un-day' Bee. The Omaha FOR ALL THE NEWS OMAHA BEE YOUR MONET3 WORTH PART TWO EDITORIAL PACU 1 TO VOL. XXXVIII NO. 44. SINGLE' COPY FIVE CENTS. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, A PHIL 18, 190l. Trimmed Hats Beautiful and Inexpensive Aunm 'in ii ii 1 1 n 15 New Styles Lingerie Waists at $1.25 'It's a representative showing of the cleverest Ideas of new waist faeh lona. Among these styles are value clearly equal to moat f J.00 lines. We Illustrate two of the models. There are other dainty, lacy effects, and charming embroidery trimmed garments. Then tl.are are tailored atylea with linen collar, pretty tucked novelties, also dotted Swiss garments. Included are square and Dutch neck effects. Beauties at UM Uafferla 'Waists of very fine ma- 1 Slack Lawn Waists, three styles. lucKea inn pieatea: some are lacs trimmed, exrellent values .91.60 r at 91 .as terlals and trimmed with more than usual (rood taste.. Tailored and Lingerie Waists We how a variety of rare beauties In waists that rival many coating a dollar or ao more. Materials are fine and sheer, the laces and embroideries are very dainty. Buy a supply ILIA M FREK- Any 15c I,adlcV Home Journal Pat- I tern, with the Summer Style Book at 20 J U We announce for tomorrow a new and extenalve showlnc of popular price hats. The Bennett store again leads the procession with the most attractive styles. Table after table showing clever new creations In the smartest shapes and In all the best spring shades trimmed with fruits, flowers, foliage, velvet ribbon orna ments, etc. Values from $15.00, $10.00, $8.50 tor $10.00, $7.60 and Saturday 81.7! We have other attrac tive lingerie waists at $2.26, $2.75,'$3, $10 Tailored waists, the amous Ooodstock line, all linen.. $3 83.50 WASH DRESS FABRICS Monday brings 1U regular fall qnota of splendid money saving Inducements to purchasers of summer dreaa stuffs. Half price and less on new, clean, de sirable merchandise. Think of It. 60c Linen Suitings yard wide, In all the new greens, blues, pink, lavender, tan, brown shades, also white - with neat patterns, 50c quality for 25 Double Fold Madras 65 pieces, fine 35c fabrics, 34 inch goods, - new styles ' for street dresses, waists, shirtings, etc., wonderful values 15 FfjHfit 23c Scotch Ginghams Very best of patterns and colors, all spring styles, suitable tor women's and children's wear,. Monday, yard 10 Serpentine Crepes New patterns, goods worth 18c a yard, Monday v , . . . . 5 Our Entire Stock of 1,500 Sets Dinner Ware in a Great Sale Tomorrow Close Out Patterns We have 5 dln nerware patterns that will be dis continued and are now marked for quick clear ance. Everything from a cup to a platter at Vi price. Bennett's Dinnerware sales famed throughout Omaha in former years all bow to the overshadowing force of this year's sale. Service Plates and boullon cups and saucers, very exquisite designs and dec orations. Great variety decorated or gold patterns at , special low prices. Plans have been liad for the biggest and most intensely interesting event that this great china store has ever held. Over 1,500 fine dinner sets, including our own importation of fine French, German, Austrian and English china, will be shown. We bought direct and in big quantities to obtain every possible price advantage. No Western Store Has Ever Offered the Remarkable Values that Bennett's hold Out to You Tomorrow. Our entire line, without a single exception, regular open stock patterns included now priced at a quarter, a third and a half actual retail value. Surely you cannot afford to let so favorable an opportunity to buy cheaply go unheeded. 100-plece Old Abbey French China Dinner Sets in dainty For-Get-Me-Not Decorations and heavy gold tracing, excellent $40 value, at 825.00 100-piece high grade French ' China Dinner Sets in violet and rose decoration, $25 values at ........818.50 100-plece Austrian China Dinner Sets in fancy rose decoration, 3 styles, all $20 values. -812.50 OPEN STOCK PATTERNS Here's a splendid chance if you own any of our open stock goods We offer our entire line, including American, Eng-' lish, French and Austrian ware at 100-plece English Dinner Sets in assorted decorations, 4 styles $16 and $18 sets 810.00 100-piece American Dinnerware, in beautiful fancy scroll decora- tion, all new patterns and regu lar $15 sets, your choice. 