Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, SPORTING, Image 25

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    Sunday Bee;
Giants Get Better of Phillies, Cubs Are Defeated, White Sox Win; Rourkes Have Bad Luck
Ball Players of Promise Who Are Trying to. Make Good for Omaha Team
Tint Conteit at UniTeriity for Two
Tean Will Ee Played with
Arrangements Are Made for Eight
Garnet in Capital.
Record on Southern Trip Better Than
Dopeitera Predicted.
Cewrt Enthoeiaote Ask Boy Take
.Charge of Toaraimtat, but the
Board Is Hot at All
A axiom.
LINCOLN. April 17.-Speclal-)-Th first
Intercollegiate base balUgam played in
. . , . i I. ' , Xf aanll rt nn
Uncom since nenr ---iv.
m v.hrnki flplri In May. 1907. will
VIU w -
take nlaoe next Thursday, when the Corn
busker are scheduled to- claah with the
strong Aggie bunch from Manhattan at
Antelope park In the opening game of the
local season.
This approaching contest, alnce It will be
the flrat opportunity the State university
students will have had of seeing their
team to action against an outside college
la . two seasons, la being awaited with a
keen arplay of interest at me Dig schtoi.
The splendid showing of the Cornhuekers
on the southern trip hae also nerved to
Increase the deatre of the student fans to
watch ihe work of their representatives.'
Last aprlng the acquisition of Nebraska
field by the engineering department as the
site for a new three-story building left ths
Cornhuaker athletes without an athletic
field and crowded the base ball men off
the campus. Ari attempt was made to se
cure Antelope park, the Western league
base ball grounds, for the use of the uni
versity players, but no satlbfactory ar
rangements were made and the Cornhusk
ers were forced to abandon all efforts to
pUy any games at home. This mason the
athletic field Is. still lacking at the uni
versity, but the base ball management has
made a deal for playing at Antelope park,
and the CJornhuskers will be seen at home
In eight Intercollegiate matches, the first
of which will be the clash with Manhattan
next week. Following this game on Thurs
day, the Nebraska nine will then meet Mis
souri In two contests on Monday and Tues
day, April 36 and 27. ,
Ged Record ia Sooth.
On their southern trip, which was closed
today In a game with theM'niveralty of
Kansas at ' Lawrence, the Cornhuekers
made a good record, and .in. doing ao sprung
a pleasant surprise on the local fans and
turned over the dope pots' of a few of the
local serines, tor inree years previous n
this spring the CornhUHker base ball teams
were so weak that they were regarded as
a Joke among the local student. The work
of these teams was so mlsersbln that the
students at the state school had come to
. I I . ,.. Tl j . ..
dents each year look forward to a winning
nine. Consequently, last week, when the
Cornhuskers began their annual tour Into
Mlasourl and Kansas, It was with Jocular
remarks tnat the local fans spoke of the
prospects of the nine. The Idea that the
Cornhuskers would win any. number of
games waa darided. This predisposition on
the part of the fans to regard the team in
a light vein laid them open to be greatly
surprised when the Cornhuskers should ex
hibit classy play and win game . after
At the beginning of the trip It was ad
mitted by Captain Bcltser and Coach Fox
that success depended on the pitchers. The
twirling staff was composed of three men
Ward, Olmstead and Prouty. In the
opening game of the Journey Prouty, who
at the last" moment before the team left
Lincoln had been substituted for Mathers.
waa placed on the slab and held the small
collegians at Tabor, la., to two scratch
hits. In the other games in which he oc-
upied the rubber he proved his worth and
made good. Olmstead proved wild and his
work was Just a little disappointing. Ward,
the veteran of two seasons, was in fine
form on the trip, however, and was a pus-
ale to the batters who faced him. With
Ward and Prouty doing fast work and
with Olmstead showing up In fairly good
p. form, the Cornhuskers were much stronger
t in the' box than even Coach Fox had ex
ported, them to be, and the weakness
which had been so woeful In this depart
ment In other seasons was practically re.
m' tippsrt br Fielders..
Good support of the pitchers by sll
the fielders contributed In great, measure
to the success of the Cornhuskers r.
the games on the trlu The outfielders 'ltd
exceptionally well, giving the twirl srs
nearly penect support, ut me nrsi rive
games played the Cornhuekers won four,
losing one of a. series of two to Missouri.
