THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 18. 1009. U Dwf, 818 The Newest in Millinery Handsome Man-Tailored Skirts to Your Special Measure. Some charming new models are now on display In the busy drees goods section. They are as smart as a whip In style and with every detail of clever tail oring and cut. Yoji select any material you like, color or black, we will make it to your special measure. The Latest Handsome petticoats to match your skirt made to your special measure. See model at Dress Ooods Department. Announcement. Those who are planning Graduation Dresses will be pleased to know that Mrs. tsavlri who Is at our rib bon department Is an expert In makln all sorts of bowa and sashes. Work executed to order. 0 Lace Curtain Department. Z I, If you take the trouble of compar- I f !ing our Curtain Prices with those of others you'll realize that the saving is .' considerable. Many women have found thla out. Why not you? See Tl.... . .IJ. Lace Curtains. V J i i i in si i Ti " .1 if ri it l iiv V visiting f sy 1 othef primary markets many years to get whatever advantages they . posca, and It must not be expected that this compara tively new market can get onto an even footing with- its much oldr competitors all 'at once.. Borne of the disadvantages under which, the Omaha market labored when It first, opened have been removed, through persistent and well directed ef fort, and lis great benefit to the grain grower, because of the- sharper competi tion created, has. helped materially by wln nlng ubllc sentiment to Us support. Fair dealing, too, with as good prices generally aa could be secured elsewhere, haa helped te put the Omaha grain market among the lenders. 'Reports for 1907 from Seventy-six manu facturers of flour and mill products in Til YOU OWN jj8S9 CSS m nun tSBBB IT J)k. i; S i5 uu)-im7 DouHlas Street Omaha -Nt. L (Send for New Bprlag Catalogued) 1QT TMOwmm 1C A 1. 1. DIW1. TO DE SEEN AT Thompson, Belden (& Cos. You may always depend upon seeing the newest crea tions in fashionable millinery at Thompson, Belden & Co. 's. We show hats of beautiful and individual charm that are not shown elsewhere; and, all things considered, prices are very moderate. We do not fool you with odd prices or schemes or devices. Each hat's worth is based on the actual cost of production. Many new styles for Monday. Stylish Gloves Visitors to our glove department can gee the per fection of glove making expressed in the famous and popular gloves that we flurry Long Kid Gloves "Trefousse" or "Vallier" In black, white and colors, per pair, $2.50, 3.00, $3.50 up to $4.00. Long Silk Gloves "Fownes" or "Kayser" in black, white and colors, per pair, $1.00, $1.60, $2.00 up to $2.50. Long Chamois in natural and white, per pair, $2.00, $2.60 up to $3.00. Short Kid Gloves In black, white and colors, per pair, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 up to $2.25. Short Silk and LiBle Gloves in black, white and colors, per pair, 60c, 7 5c, $1.00 up to $1.50. Special Sale of 36-inch See Howard Street Window linen suitings, neat checks and rose, cadet blue and black and 50c a yard, on Sale Monday, 8 self. All Nebraska, received by the state bureau of atatistlcs, Bhow that they bought $3,304,492 worth of grain In that year, and turned ojt manufactured product to the value of $3.1L'S,364. This is not anything like a com plete showing of tha milling Industry In the stale, but Jt will serve to Indicate that a fair start has been made toward the position which Nebraska must eventually hold, by reason of Omaha becoming a great milling center. ' "A great milling center?" somebody may ask, a trifle Incredulously. No reason against such an eventuality at all. Tha Updike mill, with a capacity of 1.000 barrela a day, la In operation, and a mill wit, a capacity of 2,000 barrela of flour a day will be In operation early In August. There Is also a cornmeal mill with a capacity of 300 dresses ! for little girls and "wee tots' -we are Indeed specialists on dear little "babyish" garments; "girly" frock for ml tea of ladles, and toga for little "Busters." for "Wll I.XTTX.B OIM.B" we show a Una of yoke draaaea In a gas 1 to years; daintiest of styles, with long or short sleeves and low necks, in she rest nainsooks, lawns and batistes, with fetching band embroidered yokes, or, In pretty lac trimmed effects. At $3.50, S3. 