THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: APRIL 18. 1900. a ( lit t If ill i I NEW' CHIEF OF CZAR'S ARMK General Suhomlinoff Choien Because Ha it a Fighter. STOLYPIN MAKINO MANY CHANGES Hasslaa Irrltatlea 0r the Inrradl iirii of the Empire for War One Caase e-t Ilia Aapolatmeat Htlll Another Caase. ST. FETERSBL'RO. April 17. Russia has a new minister of war. Her army, wTilch ha tor three yrin known General Roedlger of Finnish extraction and Luth eran upbringing aa chief administrator. passea now under the official command of General Suhomlinoff, formerly military governor of Kleff. Podolla and Volhynla, and an avowed Russian nationalist. TMs Is the fifth change that Premier Stolypln has made In his cabinet since the year began.' ire has already chosen new administrators for the navy, the church, the state railways and commerce. The trend In all cases has been toward men of definitely Slav extraction and sympa thies, and toward getting rid of the school of administrators associated with Count Witt, whose relationship with Immigrant families was for some reformers a promise of progress along western lines, but has never ceased to be looked upon with sus picion by the Orthodox League of True Russian Men. Both Internationally and to the Russians themselvea the future of the army Is more Important than any other public considera tion, In the first place, should the little csarvKch, who Is not yet 5, become sov ereign while he has still before him a long minority In years, the army means t ) take charge of him. to protect him from the politics that It dislikes, and It need be to make up his mind for him. Then the present change In the professional head ship of the Russian army has some features of more Immediate Interest. Roedlarer XHaa Hard Task. General Roedlger has been minister for over three years. He took office after the failure of General Kuropatkin's campaign at Manchuria. He has previously been In structor and examiner at the army head quarters staff; his record was that of a well read authority and conscientious ad ministrator; he had no career aa a field campaigner. It was Roedlger's first business to save Russia from the mora) debacle that was feared when the defeatci and discontented urmy returned home, and Its members dls- :eraed among their families. When an army -returns from war without glory the first social symptom Is that the sons of the rich cease to think It fashionable to be come officers. That happened In Russia, and the military academies had not half their complement of pupils the year after the war. - General Roedlger got the ready consent of the csar and the government for his first step toward Improving the situation. He raised the officers' pay.- Next, as a means of bettering the esprit de corps of the conscripts, he abolished the rule which gave officers of all ranks the pick of their men to choose from for their personal body seryants. Following on that he tried the effect of enhancing the attractiveness of the uni form as a nwans ot pt pulari'ii j Die army. Tli- Iriui'tlrsul dirk Knlrs, loos,? trousers and pen'rwit kree brt-t. !t;i the rj'igii ho;i vl ilh, maUe ilie Itusslan tlio lel s;iei tabular soldi, r l:i Europe. This uniform was insisted on by that plain llv l:if plain sroken man. Alexander III. P.eform l.i . the Russian cavalry Is represented this year by a new and s!iowy outfit." General Roedlger las not been above taking less ins In tailoring from the hatred Austrlrtns. whore fashion able regiments wear the rr.ntieat cloihes In the world. Weapons t I p-tn-nntr. In tilt matter of . cpors f r m-r ( Jrn ' Tloedl Jtr lias Uss o li w li i't way .-frm. Ai le say, It wis lis first concern t pro. If" '' t 1 wl'h men una 11 1 wecond to 'p-ovWle them ivit.i guns. Most of t'.ie InfHnlry rove still only the arms that served them through the Japan ese war. A more serious defect. In view of tiie Short llfs of quick f.rlng artillery when it has been freely used In warfare. Is that the big guns sre also the same. New ' batteries are due this summer from the Krupp founderles at Essen; but the fact that they are not here now has been a heavy grief to the militant patriots dur ing the dlplrfmatlc struggle with the German-Austrian combination. . Rpedlgor could show very promptly that the blame for this belong on other sivmU- ers. Boon after he took office, at a time when . the Internal situation was , at Its blackest, the csar created a committee of Imperial defense, with the Ursnd Duke Nicholas NlkoUlevltch as president. IU Immediate purpose was tj executo the de crees of the military dictatorship shoulu that have become