Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 18, 1909 Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Jovva A f L i 1 1 Minor Mention fa OeaaeU Bluffs Offlee mt Ossahe U at 111 4h TkM 43. Dsvis, drugs. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 139. FAUST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFFET. Majestic rangea. P. C. DeVol Hdwr. Co. CORRIGAN8. Undertake. 'Phonea . Block pastured. 'Phono Plnney, Bell 214.13. When you want rd labia want ad advar tislng. uae The Bee. Picture framing a specialty at Alexander's Art Store, 333 Broadway. The beet wall paper cleaner. 18c per can, W. Nlcholalson. 14 8. Main. BAIRD. LONGENECKER A BOTiAND, undertaker. 'Phone, 122. 14 N. Main 81 Dr. W. W. Msgarell, optometrlat. mored to 2U6-20S City National bank building. Verne . Iewl of thle city and Florence 8. Cannon of Omaha were married by Jus tlce J& B. Gardiner. Sheet mualc at 10 cento on Saturday and Turaday. Kourleius Piano House, Broadway, Council Bluffa. Rhubarb, asparagus, cabbage and tomato plants, onion Beta. garlic, lerttuxers. Younkerman Seed company., . Kd Stockert reported to the police yes tenlay the theft of a eft of harnesa from hla home at 628 fcjaat Pierce street. A building permit waa Issued yeaterday to E. Hess for a one-story frame cottage in Evans second addition to coat ll.z&o. Rev. Henry DeLnng performed the mar riage ' ceremony yeaterday for William Dante and Bertha Beckman, both from Clarka, Neb. Tube roses, caiadluma. gladlolas. dahlias rannas, hollyhock plants, peonies and other bulb plants and running vines Younkeir man Seed company. Clalma for damages aggregating 148, 177.M by reason of the proposed con struction of the Nlshnabotna drnlnnga ditch were filed with the county auditor yesterday. Three dollars In caan given away with each Perfection blue flame oil stove Bold this week. Bee our adetaoln chrdlu bmm this week. J. Zoller Mercantile Co., 100-102-104-10 Brcadway. 'Phonea 320. Frank B. Hower, chairman of the touring board of the American Automobile asso ciation and manager of the Oltdden tour will visit In Council Bluffa for several day during July, aa the guest of Dr. T. B. Larey. The supervisors, sitting as a drainage board on Tuesday of next week, will con sider all protests agalnat the proposed ditch and clalma for damaees. The clalma range from 20 to 16,000. They are thirty-five In number. The preliminary Hearing Of Charles M. Sanford, charged with, shooting at and wounding Claude B. Gano Thursday morning, waa continued In the superior court yesterday until this morning. It will probably not be taken up until Mon day. Raymond Poach, a rural mall carrier of St. James. Minn., who developed unmis takable signs of Insanity while on a visit to his uncle, Jacob J. Kckles, was yester day ordered by the commissioners on in sanity returned to his home In Minne sota. Mtas Margaret Conway of Fairbanks, la., died yesterd-.iy morning at St. Bernard's hospital from diphtheria, aged 38 years. The hnrlv waa removed to Corrlgan'S un dertaking establishment and later in the nay. was sent to her former nome, wnere the funeral will be held today. Although the arrangements for the funeral of Martnus Anderson, who lost hla life In the fire which nearly destroyed the bHrn at the residence or K,rnest Hnw ThurMriuv mornlne. have not been completed. It will be held Sunday after nnun and will be' under the auspices of the Dannha society, of which the deceased wsh n member. rp plving WIIMsm Sutter an Indftermln I ate sentence of 10 veats In the reformatory nt Ammosa. Judrre Thornell In district rrrtVrt yesterday told the young man that If he behaved h'niHelf he would probably be BHroled at . the end of eleven months Butter was cnvlrtoil nt the -last term of court of broaklnr'-ito ".freight -car in tnc A thief Willi an evident penchant for t ickcts. bi'-i e iii'o tbe Woulworth Hl- i i tercet an I Uroad- i 'i . .... . .. it olieclltiic uu in , . . .." .. in!uw, the lion r. ; it t , . ,, d not been cloned. . . . . en. of which two .iC . .. . . ... t I lie rear of the .LiitltiliiK i' mt rtiluat- Hume unidentified person broke into the timber shop of K I). Taylor at the corner of Sixth street and Sixteenth avenue and vented hW wrath upon a slot machine. The niaililne. which was broken ull to pieces, looked us if an ax had been em- ( ployed to place It hois de combat. Noth ing else, as tar as Taylor was able to learn yesterday, had been touched. County Surveyor J. Harlev Mayne, who Is vhlef engineer In charge of the construc tion of the low,i ft Omaha Short Line ar rived home yesterday afternoon with his crew of aurveyors. after completing the preliminary line surveys as fur aa Trey nor. This now places the company In a po sition to go ahead and make the locating survey prior to acquiring the rlsht-of-way and ' beginning the work of construction. June 1 haa been fixed as the date for the laying of the cornerstone of the new Ep-worth Methodist church at the corner of Avenue B and Twenty-fifth Btreet. and Rev. A. V. Babhs, pastor or the church, are laboring to secure a dis tinguished church worker as the principal speaker. A program otherwise com mensurate with the Importance ' of tli celebration will be arranged. Did you ever take an eye-opener In the morning? Well, here la something that will make you notice things. We ran onto a jobber who IS alarmed that he will have to carry over hla stock of peaa and he fur nished us with a price that will sell the goods. We know what they are and can J warrant them. Three cana for y centa. I We have strawberries. 