0 ititi UMAMA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 18, 1909. PERSONAL A CONTENTS OF FRIVATE "TABLE. Handsome, etyllnh pair of matched horeee; Kentucky bred saddler (has all the g.ilts), reliable family or depot horse; faat trot ter. 2:12'.; prlta winning runabout cob; children'! pet pony; Brewster brougham; miniature victoria (naed four times); mall phaeton, cutunder depot wagon; family urrejr (seat four); runabout wagon; um brella top phaeton, Tuxedo trap; gover- ' ties cart; Blelgh; alngle and double har ries; Imported ladles' and genta saddles, bear and cloth robea, liveries, whlpa. flx- ' turea, etc.; tremendous sacrifice; owner ha purchased automobiles, rrlvate Bta- fcla. 9 EaJt 62d Bt, naar 6th Ave., Nw York. (18)-3&8 18x PMAUA tatniuerer' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18r-6lS 6TRIKC.ES. rubber ' good a. by mall; cut Ktce. Band for free catalogue. Myers Uon Drug Co.. Omaha 18i 14 TUB SALVATION ARMT solicit caatoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not ' Pd. W collect. rapair and all at IM N. ljth St., for coat of collection to the worthy poor. Call "phone Douglaa 41 and wagon will call. Ui) 7bi f AftNFTTTf! treatment Mme. Smith, iUii.UlMrjXXV 6J, H j4th toiri floor. . (18)-.7 aa HOME for woman during confinement. . We find homes for bablaa where moth era cannot care for them. Bable ' boarded. Mrs. Martha A. Lee. lot Ban croft St. 'Phone Douglas 1821. (18) M438 May7x R.fVATHI homa during confinement; bable adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 140 rirat Ave., Council Bluffs. La, (18)-M963 HAXJB aafea, new. Id-hand. 1818 Fa mum. (181-818 DRUNKENNTJ8S DfttjO HABIT, cured to stay cured under positive guarantee. Write the Fnsor Remedy Co.. Dept. O, South Omaha. Neb. , 08) M9S2 M13 MAGNETIC, Flectrlo vibratory, 120 B. 'l(th. room 308. Fourth Floor, Old Boat on Store. (18) 943 Mayli TOUNQ WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association, 17th nnd Howard St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. A deaconeas representing the association meets trains at the Union sta- tlon aa travelers' aid. (18) -268 MAP8AOB PROF. O. K. DINJ1AN. EX PERT MASSEUR. For ladles and gentle, men. If tired, languid, laiy, from lack of circulation which causes Indigestion, constipation, torpid liver, rheumatism and chronlo troubles, try the Oriental mas sag. Thorough hand work. Face and scalp treatment; I years la Oman at 406 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4038. 18)-J17 May4 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles t permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. (18)- A REFINED lady of middle age and alone would like to meet a refined gentleman of . i niters ana Divorced are, excused. Address, p. O. Box 217, Omaha. Neb. (18;-M393 lx 1 POULTRY AND EGGS B. C. B. LEGHORN EGOS 11 per setting, 13 per 100. O. H. Deaver, Orleans. Neb. . ill) M6t iix 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN EGGS Choice standard bred stock. Heavy laying strain. S& per 100, 88 per 80, 83 per 20. Mra. W. L. MoKeuney. .. . Parmer, Merrick County, Neb. (1D-M5S7 23x 8. C. BUFF ORPINGTONS, free range; egg for hatching, 31.26 per IB, 83.00 for 60, 86.00 for 100. Indian Runner duck eggs, 11 for 31.26; W for 83.60. Toulouae goose eggs, . 86o each. Guaranteed fresh and ferule. Peter 4V Brehm, Harvard, Neb. (1D-M538 23s WHITE ROCK EGGS, $1 for 16. 1611 Oak St. (11) M532 20x BARRED ROCK egg; good utility atock. Arthur Gillette. 815 N. 16th Bo. Omaha. I (1D-M633 18x 6. C BLACK MINORCA eggs for setting! : 81 for 14. Tel. Harney 8883. Uli MSS8 M2x It. C. R. L RED EOGB for sale. Pen eggs, '. 81.80 per IS, 88 per 100; from pens scoring i su to sa range ai per ia, ss per 1UU. J. w, Abraham. Valley. Neb. (11 M24 CHAMBERLAIN'S Original perfect dry . chick feed. Use this only and save young chickens. Stewarts Feed Store, Sola Agents. 11 N. 18th St. (11 M841 May 1' 1 .. , White Leghorn eggs 86 per 100, at Mandy Lea Farm. TeL Florence 162. (U)-M7M AM INCUBATORS . Expreaaroan - Isard Sta. for sale cheap. Apply to Delivery Co., 221 and (ID M731 18x BUFF ORPINGTONS Baby chicks and eggs. Ask for prices. Big winter layers. Prswltt, Box 628, Ottawa, la. (ID PRINTING JARVE PTG. CO., Job orlntlng and calen dars. 16tb e Cap. Ave.' 'Phone Ind. A-262U, (5) 61i REAL ESTATE FOR RENT to ACRES no Improvement a, 4 mile west of fclmwood Park; ft miles west of itth Bt. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, ' 1001 N. Y. Ufa. Douglaa or A 2151 Omaha. Neb. (2D-M1M 18 REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (23)-t4 SECOND MORTGAGE loana negotiated. Apply Room 417-18 First Nat l Bank Bldg. Ball 'phone Douglas 2318. t22 62S WANTED City Farnam Smith loans and warrants. W. Co., UiO Farnam St. (22)- REAL ESTATE WANTED (Continued.) WANTED Information regarding a good farm for Sale; not particular about loca tion; wish to hear from owner only, who will eel) direct to buyer; give price, de scription and state when roaseeelon can be had. Address L. Derbyshire, Bo 1901 D. Rochester. N. T. (28)- WANTED To buy new home In Bemls Tark Diet. or 7 room; modern; not over 13,000. Address W 30, cure Bee. (23) M476 18 TR1VATB money to loan. CM Brandela Bldg. H. Sherwood. tsso tsi LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandela Bldg. 22)-4W7 STOVE REPAIRS NEW furnaces, hot watsr and hot air com bination heating, t and 4-hole laundry hot water heaters, mantle grates, gas stoves repaired, water fronts and flower vaaea. Omaha Stove Repair works. 12f6 12oa, Douglaa St. 'Pfconee Ind. A-3621; Bell, Douglas . 349 WANTED TO BUY SOD WANTED. Apply 618 8. 18th St. (25)-M170 lSx HIGHE8T prices for secondhand furniture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tsi. Doug. 8971. (i6)-64 BEAT pries paid for secondhand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Doug. 8401. (26)-641 The Practical Auctioneer. 