High Grade Wash Goods Dept. In this department we carry the strictly up-to-date fine wash goods. Let us show them to you. Printed Flaxon at, a yard 18c Poplins, in all colors, at, a yard 39c Handloom silk, looks just like Rajah, in all colors, at, a yard 49c A new cotton sateen for kimonos and wrap pers, at, a yard t 25c Silk and mercerized novelties on sale at, per yard 49c, 39c and 25c Anderson's Scotch Ginghams 18c Anderson's Scotch Zephyrs 25c Louisine tissues, ai.... 19c and 25c Serpentine Crepe, in all colors, at, yard, 15c 19c French Percales 120 Anderson's Imperial madras, 39c and 25c Fancy silk striped crepe, in all colors, at 49c High Grade White Goods Dept. A complete line of wash chiffon, French lawns, opera batiste, mercerized batiste and other fine white goods for graduating and confirmation dresses on sale at yard 98c, 85c, G5c, 49c and 39c St. Gall embroidered Swisses and batiste, in all the newest patterns on sale at yard 98C, 79c, 69c and 49c Persian Lawns and India Linons, 32 inches wide, at, yard, 39c, 25c, 15c and 12l2C Flaxon, 32 inches wide, on sale at yard. .30c, 25c and 19c Mercerized batiste, in checks and stripes, at, yard 39c, 29c and 25c Plain white madras, jacquards and fancy waistings, for tailored waists, on sale at, per yard 39c, 25c and 19c Auto Cloth, Touring Cloth, Indian Head, for suitings, at, a yard. .15c, 12 and 10c Dress linens, in all colors, in plain and stripes, at, a yard 39c, 25c and 19c I'll IW Matchless Values in High Class Silks Monday THE RELIABLE STORE Here it's only a question of what you want, your preference alone ruling your selection from our most comprehensive collection of newsprint UkJ. There ' always a saving in our prices, tOO. n -r. ,i.J Haydens Are Admitted Leaders in BiacK uk vaiue uiving. iyu cuu t mimu to miss mvra Most Complete Assortments and Pleasing Values in all Classes of Special Money Savers In our Muslin and Knit Underwear High Grade Linen ever brought to Omaha No matter what you want you'll find it here at less. Three Rousing Hour Sales 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Gowns, Corset Cov ers and Drawers, values up to 75c, at, choice 25c 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. Gowns, Chemises and Combination Suits, worth up to $1.50; choice ......... ... .69c 10:30 to 11:30 A. M. Ladies' Knit Vests, taped arms and neck; regular 19c values, choice 10c Omaha selling agents for the Fownes and Kayser silk and fabric gloves, all styles. Real Hand Made Brussels Curtains Imported Lace Curtains, Irish Point, Duches and Brus sels curtains from St. Gall, Switzerland; curtains in white or Arabian, from France; Scotch lace curtains 16 to 18 point, in filet patterns all the new effects in fin curtains. Ex amine the stock. Hand-made Princess Curtains at S27.50 Saxony Brussels Curtains, pair at $25.00 Imported Filet Curtains, pair at $20.00 Brussel Net Curtains, pair at S15.00 Two-tone Duchess Curtains, pair at $12.50 Cluny Lace Curtains, per pair at $10.00 Brussel Net Curtains, per pair at $8.50 Cable Net Curtains, per pair at $6.50 Cluny Lace Curtains, per pair at $5.00 Barnett Lace Curtains, per pair at $3.S This 35c Shoe Polishing Outfit 25c Heavy Cable Net Curtains, per pair at $2.98 Extra heavy Nottingham Curtains, 60-lnches wide, worth 92.98. go Monday, at, pair $1.08 Cable Net Curtains, the weave that wears well, special, pr.$1.40 Cable Net Curtains, in white or cream, Vt yards long and 48-In. wide, at. pair $1.25 60-inch Couch Covers in Bagdad stripes,, Monday, at, each.$2.98 Portieres, one or two pair of a kind, tapestry border or silk edge. Portieres selling every where, at $9.00, 9.60. $10. the entire lot Monday, at, per pair : $5.98 Everything new in yard goods. 10c Box Shinola, 25c liauber and Shoe Polisher 25 Shinola Is the best article on the market for Its purpose. A water proof polish that oils, polishes and preserves the leather; pro duces a patent leather finish that won't rub off. Polisher and Dauber are made of lambs wool, regular price of set with 10c Box Shinola is 35c. To introduce them, we're selling them for a limited time at a special price at 25 O X FO 94 3-50 3 93 Correct Style Lightness and FIT. At Hayden s Shoe Department . 