80.98 100-plece English Dinnerware, pretty rose decoration, new shapes, all just opened, regular $10 values 35 Children's Hats No store makes the elaborate dis play as Bennett's dainty milan; panama and manila braids, trimmed with sashes, bows, flowers, etc. 25c (o $2.59 20 per cent off Another Phenomenal Monday Bargain Event EMBROIDERIES Crowds at our Monday sales grow bigger as the news gets noised about. Tomorrow we will have 10,000 yards direct from St. Gall, Switzerland, bought through our New York office 24, 27 and 45-inch flounclngs and skirtings, worth up to $1.50 a yard. Also Included are elaborate shirt waist frontings, allovers, etc. Nothing like these val ues ever In any Omaha embroidery sale before. There will be enough for all. Extra saleswomen to see that you get prompt service. Buy tomorrow. $1. $1.25 and $1.50 embroideries for 39c R Monday's Notable Sale EAL IRISH LACES There's a treat in store for every lover of rare- and beautiful laces, at Bennett's tomorrow. We have just unpacked a big shipment of $3,000 worth of Genuine Hand - Made, Pure Linen Irish Laces, Bed Spreads, Table Covers, Centre Pieces; Stand Covers & Doilies direct from the convents and rural districts of Ireland. The designs are . simply gorgeous. No finer hand-made laces are produced in the world. It's the first time to our knowledge such beautiful and high-grade work was ever sold for so little. We bought up an entire import order that was refused by the consignee on account of long delays in ship-ping--on sale MONDAY. Irish Hand-Made Laces $1.50 to $10.00 69c 2,000 yards exquisite laces In a hundred patterns suitable for dresses, for dutch col lars, for curtains and for Innumerable purposes, widths 4 to 9 Inches w16e all pure linen nd hand made at , 69 Irish Hand-Made Lace Bed Spreads Magnificent full sine lace spreads, 2Vi yards square, actual value $50: real. hand-made and pure linen. Our price. at $18.00 Other lots a little smaller in sise. worth i $35.00, for f 15.00 I 25 00 kind 912.00 Irish Hand-Made Lace Table Covers About 54-lnches square, worth $10 to $15 special S5.00 $5.00 Stand Covert for $2.00 $4.00 Stand Covers, round or square shape 91.50 Irish Hand-Made Lace Doylies and Centres $1.50 Centers, rouna saspe, uuij..ou $1.00 Centers, round shape, only.. 35 76c Doylies for 25 $3.00 Centers, round or square comei. at .'. tfl.OO $3.00 Centers, round shape, only. . .75? HOUSECLEANING. LAWN AND GARDEN "7 NECESSITIES Monday special attractions tha aU wlU do a Liberty Faint. I1.2& per gallon, for So Liberty Paint. 70c par H gallon, for Liberty Faint. 40c par allon. for . ...o Beady Mixed Paints highest quality, usually 1 1.6 per gallon, for 1-30 Double stamps on all palnta. laws Mowers, up from $30O 20c Oalvanlsed Water Palls for lo 0c Galvanised Water Palls, for 64c Galvanized Water Palls for Mo 40e Steel Uwn Rakes, for ........... . ."So Ho Shovels and Spades, long handle. ..4o 11 to bee. It's mosey la your pocket for yon. I 7Jc Bread Boxes, special, for o Bite r tour -ans. special lor 46c Clothes Lines, 100 feet. for... Absarene Wall Paper Cleaner, for Wliard Carpet Cleaner, for and 10 stamps Spading Forks ana v siampB Steel Rakes, each 3 So, 40o aad 44o and 20 stamps. Str&naky Enamel ware, bis lot ...H OT BSa .890 .160 ..10 aad 86e THAT FREE PETTICOAT OFFER AGAIN .760 i II mrmffilimiM if Wef: ,f "It rr ';f.r,45 P I A. .,,3- jii,vi i J i S 2 To satisfy the unprecedented demand and to enable the many who were unable to take advantage of the offer last Monday We Again Announce for ay A HIGH GRADE $5 SILK PETTICOAT IFF With Every Purchase of 0 a Tailored Suit at $19.50 " " or More. Thi is the most liberal proposition we ever made to suit buyers. Over 1,000 very handsome women's and misses' TAILORED SUITS, made to our own order by Hymen Cohn, 67 East 8th St., New York every suit worth from $10 to $15 more than we ask. Every suit is ab