Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Nebraska f
:l !
14 '
W. L. Cunningham of St Louis Seeks
Contract for Their Labor.
State Hoard Thinks Berlmlr of
ProiHMttloW that Will Net
Slat? Oat a Dtr a
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LIKCOE.N. April 17. (Special.) W. L.
Cunningham of BU Louis Is anxious to em
ploy the prisoner li. the state penitentiary
in a tailor shcp. Mr. Cunningham called
on the members i f the Stste Board of
Public La.uls nml Buildings this afternoon
and proposed to employ every prisoner who
is abl. to work In the manutacture or
clothing for laborers.
Should f'-i board agree to his proposi
tion Mr. Cunnlng'.iam aald he would In
stall about $ISX worth of machinery and
ret busy at oiicfc. He told the board It
would cost the state less than the broom
factory costs In the matter of heat and
L'nder the contract with the Lee Broom-
company the board cannot let all the prla
oners to the pioposed contractor, but it la
the opinion of the board Mr. Cunningham
trill be willing to use a portion of the men,
ibout 123, for the present. The Lee con
tract calls for not more, than 250 men.
When It first began to dicker with the
St. Louis man the board was under the
Impression It could terminate the Lee con
tract on six months' notice, but upon ex
amination It discovered that the contract
could be terminated after six months
notice provided tne state used the con
vlcts. This was put in the contract with
the expectation that the legislature might
take some steps to put In a twine factory
or other manufacturing plant to be run
by the state.
It Is expected. If a contract is made with
the St. Louis man that It wilt net the state
about 60 cents a convict a day.' Mr. Cun
ningham is anxious for a long-time con
tract and will meet with the board again
Under the law the governor makes the
contract and It la approved by the board
and action today .was delayed because the
governor could not meet with the board.
Should a contract be made with Mr.
Cunningham the use of the convicts In
raising sugar beets would not materialise,
which would be very pleasing to the war
den and to members of the state board.
Mr. Cunningham told the board if he
' were permitted to use the six female con
victs ha could furnish the state Institutions
with socks and stockings at 46 cents a
doxen pairs.
Mrs. Shallenbera-er Heoogalsed.
Mrs. Bhallenberger is coming In for some
A committee was authorised to select
twenty-five choice books to be recom
mended by the Reading Circle board for
school libraries for the year 190&-1O.
Arrangements were made for tha publica
tion of the reading circle bulletin In suffi
cient quantity to supply each teacher in
the state with a copy. This bulletin will
also contain tha provisions of tha law and
tha principal regulations governing the
Issuance of teachers' certificates in Ne
Framptoi Mad Chairman.
W. C. Frampton was this afternoon
elected chairman of the republican city
committee to conduct the campaign. With
the candidates, Mr. Frampton will select
the committee.
Land Crooks Do
Big Business
Forged Deeds and Inquiries Arriving
Every Day at Kearney Reg-,
ister'i Office.
X EAR NET, Neb., April 17. (Bpeclal.)-
A letter received by Register of Deeds
Wheelock of Buffs lo county, Friday, Indi
cates a syndicate of land crooks Is oper
ating around Columbus, O. This letter
contained another spurious deed and ab
stract for a section of land that Is not
even located In this county.
V. P. Churches, also of Columbus, O., is
I. M. Raymond
Drops Dead in
Lincoln Hotel
Leading Business Man of Capital City
and State Expires Suddenly
After Short Walk.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
UNCOLN, April 17. (Special.) I. M.
Raymond, one of the most prominent clt
Isens of Lincoln, dropped dead In the Lin
coln hotel about 4:90 thla afternoon. Mr,
Raymond left hie office on West O street
snd walked to the Lincoln, and shortly
after entering the lobby of the hotel
where he was living collapsed'. John
Marshall and others went to his assist
ance, but life was extinct. Mr. Raymond
lived at the Lincoln. ,
Mr. Raymond was about 60 years of age
nnd was a pioneer resident of this city.
