Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, WANT ADS, Page 4, Image 32

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Texas Coat laned.
ALL ABOt'T TEX A9 The Texan Ketty
Jnurnnl give reliable Information on rn
tire state; tolls of lands, products raised,
rrvelnua developments of Texas nd of
the wonderful opportunities for ambitious
anrt energetic men; month' subscrip
tlon. 25c Texas Realty Journal, Houston,
Tex. ()-
Arcadia la a 10,000-acre tract of the finest
orchard land In tha northwest, located In
Spokane and Stevens counties, Washington!
A grest Irrigation canal has been built
through the tract and the land Is being
planted to apple trees. Arcadia will be
operated aa a (treat commercial orchard
the largest In the world. Aa aoon as the
trees come to bearing the land will be
worth from $1,009 to 13.000 an acre and the
fruit yield will be from $200 to $1,600 an
acre. The company Is capitalised on the
basis of $1,000 per acre. Two-fifths of the
stock is preferred, Issued in shares of $100
eseh, bearing 4 per cent Interest and shar
ing with the common stock In all the prof
Its of the company. The preferred stock
may also be exchanged for lind at any
time. A limited amount of preferred
stock la offered to the public at $50 a share.
The Investment is baaed on real estate and
Is absolutely safe; proflte based on fruit
vleld made certain br Irrigation. Large
illustrated prospectus free upon application.
R. 620 Hyde Blk., Spokane, Wash.. U. B. A.
()-866 IRx
Acres of Land
Now Open to Entry
under tha Carey Act at Wheatland, Wyo.
Write us for full Information, how to
get some of these lands. We will locate
you and look after your Interests care
fully. This la a splendid section, the soil
Is rich; It Is a great alfalfa, wheat, oats,
barley, sugar beet and potato country.
Fruit does well. The land Is ready to
plow. Building materials are cheap, fuel
Is abundant. We have railroad, achool
and church facilities and tha beat of
nelghbora. This is a dalrg country. Tou
can get rich farming here. We want you
to have our full descriptive Illustrated
c'rcular at once, free for the asking.
Write; we want to hear from you. In
quire of J. R. Mason, Immigration Agt.,
Wheatland. Wyo. (20)
LOTa In' Prince Rupert on tale by auc
tion May 26. Terms, i cash, balance,
three payments, 6 per cent. If you wish
to Invest write. Prince Rupert Realty
and Commercial Co., 430 Richards St.,
Vancouver. B. C. (30)-M1SO 19x
SOUTH AFRICAN grants of acres, $3
par acre; can locate adjoining homesteads;
best Canadian wheat lands worth $15 per
acre; also half-breed scrip, and one hun
dred thousand acres wild land; Improved
farms cheap. Apply Alberta Colonisation
Co.. 621 First Bt., Edmonton, Alberta.
Canada. (20) 868 18x
page book, "Vacant Government Land,"
describes every acre in every county In
U. 8. How secured" free; 190 diagrams
and tables; all about free Irrigated farms.
Price 26c. postpaid. Webb Pub. Co., Dept.
158.. St. Paul, Minn. (20)
INFORMATION wanted regarding good
farm for aale In any locality suitable for
dairy purposes or general farming; not
particular about location or else; wish to
near irum owner oniy wnn win aeii di
rect to buyer without paying any com
' mission; please aend brief description and
pi lee; no agents need answer. AddresJ
, I. A. Leaner, 48 West Monroe St.. Chicago,
111. (20) M406 18x
NO. 27620 acres, close In, about 4 miles
. out of Council Bluffs, all In cultivation.
Much t)t It fine valley land. 4-room cot
tage, good barn and cribs, windmill, etc.
jA'vei road to the city. $3,000.
McGes Real Estate Co., 14 Pearl St.,
v ojncii mures. (30) 63S lSx
HAVE some splendid alfalfa, wheat and
stock rami in northeast Wyoming. Well
Improved; prices from $10 to $26 per acre.
Snd for circulars. D. Gregory, Council
Willi IS. 1. (201 6S6 18X
CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 9, 1909.
To Whom it May Concern:
Th,e Wyoming Wool Growers' associa
tion hereby offers a reward of two thous
and ($2,000) dollars for Information that will
lead to tho urrent and conviction of the per
sons who recently raided the aheep camp of
Airem&nd A Kmge. on Billing creek, near
Tenaleep, In Big Hoi n. county, Wyoming,
murdered Joe Alleman4f. Jee r.mge and Joe
Lasler, set fire to the sheep wagon and
Incinerated the bodies, alaughtered aheep
and destroyed the camp outrit.
Address all communications to
Cheyenne, Wyo. Secretary-Treasurer. J
WE will press your clothe for $1 a month,
Room 303 Boston Store Bldg.
Phones Douglas 4137, Independent A-3637.
(1) 263 M16
We mean the automatic figure In our
Douglas store window, which tells you
about the best fountain pen made that's
a Conklln.. worth seeing.
W also have on display Nature's Remedy,
tha guaranteed family medicine, which
lias been sampled recently In .every house
In Omaha. Remember, we guarantee this
remedy. Also see the useful articles for
house cleaning, such as sulphur candles
formaldehyde oriental camphor. These
article are absolutely necessary for suc
cessful house cleaning.
The popular A. D, 8. remedies also have a
prominent ulace in tin ween s dlsulay
and you ahould try the best cream on Hie
market that a Peroxide Cream.
(l)-lu $0
I . l,t..a u U.f , r , . .
letters m mutuyiv h"w- xvi. v. su
i u,, . ..
SHOES repaired right, called for and de
livered free. Standard bho Repair Co..
SU4 Farnam 8U Tel. Douglas
nutHA Safe and Iron Works malt .
specialty of fire evcapes, shutters, doors
ana ai. w b. luiu,
DAVID COLE Creamery Co.
m sums to
suit. $u Re Bldg.
'Phe-ifiaa r ........
(1) 361
THE printing; why not yours. 110 So.