necessary.. It had nisi entire control of Russian military strategy. General Roc dinger was not only not t. member of the committee, but the War de partment was repicsented on It by an of ficer of the grand duke's selection. Ccn- eral Palltsin, chief of staff. Roedlnger was confined srrlctly to questions of en llstment, morale and discipline In the army. In due time he had his revenge for the grand duke's slight on his offlre. The essential principle In military mat ters for some months bsck has been plain speaking. With Premier St lypln s personal spprpvut tiis conrervatlves In the Duma hove ' been proclaiming that the active heads of the Bin-y In time of peace must be capable of being Its leaders In time of war. In the Duma debate on the armv budget a fortnight ago General Roedlger adopted this doctrine. He went further and said that as supreme military matters nad ben airangod In the recent past he couid nit iay that Russia possessed ready at lnjl a cemmiinder-in- chlef. The ultra pa-.rVt shouted that this waa high treason. It meant that the c.-.r had proved himself wrong In the choi.e of lils servants. Roedlger made no reply, nor did Stolypln. The man pointed at as unfit for supreme command was Grand Duke Nicholas himself, and the government put no one forward to defend him. Doubtless it was a valuable service that Roedlger rendered the army by his official candor, but It opened the way for his own exit. For this Premier Stolypln was not unprepared. When the premier gtt Grand Duke Nicholas deposed from the presidency of the Imperial defense committee two months ago the grand duke's nominee. General; Palltsin, chief of staff, was sent out wllh him. Snhomllaoir Has Ability. General Suhomlinoff was brought up from Kleff to take General Polltslns place. It was seen from the first to be only a temporary measure, for Suhomlinoff was recognised by everybody. Roedlnger in cluded to be a man of more energy and strategic ability than any of the func tionaries In the War department He Is an officer who has hitherto fought shy of court circles and of 8t. Petersburg. He succeeded the Indomitable General Drago mlroff at Kleff and learned his campaign ing with that officer in the Turkish war. The present situation thus amounts to a declaration that Premier Stolypln regards General Suhomlinoff as the oflcer who, be Ing active chief of the' army during peace, could be Its commander-in-chief during war. Suhomllnoffs work has been always among the strategic problems of Russia s Austrian and German frontiers. Hr Is a European soldier and took part In neither the Chinese nor the Japanese war. He Is now In his 80th year, but ss his personal tastes are for a simple life he Is a much younger man that most Russian officers of his age. He began his soldiering In the cavalry and has remained always a keen horseman. He becomes at once the most Important personal factor In Stolypln's cabinet, and It Is on him that Russia must rely for the restoration of Its prestige. Its unreadiness to fight has been so rubbed Into It by 'Austria and Germany In the last six months that there have been days when It almost broke out fighting out of sheer vexation of spirit. It Is made abundantly clear to Suhomlinoff that Rus sia depends or? his h'ad "as well as his hand to be ready when the day comes. I , Esau1 i.Wf are a sent. a for th Vul ran Gas Slme, I he kind thai savr gas and Is odorless. MILLER. STEWART & .1 beaton H'BW WHEsMBftk, ll W art rxrluslre aircnts far ttie llIin Dry Air Nyulurn For- Cflaln-llnecl IWrlgoratom, bent IWrigcrstor nuuir. 413 - IS - 17 South lOtti Street SOME REMARKABLE VALUES FOR PRUDENT BUYERS jjBjgj m m aBf-ffJB-BaBSBfSS-BBBBB BJJJj BJBJ BBJjfjJ BjJ Mnl BaBB-fanB-T-e-BSjnBjaSjaSJBSBBBJBBB This week opens with many fine opportunities indeed every week this interesting store holds out astounding attractions household goods of all descriptions from the cheapest dependable goods to the highest grades made will be offered for your inspection and comparison. This special showing of bedroom furniture is praticularly worthy of your attention, everything new and the assortment is remarkable, nor have we ever before been able to offer greater values. 1 C ' nTTTnTTTT life hmm Pointed Paragraphs. Sneeios, like misfortunes, seldom- come singly. Nothing rit a' strike will' arouse a base orum to action. Thee who keep late hours haven't much use for early hours. ory-Would a hen lay an egg If she '"Id s'r.nd It on endT Th. owned by your neighbor Is -"irlv a'wnvs a howling success. 