He founded a .large wholesale grocery
house, with which he was Identified at
the time of his death. He was born in
For years he had been a leader in the
social, bualness and- flnancialy affairs of
the city and was at one time a member
of the legislature. He was prominently
identified with the republican party;
Mr. Raymond leaves a widow, three sons
and a daughter. A brother, A. S. Ray
mond, lives In Lincoln, and another
Is prominently connected with
N. T.
tha purchaser in this Instance and the brother
documents are even coarser than those re- Union college at Schenectady
celved here a few riava nn from R Rprra
Of the nm lt TV. ..m. fl,.lltnil I n.rrrjur. "r
notaries- nam., a.... n M. n. .. an- WATERLOO, Neb.. April 17. (Special.)
peared on the previous one and the deed The '"rveyors on the chalnage work
describes the land as being In Buffalo on Klkhorn valley are making good
county and as a matter of fact it would Psres. having completed oyer ruUf
inn wurK in me imu wewu biuco his
be near Hershey, Neb., In Lincoln county.
A volume of Inquiries have been pouring
Into Mr. Wheelock s office asking about
tha nature of different pieces of land In
this county. All are from the vicinity of
Columbus. Chsrles Terrell of DeGroff, O.,
started. There have been a dozen men
at work, divided into three gangs, with
Messrs. Nelson, Towl and Tracy as instrument-
men. One gang has taken the
levels on the east side of the river from
the Washington county line almost to the
states that he has traded for the same outh ,,ne of thl(l county and will corn
section ,of land that was deeded to B. Scrra pIe.te the worK to the mouth of the river
and wants to know If It Is mountainous or in Hamv countv bv the end of next
table land and whether coal beds or oil wek. Another gang has been running
wells exist thereon. John W. Moore of lines for the ditches on the west, be
Cynthlana, Ky., has bought a bogus deed tween the two rivers, and the other gang.
for section 16-12-28, described as being in with Fred Towl In charge, haa been
this county, but aa per section number It working along the river on the west side
would be near Maxwell, Lincoln county. of the Elkhorn river. Bert Tracy, who
Mr. Wheelock has returned the docu- was in charge of the gang running the
ments to the senders, advising them that lines east of the river, has been sue
Buffalo county land la not for sale throuah ceeded by Mr. Klnkald. Harry Nelson
any "sight unseen
Is In charge of the ditch work.
Stolen Mail Sack Recovered
AUBURN, Neb.. April IV. (Special.)
Yesterday evening some children playing
near the place called the waste dump, In
the north part of town, found a mall sack
full of mall. It had been cut open and
GUIDE ROCK. Neb.. April 17.-(Special. I of wWch had openedi and ,.
fact evidently convinced
Rafaa rrovrell. Accidentally Shot hr
Brother. Dies Near Galde
of the praise the governor received for -uf us Crowell. who was accidentally shot h th.V L n them
signing the S o'clock closing law. Today by his brother. Waldo Crowell. Sundir. ! .
she received a gold pin with the lnscrlp- Aprn 4. while hunting ducks, died at the tnem that it WM not ordlnary w.t, and
tlon, 8 p. m. engraved In a monogram, family home southwest of Oulde Rock th(.n run alarmed across the street to a
Written on a card was the following: "This Thursday evening. The funeral will be con- neighbor and Informed her of the find.
Jltlle souvenir represents the sentiment of ducted by Rev. O. W. Pool at the home On examination It was found to be the
four-fifths of northwest Nebraska. No Sunday afternoon at t o'clock and burial mttl sack that was stole from the depot
higher honor can come Vto the governor of will be at the Guide . Rock cemetery. He last September. It was the sack con-
thr state. The note was signed 'T. M. leaves a wife and six small children, father, talnlng the Omaha and Kansas City mall.