20 cents per box; nice wax beans, two pounda for 26 cents: areea onion, two bunche for 5 rents; oranfa. S5 centa per doien. Try some of our codfish. IS cents pound; extra fine mackerel. IS cents. We know we can fur nish you with the best coffee at cy 26 rents per pound. We have all kinds of garden seeds. Swift's hams at 14 ren's a pound. Bartel Miller. Telephone 3n9. t'pholstertae;. George W. Klein, 19 South Main street Both 'phones. 'Hare It done right." FOR MEDICAL AND FAMILY USB BUY YOUR LIQUORS AT L. ROSKN FELD CO.. 619 SO. MAIN. 'PHONE 323. Dr. W. W. Magarrell, optometrist moved to 2Ot-!03, City National bank building. Ladles, ou can make old floors Just tlks new with Chl-mamel, the new floor finish. All colors in stock now. P. C. DeVol Hard ware Co Fiturday Specials Green vegetables ara fine, such as cucumbers, ripe tomatoes, peHS, lettucs and radishes; fresh straw berries, quart boxes, per box, 20 cents. Tanned fruita: Iarge can pineapple, regu lar. 30 centa. today 20 cents; large cana neachee. aprlcote and peara. regular. 26 enta, today, two for ?6 cents; large can iweet potatoes or beets, regular 16 cents, today. 10 cents per cn- English walnut meats, :rr pound, 40 cents. Oranges are tweeter this time of the year than any other time. We have them from 20 cents per dozen up. Horn honey, per cake. 15 centa Ginger snaps, per pound, C cents. Fancy cookies of all kinds, per pound. It cents.' W have some northern grown. Early Ohio seed potatoes at $1 26 per bushel. I Green. 134 Broadway.' RradleyEdge Drop Corn Plantera and Aa penwall Potato Plantefa. Sperling Trip let) 1-7 Broadway. Lcllert's JK'SSl Lenses CrrMM Csilm Kjmw w Warn i CJwm f a ansj aaJT ha a I LEFFERTS 11 ISIMSH , CONDITION OF HITS FINDS City Treasurer True Makes Report for Last Fiscal Tear. LARGER BALANCES ON HAND Llqanr Mrease Urine la Reveal . of f IM.Otia Darin Period Donatloaa Improve teat Flint. According to the annual report of City Treasurer True for the fiscal year ending March 31, ISO, which he completed yester day, the outstanding bonded Indebtedness of the city at the close of the year was $249,000.00, as follow: Interaectlon grading 19.non Intersection Having KiS.iXiO Intersection aewer t.unt $ 85, OX) Regular City Bonds: J135.ono loan jno.onn Ho.OiiO loan 44.001) 30,000 loan 30.000 1H4.000 (249.000 During the year the city paid off bonds to the amount of tll.OOO. On March 31 of this year the balances on hand amounted to 1112,379.18 as against $93,126.31 on March 81, 190S, as follewa: General fund $ 29.963.31 Bond loan 1.144.'.l Intersection paving and grading.. ' 6.1W.77 Judgment 3H .3d Water 10.211 I,lhrarv .,. 36 Special assessment, sewer Special assessment, paving 4,s4 98 Special assessment, grading WHO Curbing and sidewalk S15 70 Intersection sewer ..isj.u City bridge 2,026. i5 Funded debt 'i.nw.db fUnr 1 1 sewer 7.4.W.37 Rmil 24.73 Imnrovement 2,8!40 Lighting JTiJ-W Indian Treek' 4 Water work sinking 19,164.81 Trdal $112,379.18 Anoant of Levy, ' Following are the amounts certified to the county treasurer for collection In 1909, for 1908 taxes: , Mills. Amount n.n.ral 10 l4ll.Zll.S4 General sewe 8 .?! -47 1 Bridge J Improvemeht 6 20.123. h7 Library J 8.049.47 Water works, sinking 3 8.049.47 Park 8.049.47 Bond Loan 3 8.019.47 Intetest paving and grading 2 8,049.47 Funded debt 3 12,074.20 Judgment 1 4,024.. 8 Road t 1.377. til Delinquent polls i 34.00 Totals 43 $174,438.02 Special grade ..$ 442.18 Special paving 34,790.31 Special sewer 6.007.99 Special curbing 2.318.16 Special sidewalk i 8,760.18 Total , ,.;,.....$ 50,936.81 Following Is the valuation of the city of Council "Bluffs for the yea'r; 1908, upon which the city la, collecting taxes In 1909: Real estatft t $2,280,030 Personal property 942.983 Railroad property ' 465.29 Express companies 1.086 Telephone companies 13,216 Telegraph companies 2.201 Total ...............'. .$4,294,805 1 be Police Kand. : The following show what constitutes the "police fund," which la an essential fac tor in the figuring of the revenue of the municipality for the fiscal year: DEBIT. To cash on hand April 1. 1908 $ To amount received from county feusurer: K:oin l'nuor licenses 16.8.H5.51 From cigarette licenses 300.00 To amount received from (by clerk: l.lquor licenses $18,0fi2.1 Scale tickets H7.00 tieneral licenses 2,8-5.43 Sundry permits 276.00 Dog licenses 781.25 Civil fees sup. ct 93.25 Cltv ciime 5,978.79 Ordinance book sold.. 1.00 $28,084. 