmful drugs old by all druggist Sturdy oak from little acorns grew advertising la Tb will do aroaders for your tmsinsssa A1HLETIC MEET IN LINCOLN University of Chicago Makes Highest Record, with 1263.4 Points. NEBRASKA FINISHES FOURTH Mitchell of Nebraska Makes Beat ladlTldaal Record, veltk SAft.U Points Reradt of thlraao I Seconal. LINCOLN, Neb., April 1 -(Special Tele gram.) The Vnlveralty of Chicago won the annual contest of the Weatern Inter-Col legiate association In the Nebraska armory Saturday with a total ot 12614 points. Min nesota was second, Wisconsin, third; Ne braska, fourth; and Washington Univer sity, of St. Louts, fifth. D. C. Mitchell of Nebraska, won the In dividual contest defeating O. N. Brendt of Chicago, by a small margin, t'sxel ot Min nesota, was third In this contest. The scores for the all-round contest were as fol lows: Mitchell, S86.8; Berndt, 870.9; Usael, 826 6. The contest was witnessed by a laige crowd that filled the university armory. It dragged along until far after mid night. Chicago had but little trouble in tak ing off the leading honors In the team contest, being represented by the finest bunch of gymnasts ever seen at the lo cal school. They were well drilled and carried off a majority or tne points In nearly every event They took three place In five of th event. Nebraska was represented by but three men and had no chance of winning the team contest All honor wss given Mitchell for securing the Individual medal. . This contest waa not decided un til the last event, the tumbling, was pulled off. ' The young Cornhusker and Berndt cf Chi-' cago were tied at the end of the fourth event- In the tumbling Mitchell Injured his right ankle, but had it bandaged and went Into the last trial fighting bravely on a painful ankle, and won out. T'ssel of Minnesota proved a powerful Athlete and took points In five of the events. E. T. Bnlvsly of Wisconsin starred for hi team In the' horlsontal and parallel bars and In the side horse. Osthoff of Wisconsin won first place in the flying ring. A. O. Notle was th only representative Washing-ton university had entered In the team contest. He won 272.4 point. The 146-pound wrestling contest resulted' as follows: Hager, Washington, first; Alexander, Chicago, second. Hager won the first fall. The next two were draws. In the 166-pound wrestling match John son of Minnesota was given first place after hs had failed to throw Elliott of Chi cago In four bout a. Davis of Chicago de feated Relmers of Nebraska In the fenc ing conteat The team scores were as follow: Chicago. 1240.4; Minnesota, 10884; Wis consin, 1063.8; Nebraska, 640.8; Washing ton, 288.4. Mitchell's record was: Horlsontal bsrs, 79 8; parallel bars, 79.6; side horse, 76.9; flying rings, 76.6; tumbling,, 76.4. NEBRASKA FLEA-, tl RESULT Dr. Clapp of lVivv "ays Oat- eosae Eattra.r ,jctery. LINCOLN, AprlhiigJ ,J -Di-. Clapp and hla aaslstan Yre pleased with the outcome of tr'fe 'unniinl contest of the Western Intercolliaitp .unastlc associa tion, held 1n the' utan'tistty armory last night. The victory of Cornhusker Mitchell In the Individual conteat give the local student great satisfaction, for It wa won against the beat athlete from three of the leading school of the west Minnesota, Chicago and Wisconsin. Nebraska did not expect to win the team contest, for Or. Clapp had only thrte athletes who could perform well enough to be entered in the contest. Two of these Morehouse and Trump are new at the work and had no chance against the more experienced men from the other schools. Mitchell, the third Cornhusker, however, has for three years been regarded as a star, and It was In him that all hope for bringing honor to the scarlet and cream was centered. His spec tacular work, despite a sore hand and wrenched ankle, won for him applause from all hi cnmpttltora and from the large aud ience. He was easily the star of the con test. Mitchell won the medal by securing first place In two event; second place In two. and fourth place In another. Berndt of Chlcsgo, who was Mitchell's closest com petitor, took first place In one event, sec ond place In one. third In two and ninth In tumbling. Berndt'a poor work In the tumb ling allowed Mitchell to get the lead that gave the little Cornhuaker tbe contest Un til that event.' which was the fifth, was held, the two rvmnasts ewre tied for first honors. Mitchell In the tumbling outclassed his opponent, winning first place In th' event with 76.4 points, while Berndt msde but 60.8 points. These two gymnaat scored as follows In the five events: Horlsontal bar: Mitchell first, 79.3; Berndt. second, 78.8. Parallel bar: Berndt first, 80.1: Mitchell second. 