848 N. T. Life. 26)-3uO WANT TO BUT A small line of elevators and lumber yard In eaatern Nebraska or Kansas. R. (R. Chenoweth, Ohlowa, Neb. (25) M232 18x WANTED Dirt to fill yard. 2817 Miami Bt., or 'fhons web. 194. (26) M243 lx WANTEDTO RENT WANTED By young couple without chil dren; I or 1 rurnlehed rooms equipped for light housekeeping; must be In f tint-class modern home and neighborhood; will prove permanent If agreeable and ref erences exchanged. Address L 334. Bee. (26)-M244 VJX ! GRAIN AND PRODUCE MAUU Wheat Ariin Ooei Up on Foreign Adriceft, WORLD-WIDE SUPPLY SCARCITY Cora- Higher on LI gat Sapply and Poor Hia of Dally Receipts Still Higher Prices for Wheat Predicted. OMAHA. April 17, 1908. Wheat prices advanced again today. The situation abroad Is becoming more sent and the acarcltv cf suonlles Is asserting It self the world over. Still higher prices are predicted, with only slight reactions off and on. Liverpool cables were up 1 Saturday and started the domestic markets strong. Lighter corn supplies and a lighter run of dally rscelpts during the spring planting season are pushing corn vales steadily his her. Cash Is strong but slow. Wheat opened on the firm foreign news and maintained a strong tone during the session. Cash Is still on the advance and there seems to be nothing In sight to stem the upward tide. May opened at 81 234 and closed at fl.244. Corn was strong and higner, with a gooa general trade. Receipts continue very light and with this Improvement In the eastern demand prices are expected to advance. May corn opened at 64Vc and closed at 65c. Primary wheat recelpta were 281,000 bush els and shipments 280.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 601. 000 bushels and shipments of 346.000 bushels. Corn race rts were 206.000 bushels and shipments .TStS.Wrt bushels, against receipts last year of 664,000 bushels and shipments of 624. 0iO bushels. Clearances were 28.000 bushels of corn, 8,000 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 157,ono bushels. Liverpool cloaed -Vfcttliid higher on wheat and 4n4d higher on com. Local range or options : WANTED to rent Msy 1, I or 6-room mod ern house. Must be In good neighbor hood. Will lease for year. References. No children. State terms. Y 162, Bee. (26) M237 23x FOUR or 5-room furnished octtage or flat. Addreea C 826. Bee. (26) M149 20X WANTED 8 furnished rooms, May 1; Loth- rop school district. L. R. Vorce, 124 Bin ny Bt. (26) 469 20 WANTEDSITUATIONS BOOKKEEPER Young woman, ten years' experience in drug house and wholesale line, wants position; best of references as to ability In handling books, office work which requires dealing with public, but . not stenography. Address, giving time most convenient for applicant to call, N 336, care Bee. (27) M260 I8x YOUNG ATTORNEY wants position with established law firm. Well educated. C 276, care Bee. (27) M&6 lflx POSITION wanted by all round clerk; 13 years' experience In general merchandise; best reference; a worker; reasonable wages, isox 418, Wayne, Nebraska. (27)-i4 lSx WANTED By a Filipino boy a place to work for board while attending Boyles Business college. Best of recommenda tions. Address Fermra Gamo, Crawford, Nb. (27) M396 25x LEGAL NOTICES SEALED-BIDS" WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of J. C. Simpson, secre tary, Dea Moines, Iowa, for the erection or a steel construction fireproof grand stand, to be constructed on the Iowa State Fair Grounds. Bids will be reoelved on the entire work complete, and also separately on the steel work, mason work, grading and plumbing. All bids are to be in on or berore 13 o'clock noon of the 29th of April, 1909, and shall be accompanied with a certified check of 6 per cent of the amount of the bid, aa a guarantee that the bidder will enter Into contract. If re quired to do so, and give a good surety bond of 40 per cent of tha amount of hia contract, for the faithful performance at the aame. Approximate estimate of quanoniea: uradlng, 20,000 yarda; brick wotk, iwm; cut stone, 1,140 cublo feet reinrorced concrete floors, 80.000 euhlc ieet; cement walks and curb. 80,000 feet; ir-i worn, vii lona. All worn to be com. n hiii on n, hrnp. K ww a. ...... 1909. Plans may be seen at the office of Secretary Simpson, or at the office of i iver j. Diaun. arcnitect. aoo roungerman ii aim alter April lutn. A8-U 14-18-21-S-28 PAYNE, BOSTWICK a CO.. N. Y. Life. Private money; 8600 to 18,000; low rata (SO u lioo TO 8W.O0O made promrtly. F. D. Wead. W e&a tliag., ism ana r amem. "ID 2S Good 6 . -a a- farm JVlortgages Always on amounts band and (or sal) from $300 to $3,000. in BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. ($2) M371 19 nVI PER CENT MONEY te loan on Omalia Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Ufa Bldg." (22-g txoo TO 86.000 on homes In Omaha 0Kcefe Steal w. w a. av. iuu or A-81U. m 7 MONEY TO BUILD. MM tit Alia At mirranl ra , B. THOMAS. 8u8 First Net I Bank Bldg. ia; w - BOO te 87OO.00O, lowest rate (J win Bros.. 1604 Farnam. no delay, (B tf ONEY TO l-OAN Payne Investment Co, ' WHEN writing to advertisers remember It only tk a strnk or two of the pr o m"itiua the fact thai you aaw tha a . Tha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED shorts, 31L2B; clear ribs, 811.80; short clears, HI. AO, , 1-oi'LiTRY Steady; chk-Jtns. 17c; springs, Ibc; turkeys, 111019c; ducks, WVc; BI TTER Fteadv; creamery. 2:c EOQS eteady at l!c, caaa count. Receipts and shipments ol dour and giaiii were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.800 6.400 Wheal, bu 36,iO 5l,tw Corn, bu SS.VO " S.7vH) Oats, bu 82.100 31.000 WEATHER IX THE GRAI BELT thowera with Fall Probably Saaday, la Tern oermt are. OMAHA, April 17. 