waicou., mother and several brothers and sisters. which comes down on the plug and lays
Halaton Case Tat Over. . over here until the night train. Invest!-
The hearing of the Ralston rate case be- . Badly Bitten by Monkey. gation Is being made. Night before last
foro the State Railway commission has HUM BO LPT, Neb.. April 17. (Special.)- a sack containing the same mall was
been postponed until April 27. This post- M"Ur Perr'. the 4-year-old son of Riley stolen fra mtha depot here and this last
ponement was due to the illness of Colonel O'Keeffee. . U laid up at his noma In this find may throw some light on this lest
C. R. Knena. whnne repent break into the " 'ul1 interesting ar.a thett.
lime light as a colonel on the staff of the aa"erou Ir'tnc
w .... He was at the Palmer-Wheelock store,
" lw ' where his father works, and while all the
' employes were giving their attention else-
iKinmi utiore i;ommisaion.
Cattle Thlcrea Busy
VALENTINE. Neb., April 17. (Special.)
I A ranchman named Deal, living a few
where he jttemDted to make the annualnt. I miles Cflt Of hCF, h&d 8lX tlC&d Of Cftttlo
The complaint of Edward Pyle, secretary ance of the pel monkey kept bv this firm stolen from him last night and while he
of the Ownera' and Drlvera' association. for advertising purposes. The animal had waB abl to track the cattle thieves for
has been set for hearing before the Rail- but a few moments before been broue-ht In a few miles he soon lost their trail. Sher-
way commission on April , and the com- from the sidewalk because some lads had ,f Bossetcr went out this afternoon and
plaint of the lptlke Grain company nasi been teasing htm. He was still angry and I scoured around for a while, but was un-
been set for May 6. I when the O'Keefee youngster attempted I aDle to locate anything.
BohaiMia Tak HlnVa. I 10 mfl,J friends the monkejT flew at him.
t. i. .in worn. Kf"'l'li biting him to the best of Jom DbJ 8e" Prison.
of Superintendent 3. W, Crabtre. of the ' llity. Fastening hi. teeth Into the PAWNEE CITY Neb.. April 17.-(SpeclaI
Peru normal school and of Superintendent "mb was only pulled away Telegram)-John Dale who ha. been In
Thomas of the Kearney achool. It Is very " ''n' cnoKeo and his Jaws M' " "V . k t m
evident that Prof. Cr-btree threw hi. card. 1 " . Ihd "a. badly l.cer- clothing from the Hotel Murphy In Table
j L . kAna. n..arlr m nnntntat
b-d! r:h, me. wlth the bolrd w h"thOUt -c.t,on..
It held Us first scaslon. and It Is also very Hamboldt Wine from Tecnmaeh
evident that Prof. Thomas lias pmnea nisi HUMBOLDT, Neb.. April 17.-(8ierial.t-1 Slona City Man Bays Clrcas.
faith to the .old Doara, necause no laiica the inteThlgh school debate between the NORFOLK. Neb., April 17. (Special Tel-
to meet wtlh the new board. There Doing teams from Tecumssh and Humboldt took egram.)-The Smith Bros.' circus of Noi
a whole lot of human nature In the makeup place at the high school building In this tolk, formerly the Lemen Bros.1 clrous, baa
just been sold to parties In Bloux City,
names not given.
Rock, pleaded guilty today and was sen
tenced bv Judge Rnptr to tha penitentiary
for eighteen months.
a t . . 1 .J . . l - I ...l. int.. I -,!,-. . . J I i
oi venn ixwiui tncic im itim. i"-jr iimiButf wenini in me presence or a
about what will happen to one of the good sized crowd.
superintendents at least when the courts THe question for consideration was. "Re-
have finally settled which board is the real solved, Th'it disputes between capital and
board. labor should be settled by boards of arbl-
Car Repairer Asks Damaa-ea. tratlon with compulsory powers." and the
Henry Ernest seeks to recover l,99l visitors argued for the affirmative, while
- i a i r liA i i nrnui
for the loss of the end of one ringer me locaia looked after the negative. Te- commenced to
Nebraska News IV'otes
KEARNEY The Union Pacific has re
ceived at this place four section motor
cars tor work in the yards.