60, 91.60 and 91. for X.XTTX.B BABT BOYS nothing i, more re cent la style than tha "Jtusslaa" Dresses as shown by na. These In ages 1 to 9 la lawns, linens, madraa, or pare linen. Pretty little pleated affairs with a touoh of hand feather stltohlcar or amlrold ary trimming. At S3, 8,3, l.BO and aa low aa 91. for UTTX.B QXXXB of to years there are nnmsrona new French dresses In lawns, batistes, to which may he had with low necks and short alaavsa, or high aeok and long sleeve effects, low quite "fussy" for party war- other little dreaaea in plainer styles for every day. At 97.60, 93, a.l6 and a very good Una even as low aa 1.60. there lan't another such an expo sition of infantile and juvenile gar ments west of Chicago you know if you trade HERE. HO TfOPirS ST try rv vrr. a TV lull. A-ltl for Well Dressed Women. Linen Suiting, Monday. for these warranted all pure plaids in blue, pink, green, old white. Never sold for less than A. M., a yard, 25c. FASHIONABLE WEAR ING APPAREL FOR WOMEN "VVe have enjoyed a greater suit,' coat and dress business during the past three weeks than in any similar period in the history of our store. Everyone tells us we sell the best garments in Omaha for the price. Come in Monday and see for your alterations done free of charge. Fine Tailor made Suits $25 to $45 Stylish Coats from .. . .$10.50 to $25 Lovely Silk Dresses .... .$25 to $50 Tailor Made Pure Linen Waists The Herald Square Make. Plain and Hand Embroidered. The most perfect waist made. ' Visiting Elks Welcome barrels a day. These will lead to the establishment of other mills here, sooner or later, for Nebraska wheat has the merit. Minneapolis and other northern millers long ago realised this, and for years they have been buying the Nebraska winter wheat to mix heavily with their spring wheats, the mixture producing a flour for which Minnesota wheat has been getting all the credit. When durum wheat comes to Its own In popular favor, as It must In time, because of Its Inherent strength aa a basis for prob ably the strongest natural flour, Nebraska will be right there with a large quantity of the best durum grown. This wheat is becoming more popular every year with n certain claso of progressive farinera. It produces heavily, and the recent ruling against bleached flours must Inure to Its advancement for milling purposes. This macaroni or durum wheat will make bread or macaroni whose strength, as compared with beefsteak. Is as seven to one. Durum wheat used to be fed to the hogs tome years ago, and It was a very good cattle food.' Secretary of Agriculture Wilson and some other men of Independent Initia tive stooped this by an Intelligent cam paign In) advocacy of the real merits of durum. Macaroni aad Corn Products. A trip through macaroni factory at St. Paul. Mliuiv which has developed remark ably within ten years-proves there la no single" reason why Omaha shouldn't have such factories In a growing ratio with the population of this midwest region. The workers take durum flour and a small amount of .water, two simple ingredients. Mixed, the dough is kneaded, and kneaded again, and then some more, for hours; then is pressed by hydraulic power Into the shape so well known to all house, wives. Experts have found 600 ways of preparing macaroni for the table, and no oener rooa, at ao reasonable a price, Is to be founj In the whole list of things that people ent. What Is true of macaroni will be equally true 'A durum bread. Education to Ita merlta la all that la needed, and that will come In good time. Many of the mills of Nebraska are Grind ing product that goes to Mexico and as far, away aa Germany. This is especially true of corn products and cornmeal, but Ne braska flour also holds Its own every where that It becomes known. The corn meal mill In Omaha finds Its product all taken by local demand. Cornmeal mills In other towns sell their