Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Ken's Club of Walnut Hill Methodiit
Entertain Women.
iaiMl BuliM Meetia f CirtflUr
Charea Showa Largest 1 a teres t
North Side Cfcrlatlaa Will
Repeat Kaater Masle.
Tha Men't club of tha Walnut Hill Mrth
odlst Episcopal church held Its , annual
woman'a night entertainment Friday
night and the occasion Is said to have
been one of the most aucceaafui In the
History of the club. Dinner wae served
t 7:11 o'clock and waa followed by a
number of toaata by the women. Mre.
Tellers acted aa toastmletress and those
who' responded were Hn. Taylor, Mrs.
Hosman and Mrs. Lessard. Mrs. W. A.
Challls cave several readings which were
greatly enjoyed.
The annual business session of the
Castellar Street Presbyterian church was
this year marked by the largest attend
ance and greatest enthusiasm In a
decade. The church's several departments
made encouraging reports. The present
pastoral encumbent has been with the
church but nine months, but long enough
for a spirit of hopefulness to . have
gripped the people. A busy year of work
ia outlined for the church. At this meet'
Ing F. W. Krelle waa re-elected an elder
and Frank wood waa newly elected to
the same office. Robert Oraner and
Howard M. Laubach were re-elected trus
tees and H. C. Elllnghusen was newly
elected to the board of deacons. H. L.
Boand was re-elected and Ous Gutting
and J. W. Mesklmen were added.
Because of numerous requests asHing
Mrs. Kirschstein to repeat the Easter pro
gram given at the North Side Christian
;rwenty-second and Locust, she has con
sented to present the program Sunday even
ing at 7:45, as follows:
Processional Christ the Lord is Risen
Gloria Patrl
Hymn H9 The Golden Gates Are Lifted
Vp Bradbury
Hymn 16 Rise Glorious Leader. Rlxe
Italian Hymn
Rev. J. H. Kirschstein.
Anthem Fling Wide the Gates
Stalner'a "Crucifixion"
Ortertory Violin 80I0.. I
Mr. Joe Woolery.
Easter Cantata Death and Life
.... Harry Rowe Shelley
recessional Coronation
The congregation of Kountse Memorial
will tender a publlo reception to the mem
bars of tha church choir and the members
recently received on Wednesday evening,
April 21, In the parlors of the church.
First Presbyterian, Seventeenth and
Dodge, Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D
Anthem Awake Thou That Sleepest
Solo Then Shall the (Righteous Shine
(from "Elijah") Mendelssohn
i Mr. Jessen.
Anthom-Ltft Your Ulad Voices... Van Laer
Choir: Miss Louise Jansen, soprano and
director; Miss Myrtle Moses, contralto: H
C. Jessen, tenor; Miss Nancy Cunningham
Music at tne Kountze Memorial Lutheran
Twenty-clxth and Farnam;
Prelude Bercuse Oodard
Processional Holy, Holy, Holy Dykes
Solo Come Unto Me Hawley
Master Russell Tetard.
Postlude-March In G Batiste
Prelude Largo Handel
Processional Hark, Hark, My Soul...Smar
Quartet Une Sweetly Solemn Thought
I Ambrose
Offerlory-V4olln Solo Selected
Mr. Theodore Kreuger.
Postlude (Jrand Chorus Lemlgret
E. A. Van fleet, director; Charles Cocke,
jr., organist.
An organ benefit concert will be given
by Hillside Congregational church choir
Thirtieth and Ohio atieets, Thursday even
Ing, S:15 o'clock.
Tha picgram;
Organ Prelude "Rellgleuse" .... Gullniant
martin Hush.
Anthem "Hark! iirt My Soul"... Shelley
UUdys Chanuler. Chjii, siadlu Fredriksoti.
8 proi.a Solo "G y Bjiitrfly" Hawley
Nettie Williams.
Duel I Soprano and Baritone) "Oh
Momenta That 1 Biess" Dense
Bertha Shelany, R. O'Nell.
Soprano ho.o " 'Twae April'' Nevlns
Mabel Fulton.