0-lba. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar 1.00 T-lba. Best Rolled Buckwheat bat meal 20c -lbs. Choice Japan Rice 25c Malta Vita Corn Flakes, pkg.7H 10 Bars Diamond C or Beat-'Em- All Soap 25o Cllletfa Washing Crystal, per pkg. tor ..lc I 10c pkgs. Up-to-Date Washing Powder loc 4- lb. pkg. Pyramid Washing Pow der, at 15o 1-lb. Sifted Top Can of Scouring Soap. For all ktuds of work per can, special 5c 84-lb. Back Best Rye Flour.. 75c 5- lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hom iny. Sauerkraut or Baked Beans, at OHc The Beet Soda or Oyster Crackers, per poucd Oo Department For Monday's Selling Ten pieces Imported Mercerized Da mask and German Silver Bleached Table Linen, good vale at 79c yd., special Monday, yard 49 Twenty dozens Dinner Napkins, full bleached, Irish manufacture, warran ted pure linen, never sold less than $2.50 dozen, Monday, 6 for. . . .69 Fifty unhemmed pattern table cloths, 72 inches square, strictly pure linen, full grass bleached, regular $2.75 values, Monday, each $1.50 One hundred center pieces and scarfs, hemstitched with open work, good ... values, at 60c, Monday, each.29 Our WaCIOnS UellVertO Fifty pieces toweling, a mixed assort- m, ment of Barnsley's and glass values, worth up to 12V4c yard, special Mou- day, yard 7.- Fifty dozens hemmed huck towels splendid assortment of values, rang ing up to 20c, in one lot, Monday each -M Out-of-town patrons should Bend a trial order through our mall order department. Wheat is $129 a Bushel ' This means that It costs the miller $1.61 K per sack to make. It takes ' 5 bushels of wheat to make 4 sacks of flour. We boughtlO carloads before the last advance and will give the people of Omaha the benefit of this purchase. For Monday's sale we will sel 48-Ib. Sacks, Highest Patent Flour, per sack $1.55 There is every indication ol Flour going to iz.uu per sack. The Best Crisp Pretaels, or. Ginger Snaps, per lb .6c BlTTEIt, CHEESK AND BUT. TKKINK SPECIALS Choice No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, pound 20c Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, pound 26c Fancy Full Cream Brick or Llm- burger Cheese, lb 15c 2-ib. rolls good No. 1 Butterlne, at 25c ajrdea's, the OntUrt Market Ul oniahk (or riMh vtriubiM, r raits. Kre.li gptnacti, per peck 80s Kreh beta. Carrots, Turnips or Onions, per bunch o Froah Wax or Green Beana, lb... .SOo fresh Green Peas, per quart. ... ISWe I. arse Cucumber, each M Fancy Kip Tomatoea, per lb....TH i large bunches fresh Radishes. . . .&o S heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce. . . .So Lara Head Lettuce, head. So and TVe Fresh New Cabbage, per lb 4o SOo els Highland N'avela, doen..40o (Oo sis Highland Navela, dose n.. SOo 0o als Highland Navela, dosen..84o lOo sis Highland Navela. dusen..SO I Rugsl Ruqs! Second shipment of our great mill purchase Just received. Six Big Specials Monday $32.50 Body Brussels Rugs 9x12 size, 21 patterns to se lect from, choice $25.00 $40.00 Wiltone Rugs, oriental patterns, 9x12 size, great snap, choice $27.50 $30.00 Extra Axminster Rugs, Sanford's or Smith's, 9x12 size, 25 patterns to select from, choice $19.98 $35.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs Seamless, 9x12 size, 15 pat terns for selection.. .$22.50 $8.50 Kashmir Rugs, fast col ors, reversible, 6x9 size, on 8ale. t $5.49 $5.00 Axminster Rugs, 36x72, big line of patterns for selec tion, choice . .$2.98 Many Other Big Specials splendid Monday offerings: $1.00 and $1.25 Silks, Monday 49c and 69c Satin directoire foulards, shower-proof foul ards, v rough shantung pongees, jacquards, satin and plain messalincs, etc., in magnificent assortment. The second big shipment of Arnold, Constable Silks All manufactured for this season's selling, all new, clean spring stock, at 49c and 69c $1.25 La Tossa Silks, Yard, 89c La Tossa is exactly the type of rough silk demanded by the spring season's styles; is very lustrous, of $1.35 Black Peau de Soie Medium weight and soft fin ish, 36-in. wide; big snap at, yard 98c $1.50 Black Mess aline Beau tiful quality, specially