solutely new and superbly tailored. We shall show many styles that had not arrived for last week's sale. Complete size range in every style and shade. It's no job lot purchase, no miscellaneous stock of odds and ends. It's an array of correct suit fashions stronger in variety and style than any showing made here this season. Ma terials are high class worsteds that we bought at a great reduction from makers who had them left on their hands for de lay in filling orders. Suits worth $30.00, in greens, grays, blues, taupes, blacks, includ- A 50 ing finest $5 silk petticoat ..... JL Suits worth $40.00, fancy weaves and solid colors, worsteds, all best colors; sizes to 46, and best $5.00 $ silk petticoat !25 79c yard for Fine White Serge Suiting The great popularity of white serge for tailored suits has created a scarcity that is apt to send prices soaring. In anticipation of this possibility we have stocked up liberally and now are able to offer good grades at bottom prices. Monday we shall have on special sale strictly pure wool white serge with a herring- aurx bone weave that Is very effecMve when made Into a amart tailor . iJn a maaes. its really fl value, at, yard Checked Wash Silks Ten pieces of them. Just the best kind for pretty, cool summer frocks. They are 32 Inches wide and come In neat, broken, checked styles variety of col oringse; launder like linen, TQ, 11.00 value JJC Black Silk Voiles For all who wear black this offering Is certainly most attractive. Silk voiles df the most delicate, filmy kind, rich and beautiful in finish, ideal goods for summer. Splendid widths, (43 Inches) and actually worth $1.50 a yard, special .orth $1.60 a About the Sale of Parlor Suites It's been a wonderful week'up here in the furniture. Our big pur chase of sample parlor suites in Chicago struck a popular chord this week. - . Think of buying parlor suits for less than we ordinarily are obliged to pay. Here's one for instance, that is easily big value at $35.00, either with Bilk plush or genuine leather cushions for $24.00. Over there is another 3-plece suite in mahogany finish with loose cushion at $11.25, clearly worth a third to a half more. There are others selling at $38.00, $52.50. $70.00 to $130.00 that show Bavlngs simply immense. Our word for It you or we never bought parlor suits cheaper before. Wouldn't a $10 to $25 saving appeal to you at this time? Bennett's Grocery Serves You Best Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound 26c and 30 green stamps. Bennett's Teas, assorted kinds, pound 48c and 40 green stamps. Bennett's Tea Sittings, pound 15c and 10 green stamps. Cooking Ralilna, 10c quality 6o Toasted Rice Biscuit, pkg 100 And 6 Stamp. Mar t'h a Washington Toasted Flakes . .100 And K Stamps. Armour's Corned Beef, No. 1, can le And 10 Stamps. Armour's Veal, Beef and Ham Loaf....lOo And 6 Stamps. Migoneit Peaa, S cans for 6o Fox Tomatoes, No. 2, can To Pure H o n y, Mason pint Jar B5o And 20 Stamps. New South Syrup, per can sac And 10 Stamps. Poppy Condensed Milk. large lOo And 10 Stamps. Chocolatlna, tin lOo And 10 6tamps. Capitol Extracts, bot tle ISO And SO Stamps. Jap Rice, 10c quality, 4 pounds 860 Ego-OSes. S pkgs.aOe ' And 10 Stamp. Safety Matches, 12 boxes So Minute Gelatine, flav ored. I for ...... .35o And 10 Stamps. Ellen Sardines. can.lOo And 10 Stamps. Kamo Catsup. bot..a3o And 10 Stamps. Chicken Feed, lb.... So Bone Meal for chickens, pound SViO Will please the most fastidious S3.50-S400-$5.00 AUDITOR EXPLAINS POSITION Attituds. on Insurance to Bring About Safer Method. TENDENCY TO EXTEAVA0ANCE Berks to Cfceok It Before tootloa ( farther " Haehl Corns- Acts from Aotaal Barloeo. (From a Correspondent ) LINCOLN. April 17. - (Special.) - StaU K. Issuea a statement de fining hi. poalUon regarding tbo fraternal and .mutual Insurance corai. v. brka, a follow e: . k- ... .,n,i.i having recently ap j , .u. i.,n of the dally preaa relative to life Insurance companleo, and . . . . i, ih. attitude of being requested u iuuuu the department for tho Inapootlon of the public, wo Ul treat, hi this article, only moH reieupg to iriww ... . . . . Mmnrlra