'i onie- to succeed you must have push, -ar t even run a lawn mower with, orf It. And a silver dollar looks like a wheel of fo'tune to the man who is down to his lfcst penny. No language can describe the feelings of p. deaf mute when he steps on a tack In the dark. It is quite possible for a fe'low to be well balanced without parting his hair in the middle. When a mother says her boy Is full of mischief the neighbors realise that It means trouble for "them. If some men had their lives to live over again they probably wouldn't leave so much for their herrs to scrap over. After eating onions a girl should Im mediately sit down and persue some work of fiction that is calculated to take her breath a way. Chicago News. BRASS BEDS Brass Bed. like Illustration, has two-Inch posts, six filling rods Instead of nine as illustrated best construction and finish, our special price Bls.00 Brass Bed with 2-ln?h posts, satin or polished finish, very substantial construction, sr-eclM price $15.00 Brass Bed, I-inch posts, solid construction, price 1.80 Brass Bed, t-lnch posts, solid construction, price ...fai.60 Bmss Bed. 2-inch continuous posts, exception ally good value 831.00 Many other styles In dull or polished finish, ranging in price up to $135.00 In our iron bed section, we are showing all the new patterns In both plain Mission ami Colonial Designs, colors In white, cream. Ver- nls Martin, dull black and gold, prices range from $30.00 to $4.35 DRESSERS Quartered-sawcd and polished oak Princess Dresser, like illustra tion, full swell front, cast brass handles, French plate beveled mirror, 36x18, and French legs, one of our bargains price $14.75 Golden Oak Princess Dresser, mirror 18x40 inches, splendid construction, . finely finished piece, price 823.00 Golden Oak Princess Dresser, mirror 18x3 Inches, splendid construction, finely finished piece, price. .. .$14.75 Mahogany Princess Dresser, mirror 18x36-lnchea finely finished, and of excellent construction, price $19.00 Bird's-eye Maple Princess Dresser, mirror 18xlf-lnches, highly finished, solid construction, very fine piece of furniture, price $31.00 Golden Oak Dresser, oval mirror 16x2(-lnchea, this Is a well-made piece of furniture, special price of $10.75 Golden Oak Dresser, shaped, mirror 20x24-inches. excellent value, $11.85 Golden Oak Dresser, shaped mirror 24x30-inches. excellent value $16.00 Golden Oak, quarter-sawed and pol ished Dresser, mirror 24x30-inches, special price $19.75 Felt mattress, squal. If not better, than the Ostermoor Mattress otheJ'jeUUre.s'e'. InVncy 'ticking; 'at 'iioV fli' fiU6,iT We make dox springs. CHIFFO fflaf! HIERS ORIENTAL RUG SALE It Is very convincing to oorsslrss that ws are offering to the Oriental ng renders a prlos opportunity nerer before enjoyed la Omaha. Our stors Is filled with anxious enstomsrs, who readily take advantage of ths great raises which this sal offers, Ws still have thousands of dollars worth of these Beantlfnl examples of the Oriental Mag Wearers Art, all to ha sold within ths nesrt two weeks. Early purchasers will seeuro the best values. . Ws herewith quote soma of ths prtoes of ths different classes of nurs which this stock contains i Golden oak Chiffonier, with five drawers, 84-lnches lonj, this is a well made piece of furniture at the special price of $6.85 Golden Oak Chiffonier, with seven drawers, J4-lnches long, excellent value $7.50 Golden Osk Chiffonier, with mirror lx20-lnches, draw ers 34 -inches long, well made, and finely finished, special price $11.50 Golden Oak Chiffonier, quarter-sawed, drawers Si-Inches long, mirror 18x24 Inches, excellent value at., $16.76 The arrival of our New Dinning Room Purnl ture, the showing of which we devote one entire floor, makes our stock more complete and Klve us a wider range of styles and finishes, than is shown elsewhere. We have all the staple finishes and the new finishes, such as Autumn leaf. Stratford, Kyonlx, something entirely new Id Omaha. $60 00 Kashmir rug, site 4-7x7-6, ale price $45.00 4s.0U Kashmir rug, slie 4-10x6-6, sale price $32.00 $38.00 Daghestan rug, site 3-6x6- 1. sale price $27.00 $32.00 Daghestan rug, size 3-3x5- 4, sale price $22.00 $2 8.00 Daghestan rug, sle 2-1 lx 6-1, sale price $20.UO $40.00 Daghestan rug, ilze 3-8x 6-2. sale price $32.00 $60.00 Daghestan rug, very fine piece, size 4-4x6-4, sale price at $40.00 $60.00 Bokhara rug, size 3-2x5-3, sale price $40.00 $48.00 Bokhara rug, size 3-4x4-3, sale price. . rs,-- -$44.00 $36.00 Mosul ruz7"8lze 4-1x6-6, sale price $24.00 $32.00 Mosul rug. size 3-4x6, sale price $21.00 $40.00 Mosul rug. size 3-2x7-3, sale price $27.00 13B.00 OuenJi rug, size 3-6xe-n ale price rug $44.00 Guenji sale price. . . . $50.00 Ouenjl sale price $60.00 Ouenjl ale