' 17th at- uougia in is Mays
1310 HOWARD St., Mo. Filter. 15 days'
trial. tU M477 MayS
FARNAM ST. (1)-M25b M
J. R. STEVENSON CO., gravel and
eomposiiion rooung, rv. w raxion t,k.
14i h and Farnam, Omaha Tela.: Doug
las Ui; lua. a-ii nea., v co. vh.
tl) MJ44 AM
MAX MORRIS, tha Tailor, naw location;
. t.i-9 UpAMk Tl 1 W aft.- ln.ll
id a An
B1C1N PAINTING . H. Cola, U0 Douglaa
ceaaora to Harry D. lais, 709 b. Vth St
U) e
PIMTVR COLLEGE. I train dogs and
- Pt anlruaJk. prof. W.O. Frank
lin, uia Jones eu. or ind. a zaox.
(U--M7H A$0
THi? Rev. Cbas. W. Savtdge haa married
1.781 couplea and la praying to marry l.flia
If you want htm to marry you Tel. Web.
44 or B-l . 4U-104 Mttx
FREE DIRT. 44th and Harney. Tel Hsrney
Alio. (D-M171 Mayl6
YOU'RE NEXT. II ehe.; shave 10c; enlne,
Ic. Elsaaser's, across from N T. Llf B'dg
H Mr MaylO
Second-hand Automobiles.
1812 Harney St.
(21-MI81 IS
RA MBLERS New, 4 and 2-cyllnders. 10 per
rent discount. Rambler Auto Co., 3044
Farnsm Bt. -
AUTOMOBILE painting and carriage repair
work; dead storage. Win. Pfelffer Car
riage Co.. 26th Leavenworth. Red 692.
(2) M157 U
PEERLESS touring car, 36-horse power. In
excellent condition, at reasonable price.
Address W 367, care Bee. (2) M522 20
AUTO painting. Andrew Murphy ft Boa
4.2) 617 A17
SMITH HARRINGTON, automobile liv
ery; open day and night. Bell 'phone Red
. 1600; Ind. phone 1239 Red. 1327-29 West
Broadway. Council Bluffs. (2) M400
I WILL sell my International auto buggy
at a bargain If taken at once. This is
the car for the countrv resident or sales
man and very serviceable on all roads.
Address E, 328, care Bee. (2) M183 22
One 1909 Overland Runabout.
1812 Harney St.
(2) M280 18
FOR SALE Stoddard-Dayton 30-40 horse
power; price reasonable. Apply E. a.
Cudahy, Jr. (2)-M969 18x
SEND for our list of second-hand cars.
uan.ii.inr AUTOMOBILE t"t--.
1814 Farram Bt.
M'INTYRE A WALLACE. Oakland autos:
alro .slightly used cars. 24th near Par
Mam. (2) M973 M13
FOR SALE 8-horse power, 2-cylinder
uneni nucKOoara, running right along,
tools, ammeter, extra disk, acetylene
searchlight and three new tires. $176.
F. J. Moffatt, Beaver Crossing, Neb.
(2) M231 19x
REGAL, 1008 model touring car, with $1,500
equipment, ror sale cheap. Address E '146,
care Bee. (2) M621 20
AUTOGENOUS welding. All kinds of
broken cylinder, crank cases and castings
promptly repaired; all work guaranteed.
K. C. Brazing works. 16th and Walnut,
Kansaa City, Mo. Home 'phene Main
3294. (2
FOR SALE Auto Bulck. 30 H. P. touring
car, completely equipped; will sell cheap.
Address D. 344, care Bee. (2) M524 20
FOR SALE Electric automobile, slightly
usea, gooa as new, bargain. I. Ziegler.
Tel. Harney 1931. (2)
AMERICAN touring car, 1908 model, 45-
horse power, for aale cheap. . Address M,
862, care Bee. (3)M623 20
J909 Spring Frame "Merkel." Rides l!ke a
r-uuman, goes like the fast mall or a
snail, reliable aa a horse and durable as a
wagon. L. Flescher. Agent. 1622 Cap. Ave.
C 367 MayS
These wheels have all been overhauled
and put In thorough condition and are bar
gains for the money.
neaaing-Btanaara, isus moctel, 3ft H. P.
engine, $126.
1 Keading-Etandard trl-car. ZV, H. P. engine,
large box on delivery car, $150.
1 Excelsior. 19U8 model, belt drive, 4H H. P.
engine, in periect condition, looks like
new, $150.
1 Light, 1908 model. 8 H. P., $160.
1 Indian. 1908 model. 2 H. P. engine, wheel
in periect condition, has been used very
little. $126.
1 Racycle. 2H H. P. Thor engine, wheel In
good condition, $100.
1 Thor, 2H H. P. engine, has been used vary
little, $110.
1 M. & M., 3H H. P. engine, $76.
1 M. & M., .! H. P. engine, new tires. $100.
I M. & M., 1908 model, fitted with Bosch
magneto, $176.
1 M. St M.. twin cylinder, 7 H. P., wheel
haa been ridden verv little. 1200.
1 Merkel, 1908 model. In good condition, $125.
We carry a full line of parta for the Thor
engine and a complete line of tlrea.
16th and Harney, Omaha, Neb.
(2) M377 18
TRADE8 and exchanges our specialty. H.
k. stringer. wj fax ton liik.. omana.
t3J 563
We handle exchanges for reliable parties
no professional traders need list: quick
(3 M470
FOR EXCHANGE Splendid 80-acre farm
at i-'aoiric Junction, la.; good corn land;
raiue 70 bushels to the acre and has good
two-story house; large barn and other
Improvements; price, lti.000; will take $3,000
Omaha residence and mortgage back for
$3,000 at 6 per cent Interest. W. R. Homan,
$26 Board of Trade. (3)-M245 23
WILL exchange 8-room modern house, barn
and buggy shed, large lot olose to car
line, for 20 to 40 acres eastern Nebraska
or western Iowa land suitable for a
chicken ranch.
