Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, SPORTING, Page 4, Image 28

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I '1
Six Monthi of the Moit Omellinj
Work Not Unusual. '
4 Baj
Figures Higher m Training and Etc-ing-
Seaion Approaches.
Intercollegiate Champions '07-'08, '08-'09
tffer, "Mark Draaafcf it Wir
Practice Harlf Fe
and Balf far Bar
Kaeekle Kacaaatera. '
, " NEW YORK. April 17. "It 'was nothing
unusual for pristflghters of the old ohool
o train hard for three month In prepara
tion for a battle," eald an old New Trrk
',,iport at a training camp' In Wescheater
;'fhe other day. "Nowaday you boy think
jour doing a pile of work If you train
. for three week.
, "Some of the old fighter took lx month
; even to get Into condition, putting them-
selves throiaxh a severe gruelling that
. would make the present day pugilist 111
ond weary. The flrt thing an old timer
. did was to take that awful phyalo known
as the 'black draught,' composed of aenna
ftavea. . brulaed ginger and licorice root.
'"Thl u put In a half pint of water and
' allowed to atand by a fire for three hours,
th(n "trained, and when cooled the follow
' Ing morning. sal volatile, tincture of aenna
'and tincture rf, cardamom were added.
Then It was corked up tight and put
In a ot-jl place, after which a fighter took
a wineglass of the atuff every morning
'and evening. It was a horrible thing to
take "and hardly fit for a mule.
"The old fellowa used to have to harden
their handi, face and bodiea when they
fought with the raw 'una In order to make
the nkln aa tough a- a rhinoceros hide
to withstand the blowa from bare knuckles.
This waa a long, tedious Jrb. Many fight
era used a mixture of rocksalt, lemon Juice,
vinegar, horeradlh and whiskey, It took
two months of rubbing with this stuff be
fore the skin got good and hard for a se
vere mill.
"There was no lively bag to punch in
those dava. Instead they used a- big
heavy x bag weighing about 2no pounds,
filled with aand. which hung within a foot
of the ground on the end of a long rope.
Punching this ungainly bag was alow, hard
work, yet a fighter kept at It for a couple
of houra until he waa exhausted In body
and limbs.
Dallr ftaaad la Tralnlag.
"Tha road work In the old daya atao
was' the limit. The fighter often went
from thirty to fifty miles a day In the
broiling aun with his tongue hanging out
for the want of a drink. He' usually ran
until he wound up at his training quarters
completely fagged out. Hera 1 a day's
training schedule In olden times: '
"S a. m. Got up and. took a smart run
for three or four miles.
"( a. m Rubbed down with alcohol and
drank a glaaa of sherry and egg.
"7 a. m. Rested for one hour.
x "I a. m. Breakfast, generally constating
. of two mutton chops or a small steak, to
matoes or celery and tea,
" to 10 a. m. Dumbbell and clubs for
half an hour.
"11 a. m. On the road for a ten-mile walk
and run. '
"1 p. m. Light rub down.
' "1:90 p. m. Dinner. Boup, chicken or
roast beef or boiled leg of mutton with
boiled onlona. rreen Tas. corn, bottle of
Baas' ale or glaaa of sherry, fruK, but no
pies or pudding.
"2:30 p. m. Sparring with trainer and
.nunchina- aand baar for one or two hours.
":! p. m. Twenty-mile trot on the road
until or 7 p. m. Then a rub down.
"7 n. m StiDDer. Coldi lamb or fish,
celery or water urea, and tea; a very light
meal. i
t p. m..--8hert stroll for a mile oT,two,
tht.n a light rub down.
" p. m. To bed for eight hours' rest.
"This was about the wayfleenan, Mor
rise, Bayer, YankeetJuillva.n. Jem Mac,
Tom King, Hyer, Cobum, McCool, Aaron
Jones, Jim Doane, Ned .O'BaldwIn, Tom
. Alk'n and a bunch of the old fellow got
Into condition In the day of hard fist
battles whin fighter were not afraid of
lougl work. '.'
Din Donnelly a Dancer.
"The Irish f!tlc hero, Dan Don
nelly, who whipped Cooper and other Eng
lish fighter on .the Curraerh of Klldare,
breaks up Grip and
. "Winter lingering in tha lap of
BprlDf " develop ' a ' fine crop of
Colds, causing an Increased demand
for "Seventy-seven." Careless people
change their garments too soon and
Colds are tp? Inevitable result.
dose of "Seventy-seven" taken at
the first chill or shiver ViU break up
the Cold. 2 Be. or mailed.