price. rug. rug, $24.00 size 4-9x'6-8, . . ,$30.00 size 4-3x8-2. . . $34.00 Bize 4x8-11. . . $34.00 00 Kazak rusr. size 4-9x7-10, ale price $37.00 $60.00 Kazak rug, size 4-2x9-3: , sale price $40.00 $56.00 Kazak rug, size 4x9-9. sale price $38.00 $70.00 Kazak rug, size 4-6x8-9, sale price $47.00 $44.00 Kazak rug, size 4-9x6-10, Bale price $30.00 $64.00 Kazak rug, size 6-2x7-8. ' Bale price $43.00 $30.00 Mosul rug, size 3-2x5-9, Bale price -$2000 $36.00 Beloochlstan rug, size 2-11 x5-6, sale price $24.00 $40.00 Beloochlstan rug, size 3-3 X5-10, sale price $27.00 $30.00 Beloochlstan rug. size 2 9 x5-2, eale price $20.00 $24.00 Beloochlstan rug, size 2-10 x4-3, sale price $16.00 $32.00 Beloochlstan rug, size 3-8x4-2, sale price. .. .$21.00 $34.00 Beloochlstan rusr, size 3-8x4-6, sale price .$23.00 $44.00 Beloochlstan rug, size 3- 7x6-2, sale price. .. .$30.00 $30.00 Kellm rug, size 4-7x9-8. sale price $20.00 $36.00 Kellm rug, Bize 4-2x10. sale price $24.00 $80.00 Iran rug, size 4-4x8-1, sale price $60.00 $68.00 Saruk rug, size-3-1x5, gale price $52.00 $100.00 Senna rug, size 4-5x6-3, sale price $75.00 $110.00 Khiva rug, size 7x8-6, sale price : .$SO.OO $28.00 Beloochlstan rus. size 2-11x3-11. sale price , .$20.00 $30.00 Beloochlstan rug. Bize 2- 10x4-11, sale price. . .$20.00 $48.00 Beloochlstan rug, size 4- 2x4-11, Bale price. . .$32.00 $40.00 Beloochlstan rug, size 3- 7x5, sale price $27.00 $10.00 Anatolian rug, size 1-9x2-9, sale price $7.50 GERMANY IS BUILDING DOCKS Facilities for Handling Floating Forts Part of Naval Program. Is an ordeal which all women .woach with dread, for llf&J&J II 1 " VLiJ nothing compares to the pain - ass amaasaaB SB, -"aasssaa) - r 1 . or cniia-Dirtn. l ne tnougnt ETffil of the suffering in store for iHcf her robs the expectant mother of oleasant anticipations. Thousands of women have found the use of Mother's Friend robs confinement of much pain and insures safety to life of mother and child. This liniment is a God-send to women at the critical time. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but it prepares TT r77wCTT7o the system for the coming event, relieves "morning sickness," r.rd other dis- cnmfnrK goni.byC.ncE.i.ustii.oo. tlon Rial led frsf. IBS BRaD FIT.!.!) REGULATOR CO. Atl .bla. Ga. rlilrTf i i 1 Extravagance is not necessary to good printing. The best work depends upon the good taste and capability of your printer f A. L KmI, Ucorywut.a, IS 10-1 11 2 tfcnrar Stoaat I!: Spring Announcement 1000 W r aw aispkaylos a moat ma pUU Una af forla-a noval lias tot spring- aad susnmac waas. Tour aarir Inspect lo a la fcaaitaa. aa It will afford an opportunity of oHos ln from a laraa narobar of aicluaiva 'Xlta. Wa Import la "Sinai suit- Unftha," and a suit cannot b duplicated. Aa ordar placed Dw may bo dallv rad at your eotrvanteaoa. Guckert ncDonald, Tailors S17 Seolli Fifteenth Street ESTABLISHES 1S87 COUNT RETENTION MOVING SPIRIT Br Bad of Present Year the Kaiser 'Will Have Sine Immense Ur ' Docks in Readiness, with' Others Provided For. BERLIN, April An account of the ex isting big Gorman docks and those that are planned or In progress of construction In connection with the German battleship program are given in the April number of Ueberall, a novel and military ninthly review edited by Count Fteventlow, one of Germany's foremost naval authoritlea. Six docks are d scribed aa ready, namely, three admiralty docks, the Imperial dock at Wllhelmshaven and two dry docks at Kiel, the greatest dimensions 600x97x83 feet. and tbrne private docks, which are tha Kaiser dry dock at Bremerhaven. belonging to the city of Bremen and leased to the Norddeutsche IJoyd, measurements 77ftxS7 iM feet, and two floating docks belonging to Bloim Voss of Hamburg, the lsrger of which Is HxJOx25 feet. The larger dock consists of three sections, one of which can be added to the smaller dock to enable it to take a warship of 32.500 tons. In addition to the above there are two admlrality dry docks at ' Wllhelmshaven wlilrh are exrected to be completed by the end of this year and one floating dock to take .0l tons, which Blohm & Vosa have Just completed. This new dock Is con structed of separate pontoons firmly con nected by side boxes. Each of the side box contains complete boilers f.nd steam engines, dynamoa and compressed air rrnchlnery, so that the dock Is completely Independent of the land and can be anchored anywhere. Bach of the pontoons csn Itself be docked In the dock. The measurements are TWxllOxJft feet. Mne Ready Thla Year. 