Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, HALF-TONE, Page 3, Image 19

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Jefferson County Where Much Wealth Abounds in Field and Orchard
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OME year aso a mn drov a
SI pralrl schooner out Into Jef
I ferion county. His wai an ex-
project. Other men, hundreds
of them, followed In hl wheel
track and the railroad crept slowly on their
trail and Jefferson county was promoted.
The winning of the west was on Its way.
There was trouble all along the line, toll
and sweating of blood. But with all, the
gain was greater than the loss and Jeffer
son county was developed.
Jefferson County Is passing through Its
fourth distinct period. First came the
Hudson Bay Fur company, and through
the trapper and trader this was a fur age.
Then the buffalo was the central figure
for forty years. The prairie schooner and
the homesteader formed the third epoch
In Jefferson county's history. And now, in
this good year 1906, the dollar sign Is
stamped indelibly on every quarter section
of Nebraska. This will be recorded In his
tory as the money age. The homesteader
who was formerly the homemakei is now
the dollarmaker. There la nothing which
does not resolve Itself Into the test of the
coin. There la no rlslmoney has not un
dertaken, no result it has not attained, no
luxury it has not conferred. All that Is of
vital interest today on the western prairie
is measured by money.
Jefferson county was first set apart by
the territorial legislature January 6, 185.
under the nam of Jones county. Thayer,
Joining the county on the west, was desig
nated as Jefferson at the same time. - In
1864 Jefferson county organized by holding
Its first election at Big Bandy. February
18, 1867, aa act to enlarge Jefferson county
passed the legislature, which united Jones
county to Jefferson. In 1871 an act was
passed providing for the division of Jef
ferson, which was effected in the fall by
the election of two sets of officers. The
former, Jones county, by separation, be
came Jefferson, and the former, Jefferson,
assumed the name of Thayer. From 1867
to 1864 Jefferson was attached to Oage
county for Judiciary purposes.
It is believed by many that Coronado,
the Spaniard, in 1541 and 1542, after leaving
the Gila river and crossing the Rocky
mountains, passed down the valley of the
Little Blue at least as far as Jefferson
county. This Is hardly probable, though
not impossible. On of the routes of the
path-finders through the Rocky mountains
passed up the valley of the Little Blue and
was known aa the BL Joe route.
In 1832 on of the most desperate battles
ever waged on the American continent
between savage tribes was fought in Jef
ferson county, near the Junction of the
Big Sandy tnd tha Little Blue rivers,
within the borders of the contested hunt
ing ground. Sixteen thousand Indian
warriors. It is said, were arrayed In deadly
combat for three days' fighting, aa only
avaga men can fight. Tha Ffcwneee and
their allies were arrayed against their
deadly foes, the Sioux and their confeder
ate tribes. After a desperate struggle of
three days the Sioux were compelled to
withdraw with a loss of 3,000 braves. The
Pawnees lost 2,000 warriors. This was the
Waterloo of tha great plain and gava the
mastery of the country to the Pawnee
nation. This they never relinquished. They
beo&ma the most warlike and powerful
tribe on the plain, terror to both feebler
tribes and early settlers.
The principal stream of the county Is the
Little Blue river, running diagonally
through the county from northwest to
southeast. It is a beautiful stream and
yet more useful than beautiful, furnish
Ing abundant water power the year round.
About two miles from Falrbury Is one
spring that furnishes a sufficient flow of
water for 4 good and continuous water
power. Big and LKtla Sandy creeks water
tha northwest portion of the county and
afford a good many mill privileges. Rose
creek is a beautiful stream with numerous
branches. The first mill In the county was
built on this stream. Jefferson county baa
a fair amount of natural timber scattered
up and down its streams.
mall fruits do well and are very
extensively oultlvated. The apple industry
especially Is becoming of considerable im
portance. Jefferson county has at present
In full bearing 70.000 apple trees, 82.0U0
peach, 4.000 plum and 16,000 cherry trees.
In the Russian settlement many mulberry
trees were planted and cultivated princi
pally for the silk worm. In various parts
of the county are quarries of excellent
limestone frpm which a superior quality
of lime is made. The surface of Jefferson
county is very rolling along the streams,
which become greatly undulating as H re
cedes. The surfare of the county on the
south side of Rose creek is quite hilly
and In place broken. Oood water abounds
In all parts of the county.
The great overland route to tha mines
from Bt. Joseph passes diagonally across
Jafferson county. In lS57, soon sfter the
opening of the mines in the mountains of
Colorado tamclunen began to establish
themselves along the trail mid by freight
ers and emigrants for the purpose of
furnishing supplies to ths trslns. Every
day brought the ranchmen new customers.
