THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 18, 1909. Tiie Omaha Sunday Deb FOUNDED BT EDWARD ROBEWATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER. EDITOR Entered nt Omaha poatofflce at second tlsss matter. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION, paily Bee (without Sunday), ona year...4 flo Ually Bee and Bunday. on year -00 DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Daily Hm (Including Sunday), pr week ISo Dally Bee (without Sunday), per week.. 10c Kvenlng He (without Bunaay), per week So Kvenlng Bee (with Sunday), per week.. lOo Sunday Bee, one year 12 60 Saturday Bee, one year 1 Addreaa all complaint of Irregularities in delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. Kiulh Omnha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluff 16 Srott Street. Lincoln Six IJttle Building. Chicago 164 Marquette Building. New York Rooms 1101-1102 No. 34 Weit Thirty-third Street. Washington 728 Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to news and efll torlal matter should he addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order. P"able to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent atampa received In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, exrept on Omaha or eaatern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT Ol CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss: ' George B. Tssrhuck. treasurer of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn. says that the actual number of full and complete copies of Ths Dally, Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during th month of March. 1&9, was n follows: I OT.630 IT SS.W0 1 99,160 11 S,30 I tt.SOO II 4 39,180 10 W.WO 8 S8.I30 II rr.aso 38.T10 12 2S.M0 T 37,000 21 30,970 38,940 14 38,830 39,100 21 ;,940 10 39.090 2 39,360 11; 38330 27 9,680 U. 38,870 II 37,400 lr 39,100 ! 39,080 14 37,900 10 38,870 U... ....... 38,980 II 43,360 It........... S880 . ' Total 1,207,480 Less unsold and returned copies.. 10,389 Net total Dally average 1,197.158 M II OEOHOB B. TZHc-Htrrw Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this lit day of April. 1909. ' M. P. WALKER. 3ea,) Notary Public. WIIE.V OUT OF TOWN. ; 9alerlbera leaving; tb eltj tern tmrnrlly shoald feirt The Be mailed to tkeaa. Addreaa will be changed as oftea aa reiaacated. People who have nothing else to do can keep busy watching Omaha grow. One by one the Idols fall. Japan now has a graft sensation of the first magnitude. It would be ungallant to suggest that not all the peach basket hats con ceal a peach. It is Abdul Harold's turn to smile. Even so slight an Improvement in his picture would be a welcome change. The Increasing of wheat lends a note of pathos to the old saw, "Half a loaf is better than no bread." The trouble with democracy and the income tax Is that In democratic times there are few Incomes large enough to tax. On his return from China Explorer Gell reports having found a race of pigmies. Sideshow men will take notice. The man who stole nineteen bars of silver bullion from the Omaha smelter took Mr. Bryan's free silver doctrine too literally. The consumer, as he views the as cending wheat market, may find conso lation In the childhood saying, "What goes up must come down." A Philadelphia actor who had the villain part took the affair so seriously that he committed suicide. See what realism on the stage leads to? BWaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBWaBaaaBBBBBBBBBa The proposed tax of $9.60 on each dozen bottles of imported champagne will be cordially welcomed by Amer ican printers of French labels. The Arctic club has It all figured out that Peary was due at the North Pole Thursday. The trouble Is that Arctic time cards are decidedly unreliable. Despite the assurances of Farmer Wilson that crop conditions do not warrant high wheat, people obliged to purchase the cereal find the price a Patten fact. A horse named "Humorist" won a big race on the English turf. An ex planation will be needed before the man who bet on the other horse can mo the humor. Cdltor Scott is not certain he would like to be ambassador to Mexico. A lot of people in Oregon would feel much more at ease if the editor would leave the firing line. Seven deaths is the record of the season's experience in permitting Ne braska boys to go hunting. The shot gun In the hands of a boy has foot ball beaten to a standstill. Democratic senators announce they will not delay the passage of the tariff bill. The leas they talk on the meas ure the less they will expose the de moralisation of their party. It is a significant fact that Just aa Mr. Ootch swept Mr. Mahmout off his feet in Chicago the Turks began the Job of putting th missionaries on the mats of Macedonia for good Governor Carroll of Iowa has signed 8 bill 'penalizing railroads for delay In enforcing rulings of the railway com mission. This is a bill similar to one defeated in the Nebraska legislature. But the Iowa legislators was a plain republican body and not made up of anti-corporation demo-pops Ilk the Uta lamented Nebraska Institution. The Summer Capital. President Taft has decided upon Woodbury