160 acres Improved Frontier county farm.
wi acres cultivated; house, barn, poultry
house, windmill; all fenced, for Omaha
332 Board of Trade Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
10 ACRES In Cherokee county, Kansaa, to
exenange ror merchandise; four mllea
from Columbus, county seat town of
5.000. and In tha best fruit country of
Kansas; gray limestone soil; house of 6
rooms, cheap; stable, and other outbuild
ings; good well; 6 acres orchard; 20 acres
In meadow; 20 acres in pasture; balance
In cultivation; V mile to achool; on R. F.
D.. and phone in huuats all fenced. Price
$&8U. Box 754, Pawnee City, Neb.
(31-409 18
GOOD level quarter section south of Sidney
to trade for a good automobile. Address
Y-4J. care Bee. (3) M394 22x
Owner will trade $3,500 equity In an 8-room,
strictly modern 2-story hous?, with steain
heat, large barn, 63-ft. south front lot, with
plenty of shade and some fruit trees, for
small clear lm;rovrd farm, or vacant .acre
age near Omiha; no stents. Address,
Owner. Box 4uo. Benson, Neb. (3) fc3 18
A 13-ROCTM rooming house to trade for
house and lot. with some cash; full of
roomers; come and sre I his. 117 Howard
St. (3) M4t7 lfcx
786 ACHES near county seat in Banner
county. Neb.; splendid agricultural and
giasing land; unimproved. Price, $15 per
acre; morlg. $2,000, lung time at 6 per
250 acres 26 miles north of Council Bluffs;
best of valley land; good improvements;
one of the best producers In tha county :
prkre, $3.0C0. J. H. Adklns. R. 4. 1st
Nat. Bank Bldg., Council Bluffs. la.
(3 536 18X
WANTED Best trade I can make for $3 800
equity In first-class property on Farnam
Su Address K 116. dear Bee.
(3J-MM1 lx
Flour Mill to Exchange
Up-to-date flour mill, first-class condition,
both Kteem snd water power, located at
'Tekamah, Neb.: plenty good milling wheat
raised there; good custom trade; also b'g
demand for feed stuff; mill can be kept
running day and night and a very profit
able business done. Thin property will
be exchanged for land, city property or
merchandise; property is clear and a loan
can be obtained If desired.
National Investment Co.,
62 Hrandfla Bldg., Omaha.
(3) M478 19
6,000 ACRES of fine, clear land In the
Panhandle of Texas, to trade for Iowa or
Nebraska land clear or clear Income.
001-4 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Omahyt. (3)-M474 22
It would take Just three, columns to ad
vertise our entire list of new live ex
changes; so, If you have a home, farm.
Income property or land for sale or trade,
list It and we will show you how and
why we get quirk results; a liat of ex
changes will be mailed upon request.
Brandcls Bldg.
(3)-M283 18
MY 6-room cottage. Council Bluffs, price
$3,500 (mtg. $1,090); exchange for good
automobile In first claaa condition. Ad
dress S 339, care Bee. (3) M283 22
ELECTRIC light plant In city of over
6,000; fine and new; no better proposi
tion In northwest Mo. Price, $21.(Hj0. A
splendid paying proposition; would take
clear western lands. J. R. Adklns, R. 4,
1st Nat. Bank Bldg., Co. Bluffs, la.
(3)-637 18
WILL TAKE automobile aa part payment
for good Improved quarter of land; price,
$1,000; rents for cash. Address Box 30,
Brlstow, Neb. (3 M2S6 23x
FOR SAIJ5 or trade for land, new brick
building, new hardware and furniture. P.
C. Scliroeder, bertrand, Neb.
(3 M292 18x
TO GET IN or out of business call on
GANGESTAD, Room 403. Bea Bldg.
FOR SALE Best equipped meat market
In n. e. Neb.; good business; Investigate
quick. Address Y 36, care Bee.
(4) M6C0
ARE you Interested In a good, legitimate,
paying restaurant? Daily receipts $40 to
$50 per dav: good location. Very cheap.
416 Bee Bldg.
(4)-M475 18
FOR SALE General country store In Mis
souri, 10 miles from Kansaa City; clean
stock; will Invoice $2,800; no competition;
clearing $1,200 to $1,500 a year; building,
stock and fixtures, $3,500. Kelly ft Kelly,
Topeka, Kan. (4) M2X 20x.
1,000-ACRE coal field on Sioux City & Des
Moines new electric line. Excellent farm
land. Box 876, Grand Junction, la.
(4-M126 19x
PARTY has from $1,000 to $5,000 to Invest,
with services. In manufacturing or whole
sale business; good references. Address
O 337, care Bee. ' () M253 IHx
FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, stock and
tools; also two acres land, new 8-room
house, good outbuildings, with good fence;
located In good, rich German settlement;
reason for selling, on account of old age.
Address Andrew Johnson, Herman, Neb.,
R. F. D. No. 1. (4)-M174 18x
POOL HALL and cigar iitore; must sell at
once. Address E 311. care Bee.
(4) M175 18x
GROCERY store for sale. I have seven
or eight of them that will be sold cheap;
come and look over mv list.
WOULD like to hear of stock for sale In
any enterprise where an Investment of
several thousand dollars would be safe.
L. Derbyshire. Box 1810, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED Partner with $1,000 to $1,500 cash
to take H Interest In up-to-date real es
tate business In city; cash commissions
amounted to $6600 In March and $1,400 for
the first 15 days in April; must be a good
mixer and a hustler. Address G 330, B- e.
(4)-M203 18
WANTED To purchase half Interest In
going business. Manufacturing preferred.
Can invest $3,600 to $4,000 taking active
part. References. F. M. Woolsey. Akron,
O.. Oenl. Del. 4) M894 19x
REAL ESTATE. LOANS and Insurance
List your property with us for sale or
exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills
Realty Co.. 40,0 Hamilton St. 'Phones
Harney 3765; Ind.. B-1842. (4) 664
AN opening for a restaurant man In a
dopartment store. Addresa T. I. Stoner,
Des Moines, la. (4) M178 18
FOR SALE A good paying business at
Caaper, Wyo. It's a snap for one with
not less than $2,000 in cash. Addreas Y
87, care Beei (4) M179 18
700 WILL BUY a store and living moms
attached In one of the best locatlona In
Omaha; doing good business. Nowata
Ind and Lot Co., Suite 624, N. Y- Life
Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Red 1SI99.