Only on of the contests with the "Show
me" players counted toward the Missouri
valley championship, . and the Nebraska
- s iri. wvu mv aaine oy a score n I to i
If Ward is permitted to do the twirling
for the Cornhuskers when Drake comes
to town next week the local university
boy should annex another victory with
out any great difficulty. The Des Moines
school la fairly strong on the diamond this
spring, but has not had the practice the
Nebraska players have been fortunate
enough to get. and for that reason will be
handicapped to a great degree In the meet
ing next Thursday. Besides pitching In
the Drake game Ward also will be put on
the slab for on of the Missouri games the
week following. He had the "show-me"
men at hi mercy In Columbia lust week
and should be able to repeat his trick here.
In case, then. Ward is at his best the
Cornhuskers should tak two of the next
threw game played, and thus maintain
their record established on the southern
trip of winning a big majority of the
tames played.
Beard io, Gsrera Tea a Is.
At the next meeting of the athletic board
on Tuesday a request will be made that
ths university board assume control over
the tennis tournaments at ths state school.
Just now all tennis contests are in
charge of a university tennis association
lf,- -
i ';
. I
. -W: V-'-
If I
Back Row Hanson, Welch, Cadman,' Lower. Claire, Smith. Fro n Row: Vasblnder. King, Pendry,,Bclden,. LeBrand, Fisher,
Fonr Singles, Two Doublet and
' Triple Result in Poor Runs. ;
Cubs Fall to ' Find Rhodes and
Make Bat One Ran Scores Of
Other National Lesgne . . v
CHICAGO, April 17. The locals made but
three single off Rhoade today, while St.
Louis gathered seven off Rsulbach, two of
them, doubles .and one a triple. Tteulbach
wa very wild.' passing nine, but only two
of them ended in runs. Score: '
BT. VOV16.
rown. at... 4 0 10 dnvrns, b.... 2110
1 0 nshaw, rf t I 1
111 I 0Krenthn.e. 4 17 1
04 f Konetchr. lb. 4 0 t 0
Oil XKym: rf.74 1000
0 4 0 OI'l(jity. If 0 U
0SI SCharlea, tb.. 4 1 I 1 0
t 0(Mfn, 1111
o a (iniiod!. p.... 4 toil
Shcckard, It.. I
Chtnna. lb.... 4
Bialnfeldt. lb. 1
Tlnkar, I
A.Hofnuin, rf 1
Elmarman. lb 8
Moran, e....r
Raulbach, p.. 1
South Dakota Shooter Will Combat
1 Pot Hooters' Efforts.
8IOT7X FALLbV S. , D., April 17. (Spe
cial.) The true sportsmen of South Da
kota are taking great Interest in a meet
ing which has been called by W. F. Ban
croft, of Watertown. the new state game
warden of South Dakota, to be held in
Sioux Falls on Friday of next week. The
meeting 'will be held for the purpose, of
-adopting such measures as may be deemed
necessary to prevent those- opposed to
the new game law from having It "held
up" under the' referendum amendment to
the state constitution and- submitted to
the voters of the state at the general elec
tion In November of next year. The true
sportsmen of the state axe well satisfied
with the new law and desire it to go into
effect. They claim that the attempt to
have' It "referendumed" Is backed solely
by "pot" hunters who fear the stringent
provisions of the new law will seriously
affect the business of pot and market
Totals 17 1 27 12 1 Total. !! 7 27 11 I
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 I l 04
vnicago v u v u log u o 1
Two-base hits: Shaw, Rhoades. Three
base hit: Shaw. Sacrifice hits: Hofman,
Byrne. Stolen basea: Hofman, Shaw (2),
Charles. Double playe: Tinker to Zimmer
man to Chance; Charles to Osteen. Left
on bases: Chlcajro. 2; St. Louis. 11. First
base on balls: Off Reulbach. 9; off Rhodes,
1. First base on errors:. Chicago. 1; St.
Louis. 1. Struck out: By Reulbach3; by
Rhodes, 6. Wild pit A: Rhodes. Time:
2:08. Umpires: Klem and Kane.