PLATTSMOUTH The Burlington haa
through an accident, while he waa work- cumseh's debaters were Russell Chamber- hero 24xt feet. The atructure is lo be
Ins In the car repair department of the I lain, Morgan Djvla and Robert Davidson. rme-
Burlington shops here. He began action wnue Humboldt s were Morgan Walsh, fitBKA8A CITY H. H. Hanka, mho
In the district court Saturday morning 8am Zimmerman and Miss Nina Snow T." be'n ii'irtJ'01u1y fof several days,
for that amount and allege, the loss of The judges. Prof. Simon, of Table Rock! "hou.Z' XiXSSvZ "nd U "
I lie end of the middle ringer or nis leu rrui. . u. neamond or Lincoln and At
hand aa the ground of his action. I torney James of Falls City, rendered a ver-
Ernest was a ear repairer and was I diet In favor of the negative. No indlvM.
orklng for the Burlington in that ca- I uai marklmji were made.
BEATRICE Miss Ella Converse, who t
o wed tl. C. Thoman, waa given a rlc,e
nunrr in jviein aiore, yeaieraay evening
wnrre ane, naa cnarge or tne candy depart-ment.
Bankers Life I'ndeclded.
uncertainty of the Bankers Life
TECUM8EH Oeorre Power haa thl
week opened a new meat market and gro
cery store In Vesta, a town eight miles
and escaped by rolling
Wet Member Reala-na
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. April 17.-(8peelaJ.)
Insurance company uniting to build the r- L- "ulkner. one or the "wet" mem- WMt ?' th' city. Harry Reynolds of Te- .-.rueure that was anticipated er. of the village board, sprung a sur- 'i""1 ""f Wllh h
at Tenth and O streeta has caused con- f" the meeting of the village board A .K at a'costSlS W wlu Se
sidcrable discussion among the atock- lR,t night by handing in hla resignation, dedicated with appropriate exercls'ea Acrll
holders or tne r irsi isaiionai Dint wno i - " 'iiini, ana ma successor ap- l nenrwn. ex-siate superintendent
nr. ini.reaied In the erection of a build- pumiea immeaiately in the person of O. I ""u uimri win taae pari
i n--. r..nH i.w h. MS. Austin, mihn imnii.i.i. . . i iM- u iWDriM jeorge L,lddell. son flt R.u.
H.rc. ,.F.w I . " - . anH Mra Hh.r. 1 AAAH i.J
u. . - . I I t 1, J 1 I HA.alkl. 1 a IMT t lnb hla nffin. m n 1 , j , . . ' VI V,IJ, la
r iril rsaiiunai vann, aim ifc fUBBlu" I .w- .... v. . ,w i viir. rimurp nan I hnm. fpnm inm.ihln. - i .
that a stock company compoaed of the been brought to bear to compel the res- 1 In the United States army In Cuba. He
bank and the Insurance company dl- ignation of Faulkner or have him loae hla w" memoer of Company I, Fifth Infan
ra,.inra mav hullri a ten-atorv structure I office of varrimaatar fnr tha Un.iin.i nn
I ' I DIPlTDtir I L. , .A . . . .
. . i . . . . - . i. . , AH-isrt.ii. i . i w . . . ... . i , i v i v. i. ix j ii -imrni n. m 1 1 r a m nr
inai win oe ne pruptnj vi u i fuamuii no naa amy rinea ror sev- In vara .,....i-j : " . -n-
cerns and will be occupied by both. eral years. It waa thought If he realgned ago and eamc near halna killed H. . ,
II la not yet known whetner tne eanK-i nis successor would not be named until I tamed a broken rib and severe bruises
eis Lire win join in tne project. 11 is ine organisation or the new board May 1.
possible that the Commercial cluo, tne I ir the appointment holds good until May
First National Dank and Uie Banners i. 1910, nothing has been accomplished.