78.6. Bide horse: Berndt third, 76.6; Mitchell fourth, 76.9. Flyong rings: Mitchell second. 76.6; Berndt third, 75.1. Tumbling: Mitchell first, 76.4; Berndt ninth, 608. Chicago's winning of the team contest so eaally. wtlh a margin of 174.8 points over Its nearest competitor, came as a surprise; for both Wisconsin and Minneaota had been held as fsvorlte over the Maroons. Minne sota, who had been regarded as a sure Winner, hsd to take second place. The Chicago team was better balanced than the Gophers. A trio cf the Windy Citv men Berndt. Kennedy and Bartlett were all stars and were the ohlef factors In winning the mret tor tneir scnoot. in no hnriaontal bar the three men won second, third and fourth places; In the parallel bar they won nrst, tnira ana into p'aces. Leviton and Smith alao did some apltndtd work for the Maroone. In the woik cn the sloVhoree Bmlth had all other conteatanta outrlaafd and won first plac with a good margin of point to spa. re. Leviton scored fourth in this event. For Minnesota Ussel was a star and he took third Individual honors. He scored rbov sixty points in each event, his total betrg 826.8. Baker of Minneaota dd good work In ths sidehorse. having a score of Wisconsin, winner of third place In the team contest, waa greatly handlcanped by the absence of Ulllus, a spectacular per former on the bars and sidehorse. As It were the Bedgers were only 26.8 points be hind the Gophers. Sr.lvely. Osthoff and Faber did the best work for Wisconsin. Osthoff won first place in th flying ring and econd plaoo In the tumbling. Washington university of St. Loul mad Its first appearance at a contest of the association and did surprisingly good work corsldering that It had only one athlete In the Individual and team contests. Nolte was that man and be ahowed up in fine form In all events excepting the flying rings. Hager. the second representative from Washington, became the western Inter-collegiate lightweight wrestler through hla defeat of Alexanaer or i.nii'n. n yon the flrat of two bouta and held Aleg ar der to a draw in the other, two. Summary of events: , . Horlsontal bars: Mitchell. Nebraska, first : Berndt. Chicago, second; Bartlett. Chicago, Parallel bars: Berndt. Chicago, first; Mitchell. Nebraska, second; Kennedy, Chi cago, third. , Sidehorse: Smith, Cl.lcago. first; Baker, Minnesota, second: Berndt. Chicago, third. Flying rlnga: Oethoff. Wutconsln, flrt; Mitchell. Nebraska, second; Berndt, Chi cago, third. Tumbling: Mitchell. Nebraska, flret; Fer rl. Minnesota, second; Osthoff, Wisconsin, third. ., Official: Gymnastic eventa 8. KoatUn. Fremont; O. M. Plnneo. Lincoln: F. J. Klha. Omaha. Fencing John G. Workigsr of Nebraska snd Dr. J. C. Blsom of Wis consin. Seriate l.aeoralloaa and wounds are healed without danger of blood poisoning, by Bucklen's Arnica Bal vs. ths healing wonder. 26c. For sale Beaton Drug Co. Sturoy aaaa from little acorns grow advertising In Th Be will da wonder far your tusin Maupin Issues Call to Labor Men s Delegate Convention to Convene in Lincoln in Tnna to Organ iie State Federation. (From a Staff, Correaponrtent. I LINCOLN, Neb.. April 18.-tSpoclal Deputy Labor Commissioner Mauplrt today Issued the following call for a convention In Lincoln to organise permanently ths Nebraska Federation of Labor: Lincoln, April 17. Believing that an or ganisation made up of wge earners of the alate would be o( benefit to those who toll In mill and fsctory. In shop and In th transportation service, and accord with the purposes of the Bureau of Labor Commla atonera and Industrie I Statistics, I hereby call a delegate convention to be held In the city of IJncoln on June 21 and 22. 1909, for the purpose of organising a State Federa tion of Labor. Such organisation In other atates have been productive of great good to the workers, and therefore productive of great good to the commonwealth. In thla connection I dtlre to call attention to the Kansaa Federation of l.ahor. This organisation la recognised by statute and there la annually appropriated bv the state the sum of 8S00 for defraying the "-expense of the Federatlon'a meeting. "The matter of permatH-nt orgiilatlon. plan of representation, dues, rules of gov ernment, etc.. of the organisation will, of course, be left for the organisation iMelf to decide. In this order, bowever; to effect organisation, I ask each local union In Nebraska to select a delegate to .represent It at the Initial meeting. Kat-h tlelegnte should come with credentials properly signed and sealed hy the loral offh-ials of the union. Local aecretarle are urged to properly report to me the names of dele gatea thus selected, and local organisation are urged to act promptly. Full Information as to proRram. hotel rates, place of meeting, etc., will he an nounced In ample time. it Is the aim of thla dermrlmnt to for ward the cnuse of labor to the fullest pos sible extent, ami to that enrt It anka the hearty co-operation of th wr!:';'t men and women. Praire Fire in Cherry County Hundred Thousand Acres Burned Over and Child Reported Burned to Death. MKRRIAM. Neb.. April 1H.