Point, Beverly, Mass., as his summer home, and the lawn at Oyster Bay will have a chance to recuperate from the vigorous tramping of recent years, when officialdom and near offi cialdom followed President Roosevelt to his summer retreat. Aside from being near the sea, Woodbury Point possesses the added advantage of a first-class golf course. In his choice of a presidential recreation and a place where It can be exercised Mr. Taft has shown wisdom. No one heretofore has invented a plan which would keep the Insistent office hunter or politician at a distance, but anyone who ever saw a golf stick in action will not for a mo ment question Its potency. The fishing banks of Buzzard's Bay, the Garfield home at Mentor, the Mc Klnley front porch at Canton and Har rison's residence at Indianapolis were freely Invaded. Even Hayes was not Immune when he retired to the quiet of the Soldiers' home, where boarding was economical. It will be a courage ous man, however, who will come within the range of a golf stick, im pelled with the force of President Taffs avoirdupois. The west might be inclined to Jeal ousy over the president going to New England with his summer capital if It did not know he will need a rest and quiet after a session of congress, but it would caution him against the use ot any simplified spelling when he slices a drivf or a golf ball Is lost in a chipmunk hole. Prim Massachusetts might be shocked, and the state is so small that strong language might be heard to the utmost boundary. Wealth of Rockefeller. The trial of the Standard OH cases have served the purpose of throwing some light on the wealth of John D. Rockefeller. Current report, with the natural tendency to exaggerate and deal In large figures, has generally taken a billion dollars as the amount of his fortune. The testimony showed that hla holdings in Standard OH were all In the parent company, his only In terest In the many subsidiary, and al lied corporations being through his ownership of Standard stock, of which he holds about 25 per cent, at market price worth $165,000,000. In discussing this disclosure men best posted in the financial world give it as their opinion that his other hold ings and property would scarcely equal in value his Standard Oil stock and probably bring the total up to about $300,000,000. This falls far short of the billion dollars with which he has been popularly credited. Neither Mr. Rockefeller nor any of his friends, however, under this showing need worry about where or how he is to se cure a meal ticket. A fortune of $300,000,000 Is so vast aa to be beyond the power of compre hension when It is considered In the light of the fact it has all been amassed within the lifetime of Its pos sessor. Even the yearly income from his holdings exceeds In amount the greatest fortunes of a few decades ago. Its potentiality In the affairs of the world when in the possession of a man shrewd enough to have accumulated it almost staggers contemplation. Lit tle wonder the people stood behind President Roosevelt In his fight against conditions on which such a colossal fortune may be built and support the demand that equal opportunity be given every man to exercise the talents which are his. labor Leaden at the White House. The conference at the White House between the president, and a deputa tion of labor leaders Is likely to be an eye-opener to those laboring men who allowed themselves to be deluded dur ing Uje late campaign Into the belief that Mr. Taft was an enemy of the workingman. The reception accorded the visitors was of a character to demonstrate that the president is too big and too broad a man to allow the Incidents of the campaign to influence him. Personally they were cordially received, one and all, but what is far more to the point Is the outcome of the conference. Mr. Taft let It be known beyond the chance of misunderstanding that he stands by his views on labor questions as expressed in his letter of acceptance of the presidential nomination and later in his inaugural address. While more than willing to co-operate in any promising plan to ameliorate the conditions of the laboring men, any action taken must be in the light of its effect upon the whole people, although he will be glad to have the advice and assistance of labor representatives. The fact that at the conclusion of the Interview the representatives of labor expressed themselves as satisfied dem onstrates that they came away with faith in practical results. The problems of labor are bcth complex and vital to the country, and ' the real friends of the laborer concede that the solu tion, which embraces equity to all, will be the solution which will work for their own good. Labor has a right to expect that unjust burdens be lifted, that laws be adjusted to meet the changing and changed conditions of our industrial life, and Mr. Taft has demonstrated that in their fair adjust ment labor can confidently look to him as r.ic5 It lUe leaders of the labor move ment shall go forward with the effort buftiiri' and lend practical aid in the solution of these difficulties. It will go far toward accomplishing the desired purpose. The mlllenium Is not here, neither