Humphreys' Homeo. . Medicine Co., oor.
YUllam and Ann Streets, New Tork.
s. iirascn a co.
. A. Saupsoa, Qen'l Sales Agent. Omaha.
TaM mf
r fell
Mn4 pmiHt Tta
ti whj I ui Mai la iwuMWMat aaa a
aia. CaaM aa4 Ma m tar ar ala. 4 ! J M .
naj k V. taaaaaa. Hatthaaaat m,i TJ&?
auM TaUa at I aaal aaa a aaUa.ta""
caJa'ar ar ataar 4raMM liillwa1
aa4 awalalaa anampnw, mW a la (a aWal af M7
e wea auvaa. jm a,
I aaua. 1 tM A aal u amUi anar aaa aaal
aaa bit Irailwial aaj ara aaraa aaa aa4iraly alwjai
laat I aaaa auaa ai ati'na Taat aanalalf la aur aa4
MMara 4 tat aaM aru aaat waral taat af IMilMial
kaaldaia. tiMuau. ,
Dr. E. L Tarry, -'is Re Ridi Oauaa. Ktk
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Isham. Clevenger
had his own peculiar method In training
for a mill. Donnelly kept a popular porter
house in Dublin, where' all the leading
was a great favorite In hi day. They
crowded the champion' bar 'when he was
preparing for a battle Just to see him ex
ercise. 3
"One of hl great stunts was 'to drfhk
gallons of water and then Jig In a large
rooma upstairs until the sweat ran from
his body In streams. He kept the JlggVng
up for houra loo, to the great delight of
his admirers, who came from miles around
to aee the endurance of the -.wonderful
Irish pugilist. Dan, like many other good
fighter, fell victim to the bottle and
passed In his checks before he reached
middle age after a strenuous career In the
prlsertng. .
"Jem Mare was a fatthul trainer and
never entered the ring unless he was fit
and well.' He seldom drank, and at the age
of 79 now he Is wonderfully well preserved,
dallr a Poop Trainer.
"The hardest man to handle while train
ing waa John L. Sullivan. During hla ten
years of success aa champion I never saw
him but once In what I would call good
form, aid that waa when he was pitted
agalnat Herbert Slade, the Maori, In Madl
son Square garden In 1R83. Mace had trn
ported Slade from Australia with a floutiaH
of trumpets, and as Sullivan knew that
Jem was a shrewd judge of fighters he
decided to take no chance. . So John L.
got Into fine condition under the careful
handling of Joe Gobs and Pete McCoy. - -
"Slade lasted only three rounds before
Sullivan, who waa fit to fight for his life
that night. When he got' big and fat
Sullivan became slow and lasy. and con
sequently did not want to work. Billy
Muldoon got the credit for putting him In
fine form for hi long fight with Jak
Kllraln 1 In 1889. but' Sullivan waa hog fat.
clumsy and like an elephant oh that oc
casion. Muldoon ' worked hard enough to
ge( Sullivan right, but they i were not on
the friendliest term all that time and
John L. frequently threatened to wallop
the famous health artist. In fact, nearly
all of Suinvan'a training wa farcical, few
he generally did as he pleased and worked
as little as possible. , -
Fits a Beat Worker.
"Fitzslmmons was one of the hardest
workers I ever saw while training? He was
always restless and on the go. It was as
natural for the Cornlehman to work and
train aa for a duck to swim. Why. he
used to wear out half a , dosen bags.
punching them like a wild man hour after
hour. Hs was on - the road bright ' and
early, and with his remarkable speed and
stamina he used to run his trainers' heads
off.) ,
"To. stop at some blacksmith's shop and
make a bunch of horseshoes wa real fun
for Robert. In hla boxing bout at quar
ters he generally wore down several husky
follow, for it wa Impossible for him to
box light and easy. I saw Fit every now
and then get half aoaked with gin flsxe
and other fancy drinks. Kit the next morn
ing he wa up with th iark and out on
the road for a five or tn-mll run, re
turning to the quarters ff-!rt;r, dripping
with perspiration.
