II 8 THE OMAtTA SUNDAY BTTE: APRIL 19, 1909. iAn 1M tab You are i Ifferimp if'fa lwii'gifi teiliis itw absolutely certain of correct styles and superior qualities in everything y oil buy at Brandeis l New York offices, J . ' y Brandeis' ability to buy higher grades of mir- istantlv in t0uch with the r'J"---JL"-. W"rH. . chandise in immense quantities enables us to We invariably show strictly u .1-; V secure concessions which bring our retail pri advance other western stores. ,H fcttiO- tV on fine goods within the reach of ei Through our own Paris and New York offices, Brandeis Stores are constantly in touch with the centers of Fashion. We invariably show strictly new styles in advance of other western stores. . -1LH- II P&fPM A Special Sale Monday Embroideries 18 to 27-inch Embroidered Flouncings, Skirtings, Wide Edges, Insertions, Galloons. All choice, new designs on Swiss, nainsook and cambric fab rics, worth up tb . r mT (Tfi K I5c-Zjc-Jyc 2ic Embroideries at 5c a yard Medium and wide embroidery edges up to 8-inches wide, also insertions and headings, various kinds, neat, effective designs, worth up to 12V&C a yard, special, C at, a yard 15c French and German Val. Laces 5c Yard Val laces and insertions, torchon and curtain cluny laces, also fine colored insertions, laces, Persian and Rainbow effects, etc., worth up to 15c yard C at, a yard : 75c WAIST NETS 42-inches Wide 29c Yard )ots, dainty figures, striped effects, etc., white, cream and ecru, worth up to 75c yard, at yard Fine Embroidered French Batiste Robes . Imported French Batiste unmade robes with 45-inch em broidered flounce, white and delicate colors, C Qfl worth $12.50, at ..pO.JO Silk Crepe Lisse and Net Ruchings at 15c Yard Xeat. new designs in fine ruchings, white, black ' I P nnd colors, worth up to 35c, very special. I JC his in h of Yards of 85c and $1 Yd. QuaJity otdard Silks 49c I.W -mble styles and colorings made in foulard i ; .) ;i !.u ye color range of fine French moires. These ..Lu;. tlx silks have been admired in our lt.tli stive t sliow windows; worth 85c to $1.00 a aid, at, yr.nl 49c 27-Inch Ftmcy Silks Check CQn Taffeta, aivd Uuisines. at, Yard OJC Made in all desirable shades, including black and white note the width, 27 inches always sold at $1.00 a yard Monday's special price, yard. .59c $1.25 Quality Natural Pongee 10 Pieces 7Qr 36-inch Tan Pongee for Coats and Suits BIG SPECIAL BARGAIN IN BLACK DRESS SILKS 36-inch oil boiled taffeta and black French Peau de Soie full yard wide and sold regularly at $1.39 a yard CI J5n Monday is the time to buy, at, yard. DRESS GOODS, 69c 69c $1.50 and 52 Quality The finest of all wool tailored suitings wool Rajah weaves French wool taffetas, fine Fanamas and many pretty novelties the colors most in demand 54 to 60-inch goods on bargain square, ; Monday at, yard. Rose Bushes 10c Strong, Field Grown These bushes are two and three years old and will bloom this summer. Many Beautiful Climbers all extra heavy bushes. Nurserymen would ask up to SOe each. $1.00 a dozen EACH . Monday Drug Specials 25c Sanltol Tooth Wash . . 7 tbo Sanltol Tooth Powder.. 14 !6c Colgate's Tooth Paste. -20 25c Satin Skin Cream 18 60c Malvlna Cream HQt 60c Stlllman's Freckle Cream t 30 60c Danderine 4Hit fOc Hay's Hair Health 45 10c Williams' Shaving Soap.. 5 !5c Woodbury's Soap 17 25c Cutlcura Soap 11.00 Bottle Abbott Bros. Rheumatic Remedy. 8 cakes Colgate's English Process, t 25 1-lb. 20 Mule Team Borax. . . 25c Lavender Camphor 12 35c Duster, special 19 16c Face Chamois Ot CIGARS 3 Owls for 10 S Capaduraa for 10 4 Little Chancellors 15. 10c Solo, special, 2 for 15 16c Oato (Manhattans) ....10 t Tom Moores (Invincible) . .25 89 STORES secure concessions which bring our retail prices on fine goods within the reach of everyone. .... pod m 190 ! it , z SSJISUSLSBBiailWLIIIIlWllJ The Newer Styles for Late Spring are Arriving Daily Correct Spring Attires W omen htf v.