Is it in sight, hut mutually beneficial co-operation is better than factious opposition. A determined ef fort to work in harmony with a care ful man of broad understanding and a clear grasp of the situation like Mr. Taft will go a long ways toward a more satisfactory adjustment of the relations between labor and capital. Working Out the Foreit Policy. The president has Instructed the secretary of the Interior to restore to public entry approximately 66,000,000 acres of land held apart under the for est reserve act. This order has been the cause of much rejoicing in the in termountaln states, where most of the land Is located, and by some heralded as the abandonment of the forest re serve policy of the past. A careful survey of the situation does not sup port such conclusion. Neither Is the action merely responsive to the clamor of the sections Involved against that policy. It is rather the natural de velopment of the forestry plans along scientific lines. When the reforestation problem was first taken up it was with a decidedly Imperfect understanding of the condi tions, though the necessity was fully estimated. In order that the work might not be blocked or negatived by selfish private Interests o. made un duly expensive by unscrupulous men, the government naturally reserved all lands which by any possibility might be required for the purpose. In fol lowing out this plan millions of acres which were temporarily withdrawn from settlement, but on late investiga tion found not to be needed, have been restored to entry. It Is not the first Instance where this course has been pursued and undoubtedly will not be the last, for the needs of the service are even as yet imperfectly under stood. . While temporary inconvenience to individuals and communities may have resulted from the plan adopted, the people of the west and of the whole country have an ultimate interest in the success of the forestry plans which far outweighs such disadvantages. The Land of the Dollar. After sojourning la the United states for some time making critical investigation of financial and social conditions, Prof. Ferrero arrives at the conclusion that Americans as a nation are no more given over to the chasing of the dollar than others. That they are more successful In the quest, how ever, he admits, but In forming his conclusions sets over against this the American habit of spending money. Americans have long resented the Imputation that their only object in life Is the piling up of money. Amer ica's answer has been made whenever there was suffering and want in ' the world, in the presence of great disas ters, by opening up the pocketbooka of the people and pouring out money with a prodigality unexpected All who come with open minds and observe must reach the same conclu sion. The country is not pent up, there is elbow room for all, begetting a 'restless energy which is fruitful of accomplishment. Human nature does not change with a day and the fact that these results are likewise at tained by people of foreign lands who come here belies the charge of sordid desire for simple accumulation. There is scarcely a country orf the face of the globe which has not benefited by American largess and it is time the world wars admitting the dollar hi America is not supreme. Lesson for the Horseman. The almost universal ban which has been placed by law upon racetrack gambling has N been heralded far and wide as sounding the death knell of horseraclng. There are Borne, how ever, who do not concur in this view andjthese are inaugurating a move ment to demonstrate the truth of their contention. Enlisted In the effort are a number of the most conspicuous fig ures of the old regime who have fought the anti-gambling bills until they met absolute defeat. The men who are back of the move base their hopes of success on the opinion that the American public not only loves the horse, but that it loves honest sport. To such limits had gambling on horse races gone that the public had lost faith In the honesty of the racetrack and always Inclined to question the result as being the settlement of the real merits of the contest. With the ascendancy of the betting ring came the decadence of rating sport and little but the gam bling spirit, with its attendant de moralization, survived. In fdrmlng an estimate of the prob ability of success for bookless horse racing the history of base ball may be cited. The same conditions at one time seriously threatened the life of the game and the banishment of the betting ring and poolroom connections marked the beginning of the success of professional base ball. With the sport dependent upon receipts at the gate for those who delight in honest competition, free from suspicion of crookedness, it baa grown In popular ity and yielded financial returns to its promoters not dreamed of in the other days. Lovers of the horse would not like to think his popularity is hitched to so demoralizing a side-line as the bookmakers' gamble, and these will hope that a really great sport may survive. In searching for the cause of the progressive Turkish cabinet the ad vent of the modern woman's headwear should not be overlooked. After