Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, WANT ADS, Page 5, Image 33

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1 I
I '
Agriti m (!-coatlaaed.
H E S 1 1) K N TSalcs Managers
wanted to represent ug in each
city of 5,000 population and
over in Nebraska, to sell our
line of cake and candy special
ties to retail grocers and other
dealers. Liberal commission
contracts to immediate appli
cants. The Itoser Runkle Co.,
Kenton, Ohio.
() 33-18x
AGENTS Fortune makrr.. Wonderful
aolf-worklng wiiihpr; doea the washing
by Itself: rune automatically hy water
work pressure; uvfi all the hard worK
of waan day; ww Invention; sales un
precedented: aacnts wanted who can
handle high-class proposition; exclusive
territory: 3300 to 3400 per month. The
Fugle Too! Company, Sole Mfgrs.. Dept.
603, Cincinnati, O. t9) 434 18
SALESMEN To sell our bank check pro-
lector; sells to every atore and office: a
remarkable novelty; sample 25c; clrcu
lara free. Terry Mfg. Co., 117 Michigan
St.. Toledo. O. (9)
HIGH-GRADE specialty salesman wnnted,
for Nebraska by old established whole
sale house having the finest specialty
trormsltlon on the market; splendid line;
big trade nuller for merchanta. We are
paying some salesmen aa high as 8WI0 to
81.00. a month. Commission proposition,
with advances for expenses: permanent;
references. Address, Manager, 42 Heed
Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. (9) 432 18x
AOENTS Wanted Expenses paid: no ex
perlence required; portraits, bromides,
photo pillow tops. 30c; frames at factory
prices: credit given: catalogue and sam
ples free. Pent. 78. Daniel H. Rltter
Company, 819 W. Van Buren, Chicago. 111.
w 1 ktpji Rin line salesman by estab
lished post card and advertising specialty
.house, uood commissions, ppen innwij
anvwihent outside Nebraska, Cnah de-
nrl renulred for samples. Downs, 838
P. St., Llnocln. (9)-M392 18x
riarrTPiiTxrHB wanted. Honest, oersever
anoe and fluency all the capital needed
rinrwla riellvereit Credit extended. 110 (
d.iv eaellv made. Any locatllty. A. Boob,
president. Cincinnati. O. (9 M398 18x
YOUR best opportunity; IfiOD commission
per month easily made selling shares in
MllahiA Nevada mlninr company: begin
el onc. U L. Aitken A Co.. Colorado
Springs, Colo. (H)-ai5 ix
WANTED Manufacturer's agent familiar
with boiler appliances and caning upon
team plants In this section to handle
our Hne in connection with present line. Specialty Co., Bunaio. . . x.
(9) M407 18x
SALESMEN Best commission offer on
earth; new, all retailers: samples, coat
pocket. Boston, Iowa City. Iowa.
(9)-M405 18x
WANTF.D Salesmen to sell ca-dboard fan
ns a Bide line: good commission. Red
Etar Advertising Co.. Paris, III.
() M402 18
lAl.KRMRN'-Nn Insurance or book agen
nrniinnltlon: aood men for high-class ab
soluteiy novel plan; no canvassing,
Pioneer, 1 Madison Ave., New York.
(9)-343 ISx
Hr.w household Invention lust Introduced
from Germany; poor agents earning 84
no,- day: hustlers coining money; 747
other fast sellers; free sample. A. C. Ed
gren Co., Milwaukee, wia. tsj
AfSK.NTB 875 monthly, combination rollln
nln: artlclea combined: lightning seller
simple free. Forahea Mfg. Co.. Rox 619,
Dayton. Ohio. () 3ia mx
WANTED Experienced aollcltor of char
nnep end ahilltv for local business dlrec
tory work; splendid opportunity for the
r'ght man. The Ideal ivirectory ompany,
Zlon City. Illinois. iii-mm i
XV VT:t-o''c'tor who visits architects
offlcs tp ntr dure end sell on comm'ss on
up lei jn ..n.liilnir construction: refer
enccp.' A Mrcss Amerldo Co.. 120 N.May
St.. CI Ic g (9) M408 ISX
AGENTS wanted for our new 25c dnrnlng
machine; just tut; weaves new ncei or t
In aork In flva minutes: no sewing ma
chine required; works by hand; send 15c
for sameple or II. ab for oosen. M. w
Mutton Co.. Walnut St. Philadelphia. Pa.
9-S3 18x
SALESMAN WANTED Must know fire
Insurance and furnish bond. Good com
mission and exclusive territory. Insu
ance Audit & Inspection Co., Indianapolis,
Ind. i lex
AOF.NTS wanted to sell the Rector Help
a-'phone. style B, not an attachment. It
covers both ears and leaves one hand
free. Special Service Co., World Bldg
New York. (9)-344 18x
riflAR. salesman wanted In this territory
inerlence unnecessary; 8110 a month and
9 a day expenses. Maumee Wholesale
Cigar Co.. Toledo, O. (9) 347 18x
SALESMEN earn 126 to 1100 weekly; mu
have cnaractei. ability and energy to sa
lafuctortlv rDresent a high-grade house
16 years in business, side line or exclusive
advertising specialty, mate selling ex
nerlence. Desk 23-A.Cruver Mrg. co.
ChlcagJ. ) 1 iSx
AGENTS You can sell thla fast seller
wanted in every house; showing mean
selling; talking unnecessary; gooa
Dealer; big profits; free details. The
J llennrr l'o.. Webster. N. Y.
(91-425 18x
AGENTS Gas generating burnera for
kerosene lamps, with mantles and with
out: aualltv best, price lowest; also self
generating acetyllne table lamps, estab
lished, reliable. Eastern Gaslight Co., 280
Broadway. New York. (9)-348 18x
ALMOST 100 per cent to agents, new pat
ented staple article, novelty featurea;
sells on sight to machinists, engineers,
mechanics, automohllists and farmera: in
fact almost everybody buys. Write today
for agents' "special Introductory offer."
Wisconsin Stamped Steel Co.. 143 8t"el St..
Madison. Wis. (91427 ISx
WANTED A solicitor with horse and
buggy to drive through the country and
solicit subscriptions. Call and see cir
culation manager The Bee Publishing Co.