Bhsi 8ol "Tl.e Kli g of the. Winds"....
Frank Davltl
E. F. Williams.
Alio Solo "Evenlnjf Love Song"
Edna Chipman
Hlen Crowe.
Tenor SjIo "Onaaa. Awake"
....... From Hiawatha's Wedding Feast
J. J. Naven.
Alto Solo "Farewell, Ve Hills" .'
J Tschaikovsky
Mrs. K. E. Iarklna.
Baritone Solo "Hypraa the Cretan".. Elliott
Sylvian Burkenroad.
Foprano 8 jlo '"Slave Song" De Relgo
Ollle Burnette.
Mai" yuaitute . '.
J. J. Nave'. Hush Wallace, C. P.
Dnn'c's unit E. F. Williams.
Tli's s ti c il'.st or a srrie of monthly
and s p. m. Young People's meeting at 7.
Knuntse Memorial Luthersn Mission.
Nineteenth and Castellar, Rev. J. K. Hum-
mon. Pastor Services at 1 with Sunday
Kountse Memorial Lutheran, Rev. John
-4 a.
E. Hummon, , Pastor Service, at 11:30
sermon. Individual Responsinint y,
evening service at i. subject, "Who Is
Fool 7"
Second Church of Christ, Scientist. Nln-
ternth and Farnam. Lyric Theater Sunday
school at :4B. Services at 11 a. m.; sub
Ject of lesson sermon. "Doctrine of Atone-
Church of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh
and Pratt. Rev. R. T. Bell, Pastor Services
at 111:30 and 8. Sabbath school at noon.
Junior Endeavor at 3:30. Young People's
society at 7.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. Twen
ty-fifth and Farnam. Chambers' Building
Sunday school at V:4o; Sunday services at
11 and 8: subject of lesson sermon, 'Doc
trine of Atonement."
Grace Lutheran, Twenty-sixth and Pop-
pieton. Rev. M. L. Mellck, Pastor Services
at 10:45 and . Sunday school at 12:15.
Luther league at 7. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday night.
People's. Charles W. Bavldge, Pastor-
Morning, "A Common Put Fatal Mistake;
evening. "Shall I lae Over the Dead to
Please the Living?'' Frol. ftlertcs nas
chsrge of the music.
First Presbyterian, Corner of Dodge anil
Seventeenth. Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D.
D., Tastor Morning service at 10:311; even
Ins: at 7:30: Sunday school at noon; Chris
tian Endeavor meeting at 6:15.
All Saints' The Easter day music will
be repeated at the morning service in or
der to (five tnose wno am not or couui
not hear It on Easter day an opportunity
of doing so; no evening service.
North Presbyterian, Nineteenth arid Ohio,
M. V. Hlgbee. raster Services at 10:30 a. m.
nnd 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school st noon.
Young People's society at s:30. Studies in
the Psalms every Wednesday evening at S.
North Side Christian, Twenty-second and
Locust, H. J. Kirschstein, Minister Morn
ing worship at 10:80. Bible school at noon.
Christian Endeavor at S:I5. Evening service
at 7:45. Wednesday evening prayer meet-
Ins: at 7:30.
Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue ana
Klehte, nth. Very Rev. George A. Beecher.
Dean Holy communion at 8; Sunday school
and Blhle class at 9:45: morning prayer
and sermon at 11; evening prayer and ser
mon at 7:30.
Church of the Good Shepherd. Twentieth
and Ohio, Rev. Thomas J. Collar, Rector
Services at 8 and 11; celebrations of the
holy communion; evening prayer and ser
mon at 7:30; Wednesday evening, service
and address at 7:45.
Central United Presbyterian. Corner
Twenty-fourth and Dodge, Rev. R. B. A.
MeBrlde. I). It., Minister Morning wor
ship at 10:30; evening worship at 8; Sab
bath school at noon; young people's meet
ing and teachers' meeting at 7.
Westminster Presbyterian. Twonty-
ninth and Mason The pastor. Rev. W.