the resolution of last July Turkish women were emancipated from the veil and the face covering sanctioned by the custom of centuries. Apparently they were not content with limited liberty. Tbey Insisted on going the limit. Mil linery shops bloomed where none bloomed before and the gariah and giddy headwear of 1909 defiantly chal lenged the traditions of ags. By Allah, that was too much! Mr. Justice Gould of Washington will take notice there Is another boy cott on right under his nose. One fac tion of the Daughters of the American Revolution refused to attend a recep tion tendered by the vIfe of the vice president of the United States because the leader of the other faction was to be In the receiving line. There Is also proof for you that the revolutionary fires have not burned out. . Governor Shallenberger says he re sented the vUlt of the Omaha delega tion as an attempt at coercion. Leav ing out of the question the merits or demerits of the 8 o'clock closing bill under consideration, the question is pertinent why the visit of Omaha men was coercion and the calls of people from other sections of the state on the same measure were Blmply friendly advice. It is fairly certain that the makers of armor plate do not "view with alarm" the advent of Austria and Spain as buyers In the naval marts of the world. Though the industry Is already on the three-shift basis to sup ply the demand, it Is confidently be lieved a little more pressure can be crowded on without upsetting the bal ance of power. The street- railway magnate of San Francisco is undoubtedly an excep tional man, with a large acquaintance and extended reputation. Three months' time were consumed and 2.4C0 men examined before twelve men were found sufficiently Ignorant of the ex istence of Patrick Calhoun to digest volumes of evidence and render a ver dict. Hammond, Ind., has set the pace for fi8hermejn stories early in the season with aTyarn about a big stur geon which had been hooked towing the overturned boat of the fishermen to land. That yarn will cither make the other Ananiases go some or quit. Legislative blunders are coming to light every day. No other result could have been expected from the methods of the late Nebraska legislature when more billr. were acted on In the closing hours than all the rest of the session. The poets and romancists of Indiana ran take courage. The necessary at mosphere is brewing and busness is looking up. "Night riding" is produc ing a sufficiency of "local color" to decorate a dozen of "tho best sellers. Six lives lost in the burning of a fnmn hotel at San Francisco. The catastrophe raises the pertinent ques- . . . a t tlon why a fire trap capaoie oi nouniug 200 guests is ever permitted to be UBed for such a purpose. A Pace that Kills. Chicago Record-Herald, when hmH heln to die from the effects ot Marathon running it appears to be about time to put a crimp in tne wtarawiun Bani'hr of Lack from backy. Philadelphia Ledger. Attorneys in settling the Baldwin estate drew down fees of IWO.OPO. this not estab lishing the California record, however,' for itnrnpvs In the Fair will settlement got 12,000.000. Luck goes in bunches. Some attorneys were in both deals. Catching- " Rapidly. Boston Herald. The Filipino Is developing: all right. He doesn't raise rice enough for his own con sumption, but what he does raise he hopes to ship to this country free of duty and then get his home supply In low grades and at cheap prices from China and Japan. Did we teach him his canny ways, or was he equipped before we began to school him? Absurd Notions of Thonsjhtless. Philadelphia Inquirer. . It Is not true that most mirrlages are failures. We only hear of those which turn out badly. The life of devotion to the family hearthstone Is common, but gen erally unnoticed, because uninteresting In an objective sense. The affinity business is a disgusting effort to establish a system that is wrong in Its ethics and a failure In practice. Emotional young women and iconoclastic young men will please take notice. Ample doom for AH. St. Louis Republic. President Eliot of Harvard startles many thousands of people when he says that colleges and universities whose presidents are chosen from among ministers of the gospel are not progressive. But since great Institutions like Harvard and the state universities are under strictly secular direction, wouldn't It be Just as well to let people who want to send their boys to schools that are guided by religious In fluences do as they like about it? Periodical Oatbarats. Baltimore American. The people who want the world to lead the simple life In spelling desire to get out 8 magazine. After a period of quiescence so deep as to suggest an extinct crater they have burst forth with redoubled vio lence upon the language, and. nothing dis mayed by the fact that their principal prop has left spelling still unsimpllfied for the comparatively easier task of shooting African lions, are going valiantly on to convert the public to a greater economy In the use of the alphabet. Modjeaka aad Her Han. Boston Transcript. Both aa a woman and an actress Mod Jeska had a secure place In the affections and