1909. Light showers were scsttered over south western Nebraska and the lower Mlasourl valley during Friday night and are re ported In the extreme upper valley this morning. Light rains are falling In the lower lake region, and generally cloudy weather continues In the lake region, the Ohio, Mlssisolppi and Missouri valleys, and Increasing cloudiness is shown throughout the west. The weather is very much warmer In the middle and lower Mlaaourl valley and weat into the mountains, and generally warmer prevails everywhere ex cept In the extreme northwest and on the north Pacific coast, where the temperature Is falling. Tl e weather will continue cloudy and unsettled In this vicinity tonignt ana Sunday, with probably showers late tonight or Sunday, with warmer tonight, louowca by cooler Sunday. Record of temperature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1909. 1908 . 1907. 1906. Minimum temperature ... 43 48 28 CO Precipitation 00 .17 .15 .00 Normal temperature for today, si degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, OiiAiU LIVE STOCt MARKET Killing Cattle Fifteen to Quarter Lower for Week. HOGS OPEN FIVE TO TEH HIQHEB Liberal Receipts ( Bhe-es) aad l.anabs (or Week, While Prices Are WoaJc to Aroma Tea Ctali Lower. OMAHA, April IT. 1909. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1.62 Inches. Deficient- 2.12 inches. Def elenev i. it incnea. L. A. In corresponding period corresponding period WELSH. Local Forecaster. In ;. 1907. Articles.! Open. Hlgh.j low. Close.j Yes y. Whest May. July. Corn May. Oa's- May... 1 2H; 1 10 4H! 6214) 1 24V. 1 12H 68 S2VI 2S' 10 84H1 B2V4I 1 24 1 12H 65 821 1 23H 1 10 4H (2 Corn and wheat region bulletin for Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time, Saturday, April 17, 1908: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temn Rain- Stations. Max. Mln April April prll April April prll April April April April Omaha Cask Price. WHEAT No. I hard. $l.ffl.26; No. t hard, 11.211.24; No. 4 hard. 81.181.20; No. ,8 spring, 81.23Q1.2B. CORN No. I. 86BHe; No. 4. 64o; No. t yellow, wattle; No. 3 white. (We. OATS-No. 8 mixed, HV,g51c: No. t yellow. 62S24c; No. t white, bZSfJo: No. 4, 62Hc; standard, 63c. RYE-No. 8, 76c; No. 8, 74376c Caurlot Receipts). Wheat Corn. Oats. 10 64 106 136 12 15 IS 28 Ashland, Neb Auburn, Neo... Broken Bow, Neb. Columbus, Neb.. Culbertson, Neb. Fairbury, Neb.. Fairmont, Neb.. JOr. Island, Neb. Hartlngton, Neb. 66 Hastings, Neb.... 61 Holdrege, Neb.... 67 Oakdale, Neb 65 On-aha. Neb... Tekamah, Neb Alta. Ia Carroll, Ia t larlnda, la... Sibley, Ia. Sioux City. Ia. 67 . 64 . 67 . 61 . 75 . 63 . 63 . 63 , 66 , 66 . 67 . 60 6S 36 89 88 37 45 40 87 41 86 86 43 43 3 35 87 84 X8 85 42 fall. T .11 .00 .00 .00 T .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .07 .08 T Sky. Clear fVggy Clear Clear Oar Foggy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Foggy Cloudy Foggy Foggy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Foggy Cloudy Cloudy Sunday. The official number of cara of atock Drought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. M. & St. P 1 Missouri Pacific 1 1 Union Pacific 18 12 & N. W., east. 2 & N. W., west 26 St. P., M. & 0 6 C, B. A Q., east 2 B. & Q., west 11 R. 1. & P., east 2 hlcago Ureat Western 1 Total receipts 19 65 The disposition of the day'B receipts was follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: TO With the Man who delivers his wares, his meats, groceries, milk, bread or even clean laun dry, in a rusty looking, worn out, dilapidated wagon. Omaha's an up-to-date city, it's people are critical and demand clean goods and clean delivery of same. We have the best vari ety of open and top fancy DELIVERY WAGOHS in the city. We're reasonable and reliable. DRUMMOND Chicago ... Minneapolis Omaha ..... Duluth .... CHICAGO GBAIN AND PROVISIONS Featares of the Trading; an Closla Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 17. Popular sentiment In the wheat pit on the Board of Trade was decidedly bullish today and prices worked back still closer to the high point regis tered before the sensational break of last Friday. At the close prices Were fcS'lHc to lHc higher than yesterday's final Quota tions. Corn and provisions closed firm, but oats were rather weak. Trade in t-e wheat pit was again of large propon. ..a, but no wild fluctuations in prices occurred, the undertone through out ine a ay Detng one ot consistent firm ness. The price of cash wheat here and other centera continued to move on an extremely high plane and the demand by miners was said to be fully up to normu Foielgn markets also were strong, Liver pool being up Tfcd to lWd. Proaepeets of a bullish set of statistics on Monday, Includ Ing. a amall world's movement, a liberal decrease In the amount of wheat on piesage and a probable large decrease In the Amer ican visible supply, further contributed to the upturn here. The market ODened strona at gains of "4c to lc. May being at 81.27'i 1.28V4. July opened at 81.17S4S1.17H and September at 81.07Vx31.0Y. Trade In the May delivery was slack the greater part oi me day ana the price declined at one time to 81.27. The July and September options, however, were in good demand practically all day. The market closed at almost the highest point, with May at 3128S4 and July at $1.184t4?a.l8fe. Septem ber closed at J1.08V. corn tor May delivery advanced to a aew high record mark for the season, selling at ). w per du. on initial transactions and again a few minutes before the end. Indications that local stocks will be greatly depleted during the next few days, owing to the opening of navigation, was a bullish factor. The price of the cash grain advanced lc at the sample tables.' The market, closed strong, with prices a shade lower to Voc higher. During the day May sold between 6VWc and 70c and closed at 69T4'S70c. Favorable conditions for the seeding of the new crop inspired considerable selling of oats. May, however, manifested some firmness, owing to an advance of hc to He in cash grain. At the close prices were shade higher to c lower. Provisions were firm because of a 10c advance In live hogs. Closing quotatlona were 6c to IZHc higher. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. Not included in averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain. Stations. Max. Mln. Inches. Central. Chicago. 111.. Columbus, O. Des Moines, Ia. ... Indianapolis, Ind.. Karsss city, mo.. Ixuisvllle, Ky Minneapolis, Minn.. Omaha. Neb Bt. Louis, Mo The temperature throughout the corn and wheat region Light showers in an except tne liouisvuie district since the laat report. L. A. WELBM, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau, 26 17 14 12 22 19 . 31 18 13 64 42 .12 70 60 T 58 88 .13 76 50 T 74 46 .06 "8 60 .00 62 84 .04 63 88 .02 74 60 .16 ttnues to rise Omaha Packing company Swift and Company udahy Packing company Armour & Co P. Lewis Sullivan Brothers Kohan Packing company Weomuth Boden Other buyers NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotaitoaa oa Vorloae Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I May , 1 27H 1 28HI, I 27 1' 28H 1 27H July 1 J7S4H 1 18H' ' 1 17H 1 184H 1 17 bept. 1 07HS 1 08V4 1 07'n 1 O8V4 1 07V4 Dtc 1 06?a 1 0TVk 1' 1 06 1 05 Corn May 70 69H WAfflO ePSITH July 67(6ti8 6S4 67H4W 684 67Hf84 Sept. 87W 67 67 67S WHfHd Dec. 58H 66 5868HH 5H Oats May 55T4056 56 65H0H to 55 Jcly 4 4S 4874 4 Sept. 41!5'4 41 1 tHS"i 41 Pork May 18 20 18 22H IS 16 18 20 18 16 July 18 15 18 20 18 12H 18 20 Is 07 H Sept IS 17H IS 17H 18 16 18 17H 18 07V; Lard May ID 85 10 40 10 86 10 40 10 82 July 10 47H 10 52H 10 47H 10 te'.t 10 45 Sept. 10 60 10 67H 10 60 10 65 10 67H Ribs May 9 50 9 67V. 60 67H 9 45 July 960 9 70 960 9 70 9 67H Sept. 975 980 9 75 980 9 70 58(30c; good to Central 18th and Harney . V HAVE BUYERS for a 5-room house, , a-rooin bouse ena a couple A vacant lota , MOW ATA LAND AND JOT COMPANY, autte 624 N. Y. LUe Bldg . Omaha. Upon Evenings. 3-M7ae Ceffee Market. n::w yo7;k. ap-i; 17,-coffee-Fj tuies opened irregular at an advance of polnta on June, but generally unchanged to 10 points lower, under scattered liquida tion. There was no business In June. The matket ruled somewhat steadier In tha lata trading as a result -of covering and bull surport. oaiea Were reported of 41,(t) baga, lnchtdlng April at wl8fcc. May at .7fr? sue. June at ttuc, juiy at t.300 and September at sc. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 8c; No. 4 Santoa 8H0. Mild, dull: Cor ova, rfcOUo. . . a. v No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows FLOUR Steady: winter patents. 85.80 b.zb: winter straignts, tbHrae w; spring pat nts. S5.WKb6.10; spring straights. 84.50(34.70: baiters, Kt.4024.7U. RYE No. 2, 80W81C BARLEY-Feed or mlxlrg. 64!W4ttc: fair to choice malting, 66'Q7c. EE. EDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern. 81.574: 70. 1 northwestern, 81.67. Timothy. 83.S0, utover, PROVISIONS Mess Dork. ier bbl.. 218 Boa L60. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 810.40. Short ribs. rides (lo.se), S9.V2Q.62H. Short clear sides BUTTER Steadv: creameries. esffMo? EGOS Firm: firsts. lOUc: nrlma flr.t. 21V. t HFEaE Firm: daisies. llifillHc! twins. 15irl6o: young Americas, 15tC16c; long horns, 16'altic. POTATOES Btrons: choice ta fancv 11 06 V inir 10 SOOQ, l.lni.U9. POULTRY I' I'm: turkevs. 10c: chickens. iv-t. ijriMKa. idc. VEAL Ea,v: 60 to fo lbs. c: 60 lbs.. 7a7fee: 85 to 110 lhs.. alc. Total clearances of wheat and flour mmr equal to lis.Ouu bu. Primary receipts were 281.0(0 bu., compared with 501.000 hu. the correaponaing aay a year ago. IvaUmated receiDts for Mondav: Whi u cars; i orn, 00 cars; one, 12! cars; hoga, to 75 of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK. Auril 17.-FLOTJR-RecelptB, 10.600 bbls.: exports. 12,400 bbls.; market dull. without quotable changes; Minnesota pat ents, 86.0Oiati.50; Minnesota, bakers, 84.606.10; Winter Datents. 86.00ffl6.50; winter straights. S5.85&4.16: winter extras, 84.36n6.0O; winter low grades, H.8.yu; ivansas straigius 85.706.96. Rye flour, firm; fair to good 14 ifi4 SO: choice to fancy. 84.60(94.80. CORNMEAlv White ana yeuow, ti.ovra 1.55; coarse, 1.461.60; kiln dried. 83.4003.6'). RYE Easy ; no. 8 western, sue, 1. o. d. New York. barley Oulet: ma tine. 76KC7c. c. 1. r. New York: feeding. 74S75c, o. L f New York. WHEAT Receipts, 2,400 bu.; exports, 24,000 bu. Bpot, Irregular; No. 8 red, 8140, elevator, and 81-41, r. o. d., arioat; ino. j porthem. Duluth. 81.23. f. O. b.. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. 81.38. f. o. b.. afloat. In response to higher cables, wheat was gen erally firm all day, with offerings light, wrrld'a shipments small and the cash situa tion still bullish. Final prices snoweo. ,to He net advance. May olosed at 81.8SW4. July at J1 2x1 and Sebtember at 81.14T4. CORN Receipts. oti,7t)0 ou.; exports, i.nw bu. Spct, steady; No. 2, 7!Hc. elevator, and 77He, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 white, 7bVjc, nominal; No. z yellow, iitjc, 1. o. o nnusi. Th nntlon market waa strong and de oMediv hia-her on a big demand from May horts to cover. That delivery cloaed 2c m anlnit lUc advance otherwise. May closed at 78Hc. July at 76c and September oath Receipts, bo.wjj ou. expons, o.vjm hu Hnnt. onlfit: mixed oats. 28 to 9t ids. 676580: natural white, 26 to 32 lbs. clipped white, sz to to ios;, iwomc HAY JOOd aemtwio; ro. a, iw; cholce.SJkfrSOo. HIDES Firm; Bogota, ivuvx;. American, 19He. i.fa th rti Hteaav: acta, uwisn. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 815.00 irtnu. m. m tio.snmi.oo: beer nams, r:.w.a 26.no: DacKet. nvumn.mi, tuj m.. 121 tftff 23.(0. Cut meats, steady: pick led bellies. 810.00: pickled hams, 110.50. Lard firmer; western, iiowwiu. 