S. Fulton, D. D.. will preach at 10:30
and 7:30; Sabbath .echoVil and Bible
classes .at 12. Ixard Street Mission
school at 7:30. Young People's society at
t'hlon Gospel Mission, 1321 Douglas At. a
a. m. P. J. Glrardet will teach the Bible
lesson. Charles F. Rebel will speak In the
evening. Miss Frances McGlffert will sing.
Bor.g service will begin at 7'4.i. Noonday
prayer meeting will be held each day during
the week.
First Christian, Twenty-sixth and Har
ney. Rev. J. M. Kersey. Pastor Usual
services at Christian church; preaching at
10:30 and 8; young people's meeting at 7;
Bible school at noon: Bible class Tuesday
evening from 8 to 9. You are cordially invited.
Castellar Street Presbyterian. Sixteenth
and Castellar, Ralph H. Houseman, Min
ister Public worship at 10:30, topic,
"Recruiting for Christ;" Bible school at
12; young people's meeting at 7: pnpulur
service at 8. topic, "When Faith Appro
priates the Best."
First Congregational. Nineteenth and
Davenport, Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor At
10:30 a. m , "After-Easter Thoughts.
Vesper service at 4:30 dramatic reading
from "Pilgrim's Progress." Illuminated with
song. Young People's society at 6:46. No
evening service. .
First Baptist, Twenty-ninth Avenue and
Harney, Rev. J. W. Conlpy, D. D.. Pastor
Services at 10:30 and 7::t0; morning ser
mon, "The Church for Today;" evening,
"Young Men and Religion. What Is the
Trouble?" Sunday school at noon; young
people's meeting at 6:30.
Third Presbyterian. Twentieth and Leav
enworth, Rev. William E. Todd. Pastor
Sunday school, 9:30 a, m.; Bible class in
pastor's study, 9:50 a. m.; popular service,
with sermon. 10:4." a. m.; Junior Endeavor,
8 p. m. : Senior Endeavor, R:30 p. m. ; ser
mon and evening Cong at 7:30.
Immanuel Baptist. Twenty-fourth and
Plnkney, Phlletus H. McDowell. Pastor
Service at 10:30, topic, "The Expanding
Power of a New Idea:" 7:30, topic, "Al-
Young People's union
most and Altogether; Blhle school at
Ewsliop Stonrcll will preach at St.
ttil 1-t's cathedral tomorrow morning at
the 11 o'clock mass.
T-'r. W. B. Puttcrion of New York, gen
eral secretary of tho Methodist Brother
hood of America, will deliver an address
at the First Methodist church, Sunday
evening at 7:45.
M. C. Cole was elected treasurer of tiio
vestry of the Church of the Good Shep
herd at the meeting Tuesday night instead
of L. D. Crum, as was erroneously re
ported. Rv. E. H. Jerks speiks upon "Brother
hood In Human Progress" at the business
nun's Bible class at the First Presbyterian
Sunday from 12 to 12.30. All are welcome.
Special music will be rendered Sunday
at the First Christian church, Twenty
alxtli and Harney, aa follows: a
Anthem Lost Chord Brewer-Sullivan
Solo Hear Me When I Call
, Bruno-Hulin
i' R. T. Kersey.
Anthem Rock of Ages Buck
With Polo by Miss Mauda Rock.
fcolo Oh, Shining Light Adams
Mrs. 2. E. Watson.
Mrs. "Louise Shadduck-Zabriskie. organ
ist; Walter Graham, musical director.
Mleceltaneaas Aaaaaacemeats.
Oak Street Mission. M South Twentieth
Sunday school at I p.
Bethany Branch, First Baptist, 3863 Ieav-
enworih Sunday school at 1, gospel meet
ing at Friday.
Calvary Baptist Branch. Thirty-fourth
and Seward Sunday., -1.30, Bible school;
Thursday, 8. Bible reading.
Inltv Church Service at 16:80; sermon
by Rev. W. A. Piatt, topic. "A Study of
he Religious Sentiment. -
Omaha General Moapltal At 4 o'clock
fin pel services will bj held in the hospital
parlors, to ahlch all re Invited.
Norwegian-Danish Methodist, Twenty
fifth and Decatur, Rev. R. P., Petersen.
Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m.
noon: the
at 6:30; mid-week
evening at 8.
Clifton Hill Preabyterlan, Thomas B.
Greenlee. Pastor-At the morning service
the newly elected elders and deacons will
be ordained and Installed. Evening service
at 7:30. Junior Endeavors at 3:30. Senior
Endeavors at 6:30. Sabbath school at noon.
Wcdacsduy evening prayer and conference
at 8 o'clock.
St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth
and Burdette,. Rev. L. Groh, Pastor Serv
ices Sunday, 10:45, "Angels and .Their
Hletsed Influence on Us: 8, sermon by
Rev. T. F. Stouffer, Reformed church
apastor at Waverly officially Sunday 8;
Sunday school at noon; Young Peoples
Chrl.-tlan Endeavor at 7:15.
Plymouth Congregational. Corner Twen
t'eth and Spencer, Rev. John P. Clyde, Min
'etc r .Voriiing worship at 10:30; theme,
'The Inlliieme of Our Conception of Uod
Upon Every Day Life;' Sunday rchool at
noon: Christian Endeavor at 6:30: evening
worship at :W; theme, "One Talented Peo
ple." Special music at each service.
First Methodist. Twentieth and Daven
port. Dr. Frank L. Loveland,'' Pastor The
pastor will preach at 10:30 a. in.; Sunday
school, 12:15 p. m.: Epworth league service,
6:45 p. m.; evening service begins at 7:45.
Dr. W. B. Patterson of New York, general
secretary of the Methodist Brotherhord of
America, will be present and deliver the
McCabe Methodist Episcopal. Farnam and
Fmtieth, Rev. J. Narver Gortner, Pastor
'reaching at 11 and 8. Dr. T. C. Webster
vlll priach at both services. A men's
ncctiog will be held In the afternoon .at
'. f'everal addresses will be delivered.
' mon the apeakers will be Nelson C.
iat' and Dr. Webster. The meetings will
in line throughout the week.
Calvary Baptist. Twentv-flfth and
? 1 Hit it It An , Rev. K. R. Curry. Pastor
oi'vlces st 10:30 and s. conducted by tha
pantor. Rov. J. A. Baber of Lincoln
will preach In the morning. Evening
topic. "The Old Paths;" song service by
male chorus and quartet before the even
ing sermon; Bible school at 12; young
pcopie'a meeting at 7; Wednesday at 8
midweek service.
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational, Cor
ner St. Marys Avenue and Twenty
xeventli. Rev. Lucius O. Balrd, Paster
Morning worship at 10:30, eimon by the
pastor, subject. "Youth;" Sunday school
at 12; no vesper worship. The castor
Preaches at t lie City mission at 8; Junior
Indeavor and children's hour at 4:30;
Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor at 5:45.
m. All cordially
Y. W. C. A. oes.
Gospel meeting In the Young Women's
hriatian asvoclatlon auditorium rext Sun
day afternoon al 4:). Mrs. 8. R. Towns
will speak on "Job." Miaa Minna Weber
will sing. Social hour and light refresh
ments at 6:30 In the club room.
Mlsit H. Alice Howell of the department
of oratory of the Unlversitv of NehrasKt
will give her interpretation of "Jeanne
d'Are" in the Young Women's Christian
association auditorium Monday evening,
April 19, at 8:15. This entertainment is in
charge of the educational committee of the
The house committee announces the April
noon recital for Thursday, April 22, from
12 to 1, In the auditorium by the pupils of
Miss Luella Allen and Miss Lllllsn Fitch.
This recital Is open to the public. No
charge of admission. Following Is the pro
Violin Quartet Dank
Philip Gilmore. Morton Rhnades. Edwin
Bannister and Edward Schurtc.
"Cigarette's Hide" De Lakeme
Eda Levy.
"Meditation" Morrison
Marlon Kuhn.
"In Old Virginia ' Dixon
Miaa Oshlo.
"Pastorate" Riedlng
Kdwln Bannister.
"The Tell-Tale" Anon
Miss Farko.
Reverie DeMuth
Miss Hutton.