(Continued on Fage Two.)
Rettord'Breaklnc Crowd Bees Game ia
New York. -
NEW TORK. April 17.-The New Tor.
Nationals defeated Philadelphia-today be
fore a record-breaking crowd. Moore was
unsteady and his support was slow. Score:
B.H.O.A.K. . B.H.O.A.B.
Harto. It... 4 1 1 OOrnnt. lb..... 4 0 11
??. xb..s.4 14 Kr.ab. 2b.... 4 lilt
Murray, rf... 111 OTttua, rf. ... 4 1 1 0
Tannajr. lb... 1 1 7 1 OMasaa. If 1 0 1 0
OHara, '-. 4 I t 0 ORranafleld. lb 1 01
Pavim. .... Ill ODalnlnsar. tl 1 0
Brldwall, aa.. 4 1 1 1 DooUn, as. ... I 0 1 t 0
1. Vrara. a. . 4 1 10 0 0rooln. c 1 111
Marquar. )..U 0 4 ktnora, p t 0 1
Totata 11 IT 14 1 rotala. ).... 1 14 II 1
New York t 0 0 1 0 00 1 4
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Two-base hit: Devlin. Three-baae hit:
OHara. Sacrifice fly: Tenney. Stolen
bases: ' Murray. O'Hara. Doyle. Left on
basea: Philadelphia. 2: New York. 7. FVt
bavse on errors: Philadelphia, 1; Ne- York.
1. Double play: Maniuard to Doyle to
Tenney. Struck out: By Marquard, 8: by
Moore, 1 First base on balls: Off Mar
quard, 1; off Moore, 1. Hit by pitched ball:
By Moore, Devlin. Wild pitch: Marquard.
Passed ball: J. Mvers. Umpires: John
stone and Cusack. Time: 1:45. Attendance,
S2.Q00. .
Naps Make 'Good Start, but. Fail to
, Maintain It ,
Verbal Agreement ia Made for Match
Before Ketrhel Boat.
NEW YORK, April 17. A verbal agree
ment for a match between Jack Johnson,
the world's heavyweight champion, and
Al Kaufmann of San Francisco waa en
tered Into here today! between Johnson
and Billy Dclancy, representing Kaufmann.
The fight Is to take place when Johnson
returns from England and ; before , the
Johnson-Ketchel fight. Johnson will sail
on May 1 25 and expects to return about
September 1. No article were signed and
Johnson posted no money. Delaney, In
behalf of Kaufmann, deposited $5,000 to
cover any forfeit money that might j be
put up by Johnson.
Teknmah High Brats Oakland.
x OAKLAND. Neb., April 17. (Special.)
The Oakland High school base ball team
was defeated by the Tekama High school
team at Tekamah. Friday, by a score of 9
to 6. Batteries: For Tekamah, Shafer and
A-chuler: Oakland. Housen, Wagner and
Nelson. Umpire: Pipher.
Pirates Make live Hons Second,
Then Rasper Stops Them.
CINCINNATI O., April 17. Cincinnati
defeated Pittsburg this .afternoon In one
of the moat exciting games ever seen ori
the local grounds. The visitor secured
five run rff Karger In the second In
ning. Oasper then went In to pitch for
Cincinnati and cpmpletely stopped ' the
Pittsburgh Maddox and Leever, the
visitors' pitchers, were knocked out of
the box. The errors of Abbatlchio also
helped the locals. Score:
BH.OA.g. B.H.O.A.K.
Hi'iaiaa. lb., a 1 I ;'la ft.... i 110
"Leach, lb.... 1 1
Ciarka. If.... 4- 1
1 Jwirnw. aa . 4
Abtlrhlo. tbl
AIt.ln. lb... 4
1 wilaon, rf.... 1 I
1 "(llbaua. a 1 1
'liaddat. p.... I
1 Lrar. p ... I
rroca. p
Tout ll V 1 Hyatt 1
(lakaa. ef I 11
f'a.k.rt. If... 1 4
Lnbarl. lb . I 1
Milckall, rf.. 1 1 1
Mowary. aa. . . 1 1 1
Hoblltiall. lb 4 I II
MtLaan, 111
Karsar. p....
