Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 7, Image 15
It THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 18, 1909. MESD1SG TURKISH MANNERS Christians. Are Better Treated Now in Constantinople. TURKS SELF-SATISFIED PEOPLE Soldiers Mo Longer Permitted to Mo. , lest Women In the Streets of Old. bnt Fanaticism In Arm? la Veer gtronat. CONSTANTINOPLE. April IT. It used t be necessary for a, Christian woman her In the Ottoman capital to atep off the narrow sidewalk Into the street whenever she had to pass a Turklah sol dier. If aha did not five the Moham medan he right-of-way he seemed to be bound by some barrack regulation to go as far as he dared toward throwing her on her fare, and It hanrjened dally that T ) I - r n ,, L j t I bM U ULKJoi ( P 1 i ( 'A woman In a quarter where no one dared tp Interfere waa shoved headlong Into the filthy slush of the roadway. No matter how much room tha woman gave the noldler on the sidewalk, there was never enough for him to pass with out lunging hi heavy shoulder Into her. Not a few women have been Injured for life by such asssults, from which there seemed to me no recourse. Tha native Christian, the subject of tha sultan, of course had none, while for tha foreigner It waa practically Impossible to Identify the offender. It waa, therefore, unaafo for Christian women to walk alone any where but along the Grand Rue de I'era a filthy street, but tha best Constantino, pie sf fords and even there ccert shoulder blows or pinches were not In frequent. , Embaasy or consular women generally drove, or If they went out afoot they took with them a kavass, an armed pro tector, usually a Montenegrin, carry 'ng .n his hand a stout stick and In his waist belt prominently a huge revolver. For an European It is often moat un pleasant to accompany a woman on a walk through the streets of Constantino ple, where fanaticism against infidels has been cultivated to a degree which does not exist in most parts of the country. This Is the city which the European countries want to take from tha padlsha this la the Imperial city which held out longest agalnat the Moslem, which was the world capital, the gem for which he paid a river of blood; this Is the city of tha khallf. Fanatics Recruited for Arn7. When the sultan's authority waa un challenged he made up his Constntlnople garrison of the most fanatical element in his dominions, sending every officer tducated at the military collegt to serve n Macedonia, Mesopotamia or oven the jest-laden Yemen and keeping hire only ld men mad with religious se. 1 and gnorant young men promoted froi. in .-anks. ' The Influence of these aoldlers, who, un like regiments away from the capital, were well fed. well clad and well cared for, told upon the populatloon, and even the ham mals, or portera of the atreet, were rude to Christian women. If one understood their language there was but pne thing to do when walking along the street with a lady tJ close one's ears, for unspeakable remarks were directed at her. Even today ' the .lower class Moslem objects to yield an Inch of ground to let an unveiled woman Army officers ai the better class Turks are generally polite In this respect as well , as In many others. Wherea under the old regime officers and most civilians dared rat be seen showing deference to Chris tians and generally bore themselves of fensively against their own Inclinations, today any man is at liberty even to associ ate with r.on-Moalems. and many young officers are seeking to be tsken Into Christian famlllea In order to learn foreign languages and western ways. I3ut things have not changed to a large extent among the soldiers, as is Indicated by the curious letson which I am told is being taught in the barracks. Privates srs being Informed that for tha moment absolute equality must be given to Infidels, especially to farelgntrs. Of course the of ficers cannot tell tha Ignorant soldiers to forget in a day what tradition has taught for centuries, that Infidels are but their "rayah," their cattle. Tha soldiers ars made to think that the courtesy now demanded for subject rsces Is due to pressure from Europe, the infidel world, which Is powerful and threatening. i By this deception the officers hope. It seems, to get fair treatment started, and It Is noticeable everywhere how much room tha soldiers, especially the khaki clad men from Salonlca who launched the revo lution, give to women as well as men along the streets. ' Gross assaults