product largely to the south, where the people have found that Nebraska cornmeal la very far ahead of their own product; It keeps better, cooks better and la In every way superior to meal from southern corn. Mills In towns like Seward, Superior ami others do a very large business with the southern states. with Mexico, and to soma extent with I South America. A mill at Adams, for ex- ! amble. Shin rnrw npAifiui. . n - , w uermany several times a year. In bulk, and the Ger mans work It up to auit their trade. Mark the prediction: Thla business of corn milling wUI In the not distant future be a large Industry In the state that, with a comparatively amall acreage, takes rank as third to Illinois and Iowa for corn nrn. y ; ducttun end com of excellent quality, even , better for milling thaa for stock feeding. 9! Elevator capacity In the three cities of j Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs will rare for 8.HO.ono bushels of a-raln at one time. Of the fifteen elevator now In operation, five are In Council Bluff, three In South Omaha an1 erven In Omaha. One has a capacity of 1.6n,ono bushels, two a capacity of l.OdO.nm bushels each, one a capacity of enftfloo bushels, two a rapacity of fino.ono bushels each, one a capacity of Dno.OOO bushels and the rent range down from L25,or0 to 40.000 bushels rapacity. Membership In the Omaha Grain ex change now numbers 175, and of theae Ixty are active grain men. Something like thirty firm are engaged In the business In Omaha. During 1908 there were Imperted In for the Omaha market 7.0K3 cars of wheat, $.52$ can of corn, 7,179 cars of oats, tit of barley, 191 of rye. Inspected out of Omaha during 1908: Wheat, 9.021 cart; corn, 8, Ml rare; oata, 8,918 cure; barley, 1M cara; rye, 160 cara. Total tnaepcled In, 1U6.136 cara; total Inspected out, 66.144 cars. )ITY ENGINEER ROSEWATER DEAD (Continued from First Page.) nlng of many public Improvements and rail roads in Colorado and South Dakota. The great hoisting works of the Homestake mine at Deadwood were constructed under his direction. The University of Nebraska conferred on Mr. Rose water the degree of doctor of en gineering, and he enjoyed the distinction of being the only engineer who has ever received the degree from that university. Ha was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and waa honored by the society a number of times. CITY OFFICIALS ARE SHOCKED Mayor end Others Pay Tributes te Ilka and Poblle Officer. Mayor Dahlman expressed great surprise and grief when Informed of the sudden death of the city engineer, whom he ap pointed and maintained In office over the strenuous objections nf his city council. "Mr. Rosewater was a man for whom I always had the greatest respect, not only as a man, but as an oflclal, and his death will be a distinct loss to Omaha,' said the mayor. "I never questioned his honesty, his capability or his unswerving adherence to what he considered right and I sincerely regret his death. I doubt If there la an other man In his profession In the country who knows as much as Andrew Rosewater did of engineering matters and Omaha ought too be proud that he spent the greater part of his life here with us." "Andrew Rosewater was man of un questioned ability and ranked as high aa any. man In his profession In the country," said J. P. Crick, assistant city engineer, "and I considered It an honor to serve under him. He waa as honest aa a die, true to his friends to the last ditch, and no one ran question his ability as an en glneer." As soon as Mr. Crick 'reached his office he ordered the entire department closed for the day. . Expression of T. J. Flyna. "We had some little difficulties, con filets arising from the management of our departments, but I never questioned his fidelity and intention to always do what wss right," said Thomas J. Flynn, street commlscsioner, of Mr. Rosewater. "He made a good official and helped place Omaha on a high plane." Tribute by H. E. Barnam. City Attorney H. E. Burnam, In speak ing of Andrew Rosewater, called to mltid the engineer's brother, , Edward, and said that the two were two of the greatest men