Life Insurance company may all erect I for the board will three wet to
separate buildings. I two dry. There I. difficulty In gsttlng
Do . Attacks Child. I the requisite number of freeholders to
Fearing that his 2-year-old child had sign ths salon petition bitten by a do-. H. C. Luckey of
Fortieth and Holdrege streets bad the aewaro Beans Mlaalaa;
, hiiV wound! cauterised. The dog was I SEWARD. Neb., April 17. (Special.)
gnawing a bone In the yard and when tne I The county board met this week and tried I700 commission for making the trade or
child stepped near the dog turned about to locate the missing court house bonds. .,""ir"me"'1 ,n miln ths same.
-.!... Ha hand. The dot waa act. I Fifteen thousand dollars worth of tha u ...rr were
- - - I - 1 vrinlfd n V rna eountv n I . r Ir tn A Hhn. n
. 1.. b. - I. wua . 1. a .1 I kmH. w a r. H irlill amna. Ih. , 1. ..... I ' . . . " '
ing sirncij " i - "r " uccuin or uiooon and Mlas Bessie Brraa
police station and killed, and it appears I tee. of the eatate of Lewis Moffltt, to be I ler of Kearney: also to Oeorge M. Breaslei
....ihi. thai the animal waa affected held until the countv should be n I of Kearney and Miss Addie F. McCann o
i..-.i.nnhol,l use then, for hul'din. It 1. deatr.l . '"" A double wedding WU1 be held In
" .... .. -. . "-"It ha near r ill L.r.v
... . ' - a -I I k..ll4 i.ii k... .1.. 1. i I
Auditor Barton listened to Vlfty or sixty 1 eldentally mislaid and as yet have not been I lumber bualneas.' has Just closed two deals
insurance men this afternoon In the enat I found. Until they are found the building for land near Ponca. He haa bought 400
..iw ,. .nrf aaalnat soeclai con. will be necessarily postponed. vl J norm or
kiiaiiuw.1 mim I ... I antm ,wt ma. irrfl anulfl fll I'nn i- a u Km .
tracts In policies. Besides msklng argu-1 . two mllea. from Messrs. Hurley at Mellon.
. . . .1.1. . t ""T " I Tk. r.rl.. I. lA ... I- ,.
menu lor ana '" vt i uvuudtu w.. ... I - --- - - .-.
anm. ne ih. inai.ranra men took occasion to I - v.v.jh .oiviau.j i recently secure a a qaaner section near
some of the Insurance men ioo w -Clifton Eddy, the bov who Newcastle, trading In a good houaa and
booat their own eoropamea ana snow up kirkt i.v . h ... ... lot In Newcastle. Mr. Francis now owns
Uie weak points in others, all of which will ,.,. . fr.Ptlir.rt .v,i i. .,iiT .h. ' wc"- of Ponc-
about tho body
under the fence.
NEBRASKA CITT-Word haa hem re
celved here that Car! Mclntire. formerly
of this city, met with an accident at St
Loula which will cause him to lose one of
ni. iimos. He is the son of J. H. Me
intire, a former realdent of this city.
NEBRASKA CITY The Welt Investment
company of Omaha haa brought suit against
J. W. Butt of this city, who recently
irsoed ins siock or goods for land, clalmln
qiq.l(3.18 South 16th Street
Draperies and Lace Curtains
Our showing for spring and summer is the most complete line of draperies,
lace curtains, and hangings of every kind that you can find in the west. By com
parison we can convince you that here quality is better, and prices are lower.