'At the end of 1909 Germany will thus own nine large docks, but others ar projected. the imperial yard at Kiel Is to have n floating dock capable of passing with a docked cnilr through the Kiel canal when enlnrsed. The VulKan works of Stettin will have a JSfln-ton dock for their Hamburg branch.' These two will be ready at the end of me. The admiralty further projects two dry docks at Burnsbuttel, near the outflow of the Kaiser Wilhelm oanal Into the River Kibe. The city of Bremen will construct a dry dock at Bremerhaven. An Ingenious ! ailipUtion of canal locks as docks Is pro ; Jrctd at Brunsbuttel and Holtneau. where i the locks now In process of enlargement j will be capable of being used as docks , without Interfering with the canal passage. ' These last mentioned adaptations will be jh.rdly finished until 114. i All the now docks are designed to ac i commodate battleships of a minimum ton n a g 1.1 t f 21.000 and dimensions of 6WxS&x3u ' feet, and cruisers of a minimum tonnage ' of 17.004 and dimensions of 538x79x27 feet. ' The new German ships, owing to tha shal low waters around the coast, will draw 1 less water, but wllh their characteristic i foresight, the Germane are leaving a mar i gin for further Increase In displacement. Nor are docks for airships forgotten. Trials have bten taking place during the , last week wtih a view to ascertain how quickly emergency sheds for military alr ' chips can be erected. The army author- ItU-a wish to know how long it would take 1 to provide proper shelter for an aerial ' cruiser forced to descend on account of . atmospheric conditions or breakdown, i Experiments were mad wtih a transpor- I table shed built of canvas, divided into segments capable of being quickly plectd like u tent. Th equipment in cludes a set at several doaen tall steel masts, between and across th tops of which th walls and roof of an airship dock can be erected. Th maats ar eighty feet high. Th experiment are said to have been satisfactory. To open th German capital t mercan tile stilps of considerable alt from the Baltic via the new Berlln-Stettln canal, aa It is already open to ships from the North sea, 10,000,000 Is to be- spent in equipping two great artificial harbors In the west and east of the city. The east harbor will accommodate twenty-three ships of 600 tons burden and the west harbor as many- aa seventy-seven such vessels. Owing to a rapid Improvement In the canals and rivers of North Germany Ber lin every j tar gets a smaller proportion of Its food supplies and - raw material for manufacturers by rail, and tha new har bors are expected to Increase and cheapen transportation still further. They will be connected with the state railways and will be equipped with up-to-date electrical machinery for loading and discharging cargo. through the ground floor passage Into th lane at the back, which lead Into their garden, any time they please, but, as a matter of fact, they avail themselves of the privilege once a year, and then they file slowly along It by twos, Just to keep the right-of-way through their property according to English law. Of course there la nothing of interest to see In the little house. The one room Is distinctly ugly and evidently no one ha ever lived in It long enough to take the slightest Interest In decorating or emhal llshlng It, so If the tourists were able to avail themselves of the privilege" of going throvgh it, it would only bo interesting aa an example of the absurdity of some of the English ground laws and land leases. ' SMALLEST HOUSE IN LONDON Stark in the Tenter of the Rest Resi dence District Land Belongs ta a Convent. LO.VIHDN, April 10. This spring the hith erto inhospitable door of "the smallest house In London" Is to be opened to such of the sightseeing tourists who visit the metropolis aa care to penetrate into Its tiny Interior. In the heart of ultrafashlonable Ixindon, opposite Hyde park, this little house Is flanked on either side by Imposing stone residences, but its own dimensions are: Width, six feet; depth, thirty feet, and In height it reachea half way up the second story of its tall neighbors. It has a front door that leads Into a long narrow passsgs way. Walking through tliat and out at the back, one sees the only steircase thl house possesses. It closely resembles a fire escspr, as it Is cn the outside of the building and Is scarcely more than an iron IfcCder. At the top of the ladder Is the one and only room, a long, narrow hall like place lighted by one large window. It Is almost p sslble to stretch from one wall to the other, so limited Is Its wlddth. There fs no fireplace, for no chimney waa ever put in the house and no water r'pea have ever been lain in It. In fact, no one has at tempted to live in