67 . Totfil CREDIT. By vouchers paid By tmnsler to general fund resolution of city council .... ) Total ....$46,221.38 ....$ 0.30 by ....$45,221.18 ..$45.2.1. $8 ' ' Improvement Donatloaa The Improvement fund ahows the receipt of the following donations during tha year Omaha A Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge company, donation to West Broadway paving $1,800.00 U. A. Ueno, president Commercial club, donations from sundry oer- sons for paving West Broadway. 1,160.00 v. r.. nenuer, trustee, donation from Btreet Fair and Carnival com pany and Commercial club ior Vet Broadway paving 4,000,00 v. a. rteno, president commercial club, donation from sundry par sons for paving West Broadway., 175. CO Total ..$6,925.00 SALOON MEN Rt'SH TO COVER, Sera re New Permits from Clly Kile New Mulct Bonds. and There was great hurrying and scurrying yesterday among the aaloonmen against whom M. B. Odle, attorney for the Iowa Anti-Saloon league, haa proceeded, to get under cover and fix their affairs so that they could continue in busineas without Infringing the provisions of the mulct law, Following a consultation between tha at' torneya for the defendant saloonmen and Mr. Odle. It was decided that the saloon keepers should take a fresh start by secur ing new permits from the city, filing new $3,000 mulct law bonds and secure and file new petitions of consent from adjoining property owners. For the accommodation of tha saloonmen the city council held a special session yes terday afternoon, at which permits were granted th following: Charles Lelbold, 712 West Rnsdway. Pat Donahue, W2 Went Broadway. Seih May. Broadway and Bryant street Charles Mnldaner, Albany saloon. Pearl strevt. L. Rosenfeld & Co., 519 South Main street A. Lonman, fi Went Broadway. Ed Murphy. 230 West Broadway. C. A. Burrigbt, 1017 South Main street. F. Adrian, 518 Eat Broadway. August Boysen, 16U0 South Sixth street. A large number of tha enjoined saloonmen filed supersedeas bonds yesterday, prefer ring to do this than file abatement bond. All of those filing supersedeas bonds, It was stated yesterday, would take thei cases up on appeal. Bradley Plows run alone. Trlplett, 827 Broadway. Sea Sperling at Plans for New City Hall. City officials. It is said, are discussing the feasibility of erecting a new city hall on the Installment plan, in tha Mint manner that the new central fir atatlon Is to be paid for. It haa been auggeated that there would be plenty of roony for a city hall bulld(ng over Indian creek west of th new firs station. The proposition haa nut as yet assumed concrete form, although a the meeting of ths city council yeaterday afternoon Councilman Morgan, Jensen and Olun were appointed a special commltu-a to aecure prices on sites for a new city hall The petition of property owners on Perln avsnua. which Is to be paved, asking that th roads ay be reduced to twenty-ais faet as favorably acu-d upon Th contract for furnishing th city with tenty-four-lnch aeTrer plba waa awarded to tha Qulnn Laimber company on Its bid of P2H cents. E. A. Wlckham bid 81.15, The council convened yesterday afternoon as a hoard of review, but adjourned with out doing anything, aa Assessor Hardin did hot have his books ready. ONE BOV KU.I.RD, ONB IXJt'RRD Carl Walker and Will Wllsosi froaa Coanell Blaffa. Carl Walker, who waa killed, and Will Wilson, who waa seriously Injured Thurs day night near Cedar Creek. Neb., by being run over by a freight train on which the men were believed to be stealing a ride, are believed to be from Council Bluffs. The police, after investigating yesterday, are of the belief that Walker Is a son of John Walker, 1529 Avenue F, and Wilson Is a son mt William E. Wilson. 3620 Sec ond avenue. Both had been working for the Calhoun Construction company In the stone quarries at Cedar Creek. Real Kstate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee April 14 by the Pottawattamie County Ab stract company of Council Bluffs: Cornelius Noonan et at. to Mary Noonan, lot 2, block 2, Judson's 1st add. to Neola. q. c. d $ Eleonore R. Relmera and husband to Charles T. Officer, und. H of lot 11. block 1, Babbitt Place add to Coun cil Bluffs, q. c. d William Clark and wife to William Clark, Jr., n'4 nw of 2-76-39; n w4 of 3S-76-S9, and part neS of 17-74-40, w. d Elmer K. Smith and wife to Thomas J. Young, ne of 17-74-40, w. d 16,000 William-Hill, widower, to F. H. Stow, lot 7, block 19. Mullln's subdlv. in Council Bluffs, w. d Benjamin Kehr Real Estate Co. to Lucy Johnburg, lot 9. block 60, Rid dle's subdlv. In Council Bluffs, w. d. Mary Jsne Carter, widow, to Issue Chernlss, lot 2, block 15. Hyatt's subdlv. In Council Bluffs, w. d. ...... 1.100 200 1,600 Total, sven transfers.. $18,883 Special for Saturday Gilt edge country butter, pound, 30 centa; ginger snaps, one half peck, 20 cents; corn, four cans for 26 cents; peas, tomatoes, apples, strlngless beans, salmon, etc.. three cans for 26 cents; 26 cent package Koffeeno, '18 cents; large bottle catsup, 15 cents; 6-cent pack age crackers, three for 10 cents; vanilla afers and fig newtons, pound, 12V4 centa, etc. In our meat department: Boneless rib roasts, pound, 12Vi cents to IS cents; pot roasts, 7 cents to 9 cents pound; Diamond or Rex hams, pound. 