"Then he took a cold bath ruid showed
up for breakfast like a new rrA.n, glowing
with health and In great trita. When
some other fellow in the camp drank too
much at night and had a big noodle in th
morning Fits used to laugh and say:
" 'Why don't yer run you're bloomin' 'ea4
hoff like me?'
"This Is what made Fits a wonderful
fighter, because he was always in tha
finest fettle. Even when Bob was out of
training he waa always on the jump, work
ing away at something that provided plenty
of exercise. If - he couldn't do anything
else he jumped in and did a lot of sweeping,
cleaning and household work to beat th
'When he was the heavyweight cham
pion of tha world I used to see him oook
a big dinner for his family, wash tha
dishes, dust and beat the ruga, make th
bed and do other chores about the house.
Bis Jeff la Lasy.
"I sea where Jim Jeffries saya h la a
great Worker while training. That may be
true, but he always aeemed to me to be
lasy, aa If training was a hardship for
him. He lacked the dash and spirit that
willing workers show and always went at
the task in a half hearted way. I used te
tajlnk he waa one of the aloweat bag
punchers I ever saw, and when he started
out on the road he was generally In poor
burner.- plodding along Ilk a man going oa
a disagreeable errand. He ' seldom broke
Into a smart run or showed any enthusiasm'
In hla work. n
"Jeff said recently that he mad it a
practice of getting up at in tha morning
rh training for a mill. I oflea found
him In bed at 10, for Jim is a great sleorer
and loves to stay In bed in th momi-ig.
fOoaehl, Vlfqualn. Sitting:
Meyer. Swan
He's one of those fellows who usually get
up with a grouch, and for the first half
hour he's on his feet he Isn't a pleasant
person to meet. After a cold bath and a
rubdown Jeff thaws out and after a good
breakfast he's all right, ready to take or
play a joke. The Boilermaker does his
road wor ft shortly after breakfast and'
comes back as hungry as a bear and with
a terrible thirst.
But he knows that drink of any kind
will put on flesh, so he gargles his throat
and swallows as little fluid as possible.
An hour after luncheon he may bang the
bag and exercise with the medicine ball
half an hour. Then he .takes .mother rest
before sparring a few rounds, when his
day's work la practically at an end. In the
evening Jeff eat a big dinner, after which
he Is In fine humor and spends a few hours
chatting with his cronies, hunting and dogs
being hi favorite topics. But the big fel
low seldom discusses the fight for which
he I in tranlng. He doesn't care to keep
It in his mind all the time.
"It' true that Jeff has never entered the
ring iiit of condition. He's too careful to
take a chance. Why, even when he agreed
to face such a second-rater as Jack Munroo
he (rained faithfully and was in fine form
for that one-sided affair. The bollermaker
has the big bump of caution, end you can
bet all your coin that he will not face Jack
Johnson unless he's In prime condition and
knows that he can go the route necessary
to win back the championship. s
, "I know that Jeff dreads the hard work
he'll have to do to get right for the big
coon, for he detests training and would
rather fight half a dozen battles than go
through a course of sprouts to get fit. Jeff
realises, too, that the taskwlll be tougher
than ever now that he's''bnen out' of the
game four years and has, of course, grown
that much older. Jeff wants plenty of
time so that he, can work himself Into
form, but nobody can hurry him, for he's
one of the alow but sure kind of fellows.
Little Jim Drlscoll's War.
' "What a peculiar little man Jim Drticoll
I while training! The English feather
weight champion 1 a sort of go-as-you-please
chap in his ' work. Drlscoll' hs
knocked the tar out of all tradition by
hla odd method. He' like the Quaker,
who wait for the spirit to move him.
Thl little Johnny Bull doe his work when
and how he feels like it, with no particular
system. One morning he'll be up with the
blooming robins bright and early, sprinting
cn the road, while probably. the next day
he'll take It easy, eating breakfast In bed
like a lord. But Jim always does the same
amount of work each day, even If It takes
him until - midnight to - finish his quota.