(9 424
CIGATC salesman; good proposition: state
experience: must furnish references. La
Moro Cigar Co.. Cincinnati, O.
(9) 346 18x
WANTED Local salesman or agent to
promote the sale of Tranao window front
envelopes. Every business house a possible
customer. Commission paid on all pres
ent business as well as new accounts.
Proper man must be a specialty salesman
and capable of hard work. Give refer,
encea and past experience in first letter.
Transo Paper Co.. Chicago. (9)-349 18
SALESMEN wanted, for vacancies: two
experienced specialty salesmen of nerve,
ambition and ability; ataple. well known
line of merit: lls to country merchants
in sufficient volume to make for workera
of ability from 36,000 to 8. 000 per year.
Franklin Prica Co.. Iowa City. la.
(91-345 18x
BOY who writes a rapid buslm-aa hand,
for Omaha bank: excellent chance for
promotion. Address F 313 car Bee.
, BOYS wanted In every town: big money.
Address Corblt, Dept. J. Buchanan Bldg.,
Portland, Ore. I8)
Clerical aad OOUa.
WE HAVE several good paying proiioaU
tlons with or without Investments; also
Positions in almost every line.
674 Brandels. Bldg. (9)-422 18
DRUO atoraa jDba. Knlest, N. Y. L. Fid.
ANTED Bookkeeper, clerk, etc; good
all-round man for Iron worka office;
state age. experience, etc. Address L 117,
. CtLre (9) 46 3U
Rl!?i.AN pl,c ' good offica clerks.
k.vIi '? u n"graphers. bookkeepers and
AaV-u1 once. The Cano
aaeoer, 433 ji,, Bldg. UU-MWO U
Clerical Offlee Ceatlaacl.
The promises we make In these simple, sin
cere statements or actum facts about
Boyles College are MANY. We know that.
But we also knew that we can carry out
every one of them.
To begin with: Boyles College promises to
most thoroughly rtt you to fin a hlgh
salarled position as a Bookkeeper, Sten
ographer, Telegrapher or a member of
Uncle Sam'a force of Civil Service em-
jloyeea. It can easily do this for you it
s doing it for hundreds every day It la
doing it for miny of your acquaintances
It PROMISES lo actually give you a Tele-
grapnio position on the Union Pacific
Itallroad System. IMMEDIATELY upon
your graduation from our Telegraphy de
partment. It PROMISES that, since the
Boyles College
training has given Boyles College gradu
ates a nearly welcome Dy hundred upon
hundreds of Omaha business houses, that
there will be no question of whether you
will get a good position upon your grad
uation. The question will be, rather, just
what one of the scores of positions of
fered that you will ACCEPT.
Honestly, now, would we, aa sensible, suc
cessful Business college proprietors make
these statements unlesa they were a-b-s-o-
l-u-t-e-l-y true?
Why not call and investigate? Or, at least,
sena lor catalogue.
$126; gents' furnishing goods, commis
sion; grocery specialties, $3,0U0 per an
num; manufactured line, 375; specialties,
commission: minis and nils. llGo.
RETAIL CLERKS Gcn'l mdse.. must have
knowledge of bookkeeping, $70; carpets,
S7B: furniture. Pit or better: draperies. 375:
STENOGRAPHERS Railroad. W. bank.
dry goods, out of town, 376; floor walker,
375; groceries. 8t.
STENOGRAPHERS Railroad. 360; bank,
.V; lumber. 340; hardware. 360.
OFFICE CLERKS Bank. 330; Insurance,
340; three wholesale. 335. 340. 370.
BOOKKEEPERS Retail store. 360: Insur
ance, 366 general merchandise, 370; auto
mobiles. 386.
Call or wrlte for complete list of vacan
cies. 11 you are looaing ror a position
now is the time to see us. The above are
open fm immediate consideration.
723 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 7 years.)
(9j 123 18
COLLECTOR, must give bond, M.
Stenographer and bookkeeper, 3.'0.
Shipping clerk (experienced). 36O-300.
Office clerk (good penman). 345-3aO.
Experienced ahoe clerk, 305-376.
Stenographer (Smith Premier), 350-360.
Filing clerk (young man), 345.
Stenographer (abstract work), 365-375.
Experienced1 oil salesman, 3100.
Invoice clerk, quick and accurate, 3c0.
Experienced drug clerk, 3fio-3S6.
Experienced meat salesman, 375-320.
City salesman, $30- and com.
Soap salesman, 376-3100.
Two office boys. 38 per wk.
We can ALWAYS place competent men
in good positions. Our terms are reason
able. Call or write.
676-77 Brandels Bldg.
: - (9)-M490 11
THE great Union Paclrto R. R. guarantees
you a telegrapnic position alter training.
Practice on railroad wire. Address for
particulars H. B. Boyles, Omaha.
WANTED To let small Jrb of grading in
Central part or city; dirt to be moved
t blocks. Mail application to E. Wakeley,
803 N. Y. Life Eldg. (9)-131
WANTED Carpenters, steady work all
summer, 30 cents an nour. Address Joe
Shlesiger, Contractor, Yutn, Neb.
() M958
WANTED A good, sober, industrious
bookbinder; state wages wanted. Elft
mann & Nlemeler, Creston, la.
(9)-M176 2J '
WANTED One good all around horse-
shoer. M. L. To bin, Huron. S. D.
(91-M141 13x
WANTED All around country printer, up-to-date
office, in central Kansas, em
ploying six hands. 316 and percentage on
Job worn; weekly; reierences ami sam
ples of work must accompany first let
ter to receive attention. The Republic,
Junction City, Kan. (9) M230 18
HARNE8SMAKER wanted on or before
May 1: must have at least two years'
experience; good job for good man; cen
tral Neb. Address I 41, care Bee.
(9)-M248 19
WANTED An all around beveler and a
good scratch polisher In beveling shop.
McMurtry Mfg. Co., Denver, Colo.
(9)-338 18
WANTED Flrst-claas carpentera Monday
a. m.: none other need apply, at 3'.th and
Pacific Sta. () m I8x
WANTED Architectural draftsmsn; state
age. experience and salary desired. Ad
dress E 296, care Bee. () M608 18
WANTED Men tu learn barber trade. Best
paying work within reach of poor man.