A rieauat Barprlae
follows the first dose of Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the painless regulators
strengthen you. Guaranteed. !3c.
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
With a New Price Leve
thought we struck the lowest level last season at which handsome, reliable homefurnishings could be sold. Not so. Present prices are even
lower. We've gone down S9 much below our best prices of last year that our own telesmzn reai the price tickets the second time before they re
sure. The prices are all in plain figures so you'll experience the same sensation yourself. It means money in your pocket big savings, and you
may take advantage of our open account credit accommodation. -
FREE- 26 w,EACI,
laijiisi.iu nil i i i in mm SL i us s i I, I in
'iir.tvt snuernn n. " .r apt V E'll
New RprlnR pattern, new color combinations,
a high grade Rug. made of beat all wool and
worated, made without mitre seams and fully
guaranteed. This 1 a lust one
speclsl from hundreds offered In
our bis: advance sale of spring
patterns. Sale price
imw ano luiiy
' rtrm fVrM"l""!8W.' T aw
Complete with flour and
meal pins, sliding bread
board, cutlery drawers,
spice drawers, etc., etc.,
finished In satin walnut,
top has roomy glass door
dish compoortment. It's
a tremend
ous bargain,
RueTR of extraordinary quality, patterns nnd
r "niyi" i n;i.issiiiipiinaassii..apw 'M
1 i'i-f-Af- j '5fi I! AJ GmA : 1 ik
.tr '-ti - ,1 w'-;' im .i'ivJ "-1-1
;ai aei.i am i y- iimsi mtiii a
designs most beautiful, high soft pile, exceed
ingly luxurious. liUKii one ef first quality
and not seconds, which are us- J f, tn
ually advertised. Tliey're perfect M B m M
In every detail and thoroughly SL I . a J 1 a
guaranteed. Sale price bww
made in
Miide of solid oak. rubbed
and .polished, seat up
holstered in genuine
leather and thoroughly
extra strong
and suhftan-
tll. Price-
9x12 wilton Velvet rug
Our own exclusive pattern, most beautiful col
orings and most durable. The riiKS are made
of high grade materials and wonderfully dur-
aiiic. tou positively never saw
such a high grade rug on sale In
Omaha at anywhere near the
THREE-PIECE mahogany parlor suite
extension table
They are tremendous values, made of
best selected solid onk. with laree.
round top. Platform
base and carved claw
feet. Extends to 8 feet
in KIT JSct
4 buffet , ' '
A most wonderful value, frame Is of (genuine mahogany, exceedingly
iiiumiirii nnu neauy carvifa, upnoistering
ni ueai graue or sua veiour, ne
tachable cushions, held to frame
with silk cord, new and beauti
ful designs. Special .-.
j. ui'iiuisiennK
Very compact when closed, very
strong, yet ery light. Has heavy
ruDDer tires. Hcsi
cart In Omaha for
the money.
Design of pleasing
made of solid oak
carved and finished,
door compartment,
drawer lined for sil
verware. French
plate mirror. Special.
- .Illustrated Catalogue Smi H
to out ot town C nB M
people RTI,
Iarge glass
Bent end de
sign, double
glass, adjust
able shelves,
made of sol
id oak, high
ly polished.
This rocker has full roll arm and back,
wide spacious seat, broad hack, massive de-
siign, large, roomy and comfortable. L iok
where you will and you
cannot find a value to
equal this. Special
I'ir. Id
'it. 1PfWl,'"V '
I I i fl All 1 P-75
Eft JPPsf own 1 Hmyw.m e" have larg
2S.H j&l A uara'
Here Is a value that certainly proves our
ability to undersell. These all brass beds
are massive and subntanlial.
2-inch posts,
i lacquered and
iteed. Special
II I li'il, illiirn,
gfl m I . Sll SBBBBa-B, -lT
f -
Complete with high warming closet.
made of Bessemer cold rolled steel, all,
asbestos lined, convenient shelf on
ratine as shown. Pouch feed, duplex
grates. Large oven.
Kxtra heavy casting,
a guaranteed baker.