-'..'i-l WfM If life- sftfe'fepl It is noteworthy that Parisian designers have had a greater influence over the later spring fash ions than ever before. The correct things are dis tinctly French in character. AVe have received ideas from each of the leading French designers, which we have brought out in inexpensive models. These are modified to make them practical, but they still preserve their inimitable French appear ance. They are dainty as well. 1-Piece Dresses with Coat to Match Better known as three-piece suits. "We are the one store to show a really large collection of these stunning models. The coats are in the hip U?ss mould and follow the long, graceful French lines. .The dresses are beautifully made and are fashioned to conform with the jackets. " Prices are: $35-$39-$49-$65-$75-$59-$98 Strictly Man Tailored &nd Pltitv Suit. Built on the plain and severe tailored lines distinctly mannish and elegant in finish and fab ric. The favorite materials are those striped wor steds found in the highest grades of men's suit ings. They'are scarce this season and are greatly in demand $32.5-S35-$37.50 $39 S45-S49 Suits for Women Recognized throughout the west as the 6tyle aristocrats. We are exclusive agents for "Fashionseal" suitsj which are not to be compared with any other line that sells for $25.00. "Fashionseals" are superior in style and elegance to most $35.00 and $40.00 suits New models for later spring are here. Smart Tailored Dresses In these dresses are the very newest style features, Brandeis is the first to show them; prices are quite moderate, at ........$15.00 to $39.00 Stunning Lingerie Waists These waists are sheer and dainty novelties quite ihe cleverest styles shown yet this year long 6leeve ef fects and many of them are richly trimmed. Summer favorites at. .$1.98, $2.50, $2.98 up to $12.50 New Tailored Shirt Waists In the mannish pleated styles that are decreed correct this season wide and narrow pleats,, turned collars, stiff cuffs the favorite waists to properly set off the strictly tailored spring suits. , iNo one has a variety like Brandeis,- at $1.98, $2.50, $2.98 and $3.98 New Arrivals , in Gowns, Frocks and Dresses for Spring Brandeis' well known ability to produce high class novelties at a reasonable price is cleverly demonstrated by these smart.'dressy gowns now so much admired here. Messaline and satin demi-gowns and street dresses atV. .... . .". . . .$22.50, $25.00, $35.00 and $39.00 U " , ni Special Bargains in Brandeis Basement The finest grade mercer ized sateen In black and. colors 3, 6 and 8 yard lengths worth 40 a yd.1 regular lining counter In basement, ' I ft at, yard , IC Priscilla long cloth, yard wide. 1 1.10 value on bar gain table in, the base ment, at, per bolt 75c Plain . and : fancy white groods: high grade rem nants' for children's dresses bargain - square, at, yard. 5c Heavy , grade bleacLou muslin, fine quality un bleached muslin rem- . nants and full bolts well Vnown brands, C w , at, yard Bleached Tubing and Cas ing, all widths, suitable lengths, 18c and 20c val ues, bargain table in front pillow case dept., at; yard . . . 12ic Dark pattern dress per cale remnants, plenty of 'goods to buy from all . day. at, Ti . yard JjC 10-inch lawns, on bar gain square value; an extra spec ial for Mon "71 day, at, yd.. 2C One big square of fine India Unons sold from the bolt at, yd., 10c and 12 He worth double. SPECIAL SALE OF TABLE CLOTHS, DAMASK SHEETING ETC ' 100 llfhtly oiled Patcrn Cloths, t ai.J lb yards ions, wortn up to M 00. at ch SI II ta LInan BhaetlnsV full to Inch wld. th bMl BTd at. yrd Silver ' Bleachod Ta--Ma lank. ' 12 loa. Lav SUSS ilc. . r BOe Walsttng Linen 16 Inches wide, at yard . . . 