Can have shop with small capital or
poaitlon. Wages 315 to 320 weekly. Busy
season soon. Start now. Call or write
Moier Barber College, 110 8. 14th St.
(9) M2J4 i2x
FREE Employment Dipt., Business Men's
Aas'n; no foea Call 625 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(9) 403 Ma
WANTED Railway mall clerks; salary.
3800 to 31.400; no "layoffs;" examination
In Omaha May 15; common education
sufficient; candidates prepared free.
Wrlta Immediately for full particular
Franklin Institute. Rochester, N. Y.
' (9)-M32ti Maytx
FIVE Knights of Pythias given profitable
employment near home, whole or part
time. Fraternal, . Thames Bldg.. New
York. 49) 341 18 x
GOVERNMENT Posltlona Examinations
held eoon In Omarm. Circular 231. giving
full particulars as to salaries, positions,
dates of examinations, sample questions
previously used. etc.. sent free by Na
tional Correspondence Institute, Wash
ington D. C. (9) 43J1SX
ANY intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers; ex
perience unnecessary. Send for parttcu
(ars. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y.
I MADE 360.000 in five years In tha mall
order bualness; began with 35; anyone can
start a mall order business at home: seat
for frra booklet tells how. Iteaooua.
769. Lockport. N. Y. - (9)
LADIES. 36 WEEK Made at home tinsll
llng cards, experience u"neeeiiarv
fake; ou ft lu nib i Write. enloa
luo for sample and lull partl-.-ulaie. .
necttcut Card Supply Co., 63 Proaoect St..
New Haven. Conn. () Mill 18x
NEW YORK insnufacturer will engage
total representatives throughout the
states; 20 energetic young men a lucratlv
and permanent position assured; give full
particulars. 717 Wallace Blilg. New York.
(to-317 Ux
ANYBODY Either sex. can make 34 dally
all year raising mushrooms for hotels
and restauranu with my apawn In cel
lar ati,4a twa. Ate. leree llluslralel
InatruPtloi pnoklet. Hiram Barton, 329 1
W. 28th St, N. y
(9 J1
HELP WASTE D Good pay. short hours;
- i'i-imu x" with an assured ineome;
gel Into the U. R civil service; Sn0D ap
pointments annually; examinations in
every slate Boon, our free book. "The
Ksy Boss," gives full Information re
garding positions In all departments of
the government, and how to obtain them;
no tuition fee until appointed. Com
mercial Correspondence Schools. 1409
Commercial Bldg., (Rochester, N. Y.
(91340 18x
MEN wsnted quickly by big Chicago Mall
Order House to distribute catalogues, ad
vertlB; tJ weekly; tH expenses allowed.
Manager, Dept. 600, 385 Wabash Ave.,
Chicago (9) 4 18
WANTED ReHable young man. good fam
ily, aggressive, with P, desiring position
pxylng W.nyn annually: give references.
Box 200. Wllllan sport. Pa. (9)-31818x
2.fO0 YEARLY In real eMate, brokerage,
promotion and advertising bualness. I
will thoroughly trsln you and place you
ir established business. H. W. Cross,
Times Hldg., New York. (91-319 lfcx
ENTIRE houses, carpets, rugs. drape'"
cleaned by our new compressea air ana
vacuum system. The Ideal Air Cleaning
Co., 200 Douglas Blk. Both 'phones.
M6S3 A3
Horse anal Vehicle.
STOIJ5N, from rear of Burwocd theater.
Friday, April 9. 11:30 a. hi., black noree,
with aaddle and bridle; saddle English
style, closed leather covered stirrups;
bridle large tings at bit; both fair leather ;
hoiso has no white marks, 7 years old,
paces and trots and incline to mix gait;
little full on left hind pastern; haa a
little bunch on right hind leg below kno;
all four legs clipped above knees; foretop
clipped morning take; reward ror norse;
Douglas county offers 850 reward for ar
rest and conviction of thief. The Harney
Street Stables. (U-M264 19
FOR SALE Cheap, cne-statlon wagon,
good condition; pne set brass harness,
single; one set light harness, single. Sta
ble, 123 80. 89th St. (1D-1M
TWO GOOD WHIPPLE humane collars
for sal cheap, used 30 days. 2823 North
16th St. (1D-M9S9 ISx
FOR SALE Extra fine driving horse,
thoroughbred, trotting blood, 3-mlnute
gait; 6 years old. color black. Kiel Bam,
Co. Bluffa (U) M25718X
36 BUYS good brown 3-year-old half-Shetland
horse pony, safe. 43d and Center Sta.
(11) 264 18x
FOR 3ALK One of the best single drivers
and aaddle horses in Omaha, 6 years old.
without a blemish; one new set 3u0 har
ness, one 3236 runabout used but few
times only and one brand new 3225 stan
hope never used. Will sell any or all
right. Can be seen at Union Stock Yards
horse barn. (11) M286 18
Four light single wagons, cheap if taken
at once. 1801 Cass St. (ID 439 19
FOR SALE Cheap, good light fifth wheel
wagon, with good top.. 2411 Caldwell St.
(11) 633 18
WANTED Four horses, to weigh 1,200 lbs
each or over: can use one blind horse
If sound; each of other three to have at
least one good eye; state cash price, age
color and place where horse or horses
can be seen. Address J. 315. care Bee.
(1D-M627 19
TAKEN by mistake from the cloakroom of
the cretgnton Law miuuing. a may a
brown c?at; finder please return to Bee
office, rtewara. t't) mm ix
FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment
Davenport fits.; special attention paid to
confinement cases; an treatment super
vised by college profeaaors. Phone Doug
las 1167. cans answerea uay or mgni.
(13) 123
BEST nerve braca for men. Gray's Narva
Food Fills, II a box, postpaid, onarinaa
& McCunnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) e9
"GLAD you will be." Let me know your
chroma aneaee. l 11. sogers, oiauou
M. Los Angeles. Cat (13j M399 A30x
It We loan you amount on m
tt furniture, pianos, etc.; or. If you U
31 have steady employment, on your ti
38 plain note at the cheapest rates in 33
tt the city. Payments weekly or 3t
1$ monthly to ault your convenience. 33
Open until 6:30 p. m. 'Phone Doug- 33
It laa 2036. (3
rtoom out urown hiuh, tM
itiutt Opposite Brandels' 333UU
1M4U333 16th bt. Entrance. 3333UU3
(14) bet)
Let Us Help You
If you need a Utile ready cash.