Omaha ever saw. "Andrew Rosewater and Edward Rose- water were both men of a national repute tlon, both were leaders In their line of endeavor and both, while they may have had their faults as all or us have, were true, honest and capable citlaens," said Mr. Burnam. C. O. Lobeek Knows Him Well. "We of'en differed as to policies, but it did not. effect our social and friendly rela tions, and during the last year especially we worked together In close harmony," said City Comptroller C. O. Lobeck. "As far as ability, Mr. Rosewater ranked aa the best and in my visits to other cities I found that Omaha was often known be cause of the Rose waters Edward and An drewtwo great men of ability." Goodley Bracker Grieves. "Despite his faults, which all of us have, and the differences of opinion we had, I always considered Andrew Rosewater as a man of fidelity," eald Goodley F. Brucker, councilman from the Fifth ward. "The city engineer and I always got slong all right, I recognised his position and training and his technical knowledge, and he waa al ways ready to give advice and point out what ought to be done and why certain things wanted could not be done. I regret his death sincerely." MAW CITY NEEDED FOR FUTURE Verdlet of Bealneae Mea Who Kaetv Mr. Rosewater Best. That Andrew Rosewater waa the man the city needed to work out the engineering problems of the future In Omaha, and that his sudden death leaves a place hard to fill, i the verdict of Omaha business men, who knew the engineer for many yeara. "Andrew Rosewater built with great fore sight and the city has Improvements which wilt do fos a municipality of 160,000 or En larged will serve a city of 1,000.000, without changing the plana made by Rosewater." la a common expression. "Only yesterday I talked with him and told him I hoped for his re-election," said Gould Diets. "Only yesterday I told a candidate who waa circulating a petition to rui agalnstxMr. Rosewater, that he should get out, as Andrew Rosewater was the man who, In the office of city engineer, was needed by the future Omaha. The city Is growing at a rapid rate. Mr. Rose water was an engineer of auch ability that Omaha needed him. What I said yester day when It seemed possible to have him work with ua, remains unchanged aince his death." Former Senator J. H. Millard, president of the Omaha National bank, said: "I have known Andrew Rosewater for a num ber of yeara, heard much criticism of his public career and work, but knowing him and his methods, I never had my confi dence shaken in his Integrity as a cltlsen, nor doubted his ability as an engineer." For' the firm, A. D. Brandels. of J. V. Brandela te Sons, said: "The death of An drew Rosewater must come aa a great shock to the business community. As city engineer he contributed largely to the growth of the city along broad lines. He wai a man cf positive views and strong per sonality and could not be moved from what he believed to be right. His death takes from among ua another of the pioneers who ara rapidly passing away. We will all feel hla loss." J. M. Guild, coinmUrloner of the Com mercial club, said! ' 1 T.itrfl hoped yea lerday. and so expressed niself, for the re-election of Andrew Rosewater to the office of city engineer. He served the city conscientiously and I have aiwaya be lieved that If he had been given entire charge of the streets of Omaha, w would have had long age the "beautiful Omaha' for which he worked." GRAIN USER IS MILKED Secretary Wilson Sayi Gambler., Not Farmers, Reap Wheat Profits. CROP CONDITION DISTURBED II lab. Prlre Thla Year Will Caaae Rla Arreaae and Glat In Market Neat Year. WASHINGTON, April 17. "There Is suffi cient wheat In the country at normal prices to make bread for the Americans up to the time when the new en p come In." de clared Secretary of Agriculture Wilson to day, "and those who attempt to keep prices up at present rates rxpect to get their money out of the common people the con sumers." Secretary Wilson's statement was made In reply to criticisms of J. A. Patten of Chicago of the crop reports of the Depart ment of Agriculture. Mr. Patten not only discredited