VlV I aeaire lo preiac) vw stating that eight years of my Hfo have been devotee to the upbuilding of one of ... i. . . . . k-;n, member miSO 9mil IM uw. In good standing of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, Modern Woodmen of America, Tribe of Ben llur. The Fraternal Aid, Degree of Honor. Improved Order of Red Men and Independent Order of Odd Fellows, this fact should satisfy the most critical that I am friendly to these organ izations and am a firm believer In the principles. roar Mao's laaoraaee. "I do believe in fraternal organisations and fraternal beneficiary organisations and believe in them to such a degree that I do not deaire to see them perish from the earth. This class of Insurance la commonly clashed "poor man's Insurance," and quite properly so, for It offers to families protec tion that could not otherwise be secured; and In the early days these societies were organised for the sole benefit of their members and not In the Interests of a coterie of officers. True, they were or ganised In a crude fashion but. like the old wooden plow, they served their purpose and while the work was crude the organ isations. In every sense of the word, were honest. "These organisations have prospered and developed until today nearly. If not quite, ore-half of the families of our country are under their protection and are of so much public Interest In their operation that It Is perfectly proper that they should bave the search light of truth turned on the manage ment and. If weak places are found. It Is for duty of the Individual or officer making -"'niinsaaBy the discovery to at once attempt to have the defects corrected. Rate Uoestlom Important. "A man Is a moral coward who, after re ceiving his livelihood and sometime a large competency by his position, and who, by virtue of his position learns beyond question of a doubt that there are serious defects In a system and falls to give his employer the benefit of his knowledge; we know that truths are sometimes not popu lar, but we think honesty pays. "The rate question, to fraternal bene ficiary societies, Is of the utmost Im portance. Executive bodies make rate, but death Is the ultimatum and fixes the cost. When men die, honest organisations must pay or quit business, and If the rates, as written, are not sufficient other and higher rates must be made. And this cru cial time will come to many of our frater nal societies, but, knowing; by Intimate as sociation, the class of men that compose these bodies, we feel confident that they will have the brain and nerve to meet th3 emergency and correct the def-cta. "We believe that these societies should be permitted to work out their owq plan and that tha law, so long as It has permitted these companies freedom for years In tha exercise of their government and rate mak ing, should not force them by legislative acta to change to any certain schedule of rates, for cne positive rate would not more fit all these societies than one slued hat would fit all men, unless the rate was so abnormally high that it would leave mar gins in the more favorable companies. Extravagant Methods. "In scrutinising the reports that come Into this office from the various com panies, we find a marked difference In the percentage of cost of producing business, or. In other words. In ge-neral fund ex penditures; we are dissecting these mat ters in the Interest of the Insured. We find also in some of the examinations made that extravagant methods in management are quite noticeable, and on referring to the statutes of Nebraska, we find that these organisations are not to be run for profit, and we believe tha law good and shall enforce the same. We want you to know that If, In the seal of this depart ment to correct extravagance or graft, we should place In the lime light your so ciety, that to purge an organisation f dishonest officers or management, nuku It doubly stronger, and that you owe th detriment your good wishes rathrr than censure, for you csn rest assured that no accusations will be made unless the same can be substantiated by record. Move Attracts Net Ire. "Since