Loans on furniture, pianos, etc.
Seventeen years established.
"Reasonable and reliable."
1J9 Board of Trade, 306 S. 16th St.
Telephone Douglas 22U5.
MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, ware
house receipts, or anytning of value, or
on your plain note. If you are steadily
employed. Lowest rates, best terma
807-3 Paxton Blk., 3d Floor, 16th and Farnam
Sts. Tel. Douglas 1411, Auto. A-1411.
(14) M798
To loan on household goods, planoa and
salaries In sums of 310 up. at half the
ratea of a regular loan company. Address
O 320. care Bea. ' (14) 100
MONEY loaned salaried people and others
without security; easy payments. Offices
In 66 principal clttea Tolman. Room 613,
Nr York Life Bldg. (14) 6S1
EXPRESSMEN'S Lajllvery Co.. office 24
N. 16th St. WiMtMN 2207-9 Ixard St.
(16 (-484
arillsf aad Haosaa.
DEWEY Ewropaaa Hotel. 13th and Parnain.
1818 CAPITOL AVE., beautiful, well fur
nished roouisi excellent board. Strictly
first class. Reasonable. (15) M916 22x
ROOMS, with or without board, in modern
home; walking distance. 2704 Farnam St.
Tel. Harney 363L (15) 15 21
FINE room and board for two, very
cheap. Addreea K 333. care Bee. or 'pbona
Webster 3134. (15) M227 19x
ONE nicely furnished room and board;
modern; fine location. 21 OB Sherman Ave.
(16) 261 19
FURNISHED rooms, excellent board, close
la 1 pistes reasonable. 618 B. 19th St.
(15) 441 21x
Farm laa eg Rao ma
DESIRABLE ROOM. 213 N. 19th.
(1S MS67 A30z
SUITE nicely furnished rooms, good loca
tion; pleaaao fur summer. 1:6 California.
(l& MH7 Z3x
DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman;
select neignDornooo. near Farnam car.
131 N. Slat Ave. (U-b7
VERY r4Mnt eaat room, suitable for two.
usu awatier rvutri. iw raroam 0X.
(16 MSJ0 18x
LAROd southeast front room, suitable for
two ar tarea. 12s n. wut Ava
(16) 861 Ux
riaaUsMT Uoat rooot. 38. 2804 Douglas 8t,
ti-a 30.
Fa rn la he Baasaa Catlaaea.
1 and
All farts i'f the city.
If you ar looking for room
do not fall to get our list.
Costa you nothing.
703 N. Y. Lira Bldg. Pbona Doug. 2204
ROOM It private family; terms reason
able. 1909 Webster St. (1M-1K1 31
BEAUTIFUL front room, five windows;
modern, best reference, 611 N. 2S.
(1BK-M897 19x
LARGE modern room, in new private home.
required; no roonwto; meala as wsnted.
Address K SOO. rare Bee. (15) M963
TWil lir front narlora. one unstalrs and
one clown; suitable for man and wife or
two young men. 1816 Chicago St.
(15)?fl8 18
TWO nlcelv furnished rooms, complete for
light housekeeping. All modern. 313 per
month. 2019 Webster St (15) M480 U
STRICTLY modern furnished front room;
elegant board If desired; ressonable; large
private residence ; 1 f Ine location; no ether
roomers; everything first-class. 19117 Wirt
St. 'Phone II 1W8. (15)-M438 20x
ROOM for gentleman, private family. 206
S. 31st St. Phone Harney 38S6.
(15)-M510 Snx
DESIRABLE room in Field club and Hans
com rark district; young men preferred.
Tel. Douglas 4231. 839 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(15) M'iCD 18
7-ROOM modern house: well furnished; for
16 months. 1025 S. 31st St. (15) M477 30X
NICE large room everything modern; pri
vate family, at 2702 California St. 'Phone
B 3004. (15)-M473 24
TWO nicely furnished rooms, walking dis
tance, modern; board If desired. Tel.
Doug. 5710. 115 N. 26th St. (15)
TWO pteasant newly furnished fornt rooms
strictly modern: telephone; seperate or
ensulte. block from West Farnam car;
will serve breakfaat if desired; gentle
men preferred; ratea reaaonable; refer
ence exchanged. Tel. Harney 4382.
(15) M518
FRONT parlor and alcove, suitable for
two. 2437 Dodge Bt. Ut caon a
ELRGANTLY furnished sitting room and
bed room connecting, modern house, pri
vate family; no other roomers; telephone
in room. 1019 8. 30th Ave. (it mj ix
Apartmeats aad Flata.
B-ROOM modern steam heated apartment
in Dunsany, 10th and Fierce bis. a ana
825. Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge Bt.
UNEQUALED, central, modem 4 or 5-roorn
flats. 220 Mo. aa. iiw
8-R. flat Scsrgo Bldg., R16H N. 24th, South
Omaha. Hall. 4S3 Kamge aiag. rmin
Phones. t) U
FIVE-ROOM flat, 3536 Hamilton; new
plumbing; modern except beat; i6.w, to
adult tenants. Tel. D. 673. (16)-Mi&6
315.00 6-room modern frame flat, In fine
condition: owner pays water. 1SC9 Lake.
318.00 for 6-room modern brick flat, 1ZM N.
24th Bt.
312.00 for 5-room flat at 2706 Burt St.
3 8.00 for 2 rooms, modern, 1426 8. 16th St
ROBINSON & WOLD, 436 raxion biock.
TWO NEW and strictly modern flata for
rent. 40th and Hamilton Bt.
(15) M396 19x
RENT 210 8. 37th, 8-room, modern brick
3c0. Kloke-Headley Inv. Co. (15)
floaaekacplBSj Stooaaa.
S CHOICE housekeeping rooms, furnished
or unfurnished; very desiraoie ror sum
mer; large lawn; modern. 627 Park Ave.