It for a great many years past. City at Waste Saee. London might as well be christened 'the city of wasted space," aa any one knows who has roamed around the streets and seen the unused and unbuilt upon land In therwise crowded districts. This absurd, tiny, useless house right In the midst of one of the most fashionable residential dis tricts In the metropolis. Is an example it wasted space, and the lanes and squares In other parts of the city which serve no purpose, and whloh might have ben added to the buildings on either side of them, are further evidence. Why the smallest house was not divided between the two residences which flank It la a problem. All the land around It be longs to a rich convent situated In an adjtoent street. When the two large houeea were put up evidently the builders leated Just enough land from the convent to erect such houses aa they wished and left between the two residences this six feet of space. It was not wide enough to cut a atreet through, and beside a street would only have led to the conveivt gar ders. The sisters, perhaps fearing such a contingency, built this shell of a house which preserve the continuity of the hand some block of residences and nowadays 1 let with the house to the right of It, though It Is absolutely distinct from it and haa no connecting doc is at all. It is a most embarrassing possession In deed to th owner of th large house, for they must keep It painted on the outside and have fresh curtain and window boxes, so that It wttt not spoil th appear ance of tha other houses In the row. Its ore room Is, of course, quit useless, for a rive-foot wide room, with no heat or water. Is like Whltachapel In discomfort, yet th rer.t they would have to ask wouTd be Ilk Pnrk I.ane in Its figures, so naturally the tiny house stands Idle and unused and la a email but none th less undoubted whit elephant. Th alstsr of the convent have reserved th right to walk In at th front door and Sturdy oaks from little acorns grow advertising In The Be will do wonder for your business. HUGE WATER WORKS PROJECT Loa Aaareles to Tap River Two Hun dred and Forty Miles Away at a test of 923,000,000. To carry a tremendous volume of water across deser's, through canyons and be neath mountains; to build at the cost ol t23.CCO.000 a concrete conduit 240 miles long, and make It waterproof, fireproof and earthquake proof, so that, though the floods may come, and the forests be swept away by fire, th mountains be re moved to the sea, still this artery will carry life to the heart of a city by bring ing to It 250,000.000 gallona of water a day this Is the vast project undertaken by the city of Los Angeles. Away in the heart of the high Sierras, in Inyo county, California, near the Ne vada line, there are vast snow sheds five mile In width, more than 100 miles long and varying from five to thirty feet In depth. From this never failing source the tributaries that flow Into the Owens river are fed, but the river Itseir, Instead of bearing the precious draught on to a' thirsty land, empties Into Owens lake, whose waters are so highly Impregnated with alkali that no life exists In them. Superintendent of Water Works Mulhol land has direct supervisions of the con struction of the great conduit for the city, and none of the work will be done by private contract. Mr. Mulholland haa this to say of t'.:e engineering feats Involved: ; "There will be about thirty-five miles of tunnels, chiefly between Majave and San Fernando . valley. We shall use no pipe, but expect to bring the water to Los An geles by a gravity flow In a concrete con duit large enough to carry 30,000 miner's Inches of water. The tunnels will make this possible. "Some of the tunnels will be Immense affairs, but the expense of excavation wll! not be as heavy as for railroad construc tion. We shall simply give the water an opportunity to eat Its own way Into the Ban Fernando valley Just aa It probably did a few thousand years ago without the aid of electrical science. The fall Is so great that by Installing an electrical plant In the valley we can obtain enough power to drive half a dosen of those tunnels at the same time. This will mean a com paratively cheap method of construction." The estimate of construction to be ac complished during the next year, as re ported by Mr. Mulholland, shows that 291.640 lineal feet of work Is provided for. It Includes much of the most difficult work In the whole project and the accomplish ment of the qusntlty In the time specified will be a tremendous gain In approaching the final completion of the whole system. It means that If the work laid out for the coming twelve months Is completed the whole schemo will be easily completed In four years, the approximate time set. According to the estimates 69.