Larpe French
plate mirror
beveled edge,
serpentine top
drawers, made
of solid oak..
Made with American wire top. all steel helirals.
angle steel rrame, a rows spiral
spring supports, both sidea ele
vate, making a full aize, comfort
able bed. Special ,
Of handsome design, full
srptntine front. fancy
shaped mirror with deep
beveled edee, beautifully
carved mirror
frame and
Generous Credit
with no interest
charged for
the accommodation
Mayor and Hii Inner Circle Evolve
Their Platform.
Resent Any Imputation of Corpora
tion Control and Hectare People
Will Do All nullng
Mayor James Cahlman and a few of his
Inner circle held the much advertised dem
ocratic platform convention in Creiglilon
hall Friday In the presence of about 600
Of course the greater part of the five
hundred referred to did not think they
were spectators. They sat In regular or
der, the delegations from each ward with
a placard on a pole above them to dis
tinguish each bunch. Just as they do at a
real convention and the delegates really
and truly thought, most of them, that they
had something to do with the platform
which was adopted.
- The way it really happened was quite
different. Boss Flynn was In tha chair
while around him were flags and artificial
palms, the way they hide the orchestra at
a reception, and under his practiced hand
the machinery moved aa smoothly as oil
could make It. He opened the proceedings
with a few well chosen words and then
called for the representative from each
ward on the platform committee. Those
chosen, in the order of the wcrds, were
as follows: Rimer 8. Ferrln. Ilk-hard
thai'aloye. Kdgar Kothery, Dan Horrlgan, K.
S - , n- M Jrnnn- 1 1 rl'IVnn...
r or I 4. Tvuur, A. f. wvwiiiivi, . v j .
J. A. Rlne. U J. TePoel. Mat 8chnecken.
berger, M. F. Funkhouser and J. YV. Bed-
ford. The chair then named the followlnz
members of the committee at largu: H. K.
Newbranch, H. E. Burnham, J. H. Gross
man, Dr. A. H. Hippie and Meyer Klein.
Retire to "Write" Platform.
They retired to an anteroom to await a
reasonable time . before presenting the
platform and the time was taken up by
speeches from some of the silver tongued.
I. J. Dunn, assistant city attorney, the
same who sung the praises of the Peerless
Leader at the Denver convention in a voice
like the morning stars singing together,
was called for and for one mortal hour he
talked of ancient history and everything
else except the last three years of demo
cratic administration of Omaha affairs.
He was followed by B. J. McArdle, who
recited old John T. Kelley's vaudeville
stunt: "Kelley's Dream, or the Lobster
Salad Recitation." Just what bearing this
had on a democratic convention was nut
Mayor Dahlman then took the floor and
orated for quite a spell aLout cowboys and
things. Incidentally paying his respects to
the governor.
Then Dr. Hippie of the Water board read
the result ot the labors of the alleg Id
platform committee and the document was
adopted by acclamation, there being but
one dissenting vote.
H. E. Burnham, city attorney, attempted
to apeak after the vote was taken, but the
crowd had heard all the spellbinding it
wanted for one night and the meeting broke
up. Just where the "rank and file" came
in Is not clear to the casual observer, but
they think they had something to do with
it. so that is all that Is necessary.
The Democratic Platform.
The platform as adopted is as fallows:
I. We recognise that In city affairs party
polities should be subordinated to good
government, and we affirm that local
rather than political Issues are at slake in
this campaign.
I We are opposed to an extension of tho
franchise of the Omaha Water company
and again pledge the mayor and council
and the democratic officials tliut may he
elected to co-operate to the fullest extent
with tho Omaha Waer board in acqulilng
the water works at the earlelst possible
the water works at the earliest possible
In order that the long drawn out contro
versy between the Omaha W'Hter company
and the city of Omaha may he brought to
a speedy termination we are In favor of
the propoaition for the Issue of bonds to
be submitted at the cfmlng elertton.
S. The democratic party stands for home
rule and personal lllierty and favors the
greatest degree of personal lllxrty In
Omuha consistent with the good govern
ment of the city.