the department's estimate of wheat crop, but said that the supply of wheat was scarcer than the government's estimate show. "The reporters of the Department of Agriculture are farmers living on farms, and know. It anybody knowb, and have knowledge if anybody has knowledgo cf the facts," declared the secretary. "We cannot whistle these men down the wind. If we seek an honest class of com munity and hrsltate to take the words of the American farmers we will not establish truth by going to the gamblers. "The large maJorit of wheat has left the hands of the farmers," continued the secretary. "A fictitious price has been created. The farmers are not beneficiaries of such conditions. They will naturally plant more wheat and next year's crop Is likely to be abnormally largo, when the gamblers will not be In the market, and mischief will be done by disturbance of the crop system. In the corner of 1838, when the price of wheat was run up to 1185, the prlco was depressed the following year below SO cents, the result undoubtedly of the upsetting of the equilibrium of the normal supply and demand." Condition Not Abnormal. To show that a scarcity of wheat in this country Is not the cause for the present abnormal Increase In the prices. Secretary Wilson points out that the amount of wheat produced In the calendar yar 190S was 665,000,000 bushels, as compared with 634.000.000 bushels for the crop year 1907, making 31,000,000 bushels more for the last crop year than was found the year previous. After catling attention to the department's report, which Indicated that the amount of wheat on farms on March 1 last was about 143,000,000 bushels In round numbers, the secretary states that an analysis of the wheat movement after March 1 in past years indicates that the yearly estimate of the percentage of crop on farma at that time haa been about 5 per cent below the actual percentage. He says that when wheat becomes dear, as It is now aa the result of the Chicago corner, people use more corn than they do wheat until what Is cheaper, and declares that the people who are responsible for the corner will have to consider that less wheat will be used white It remains at an abnormally high price. UNITED ACTION ' FROM WEST (Continued from Flrat Page.) asserted, there Is today more scrap Iron on the market In the United Btates than can bo used for a decade. If the present tariff is reduced and foreign countries are per mitted to dump their scrap iron upon us, there will be no market whatsoever for American dealers in scrap Iron, who, even under the present rate of duty have a sur plus." Sugar Duty Imperative. The Nebraska senators and members from the Centennial state are In receipt of a petition from the Scott'a Bluff County Com mercial club protesting against any reduc tion in the present duty on raw or refined sugar. To make even the least reduction in the present duty, they assert, threatens the very foundation of the prosperity of western Nebraska. Therefore, they urge Nebraskans In congress to stand by them to protect the Infant farming Industry by keeping present dutlea on sugar upon the statutes. Senators Burkett and Brown are in re ceipt of petitions from citisens of Decatur, Neb., asking their assistance to secure gov ernment aid In prevention of flooda of the Missouri river. The government has long since abandoned care of the banks of the MlssoUrl river in the vicinity of Decatur, having reached the conclusion that the "Great Muddy" was altogether too treach erous a stream even to endeavqr to control. Senator Gamble thla morning accompanied L. A. Ball and wife of Trent and Mra. J. W. Kurn of Lead, 8. D.. to the 'White House and Introduced them, to President Taft. ' TAT AT LINCOLN MEMORIAL President Will i I tend Dedlcatloa at Farm Near Hodareavllle In November. WASHINGTON. April 17.-Preeldent Taft today accepted an Invitation to attend the dedication of the IJncoln farm memorial, near Hodgenvllle, Ky., In November. The Weather Fw Omaha Probably showers and Cooler. Fur Nebraska Showers and cooler. For Iowa Bhowere; cooler In northweat portion. Temperatures at Omaha yesterdays Hour. Deg. Local Ileeord. OP-FIPE OF THE WKATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. April 17.