13H cents; picnic hams, pound, & rents; pig hearta, two for centa; pig livers, 10 cents each; corned beef, 6 cents to 8 cents; bologna, three pounds, 26 cents, etc. In our hardware de partment: dog muzzles. 26 cents; one bushel garbage cans, 95 cents; blue grass and white clover seed, pound, 26 cents; pumps 11 kinds, up from $1.90; roller skates, pair, 60 cents to $1.50; waffle Irons, 79 centa; good oe, 19 cents; garden rake, 19 cents; step ladders, 29 cents; ovens, 89 cents to $4.00; smoothing Irons, set, 80 centa to $1.75; cop per bottom wash boilers, '88 cents; carpet beaters, 16 cents, etc., etc. J. Zoller Mer cantile company, 100-102-104-106 Broadway, Phonea 820, N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 26a Night, F-170X Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. . Age. Vernle S. Lewis. Council Bluffs 23 Florence R. Cannon, Omaha. 26 William Dahle. Clark. Neb...'.'........... 25 Bertha Beckmant Clarks, Neb.... 23 Syndicate Takes Hold. SIOUX CITY, la.'. April 17.-(Special,) The Sioux City and Ashland Development company, which created and platted the aeven new towna on the Ashland line of the Burlington road, has cold tha last of Its holdings to a syndicate headed by Judge C. P. Mathewaon. president of the First National bank at Wajthlll, Neb. Xhree years ago the sites of the seven towns were cornfields. They now have a population of over 3,000. The amount In volved In the deal Is not made public. Walthill, which Is 'named after Walter Hill, son of 3. J. Hill, who had charge of the construction of the hew road, Is the largest settlement Ghost Story from Mapleton. ONAWA. Ia.. April 17. Specla )-The country south of Mapleton Is In a state of excitement because of a haunted house In the community. All sorts of stories s re- rife and people are very much alarmed. It has been established with undeniable proof that the house In question- is the scene of strange noises and cries. People who have been In the house when such affairs were occurring declare that spooks or spirits are visiting the place. A murder was com mitted In the house once and neighbors says that the departed spirit has Just re turned for revenge. Watching parties have trapped for the spirit Intruder, but have been unsuccessful so far and ths noise still continue. The farm, which Is a val uable one, Is now for sile at a low price, Court Cancels Road Order. ONAWA, la., Apill .17. (Special.)-The hand of the law rudely Interrupted the Onawa town council In Its apportioning of public highway to It member the other day, when Judge Mould of the district court ordered that the Perry, grade be reopened to the public. This road, which Is one of the old established hlghwaya to Onawa, was among those which were re cently awarded to Samuel Harrison and Jesse Ropes, members of the council by the council. George Fisher, F. M. Hatha way, F. D. Wlnegar and other prominent citizens, upon learning of the transaction, applied to Judge Mould, who ordered it opened. There is now a prospect of legal action against the council. Search, for Hidden Property. WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. April n.-(Speclal) Lost, about one million and a half dollars The Webster City council haa Juat con eluded a pretty thorough search for the money and haa found a very fair per cent of it. The vaat Bum named represents the moneys and credits on the various banks In this city, as shown by their regular I statements. The assessor, however, can find no such amount of personal property of this nature, so the city council at its regular silting as a board of review started out to assist In the search. Tha wail that will go up next Tueaday when the council will sit as a board of equalisation will at test how well the council has suceeded. Harrlsoa Pioneer 1 Dead. LOGAN, la.. April 17 (Special.) Eiphram Strausa died at hi home her thi atter noon, aged 81 years. He was a pioneer resi dent of Harrison county. Burial will be Sunday In Six Mile Grove cemetery. Denial ( Sale Rnmor. BOONE, la.. April 17. (Special Telegram) rGeneral Manager M. L. Blake of ths Fort Docge, Dea Molnea & Southern railroad stated today hat the report of the aale of the Crooked road to hla line was abso lutely without foundation. Homer Loring of Boston, president of the Fort Doufi line, and Pittsburgh-Capitalists, here fi r the Inspection of their own property, gHe rl to the Crooked Creek rumors. Official are indignant at tha rumora and say th Inter- , urban doe not want other road. ROADS, MIST OBEY BOARD 1 i GoTernor Carroll Signs Swift Bill with This End in View. EFFORT TO STOP MANY APPEALS Old Lair Had Provision Hegarded aa Mark Too Drastic This to Bo More Effective. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. April 17.-lSpeclal.)