Open evenings. (4) M256 20
FOR SALE Account of sickness, Imple
ment business. Address Lock Box 1,
Fairmont. Neb. (4)-M235 Six
WANTED Information regarding a good
patent which' would be a money makei.
Only Inventor who wishes to sell outright
or on royalty basis, need answer. Give
price and brief description. S. M., Box
84 E, Rochester. N. Y. (4)
For a big winner If you have the above
and $1,000 when needed, for the gTOwth of
one of the best manufacturing plants In
Omaha; with goods and machines for
your money aa security; an experienced
partner Is also ready to put up one-third
of above rash if desired. Investigate. Ad
dress A 341. Bee. (4 M258 19x
SMALL grocery 1ft sale cheap, good loca
tion ana cneap rent, oniy sit a montn ror
store and 4 living rooms. Address H 8.11,
Bee. (4)-2P9 18x
FOR SALE Lunch counter and restaurant
with rooms In connection; will sell cheap
for what It is worth; In a good town, well
located and doing a good business. Ad
dress Orvllle Bishop, Horton, Kansas.
(41297 18x
I HAVE on my list ubout ten good room
ing houses for sale, ranging in price from
$2u0 to $1,500; would like to show you
some of them.
TH 18 IS WHAT YOU WANT One of the
best livery barns and stocks In Pawnee
county to sell, doing good business, only
one in town n w ana nas s-ooa commer
cial trade; will sell cheap. Box 751, Paw
nee City, Neb. (4) 410 18
MINES The Mohlcnn mine pfrers splen
with owner. Give price and full deserlp
tlon. Address L. D., Box 984 H, Roches
ter, N. Y. (4
Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, gas
J i .. n a , .. l. r. H hnnJ i.aiiA. .,1.1
direct to Investors; commission "bfmli.
Kamuei lr nm vu., ikikiiii nnmrn, w
Sacrament St., Montreal, Canada.
(41-M391 18x
WANTED Man of bustneas ability and In
tegrity to manage Nebraaka branch of
profitable light manufacturing; few hun
dred dollars and r-'ferences required. Ad
dress Msnager, 738 San Pedro St., Los
Angeles, Cal. (41-311 lSx
SUCCESS almost certain selling merchan
dise by mall; make several thousand dol
lars annually: new plan; we furnlrh ev
erything: 15 to $100 necessary. J. A P.
Lackey, .'$J LaSalle, Chicago.
(41-M400 Ix
A COPY of Mining Gossip keeps you
in touch with developments. Six months
subscription 60c. Sample free. Address 1324
Broadway. New York City. (4-J lSx
STOCK, bond offering, mining electric, In
dustrial or railway company wanted for
sale; commission basis. Addreas full par
ticulars. Clientele. P. O. Box low. New
York. 4,-J04 18x
merchandise: 8. l , $4.5on; Neb., half
with manaarmant. $; $t.noo; Iowa,
$R.nno. lmplcmenta: Iowa, $5.ono; $7.onr..
Hardware: Neb.. $:.nri; with building,
H3.W0; $!Tnnn: Rosebud country. $.&" Tele
phone aystrm. Neb.. $6,500. Also have ex
changes. Ijinds, farms, town and inennv
property. Write Interstate Exchange,
Modale, la. (41-416 18x
We have a number of excellent opportuni
ties to enter Into business on small, medium
cr large Investments.
We offer the following propositions:
Hotels, rooming houses, bakery, hlHcksmith
shop with tools, lumber yard, planing mill,
grain elevators, flour mills, livery barn
outfit, 'complete; drug, shoe, hardware, In
dies' garments and genernl merchandise
stocks. If you are Interested write to
674 Brandeis Bldg.
(41412 18
I A ROE and well known manufacturing
concern, established over 26 years, has a
few positions In near by states for resi
dent representatives to distribute and
1 at die a rapidly Felling product; a sal
aried, permanent position, with liberal
share of the : profits. Kormer experience
hot a requirement. Exceptional oppor
tunity for a man to establish himself
permanently In a money making business;
goods handled are a necessity, not a
luxury. In order to secure capable men applicants will be considered who
have small capital and responsibility. In
vestigate this at once, as the positions are
limited In number. Address The W. C.
Co.. 1101-153 1 Salle St., Chicago.
(41414 18x
MOVING picture theaters make fortunes.
You see It every day. If you would like
to reap some of the profits being made In
this great industry, send today for our
booklet, "A Gold Mine at Home." Ad
dreas Ajnerlcan Moving Picture Theaters
Oo., 93 R, Old South Bldg.. Boston, Mass.
(,4)-301 lx
INVEST In British Columbia Gold mines.
The Michigan mine offers splendid invest
ment opportunities. Small Investors should
acquire stock In this mine. Descriptive
prospectus and letter rn request. Write,
C. M. Oliver, Vancouver, B. C.
(4) S06 18x
DOLLARS FOR TOU Write for particu
lars of our new Mall Order proposition.
Colonial Supply Co., Central Falls. R. I.
WANTED Reliable man with $1,000 to open
and manage branch office of our busi
ness In each city of 10,000 population or
over; must be able to appoint and man-
' nge subagents: only first-class party cap
able of earning a salary of $150 per month
and expenses and $3,000 to $5,000 per year
in commissions on business done through
his agents, need apply; we are reliable
manufacturers, making a line of fast
selling staple goods. Dont answer unless
you think you can qualify. J. F. Law
rence, Sec'y, 302 W. Lake St.. Chicago.
(4) M404 18x
LARGE manufacturing firm selling their
products over the entire United States
want reliable men to manage branches In
cltlee of 6,000 and over. To suoh men aa can
qualify and .have $100 up to invest, we will
tart you In a permanent business. Earn
ings limited only by your efforts. Address
Sales Manager, Drawer E, Kenton. Ohio.