He's not one of those early to bed and early
to rise boys.' He may go to the theater one
"Lough, and thm world laughs with you. etc"
It has ever been the healthy men and women that do the smiling
une o tnm Drews mar aaas
"The Deer
Inaugurate a new system and have it in your home. Hi brewed by the Cune! Natural Prece from the living
Juices of our richest barley fields combined with the finest Saazar Hops. Try it "Postal us or ttiefikont for
a fast this vry day." ; . V -
JOHN GUND BREWING CO.. La Crosse. ?iconinT
W. C. UKYDE.N, Manager Omaha Branch, Omaha, Neb.
Tt-Lephoue JJougUe 2344, lntlept-JiUeot, A-U344. V
Captain, Slmonda, Kuni.
nlght and spend the next working like a
beaver In hi gym, punching the bag.
winging the medicine ball, aktpplng the
rope and boxing at top speed. Jim de
clares, however, that he never shirks hard'
work and doe not need the service of a
trainer to coach him.
"Another little fellow who is still more
erratic In hi training methods Is Aurelllo
Herrera. the Mexican, who has done some
tough milling In the far west. He smokesf
cigarettes constantly while preparing for
a mill, varying . the monotony with big
black cigars. He train hard one day and
lay off thj next. The Mexican eat any
thing and everything and has no. regular
system of working for a battle. If he had
followed some steady-plan I think he would
have been a far better fighter, for he-
certainly shown that nature has been very
kind to him when he's taken auch chance
with hlmelf.
... Old-Timers the Beat. '
"If you will take the trouble to look over
the history of pugilism I think you'll find
that the best fighters were the beat work
er ' while In training. . The old timer
used to say that a course of long, severe
training was a better test of a man's game
ness than a contest in the ring. Jack
Dempsey, Jim . Oorbett, Tommy Ryan,
George Dixon, Joe Choynski, Jem Carney,
Danny Needham, Joe Ooddard, Peter Jack
son, Frank Slavln, Solly Smith, George
Dawson, Tom Tracey, George Lavlnge,
Frank Erne, Jimmy Barry, Alec Grecgalns,
Toung Mitchell, Billy Myer,. Jimmy Brltt,
Abe Attell, Joe Gans, Dick Hyland, Terry
McGovern, Packy McFarland. Leach Cross,
Battling Nelson, Stanley Ketchel, Willie
Lewis, Tom Sharkey, Jee Waloott, Jack
Jackson and a host of -other great fight
er have all trained faithfully and have al
ways entered the ring fit. ' ,
"No fighter ever took such chances as
Jack McAullffe when he was lightweight
champion. The morning of the day he
met Billy Myer at New Orleans In 1893
Jack was ten pounds overweight and Dlok
Roche,, his backer, was so enraged that he
was going up to the Olymplo club, declare
the match off and foffelt the 16,000 he had
up,' but' MoAullffe wouldn't hear of such
a thing, declaring that he'd be in the rfn
that night at weight and wallop Myers Into
Sleepyvllle. And so he was! He went out
on the road that morning, worked off the
ten pounds and got into the ring that night
looking all to the good.
"McAullffe put up such a "great fight
that Myer, who never, had a look In, was
knocked out In the fifteenth round. Jack
knew when to quit, too, and gracefully
handed over the lightweight championship
belt to George Lavlgne. McAullffe never
had a decision against him a remarkable
ring record." .
to me pure joy of ttvtng is
that makes thejvorld smile
Oirertna Will riaa Readier Barer
a lflaker Prleea Tkaa la tke
Former Events f tka
NEW TORK. April 17. Th demand for
trotting horse apparently keep at higher
figure ss th training snd racing aeason
approaches, the ale reposes showing from
ail parte Of fthe country that higher price
ruled In recent ale than late in the fall
or during th Vlntr.
The prosperous howtng of trotting horse
ale I not confined to the eat. West or
outh, as has been the case in the past,
for reports from the Pacific ooaet ar
equally encouraging and demonstrate be
yond all doubt that the future of hemes
racing In that ectlpn of the country look
prosperous and bright enough for horse
men to Invest heavily In prospective win
ner, while the demand for breeding steck
I Just a brisk. i
On of the blgget eale ef th year wa
recently held at Pleaaanion, Cel.. m whioh
the feature consignment was from the
Nutwood Stock farm, the home of Ihe
aoted aire Nutwood Wilkes, and the re
sult of the first day, of which an euthentlo
report ha reached the east, enow that th
general average wa W0 per head sold.
A In the case of other ealea there, too,
the demand for wellbrd youngsters prop
erly engaged In futurities, of which there
are several for Pactfio coast bred boraes,
the demand waa. rs brisk and price ruled
equally high. A number of youaaters sold
from 13,600 down to the SUMO mark, while
brood mare brought a much a they would
anywhere else.