-Gov. ernor Carroll today signed, what Is known, as the Bwlft bill, fathered In the legisla ture by the representative from Shelby county, being a law to penalise a railroad company at the rata of $50 a day for failure to obey an order of the railroad commission. As a matter of fact, the pen alty for failure to obey under th old law waa $1,000 to $10,000, but Is was so sever that the penalty had nevjr been Imposed by the courts. . The occasion for the bill waa the fact that along In the winter the railroads. Which center In Harlan. Shelby county, were directed by the railroad commission to make physical connections, and up to the present they have not done so. It . I explained thaV the order gave them only 80 day In which to do the work, and It was at a seasTTrT-when it could be done to advantage. But the bill was demanded by a great many Interest In the belief that It would put a stop to appeals to the courts merely for the purpose of delay. It wa opposed by the railroads on the ground that It was a measure of drastic character and no such penalty Is Inflicted elsewhere for merely resorting to the courts. Will Have a Bee Inspector. One of the new bills passed and which haa Juat been signed by the governor pro vides for a state bee Inspector with au thority to destroy bees and hives where they, are found to be In unhealty condition. The place pays $3 a day and expenses. and the governor Is looking about for a man who Is an expert In catching bee and diagnosing their ailments. There ha been but little complaint of any disease among the bee of the state, but the scien tists claim that there Is some danger. Trouble Over Time Clock, The state officials are having trouble over installing a time recording system In the state house. Th legislature Included In the omnibus appropriation bill $200 for Installing such a system for the use of the custodlsn in keeping tab on the watch man. There are two night watchmen at the capltol, both war veterana, and while it la common knowledge that the atate house ha been left at time with little, protection, yet they and their frienda have started a movement to have the council refuse to Install the time recording sys tem. They claim It Is an Insult to them aa old soldier to compel them to make re ports at different places In the building while on watch, and that they should be trusted to make the rounds. ' No Change on Medical Board. Members of the State Board of Health have announced that Secretary Thomas will hold his position for the coming year. This announcement was made after thetr meeting Tuesday, In answer to the rumor that the secretary would be deposed at the July meeting. Work 'low oa Railroads. Several hundred men were thrown out of work temporarily today by the actt-jn of the Rock Island road in closing its shops m Valley Junction. The order halt work In all the ahopa except the roundhouse until May 1. To Bnlld County Hospitals. Tha legislature placed on the statute books a law which will enable the counties of the state to erect and main tain county hospitals. Inasmuch as this Is about the only way the communities ran provide for care of the tuberculosis victims It la probable there will be a number of theae county hospitals erected. In this city a volunteer movement ha maintained a hospital for tuberculosis, but will be unable longer to do so and plans are already being made for having the county start a hospital.. flection Hand Killed, CRESTON, la., April 17.-(Speclal.)-Pa-senger train No. 2 struck and Instantly killed W. R. Swain, a section ' hand, at Corning last night In the Corning railroad yards. Both arms and both legs were sev ered from the body and the head crushed. Swsln, It is thought, waa watching No. , which nieeta No. J at that place, and did not hear the approach of No. He was a middle aged man and leave a wif and large family of children. An Inquest will be held today by the Adam' county coro ner. Retrials Ordered by (a arch. IaAMONI. Ia., April 17.-HSpecial. ) The Saints of the Reorganised Church held the ninth session of their conference and the time was spent In hearing reports from quorums and committee. This church has always adhered to the right of petition and today referred two cases back for retrial of erring member who had been convicted by church; courts. . , Elder H. K. Moler of Missouri waa th speaker and tonight Elder J. F. Curtis of Provo, Utah preached. Miss Dolllrer Goes East. 8IOUX CITY, la., April 17.-(Special.)-Mlaa Margaret Gay Dolllver, sister of Benator Jonathan P. Dolllver, and dean of women at Mornlngaide college, la m tha east for the purpose of assisting In tha securing of funds for work at the Institu tion. Dean 8. L. Chandler Is confident that tha campaign for funda will be auc cesbful. U" News Notes. MASON CITY Because of lack of suf ficient evidence th convict, the charge of cheating at cards was dismissed against Jamea Bolander of diaries city when he was arraigned here today. CRESTON-Conductor Joe Crowdre, who lost a leg In an accident at Pacific Junc tion fluting tne winter, naa bought the Cartwright hotel In this city snd will open ii iu iiuuiiu iaituiiv in m snore lime. LOGAN As a result of a fall last Satur day Will 8. Beck died lata last evening at I lie home of his son, E. fcl Beck of Ixigan The funeral will be held at the Methcxllst church of Logan tomorrow afternoon, wun Interment In Logan cemetery. DNBKW.