(4 309 lBx
RARE OPPORTUNITY In established In
vestment business. Want active young
man ready to learn, or older wishing a
silent inteieat; must be able to invest
$12,0(4) to $15,000. Business began with less
than $900 11 years ago; has grown by
mere accumulation (and good manage
ment) to over $55,000 net. Not open to
everyone who has the money, but ref
erences are required and bank references
given. All communications In strict con
fidence. Address F 296, Bee.
(4) M486 18
FOR SALE Part furnishings and lease of
35-room hotel, modern, doing capacity
business: price is reasonable; best reason
for selling. Address M 335, care Bee.
(41-398 18x
I WILL assist good man to buy Demos
Bros, confectionery store and restaurant
at Grand Island. Opportunity of a lifer
time. Frank Crawford, Ware Blk.,
Omaha. (4) M462 20x
INFORMATION wanted from inventor
who haa patent for sale which would be
money maker, If properly placed upon,
the market. Wish to hear from inventor
only who will sell direct tr buyer without
paying any commission. Please give low
est spot cash price, or terms on royalty
basis. No agents need answer. Give
brief description and price. Don't send
blue prints or drawings. Address. I. A:
Lfcsher, 47 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111.
' (4) 437 18x
CIGAR stores, five of them, for sale cheap,
from $300 to $1,000; every one a bargain.
60 IMPROVED 1909 Model Hllo Peanut
Vending machines, will earn $45 weekly
and not Interfere with your work; S2.B40
yearly profit on $500 investment. Beware
of unscrupulous Imitators. Hilo Gum
Co., (Inc.), 127 Market St., Chicago.
(4) 415 18x
A NEW LAW In Delaware; charters 10c a
$1,000; return mall; our fee small; every
thing furnished; stock guaranteed with
government bonds collateral and sold on
commission; beware of imitators with no
testimonials. Lawyers' Title and Trust
Co., Wilmington, Del. ID-
NEW AUTHORS Do you wish to become
known? We are offering a splendid
proposition for meritorious long or short
MS8. Aberdeen Publishing Co., 225 5th
Ave., New York. (41413 18x
FOR 8AIJC By owner, best payln&T black
smith shop In business district, tools and
supplies Included: business laat year $6,500.
A bargain If taken at once. Address G
813. care Bee. (4) 41 19
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of Inventions wanted, free to any addresa
Petents secured by us advertised free
In World's Progress; sample copy free.
Evans, Wilkens & Co., 688 F St.. Wash
ington. D C.
FOR RENT A brick store room; good lo
cation. Address 308 Chestnut St., Atlantic,
a (41 M388 18x -
WOULD like to hear from anyone who has
a good investment proposition to offer
where a few thousand dollars could be
profitably Invested in mining enterprises
or Industr'al propoaitlon. No saloons con
sidered. Gvle brief details and price of any
good stock. Wish to hear from parties
who will sell only to buyer, where no
aaent'e commission Is added to the price
of stock. Address I. A. Lesher. 49 West
Monroe St., Chicago. 111. (4) M389 18x
MONUMENT business In Omaha, ftrst-ctasn
stock, well established, o settle estate
Mrs. Mary A. Novak. 1413-15 8. 13th St.
Omaha. (41-312 lSx
wNTET Parttea to make a personal In
vestlgatlon and to become 'interested with
Biilerlbers In development of mines. For
particulars address C. H. Field Co.,
Hope. Idaho. ti aw mx
AGENTS WANTED Best imitation dia
mond known to science: one carat sise.
eert postpaid on receipt of $1 50. Diamond
Brilliant Co.,' P. O. box 634, 1 incnln. Neb.
(91 M399 18x
AVANTED Nebraska ranch pr Iowa farm
in exchange for a rood 91III or elevator
property. Address Y-40, rare Bee.
' t4)-300 18
MONEY Do you need it. We can furnish
capital for anv meritorious enterprise.
Stock and bond Issues sold on commis
sion basis. Metropolitan Investment o.,
131 La Salle St.. Chicago. (4 (-303 18x
WILL establish factory under your name
for $36 and slip you $100 In roods. Atwell
MfX. Co., Independence, Mo.
(41-305 18x
$100 ESTA PUSHES lerltlmate mercantile
agency for patented necessity, g.iod
profits, exclusive territory and sample
stock of merchandise to start with. Ad
Dress "A. E C." care Room WI. No. 108
Fulton St.. New York. (4--8 18x
roil BA E. cheap. If taken In next fifteen
davs. fortv-r"om hotel at Alliance. Neb.
Address W. D. Rumer, Alliance. Neh.
DR. ROT. 1506 Farnam St.. Douglas 6497.
tt8 May6
MAMIE WRIGHT, 106H 8. 16th. Doug. $03.
169 Mays
Sea Monhelt for chiropody. 1411 Far. D. 2333.
118 May U
18. 1900.
BA1LET A MACK. M floor Paxton. D. 105.
Dr. H. Gsantner, 16th and Howard. D. fWV.
-71 A30
DR. FICKES. Farnam St. at 16th.
He s a good dentist"
(6) 421 May
TAFT'S Dental rooms. 1R17 Dmig'aa 8t.
M424 May 7
McDowell Dressmaking school, 162$ Farnam.
DREP9 pleating; buttons covered, all sizes
and styles. The Ideal Pleating Co., 200
Douglas Blk. Both 'phones. ' 213
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Dou424
F1R8T-CLAS8 work, satisfaction guaran
teed. 3011 North 20th. Tel. Webster 2M6.
562 18x
TIT t7RVCoHege of Dressmaking, 20th
AjUtvland Farnam Sts. -M275 A27
Mlrses Wcldlcr, drissmaklnff In families;.
Webster I155. 417 Mny1x
For complete training In all commercial
branches. Including bookkeeping, short
hand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil serv
ice, -wllway mall and all government grade
siibjeo. Handsome catalogue furnished
free upon request. Address H. B. Boyles,
president. Omaha, Neb. Both 'phones.
(Educ) 671
In the
(19th and Farnam.)
Full mercantile courses; more calls for
bookkeepers, stenographers and telegraph
operators than we can supply. A position
awaits you. Open all summer. Every day
enrollment day. Catalogue free.