are a thng of tha past. Hil SALE DY J MM( vti Jib ti-iWtiVsi, i h iiin-nnnsnnirninM vs. -vsi RS1ADL It is our intention to prove to the purchasing public that it is a . easy to buy a piano from HAYDEN BROS. BY MAIL as it is. to call at our ware rooms and select it in person. It is our desire to, advertise our MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT. This is not a catch scheme, guessing contest or lottery. It is a GENUINE AUCTION SALE of a HIGH GRADE STANDARD MAKE PIANO BY MAIL, and without doubt, the greatest opportunity ever offered by any piano house in the country, We will deliver to the Highest Bidder this $500.00 FISCHER UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO, now on display in our Piano Department Window Douglas Street Entrance. We have also placed a sealed box beside the Piano wherein all bids will be deposited until the close of the sale, APRIL" 24TH. All bids will be opened by the AUCTION COMMITTEE, composed of the following well known business men: J. D. WEAVER, of the Omaha Daily Bee. G. H. GILLESPIE, of the Omaha Daily News. i I CHAS. BEATON, of the Beaton Drug Company. They have kindly consented to act as judges These gentlemen will open all envelopes and decide who is the HIGHEST BID DER. No preference will be shown and it makes no difference whether your bid is all cash or if you want to buy this piano on our regular monthly payments. We will publish the name and address of the HIGHEST BIDDER. BIDS ARE OPEN TO ALL AND YOU CAN BID AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT, just so you fill out one of the Coupons and address it to HAYDEN BROS. AUCTION COMMITTEE, CARE OF HAYDEN BROS., OMAHA, NEB. Be sure and give your full name, street number and postoffice, so there will be no mistake in the selection of the HIGHEST BIDDER. MAIL YOUR BID TODAY. It will cost you nothing but a two-cent stamp to bid and if your bid is the HIGHEST, you will get a High Standard Make Piano at your own price. No matter how low your bid is it will be considered, for, as we have an nouncedthis is a legitimate, Square and Fair Piano Auction Sale. Read the Description of This Beautiful Piano CASE Selected fancy ghogaay; double veneered; richly carved mouldings and paneled tides. Boston fall-board, solid mahogany pilasters, trusses and mouldings; full extension music rest. ACTION -Imported grand repeating Action, patented with continuous brass flange. STRINGS finest Imported wire and all-copper bass. KEV8 Finest Ivory and solid ebony only. I.'SDALS Piano, forte and sostenuto pedals with patent metallic noise less pedal action. SCALE -A-C seven and one-third octaves, three unisons except in over string bass. Composite Iron frame, cape d'astro Bar. 6Ize 4 feet 9 Inches high; t feet 8 Inches wide and 6 feet 3 Inches long. Guaranteed For 10 Years HAYDEM BMO llayden Bros.' Auction Committee My bid is $ on the FISCHER Piano to be sold at AUCTION BY MAIL. M Address City Dept. b-x$. gtate for the punishment of a noncommissioned officer and some men who laid hands upon two American girls soon after the Young Turks came to power has had Us affect. Nevertheless It Is still advisable for women to give a wide berth ta Albanians and Araba In souave costumes and to Kurds In ordinary uniforms of dark blue, for these men are likely to be soldiers of the Impe rial guard, who have their barracks within a stone's throw of the palace. The palace guard has no liking for the new movement and several times already sections of it have caused ' small mutinies which have resutled In killings. , Desperately Mean. Along the main streets, where they are likely to be seen by officers who are pledged to the new movement, reactionary troopers are careful not to be seen shoul dering women, though they make up for such compulsory decency when they en counter a Christian woman in the sub urbs or in unfrequented streets. An Amer ican woman of my acquaintance recently saw a burly soldier cross one of the few broad sidewalks of the city and throw a young woman flat upon her face In the roadway simply because she was a Chris tian. A gentleman out with his wife com ing upon three Turks who were standing talking upon tho sidewalk, taking up un necessarily all available space, asked them politely to let his wlfs and himself pass and the reply, with insulting gestures, was that people like him could pass by In the street It Is not difficult to understand tha extant of the bitter hatred between Moslems and non-Moslems