The first purmanent settlement in tha
county was made by Daniel Patterson on
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Big Bandy creek, near where It empties
Into the Little Blue. His days of usefulness
In the county were few, s he was the first
person to die in the county. But the settle
ment he established waa never afterwards
deserted, it being one of the two places
along the Little Blue that withstood the
Indian raid of 1864. Tha first experiments
In agriculture in this county were made at
this point. In 1860 a prosperous settlement
was formed on the headwaters of Swan
creedc by a colony of hardy enterprising
Germans, ell of whom have met with
abundant success. That was the year of
the memorable drouth. Yet from 1861 to 18CJ
were seasons of plenty. Ranohes and sta
tions all along the old emigrant road be
gan to multiply and traffic Increased
rapidly and all were prosperous. In 1804
the county was organised; although there
were only thirty-five actual settlers, they
managed to oast seventy-five votes, and It
Is said that nearly every citizen held an
office. In 18G5 the organization of the
county was legalized by the legislature and
In 1868 the vote of the county was unani
mous for General Grant.
Tha Little Blue, a weekly newspaper es
tablished in 1868 by t. C. Jenkins and M.
J, Kelly, waa tha first paper printed In tha
county. The first mill In the county waa
built on Rose creek, near Thayer county,
In 1863 by Rev. Ives Marks. The first ser
mon preached 4n tha county waa by Rev.
Ives Marks of the United Brethren de
nomination In 1861 In 1887 tha grasshop
pers, together with the Indian trials,
caused great suffering to the settlers. The
greatest flood known In the county oc
curred In 1839, when the Little Blue and
its tributaries reached1 their highest water
Short Stories
Rained by Swell Society.
UDOE HOUGH, of the United
States circuit court, was dis
cussing, at a legal dinner In
New York, a misapprehended
"This law Is perhaps ob
scurely worded, at least from a popular
point of view," he said, "and that, per
haps, Is why It Is so totally misappre
hended. "The misapprehension of this law re
minds me of a southern millionaire. He
came east for his wife's sake and took
a Fifth avenue house. There the lady
plunged, as madly as society would let
her, Into the social sinusuments of the
season. Toward the season's end she fell
ill, and a physician, after examining her,
reported to her husband:
'"Well. Doc. what's the verdlctr the
southern millionaire Inquired, anxiously.
' "Your wife, sir," the doctor answered,
'Is suffering, I regret to say, from func
tional derangement.'
"The millionaire's eyes filled with tears.
- ' 'Doo.' he said, 'I told her she'd go
under If she didn't stop gadding about
Annual Ea$ter Egg Hunt
IIILE Omaha Is still several de-
w i rl cades too young lor traaiuons
I It has nevertheless some charm-
VI nv nlil AiiatfinnM Amnntf Its
older families that have been
observed long enough to give
to their annual Celebration common Inter
est to at least tw generations. Among
these, and one of the most beautiful. Is the
annual Eurter egg hunt given by Miss
Anna Crary In the spacious grounds of her
home at Twenty-second and St. Mary's
avenue. One cf ths oldest of Omaha's
more pretentious homes, the Crary house
has beea the scene of many functions that
are memorable In the social history of tha
city, but standing out more conspicuously
than any of these, at least in the memory
of that set which is rearing small sons and
daughters of Its own Just now, and many
who are still of the "younger set," are the
frolics over ths smooth lawn and under
the big trees tnster Sunday afternoon. No
where In all Omaha do the bunnies make
their nests as in Miss Crary's quaint, beau
tiful yard. Anyone can find tha gorgeously
colored eggs there, one, two, three and four
of them at a time nestled In the grass at
the foot of the trees, tucked under the edge
of the garden steps or peeping Joyfully
from the fence corners. Even the wee tots
to whom even the bunnies are still subjects
way in the future, can spy out the hiding
places of the eggs and Miss Crary has
never overlooked these wee guests, by
the way, when she has sent out her In
vitations. And after the hunt there are
always goodies to eat before the psrty
breaks up.