(u) toy
TWO excellent, furnished, modern rooms
for housekeeping.. 'Phone in house. 8574
Harney Bt. - (16) 779
Suite elegant front rooms. 614 S. 22d St.
(16) MIS) zix
FOR RENT I modern furnished house.
keeping rooms; private family; references
required. Address C 306, Bee.
(15) M900 IS
TWO nicely furnished, to couple; partly
muuri m 00. niu. iaoj mi ia
TWO well furnished room a heat, light
cooking gas, bath and laundry privileges,
Phones Harney 2193. 26J7 Harney St.
(15) 440 24x
TWO nice housekeeping rooms. !d floor.
strictly modern, private family. Including
gas rooking and light. 8018 Webster Ht,
Tel. Harney 373S or B 2028. (15) -Mi39 24
Cat aratsaea Rsosu.
JOUR unfurnished room a desirable looa
tlon. modern except heat. Hanacom Park
district, auit Mason Hi. Tel. Harney Z1K,
(16) MS
TWO roorru and alcove. 2418 Cass St.
(16)-3a M5x
FOUR unfurnished rooms;
references. 2667
(15)-M526 24x
Faralataed Hoaaea.
FOR RENT Six-room modern house fur
nished, on West Farnam. Available for
few montha; reasonable. Address D 810
care Bee. (15) M907 18x
407 S.
24th Ave., nicely furnished rooms
(16) Mlw Z8X
6-ROOM modern house In West Farnam
district; possession given . about May
Tel. Harney 1399. (15) Mm 18
BEAUTIFUL apartments, furnished, prl
vate family. iOUb St. Mary's Ave.
(15) M293 ISx
lleasti mm Cottage.
OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move,
store M. ri. goods; storehouse UJU-'H N
Ulh, office 16u Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559.
(lj) 591
FOR RENT -room modern house, new
furnace. 011 Wlilla Ave., 326.00.
4-room apartment. 19)7 Clark St., 38.00.
4J4 Paxton Blk.
(15) 34
New 10-room, all modern house, 2633
Harney street, gaa, electric light, hot
water heat; will be ready to occupy May
1st. See T. J. O'Brien, lienshaw hotel or
2t81 Harney. Phone Doug. 1216 or Harney
14. $65 per month. (15) 6aS
FINE all modern house of 12 rooms on S.
w. corner zvtn and Jackson; references
required, loO. Bemia. Brandels Bldg.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS parked, forwarded;
cneap rreignt raiea; moving and atoring.
Kxpressmen'a Delivery Co., TeL Doug. 334.
(lfi 6!M
ELEGANT 6-room flat located No. 110 Bo.
Z7titKali mouern; price, Mem is, Bran
dels Bldg. (15 M770
1967 PACIFIC St., 8-room, thoroughly mod
ern noun, oaa nnian, a. u. itiiick. sui
Bee Rldg. (15)-W7
FOR RENT 583 So. 28th, all modern, oak
finish, oak floora 'Phone Webster 2&V1.
(15)-MM5 lax
NKW T-room, very choice.
341S Charles.
Life. D-S'iffl.
U0. C. M. Rich. 33) N. Y.
1136. We guarantee moving planoa, H. H.
goods. ' Uo &3u
HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Pamam.
HOUSES, insurance. Ring wall. Barker Blx.
CENTRAL, modem, no equal, 4 or I rooms
each, with bath. 220 Na. 23d. 16) M2
FOR RK NT 8-room. new house, hath,
furnace, with coal bins, cistern, light,
car and school one block. Reed and Cot
ner Bts. Phona Benson . la) M42 18
t-ROOM. modern bouse. 133 Main St., Ben
aon. 318. Turkington, Bee Bldg.
FOR RENT On or about May 1, 7-room,
pressed brick house, entirely modern.
22J0 Caas 84. Inquire 2224 Cass St.
, (15)-383 13
HtssM ana Callages
Decatur. 7 rooms, large lot. 31. .
S4! Hv. Ith. 4 rooms, city water. HV
t.'-t Douglas. 6 nil modern except
het, brand ntw, a dnndy little homia)
2M9 Parker, litre room cottage, In good
shsne, beautiful lawn, small barn. I.'O.
212 Chlo, 6 rooms, all modern except
fleet, 322.80.
VMS So. i?th. 8 rooms, modern, in nice
shape, 326.
yen Caldwell. 8 rooms, modern, newly pa
pered, only 3A.
4M1 N, 2th, new S-room modern cottage,
onlv 818.
237 Parker, 7 room, modern, nlca shape.
2970 Fnrnam, 5 rooms, modern flat, only
327. 60.
1641 So. acth, 6 rooms, modem, nice yard,
41R9 Cass, 7 rooms, all modern, fine yarn
good barn. 8;.
436? Dodge, rooms, all modern, on car
ne, -7.50.
2236 Farnam. 7 rooms, modern flat, only
40(2 Reward. 8 rooms, all modern, nice
shape, 332.60.
2107 Plnkney, 8 rooms, all modern, newiy
papered, 336.
za ho. :'n. a rooms, strictly monern, on
ar line, 327.60.
570 80. '.th. 6 rooms, strictly mooern.
close In, 335.
1107 80. 30th Ave., 8 rooms, strictly mod
ern. In fine shape, only 337.-0.
2502 Bt. Marys Ave.. rooms, strictly mod
ern, in nice shape, within walking distance,
m ...
2611 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, atrlctiy mod
ern, close In, 340.
315 So. ?9th, 9 rooms, strictly modern.
close In. 350.
We have others. See our list befor you
Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
room flats, modern except heat, 2.119-21
Douglas St. 810 to 312.60 per month.
5-room cottage. 2W8 Shirley St., modern ex-
cent furnace 318.
-room house, 3610 Franklin Ave., new, mod
ern exeent furnace 320.
-room house. 15lT Madison Ave., modern
except furnace 325.
room house. 7W 8. 31st St. modern 125.
6-room ; ouse, 28,10 Grant St., modern 3'S.
6-room house, 2f-3 Pratt St., modern 830.
-room house, it Yates St.. mnnyn-niiu
-room house, 1334 N. 41st St., modern
337.5a -
room houan. 1034 Park Ave., modern $40.