Ua.ixr. p t 0
Toula 11 I 54 11 I
'Batted for Frock In the ninth.
Cincinnati .... 1 0 0 I 2 4 0 1
Pittsburg 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 i
Two-liHge hits: Mowery. Hoblitzeil. Mc
Lean. WIlKon Three-hHse hits.. Oukos.
Mitchell, (Marks, tilltson. Kacrlflce lit:
Paakeit. Sacrifice fly: McLean, ftlolen
baseM: Iacli. 2. Double play: Ix'ch
to Absteln. Boae on ballx: Off Karger,
2; off Oaspt-r. 1; off Maddox. S; oi'f
I.cevT. I. struck out: By Uaaper, 1;
ty Maddux. 2; by leever. 1. lilt by
pitched ball: By kaiser. Wilson; by
Frock. PaHkert. Wild pitch: Mad.lox.
Hits: Off Karger. In one and twi
tliinis Inuinga. off Uasiier, 2 in seven
ICoritinued on Second Page.)
Nebraska Weight Tosser
I . il .: -
' -"-
i f '
Hammer. 141 Keu
Discus, 116 Fet Inches.
Rhodes , Retires After ' Two Bans
Have Been Made and Fonr Mora ..
Are Mad OS Joss, Who
Snceeded Him.
' - - ' .
D15TROIT, . April v 17. Cleveland took an
early lead In today' game, mixing It hit
with errfcrs by the locals, and scoring four
runs. Detroit started hitting Rhoades )n
the eighth. Joes, who replaced him, proved
easy, three of the first four batter hitting
afely, determining the. result. - the home
team winning the game by a score of 6 to 5.
Bradley waa spiked by Cobb sliding to
third base In the eighth and wa forced to
retire from the game. Score: , ;
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B.
Mclntjrra, If.. 1 10 0 Brail lay., lb.. 4 111
Buah. aa. 1 1 1 t 1 J. Clar.a. If . 1 00
Crawford, cf. 4 0 1 0 2Blrm'ham. cf 4 1 1 0 0
Cobb, rf 4 10 0 OSIovall, ' lb... 4 1111
Rosaman, lb. 4 1 14 0 OLajola, lb.... 4 14 10
Morlarltr. Sb. 1 1 1 4 ON. Clarka. e.. 4 14 11
schaefw, 2b.. 1 0 11 lHIn'an, If-aa. 1 0 14 0
Schmidt, c... 1 1 1 OLord. rf 4 J 1 1 0
Wlllatt, p.... I 10 1 OParrlnf. aa-lb 4 0 14 0
. Rhoadaa, p... 111
. Totals 11 10 27 1 IJoaa. p 0 0 0 o
Onode 0 0 0 0
Kaatarly .... 1 0 0 0 0
' Touls It IN II I
' 'Batted ' for Jos In ninth. , ,
Batted for Birmingham In ninth.
Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I
Cleveland 0 0 1 S 0 0 0 0 1
Two-base hit: Wtllett, Bradley, fitovall.
Hits: Off Rhoades, 7 In seven and a third
Innings. At bat: Against Rhoades. 27:
against Joss ,. Sacrifice hit: Bush. Double
pla: Lord to Stovall. Left on base: De
troit. 6 Cleveland. S. First base on balls:
Off Rhoades. 2. First base on errors: De
troit, I; Cleveland, 1. Hit by pitcher: By
Rhoades, 1. Struck out: By Wlllett, ; by
Rhoades, 2: by Joes. 1. Wild pitch: Wll
lett. Time: 1:60. Umpires: Kerln and
u LiOugnnn.
Fonr Hits In Extra Inalnv Resalt In
Three Rnns.
ST. LOUIS. April 17.-Chtcgo bunched
four hits In the tenth inning t,oday and de
feated St. Lt ui. ft to 1. An Immense crowd
saw ths contest, which wa unusually fast.
Score: v ... . . .