10, reiuiun, mm ..niinani in 10: South America, iii.wj POmDOUnrt. 87.75COW.OU. I-orn. Iirm; laiuuj 819.0020.00; short clear. 8lOOii.ou; " 'Tl. . ,mn ,- III. TALLOW-uuin ; cny vc Fa , "t- aa.,mw trVmw frve. 6HA6C. RICE Firm: aomesuu, inir i u CHc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Maraei changed; receipts, creamery specials, nrlce. 2Sc; extras. firsts. 21?'2e: creamery. special. 2tS7o; procsss, clal, 19c; rnnn-Rtmnr western bwi" rnl f' " tic: firsts. 21C21HC; seconds, soumem 1111 - ' . . . . . j . . .ki.i.. POULTIt I Alive, fienuxi ens. broilers, uxuna;, ir, w n,ui. steady: western chickens, lie fowls, 14Q16C. Philadelphia Prodaco Market. PHTUtDELPHIA. April 17. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, are, nrlnli silo. irnras Kirm: -ennyivii rhv firsts, free cases. uvc at main u...iu.ni and other nearby current re celpts returnable cases, 2rHc at mark 1. fir.t a free cases. 214c at mark 1 . , . . .Alz western current receipts, iree i7as wu.r at mark. n-jrn:re Firm: New York full creams, choice, unaic; fair to good. 14HS15c, Liverpool Ural a Market. LIVERPOOL, April 17,-WHEAT-Spot, atrong; No. red western winter, 9s ld futures, firm; May, 9a 2d; July, 9s 4d Oartpmbr Ra 9d. fXlK. POl, SiruilB. iiww ihti Rill mixt.,1. via Oalveaton. a sa; futures, tirm May, 6a 1HJ: July. 6a 7Hd- firm and tin 8.829 packages 28&08a (official 27Q27HO; thirds to held, common to common to ane 174523c: western, factory, nrst, was eatrn. imitation creamery, firsts, St. Loots General Market. 8T. LOUIS, April 17. WH EAT Higher' track, No. 1 ri d. caali. 81.21; No. J hard A-M-ri i.tiv, iimy , a.., iuiy. fl.ll. tUH.N-Hifher; trnclt. Nr. cash. lO1 no. z wmte. m:; Wy, taSOVic; July, UD1Vi oatb Migner; triek. No. 1 caah, 51c; ro. i wiiii.. mci ia.iy, n-e; July, 484.0. RYE Higher at r2c. fl.ut rt i nrtiangrd; red winter patents. .!o.7: extia Unry snd straight, ti.bHf a.a; nun wu.irr vit irn. .zHi4iM. SKfri-Tlmrthv t2.26'93.J5. C'GKK MF AL 3 X BRA.N-i-irm; sacked, east track, 81.2a 1.88. HAY Firm; timothy, llJOPfinoO; prairie. IHON COTTON T1E& 80c. BAtTOIN'J-7 '-lC HEMP TWINS iC. KROViaiuKS-rorK, stesay; jobbing, 817 H- I-ard, higher; prime ateam, 810 1:4 CT10.22V4. Dry aalt meata, higher: boxed ex tra attorta, 810 25; clear ribs, 110 bo: short Clear; fl.50. Baooo, Hubert boxed Peoria Market. PEORIA, April 17. CORN Hlghsr; No, 1 vellew. 70e; No. 8 yellow, Ric; no. j, 10c; No. 8. 694c; No. 4. Mtc. OATS Higher; NO. I wnue, eotc; no. white. 641Afi65c; No. wnue. wc; stan dard. 55HC Sagar aad Molasses. NKW YORK. Anrll 17 8UOA R-Raw, atesdv: fair refining, 3.42c: centrifugal, SS test. 8.9?c. Molsasea sugar, sue. netinea steady; No. 6, 4 45c; No. 7. 4.40c; No. 8, 4.c No. 6. 4 S0c; No. 10. 4 ane; No. n. t e No. 12. 4.15c: No. 18. 4 10c: No. 14. 4 10c confectioners' A. 4.75c; mould A. 6.80c ; cut losf. 675c: crushed. 5.65c: powder?d. 5.06c granulated. 4 S5e: cubes. 6.2ftc. rllM.Ar.Br t.Mjiei: .-w uriMna pjicii kettle, good to choice, 2aC. Mlaaoaaulls Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Ml'm . April 17. WHEAT Msy. 8126,; July. 5126T4; rsah No. 1 hard, 81.SO$1.304: No. 1 northern 81.291 M1; No. northern, SL271.2714 No. 3 northern. n.Hai.zv FLAX t toseo BR A N In bulk, 8-'3 0C523 SO. FLOl'R Flrat na'ents, S0Kg1.3: second patents. 85&4-10; first dears, Sivt.86 USUI, a- 8.74 8.077 16.532 5.300 8,814 SOUTH Receipts were;. Official Monday 6,043 Official Tuesday 6.7: Official Wednesday 5,618 Official Thursday 8.156 Official Friday 699 Estimate Saturday taO Six days this week.. ..20,538 Same days last week... 15,226 Same days 3 weeks ago..l7.3W ame days 1 weeks ago..lt.MX aim days 4 weeks ago. .18.0) 8a in 9 days last year.. 12, 789 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for ui year to aula, oomoarea wan last year; ii i9c. Ina Dec, Cattlo 273.718 280.914 7,19 Hogs J....gj;t)2 0ii.449 52,767 Sheep 617,808 429,904 87,904 The following table shows tthe average price or hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, wtih comparisons: a, 013 9,340 10.494 S,2CT 6.243 4,560 44.101 41 .887 40.632 84.148 52.53 45.179 66.905 87.147 61.797 36.0V) 42,662 26,911 Date. I 1909. 190g. 1907. 1906. 1905. 1904. 1903. .:: 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 16.. 16.. 17.. 8 90V S92H 96 6 9W 7 00-1, S 894,1 88H S 9IM 5 74 4 361 4 48 6 S-' 6 6S 5 72 .V 6 55 6 43 6 87 6 43, 6 13 8 39; 6 4. 6 42 6 34 45 t Id 4 911 T 27 4 8 m 6 25i 6 S3 6 39 6 i 6 39 8 SHI 6 & 451 ( i 1581 6 4!l 6 611 5 23 6 191 6 28 4 961 6 811 4 tt 4 Bl 4 861 4 89 4 8 7 16 7 85 7 a 1 19 7 22 7 14 I 0? 1 13 Cattle. Hogs 678 781 1,166 826 lit Mi 15 4.592 Totals CATTLE There were no freeii recelpta ot cattle today of any consequence, the yards being practically bare of supplies, for me week receipts have been very large, but this has been by no means a record break ing week. Supplies huve consisted very laro-elv of beef steers with moderate show ing of cow stuff and almost no Blockers or feeders. The markets of the country tnia wee have Buffered a Bevere reverse In beef steers, the close at this point being ten eraly 2&o lower than one week ago. The causa for such a severe break Is to bo found In the limited consuming aemanu at eastern centera of population, which in Minnvikin with the 1111 e recelbts. com bine to send prices downward at a rapid rate. A teature of the market is tne tact th.t tha demand Is more active for tne commoner kinds of cattle than for the Hat hnuvv mrnfAdfl. Cows and heifers have declined during me week lStflflo and In some cases as mucn as 25o on the kind that waa Belling at around 84.754j6.00. The market on the she stuff, however, hae been more active than on beef steers, for the reason that the consuming demand seems to call for the irani rilta Cit beef. A peculiarity or me worn rri--ciA. tr, he found in the fat that an extremely small number of stockers and feeders waa Included In the run. on some aays mere there have hardly been enough cattle ot that description to make any test of the market. While the demand ftns not been at all large, there has, nevertheless, been a fair Inquiry and the U3ht offerings met with very ready takera at tuny sieauy or even stronged prices. In other words stockers and feeders have sold this week as high as they have any time this year. The feeling on tne mainet seems 10 i that the future of prices on an Kinas 01 killing cattle is dependent very pargeiy uu i-..int. It has been tmi)iif.trated that business conditions In the east are not such aa to admit forcing any increase in con iimniinn nt mpt nroducts. Hence any material' Increase In receipts of live cattle la almost certain to be louoweo oy AAmanniiAInf derreASS In DrlceS. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice cornfed steers, S5.9mS6.40; fair to good cora fed steers. 85.5fi6.90; common to fair corn fed steers. 4.&Oafi &0: gooa 10 cnoiu-e cum ml heirera. K 75fr6.50: fair to good cows and heifers. S3.8Stff4.75: Common to fair cows and helrera, 1z.axaa.s3; bh-k unirn, S.rAr,(!M.26: veal calves. S3.25a.75: bulls, .tnfira etc . aa (v7T-4.o: aooa 10 unuiu. . iu. . ra and feeders. S4.50tn6.50: fair to good stockers ar.i' feeder. 84 (KXff4.50; common to fair atoekvra end feeders. at.26.uu, nna Sh loners livened things up in tne hog yards this morning, paying prices that were 6c ana in many cases wc uiguer man yesterday, for the kinu of hogs they could use. One or two packers also chipped In paying around 5c higher for good light and good heavy hogs. The other buyers however, ho d back and when tne more urgent orders ' were filled the advance of the morning very Quickly disappeared, the market becoming no better than steady continued about that way until the close. The hogs sold largely at S6.6u7.05 and on up aa high aa 37.16 for several loads or gooa heavv hoss. It will be remembered that most of he hogs ye:-iday brought 86.80u1 37.00. with a tOD at 67.10. Tha receiots ot i rzj iniH wtea nave been quits liberal, showing s gain of about 4,500 head over list . dui a tailing on as eomoared y 1th the "ec-k before. Receipt this weeg nave- aito known a smaii gain over a vear ago. Tn nnrxet tnis weea ha undergone some uicioea cnangea. The ft rat two days prices advanced quite rapidly, the average price paid for all the hogs on Tuesday reaching slightly above 87.00. the highest point touched so far seven year. During the next three days there waa a eiendy downward movement In nrleea in-l. fter allowing for the ad van re. today, tne market is still a shade to 60 lower than it was at the close of las week, or 7Hi"c lower than the extreme high point on Tuesday. Nu At. ah. Ft. Ino. At. an. r. t 14 ... I 00 It tv8 40 4 N II M ... I 40 71 134 110 to H 1 75 s M 120 t W 1 1M W ill 130 t K M 181 10 78 77 S0 W I 1 (4 t"l 110 4 85 73 33) 120 4 W 81 il ISO 4 14 14 tit too 4 9 H Hi 80 6 W 76 141 t) S an too (ft I U 43 44 120 ii tu4 so at It il M 4 7 14 U 18 7 t7 10 I S7V 71 M W 4 U 61 2M M t 00 71 IK 120 4 M 74 231 ... 1 0 (A ilO 40 4 M 7S 140 10 Itt ( Ml ... 4 17 U f IN IM H 1W t S7Sa 7 2:5 160 t 00 4! M7 M IM 70 241 ... t 0114 1 ! ID I ) 74 SS 40 t 0tS4 j; l 140 4 M 8u !3S ... 1 tl tt ... 18. .......IW ... T M 71..: til 80 43 IKS tO 7 Oi so im ... 6 0 7t U ... lot It 1HS ... 40 71 ... 7 0S 40 814 120 !V4 44 2: ... 7 Ot 7t lit 100 4 a: it Mi I ia tl ill ... I ! ' 77 0 110 5 44 3ol ... 114 77 Wl ... 4 J It Ill ... 1 U SHEEP ReceiDts of alieeu on Saturda are generally very mengur and on a few occasiona of a n.lnu quantity. Today there were 00 arrivals wliatever. Outside of the slow, stlcl.y condition o tha aheeo trade this week, the market h preaenteil no erei:llly new or Interestln features. Under the influence uf activ bukliia den.and of a fcpasmodio nature, values rallied at times but seemed to be unable to maintain iiermanent levels. Sulsamen are geuer.-tlly of tl.e opinion that ti.e raiige or uiices .uiu.- th. htt r 1.1. nil.,. rt'Hl.i'l. in the lam Aiuiiinn Tlila 1. ne.'iiaiia aicounicd for by tha fact that the iijulity of supplies has not been good on n average and aa a re ault buyers have oeeu forced to lake wlia they could get. leaving top prirea iiuuiam unrhiniMl. The bulk of the aheep move at nrtiea aenerally lower than last week Tiia Drlce list, as It stands toOay, show 5c and 10c declines on most grades. Tn.al rarelnta this week show a gain .,ni.iiv TuuO head over the recelnt - n ataxvloua weak. TiaS offlciaj noiinS Orchard & Wilhelm 414ie13 So. I6th St. fiTwnu Mil ISffi IB inni j filottWlntltka SanHary I Tlattk" Fillni Cabinets l 1 Wood aad StceL We are agents for Globe Wer nicke Elastic Business system and filing devices, both in wood and metal. They are tools which respond quickly to business growth. They are elastic, the kind that grow with progressiyo order. They are always just right. Catalogue upon request or our representative will call. Telephone Douglas 313. of last week was 84.146. while this week's supplies number 41.3N7 head. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Uooa to choice Inmbs, 87. 508. 00; fair to good Inmhs, 87.251.50; good to choice light yearlings, 86.85(7.25; good to choice heavy yearlings, 86. 604! 6. (io; good to choice wethers, pi.Wfi 86; fair to good wethers, S6.75fu6.oo; good to choice ewes, S5.76'ai.0O; fair to good ewes, Ju.2Ui5.ioi culls and bucks, I2.0oy-4.00. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep nd Lanbi Steady Hosts Hlgraer. CHICAGO, April 17.-CATTLE Receipts, estimated at 100 head; market steady; beeves, 84.807.00; Texas steers, $4.65.75; western steers, S4.40ctio.80; stockers and feeders. t3.604i6.&: cows and heifers, 2.xxii 6.00; calves, 86.007.00. HOOS Recelpta, estimated at 5,) head; market SffilOc higher: light. 