-room house, 2869 Farnam St., oak finish,
-room house, very desirable, modem house,
near 30th and Farnam Bts. tt.
12-room house, 616 a 22d St., modem 350.
3 rooms, bath and laundry, gn stoves, re
frigerators, etc., 17 Burt Bt. j.
7-room anartment. all In good repair. In
Her Annex. .
618 B. 16th St., 347.50; summer rate, 343.50.
GEORGE CO., 18U1 mrnara t.
rnn pnvTin.rnnm countrv home, bath
private water system, large iaoi; i
acrea; one mile from car; 33.500. Phone
Benaon 4f;9. (15)-M4B1 18
1618 S. 10th, 9-room modern brick X3Z.50.
2W1 Pacific, 9-room modern brick 340.
8L1-826 8. 24th. new brick apartments.
rooms, modern, steam heat, gas range,
tanitor service.
826 8. 34th (rear), 3 rooms, bath, steam
heat. etc. 312.
2319 B. 13th, 6-room flat, $12.60.
210 8. 2Jth Ave., 4 rooms, ibt noor iw.
623 S. 29th St.. A-i-oom flat-41'4.
2218 N. 18th St.. nearly new. b-room moa
itwelllnr. excellent repair 32.50.
1302 8. 31st, 9 rooms, modern, barn $35.
17P2 S. 2(tn, rooma, mouem
R05 S. S4th, 6-room cottngc $14.
016 Pierce, 4 rooms, 1st floor $10.
ftv7 r.niiir R-room cottage $8.
2707 Caldwell, 6-room cottage $16.50.
102 Stanford Circle. 0 rooms, rutin .10.
GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam St.
107 8. TH, 5 rooms. $10.
2222 Clark, 4 rooms, $12.60.
2221 California, 6 rooms. Dam, w.oc.
t4 Webster. 7 rooms, barn, $23.
2405 Capitol Ave.. rooms, modem, $30.
332 N. 40th, s rooms, moaern, sjv.
1903 Capitol Ave., 10 rooms, modem, $66.
R1NUWAL1 iSttUO., uo D. mill 01.
(15) Mi52 18
Near 37th and Farnam Stg.,
rooms, all modern, oak' finish, hot
water heat. 1
Tel. D. 200. 508 Bee Bid.
(15)-M248 18
-rnf Jd floor. 1108 N. 20th St.; $15.
10-room house, modern except heat; $30 and
water rent; zutn ana inaiinn Ave.
7r Lake. 5 rooma. modern except heat; $15.
4-room house, city water, and toilet; 4U8
William Bt., m rear; iu.
22d and Cuming Sta. Tel. Doug, and B-J049.
w have two or three nice 4 room flats,
on 23d. Juat north of Cuming St.. that we
can rent to nrst-ciass coiorea uuann.
Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
NEW modem dwelling, 7 rooms, 4158 Daven
port; best location. uo ijo ui
T-ROOM house; nicely located; in good
electric. Bias: well: clatern;
lawn; fruit: pump In kitchen Call after
Niinnav. ain larimure Ave.
3220. $15. (15) M381 18x
FOR RENT Partly modern 6-room cottage,
1917 S. 2Sth Bt. inquire next cioor.
(15)-M493 19
Three 6-room houses. Joined, suitable for
rooming house: 18 rooms in an; witnin
vaiklrg distance; will make special rale
on thtsr-.
Ground Floor, 1201 Farnam St.
(16)-MtS4 18
TWO 6-room modern cottages. Just painted
and decorated, 17. zrn-lm Reward.
(15) M479 19x
(SEVERAL acres and 4-room house, near
v:ui yjll l.NK('. r mesi kiiiu mr iruca
and poultry. Ill per month.
Ground Floor, 1201 Farnam St.
(161-M4S5 13
564 So. 28th St., 10 rooma. atrlctiy modern,
new combination flxiurett. new shades, ev
ery room newly papered, house within
walking distance. Owner says "Rent the
house at once" so me have reduced tna
rent from 345 to 340. I,ook this up.
Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
FOR RENT 110 S. S5th St., 7-room modern
cottage.; first-class condition. 837.50.
I-rooni apartment, small kitchen.
5-room apsrtment; smell kitchen.
8-room apartment; ho rooking.
. ozu life tiug.
(15)-&0 It
FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern, 32a.
C. M. Bachman. 436 Paxton Blk.
HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg.
IU) a
214 SOUTH 29th 6t.. 8 rooms, bath, gas, 3!.
McCsgue inveaiment to. ib)Mi ISx
FOR RENT Two 8-room, all modern
houses, opposite Hanscom park. 3114 3114
Woolworth Ave. Doug. 1510. 415) 219 lk
' F '
10-ROOM e egant moderff house, 30th and
Mason, ). i-ioom mooern nouse. 17 8
C lark. 322. 6-room basemtnt, 17. C'ark
$7. Red 47. (15) M 199 lax
FOR RENT VM Dodge St., 8-room mod
ern bouse, reception hall, bath, laundry,
floored attic, furnace beat, owner pavs
for water, 3W; possession May l to 16.
W. W. Mitchell, owner, W Board of Trade
Bldg. (16 M187
4-ROOM brick bouse, modern. 1624 Mapla
(15 Mla3 Aiox
UUUorjO Crelgb Bona Co.. Bea Bldi
SSVEN room modara tipuaa. Udt Parker.
Haasea aad Cettagei
We are sole sgents for the following:
6- r. mod. ex. heat. 9 N. 29th St., tS.
f.-r. mod., 2K1 Wirt St., 323. "
-r. merf ex. heat, 634 Shuth 2l'h Ave., 32-1.
7- r. mu., 6.'4 Snutli 271M St . 1:7. fO.
7-r. mod., 21"! Spencer St.. 1J6 50.
7-r. mod., hot water heat. 623 N. 82d St., f.
7- r. new collage, mod. ex. heat. 2447 Web
ster Ave.. SJ.
8- r. mod. ex. heat. S3) South 18lh St., 330.
Six new 5-r. St. Louis fiats', oak finish, all
mod.. Lid and Webster Sts.
S-r. mod. ex. heat. 3723 N. h St.. 118.