&S lineal feet of the big task will be excavated and lined tunnels, 36,140 lineal feet excavated tunnels and 195.842 feet excavated and lined -conduit. This Is distributed through eleven sections of the work. In the . celebrated Jawbone division, the most difficult, of the whole number, the tunnel work, aggregat ing 49,133 feet. Is to cost 1,153. 362, and Is the largest cost of any single division. An electrical shovel was placed in commission In this division January 1 and is expected to make sixty feet progress dally. In the Mojave division a distinct finan cial gain was made in the conduit work, which Is twenty-eight miles long. One Austin and two steam excavators are at work In this division, and are' expected la give a progress of 6,000 ffet a month, and. this will complete the work In two years. Work on the various division la being rapidly pushed and an army of workmen numbering up Into the thousands have es tablished temporary homes along the line of construction. Schools have been es tablished at vnrious points for the children of the workmen and teachers have been sent out from Ixis Angeles, so that during their four years' residence In the wilds of ' the desert there will be no lack of educa tional advantages. . ' With the exception of. ancient Rome t)0 city of ancient or modern time, ao far a known, ever boasted such a mammoth supply of water carried for so far a dis tance. Already are the beneficial effect being realized. Property values In Lo Angeles and vicinity have advanced by leaps and bounds since the project waa decided upon, and this advance gives every evidence of being permanent. Lo An gelea Time. Exposure to Disease Germs In the Spring Is greater than at any other season, because the blood, having been vitiated, impoverished and de vitalized during the winter, mostly by unheal thful modes of living, has less power to defend the body. Loss of appetite, pimples and other eruptions, bid complexion, languor and laaaitude, mental aad physical weariness, so common at this time of year, are all indication! that the blood is wanting in the power to defend the body, be cause they are all indications that it needs cleans ing, enriching and vitalizing. The medicine to take is Hood's Sarsaparilla, according to the experience and testimony of thousands of people every spring. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the blood tt the right quality and quantity, normal in red and white corpuscles and all other constituents. It cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feeling, restores the appetite, curea paleness, weakness, nervousness, and builds up the whole system. It will make you feel better, look better, ent and sloep better, and give you the best protection possible against all infectious and contagious diseasaa. "I am glad that such a medicine as Hood's Sarsaparilla can be had, and I write this letter to thank you for it. My experience may help someone else by telling them where a good medi- cine for them may be found, and ao I will say, I doubt if I should be alive now if I had not taken Hood's Sarsaparilla. I waa troubled for long time with spells of great pain in my atom. acb. At first they were quite long times apart,' but later came more and more frequently and more severe, until I dared not eat food that I wanted and could hardly keep anything on ray stomach. I took a course of Hood's Sarsaparilra, and am glad to say I am completely cured ot all that trouble. Last spring I used the medicine again as I was not feeling very well, and Bad rheumatism quite badly. I was also tired and weak all the time. When I had taken two bot tles I felt all right again. It is truly a splendid stomach tonic and spring medicine." Mrs. Ed. Champlin, Groton, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1909. jQriood 's Sarsaparilla effects its wonderful cures, not simply because it contains sarsaparilla, but because it combines the utmost remedial values of more than 20 different ingredients, each greatly strengthened and enriched by this pecu liar combination. These ingredients are the very remedies that successful physicians prescribe for the same diseases and ailments. There is no real substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla. If urged to buy any preparation said to be "just as good' you may be sure it is inferior, costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla today, in the usual liquid form or in the tablets knawaV M BarsaUbs. 100 Doses 0n Dollar, 7