86.70W7.l5: mixed, S6.80if7.26; heavy, 86.85g7.30; rough, I6.857.00; good to choice hevy, 87.OOfi7.80; pigs. 6.fiO!7j.SO; bulk of sales, sh.smi7.zo. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated at 1,000 head; market steady; natives, 83.66'Si6.25; westerns, 83.66i3.20; yearlings, ttf.l.Vfi'7.25; lambs, native, 86.50ae.30; western, 5.50(8.25. 10 PreJcrred Stock (Dividends payable quarterly) v A Limited Number of Hhares) AUTOMATU; OPEKATINU CO. ' Capital 100,000 offered conservative Investors at at tractive price. Company established and doing Increasing business. Tar value 810.00. Circular and Fries on Request CLAKKNt'K M. SMITH & CO. 4 Wall Street Hew Tork Herbert E. Gooch Co. Brokers and Dealers OAACr, FSOTISIOITb, BTOCX8. Omaha Office i 310 If. T. Ufa Bldg. Bell Telephone, Douglas 621. Independent, A-8181 and A-aiBO. Oldest and Largest House In the state. Bt. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. April 17. CATTLE1 Receipts. 200 head. Including 100 head Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping and export steers, 85.25a7.16: dressed bef and butcher steera, 84.0r6.40; steers under 1,000 lbs., 83.50S6.26; stockers and feeders, 84.60(36.35; cows and heifers. 88 606.40; canners, 82 00 2.50; bulls, S4.00i36.36; calves, 85.0ftgr7.25; Texas and Indian steeers, $4.056.40; cows and heifers, 82.75(26.25. HOOS ReceiDts. 2.000 head: market. 10n higher; pigs and lights. S4.26&&8S; packers, 'to'8'7 butchers and best heavy. 87.15QI SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelbts. 500 head: market steady; native muttons, $4.506.60; lambs, I60078.25: culls and bucks. 83.500 6.00; stockers, 83.00ig4.25. Kanaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Anrll 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head; receipts for the week, 88, 100 head. Market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, S6.00iijj6.70; fair to good. 84.80i.90; western steers. 84.7n7i6.40; stockers and feeders, 4.0CiJj.6O; southern steers, $4.806.2V, southern cows, $2.6CkTi(5.0fl; native cows, 82.75w5.4n; native heifers. 84.00 66 20; bulls. 83.406.25; calves, 83.60it74.50. HOOS-Koceipts, 8,000 bead; receipts for the week, 58.200 head. Top. 17.10; bulk of sales, 86.70(g7.00; heavy, 88.9007.10: packers and butchers, 86.85(37.10; light. t550S,96; pigs. SStOTilS.FA BHKE1' anu lambs no receipts today: receipts' for the week, 122,800 head. t. Jose pit LIto Stock Market. BT. - JOSEPH, April 17,-CATTLE Re ceipts. 400 head; market , steady; steers, 84.75iti.60: cows and heifers, $2.506.00; calves, 83.50ift6.60. HOOS Receipts, 1,600 head: market, K'fJ 10c higher; top. 87.15: bulk of sales. M.mt 7.06. SHEEP AND LAMDS Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady; lambs, 7.Ob8.00. Blonx City Live stork Market. BIOUX CITT. April 17. CATTLE Re eelpts. 103 head; market steady; beeves. 85.00fti6.75; fat cows and heifers, 8S.fXHt6.50; reeners. i4.ix7M).a; yearlings. fS-WW4.u. HOOS Rerelnts. 1.800 head: market strong to 6c higher; range of prices, $ii.60 i.iv; duik oi saics, ao.Kxri i.uo. Receipts clpal western South Omaha Sioux City ., St. Joseph ... Kansas City St. Louis .... Chicago Total 8loek la Sight. of live stock at tha six markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep prln SW) 100 400 200 200 100 4.500 1,800 600 2,000 2,000 6.500 1,000 600 2.000 . ru AJ CXAX,. WANTED Banking lioiiRe or Broker to place 7 Cumulative Preferred Stock, Principal Ouaranteed. Will net Investor over 8H per annum. For particulars addreus, H. R. Kneesel, Land Title Bid., Philadelphia, Pa. with lake quoted at tll.&'Wa 13.00; electro lytic at fl2.50ivl2.62H; casting at UZXrWrp 12.50. Lead was unchanged at S4.1&&4.20 and spelter at S5.0t(u6.o5. Iron waa quiet but steady. ST. LOFIB, April 17. METALS Lead- firm at 415ft4.2Q. Spelter firm at 84.96. OMAHA GRNBRAL MARKET. Staple aad Faacy Prodace Prices rare Dished by Bayers aad Wholesalers, BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb. cartons, 81c; No. In 60-1 b. tubs, 80Hc; Xo. i. In carton. fee; In 60-lb. tubs. Z.c; packing stock, 1K1 fancy dairy, tuba, iW--'i x-ommun roll, treali made, lSjl9c. Mark.t change svsiy, Tuesday. t,GG3-Frh M'll.ng r; - K. rai:di-d. Sw9 He no fcmi.v . , ..u.ia miirkot, CHEEBK -i ,nt. . .. ..sui i .ai orearo, twins, lac; youu w.. ..i.. 4 in noop, 16c; favoi., b in lui;'. .,, u.iioio. 2v In hoop. 15Vic; cr6am buck, full taw, ii,c; blocs; Swiks, i5c; full ere Jin llmujis-er, .60. POULTKY Alive, spnngj, Uu; hens, 11c cocks, 6c; ducks, lie; grebe, 10c; tur keys, 19c, pij;tuii, .rr uua.. luc; guinea fowls, per dot., tJ.iii; Kquaps, per dos., ti. Dressed, hens, lie; springs, UiuUVjc; cocks feVkc; ducks, Uc; geesi-, 11c; luiKeys, 210. FISH Wiiittfisti, fiosen, lot; herring, Vtc; salmon, Jkc; pUe, tic; picaeial, oVtftfic; trout, luc; catiuli, luil-c; nallbut, tc; red snapper, )-c, uIuck iww, c; crappies, 64JI 9c; jjtrc.i. m.; euuilsn. ij. ; aiuelia, 9c; aela. 15c; lobslvr. a'cn, iic lea', c. ibs No, 1, 17c; No. Lolas No. 1, ltc; ,o. . Chuck No. 1, 1 Sit; .u. ltound No. 1, 6 tat; ,i Plate No. 1, tiV:; ah. FtvEisH f'Hl,lto-.; applts, Jx.Oiii..i,u. ii.. . ic pe.' lb. liraiigeo, f. fruit, H-.. Pliu 1 1 .in ..,p.i.'. ..1.880 15.850 8.500 Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Abril 17. WHEAT Unchanged; No. 2 hard, S1.28iin.36; No. 8 nard. 81 21.84; No. 2 red, 1.48f31.48; No. 8 red. 81.38fpl.46. CORN Wale higher; No, 2 mixed. 67 67ffc; No. 3 mixed, oTOWTVic; No. 2 white, 67SitT7V4C; No. 3 white, 67c. OATS Unchanged to lo higher; No. 2 white. 55fi67c; No. 2 mixed, 6iS63c. RYE fcO-UMc. HAY Firm: choice timothy, 8U.T6'ai2.0O; choice prairie, 83.25fi9.60; choice alfalfa, 15.00irl6.O0. 1 BUTTERr-Creamery, 28c; firsts, 26c; sec onds. 24c; packing stock, 18c. BOGS Extras, 21c; current receipt, flat, 19c; second and dirties, 1740. Receipts. 87,000 11.01 , 12,000 Wheat, bushels Corn, bushel . Oats, bushel Shipments. 