admiration of the people of this coun try, which evidently owes her for more than her contributions to high and clean art. It is interesting to learn that the new Manhattan bridge Is going up under the careful supervision of her son, Kalph Modjeska of Chicago, who has been railed aa an outside expert to watch the progreaa of this structure. He Is regarded as stand ing In the front rank of bridge engineers In this country. If not In the world. He waa at the head of the commission that Investigated the Quebec bridge disaster, and Is a contribution to the scientific serv ice of this country for which we are in debted to Poland and Its brilliant exiled daughter. SERMONS BOILED DOWN. No man ever followed a truth far without finding a task. t'nfllness for death does not establish fit ness for heaven. No hatred Is so cruel ss that which Is based on conscience. One does not acquire a forgiving spirit by practicing on himself. Bin has many machines, but selfishness Is the motor for them all. The highest exhibition of religion may come In the lowllesf deeds. The church is sure to be only foolishness to those who go there as fans. Much of our reasoning is a blotting out of the stars by shutting our eyes. The breadth of a life depends on how much of the world It takes Into Its heart. It's no use Inviting folks to the heavenly way when you walk aa If ,lt were all thorns. To pray to be delivered from our trials would be to seek escape from our triumphs. No amount of praying for your children will do any good if you are too busy to play witn them. Our Impressions of our own knowledge are apt to be In Inverse proportion to our actual possessions. Many a man counts his life a success when Its freedom from failure Is due to absence of endeavor. The devil will never worry so long as we are too busy, over doctrines to work to gether for simple decency. Chicago Trlb une. SECULAR SHOTS AT THE PULPIT Washington Post: The Pittsburg min ister who announced at the Easter serv ices that elderly women need not remove their headgear Is also a shrewd student of human nature. Cleveland Plain Dealer: A Cleveland pastor Is said to have declined a hther salary. No use reporting It to the Car negie Hero Fund commission, however, for his name is withheld. St. Paul Pioneer Press: There semis to be no doubt that the most approved method for a preacher to get into the limelight at present Is to set up a cry against the women's styles. That's lots better than springing advanced Ideas on jnarrlage and divorce, such as was the fashion last spring. Christian Register: "Unity" does not unite. It. Is a deadening spiritual effort as well as ending contention that is unity alone. A single church in a town Is valuable as a social gathering place, and it may be utilised for the highest moral purposing. There Is still a great weight of negatlveness. The sects really meant something definite and positive. This half-way unity means nothing In particular. Out of our daily life has gone the meaning of primitive Chris tianity, and Just as surely has departed the call of the Puritan. We are not now preparing for another world. The Cul vlnlstic God is as dead as the god of Homer, and no amount of preaching, In one church or in ten churches, can awtken him. We nped a church to help us live, and not .to help us die. We need a church that shall teach us to love our neighbors as ourselves In the violent struggle of modern life. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Modjeaka, Hitchcock, Crawford and Swin burne! Death's toll for early April visibly marks the ranks of humanity. The moral uplift in Pittsburg cut down divorce business 60 per cent. Depression in the steel business is equally marked. The treasury of Texas, yawning for that oil fine of $1,600,000, will have room to rent when the lawyers get through with the pile. An Impressive rear view of an Imposing legal pump caused a bunch of New York ers to cough up and duck the wit ness stand. People of threescore and ten, who hobble wearily around a block or two, should ob serve Weston at Tl reeling off fifty miles a day and look pleasant. The deacons of a Pennsylvania church, who discovered a $1,000 bill in the contribu tion box have been restored to conscious ness. It was real stage money. The French reporter pictured in the ap plication blank acts up like his brothers of the Ananias club. He kicked on the re quirements of Involuntary Initiation. The Joy of the Daughters of the Revolu tion on discovering $30,000 In the treasury was somewhat marred by its coming after all Investments In eastern millinery had been made. Mr. Hariiman Is a real sport or a copious bluffer. Blther role works his way. While in Seattle a few months sgo, he offered to flip a coin to determine whether he should pay $1,000,000 damages to a property owner or not. Nothing doing. Sons of Milwaukee, and daughters too, who have drifted away from home are to be welcomed back like the prodigal of old during the first week of August. There will be doings m the Cream City every hour of the twenty-four for five days, when the prodigals can retire and sleep It off. In a little town In Pennsylvania six men battered each other