8c Tt-lnch full Bleached Irlah Until Tbula ' Damaak, 7ic valua, at, yard V-plara Batta n b u rs Bear fa, flaa lac braid. I1.ZI valua eai tj Sa til 100 scalloped Satin Bad . Bpre. extra larne also, pprtaaa. at. each t20 4-&4 Inch Liuncli Ciotl.a. with three rows of drawn woik, worth $1.60, aa. 11. 0 era la linen Kriretlnr. 00 imhea wliia, fin for nji. at, yard OSc Fin Japanea Hand iJrtwn Work Uoan and Uunth Clotha worth to It, a, So Brandeis Millinery is Always Correct The Lete Spring Hats Prettier than hats of early spring. Vastly smarter than the models of most seasons. Shapes, colors, trimmings, all are different. Advantages in price are considerable if you buy here. Among the new arrivals which sre shown at Brandeis we men tion the new hats with slightly roll rims ( and trim mings of aigret tes. These and scores of other new styles are specially grouped tommorow, at 0 25c Thousands of new . spring flowers for trimming, ev ery variety, on main floor bargain squares, at Smart New Styles in Suit Hats Every Brandeis' hat has correct style no matter how moder ate the price. Others would ask $7.50 for hats nearly as stylish as these. They are practical and very QO modish spring hats for every occasion, at PJJrJ In the Basement Genuine $5 hats, exact copies of imported hata for $2.50. These are in mushrooms 6hapes, elaborately trimmed with velvet, buckles In the Basement Misses' leghorn hats worth to $2.50 and trimmed with quills, flowers and ribbons, scores of becoming styles, at 98c to $1.50 and flowers of all colors, at $2L IN THE BASEMENT 25c Wash Dress Fabrics All the new washables are here. No store in the west shows such a variety of the new wash goods. The genuine Indian Head Suiting in plain colors, also fancy stripes and checks f f at, a yard I JC Corded batistes, pretty summer lawns in neat figures, dots, stripes and floral pat- fl terns, sheer grades, yd... The best assortment of checked, striped and small plaid effects in French dreBS ginghams, at, yard 15c, 19c and 25c The' best Galatea cloth made Is here in plain colors, fancy stripes and checks, at, i f a yard 'c A new importation of the cele brated Irish dimities show for the first time Monday, all the new patterns, at, a yard The new washable cotton crepes in tan, pink, blue, white, laven der, with the large shadow dots for lingerie gowns, OQ at yard JV Mercerlied poplin fabrics for mak ing shirt waist suits, white and tan grounds, with col ored dots, at, yard C Flaxon is the one fabric that ev erybody will want as soon as the warm weather sets in. You will find them in a most wonderful assortment, at, 1 J? a yard UC Light and dark dress' percales, many with borders.; Nowhere else do they show such a variety, all yard wide, . f 1 fast colors, at, a yard lUC'laijC High Grade Rugs y Brandeis stores sell rugs that are dependable in every way. We show the best selected stock in Omaha. We buy in so much larger quantities that our prices are always lower than others. English Wilton Seamless Rugs at $39 The most popular high class rug in Omaha. Finest quality of Wilton in rich light and dark Persian T fZICh effects 9x12 in size and absolutely seam- vp 'Hjl less the price is RoyalVKashan Rugs the Finest Made We present to lovers of beautiful rugs the very finest rugs manufactured. They are the Royal Kashan rugs in soft, rich designs exclusive rug stores would sell this $C C rug at $70.00 the 9x12 size is priced here at. BODY BRUSSELS RUGS Full five frame -Brussels rugs in all new patterns the 9x12 size is $27.50; the 8-3x1 0-6 size is $25; the 6x9 size is $16.50 Ask to See the New Se&mlee Brussels Rugs t $20 These are 10-wire seamless Brussels rugs it is a sample line 9x12 size only worth $30.00, at $20.00 Seamless Brussels Rugs Fine dining room or bedroom rugs excellent wearing quality $22.50 rugs for. . . ". . . .$14.08 Complete line of Ingrain Rugs, from.. $3.98 to $15.00 BRANDOS STORES