8-r. new last year, nicely decorated, all
mod., oak finish, east front, 664 South
26th Ava.. 337.60.
7-r. mod., new decorations, 2208 N 21st St.,
-r. mod , south front. 2710 jaexson bi.,
ready May I. 1.
lll.-.ATtr.Il A PA TtTMENTfl.
5-r.. all mod., oak finish, enat front, walk
ing distance, we furnisn neat, jannor
service, hot and cold water, gas range,
window shades. 104 South 34th St.
and 6-r. apartments In the New Califor
nia. Three apartments will be ready
May 1; all modern. We furnish heat.
Janitor serlvce, hot and cold water, saa
range. Open Sunday afternoon 2 to 6.
HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St.
Fully modern, nice yard, beat neighbor
Desirable lease to responsible party. Go
and see this.
IL MITHEN, 203 First Nat. Rsnk Bldg.
Tel. Doug. 1278; Ind., A-1378.
Wm4 IPamam Two ft-room houses. all
mortem, lust But in excellent condition;
new plumbing; rent 340 per month. Full
Information at
12 a 14th.
Phones: A-3834; Dou. Of.
108 So. 26th Ave., 8 rooms, modern, 330.00.
813 Park Ave,, 7 rooms, modern except fur
nace, .fl0. . .
1016 80. 20th St., 2nd floor detached house,
fi rooms, partly modern. 118.00.
3215 No. 2T,th Ave., 6 rooms, city -water, gas
and toilet. 315.00.
W. FARNAM BMITU & CO., 1320 Farnam
Tel. Doug. 1064. ina. A. 1064.
8-room mod. house, 126 8. 42d 8t 335
7-r.. mod., 1-story cotuge, 3wz mason.. .
ON South 27th St., 8-room house, best fur
nace, porcelain baw, lavatory, ciosei,
open plumbing; $?6, Including water.
'Phone Webster 17?. (16) 470 lKx
214 8. S6th St., 6 r., part mod., $26.
410 8. 26th Ave., r., mod., $45.
2219 Leavenworth St., 4 r., part mod., $20.
423 Bee Brdg.
ACRES, with 6-room new house, bath
room. well. 4320 Fort St.i $15.
1964 N. 2Sth Ave., 4 rooms, $7.
2412 Parker St., 6 rooms, JIB.
2220 Caas, 7-room modern brick.
Close In 14-room brick house, no.
JOHN N. r ttiIN.ErU joom rnon.
(15) M385 18
4-ROOM apartment, modem. 818 S. 22d.
tiaj inuT AJ5K
ELEGANT ten-room brick residence, 8200
Harney hi., steam neat; large yara, o.
Mads A. Hansen, 1324 Farnam St.
FOR RENT 4 nice rooma In apartment
basement; cuy water; luuei ana gas. u.
W Al. DAvnaAnn,
436 Paxton Blk.
(16) 290
3104 Decatur St, 8 rooms, gas and city
water 320.
3)03 Marcy St., 7 rooms, modern except fur
nace, lust decoratea ana repairea jo,
1116 S. . 12th St., 6-room house, city water,
vard 312.60.
1614 Locust St., 6-room. all modern, electric
le-ht. new floors 330.
2023 Locust St., 7-room, modern except tur-
- nace 320.
1313 Georgia Ave., 6-room modem brick flat
1137 8. 28th St., 8 or rooms, all modem,
vacant April 16 $37.60.
J, H. SHERWOOD, 016 Brandels Bldg.
tVM OHIO. 6-room. Dart modern. 316.
315 N. 27th St., 6-room, modern except heat,
423 Bee Bldg.
(15) M512 18
BEAUTIFUL 6-room house at 2706 8. 20th
elegant shape, Juat newly papered, and
modern except furnace: 12.
F. C. BEST. 1008 N. Y. Life.
(15) M511 18
821-825 S. 24THth St.; new modern brick
apartments, just completed; 4 rooma each
steam heat. Janitor service; gaa range
suitable for small families. See ua for par
GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam St.
(16)-M472 21
336 STRICTLY modern, brick, 8 rooms, 1301
8. 26th St. 'Phone Harney 1767.
(15) M520 20
1519 N. 83d. 8. E. cor. Seward, on car line,
8-room. all modern, nearly new. 135.
J12 S. 28th Ave., near Dodge, 5 rooma, 115.
2434 Patrick Ave., 6-r. mod. cottage. 330.
1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or Ai 21 52.
(15) M503 20
FEED mill in Omaha; fine location; ready
to run; opportunity for dealera In, grain
to make some money. 'Phone Doug. 586.
115) M2S4 22
BARN FOR RENT Iarge barn, suitable
for garage or shop, 24th and Harney Sts.
GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St.
II alia aad Lodga Rooms.
OSTHOFF HALL, 511 North 16th.
(151-M95T AH
Washington hall and lodge rooms, 410 8. 18th.
(15)-M174 A25
DESK ROOM for rent In an offlcs located
on the busy corner of 24th and N Btc,
South Omaha Call at Bee office. S. O.
branch, 24th and N Bts. New address.
Attractive officea, facing 16lh or Howard
Sis., at prices that will surely Interest
you. fall Douglas 756. and we will show
you through.
GHORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam Bt.
OFKIUE or desk room. Inquire at
12 Paxton Blk.. 'Phone Douglaa 27M.
(15)-353 18x
FOR RENT 8-story building at 14. Far
nam St.. now occupied by H. J. I'enfold
Co.. beat retail location In Omaha. For
particulars apply Palace Clothing Co.,
14th and Douglaa (Uj-Mtl.'S
818 8. 16T1I ST.. large atore room and base
ment, new front, metal celling, etc., to
be put In at once; rental liOo per nu nth.
GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St.
FOR RENT Entire second floor at 1417
Douglas, room 24xlt), good retail place,
fine entrance. This Is over Rldgley
Clothing Co. Apply at 1417 Douglaa.
South part of 107 B. 15th St.. steam heat, 336.
JOHN N. FRENZER, Both Phonea.
(15)-M3t6 18
TWO-STORY and basement brick building
83x132 feet, ut llpi-18 Douglas street, with'
electric elevaUir; trackage.