the article appeared in the press Stating that we were Insisting on certain organisations adjusting themselves to a representative form of government, we have had many inquiries from other organisa tions relative to the subject, which Im pressed on our mind the truth of the scripture, which says: "The wicked flee when no man pursueth." "We want you to know that we think; In the main, aelf-sacrlficlng men with big hoarts and love for mankind, are back of these organizations, and these men and their organizations will receive from this department all the aid that can be ex tended; our sword is solely for the grafter.' MORE SCARED THAN HURT Dismal Cries of Ghostly Owl No Longer Annoys Haral Coiuo maalty. The mystery of the dismal cries heard ut night by realdents along the Fos river, north of Geneva, ill., has been cleared up, and the giod farmer folk now retire in the evening without fear of having their sleep disturbed by "ghosts." The unearthly walling began on the night of March 1, and from toe fact that the soundt emanated from a point near the cemetery the residents along the river valley were strengthened In their belief that the "ghosts were walking." Two boys while rambling through the woods near the graveyard a few days ago, saw a large white object hanging on a fence. Going up to It they found It was a bird fastened by both wings to the bsrbs of the wire. After considerable trouble ( the boys loosened the bird and brought It to a taxi dermist In Geneva. The taxidermist pro nounced the bird an arctic, or snowy owl, the largest he had seen In forty years of collecting. By the discovery the "mystery of the ghosts of Fox river hollow" was solved. The owl evidently had become entangled In the barbed wire while chasing a rabbit or a field rodent and remained hanging there until It starved to death. It being a nocturnal bird, the wounded and trapped owl uttered cries of pain and hunger at night. From the cries many persons com ing home late at night and having to pass the cemetery were led to believe that the "spirits of the departed" were uttering warnings of an Impending calamity. Each evening after sunset the meanings began and generally continued at short In tervals until midnight, wnen they ceased. It was not until after the cries had ceased each night that the residents felt they oould go to sleep with any degree of safety. Peoria Journal. Kllltasj ftabhlta la Aastralla. Rabbits are the greatest pest that the Australian pastorallal hs to contend against. If these rodents are at all nu merous on a station property they do enormous damage to the grass. In sum mer, when any water that might have been lying about haa become dried up by evaporation and the grass has become (try, rsbbits swarm toward the tanks, dams or other water boles thafTiave been sunk. Kvery evening, after the cattle have taken their last drink, a strip of wire netting Is run around the tank or dam. Outside this netting fence, holes are dug in the ground and filled with poisoned water, and these In turn are Inclosed by another strand of nettlna pegged down to within a few Inches of "-'" nwi)-iraor, dui allow ing plenty of room of room tnr r.hkn. . 8-t under. The rabbits make for the am, but aa their wav la tr.i . h.. drink at the poisoned holes with, to' them. . - 1 " " s are 1(1 b een hundreds end thousands of deaO .inrri miiiui me surrounding country. Chicago News. BATTLE BETWEEN COWBOYS IN GRAZING LAND DISPUTE Poaae of Farmers Fight Attempt to Drive Texas Cattle Into Oklahoma. BARTLF-SVlLLE. Okl., April 17.-A posse of farmers of Osage county, living Jmt north of the quarantine line, made an attempt to drive a large drove of Texas cattle, owned by William Little of Ramona, bark across the line today, and when the cowboys res lied With drawn revolvers, a fience fli-ht ensued. A number of shots were fired and a cowboy named Pugh Is sfd to have been dangerously Injured. The right waged for- aome time, but the farmers finally desisted and permitted the cattle to remain on the range. The Oklahomans fear the moving of herds Into this state from Texas will spread dkaeats and tick,