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
stone. If 4 1 0 APousharta, If I 0 1 0
Jonea. lb 4 0 10 0 OHahn, rf 1 1 0
Hansel, rf... 4 10 1 Oliball. lb a 1 II 1 0
Ferrta, lb.... 4 0 1 OOavath. cl .i 1111
Hoffman, ef.. 4 110 OParant. aa....4 0 0 0
Wallace. aa..4 1 t I OAta. tb 4 I
Wllllajna, lb. 1 0 I OBulllvan. e... 4 0 2 1
Crlir. e I 10 OTaniwhlll, tb4'l 1
Waddall, p.. . I 4. 1 Bmlth, p 1 1 1
. Total! II 4 M 11 1 ToUla.. '....! 10 10 st 0
St. Louis 0 00000000 11
Chicago 0 00000000 33
Two-base hits: Hoffmann, Hahn, labell.
Three-base hit; Smith. Sacrifice hit: Smith.
Uoea to Fyce DrlsColl lato Another
- battle with Him,
NEW YORrt, . April ii.AM Attell Is go
ing to England to forc,: It possible, auiu
Drlsuoll Into another battle witn him. Abe
and his manager, . Al Llppe, decided upon
this step.when they learned that . Drlacoll
had no Intention of returning to this coun
try until late next' fall.
.Llppe, in behalf of Attell..wUI Insist on J
twenty-fiv rounds at least, and, of course,
the world' featherweight championship
title would .be at stake. ,The battle would
attract . world-wide attention, -and lt I
doubtful if a' stronger drawing , card could
be put up certainly ' not In the light claa.
Attell will go prepared to make a side bet
of 110,000, half of which yllf be furnished
by George ConUdtne. It II problematical
tf .Drlscoll will meet Attell again at least
in the near future. A defeat In a .world's
championship battle would put a crimp
In . Drlscoll's money-ga'therlng . power, and
Jem Is noted for his thrift. He may figure
on another campaign In this country, pick
ing up a few thousand dollars before tack
ling the American, champion again.
In a twenty-flve-round. bout Attell would
doubtless go to the . post a top-heavy fa
vorite, and a ton of coin would be wagered
on the little American.' , Drfscotl would not
be without backing, both here and In Eng
land, and a king's fortune would be placed
upon him . to win. '.;
Iowa Varsity, Score. .
L,WA CITT- la-: Ar,ril "(Special.)
The Davenport- leaguers were again
courteous to the Varsity nine yesterday af
ternoon, allowing the collegians one core
while, the professionals went away with
seven. Playing was conducted on the foot
ball gridiron in a lurlona soli which lent
Itself readily to ah effortsf base runner
to slide. Thompson.- In center field for the
Varsity, received applause for his plucky
catch of Smith's line drive and quick re
turn to first, throwing out Edwards. Kirk
got a three-bagger in old time style, but
there were no men. on bases to make It
count for much. On the whole the Prodi
gals were "next" to Hanlon and their re
peated saf hitting was the pre-eminent
feature of the game. . Manager Shaffer of
Davenport umpired the plays unassisted.
(Continued on Seoond Page.)
You learn with your
first automobile.
Isn't a second-hand
machine to start
with-p-a pretty good
You will find a chance to
get a reaUy good car cheap, if
you watch the ads under the
"Automobile" heading on the
want ad page.
'Some meniou know, who ha to
tecr, much money, aell their ( car
every year go aa to hava the latest
make. Bo trie people who own cars
move away. Some who thought
their taste waa for autoa, change
their tnlnd. They usually adver
tise them for sale in The Bee.
Watch the Want Ad page. It pays.
Nebraska Hurdler
Crew from City ' of , New York it
- Beaten by Six Lengths.
Visitors Badly Outclassed aad Are
Mack Disappointed by Sorrs Show
las; Made River Conditions
Almost Perfect.