Prices Advaace.
Thl steady increase of demand tor
trotter at advanoe price 1 a certain in
dlcatlon for the uecess of th sales
scheduled for next month and still closer
to the rac!nrnd training season.
The two sales to be held under the man
agememt of the Feslg-Tipton company, One
In Cleveland and another at Readville; also
one by the Chicago Sale company, will
draw, a they have In the Vast, a number
of racing prospects, from winter ahd spring
training grounds, and all are expected to
become record event, judged by the de
mand in 4he near past.
The sales will open right In .the midst
of tialnlng and breeding aeaaon and the
offering will find readier buyer and
higher prices than in the former events of
the year.
Advance report from training stables
show that few of the leading trainers have
enough trotters and pacers for the sea
son's training and racing, consequently
they will be first on the market to grab up
almost anything and everything which
looks a likely prospect for something
worth the trouble "and expense of training.
Nearly all of the stakes, both for Grand
Circuit and smaller chains of meetings,
are1 now announced that the total amount
offered is so much larger than In former
years, that horsemen, particular! active
trainers, will be anxious to eecure material
enough from . whioh to select ' their
winners at a higher coat than in the same
sales of previous years. T
' f 1-
Slae Race Arc a the Schedals far
' ' tke Osniaes.
ANNAPOLIS. Aprll IT. Nine races, have
been arranged for the naval academy oars
men, according to the rowing schedule re
cently unnounoed. The varsity ' crew will
row In four of them, three are for the
tiebea, or fourth class men, and the second
and third crewe have "one each. All the
races will be over a two-mile course. The
April U, Navy first against University of
the City of New Tork; Navy third agalnat
Arundel of Baltimore; Navy plebes against
Baltimore Polytechnio Institute; May 1,
Navy against Potomac of Washington
(first and second crews); May 8, Navy first
against Columbia, Navy plebes against
Georgetown Preparatory; May,' IS, Navy
plebes against Central High school of
Philadelphia; May iX Navy first against
M.W .
Has Offer af Bis Parse to Meet Paddy
CHICAGO, April 17. Battling Nelson,
lightweight champion, ha received an of
fer of . $10,000 win, lose or draw, for i
bout with Paddy King, the Australian title
holder, in the Antipodes, Krone, the rep
representative of the Sanderson-Vincent
syndicate of Australia, Is said to have
wired Willu Brltt, Nelson' manager, of
the offer. It Is planned to stage the bout
at Melbourne during "cup week."
and winning in this world.
with you."
There is scarcely any one, no matter how vigorous and. healthy,
who does not need a tonic at this particular season. With the first sign
of spring-time almost every one begins to feel bad. Some have no
particular ailment, but are debilitated, run-down, weak, and their entire
system is in a state of disorder. Little physical irregularities upset the
perfect working of the blood, the appetite fails, digestion is poor, the
energies are depressed, and other' unpleasant symptoms give warning
that the physical machinery is "out of gear" and needs some healthful,
stimulating assistance to build it up to normal, and perhaps .ward off
some serious sickness or ailment.
This disturbed and disor-
dered condition of health is the
result of impure accumulations
in the system due to an inactive
winter lite. The bodily waste and
refuse matter is not properly ex
pelled in cold weather, because
those members whose duty it is
to perform this work of drainage
do not receive sufficient stimula
tion from out-door bodily exercise:
they therefore become dull and
sluggish in their action; nor is
the skin as active in eliminating
impurities in cold weather.
These Winter accumulations
pollute the blood and destroy its
rich, red corpuscles to such an
extent that when Spring comes,
and everything takes on new life,
the circulation is so weakened
that it Is unable to supply the
increased demands of the system,
and we suffer in consequence.
The healthful, vegetable in
gredientsy of which S. S. S. is
composed, and the method of
combining and preparing them so
that tney build up and strengthen
every part of the body, make it
the greatest of all tonics. S.S.S.
is nature's medicine, made en
tirely of the healing, . invigorating
juices and extracts of roots, herbs
medicine without an equal. -S.S.S.
the best of all blood ourifiers. It
of the blood, rids the body of that tired, worn-out feeling, builds up the
appetite and digestion, and insures a return of strength to those whose
systems have become weakened or depleted. S. S. S. acts pleasantly and
promptly, and any one in need of a tonic should commence its use at
once. . S. S. S. is perfectly safe for persons of all ages, being entirely
free from minerals of every kind. If you have never used S. S. S. a
course 'of it will make you feel better this Spring than you ever felt
before, and it will purify your blood and prepare your system for the
long, , hot Summer months which are to follow. . S. S. S. is for sale at
ill drug stores. , . .