M2S8 Mayl
Omaha Det. Agcy, 428 Paxton Blk. D 1319.
868 Mayl x
A Million
or more well groomed, youthful
appearing women owe their "facial
freshness to
Sempre Giovine
There's not a harmful grain In '
an ounce cf it. We will prove It
with a personal demonstration.
Liberal sized brick at 60 cents.
Mme. Frayer s
Adelight Hair Food
Is another peerless adjunct to a
woman's dresser. It nourishes, tonics
and brings back the hair to lta
natural celor, but It Is not a dye,
most dyes being poison.
Adelight Facial Specialties
18th and Farnam St.
Doug. 3707.
E. F. W. 418 18
DeMars $3 lemulo douche, the most per
fect ladles' syringe, this week with 7tc box
of Mars' antiseptic powder only $2.25.
Ifith and Farnain.
TIAMAfAXrn Baths, 107 Seutn 14tn
iIijyiUXU.i eu Douglas a15. open
day and night. Lady and gent attendant.
M10 A22
MRS. H. M. EtlC. 1760 Leavenworth; we
make switches and pomps from combings,
also a new Una of hair goods. Doug. bun.
M551 A 18
OMAHA Mirror Art Glass Co., Mfra.
of leaded art glass, beveled plate glass in
lead or metal saiih. Mirrors of ail kinds.
Reallverlng and framing. 1207 Farnam Sc.,
M193 Mayi
M. E. NEPINSKY 2nKl0ck.
-M641 AiO
T TR FT? A TT Art In Ladies' Tailoring.
LjI&CjIXA 1 1 413 Karbach Blk. 'Phone:
Doug. 1144, A2622. M7&3 M10
fJflTHARn Jrst class dressmaking.
UUJ.XJ-aXiL 1M6 Lavenworth. A-352.
-M310 M4
CHINA decorating, realistic; ordat work a
specialty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday. Firing dally. Leather craft,
stains, leather and designs. Mrs. C- C.
Hungate, 894 Bracdela Bldg.. Tel Red.
6486. Sal
T-IOSPP. Pictures and frames, China
iivoi '-'Painting Materials. Pyrograr
and wood to burn, Victor Talking Machines
and Records, Reglna Muslo Boxes and Mu
sical Goods. 1523 Douglaa. M640 A 20
WE BUY gold and silver for our busy
shops. T. L. Combs & Co.. 15J0 Douglas.
M967 Ail
IF YOUR watch doesn't run try Edholm's
repair department. lOth and Harney.
-M171 A2S
CLEANING and dyeing, biggest and beat,
only one office. 1513 Jones St.
M978 M13
Schadell, UT1 Douglaa. M977 M13
DK. MILLER'S regulator for women, cures
obstinate caaes. 'Phone Doug. 63C7.
-MUSI 30x
LEANING, dyeing, pressing, repairing.
- HM S. 10th St. J. H. Boonstra. Doug. 4367.
M138 May 14
LET us shampoo your hair every month;
wa uae warm air to dry the hair; we use
the latest method known to science in our
scalp and face massuge. F. M. S tiad.-ll,
15:2 Douglas. M976 M13
MME. FRAYER 8 Adelight specialties,
sell'ng Marietta Stanley Co.'s goods, for
salr at Megeath Stationery, 1421 Farnam.
Office 18th and Farnam, flat 6. Doug. 3707.
M976 M13
LADIES' apparel beautifully dry cleaned,
"The French Way." 1908 Farnam. Doug.
4K 2; A-21-6. M974 M13
HA IRDRESSINO, massage, etc. If clean,
sinitary methods appeal to you try Mrs.
Waterbury, 320 Neville Blk., Douglas 6347.
-M124 A.H .
317 SOUTH 16TH ST.
-M5M Alt
Is a necessity in every home. Write for
free book. H. K. HarUnan, 61f Bee Bldg.
Tel. Doug. $472. Ct)-A14
O'CONNOR 4V EMBLEM are snowing hand
some spring millinery In their new room.
10. 21 Continental Slit., Utu flu entrance.
c-a a 1 a
wr RENT repair, sell needles and parts
Vr,. n sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle
Co . ISth and Harney Sts. M97$ MI8
f ri pETS. rugs. etc.. cleaned. Ideal Air
I lenninn uo-i tn.11
ART NOVELTY SHOP China and water
colors. 650 Rsmge Bldg. -9S0 A3
LEARN halrdresslng course, $15. Arplf K.
J. McCarthy. Brandeis Stores. 211 A2S
616 8. 16th St., is the man to mske your
PHOTOS. Price rlght M788 A20
HAIR GOODS, switches, $1.50; puffa, 15o.
from combings. Mrs. 8. Matthews, R. 33$
Neville Blk., 16th and Harney, formerly
2126 Sherman Ave. Doug. 6J63.
1I83S May 1
Fura stored. 1417 Far
nam. Douglaa 6446.
117 May IS
UMRR ELLAS recovered and repaired;
supplies. Western Umbrella Co., 1822 Far
nam. Red 7478. M289 Mayl7
MANICURING JRc; expert work guaran
teed. Evenlrg or Sundav bv appoint
ment. Room 10, Davldge tdcok, ISth and
Farnam. ("M529 18x
SHADE trees, small fruits, shrubs. F. R.
Martin, 18th and Douglaa. 11. D. 1068
S64 Mayt
Smith. $108 Corby St. Teu Webster 2465.
(16)-80 A31X
A. HOOGE, FLORIST, 3513 S. Jnth Ave..
'Phone Douglas 4866. Price right.
-M899 MJ
J. R. RICE, nurseryman. Council Bluffs, la.
-453 May7
plete line of nursery stock, home grown;
grounds, 16th and Harney. Red 6750. 418
FOR EVERGREENS and trees that live.
Bee Charles Allen, 34th and Farnam Sis.
M339 May 5
TREES, shrubs, roses. Hurl Dell Nur
sery, 24th and Plnkney. 'Phone Webster
4976. -363M5
FOR QUALITY, quantity, grade, variety
and special prices see us first. Benson
Omaha Nursery, Halcyon Ave. and Rlgg
St., Benson. Bell 'phtne, Benson 634.