' 3
' v
I ; ; i
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April IT. 'With a
powerful and finished stroke the Harvard
varsity crew defeated a weaker s.nd less
expert crew from Columbia on the Charle
liver ' today by six full length In a race
of 'a mile and. seven-fighths. After the
first -few dashing strokes' which followed
the referee' pistol shot there wa never
any qeustlon regarding the outcome. A
If Impelled by a powerful motor the Har
vard shell swept proudly down the Charles
river bantn' before the 20.000 people on .the
river bank and shot like an arrow acroas
the finish line. Behind them . trailed the
Columbia shell, with the oarsmen plunging
their blue and white blades Into the water
In a vain effort to kep up with the crimson
shell. Despite the almost perfect river con
ditions, the Columbia boat rolled Ilk a
knockabout in a heavy sea , and lt waa
with difficulty thst Coxswain Rockwood
kept the nose of his boat heading down the
course.'' Harvard's veteran crew howed all
the dash and force which wore out Tale
at New London last year, while the exhibi
tion of Columbia, even to Coach Rice, was
It wa a few minute, before 4 o'clock
when the two crew backed to their punt
underneath. the Co'ttage Farm bridge. The
start came almost exactly at 4 p. m. With
the firing of the pistol the Crimson shell
was the first to get away. Both crew hit
up the stroke above forty and for 100 yards
more rowed side by side. Then Harvard
began to. draw away. Columbia contluued
the high stroke for a couple of minute
longer, but presently Captain Crul
pTfopped back to thirty-six. At the quarter
mile Harvard was half a length to the
good, and at the half-mile flag there was
open water between the boats. . The Har
vard ' boat gained steadily, ' the Crimson
stroke decreasing to thirty-two and at one
tima to a low as twenty-eight. In the
Columbia boat Cxi wain Rockwood wa
continuously shouting encouragement to
his men. but with onlypartlal success.
Under Harvard bridge dashed the Crim
son crew, with t.000 people awcthlng. Ten
second later the Columbia shell swept
underneath and the two crews started
down the last mile of the course. Th
water was now -rougher than In the upper
reach of the liver. Th motion had no
effect whatever on the Harvard shell, but
th unsteadiness of - the Blu and h Wit
boat was th feature of th race from that
point. '
Stroka Sargeant of the Harvard craw
lgain dropped the stroke below thirty, but
ween the mile ana a half flag wer passed
there were flv length of water between
the boat. Coming down to the finish Co
lumbia wa the lirst to spurt, but there
was no gain on Harvard. A th finish
Una was l. tared bargeant called upon bis
men for the lait effort. Up went the Har
vard aMrok, while astern the Columbia
shell wobbled uncertainly. ' Then the red
flag fell and Harvard had won. Nineteen
seconds later th Columbia (hell rolled
across the line Ilk a spent runner. Coach
Rice said hi men could not seem to get
together. The Columbia oartmen showed
despondency after th race, but, would not
discus It.
Th time of the rsce were: v
GtorgVi Great Work Cannot SaT
Omaha from Defeat
Greenbackert Seat P'i Colts ia Tint
Tonngiter Showed at Start Hit Lack
of Control.
v -""
Hanasrer Fox Has What Looks I.llko
Fast Clos siad Hla OatfteK
la Especially "troagr
Omaha, I; Lincoln, 1
George Graham brok Into the gam Sat
urday 'and starred from th start to finish
and gave the fan an Idea of what they
may expect from him this summer If his
knee will but hold out.
Watching him tear around the diamond
like lightning on could not believe there
was anything the matter with him. He took
ten chance without a wobble, made thre
hit and a long' fly and they wer all
tlngers, too. He stopped a couple of hot
ones thst looked Ilk base hit and started
a double play In the first Inning, when,
with three men on bases and ofte out, Dav
idson stung th ball -hard, right at second
base.' Graham was there, tagged th sack
and caught the runner at first.
Thtse were some ' of the achievements
of Graham in the game Saturday
which Guy Green's Indians won from
the Rourke family by tiiejr6re of to 2.
Captain Franck did not act like he cared
much about the scores a he left Hanson
In the box after. It. wa evident th Coun
cil Bluff recruit could' not get the-ball
over the plate. He' passed th first three
men up in the third Inning and duplicated
his performance In the fourth, .
Lower Finishes Gasne.
Lower, pitched the last four Innings and
during that time not a hit waa made off
his delivery and no one reached first ex
cept, the-first man who faced him and
who was passed. He did some sharp field
ing and hit. the ball safe the only tim
he was at bat.