4. We stand for law and order and favor
the enforcement of laws equally nsalnst
all. without discrimination, prejudice or
The Meat In the Coeoanot.
5. We call attend' r. to the fact that the
democratle administration of Omaha has
been trun to the pledges and policies on
which it was elected. That it ha been
free from scandal, that no one has hern
able evrn to chaige that It was Influenced
by or subservient to any special Interest
and that It has given Omaha a e'eun. a bin
and economical business administration.
. Three years ago we promised dollar
gas in the event It was legally poesiu'.o o
pn cure It. e were estopped fy 'ne ran
that a republican administration hal
granted the present gas etuipany a fran
chise until 1H8. with authority to charge
11. Jo to tl.afi per 1.000 cubic feet.
Further, the city was pruuuiitji ny a
republican legislature from granting a fran
chise. l any oilier company for more thu
ten years, and no corporation would nulla
a plant under a ten-year franchise.
The present democratic city administra
tion tried to secure from a republican
legislature in YjW an amendment to the
charter to make dollar gas possible. That
legislature refused us the amendment, but
a democratic legislature has this year
amended tne charier In the manner re
quited. We now, therefore, renew our
pleCge to give Omaha dollar gas In the
manner made feasible by the efforts of a
democratic city administration and a demo
cratic legislature. We further pledge Ilia t
at the expiration of the present contracts
for street lighting, bcth by gas and elec
tricity, lower rales will be required as
for new cop'-racm.
T W favor a reascuablo occupation tax
on public service corporations.
8. We pledge a democratic AdnilnlstraMon
to use every effort to secure fn m the street
railway company Improved service and thfc
extension of lines tout will meet the neces
sities of a growing city.
S. We favor strict reg-effAtlnn of the social
rvll and Its rigid exclusion from the resi
dence dint ii ts.
Holding the views as above stated and
presenting a list of candidates who have
been tiled and found true and who are
again pledged to carry them into effect,
the democratic party asks the co-operation
if the citizens of all pintles.
V. M. C. A. !otes.
Dr. W. O. Henry club In the study of
"I.lfe Problems" meets every Sunduy after
noon from 3 to 4. The subject for discus
sion Sunday afternoon Is "Health."
Thn regular Sunday afternoon nieetln?
will be addressed by 'William H. Patteison
of New York, the general secretary ol the
Methodist Brotherhord. Mr. Pstterson'a
subject is "The Call of the Churrh to Men."
The meeting will be at 4 o'clock In the as
sociation assembly hsll.
Mr. Denlscn's class In the study of
"Youth" will take up for discussion Mon
day evening "The Religious Awakening and
llellgious Feelings of Youth." Publlo
school and Sunday sc hool teachers are es
pecially Invited to attend these Monday
night discussions of the "Boy."
Jo. eph SamoU, Twelfth and Pierce streets,
frame dwelling, tl.sori; John Peterson. Six
teenth and Frederick streets, frame dwell.
Int. $1.5i u; Mrs. August Krakowvki. Twen-lv-fourlli
and Kltu atreeta. frame dwelling.
ll'.5i:o: J. J. Toms, 1X23 Spruce street, frame
dwelling. K.fiOO.
Quick Action for Tour Money You get
that by using The Bee advertising columns.
Stomach Blood and
Liver Troubles
Much i icknesi starts with week stomach, and consequent
poor, impoverished blood. Nervous end pale-people lack
good, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating
for, after all, a man can he no Wronger than his stomach.
A remedy that raskes the stomach strong and tha liver
. active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives
out disease-producing bacteria and cures whole multi
tude of diseases.
Get rid of your Stomach Weakataa and
Llvr Laalnaaa by taking a com at
Dr. Plarea'a Caldan Medical Discovery
tha great Stomacm Reiterative, Liter
lavliarator and Blood Cleaneer,
You can't afford to accept any medicine of !
ctmptsititn as a substitute for "(Jolden Medical Discov
ery, " which is medicine or known composition, having
complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottle-wrapper,
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Dr. Plena's Plmtuaml PtllHi ngvlate ae4 lavlgerata Sesneca, Lhtr as a Brea