Newly fitted, and light basement on north
east corner of 24th and fuming streets,
with entrance on both streets. A fine
location, being at transfer point of car
i i a
Btore room at No. 323 South 15 th street, a
feel Dy DU I eel.
1517 Farnam Street.
U5-M51S 30
FOR SALE Golden oak sideboard aiM
rtlntng tnble; al.o wallnut hat rack, llo
South 29th St. 118) MJ75 'X
niM.iif.n uh peacKtm Dining tame ami
chairs, nronxe Iron ned ami springs, an
new. Call 8uiulx or Monilny. 3N61 I.eav- t
enworth St. (lrti M.W ISx, !
FOR SALE 3 oak tables, about ten feet
long three feet high and three feet wide.
Apply U, W. Baker, Superintendent Bea
Bldg. (16) MJ06 If x
FOR SALE or trade;
Reynolds' cabinet
1620 8. 10th.
(16) 137 13
grand upright piano.
FOR SALE Fine piano, nearly new,, at
greatly reduced price: party leaving tba
city; call at 907 N. 40th St. Tel. Harney
1257. (16)-M3S4 1Sx
PIANOLA)-Metrostple, good as new, $1.50
caan. a)sj narney St., Tel. 433 Douglas.
(16) M606 20x
Sawlagr Machines.
Sewing machine, light running, neve.
known to balk, alwaya ready to do youf
worn satisfactorily, see it be mm buying a
machine, special prices thla week, second
hand machines $6 -up, - machines rented,
supplies and repairs-for all machlnea. Of
flea northeast corner lth and Capitol Ave..
Hotel Loyal Rldg. 'Phones: Bell Douglag
1674; Ind. A-S562.
The heads have been put in
condition to give you satisfac
tory service and guaranteed.
One Wheeler & Wilson. 7-drawer.
drop head, $22.
One Wheeler & Wilson, 7-drawer,
drop head, $26.
One Standard Grand, shop-worn,
only $26.60.
One White, drop head, $26.60.
One White, drop head, good as new
only $28.
One Eldrldge, box top, $12.
One Singer, box top, $7.
One Domestic, box top, $6.60,
One White, box top, $5. '
One White-Tailor Machine, $15.
One Ward, drop head, $12.
We rent and repair and sell
parts for all machines.
Nebraska Cycle Co.',;
Corner 15th and Harney Sts.,
(16) 442 18
TTPEWRITERS All makea, all prices, for
sale, for rent; rent applied. Both 'phones.
B. F. Swanson Co., 417 S. 15th St., Omaha.
USED bicycles from 15 up. - 20 ' per cent
discount on new wheels during April. 10
per cent discount on 2 horse power
"Light" motorcycles during April. Re
pairing a specialty. L. Flesrher, 1622
Capitol Ave. (16) 366 May6
BEND us your mall orders for drugs;
freight paid In $10 lota. Myers-Dillon
Drug Co., Omaha (16) 603
FOR BALE New and Id-baud billiard and
pool tables. We lead the world In cheap
bar fixtures; eaay payments. Brunswick
Balk Collender. 407 8. 10th 8L
DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all
310 orders; catalogue free. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb.
THE OLD TRUSTY Incubators. For low
special prices, freight prepaid 60 days'
free trial. Write the Old Trusty Incu
bator Co., Clay Center, Neb. (16) 640
FOR SALE Some four and five-ton stake
draya or would sell whole outfit. Address
lock box 435, Sioux City. Ia. (16) M602
Order now before the rush begins,
'Phona us for estimates no charge. '
Omaha Tent and Awning Co.
(k)-MiiJ Ala) 4
HOUSEKEEPERS, buy of our useful
household articles, catalogue 2 cents; Tljt
Top lamp chimney stove, postpaid. 16c.
Home Economy Co., Ob., 3ifl5 Park Ave.,
St. Louis, Mo. (16) M367 20x
'SMELLKILLER" The odorless disinfec
tant; death to germs; prevents Infection
in households, chicken coops and In tha
horse, cow and pig stables. Doctors rec
ommend it; easily uxd; circular free.
Trial quart bottle sufficient for ten gal
lons of disinfectant, 31-50 prepaid. Bend
25c stamps for sample bottle. Agents
wanted. Oeorgo Scheer, 407 Bloomfield.
St., Hoboken, N. J. (16) 363 18x
EDISON Home Phonograph and twrlvo
records, 35; good aa new. Addrraa P-&IS,
Bee. (11) M378 18
BLUE GRASS SOD, couple acres. Far
nam St. (16) M485 18
FOR 8 A LE 250.000 sand brick. Patrick
Bulldeia' Supply Co. (It!) 3s2 lx
FOR SALE Caen register. National,"
with tape attachment. Address A 240, Bea,
(16) M2S0Apr27
WE HAVE on hand a number of Inlc
barrels which we will sell at 60o each.
They ire fine for rain water or aaliea.
Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co.
. (16) -277
BODA fountains, new and aecondhand:
monthly paymenta Deright, 1M8 Farnam.
REMINGTON typewriter No. t, first ciasa,
4j0. people's Loan Co., 1023 Farnam St.
TYPEWRITERS Any make, all prices,
easy terms; shipped anywhere; agent
wanted in unoccupied territory; write for
large bargain list and offer. B. F. Swan
son Co., 417 S. 15th St.. Omaha. .
INCUBATORS for sale cheap. Apply to
Expresxmun's Delivery Co. 22nd and
Isard Bts. UO M731 18x
SEVERAL desks for sale. 7"7 N. Y. Life.
(16)-M243 22
DETROIT Jewell Gaa Range for said
cheap. Ind. B3096. 216 Capitol Ave.
(li M238 13
JOHN80N INS., 411. N. T. U
Tl. O. MM.
Dr. Katheryn Nickolas. 60S N. T. L. Bldg.
Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Farnam. Doug, efra,
(6)-M& A38
D. O. BARNELL. paxton Blk. Tel. Red TU7.
IL A. 8TURGES, Atty. N. Y. U Tel. D. 346a.
(17)-M651 Mayx
for Investors mailed on receipt of as poau
age. R. S. and A. B. Lacey. rooms 29-31
pacific Bldg., WaatUagtou, 1. C. Estab
UkbaU I'' U7-U .