For twenty yesrs or more Miss Crary
has given this annual party for the chil
dren. It began with her own small nieces
and nephews, and last Sunday afternoon
her grandnleces and nephews were In the
merry party that romped through her yard
In seareh of the two hundred or more bril
liantly colored 7gs deposited about In the
hiding places fsmlllar to scores of others
who have been her guests In the past. For
weeks before Easter tha Mills roasts ha4
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mark. Perhaps the worst calamity that
ever visited Jefferson county was the
smallpox plague. This commenced In the mites square and has a valuation or J4,
latter part of January, 1878, and raged for 185,000, with a population of about ,00O.
six weeks with great fatality.. Jefferson,
Thayer, Nuckolls and Wter counties suf
fared more from Indians during the early1
days than anw other part of Nebraska.
and Chatty
to all them swell functions. And now,
by gee, she's deranged. Is she liable to
be violent?" "New York Press.
Cleveland's Love for Children.
In the April American Magazine Jesse
Lynch Williams, writing of Grover Cleve
land, says:
"Ills love of children was not merely
an abstract tenderness for the Inherent
beauty and pathos of new life: he liked
to have them around; he enjoyed watch'
lng them. And they, with the Instinctive
trust shown by children and animals to
wards those who really appreciate them,
enjoyed being with him liked having him
around. Sometimes he would spend a
whole day gravely mending toys, making
wooden blocks for paper soldiers, con
structing water-wheels. The story has
already been told of how 'The Prlncton
Bird club, composed pf professors' children
and others, decided that he was worthy of
honorary membership to their body. Bo
one day they assembled especially for the
purpose, and solemnly read an address pf
welcome to the Hon. G. Cleveland, who
bowed and accepted the honor In a speech
heard tales of the wonderful egg hunt from ence. But it Is not only to the children although Easter Sunday afternoon is re
parents who knew all about it, and since of the older families that Miss Crary haa served for the children of personal frtonds,
then the. story has been told back over extended this delightful privilege. The little the later hunts aro no less enjoyable and
and over again with the additional en- folks sf the Creche and others have also lack nothing in the care with which they
thuslasm that oomes from mutual expert- been her guests on various occasions, and are planned.
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AND- ST. MAhV-g A V EN Liu.
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JeffersoA county is one of the most pros
perous in the state. It is twenty-four
This gives about J1.700 per capita. The
county has fourteen thrifty, prosperous
railroad towns, and 119 miles of railroads
v 111 in its limits. It also has 733 miles of
Anecdotes of
which won far him their unqualified appro
bation. "Callers who came quaking Into the
presence, thinking, perhaps, 'So this Is
the man who guided the ship of state,'
must have been surprised when, for in
stance, Francis, the youngest, a handsome
boy of 3 or 4, came romping In never
dreaming of fear, and remarked to tho
former president of the United States,
'Hollo!! You've go on a new suit are
those shoes new, tco?' "
"Mr. Cleveland, loved youth, he enjoyed
having so much of it around him. That
was one motive, perhaps, In his choice of
a, college town for his retiring years. Ha
liked young people of all ages. He was
much pleased when they manifested their
liking for blm. There Is no reason why
this feeling should not be shown In his
own words, addressed to a 15-year-old
schoolboy at Lawrenoevllle:
PRINCETON, Jan. 8, 1906 Dear :
I want to thank you for the beautiful
inkstand you gave me on Christmas and
to tell you how much 1 appreciated your
remembrance of me. I like the Inkstand
better than any I have ever had before:
ii nd when you are as old as I am you will
know, I am sure, how gratifying It Is to
Frolic on the
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publlo highway. Jefferson county has 299,000
acres in farms and 197,000 acres under cul
tivation. Last year the county ralsod 94,000
acres of corn, 41,000 acres of wheat and
28,000 acres of oats. More and more each
year it is becoming an alfalfa and tame
grass section. The farmers at present have
12,000 acres Well seeded to alfalfa. This is
People Prominent in Life
feel that there are boys and girls who
think that the old are worth remembering.
"With every good holiday wish I am,
"Sincerely vour friend.
The Spirit H'-red
An old negro preaohi approached a
southern physician and offered him a scrap
of paper.
"Please, sah, to read dat," he said.
The physician found it to be an adver
tisement In which It was assorted that
whisky waa the only genuine and reliable
specific for malaria.
"But you haven't any malaria, Uncle,"
he assured, the old man; "none of It
around here at all."
"Whar do dey hab It da wust, Mars'
Jeems?" the other then asked, curiously,
the physician told him, naming a locality
A few days later the physician was pass
ing the Did fellow's cabin and observed him
climbing upon a rickety wagon plied high
with household goods.
"Moving, Uncle Ned?" he asked. "Where
are you going?"