-M898 May4
SEEDING apricots and plum trees, Wc ani
15c each, and other flowering shrubs.
'Phone Benson 235. Ed Williams, Benson,
Neb. M499 20
HENDERSON'S For the freshest cut
flowers. Dally from our own hothouses.
Telephone Douglas 12681519 Farnam
street. -M556 M9
NOW Is the time for planting peonies,
clementlea, hydranges, lilacs, snowballs,
FLORAL DESIGNS We ship every day
In the year to the best of satisfaction;
they are made right and packed right.
CUT FLOWERS are now good und pleiUU
ful at moderate prices.
1416 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1501.
TtR AN.YTCTS out flower dept
13XVA117Xj10 SOUXH SIDE new
store; the finest place In the city to buy
your cut flowers and floral designs. Boxed
and delivered to any part of the city.
(Flor.l M964 M13
CHA8. EDERER, 80th and Bristol Sts.,
shrubbery, hardy plants, fern baskets,
bedding plants snd designs, fresh cut
flowers dally. Tel. 1795.
(Flor) M545 May 9
J. H. BATH. 12S Hamey. TeL Doug. Sono.
. . . 673
Ageats and Salesladies.
SIX bright, energetic ladles to travel,
solicit orders and sell dealers. Experience
not necessary. Permanent positions. Call
or addreas Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10
Harney St., Omaha. 7l
LADIES Every locality; agency for Wo
tonco remedies: woman's wonderful home
treatment; best proposition; get first
choice; write quick. Harris Medicine Co.,
Sioux City, la. (7)-314 lSx
Clerical and Office.
STENOGRAPHER and invoice clerk, $50.
Bookkeeper and stenographer, $30-$60.
Stenographer (Oliver). $35-$40.
B:xperlenced hair dresser, :?5-$40.
Ethnographer, experienced, $00-$ii0.
REMEMBER, If you are an experienced
stenographer, we can place you without
delav. Call or write.
676-77 Brandeis Bldg.
(7) M4K9 18
WE can place a few good stenographers
and solicitors. Call at once.
(7) Sto02 18
Factory ana Trsfln.
WANTED Hair dresser. Call at F. M.
Schadell, 15J2 Douglas. (7) 419 18
WANTED Lady to learn manicuring, who
ran give four hours a day when pro
ficient. Call Doug. 3445. (7) M5JS lSx
Hutel and Restaurant.
WANTED Girl or middle aged woman for
hotel. Address. J. R. Baker, Commercial
Hotel, Mllligan, Neb. (7) MS92 19x
WANTED Pastry cook, city, $40; 5 cooks
west and east, $35-850; need all kinds of
women help for hotels, restaurants, In
stitutions and private houses, etc., top
115 N. 15th St.
(71-M061 18x
Iloneekeepers and Domestic.
WANTED Competent nurse girl TC Prk
Ave. (7) Si
WANTED Cook. S416 Dewey Ave. Harney
1727. (7) S63
WANTED Girl to cook and do general
hoaework; small family; no washing.
Call 2102 Douglaa St. (1) Mif9 21
GIRL to assist with housework, good
wages. 24Mi Cas St. (7) 406
WANTED A young girl to assist with
housework. Tel. Harney 713. 4D06 Web
ster St. . (7)-M181 18
WANTED Competent cook, test wages.
Mrs. Wm. Stull, 24 Howard St.
GIRL for general housework; small famiy.
1117 So. 30lh Ave. (7) M-01
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
family of two; reference required. Mr.
U. iC. Haverstick, 1J4 8. 38th St.
A COMPETENT girl for general ho'ise
work In family of three. 4.S N. 31st fit.
(71212 l?x
WANTED Girl for general housework.
1S19 Davenport St. (7)-M251 litx
WANTED Competent maid for second
work. 3510 Farnam St. t7) MZ3 ,
COMPETENT laundress for Mondays. 3M0
Farnam St. (7) M240
WANTED Girl for housework; no wash
ing; no cooking. 139 S. Slst.
(7)-26 19x
WANTED Young girl to help do light
housework; small family; permanent
place. 2311 Howard. 'Phone A-2459.
WANTED Nurse maid; references re
quired. 2219 St. Mary' Ave.
(7)-M273 20
GOOD girl for general housework: family
of three. Mrs. W. 8. Williams. 1005 Geor
gla Ave. Tel. Harney 3547. (7 M380 18
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. Mr. B Thorp, $316 Burt St.
C7-M&U l&x
Housekeepers and Domestic te at d,
WANTED Olrl for general housework : rw
washing: good wages; and home; this I art
attractive offt-r; two girls have remained ;
seven and rlxht years each, 'Phone Har- '
noy 36X. Address 1050 8. 32d St.
(7-M3S3 Ux ,
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
anisll family, small house. 481a Under
wood Ave. Tel. Harney 210.
(7) 4 J
GIRL wanted, general housework, mU
family, no wanning. Addreas B 842, He
WANTED Good cook, small family. Ap
ply 1130 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 9M.
(7) M636 SO
HOUSFjKREPER to cook two meal a days
family of one. 'Phone Harney ISO. Potter
flats, No. 7. 33d and Farnum.
(D-M54! 20
ANT Intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers; ex-
fertence unnecessary. Send for parttcu
ars. Presa Syndicate, Lock port N. Y.
W A NTETV-I-adle with ability and taet;
legitimate and novel plan, profitable em
ployment spare time; no canvassing. Pio
neer, I Madleon Ave.. New York.
(7) 818 1x
Agents, Solicitor and Salesmen.
SIDE LINE Best; no samples; plenty
money. Give permanent addres. Box 661,
Omaha. (J-74
WANTED Omaha and Nebraska agents;
up-to-date personal accident and health
policies. Including monthly payment;
work direct with tha home office; un
equalled service; best commission for
new business and renewals; call or write.
National Fidelity & Casualty Company,
Merchants National Bank Bldg., Omaha. .