The Lincoln team Is complete exoept
for a tlhrd baseman. Pritchett, who played
last season, is holding out for more salary
and Captain Fox, maker of Foxy sliding
pans ana star sacrifice hitter In th West
ern league, ha played young Clarke, a
Lincoln amateur, on that sack In th ex
hibition series. ,
Lincoln fan. Captain Fox, Owner Guy
Green and -the town of Lincoln think th
Greenbackcrs' outfield the best in the
league. Fenloir has given way to Waldron,
making the trie, Waldron, Jude and-Da v
idson. . Each of these three was a star
performer In the game Saturday, Jude
especially, who pulled down two long flies
that looked to be good. .
Jack Thomas hasya lot of extra ginger
this spring. Captain Fox thinks he has
some good new pitchers and expects to. be
in the running from the start as soon a
th league season opens. v
. Cheers for Graham. f.
Graham start of the double" play In
the first Inning was a thriller. Waldron had
opened with a safe hit and Fox had got
In his usual sacrifice. Jude and Thomas
followed.. wtlh singles, filling the bases.
Davidson- was at bat and a hit or a long
fly meant sure scores, but Davidson mad
the mistake of hitting th . ball where
George Graham could get his hand on It,
and that was the beginning ' of th and.
The fan aplauded Graham for th play
and kept applauding lilm all through th
game. '
The same teams will play this afternoon
when Johns will pitch for Omaha and
Hackenberry for Lincoln. The gam will
be called at 3:30. '
The score;'
OMAHA. ' - .'
..4 1
Captain Track Tram.
124-Yard Hurdle; 1& Seconds.
nYard Hurdle, 26 Seconds.
Halt mile
Mile i
Mils and half ..
Harvard. Columbia.
3:34 t:4
4 21 i:
7.4 1:U
M 10:11
Ar4o Stat too at t'ktress.
CHETENNE. Wye,, April 17. 8pcial. -On
of th two surply station for th con
testants In th coming aytomoblia race
from New York to Bejtttl I to be estab
lished at Cheyenne. The other wit! b at
Chicago. Only at these station may con
testant In the rsce make repairs to their
machine Involving th substitution of Im
portant structural parts. This city wa
th location of a similar station for tb
Nw York to Pari race.
Fisher, If
King, cf
Welch, rf
Graham, 3b....
Pendry, 3b
LeBrsnrl. r
Gondlng, c
t-lalre, lb
Smith, as
Hollenbeck ..
Hanson, p
Lower, p.,'.....
Total .....
Waldron, rf...'.
Fox, 2b.... ,
Jude, If
Thomas, lb....
Davidson, cf...,
Gagnier, as,.,.,
Clarke. Sb ,
Sullivan, c
Johnson, p ,
. i
33 4
AB. R.
a 27 is a
, 2
' 0
3 4
1 1
Batted for Smith In ninth.
Batted for Hanson In fifth.
1 o 0 0 s
Hit 3 0 QJt 0
Lincoln - -
Two-base hit: Pendry. Thre-bsse hit:
Pendry. Wild pitch: - Johnson.- Bases on
balls: Off Hanson, 7; off Lower, 1. Struck.
out: By Haison, 1; by Lower, 3; by John
son. C Left on bases:, Omaha, t: Llnooln,
4. Double play: Graham to Claire. Sacri- '
flee hits: Gondlng, Fox (2), Jude, Thomas.
Time: 1:40. Umpire: Clarke.
Asserleaa aad Hectors Play.
Th American and lh Hoctor of South
Omaha will play at Florence ixrk today.
The American will have about th arae
lineup a last year, while the Hootjrs
have been strengthened. Game called at
i.n p. m., snarp. ine lineup:
Farley First ,
Rapp ,. Heoond. ,
Collin .....Third ..
Smith Short ..
Dygert' Left ....
Dennlson Centsr ,
Fox Right ..
...Right ..
...Catch ..
.. Pitch ...
..Pitch ..
C'aaaldy .
Denny ..
Hoctor' ,
... Browne
Baler r
Van Oidsn
.... Maraeh
.... Wrlt-bt
Baker Bros, liav Teas.
Baker Brothers hav put a team In th
field this year and at a meeting hold
Wednesday night all the member of the
old team were present and T. Bruggemati
elected tapisln for this season. For gims
address T. tii usgemsn. car Baker BroUp.
rs, or photi Duuglae Xj of A-isJ.
, -V