"Mars Jeems," the old roan said, sol
emnly, "Ah, done had a call; de spirit
Crary Lawn
-':&) ''-a
one of tha bannar Count Ion of tha state In
the production of beef and pork. Last year
the farmers sold and shipped out of the
County 17,800 head of fat beef cattle and
48,600 of fat hogs, also more than 9,000 head
of fat mutton sheep. Besides this, the
farmers sold and shipped out of the county
1.400,000 bushels of corn, 666,000 bushels of
wheat and 75,000 bushols of oats. Each
year this county Is paying more and more
attention to tha dairy Industry. The farm
ers' are using 688 hand separators and are
keeping on their farms 10,(00 head of cows.
Last year these farmers sold and shipped
cut of the county 275,000 pounds of butter,
128,000 gallons of cream. The poultry indus
try is becoming of no small sum in tho
makeup of the farmer's Income. Last year
they sold and shipped out 796,000 dozen of
eggs and over 6,0000,000 pounds of poultry.
Falrbury, the county seat of Jefferson
county, is located almost exactly In the
center of the county on tha Little Blue
river, and has a population of about 6,000.
The location, lay of land and view of sur
rounding country Is all that oould be de
aired. The meandering Blue can be
traced for many miles up and down the
valley, and In the growing months, when
the bordering hills are dressed in green,
the scenery ir very picturesque and strik
ingly beautiful. The city is active with the
very-day business life and It la fast be
eomlng a state manufacturing point.
Thus here as all over this great state,
the magto touch of civilization has changed
a wilderness Into a paradise aa fair as Its
wide expanse waa desolate. The business
portion Is beginning to assume a solid and
attractive appearance. The small frame
store buildings, that were tha commence-
done move me to go wuck In de Lord's
vineyard on de banks ob Cypress rlbber."
Harper's Weekly.
Rather Fight Than Feed 'En.
When, at Gaines Mill in 1862, the Fifth
Texas captured two whole regiments of
Yankees. The Texan soldiers were all very
proud of their achievement. J. B. Polley
was one of them, and In his "Soldier's Let
ters to Charming Nellie," he describes an
amusing scene in oonnectlon with the sur
render. When the Yankee officers surrendered
their swords In a body to Colonel Upton
they were so prompt In the duty that he
was compelled to lay down the frying pan
which he carried In place of a sword, and
hold the weapon presented In his arms.
Just then he noticed a commotion at the
far end of the captured regiments. That
was near ths timber, and a squad of the
prisoners were making an effort to pans
by "Big John Ferris," of company B, who
stood there, unaided, endeavoring to Inter
cept them.
Springing upon a log, the armful . of
swords dangling about in every direction,
Upton shouted:
"Tou, John Ferris! What are you trying
lo do now?"
"I'm trying to keep these fellows from
escaping," returned Big John, In a sten
torian voice.
"Let them go, you Infernal fool!"
shouted Upton. "We'd a sight rather fight
'em than feed 'em." New York Sun.
Aa Actor's Ready Retort.
When Barry Sullivan, the Irish tragedian,
was playing Richard III one night and the
actor came to the lines, "A horse, a horsel
My kingdom for a horsel" soma merry wag
In the pit called out:
"And wouldn't Jackass do ss well for
"Sure," answered Sullivan, turning like
a flash at the sound of ths voice. "Come
around to the stage door at once!"
Founder of Arbor Day
(Continued from Page One.)
to this beautiful passage a most exquisite
It was a bright, balmy morning In April,
more than a quarter of a century ago. The
sun was numlng the young grass Into
verdure, and the prairie was Just beginning
to put off Its winter coat of somber color
ings. Tranquil skies and morning mists
were redolent at Arbor Lodge of the com
ing resurrection of the foliage and flowers
tlU died the autumn before. All about
tha oottage home there was hope and
peace: and everywhere the signs of wom
an's watchful love and tidy care, when,
suddenly, tuned with affectionate solici
tude, rang out: "Carl, Carl.." but no an
awer came. Downstairs, upstairs, at the
barn, even m the well, everywhere, the
mother's voice called anxiously, again and
attain. But the silence, menacing and
f lightening, waa unbroken by an answer
from the lost boy. At last, however, ba
was found behind a smoke bouse, busily
digging in the ground with a small spde,
thouga only 5 years of , and he said:
"I'm too busy to talk. I'm planting an
orchard." and sure enough, he had svt out
a tiny seedling apple tree, a small cotton
wood snd a little elm.
The delighted mother clasped him In her
arms, klaaed him and said: "This orchard
must not ba destroyed,"
ment of ever olty, as they have burned
down or become too small for the business,
have been replaced by large and substan
tial brick and stone buildings. The resi
dent portion Of the town is composed of
neat and commodious, ornamented and
well kept homes, including many prtn
tlous residences that would do credit to a
much larger city.