-5I1ARl?N-TTh",.wJ"ell",. of th i r.uj . uiuiLii, OTii.i-u uetiiroyta by fire last fall, is being cleared sway, preparatory to building a new church .to cost 112.010, on the site. Wprk on the new building Is to begin at once. MARSH ALI.TOWN The annual aprlng meeting of the Waterloo presbytery, which embracea all of the churches of the de nomination in central lows, will be h. 1,1 in this city for two days, beginning April 20. Rv. H. W. Reherd of Waterloo is moderator. CRESTON Editor John Clark, who for twenty-four year a had been the proprietor of the Bedford Times-Republican, has sold tha paper to M. W. Campbell of Council Bluffa and Paul 8. Junkin, editor of the Advertlser-Gasett of Ibis city, and will retire from newspaper life and look after his other larga business interests Jl also expects to travel. Mr. Campbell mill be the active manager and editor of the paper from now on, Mr. Junkin buying merely aa an Inveatment. GRIXNEI.L At th annual meeting of the Grlnnell Association of Congregational churches, which openel here today C H Horn and Alfred E. K. ni of 1 rtmrsa gil. Itgs aud William Norlit ut Ds Uolns J a 1 . 1 There Are Not 100,000 Pairs , There are not one hundred thousand pairs of these trousers on the market, because far fewer than that number of TRTUMPH TROUSERS are made. These Trousers do not compete with other lines in quantity. But Triumph Trousers are made right. That's one reason for the limited output. It takes a full week to finish a pair of Triumph Trousers. The cloth is London shrunk. This process of shrinkage takes ' much more time than the quick steam process more generally used, but it secures the maximum shrinkage. To insure accurate sires, each garment is cut separately by shears, instead of by machines which .cut a quantity at a time. Iowa were examined for the pastorate and or dained thi evening. LOGAN The supervisors of Harrison and Pottawattamie counties have been In ses sion here today, having under consideia tion the approval of damages and assess ment of benefits In such drainage dlairlct No. 1, Harrlaon and Pottawattamie coun ties. The aupervlaora of both counties were all In attendance save Colonel Raker. C'OLFAX The Des Moines presbytery, embracing fifty-six churches of- the de nomination In this prt of Iowa, opened here last night. During lta session the presbytery will celebate the 400th an niversary of the birth of John Calvin. Among the principal speakers are Rev. P. W. McClinrock of China and Rev. David McEvan of Centervllle, la. KAMRAR Because of the bitter tele phone war, wnich has waged for weeks between the farmers of this section of the county and the Martin Telephone company of Webster City,, the Farmers' Independ ent Telephone company has been organ ised. The trouble was caused originally by a dispute as to the transfer charges mada through the exchange of the Martin com pany. LOGAN The following teachers hava1 been elected In the Logan schools: Super intendent Prof. Charles S. Cobb; principal, Mary E. Rice; mathematics, Mary E. Garl. ner; science: Maud Shelton; English, Mabel Fonda; German, still vacant; eighth grade, Althea Fletcher, seventh, vacant; sixth, Adeline Barnhart; fifth, vacant; fourth, Elnor Mlllman; third, Bertha Fouttf: sec ond, Helen Allen; first. Bertha Cadwell. Ines Chesnut, music and drawing. ONAWA The land transfers In Monona county for the month of March, 1 V')U. greatly exceeded any previous month for years. The considerations ti' these transfers only lacked a few dollars of amounting to II, 000,000. That land ha risen greatly In value la to be seen from the fact that there were only 630 trans fers during that time and 17( of these were deeds. The highest price paid per acre was $226, which Frank Pierce paid Oeorae Buckley for a choice tract near Onawa. A great number of the land pur chasers during mis time were tuinoi men. the former owners In many case retiring to live In nearby town. CRESTON William Kepford, a young man at this place, waa arrested by tha authorities last night, charged with break lng and entering the Creston Transpor tation building Wednesday night and re lieving the money drawer of A. In going out the party stepped Into a pile of soft dirt, leaving the Imprint, of a foot plainly visible. It had been noticed that young Kepford had been spending an unusual amount of small change, consequently he came under suspicion. He was taken In custody and his shoe taken off, when It was found his foot exactly fitted into the footprints, and other evidence was dis covered, so that the young man was bound over In the sum of $300 for the "next term of court. i CRESTON The O. A. Ollphant caae. In which, the brother of Ollphant, who