87,000 81,000 81.000 Official tiuslng At.hlion adj. 4... do 4 Mchlwn K. R an pfd Boston & Albany.. Pulton A Mnlns .. Histon Elnvated . 1 Itch tu: g pfd N. Y., N. H & H t'nion Pacific Am. Arge. Cham.. do r td Am. Pneu. Tuba.. Amer. Bugar do pfd Am. T. T... Amar. Woolen do pfd .. S4Arlona Com. .. ..10111 Atlantic . JWSH Hut it- ( oillilon . .11 3lt Cul. & Arlinna. ..834 ( Hi. & Herla.. . .ll'm't tuennlal ..:1 Cupprr Hanga ,. ..I5 ImI) Will ,.lb7 lranklln ..lwlHOrinhy .. 174 Gretna Cananea .. 6 1k Koyals 8 Mum. Mining .. 1S3-, Mlrhlmn li4 Mohawk 137 44 Mont. C. a C... 82 vn1a W Old liumloloa .. Option at Kansas City: Articles. I Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat I May 126 128 1 26 1 2KB July 1 1 l' 1 09V.I1 l(M.iB September ... 101 102. 1 01V.I1 03B Corn I May 6W k1V4 H 66V.B Julv 16614111. 6V flTiVal i8 September ... 63 64 63V 64A A. asked; B, bid. CTearlnsr Hoaie Bank Statement. NEW YORK. April 17. The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold 811.202.200 more than the reaulrenients of the 26 per cent re serve rule. This Is an Increaso of 81.164.175 In the proportionate cash reserve as com pared with last week. The statement fol lows: Ians Deposits Circulation Ixgal tender Specie Reserve Reserve required ... Surplus Ex. U. B. dopoalts... The percentage of .. $1,327,791,800 .. l,875.S88,i0 49.11i,4n0 78,lnO,7(0 ... 278.948.700 .. SM.048.4O0 ... 343.847. JO0 U,7t.2' 11.791,076 actual reserve Increase. f 6.M7.700 10,72.(K-0 153.(410 962.3 a) t.N70,lhO 8.MV.400 2. SOWS 1.1H4.175 1,102,850 of t tie clearing house banks today was Zb.7'J. The statement of banks and trust com panies of Greater New York not reporting to the clearing house shows that these In stitutions have aggregate deposits of 81.272. 531,600; total cash on hsnd. 81 46,667,6U). and loans amounting to 81.(,69fi,70Q. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 17,-COTTON-Fu-tures opened firm: May. 10.45c; July, 10 44c; August, lO.SSc: October, 10.25c; De cember. 1 24c; Januarv. 10.19c. Cotton futures cloaed steady; April. 10.40; May. 1041c; June. 104V; July. 10.43c; Au ruat 10 84c; Scptemler. 10.23c: October, 10 88c; November. 10 21c: December, 10.22c; Januarv, 1017c; March. 1016c. Spot cloaed oulet is points hlKber: middling uplands. 10 75c; middling gulf. 11c; sales, none. The msrket closed steady, with prices net 12 !( ! Hit" hlalier. OALVr STON, Tex., April 17. COTTON ateady: 10V.C. BT. IO IMS, April 17.-COTTON Steadv; middling, 10Vc; sales, 815 bales; receipts, 3.101 bales; shipments, 3.064 bales; stock, 44.81 bale. ' MTtal Market. NEW YORK. April 17. METALS Mar kets were quiet as usual In the ahxenc of cables. Tin remained easy at 82.7t?9 85. Codisht waa dull and nominally unciiajuged Dominion I. & 8 34 Kdlaon Elac. 1 1 1 ta 3 ma r. lecinq , do pfd Maaa. Gaa Vnlted Fruit ... t'nlted S. M ... do pfd U. 8. Steal do prd Adventure Allouei Amalgamated .. Onraola furrot 34Quiwr 71 6..riiion 44 laniarack 134 TrinltT l ulled Coppar 24 I B Mining.. 6''4 . a- Oil 119 U.lh I '..rla ' Wnlv.rlna 7r, '4 North Butta.... uuuud, 40u; frogs 2. 13c; No. 2, 9Hc :. 13,c; No. 3, 10V.O. 2, t-s.e, No. 8, 6V1C . .. o;l No. 3. sc. .. fl'c; .Mo. 3. 6c. , i.jateia box ...j. v-.iuncn lota, illlu.ij. LMiiotis, U.tO Malagas, j.ti- ciam. 4j4.ou; Grapu 7.w0 per ktg 83.00. VEGETA KLES Kan.as sweet j.jtatoes, 82.75 pir bbl. California rol.-ry, lair, Wic; amullur, 60c. New Yorl. Hollai.d fccvd tab boge, 4Vc pr lb. N !si""i l''u Gioi.e onions, 2c per lb. CaiifornU cauliflower, 83 per crate. Tomatoa, HuuUj. u-uaakut crate, 83; Cuba, 6 bask t rate. J. Lettuce, per dox.. 40o. Old vegPtjLlei puranlpa, turnips, carrots 32.16 per bbl. tiorida new beets, carrots, persnlpa, turnips, eto., pr dos., 75c. 8rRAWBERRIES-S3 0O33 25. HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; No. 1 cured. 9a. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. April 17. Money, call loans, 2Va (SZ'i per. cent; time loans, 36 per cent, 41V4 10 24 100 60t tl ttj tt 94 U 1 30 6i a Ul If 'v 14 H4 ii ... '4 ...ta ... ITVi London Stock Qaotatlou, LONDON. April 17.-On the stock ex change here today American securities opened weak on New York selling. Con tinental realisations cause! a drooping dur ing the session and prlcrs cloaed weak at the lowest for the day. London closing stock quotations: Contol.. monay t4M., K. a T do account Ma-liN. Y. central...... Anaconda Nor'""' a W Atihlnon )' do PM J '. do pld " "niarlo W Baltimore Ohlo....H4HPeonaylvanla .... Canadian Paclllc... . .1' ' nana Miuaa .... 42 ....113 .... a .... o Cheapake O. t'hliaao O. W .. Oil., Mil. a St Pa Becra Dalivar A RIO Q do pfd Erie do lit P'd do Id pfd Grand Trunk Illlnol. Central 14 Loul.vllle a H 140 Rr.. 77 V Reading 6. aoulhrrn lal do Dfd. 12'4nu(hern Parlfla. t'nloo Pacific. ... 8 do pfd J"'f 8. Steal , 47 do pfd 84 W.baiA , ItVi do pfd spanlab 4a Amal. Copper. ... UVi ... at ... 44 ...1it . . . 1M9V4I ... M ... SMI ...IKMj ... la ... 414 94U1 74i 81 LVER Steady at 23d per ounce. noivisi-ii per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills Is 1, ixr cent. Bank Clearing. OMAHA, April 17. Bank clearings for today were Sl.845.8fl. 88 and for the corra apondlng date last year. 81. 6u9, 079.86. 19(. 1908. Monday $2.45.eJ4J.08 21.9x3,476 84 Tuesday 2.2X',64it.9t 1,0. 210.7a Wednesday 2.UK7.701 67 2.0ju.92SM Thuraday 2.554.S7.2 2,2f.6iJ.l Friday z.is.si3.ot 1.869,201.46 Saturday 1.946.W1 88 l.y.0;9.i Total 811.490,531.62 811.73S.S1.7 IncreHse over the corresponding week laat year, 22.7i6.132.83. New York Mlnlasr Stock. NEW YORK. April 17.-CloBln quotatlona on mining stocks: Alio waavtu rn. Brumwlck Con 'Little Chief , Com. Tunnel atock... tl Meclran ado bond. WjOnUrl cia. Cal. a Va J ophir Hon ilr tndarl Ina ilr lu Yatiuar Jackal Offered. .. 1 .. 0 ..tu .114 ..ny .. 6 Be Want Ads A-r iiusioe Boostat-a.