The town was laid out In 1809 by Messrs.
McDonnel and Mattlngly, but the period
of growth commenced with 1872, the year
the St. Joseph St Western was completed,
since which time, excepting 1878, the yer
succeeding the grasshopper scourge, the
growth has been steady and substantial.
Mr. McDonnel gava the place Its name,
choosing the name of his previous resi
dence. Falrbury, 111, The postofflce was
established here In 18C9. The great ma
jority of the population are native Amer
icans, although there are a few of other
nationalities. Nearly every state In tha
union is represented. As a class, the peo
ple are well educated, intelligent and of
refined taste. They are thoroughly alive
to the Interest of home education. One of
the most eventful storms in the history
of Nebraska struck this city Just as Its
citizens were retiring for tha night, June
20, 1881. Over 13.000 damage waa done to
window lights alone. The hail and rain
was the most severe ever experienced on
the western prairie.
The first school In Falrbury waa a pri
vate one taught by Dr. R. 8. Chapman In
1870. In 1871 a publlo school wss started
with about fifteen pupils. The religious
element is quite as well represented here
as at any other point In Nebraska, and
the standard of morality Is commendably
high. Deep respect for the Sabbath la
nearly universal. The Woman's Christian
Temperance union has been active in this
little city from the beginning. It was or
ganized in March, 1881, with ton members,
and its efforts and Influence are seen and
felt on every hand. The press has been a
great aid In building up the town and
county. It Is well patronized at home, and
has an extensive circulation outside the
city, also over the county.
Falrbury Is a modern little city In every
respect Its court house Is one of tha
models of the state. It is built of native
sandstone, erected at a cost of $56,000. Tha
new high school, with ten large rooms, Is
modern in every sense of the word and
fairly represents the progress of its citi
zens. The other school buildings are of a
substantial nature. The foundation is laid
for a new Carnegie library and two new
school buildings are under construction at
a cost of 1.16,000. The water works and
electric plant give excellent service and
are appreciated by the entire city. One of
the principal Industries of the city is tha
large flouring mill. It is operated by water
power. This plant hns been prominent
for many years in the unhulldln-r of the
city and surrounding country. The several
mills of this county manufactured ad
shipped out Inst year i.l'-f 0"0 pounds of
flour and 3.19,000 pounds rf ml'l fr(i. More
and more each year th's r'tv is becoming
promlnnent ss s manufSe'ii'tr-T renter.
Fa1rury Is the renlir . n piaTnlflcent
farming country. It I ttie .Vo'lon nolnt
of three main lines of rnllrmd oneritlng
between the eat and west ami southwest.
It Is the division point of tlm Chlrago,
Rock Island A'Parlflc, where th'lr repair
shops are located, with n pnvnll (mount
ing to 36,X per month. The Burlington
lines from eaat to west puss through tha
olty. and the St. Joe & Grand Island rail
road, running from St. Joseph to Grand
Island, connects with the main line of tha
Union Pacific.
Falrbury has many manufacturing plants
controlled by local capital. The Falrbury
Iron Works snd Windmill company em
ploys about eventy-flve men. The city fins
a planing mill turning out all kinds of
woodwork from bank furniture to a full
constructed house. There are two large)
nurseries adjoining the city, also two
creameries. The city has free mall de
livery, also several free fi?rel routes that
arva a largo section of country.
And so now
I hear the muffled trimp of years
.Come stealing up the s'ors of Time;
They bear a train of mlh'S nn'l tars '
Of burning hopes and drtnn subllmo.
The child's orchard Is moio than thirty
years of age. The ctt'nwo d Is a giant
now and its vibrant folinpe t'.lks. summer
after summer. In the evrnlng breeze with
humanlike voice, and tells lis life story to
the grsoeful, swaying elm nvarby, while
the gnarled and scrubby little apple tree,
shaped, as to its head, like a desuondont
toadstool, stands In dual shade, and hear
small sweet apples, ysar after year, In all
humility. But that orchard must not be
destroyed. It was established by tha young
est tree planter who ever planted In this
tree planters' state, and for his sake and
the memory of tha sweet soul who nursed
and loved him It lives and grows, one cot
tonwood, one apple tree, one elm.
But O, for the touch of a vanished hand.
And tha sound of a voloe that Is stllL
Tha Biemorles that live and bloom In
trees, t.toat whisper of the loved and lost lit
summer leaves, are as Imperishable as tha
seasons of the year Immortal as tha love
of a mother. Paul Morton In Country Lila
of America.