adapt ed for coats and 3-piece cos tumes, 36-in. wide, yd., 95 C mm wh...iwii a.' muMuwm i Ltm m 'tut, firm weavo and has a rich, silky touch, un doubtedly the queen of rough silks. La Tossa retails everywhere regularly at $1.25; Monday you can buy full 27-inch la Tossa at, per yard 89c $2.00 Black Pcau de Soie Double faced, heavy glove finish, full 36-in. wide; special Monday, per yard $1.50 $1.85 Black Messaline A pure Italian silk, rich, lustrous finish, full 36 inches wide; spec ial Monday, yard $1.25 36-in. Black Satin Luminant Duller finish than messaline, unequaled for strength and rich appearance; very special at, yard 89c Sheets and Pillow Cases at less than manufacturers' cost, in our high grade Linen department for Monday's selling. .eso Central part of cl'ty. . Four times All $1.25 Sheets, size 81x90 each All 11.10 Sheets, sice 81x90 each 75o All tl-00 Sheets, size 81x90 each 69o All 86o Sheets, size 81x90 each 59o All 65c Sheets, size 81x90 each 490 All $1.00 Sheets, size 72x90 each 75o All 90c Sheets, size 72x90 each 6 So All 85c Sheets, size 72x90 each 89o All 79c Sheets, size 72x90 each . . . . B5o All 60c Sheets, size 72x90 each 39o All 14c Pillow Cases, size 42x36 each los All 14c Pillow Cases, size 45x36 eacn .... Ho each day. twice a day In West Farnam All 20c Pillow Cases, Vize'42x36 and Hanscom Park districts. Once each day to every part of Omaha, Benson and Iu n dee. Gibson and Co"ncil Bluffs, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays; South Omaha, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Florence and East Omaha on Wednes days and Saturdays; Albrigrht, Tuesdays and Fridays; Avery, Ft. Crook and Bell vue and Ollmoro, Fridays. each l4o All 20c Pillow Cases, size 46x36 each l4o Grand assortment high grade Im ported Marseilles Bed Spreads, full size, knotted fringe, with cut corn ers, $6.00 values; special Monday, each 93.98 One case Crochet Bed Spreads, pro nounced patterns, full size, frlniccd. $3.00 values; Monday, each ... .$1.79 All Mall Orders filled with care. 35c Embroideries Monday 15c A magnificent line of 18-in. flouncinga, secured at a great sacrifice from one of the largest New York embroid ery houses; striking new patterns in fine Swiss and cambric, well worth 35c; Monday 15 C iOc and I5c Embroideries 5c and.lc A big purchase of loom strips, 4txz to 6 yard lengths, in edges and insertings, all regular 10c ancTlSc qualities, Mon day at just half price, 7C and 5c Lace Bargains Monday A grand cleaning up of our immense stock of dainty Net Top Laces, up to 12 inches wide; values to 25c a yard, Monday 10c Vals. and Linen Laces See the re markable values in pure linen Torch- on, Point do Paris, Vals, Zion City, and Elyria laces, greatest offered anywhere, Monday, yard . :' .5c " S ank Ready-to-Wear (jarmenf Bargains of Surpassing Interest Our cloak and suit buyer has just returned from New York and over 3,000 tailor suits, gowns, skirts and jackets, which he secured at about 50c on the dollar, are now here and will be placed-on sale for the first time Monday. Values that will make business boom for the next 30 days. Watch our windows, our ads. See these offerings. Beautiful Gowns, in fine xnessalines, satins, foulards, eta, values to $40, winningly original designs, all the new shades for spring $12.50, $18.50 French Voile Dress Skirts, plain tailor ed effects or trim med with bands and folds, garments made to sell to $10, in Monday's sale, at $4.95 Several charming new designs, im mense assortment of colorings and fabrics, choice of all Crown Jewel Tailor Suits. AVe want you to see them, they lead all others at 25.00 $12.50 Silk Coats at $7.95, in the long loose styles so much in vogue ; values we do not believe you can equal at this low price. Jap Silk Waists, made to sell at $4.00, shown Monday at, your choice S1.98 A full line of the celebrated "Maternity Skirts." See them, $7.50, $10, $12.50, $15 aOBXESSEBUSBESE White Serge Suits, all the rage this season, a splendid assort ment of superior values for se lection, on sale at prices rang ing from $19.90 to $29.75 Silk and Satin Rubberized Auto and Rain Coats All colors actual values to $30.00; special at $14.90 $1.50 Lingerie Waists 69c All new designs, embroidery and lace trimmed, the bost values ever at ; . . . ,. . . .G9c Tailor Suits, $30.00 and $35.00 values; most clever new de signs, best color ings and fabrics for spring wear splendid bargains Monday at our sale price $19.90 Tailor Suits, worth to $20.00; choice new styles, all sizes and colors, big as sortment at, choice, Monday ..