(9) M139 21 ;
SALESMAN Side line; Celery Rye whis
key to consumers; sample and case free:
weighs only 20 ox.; special Inducements to
right man; reference; Golden Gate Co.,
Baltimore, Md. (9)-Mi41 19
THE Kemper Thomas company, Cincin
nati, O., want traveling men for adver
tising fan as side lino; quick money;
$25 to $(i0 per week. Exclusive designs;
selling season now on. Apply Fan De
partment. (9)-337 18x
Write for list of 44 special offers on
which liberal cash commission Is puld.
Address Desk 4i. Scrlbner'a Magaslne, 165,
Fifth Ave., New York City.
(9)-339 18x
SALESMEN make 500 per cent profit sell-'
Ing our gold window letters, novelty .
signs, and changeable signs. 800 varieties,
enormous demand. Catalogue free. Sul
livan Co., 4u6 W. Van Buren St., Chi
cago. 111. (9)-331 18x
WANTED Cigar traveling salesman In,
your territory; $100 a month and expenses.
Experience not necessary. Northern ,
Cigar Co., Detroit, Mich. 0)-332 18x
WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sells on sight,
for $1. Particulurs, Glslia Co.. Anderson,
Ind. (9)-333 18x
SIX weeks Instruction In salesmanship and
position as traveling salesman with a
reliable firm secured. Write for our
book, "How to Succeed as a Salesman."
Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y.
(9) 334 18x ,
AGENTS Free catalogue.. Write today;
150 per cent profit. Every home buys and
must, have our goods. No end to sale.,
U. S. Mop Co., &07 Main, Lelpslc, O. 3
(9)-S35 18x j.
AGENTS Reap a harvest selling our pat-,
ented Individual Drip Coffee Makers for
$Bc and make half; sells to everyone at
sight; no competition; write for full par
ticulars. Blanke's Coffee Pot Depart-;
ment 2, St. Louis. Mo. (9)-356 18x j
SALESMEN to handle $1,000 accident pol
icy; pays $1,000 death and $0 weekly ben-,
efit for $1 yearly; easy seller; big com
mission. North American Registration -Co..
Newark, N. J. (9 355 18x
MONEY Easy money; Peerless Egg Sep
arator; Instantly separates white from
yolk; price 10 its.; Illustrated catalogue
free. Stanley Supply Co., S to B, Lin-'
coin. Neb. t9) 352 lx '
SALESMEN Experienced In any line to,
sell general trade In Neb.; an unexcelled
specialty proposition; commission with'
$35 weekly advance for expenses. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O.
(9)-351 18x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Neb. with
staple line, high commissions, with $100
motnhly advance; permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
Alich. (91-M360 lhx
AGENTS make from $3 to $10 daily selling
leather suapenders; won't pull off buttons;
fast selling article; belts and leather
novelties. Samploa furnished. Addriss
Cincinnati Leather Suspender and Utit
Co., Station B-1J, Cincinnati. O.
(9J 321 18x
AGENTS Invention, never before sold by
agents; quick-shift, anti-rattler; venlild
nwnt-ra wild over it; samples free. Na
tional Mfg. Co., Slst St., Dayton, O.
(9)-3-'2 18x
SALESMEN earn big wages sellng orna-.
mental stock. Commerce now. Permanent,
position. Write immediately. Her rick
Seed Co., Rochester, N. Y. (9) 3J3 Uix !
EVERYBODY wants then). Men or ladles)
for agents. Samples free. Make good runi-j
mission. Useful Article Co., 2:i50 Albion,
St.. St. Louis, Mo., (9(-t-324 18x
WE HAVE several speclaltle that are
fast sellers. They are needed In every
home. Samples free. J. E. Julian Co., .
Lock Box 19, Hutchinson, Kan.
(9-32 18x i-
TRAVELING salesman wanted. To estab
lish agencies for wholesale . tailoring
house. State past experiences. Schoen
brun A Co., 135 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago.-
()-27 18x
SALESMAN (specialty) at once, to sell,
new high grade, legitimate proposition to'
retail merchants; we pay high commls-T
slons and advance expense weekly; good'
territory open; state age. experience and
reference. Addreas Y-39. care Bee. ,
(91328 lax (,
WANTED Salesmen for the most com
plete line of post cards and novelties.
Liberal commission and prompt pay.
Largest house In west. Arthur Capper,
Topeka, Kan. (HI-
PICTURE agents look! Pearl Inlaid por
trait medallions. Family, Masonic, Elks,
etc. Big money. Live agents wanted
everywhere. Herzfelder Mfg. Co.. 106
Water St., Dept. 58, New York City.
(9) 18x
EVERYBODY wants them. Make $8 a day
Kasv. fast sellers. Samples free. The
Central Supply Co., Shelbyvllle. Tenn.
(9)-3?5 lSx :
WANTED Man to (ravel In NehrHSka.
Start now. Experience unnecessary. Good
nay and tailor made suit free In M days.
Write for particulars. J. E. Mcltrady A
Co.. Chicago. (91-330 18x
WANTED M Ive. active sales.-nun to repre
sent manufactures; one who can handle
Jobbing and retail trade in Omaha, with;
a lln of goods that sell. Good money for
s good num. Foils-Baker Manufacturing
Company, Minneapolis, Minn. ?
(91-438 18x I
SALESMEN -Let me send you 500 best1
commission offer: all retailers. Profit-i
able. Iowa City,
(9)-4J6 18x I
AGENTS Wonderfii new Invention; tre
mendous seller; $10 a day sure; every
housewife buys; terrltoiy going fast:
be first: act quick. Hliker. 871 Grand 1
Ave.. Chicago. (9) 431 lax
AOENT8 For sweet tones Lombard
p'.ania; experience unnei ej sary ; no ex-,
pens for freights, rents, etc. Our plan
save ttila. I.arse rroflt for leisure
hours. Galeshurg Piano Company, 8
Cherry St.. Galeshurg.. III. (9) 430 18 x
AGENTS coin money with our new- way of
selling post cards; new scheme; big
money; no experience or talking required 1
Write us for our big proposition. J. Gers
Ur' Supply Houm, .Koc heater, N. Y.