In a country where such abuses prevail, nor is It easy to become optimistic about the future pf the Turk as a ruler of many conquered racos who have 20 DISCOUNT REMOVAL SALE On account of moving to a new location we are selling our entire stock of men's clothing and furnishing goods at 20 discount. We will take none of our present stock into our new location. Remember this is an absolutely bona fide sale, nothing restrved, everything in the store goes at 20 discount. Do not neglect this bargain buying opportunity. BOURKE'S CLOTHES SHOP. 319 South 16th Street suffered msny centuries under his unjust creed. The faults cf the Turkish soldier are those of A religion which has every where until this day taught the subjecting or extermination of men who would not conform to Its tonets, and his vlrtu?s like wise are those of the creed of Mohammed. Until this time the Turkish soldier has been willing to suffer anything, to die in the cause of the prophet, at the command of the sultan, his calif. "It Is the will of Allah" was sufficient to make him stand in the forefront of battle, as b'.ave a man as the wcrld has ever known. Wfth the rew order of things the character of this soldier must necessarily undergo material change, and it la a question what the re sult will be. Will Enervation Result t At sny rste he will be no longer the blood thirsty fanatic which bo is now. A shaking of his blind belief by officers and reform ers, young Turks as they are called, who from western teachings have come to be sceptics, is as likely to destroy the race as to revive it. I have seen Turkish soldiers under many circumstances and while I cannot admire them In the abstract because of their unfair attitude toward mortals riot of their grand fraternity, I cannot tall to like certain Individuals with whom I have traveled, sometimes against my will. On one occasion, like every other corre spondent. I had a spy attached to me fcr awhile. He waa a most gentlemanly young man, who would rather have had some other occupation. Of course he knew that I knew his mission, anj so whenever he a anted to know anything about my move menta he would ask me and I told hlro everything I could except the names cf men I Interviewed, whom he might have denounced. In traveling I used him often as guide and Interpreter, and while with him I always got the best that the poorest towns and villages afforded. When a stranger penetrates this country beyond the few railways soldiers always accompany hlro to protect him from brigands and highwaymen. Under the old regime the object of attaching an escort to a foreigner was also to spy upon him and to prevent him from conversing with revo Jutlonsry Christians who would tell the tale of government extortions and outrages. Treacberona KUIIaaT. Under these circumstances It was always peculiarly Interesting to travel with a Turkish escort who while generally faith ful to a degree, have once or twice been known to shoot their charge. At tha little town of Mltrovltra, where I went once to Investigate the killing of a Russian consul, prudence kept me almost constantly con fined to the coneulate, where I waa a guest, for we could go out only with a guard, who walked behind us; and this guard lending to us an official air, caused every sentry we passed to sslute us, and It was by one of these sentries guarding the con sul's house that he had been shot. The killing hsd taken plsce In a curious manner, and Is worth retelling. The Al bsnlans had declared when the consulate was established that they would have no Russian in their country. But the consul came with a guard of several Cossack servsnts and an escort of Turks who did Dot relish thstr task: and the Albsnlans let him stay for several months. But when he began reporting their rslds upon un armed Christian vlllsces and bringing pres sure to bear tj have them atopped, there was serious trouble. One night at a cafe a fanatical dervish after working his hesrers up to a frensled pitch, finished a long tirade by exclaiming: "And is there not a single Mohammedan who will rid us of this giaour?" "I will." said a piping little voice. "You! Oh, no, you will not," said the dervish with mock contempt Intended to provoke the fellow. "I will," he repeated. He was a soldier, a slim, sickly fellow with a sad visage. I saw him tried later at Uskub. Consul Shet by Seatry. The next morning the consul, attired In Rus an uniform, followed by a Cossack, two heavily armed kavasse- and