-Offlclal record of tem perature and preiipttaiion, comparea wun the corresponding day of the last thre-j ,,ar,;, 1909. 1. 1SU7. I. Maximum temperatrue. .. 71 IS 38 68 Minimum temperature.. 42 S 2 60 Mean temperature M &i 32 W precipitation T .17 .16 .uo Temperature and precipitation departures from tha normal at Omaha alnce March 1 and compared with the laat two years. Normal temperature 6J Kireii for the day 6 Total deficiency since March 1 7 Normal precipitation 10 Inch Deficiency for the day l'Hnch Total rainfall alnce March 1 1.18 Inches Deficiency since March 1 -..17 inches Deficiency fur cor. period In 19W... OS Inches Deficiency for cor. period In 1!i7. .1.08 Inches T Indicates trace of precipitation. Lm A. WfcLSH, Local Forecaster. ' tf.'r'V ' I a. m 43 1 a. m 42 8 a. m 44 7 'jl. kHt Ni a. m W 111. m i. 1 a" y t t m 13 ' p. m 73 7 p. m U THIS Refrigerator GIYEI TO THE ELK'S FAIR rV . . l aee it mere or 11. ! one iiK.e it ai our r store. It's a Peerless. It nolds 125 lbs. of ice: is 41i inches wide and 50 inches high; mineral wool insulation ' i rt 1. in all walls and doors. It has beautuui wnue j enameled lining guaranteed not to chip or peel J uiu VJU1UC11 WU1V 11I11MI. AXlrwti jjiulw wnv shelves. Agents Peerless & McCray Refrigerators. ILTOnROGERS&SOIJSCO. 14th and law-' IsWAJSkvv 0 The more this label helps us to sell Sincerity Clothes, the more careful we are to have ft Clothes help the label. We aren't short-sighted enough to think that we can keep ahead on our repute Hon. It only means something when our clothes mean as much. This is ont of many young men's models. There are more of ihem in the Spring Slyl Book. It's worth a lot and costs a stamp. D Ktth,tlathati 6 FUcher t These Drug At Sherman & hlcConnell s Drug StorR 16th and Dodge. OWL DRUG CO., 151 aad Hirnej QVXOX RBBYICl), LOW FBICBSJ alO TXB AJsTXOIiS YOU ASK TOM ' Bhooldsr Braoaa for Boys, Olrls, ataa and Woman. Genuine Ideal Hair Rrnsh Bsc TOn.IT ATICLEf 60c Plnaud's Comtesxe Powder.. 3So Pr. Graves' Tooth Powder lao lao 25c Sanitol Goods I ihc Colgate's Tooth Paste ... 2fc Rulilfoam 2 or Iental Bleach 6P Berry'a Frerkls Cream... 60c Satin Skin Cream 11.50 Oriental Cream 60c Dr. Charles' Flesh F"v1 . . 900 . 190 . ISO . 390 , 390 $1.09 . 80 RirVHI noriua 60c White Rose, White Lilac or Jockey Perfume, per os 3o KOc Pnzzonl's Powder, speclsl . . 3 80 Sherman & McConnell OWL DRUG CO., tars and Stripes A beer just suited to quaff at home a night-cap for the sociable evening a refreshing draught for the late supper a delightful glass to sip under the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes is a foaming, sparkling beverage for the keen palate for th connoissieur. Have a case delivered to your home. Willow Springs Brewing Co. Offloe, 140T Karasy Srk, raoae Bona;. 1MM. I 334 -ii i f1 rt?zz ,.B Wei 1 'A FARNAM 2w m Co. Prices Monday 60c Java Rice Powder 870 2&c Kwansdown. aprrlul ISO 2Bc Hydrogen Peroxide 80 15c Chamois 9c 1 lb. ao-Mule Team Bnrax JOo BUBBKK GOODS $1.50 Fountain Syringe 380 12.60 Combination Syringe.... tl.60 85c Hot Water Bottle 490 11.25 Hot Water Bottle ........ 76o $2.50 Female Hyrlnaa $1.98 $3 75" Marvel Whlrlina- Spray.. S3.T5 We cut prices on patent medicines. Olycothymoluni, -16o, 45o and 8o Scott'a Kmulelon 46o and 89o 60c Syrup of Figs . 5o Cc White Pine Couah Remedy.. 19o $1.00 IMJffy's Pure Mult ....880 $1 00 I.ydla I'lnkham Vea-etabla Com pound J Two bottles Stors Mult "SO Huramo Root " 3 jo Castoria 330 4 m W-A'-r. MMMfeLl-UMatMWat Mu J JaV WOOt ft pedal Sal Monday on Swift's Toilet Soaps, at Deeply Out Prices. Drug Co., 1 6th and Dodge. 16th ann Harney. ailt siitiil ifcVi i ' oreen Trading S amps 11.60 la Stamps (IS) (Iven with each Two dozen cm uf small bottles, de- pi OP llvered In J I.IJ ihs city for..." 13.00 In Htampa (80) Siven with each twa oien case cf rir bottles, da- Ar (IP llvered In the city fur.. "" Out of town cus tomers add $1.$S for rase and bottl.a. Bra wary, ad aad kUakary. raoas Poof. laaa. 11 Chicago IjJ V J . . 1 1 i