-Art frlng frantic telephone appeals fiom n lonely woman In the path of a prairie fire orig inating twelve miles south of Gordon. A relief party of ranchmen, ami bjslness men left here at ,8 . o'clork tonlg'.t lor Rockford, fifteen miles away. li was le pcrted over the telephone Hint w house was burning containing a little child. 'I lie flames are visible fro forty milrs. About 100,000 acres were burned over itnd Includ ing much valuable hay land. New Center school house, Sam Buckmlnster, Alvln Thayer, Alexander Sawtell ad J. B. Bone's ranchea were devastated. , Boone Saloon Men Are JJnder Arrest Uncle Sam Charges Them with Sell ing Liquor to Redskin Wards. ' " BOONK, la., April 18. (Special Tile gram.) United States Marshal indwell ' of Des Moines placed .a. number Of Boone saloon keepers under arrest here last nWht on a charge of selling liquor to In dians. It Is said the secret service men look the Indians around the state visiting sa loons In many towns where the ic-dsklns . bought drinks. It Is aald they then offered evidence against the liquor deal ers.' The methods of the secret servko men ara criticised here. PATTEN REPLIES TO WII,JOv, Ball Leader Rldlcale Figures of ' Secretary of Agtrlealtar. CHICAGO, April 18. After a memorable speculative week the tickers' "good night" was received st noon today with s deep sigh of relief from Beard of Trndc men, not to mention an army of laymen drawn Into the vortex of the wheat pit hy tit publicity given Jsmes A. Patten, the bull leader, and his following. "Good night" meant a day and a 'inlf for quiet reflection on tbe great problem of the season. Will the public est tills year's . or last year's wheat three mi nlhs hence? Today Mr. Patten personally left Hi market to Its fate, which lute, from ll4 view of the Palten crowd. Improved con siderably, aa prices advanced over a cent In May and July options. Mr. Patten paid his respects to Secretsry of Agriculture Wilson, declaring that the latter's estimate of available supplies Is a joke and lectured reporters who he alleges have been more entertaining than accurate In their atcrlaa. Tariff on Wheat As to talk of removing I! tariff on wheat as a slap at manlpulttto Mr. Pat ten was for it. "I'm In favor cf removing It right now, because we will have to do It at the end of ten years at any rate. It would not affect the price of wheat a penny for the natkets of the world are on a parity right now. Take off the duty on corn, oata and live stock, too, for It will ml be long be fore we will bsve to import them. I li.ive aid this before and Jim Hill hit been preaching It to th farmer along his rail road for the taat three or four years. "As to Mr. Wilson, lie Is absolutely In correct. There waa not 143,000,000 bushel on farm on March 1. It wa nearer 100. 000,000 bushels. My information la 'Better than hla and I know what I'm talking about But don't take It from me; go to any big trader who pay out hi money for accurate Information on which to risk his capital. They Bay I have a corner in wheat. I have not. The wheat I . have could not feed the world for one day." Paaalagr of May Deal. The week' place In speculative .history . la du to the practical passage of the so called "May" deal and the active engage ment of bulls and bears all along the lino concerning ths proper price of July con trscts for wheat. From this time on the pries of May may fluctuate erratically, but It la slated lliut there will be little trsding In It. The. beaig admit that Patten won in that strugjle and that he ts arbiter of the price. - However, few settlements of tilts delivery. It Is said, remain to be made. The price 'dj l ic Li" week ranged between 81. and 81.23' and closed today at ll.3'. Whether thl price I too high or loo low cannot of course, be known until thu time for delivery on contracts, both Secre tary Wilson and Mr. Patten have remarked that "time will tell" and "time" In ths preaent Instance means ths two months and a half from the present. That th fight between opposing Interests a 111 be th most exciting on the Board of Traua no one doubts. la the aggregate It will bi wgged between those who believe In thl accuracy of the government reports am" those who) pin thsir faita is rua trlsw. i