$10.00 White jackets . and Coats, a big ship ment just received, all sizes for women and misses, at $5, $7.50, $10, $12 $1.50 Black Sateen Underskirts, Monday 69c New Princess Slips, for dresses, silks, satins and lingerie, beau tiful assortment, in prices up from $2.98, $3.98, $5.00 and $7.50 $1.50 House Dresses 98c $7.50 Long Silk Kimonos, Mon day, at $3.95 $2.00 long Challie Kimonos, on sale Monday at 98c Sheei'gs, Muslins, Sheets, Pillow Cases In Our Famous Domestic Room 9-4 Lockwood. .22c 9-4Pepperell..21c Hope, genuine arti cle 7140 Fruit of Loom 8c Lonsdale 8c 101 bleached Mus lin 5c Product LL 4c 10c Percales. ..6V2C 81-90 Sheets, No. 645, worth 55c, at, each 39c 42-36 Pillow Cases, worth 12yc, each, at 8c 25c White Waist ings 10c 12Mc fine Percales, at 80 Blue Prints, worth 7120, at, yd.. 4Vc Best shirting prints at 5c Merc. Sateens. .10c 15c Towels 10c 25c Towels 18c 15c Organdies. .10c 15c Batiste lOo 15c India Linon 10c This telegram' re ceived from our piece-goods buyer, Mr. Nash, Tuesday, Is self-explanatory. Ills letter claims gret things for his purchase and we ex. pect to be able to offer 70a some un usual bargains In very short time. Watch papers. M CH. CSWUfft frfTtM MMHCt ALL IM0TNT M Tl UWTiO St.TlS MO MKraH UCKk 1 NIGHT TELEGRAM POSTAL TELEGRAPH-CABLE COMPANY. r 1 tnmMimd rt.c iTt ttnm mt 'Mil rtM4 m Ul it li Hat, ' O TM.fc tMU. MJH1 S. WUDLi. lit tm Clinl lt Jl eA he collect nit 9J4 u Hew Yerk. Apr 12 09 hsyden Bros., Omajts, Nebr. "out hi ntlre surplus spring stock fro best rectory In America for spot cash. Won't sllow use. of naae. Lsrceet best end cheepest purchase over atsds. flMt ess Use shipped to day. Have Britten. v M Hatlt Several other buyers are now in eastern mar ket centers and reports point to ward sale values in the near fu ture that will set a new mark in bargain giving in Omaha. Don't Forget TRY fl 1.3 1 If ESST it Pays The Home Furnisher is assured of these things in buy ing furniture at Hayden's: A tremendous assortment of newest styles, dependable quality in all lines and the lowest prices consistent with honest merchandise. SEE THESE FOUR SPECIAL MONDAY BARGAINS Three-llece Tarlor Suite, well worth $30, birch or mahogany frame, genuine leather upholster ed, fine polish finish. Snap Mon day 821.50 flO.BO Library Table, solid oak mission finish, one large drawer, 28x42 top, a splendid bargain at $7.25 SmHLSlJUiaiSS mu.y-l.JS ISMJ1J Get Busy in the Garden $10.50 Solid Oak Dresser with 3 large, deep drawers, plate glass mirror, well raade and finished. On sale $7.95 We Open Go-Tart Season with the greatest line of carts a"nd car riages ever shown. See our spe cial collapsible cart with hood on sale Monday, at $5.50 12-tooth steel Garden Hake, Monday at 15c 4V2-foot steel Garden Hoe, Monday at 15c 24-tooth steel Lawn Itake worth COc at 25c Vt'o are sole agents in Om aha for the double galvanized Poultry Wire, guaranteed to last twice as long as any other kind. We have a sam ple of the other kind. You ought to roe the difference. Price by the roll c, cut Monday, at 94 c f 1 spading or potato forks,. Mon day at 60c 76c round pointed shovels for gar den work, at ...,.30c 12-qt. AU WlUte Enameled Cham ber Tails $1.25 12 gal. galvanized garbage can only 0c $1.25 decorated 50 pound flour can, at 70c The old-reliable western washer. Monday $2.75 20c scrub brushes, tamplco or rice root " Extra quality parlor broom, Mon day, at 25c 25c Heavy Wire Carpet Deaters woven IS 12-qt. galvanized water pails, ,10c Large, new willow clothes baskets, at 75c C-foot braced step ladders, extra strong 05c Cliildren's 3-piere (Jartlcn Nets et 10c $1.25 roller skates, extra quality, at ,08e $3.50 wooden coaster wagons at $2.40 $2 steel coaster wagons, only, ,08c