a troop of Turkish soldiers, officers and officials, went uut to Inspect the fortlflcaOjna aoout the town designed by the Turks to proteet the consulate from the Albanians. As the consul passed the sentinels each presented arms, but one man required to degrade himself in this way lowered his gun quick ly as the consul passed before him at three yards distance and without aiming put a bullet Into his body. Dropping his gun the little spldler then took to his heels as fast as he could go over the rocks down the Metrovltsa slopes Into the Albanian valley. The consul's retinue were surprised for a moment, but were soon after the soldier, firing rapidly. Either the consul's Turkish guards were very bad shots or else their sympathy with their brave comrade influenced their aim, for It was the Russian Cossack who brought the fugitive down, wounding him, If I remember rightly, in the leg. The Turks, contrary tp prevailing opin ion, are not generally very good horse men. The men we had with us on a jour ney In Mscedonla seemed to understand their animals very little, for though the ponies we rode could have been managed without a bit at all, yet they kept a heavy hand always on the curb. The p-nles were small and had none but natural gaits, and the short trot was most uncomfortable un less one rose In the saddle. This the sap tleha were unable to do, and in conse quence the horse suffered. Two at a time they took turns riding with us at a steady trot, while the others galloped or walked alternately, thereby covering the same dis tances as we by leaving us behind and then allowing us to overtske them. Rallnat Race Brings Blight. Our route the first day lay through open country and our escort was therefore small. We traversed the length of the Monastlr valley and stayed the night at Prellp. It should be a happy prosperous valley, for nature smiles on It, but the blight of the race that rules Is visible here as elsewhere throughout the empire. Titt cornfields, small and poor, cling close about the towns and the villages seem to hide themselves In obscure corners of tha mountains In order to be as little as pos sible attrsctlve to the marsuder. Tha high road, a wagon track, which we followed, skirted one village and passed through another, but they wire made of such huts as only Macedonian brigands would demean themselves to rob. A sheep dog, big framed and thick coated, but a bread fed, skinny animal with an uncer tain lope and a bollow bark, came upon us. One of the Zaptlehs drew his sword and gave It a trial swing at a low bush near his horse's feet, but a peasant came crying after the dog and called It off be fore it cime within reach of the Moslem's blade. This wss a Turk who did not re spect the life cf a dog In the same way as most of his fellows. The Zaptlehs smoked continually as they rode and rolled cigarettes for us. They gave us lights from their cigarettes, hut only the Irreligious felljw would accept the same tavor from us. for which I asked the reason. "They will not take fire from a Chris tian," he said. It is rather a bore to dine with Turkish officers a thing one seldom rad an op portunity to do In the days of spies. In Constantinople the table manners of Eu rope are closely Imitated, and the most conspicuous differences that strike one are the presence of eunuchs, or ordinary blick boys, the absence of Turkish women, though European women may be present, and the general wearing of the tea. But in the Interior many things are different. There few officers know the ways of Europe and almost none follows them. Cueer Table Manner. If a Turk Is to be your fcuest, ssy at T o'clock, he will probably arrive at 5 in the afternoon and he will stay on after dinner till It or 1 o'clock. It is polite of htm to give you demonstrstlons of the extent to which he appreciates your food, and this be does by muklng a much noise aa possi ble in eating. If he la a real old Turk bs laps thS soup frcm his spoon audtly and smacks his Hps; he mgha over his coffee and sucks his teeth At his own home towels, soap and a basin of water are pro vided after the meal. The Turk la a aelf-aatisfled being. Ha la quite certain that his waya of doing things are best. He believes today, in splto of his apparent turn for the better, that his knowledge and Intellect are superior to those of Europeans. Fcr many years for eign officers from European states, chiefly Germans, have been employed to five In structions In the army, but the