Nottingham Lace Curtains, in new
styles, dainty borders, serviceable, per
pair $1.25
Cable Net Curtains this is an excep
tional heavy serviceable curtain for
parlor and library, per pair. . .$2.45
Princess Curtains with braid appliqued
on extra heavy French net Arabian
color, per pair $3.50
Cluny Curtains with edge and two-inch
hem, 3 yards long, 50 inches wide, per
pair $3.95
Duchess Lace Curtains, the most stylish
curtain for parlors and library, at, per
. pair $6.75
Covered In
c r e t onne,
has drop
helf. two
work bass,
places for
spools, scIb
Bors, etc.,
$3.95 u
Novelty Net Curtains with fancy edge,
in Arabian color; special value at, per
pair .......$1.95
Brussels Lace Curtains, always good for
bed rooms, per pair .$4.95
BED SPREADS Mntto from French -muslin
with bolster covers perset,
at ; .$3.95
Cretonne Spreads, made with full val
ance, bolster cover, all colors, epmprete,
for $i.95
Taffeta Bed Spreads with bands appli-.
qued or plain, set, complete. . .$9.50
Bolsters, closed paper rolls, ea., $1.25
Bolsters, open back for pillows. $2.00
. ,
Special Sale of riental Rugs ?-
"We never had an Oriental Rug sale that seemed to attract as much real interest as this sale has. There is a good
reason for this special interest which is due to the assembling of more than an ordinary display. This stock comprises
an unusual lot of artistic and especially fine pieces not displayed at special sales. We know this stock will bo most
interesting to all lovers of Oriental rugs. In the lot are to be found some values extraordinary. Come Monday or any
time during the coming week and let us show you the beautiful art pieces in this $50,000.00 sale.
Special Sale of Arts and Crafts. Furniture
We have just received a carload of the celebrated Stickley Bros. Arts and Crafts or Mission furniture, consisting of
settees, chairs, rockers and tables. An unusually large assortment of patterns in beautiful brown fumed finish. These
goods are all of ths highest character of crarfdroctaon, Tijiub'oilir
ing is the test Spsmofih. go&t feather. .Note some -of our special
v i in in n mi
Arm Chair or Hocker (Ilka cut) Span
ish leather seat and leather pad
back, 120.00 value, special,
each 914.78
Rocker (like cut) loose Spanish
leather seat, $12.50 value, spec
ial at $9.75
Chair and rocker (like cut) S10
value, special each $7.50
High back rocker, (like cut)
$16 value, special. .. .$11.00
Special Showing of Dining Room Furniture
Extraordinary preparations have been made this sea
son to make this the most complete and largest assortment
of furniture for the dining room ever displayed in the
west. Prices are consistently low considering the quality
and style. Here are examples:
This elegant Colonial style Buffet, made of best quarter
sawed white oak, golden or early English finish or in
genuine mahogany. Base is 22 inches deep and 46 inches
long, haa French bevel mirror 12x38 inches. One drawer
lined for silver ware, has large double cabinet with linen
drawer below. A heavy scroll effect, trimmed with wood
knobs. Price cither finished in oak. $42.00;
or dull mahogany $45.00
China OaMnet to -rrmiri. has one -mxrrar back, elxlaer fxn-
; f ish of oak, $35.00; dull mahogany, $37.00
WNIO CHAIR SPECIAL Cretonne upholstered, for bed
rnrami a vpit nttv rwttprn And vprv Hnhst-Rntin.1 full
sized chair; special, each $18.75
Have yon visited our Stove and Kitchen Ware Department in the Basement?
Clrel Bear. I hope of his recovery. One aid haa haan
The Nebraalra State Teachers' Readms I almost completely paralysed and ha has
Lircia ooard met In Lincoln Miuraay. i been lo a sml-comatose eondiUon all this
April It. and adopted books for the teacli- j um.. x large piece of skull was taken
era readtnt circles for 1-10. A set of I out when operated on by the doctors. The
three books was adopted ta be (urnlsnM i lad Is ret alulng partial uaa of hi paralysed
mx m aasiasoaxa caaa aireci to w isacner. I iimoa,
Ing. Bids will be reoeived by the State
Prtntlnc Board at the offtoa of tha secre
tary of stata at Lincoln, Nabraaka. on or
before 4:30 o'clock p. m . Monday, April M,
ix. tot printing and binding 1,600 oopiea
session laws. 1,000 copies house Journal,
l.uuo copies senate journal, j.iw copies
audltor'a alatement of legislature expense,
6u0 copies report of biHrtmg and loan aa
aoctatlon, l,6no coplea reort of banking de
partment. 10,000 coplea acnooi laws, o.wu
copies agricultural report, 6.000 coplea
horticultural report, . copies Historical
Society report. 1,600 copies dairyman's re
port, 1,000 copies repori oi ruin way com
mission, and 2,500 copies insurance sum
mary. Also tor furnishing staled quan
tities of stationery, supplies, blank books.