My farffaerhaebaaflCTefroaaioit
lttmdecbe fer 0e last twwrty-fiv years aad
newer foams' any - relief catfl be becasi
taking;, your Oasxxrete. Stace) h hag
begma taking Cnscmrets he) baa never bad
th tatawifarhr,' They have entirely oared
him. Caeoarata da what yt reoomniend
then, to VxI wilt ghre yow the privilege
mt atax hi Name," B. M. Dickson,
UM stateer 8c, W. Isdiaaapalja, lad,
fhiiiat PaaataMo. Pofaiat. Taate Good.
DeOaraat. Ha-mc htmlnm JWeafcea or Qripa. r
Us. Ebo. SO. Kevar.! lakolk. Tnesw
ks tsMrtstatpea C C C ttaorajzsoed re '
123 '
1f9k aaSI aZU Ta? 5H
tjJ L"-"! Vi$ XJ
City Salesroom, 1613 Howard St. Tel. Doug. 1261
iff iHtleSV .yffnrlLr fgjfel !5gLjrI3?
insist vamsKV iKH?fr fr?
ju Li Uj lg:rr-:3
To restore a '.nan to health and strength
nd give him hla rightful place among
hla fellow men ia worthy of the noblest
effort of a physician's life, sod we work
earnestly, conscientiously and scientifically
jto this end. We offer you our service,
thi aid, thl help, thl assurance of res
toration. If you ar Buffering from any of
th diseases that constitute our specialty
and will consult us In time. UeUya are
'we treat mt only and care promptly,
safely and .horoutflily by the lateat and
best methods, B.OHCUTI. CATAKKX,
oil PISSASES and all Special Disas
aad their eompUoatloa U the shortest
Urns possible and at the lowest oost for
skillful servloe aad suooful treatment.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th
The Bee for All the Sporting New
I bays need B.S.S.andfeundtttebe
en excellent blood purifier and tonlo.
My blood waa weak end Impure, and
as a result my system became vry
muoh run-down and debilitated. I
lost twenty er mor pound la
weight, had no appetite and was in
bad shape. Seeing 8. B. S advertised
I began ita.n, aad an well pleased
with tbe result after using It for eome
little while. From 13 pounds t 165
is pretty good evidsnoe of snerlt oa
the psrt of 8. 8. 8., and a to my appe
tite, it is superb. My system and
general health have been wonder
fully built up, and I do not hesitate
to give b. a. a. toe credit for it.
60 Beoond Street, Warren, Ohio.
Last Sorlnr I was a-rsstlv rn.
dowaia health aad had lost a great
deal of flesh. Being a horse-sboer,
the work is hard and the hears ar
lenar, which pulled m down and put
me in dso snaps, i assea my arngsist
what I should use and be advised
S. B. 8. I bourn a battle and before
I tnlahed it I noticed a change for the
bettsr. I took a good course and my
health was restored to Its normal
oondltion. Th remedy gave me rich,
pure blood, a line appetite, and I re
gained tbe flesh I had lost. It is
undoubtedly a great blood purifier
and tonlo and has my hearty en
dorsement OEO. W. M oK.RfTH.
1110 Lafayette St., Soranton, Pa.
Last year I wa rreatly run
down In health, and feeling that I
needed a blood purifier and ton1 T
began the nse of 8. 8. 8., and took
several bottles with tbe result that it
put my blood In good condition, gave
me increased strength and energy.
Improved my appetite and digestion,
and made me feel like a different man.
A a blood purifier and tonlo S.S.S.
la all right. J. H. MoOHEB.
46 S.York 8t.. IlandL '
. Wheeling, W.Va,-
and barks; a systemic and tonic
has the additional value of being
re-establishes the health v circulation
' V ' '''
1 ; J
ri) I? C Consultation aa
r ILL xsamtsatloa.
ofllc Bourn S a. sa. to S
p. at. Suadsys. 10 to. I oaly,
af you caaaot call, write.
and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
's - : I