waa' found dead in a Des Moines park last September, haa brought auit to recover the lite insurance oi z,iuu carried Dy u. a. Ollphant In the American Health and Ac cident insurance association, sna wnicn was expected to come up at the present term of court, has been continued to the August term. 1 ne insurance company claims Oliphant was a suicide, while his family claim to have evidence that he was murdered. The insurance company now claims that Ollphant's policy was made In favor of a church, arwi that the brother has no rlkht to bring suit, hence the de murrer. This cane attracted much interest here, where Ollphant and his family are wall known, the relatives living at Orient.. YOUNG DESERTER IS CAUGHT Picked I'p by Probation Officer, ldeatlfled aad eut to Naval Yard. William H. Gilcrlat. a deserter from the Vnlted Ststes cruiser Brooklyn, was ar rested by Probation Officer Carver Thurs dsy and locked In jail over night. He was taken before the officer In charge of the naval recruiting atatlon, Identified aa a deserter and remanded to jail. He deserted from the navy In June, 1907, and hss been working at various employments in Omaha for about a year. H will be ent to the Norfolk navy yard by th naval authorltlea Friday or Saturday to answer to the charge of desertion. A Ton of Gold could buy nothing better for female weak nesses, lame back and kidney trouble than Electric Bitters. 50c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. MAGYARS WILL HAVE A CLUB Haasrarlaa Society Bay a git at Nlaeteeath aad Bart aad Em ploys aa Architect. Th Hungarian society ha bought a (it t Nineteenth and Burt streets and I con sidering the erection of a modern club house for th society. Contractor ar now making estimate ou architect' drawing and If th coat cornea wlthlu th expectation of the member of the atciety th club house will undoubtedly b erected during th coming summer. huiidtn ooounitu of tba rJL Then each pair of trousers is subjected to a rigid inspection it has to be perfect in every respect before it can leave the shop. Compare the style of Triumph Trousers the frXBIUMPH V. iwMtnens i If or 4 ma At the Best Clothes Shops If your dealer doesn't ell Triumph Trousers writ) to ut RUNG BROS. & CO., Makers, CHICAGO elety has the matter In charge and Is work- lng out a plan for financing the enterprise. Omahan will doubtless be joined by South i Omahana in the building enterprise. Theaters Adopt Open Door Policy Hundred and Seventy-Five Western Houses Will No Longer Make Exclusive Contracts. NEW YORK. April 17. -Theatrical man ager In thi city were formally notified tonight by their western representatives that the Western Theater Managers' as sociation had declared an "open door" policy and would no longer bind It house to any producer, booking association or syndicate. The western msnager adopted a resolu tion at their meeting In Chicago which ends any affiliation they may have had limiting their houses to any one syndicate of pro ducer or managers, and declared that their theaters will, henceforth be open to any plsy by anyone. About lib theater are affected by the move. TELEPHONE COMPANY SUES TELEGRAPH COMPANY Bell Corporation In Cine' -all , Al leges Western I'nlon Is "l. criminating- Asalnat It. CINCINNATI, O., April 17.-Th West ern Union Telegraph company and the Gold and Stock Telegraph company, th latter ownera of a ticker service of news. were made defendant In a suit filed In the common plea court today by the Cincin nati and Suburban Bell Telephone com pany. In which a mandatory Injunction I asked. The telephone company alleges It 1 being discriminated against unlawfully by . the Western Union company In that the tele graph company refused to Install In the telephone company's office a ticker service uoh as 1 Installed In many other places. The Western Union company Is lessee of the wire and service of the Gold and Stock, company. The facts In the case which bring about the suit, It Is said, are that the telegraph company will not In stall th ticker service In the telephone company' office because the telephone company refuses to agree not to give Its telephone patrons Information that the ticker serve. Th telephone company will claim the right to give that Information equally with the other patrona of th aervlce, uch aa saloon, cigar store, etc. PETIT JURY JAKES A REST Federal Coart Body Lay Off Until Monday, Owing to Lack af Business. The petit jury In United States court has been excused until Monday, a no further trial were ready. The federal grand jury will be empanelled Monday. There Is a considerable grist of small business to come before tha grand Jury. Most of the cases r for boot legging, minor postoffice offense and on or two counterfeiting. The district court docket may not be called until th grand Jury complete It work. Among the first case to b called up In 'the district court will be tha railway safety appliance caaea. The land cases will not come to trial until some time In May. NEWS OF THE ARMY POSTS Major J. B. Irwin or the Inspector gen eral' department, ha returned to army headquarter after an extended leave of absence. i Army headquarters haa just emerged from the hands of the painters and decorators and presents a handsome appearance in lta interior finish. Died of Paeaasoala" I never written of those who cure coughs and cold a with Dr. Klng'a New Diacovery. Guaranteed. Mc - and x $100. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. Beatrte Take a Game. BEATRICE, Neb., April ML (Special Telegram.) In a fat game of ball played at Blue Spring this afternoon between Beatrice and Blue Springs high school team the, former won by tb score of I to . Th feature wa th pitching of Bticisuigcr et oeeince. effect of their hand tailoring with the kind cut out in blocks and rushed thrbugh at top pressure. Triumph Trousers look as if they were made specially for you. The world is searched for all wool and worsted materials that will pass inspection for this fashionable line. Absolutely no' cotton is used. The finest of imported, at well as domestic, fabrics are used and no greater range of pattern is to be found anywhere. J AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Freak of Nature is Six-Legged Animal at Stock Yards. BRINGS GOOD PRICE AS EXHIBIT Mrs. Barbara Besta Fonnd Waader Ina, Demented, oa Streets Bishop Nnelaen Preaeaes Snnday Moraine. The crowd which daily patronize th Union Stock yards wa halted yetrdar by the curious sight of a full grown bull with six legs. While doubleheaded calve and other accidents of nature are not un usual and while , several curious prodigies are mounted In the varlou office, the sight of a matured animal still bearing the odd limbs with which It came Into the world Is rare. In fact, none of th commission men could remember a similar creature. The animal wa handled by Wood brother and wa s'old for exhibition purposes for tl26. The extra limbs shoot out at the animal's shoulders from a point near the top of the back, giving the for quarters of ths' animal a moat groteaque appearance. It uses only the four normal legs In walking. One of the fresk legs Is not greatly de veloped, but the other show nearly per fect. C. W. Owen of Springfield shipped th animal to the yard. The animal wa aa active aa any of hi kind and . showed signs of a pugnacious disposition toward other masters of tha herd. ' Woman Wander from Homo. Mrs. Barbara Besta, 280 South Eight eenth street, wife of James Best, a pack ing house employe, was found wandsrlng the streets barefooted and In a demented condition Friday morning. She I a woman of 30 or more. She wa taken to th city jail and kept In the matron' department and arrangements were made during th afternoon to take .her to the lnaan ward of the county hospital. According to Mr. Besta the woman has been subject to these fit of melsncholy. In which sh refuse to speak snd sit moodily, with lusteries tyes, robbed of Intelligence. Th woman wa never known to be violent and when asked by her mother at these times to do household duties ha obeyed like a child. She tells the family, when she regain control of her mind, that It eem like three brick II on her head and weigh her down. She haa some young children. Monday Service. "Th Truth a It t In Jesus" 1 Rev. George Van Winkle's topto for Sunday morning. In th evening John Baptist will give hi lecture, "The American Flag and It Power for Christ." Bishop Nuelsen will occupy th pulpit at the First Methodist church Sunday morn ing. While In South Omaha, ha will be entertained at th home of Mr. and Mr a. E. L. Howe. Holy communion will be observed at St. Edwards at H a. m. Th Sunday school will be at t:30. The vespers will be ob served st 7:30 p. m. At St. Clements mis sion matins, with sermon, will be observed at 11 a. in., followed by Sunday school. "Th Duty of Religion" I Dr. R. L. Wheeler' morning topic. In th evening his theme will be "Th Commonplace Ljfe." The evening service Is at 7:30. not changing to th later hour until May 1 R. W. Liver of th English Lutheran church will presch from th subject, "Tho Good Fight of Faith." A general meeting of th congregation will be held at .the close to consider plans for a new church building and other bualne. Th young people will meet at 7 p. m. Borglar Get Sniall Booty. Burglars Friday entered th horn of Fred H. Guthrie, 21 North TwSnty-sscond treet, and extracted $10 from th clothe of Mr. Guthrie' father who wa visit ing his son. Entrsnce was had through a window, but the burglars did not make enough noise to arouns Ci family and' th theft wa not detected until morning when furniture was found disarrange. Ther I no clue to the perpetrator of th theft. ' Made (Ity uoaalp. G. A. Young Is In ths city for a few day visiting friends. John Riches has gone to Greeley, Colo., to be on the aprlng roundup on hi lanch. A aelect dancing party la to be jlvtn by the I. M A N. club at Bushing's hall Friday,. April 11. Dr. R. L. Wheeler married Jay T. Van Order and Miss Marl s)wack of OrQkh Thursday afternoon.