to a standstill over one girl. I'nfortunately they did not know what an elegant surplus of girls "shed their fragrance" In man-deserted towns of New England. Something- should be done to secure a more equal distribution of the necessaries of life. CITY BOYS' lM(il, Aacleat Tradltloa of the 'Raral Dis tricts Gets Body Blow. New York Times. The ancient and revered tradition that the rural districts give birth to rur loading orators, statesmen, men of letters, of af fairs and of the professions Is rather sum marily upset by Dr. Frederick Adams Woods In the current issue of Science. Dr. Woods challenges the statement made by W. J. Splllman that "about TO per cent of the leaders In every phase of activity" come from the farms, and he trots out his "Who's Who In America" to prove that tills Is far from the truth. These leaders arc SO years old on an avernge. Of the total population of 31.tU.ri In I860, when they were born, biit 16.1 per cent dwelt In the ninety-six cities of 8.000 or more In habitants; et In these cities the respected gentlemen appearing In "Who's Who" under the Initial A amount to 29 per cent of he total, as against the 111 per cent expected. ' I'nder the Initial B are disclosed H born in the ninety-six cities, out tf a total of 1,477. or Ti.h per cent; under the Initial C, 362 out of 1,143, or 31.7 per cent, and under D and E, S;'. per cent and S5. per cent, respectively. To be quite aafe. Dr. Woods added all the unrecorded birthplaces to the ruburban and rural side of his balance, and selected groups of fifty or 100 at random under other iettera of the alphabet.' The I eault sho'Acd that, whereas the towns, vfl lares bnd farms contained five times the p-pi'latlca of titles in 1860, they failed to produce more than about twice as many leading citlsena. Dr. Woods draws the- piti less Inference that since the cities beat the nonurban districts as a whole In producing gifted boys, "the towns and village would make a proportionately better showing than th farms, were I ha necessary data given." SPffllG This is one of this season's ad vance styles, "A Patent Ankle Strap Pump" It is snug fit ting around the top and guar a n t e e d not to slip at the heel. All $3.00 Oxfords, at in tan OPEN TO 6i30 P. M- ALEXANDER Sixth Floor BACK FROM THIS BKlMt. Boy Ictlm ot Advanced Tetanus Practically Bt-ouKht Rack to l.lfe. Pittsburg Qaxette. One of the most remarkable cases In the annals of medicine has Just been brought to a successful conclusion at the West Penn hospital. Pittsburg. Hugh Brewer, aged 9 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brewer of Church and Ridge avenues, Ben Avon, was the patient. Although he has been pronounced dead more than twice during the eighteen days he occupied a cot In the hospital, he was finally dis charged last Thursday and is expected to completely recover soon. When the lad was taken to the hospital he waa suffering from tetanus at an ad vanced stage and his death was seemingly certain. He was, however, given the re cently discovered magnesium sulphate treatment, the solution being Injected di rectly Into the spinal canal. Antitoxin In jections were also employed and oxygen was administered at frequent Intervals in large quantities. Although the radical treatments brought relief, the boy could only rest for about twenty-four hours, when the acute at tacks would recommence. These alternate spasms end periods of compara!. calm continued until last Monday. Durlnf that time there were several occasions when respiration was apparently totally sus pended and the lad, according to all the usually accepted tests, was dead. So con vincing were the tests that Mrs. Brewer, who was In attendance on her son, told the physicians to give up their efforts to revive him. The physicians, however, refused to dis continue their w-ork. At one time' they were busy continuously for forty-eight hours. It Is believed that never before has so large a quantity of oxygen been ad ministered to one patient Is so short a time. It was used so lavishly that extra supplies were ordered and the' hospital had at one time sixteen extra cylinders on band. Although no data Is available, young T.rewer's case Is thought to have estab lished a record In this particular. Incidentally the case Is asserted to be a vindication of the claims of the vlvlsec tlonists. The hospital authorities unite In attributing the cure to the magnesium sulphate Injections, a treatment which was brought to perfection only a year , ago through experiments on animals. Should auch investigations be stopped by the en actment of the legislation for which the pronounced antl-vlvlsectlonlsts are work ing, physicians assert, such cures at this of young Brewer would be Imnnslhle. NEWKPAPKR9 ARE BETTER. Ulre Schools aad Colleges Effective Pnbllclty. Mail Order Journal. Evidence has shown .that the newspapers are the logical mediums for school adver tising. Men and women who give atten tion to educational problems are. as a rule, the kind who keep In touch with the af fairs of the world. They read the news papers for the news that's in theni for In- formstlon as to what congress is doing, for the society news, for