printing, ets., for the Asylum at Lincoln,
Home for the Friendless, Industrial Home
st Mllford, Institute fnr Feeble Minded
Youth, Orthopedic hospital, penitentiary,
Soldlera" and Sailors' Home at Burkett,
Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Mllford,
lllrls' Industrial school, Geneva; governor, j
auaiior ox pu:uc m.-i-.iuui, .niciiur ui
suite, treasurer, superintendent of public
instruction, commissioner of public lands
and buildings, attorney general, adjutant
general. Hallway commission, aupreme
court, banking department. Irrigation
department, insurance depailment, labor
bureau. Library commission. Game
and Fish commission. Pure Fuol
commission. Historical society, Board of
Equalization and Assessment, and De
partment of Nebraska. Grand Army
of the Hepubllc. Kpeclflcilions for
same can be found on file in the office of
the secretary of stale. All bids must be
accompanied by a bond equal In amount to
the probaoie cost or tne wora nm upon.
The board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. Lincoln, Nebraska, April 15,
O. Thomaa, Secretary to tho Board.
Board of Education .of the scnoul district
of Omaha Invites sealed bids (or the con
struction of the Fore.t School butlrtlna, to
be erected on the Forest site at Fourteenth
and Phelps streets, Omaha. Nebraska. Pl.ns,
svaclica.llons and bidders' blanks may
be obtained at mo otnee or Fiederlck v.
Clarke, archlusct. 66 Brandcts huirding,
Omaha, on and after April 11 All bids
must be made on bidders' blanks furnished
by said architect. A certified check for
not less. than S per cent of the amount of
the bid. drawn In favor of the School res
trict ef Omaha, must accompany each bid,
as a guarantee that the bidder will enter
Into a contract In accordance wlih said
bid. Bids will close st T:3u p. m. on May
t, at which time all bids on file with the
secretary will be opened In open board
meeting In presence of tha public. The
Board of Education reserves the right to
reject any or all bids and to waive any
defect or Informality In any bid should It
be deemed In the interest of the school
district to do so. Send sealed envelopes
containing bida to the underslcnad, marked
aa follows: "Bid on Forest School." ).
BrROESS. Secretary, it City Hall, Omaha,
Nebraska. inruin..
to you that a store so immeasurably superior in regard to
suits, overgarments, etc., would likely make extraordin
ary efforts to have such articles as shirts, underwear,
hosiery, neckwear, etc., every bit as well selected and
attractively priced!
are the mode of the moment beautiful, soft grey ground with harmon
izing Btrlpea the cwelleet thing In town $1.50
MAnhattana at $1.50 nj and E. A W.' at $3 up wrj never more at
tractivethat 1b saying considerable in view of their past superiority.
I "
This is a man-to-man business.
It isn't merely a matter of getting
your money with us six more a
matter of getting your goodwill
that is why we are so anxloua -to
have you come In and make any
"kick" you may have to us man-to-.
man. You feel better, so do we. in
a man-to-man store.
There Is something so different about our Ties that people who see them
involuntarily comment on their fticlualveness 50 t0 $1
Underwear In great variety. Horieay, too In fact, nothing miss
ing to make this great di-t attractive to you
The same modern methods prevail in it that characterize the whole
store and make it the most widely discussed and most minutely imitated
store In tho west.
We solicit your trade.
if ' 4
L Wit
Boo Want Ads Bring tho Returns
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