army hu not been brought up to an effective stand ard, largely because the officers generally believe that their little knowledge la suffi cient and their natural skill and bravery beyond that of tha European. . Today the new government Is proving to the army that tho old regime robbed the soldier of his pay and proper focd and clothing. It Is accomplishing this by de priving other departments of the govern, ment rf much needed funds. The army is the mainstsy of the new regime and the army mutt be paid and fed and clad. It would not be well, I ven ture to say, to put too much confidence in the success of a movement conducted by young men of very little knowledge yet permeated with the Mohammedan convic tion of superiority. These are the officers cf the Turkish army who are striving tu break down In the Ignorant masses of their troops a serious contempt for the Ir.fldel. ing stout Is It's because of .' happy nature she has. The meanest ,trlck a man can play on a girl Is lo belleVe her when she ssys she won't marry him. An engaged man la a terrible liar to make out he doesn't mind being stuck with pins every time he shows her how much he lovts her. There's nothing makes a man growl si much about at home end brag so much about downtown as whst an expens.vo family he supports. New York Press. A Bachelor's Reflections. The more daring a man has on the bat tlefield the less courage he has In a sick bed. The comfort a woman can find In grow- ADD FIVE YEARS TO LIFE A Doctor roll Insurance Companies emt to an Increase In ReTcnae. Dr. Burnside Foster, editor of the St. Paul M'flcil J.urna', and ctief xaniner of the New England Mutual Lifi Insur ance crmpany for Minnesota, speaking before thn Association of Life Iisurarc; Presidents, rsll It wouli be posslb'e to add at least years to the 1 fe of the average p:ll-y ho der by adopting a plan of reexamination once In five yeaia, as frequent medical exam nations wculd In dicate the beginning of unsuspected dis eases In time to effect cure or materially teturd the progress of disease. Dr. Foster urged that as the life Insur ance business wss more dlreotly concerned with the health of th pr-ople than any other bus'nes. the companies form a com bination to carry out his suggestion. lie referred to the large amount of capital In vested in life insurance nnd to the great number of pereons Interested, cither as In. su:ers or insured, ea proof thst some ac tion was needed. The re-exuminatlon, ac cording to his plan, would be free to poI Icy hclderr. anJ tha trivial ccst, ha s Id. would be more than balanced by the In., ci eased premiums that would result. Dr. Foster said: "Modern medicine has, above all, two chief claim alms th prevention of dis ease and the recognition of It earliest Signs in the Individual. In both of these alms the life Insurance business lias an Immense Interest, since the nearer we ap proach to their accomplishment the more we add to human longevity. Preventive medicine becomes more nearly an exact science all the time, and,' while its possi bilities are far from being recognised, this Is not because of Its own Inexactness or shortcomings, but because the people have not yet awakened to the fact that those diseases which csuse the greatest number of deaths and the greatest amount of suf fering are actually preventable if money enough be spent to prevent them. The only wsy to enlist all the people actively in the ctjsade against preventable disease Is lo present the subject as an economic one, which It surely Is, and one which appeals directly to their pocket books. New York Time. Quick Action for Your Money You get that by using Th Bee advertising columns. WmMmmm, ,A,,,.,.:V:!:,;rr:, ,,,V, ,,,'. ... 0 ,-n;vf'. BULLETIN No. 2 ;:'V:"lV:;V;'.:'V':!V..; mm. if SLENDER WOMEN, too, are wearing Nemo Self Reducing Corsets. No. 405 is a great favorite we're selling thousands in sizes 19 to 21. Fashion says you must flat ten back, hips and upper limbs; and that can't be done without danger, unless the abdominal organs are held firmly in place. No corset but the Nemo given the slightest abdominal support. No. 405 has the broad con vex Relief Bands, which per fectly, support the abdomen from underneath. The long skirt relaxes when you sit down absolute coinfort--$4.00. Self-Reducing Corsets IN TWELVE MODELS A .Fit For Every Stout Figura $3.0$4.00, $5 and $10 iu Good Storeo irtrywhor KOM BROS.. Maayfaatarsra. NEW YORK SELFrREDUCINI WitREUEF BANPS-'lf " l i 'I I a ' -