dry goods store news, for political news, for- reports of cur rent happenings here and abroad in every department of human action. The daily newspapers are the mediums that have "made good" during the past several years on this class of advertising. Besides the reason already given for this, there are a number of others. For one thing, there is a better opportunity of peo ple getting acquainted with a school through a medium which comes out more frequently than once a month. Another advantage In using newspapers lies In the fact that as different sections are covered by them, the school may use different copy and different arguments In Us home terri tory from that used in other sections. In the selection of mediums to use. there Is no question that the papers which appeal , to the more cultured, more serious-minded readers, rather thap to the frivolous or those of low taste and morale, are the onea that will bring the best results. Thousands AND Thousands of Pictures Artotypes, Oil Paintings and every style and variety of original and re produced Pictures, as well as 3,000 salesmen's samples purchased by Mr. Hospe at one-fifth of the importers and publishers wholesale price. Sale Begins Monday, April 25, '09 (Not next Monday, but one week from Monday.) The Importance of making an early selection Is obvious, aa the beat subjects always sell first. Post yourself on our great values. Watch our Display Windows. You cannot afford to allow those old pictures to remain on your walls. Brighten up your whole home this spring with a few of our beautiful plcturea at prices that you will not believe possible until you actually see the goods, gee our announcements in the papers. A.. Hospe Go. lHSDoulusst i STY The cut shows a regular $5.00 pat 'ent colt, Goodyear welt shoe, which is on sale at Alexan der's at We have dozens of other new styles arriving daily, all $5.00 and $4.00 Oxfords and Boots, all leathers, at $2.50 and hlack, turns rind welt 2 47 600 to 638 Pixton Block SALT SULPHUR WATER also thd "Crystal Lithium" water from Excelsior Springs, Mo., in 6-galloa sealed Jugs. - ) 5- gallon jug Crystal Lit hla water. .$3 6- gallon jug Salt-Sulphur water. . . .92 Buy at either store. We sell over 100 kinds mineral water. Sherman &, McConnell Drug Go. Sixteenth and Dadge Sts. Owl Drug Go. Sixteenth and Harney Sts. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. Patience. Getting married stopped hla stammering. Patrice. How so? Patience. His wife won't let him open his mouth now. Vonkers Statesman. i Him. I've come to a conclusion, Her. What Is It? Him. I realised today that I have been a bachelor for as years, and Her. Oh, J irk. this is so sudden V Him. And I decided that I'd had a bully time and that I'd keep It up. Cleveland Leader. . Elderly Bachelor "Mrs. Burnslde, will you marry me?" Attractive Widow "Mr. Wackford. ara you forgetting that I have six children?" Elderly Bachelor "Not at all. I want tt) help you train up those youngsters dam em" Chicago Tribune. "Jane," he said, "when I think nf asking your father for your hand I wish 1 wag one of the knights of old." "That's very sweet of you, George. But why do you want to be a knight?" "Well, they wore Iron clothes, youj know." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "That girl is afraid of her shadow," said the young woman. s "Well." answered the young man, "ff It's a shad iw cant v.lille she Is wearing one of those new-fashioned hats I don" blame her." Washington Ktar. Mrs. Scrapplngton Tomorrow is the fourteenth anniversary "f our wedding, Mr. Scrapplngton Well, you needn'l taunt me with It. Puck. dlit.A THH I, a stfal n Utna tmm vnut f Vs- Kll H tried to. but ' Olive Well? Klla A fair exrlianae Is no robbery, yo know. Chicago News, . . Angry Mnmma I am going to whip ynu,' Tommy, for fighting Willie Jones when I forbade it. MlpltimaUc Tommy But, mamma. he cilil his ma's new Easter 'nat was twice as big and three times styllsher than yours. Angry Mamms He did. the little wretch! I hope you gave It to him good and plenty! Baltimore American. DOING THE WORK. Somervllle Journal. ', Somebody lias to wind, the clocks, And mend the locks. And tend the flocks.. ' Somebody, has to do the chores That come by scores. Somebody has to spado and plow, And milk the cow. cfoynu know liow'M Somebody has to shear the sheep. And plant and reap, With little sleep That's father. Somebody has to mend the socki. And starch the frocks. And elesn the crocks. Somebody has to wash the flu of a, And dUBt the doors. Somebody has to boll and bake. And make the cake, Amd fry the steak. Somebody has to buy thing cheap, And wash and sweep. With little sleep That's mother. Somebody has to moll and toll ' And freeze or broil. Somebody baa to look ahead. Sometimes wit. dread. Somebody has to do the work (No chancn to shirk). And by and by. With one more sigh. Somehody'll Just lie down and die That's both of them. . " High cl89 picturtt never lefore sold at su$h prices. Comprising our entire atock of Framed and Unframed Orig inal Water Colors, Pastels, Steel Engravings, Rare Artist Proof Etchings, French and German Carbons, Fac Simlllu Water Colors. Color PrlnU,